Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens
and of Many of the Early Settled Families
Source: Commemorative Biographical
Record of the counties of Huron and Lorain, Ohio -
Illustrated_ Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. - 1894
- Page 1026 |
Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of
Huron and Lorain, Ohio - Illustrated_ Publ. Chicago:
J. H. Beers & Co. - 1894 - Page 673 |
of the oldest and most prominent of the agricultural
citizens of Columbia township, is a native of Ohio,
born in Summit county, in 1823, a son of
JOSEPH and Phila (Ball)
Osborn, of Connecticut.
About the year 1811 Joseph Osborn, father of
subject, came from the "Nutmeg State" to Ohio,
making the journey in four weeks on foot, and after
locating in Brimfield township, Portage county,
returned for his wife, whom he had left behind in
Connecticut. From Portage they moved to Summit
county, same State, whence they came, in 1836, to
Columbia township, Lorain county, and hewed out a
new home in the wild woods. He was a useful
man in his day, serving as trustee and assessor of
Columbia township, of which he was a resident half a
century. He was born at Waterbury, Conn., May
13, 1794, and died Aug. 27, 1887, at the advanced
age of ninety-three years, three months; he had
served in the war of 1812, and was the recipient of
a pension. Before coming to Columbia township
he built the locks at Akron, Ohio, and helped to
raise the first building. Mr. Osborn
was twice married, first time to Phila Ball
who bore him three children: Andrew, subject
of sketch; Phebe Ann, deceased at the
age of thirteen; and Hannah, wife of Ormal
Smith, of Olmsted township, Cuyahoga county.
The mother of these died in 1831, and in 1832 Mr.
Osborn married, in Summit county, Roba
Harrington, who died Apr. 17, 1875.
Grandfather Andrew Osborn was a
native of Connecticut, born of English ancestry.
The subject of this sketch was thirteen years old when
he came with his parents to Lorain county, and as a
consequence he received part of his education in
Summit county, Ohio, and part in Columbia township,
Lorain county. Since coming to Columbia
he has lived with his father upon the old homestead,
his present place, comprising 180 acres of
well-cultivated land, where he is engaged in general
agriculture. In September, 1843, he was united
in marriage with Miss Harriet Ives,
daughter of Albert and Betsy (Russell)
Ives, natives, the father of Connecticut, the
mother of New York, who became early settles of
Columbia township, Lorain county, where they passed
the rest of their days. Nine children have
been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Osborn; George, married to Mrs.
Mary (Hill) Harrington; Joseph,
married to Jessie Jasper, and has one
child, Bertha; Charley, who married Lizzie
Yurman, and has two children, Lilly and Leon;
Phila, married to Warren Goodman, and has
two children, Guy and Forest; Mary,
wife of George Howard, of Columbia township,
has three children, Emma, Vivian and
Clare; Frank, born Nov. 6, 1851, died
at the age of nineteen, and three that died in
infancy. In his political predilections Mr.
Osborn was originally a Whig, and, since the
formation of the party, has been a straight
Republican. He and his wife have now for half
a century traveled together the highway of life; and
it is the earnest wish of their many friends that
they may be spared to see many more anniversaries of
the commencement of their married life.
Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of
Huron and Lorain, Ohio - Illustrated_ Publ. Chicago:
J. H. Beers & Co. - 1894 - Page 1099 |
- See Andrew Osborn.
Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of
Huron and Lorain, Ohio - Illustrated_ Publ. Chicago:
J. H. Beers & Co. - 1894 - Page 1066 |
- See
Mrs. L. A. Osborne
Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of
Huron and Lorain, Ohio - Illustrated_ Publ. Chicago:
J. H. Beers & Co. - 1894 - Page 1010 |
a resident of North Amherst, was born in Orwel, Vt.,
daughter of Ira W. and Lucy Smith, also
natives of Vermont, where they were married, and
where ten children were born to them.
In the fall of 1832 Ira W. Smith came west to
Lorain county, Ohio (the trip being made for the
most part by water), and purchased a considerable
amount of land about one mile from the present
village of North Amherst. Later on the rest of
the family joined him; but he was not fated to long
enjoy his new home, for in the spring of the
following year, just six weeks after the arrival of
his wife and children, he was killed by a falling
three while out in the woods making a roadway
through, on his land, which is now called the Middle
Ridge. He was in his fifty-second year at the
time, and his sudden taking off was a terrible blow
to the family; his widow died about twenty years ago
at the age of eighty-one years. They had a
family of ten children, of whom the following is a
brief record: (1) Lucy married
Daniel Cuts, and settled in Windham, Portage
Co., Ohio, where she died. (2) Ira W.
was a land-owner, farmer and stockman at Kankakee,
Ill., and died there leaving a numerous family.
(3) M. D. was a stockman and landowner at
Wellington, Ohio, where he died leaving a large
family. (4) Sarah Ann married a Mr.
Streator in Vermont, and died in Licking county,
Ohio. (5) Mariette is the wife of
Orlum Winton of North Amherst, Ohio. (6)
Russell was a ranchman, and died at his
residence in the city of Stockton, Cal. (7)
John (deceased) was a farmer in Iowa. (8)
Jane married Samuel Vining, and died in
Illinois. (9) Charles died in Kansas.
(10) L. A., the subject proper of this
memoir, born in 1832, was married in 1850, at the
age of seventeen, to William Walker, who was
born in the State of New York and reared at North
Amherst, Ohio. He died sixteen years after
marriage, leaving three children, viz.:
Zuleina L. wife of A. V. Kent, of Toledo,
Ohio, by whom she has three children: Loula L.,
Grace E. and Amos Ross; Charles, a
farmer on Middle Ridge, Amherst township, Lorain
Co., Ohio (he has one child, Bertie); and
William K., who died in October, 1892, aged
thirty-two years.
Our subject was married, the second time, in 1868, to
HENRY A. OSBORNE, a native of
Lorain county, born in Avon, but most of whose early
life was passed in Pennsylvania. After
marriage they made their home in Amherst township.
He was a soldier during the war of the Rebellion,
and in the service contracted consumption of which
he died July 26, 871. One child was born to
this union: Maude E., now the wife of J.
H. Wright, of Grindstone City, on Lake Huron.
For the past sixteen years Mrs. Osborne has
lived on Church street, North Amherst, and among her
children. She is identified with the
Congregational Church; her second husband was a
member of the M. E. Church.
Mrs. L. A. Osborne's early education was limited
to the common schools, but an ambition to excel
caused her to attain intelligence and culture
rapidly, and this, coupled with a handsome
appearance and genial disposition, made her an early
favorite in society. Her first husband was an
excellent business man, and the Walker family
became known as one of the prosperous and leading
families of Lorain county. Mrs. Osborne
had grave responsibilities left upon her by her
first husband's death; but she succeeded well.
She is still young looking, and still among the
social leaders of North Amherst. She is an
active church worker, and one of the leaders of the
Ladies' Relief Corps of North Amherst.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the
counties of Huron and Lorain, Ohio - Illustrated_
Publ. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. - 1894 - Page 1010 |
Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of
Huron and Lorain, Ohio - Illustrated_ Publ. Chicago:
J. H. Beers & Co. - 1894 - Page 1198 |