The following article is taken from
the Aberdeen Daily News on January 23, 1904
Flood Causing Great Property Loss at Lorain, Ohio
Lorain, O., Jan. 23 - Great loss has
been caused here by heavy rains. Two large
steamers broke from their moorings and now lie at
the mouth of the river in a dangerous position.
The Nickel Plate railroad bridge has been washed
away and all traffic on the road is blocked for the
time being. The shipyards of the American
Shipbuilding company are under water. Many
small vessels have been wrecked. The Baltimore
and Ohio railroad will be a heavy loser.
Immense piles of lumber are going down the river
with the rush of ice. |
The following article was found in
the Charlotte Observer, N. C. on Jan. 23,
1904 Destructive Flood at Lorain, Ohio.
Lorain, O., Jan. 22 - The worst flood ever known
in this section caused by the heavy rains swelling
the waters of Black river has wrought great damage
to shipping interests along the stream, resulting in
the entire suspension of work at the American Ship
Building plant, tearing large vessels from their
moorings and carrying them to the lake and washing
away the Nickel Plat Railroad bridge. |
The following article was found in
The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio on Jan. 29,
Jackson, Ky., in Danger; Lorain to Dynamite Gorge.
LEXINGTON, Ky., Jan. 28 - Word
reached here today that Jackson, Ky., has been
visited by a flood which followed the breaking up of
ice gorges in the mountain streams and that the town
is threatened with destruction. All of the
residents have taken to the mountain sides; the
railroad tracks have been washed away and the damage
already is reported to be in the neighborhood of a
quarter of a million dollars in the valley in which
Jackson is located.
* * * *
LORAIN, Jan. 28... - Lorain city
officials today were planning to dynamite a big ice
gorge which has formed at the mouth of Black river.
The gorge is more than thirty feet deep. It is
feared that in event of a heavy rain it will cause a
flood. |