City of Toledo and Lucas County, Ohio
Illustrated - Clark Waggoner, Editor -
Publ. New York &
Toledo: Munsell & Company, Publishers
Pg. 693
From the files of the Toledo papers have been
collected the following record of early marriages and
deaths of residents of Toledo.
Please NOTE: Sometimes it is difficult to
decipher the 1's from the 4's. I will do the best that I can.
Mostly 1's.
They will need to be checked on another source to make sure. Ask
me and I will try to help you.
~ Sharon W.
Miss Frances Davis, aged 37, at the residence
of her brother, J. Baron Davis, Oct. 21, 1838. |
Mrs. Elizabeth R. H. Lawton, aged 26, in Toledo, June
1, 1839. |
Mrs. Sarah C. Hosmer, at Perrysburg, in June,
1839, aged 24 years. She was the wife of Hezekiah L.
Hosmer, then one of the publishers of the Maumee Express. |
Harriet Tillman, wife of William C. Tillman,
aged 32 years, in Toledo, Apr. 9, 1839. |
Richard Cooke, a young and promising attorney,
Nov. 13, 1839. |
Mrs. Amanda Manning, wife of Gabriel
Manning, in Toledo, Jan. 1, 1840. |
Nicholas Wales, printer, and foreman of the
composing room of the Detroit Advertiser, died suddenly
in that city, Jan. 3, 1811, aged 30 years. Ten days
previous of his death, He "rode the express" with the
President's message form Toledo to Detroit. |
J. Avery Titus came to Toledo from New York
City in 1838, and until his death in 1811, was engaged in
mercantile business of the firm of Titus & Co.). He was
highly esteemed. |
Toledo, July 20, 1842, Harriet W., wife of
Munson H. Daniels, aged 30. |
Toledo, Jan. 8, 1842, Mrs. Charlotte Hanks,
aged 53. |
Toledo, Mar. 9, 1842, Clarissa, wife of
Mayor Brigham, aged 40. |
Barnardson, Mass, Mar. 5, 1843, J. Baron Davis,
formerly of Toledo, aged 39. |
Fairfield, Ct., May 4, 1844, Jesup Wakeman,
aged 73. He was an uncle of Jesap W. Scott, who
bore his name. |
Toledo, August, 1844, B. Spafford,
Attorney-at-Law. |
Tremainesville, Oct. 6, 1814. Mrs. John W.
Collins. |
Toledo, July 30, 1845, Wm. A. Chamberlin. |
Toledo, Apr. 11, 1845, Elizabeth J., wife of
Dr. G. R. Perkins. |
Toledo, Aug. 10, 1845, Alfred Gay, son of
Ezra B. Dodd, aged 14. |
Toledo, Jan. 27, 1846, Francis C., wife of
Wm. H. Newton, aged 23. |
Toledo, Apr. 22, 1847, Lydia Jane, wife of
Joel W. Crane, aged 37. |
Toledo, Mar. 13, 1817, Paul, infant son of
Emery D. Potter, aged 6 months. Mar. 14th, suddenly,
Mary A., wife of E. D. |
Toledo, Mar. 17, 1847, Rev. D. J. Burger, aged
33. Deceased had previously been the Rector of Trinity
Episcopal Church. |
Mar. 10, 1848, James S. Fifield, while
practicing with a rifle in Toledo, accidentally shot James
Carter, who died therefrom on the 12th. |
Toledo, July 28, 1849, of cholera, James Clark,
aged 37. |
Toledo, July 28, 1849, of cholera, Isaac Titus.
He had just been appointed Postmaster at Toledo. |
Toledo, Aug. 5, 18149, Ellen, wife of David
Johnston. |
Toledo, Aug. 8, 1849, of cholera. Deacon
Joseph Windmill, aged 54. He was a citizen much
esteemed, and left a wife and five daughters, of whom Mrs.
John W. Walterhouse is one. |
Toledo, Aug. 31, 1849, Francis A., wife of
John H. Whitaker, aged 32. |
Toledo, Sept. 16, 1849, Daniel Swift, aged 38.
He was an early settler at Toledo, an active business man and a
citizen highly esteemed by all acquaintances. |
Toledo, Sept. 7, 1819, Mrs. Jerusha Bissell,
mother of Edward Frederick, Theo. W. Leverett and
Sidney Bissell, aged 74 years. |
Toledo, Sept. 9, 1849, Elizabeth B., wife of
Charles B. Whitney, aged 24. |
Toledo, Sept. 21, 1849, Jeannette, wife of
Major A. J. Field, aged 21. |
Toledo, Nov. 20, 1850, Edward Fitch, aged 50. |
Toledo, Mar. 15, 1852, Lavina, wife of S.
B. Rosbong, aged 26. |
Solomon Linsley, a merchant of Toledo, died at
Meriden, Connecticut, Dec. 10, 1852. |
Brooklyn, Nov. 17, 1853, Edward F., only son
of L. T. Thayer, of Toledo, aged 13. |
Toledo, Feb. 28, 1853, Elizabeth E., wife of
B. Mellink, aged 23. |
Wooster, Ohio, Jun. 21, 1853, Eleanor, wife of
Constant Lake, of Toledo. |
Toledo, July 19, 1853, William Kingsbury, aged
58. He wa a brother and partner in the Kingsbury House of
Henry D. Kingsbury and an old resident of the County. |
Maumee, Aug. 1, 1851, Rev. Mark R. Jukes,
Rector of the Protestant Episcopal Church at that place. |
Toledo, Aug. 1, 1851, John B. Clark, Jr. |
Toledo, Jul. 18, 1851, Frederick Kirtland,
aged 50. |
Napoleon, Oct. 18, 1853, John C. Spink, of
Perrysburg. |
Toledo, Dec. 29, 1853, Elias S. Johnson, aged
36. |
Toledo, Nov. 20, 1853, Peter E. Latimer, aged
27. He was a law aprtner of William Baker, and
brother of Mrs. Baker. |
Toledo, Oct. 10, 1853, Miss Charity Bromley,
aged 85. |
Hillsdale, Michigan, Aug. 4, 1854, Sophia,
wife of Charles Pratt. |
Toledo, Apr. 3, 1855, Mary, wife of R. F.
L. Whittlesey, aged 48. |
Toledo, Aug. 24, 1854, Frances L., wife of
E. D. Nye. |
Toledo, Jan. 23, 1857, Charlotte, wife of
Lyman Cross, aged 64. |
Cleveland, Mar. 6, 1857, Cornelia T., wife of
Gen. J. W. Brown. |
Toledo, Mar. 24, 1857, Adelaide, wife of
Charles B. Phillips, aged 24. |
Toledo, May 9, 1857, Dr. William C. Scott, a
prominent physician and a valuable citizen. |
Toledo, June 14, 1857, Mary Sophia, wife of
D. R. Smith, aged 34, and daughter of John E. Hunt. |
Toledo, June 28, 1857, very suddenly, David
Birrell, Chief clerk in Freight Department of Michigan
Southern Road, aged 50. He was a man of high character and
much esteemed by all acquaintances. |
Toledo, Nov. 26, 1857, Joseph Thornloe, aged
38. |
Toledo, Mar. 20, 1858, Elizabeth, wife of
John Raymond, aged 60. |
Toledo, Sept. 10, 1858, Martha A., wife of
Rev. E. F. Platt, aged 34. |
Vernon, New York, Sept. 11, 1858. Thomas
Williams, father of Rev. W. W. Williams, Pastor of
First Congregational Church, Toledo. |
Toledo, Sept. 8, 1858, William H. Ketcham,
Merchant, aged 28. |
Toledo, Dec. 22, 1858, Mrs. A. V. E., wife of
Ozro Collins. |
Adams Township, Nov. 6, 1858, Matilda, wife of
R. C. Thompson, aged 47. |
Toledo, Jan. 17, 1859, Amelia, mother of D.
B. Scott, aged 81, |
Toledo, May 11, 1859, Captain Isaac T. Pheatt,
aged 51. The deceased was for several years prominent as
commander of Steamboats on the Lakes, which business he followed
until the Steamers yielded the ground to the Railways. |
Toledo, May 23, 1859, Charles J. Wood, aged
32. He was a young man of special business capacity,
having been for some years in banking with W. G. Powers
and George Hertzler. |
At residence of J. H. Whitaker, Toledo, May
14, 1859, Mrs. Jane McDonald, aged 69. |
Toledo, May 17, 1859, Irving E. Chapman, aged
29. |
Miami, Apr. 18, 1859, Elijah Woolsey, aged 55 |
Toledo, June 2, 1859, Emily C., wife of Dr.
I. N. Hazlett, aged 38. |
Toledo, Aug. 21, 1859, Julia A., wife of
Geo. L. Butterfield, aged 22. |
Toledo, Aug. 30, 1859, Alice T., wife of
Dr. Valentine Braun, aged 21. |
Castleton, New York, Sept. 1, 1859, Mary J.,
wife of Maurice A. Scott, aged 27. |
Toledo, Sept. 16, 1859, Libbie T., daughter of
Rev. D. J. Burger, aged 15. |
Toledo, Oct. 17, 1859, Letitia, daughter of
W. T. Harringtod, aged 16. |
Toledo, Aug. 21, 1859, Julia A., wife of
Geo. L. Butterfield, aged 22. |
Toledo, Aug. 30, 1859, Alice T., wife of
Dr. Valentine Braun, aged 21. |
Castleton, New York, Sept. 1, 1859, Mary J.,
wife of Maurice A. Scott, aged 27. |
Toledo, Sept. 16, 1859, Libbie T., daughter of
Rev. D. J. Burger, aged 15. |
Toledo, Oct. 17, 1859, Letitia, daughter of
W. T. Harringtod, aged 16. |
Pittstown, Pa., Oct. 23, 1859, Benjamin Griffith,
aged 30. |
Toledo, Oct. 29, 1859, Clark H. Ryder, aged
54. |
Defiance, Nov. 3, 1859, Josephine W., wife of
P. S. Slevio, aged 29. |
Black Rock, New York, Nov. 15, 1859, Captain C. H.
Ludlow, aged 47. He was a prominent commander of Lake
Steamers for several years. |
In Toledo, Apr. 11, 1845, Elizabeth, wife of
Dr. G. R. Perkins. |
Toledo, Apr. 18, 1845, Harriet, wife of
Coleman I. Keeler, aged 28. |
Toledo, Nov. 2, 1860, Mary S., daughter of
Richard Mott, aged 29 years. |
Toledo, Jan. 11, 1861, Susan A., wife of R.
F. Russell. |
Toledo, Jan. 11, 1861, Jane, wife of Thos.
Southard, aged 58. |
Toledo, Jan. 21, 1861, Chas. W. Chesebro, aged
42 years. |
Toledo, Jan. 4, 1861, Diantha M., wife of
Eli Woods, aged 60. |
At Palmyra, Mich., Mar. 13, 1861, Col. Seth,
Pomeroy, aged 83 years, father of the late Geo. E. Pomeroy,
Sr., of Toledo. |
Toledo, Mar. 20, 1861, Ann Sinclair, mother of
John Sinclair, aged 57. |
At Cleveland, May 25, 1861, Deacon Stephen
Whitaker, aged 76, father of John H. and Wm. H. Whitaker,
of Toledo. |
Toledo, June 10, 1861, Richard C. Fahnestock,
aged 26. |
At Erie, Penn., July 19, 1861, Marania E.,
wife of James Raymer, of Toledo. |
Toledo Aug. 19, 1861, Mrs. Harriet Field,
mother of Jas. R. Strong, aged 65. |
Toledo, Aug. 20, 1861, Eli B. Haskell, aged
83. |
Toledo. Aug. 26, 1861, Catherine, wife of
Albert Swift, aged 19. |
At Toledo, Oct. 20, 1861, Harriet N., wife of
John Stevens, aged 37. |
Toledo, Nov. 1, 1861, Henry G. Powers, aged
28. |
Cincinnati, Nov. 13, 1861, Sarah L., wife of
Wm R. Morris. |
Toledo, Nov. 14, 1861, Mary, wife of Lyman
Pareber, aged 54. |
At Junction, Paulding Co., Dec. 13, 1861, Alex.
Backus, aged 45. He was a brother of A. L. Backus.
of Toledo. |
At New Matamoras, O., Dec. 13, 1861, Mrs. Mary Ann,
relief of Rev John C. Ashley, and mother of James M.
Ashlet, aged 61. |
Toledo, Dec. 23, 1861, Samuel Sinclair, aged
35. |
Toledo, Jan. 8, 1862, Mary E., wife of Jas.
L. Carpenter, aged 26. |
Toledo, Apr. 5, 1862, Livona J., wife of
James M. Whitney. |
Near Toledo, May 6, 1862, Asa Williams, aged
80. |
Toledo, May 12, 1862, Parker Howlett, aged 69 |
Toledo, May 6, 1862, Horace Parelee, aged 66. |
Toledo, Aug. 17, 1862, Milton Barrett, aged
35. |
Toledo, Sept. 4, 1862, Lawrence Doyle, 18th
Infantry, aged 23. |
Holmesburgh, Pa., Dec. 27, 1862, Mrs. Lucretia P.
Morton, mother of D. O. Morton, of Toledo, and of
Levi P. Morton, of New York, aged 74. |
Port Chester, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1863, Edwards J.
Swords, father of Mrs. J. H. Maples. |
Toledo, Mar. 15, 1862, John S. George, aged 42
years. |
Oregon Township, Mar. 23, 1863, Betsey, wife
of Rev Ezra Howland, aged 63. |
Port de Paix, Hayti, Apr. 4, 1863, E. P. Walker,
aged 40. In Apr. 1862, Mr. Walker left Toledo at
the head of an emigration Colony for Hayti. They located
in the vicinity of Port de Paix. He labored earnestly for
the success of the enterprise. |
Factoryville, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1863, John Barker,
in his 64th year, father of John J. and Calvin Barker.
Staten Island, May 3, 1863, Rev. Samuel White, father
of Mrs. Calvin Barker, aged 61. |
Toledo, Apr. 2, 1863, Peter Hart, father of
Humphrey Hart, aged 63. |
Toledo, May 18, 1863, Emelia, wife of Emil
L. Marx, aged 32. |
Toledo, May 16, 1863, Julia Ann Crawford, wife
of Norman F. Haskell. |
Toledo, May 13, 1863, Rosana, wife of
Patrick Martin, aged 76. |
Toledo, June 24, 1863, Patrick Graham, aged
39. |
Toledo, Sept. 8, 1863, from accident, Thomas W.,
son of Edwin Avery, aged 17. |
Lieut. J. M. Raymond, 21st Ohio Battery, only
son of S. A. Raymond, Toledo, died of fever, Nov. 18,
1863, near Sulphur Springs, Tenn. |
Toledo, Jan. 26, 1864, Dodd Ingersoll, only
son of C. A. King, aged 5 years; also, Feb. 28, 1864,
May, daughter of C. A. King, aged 10 years. |
Toledo, Feb. 21, 1864, Julia Gregory, wife of
David R. Austin. |
Toledo, Mar. 17, 1864, Cyrus Gridley, aged 68. |
Marietta, Ohio, Mar. 28, 1864, T. Backus,
mother of Abner L. Backus, aged 78. |
Coldwater, Mich., Mar. 29, 1864, Clara L.,
wife of Jona. B. Bliven, aged 47. |
Toledo, Apr. 13, 1864, Experience, wife of
Dr. D. P. Estell, aged 32. |
Toledo, May 2, 1864, M. K. Sibley, aged 52. |
Long Island, N. Y., May 16, 1864, Samuel Mott,
uncle of Richard Mott. |
Toledo, Sept. 9, 1864, Platt Card. He
was accidentally killed on the Middle Ground in that City, being
run over by a locomotive. He was one of the oldest
residents of Toledo, and a prominent man in its business
circles. |
Lucien B. Hemenway came to Toledo in 1855, and
was employed in the Freight office of the Cleveland and Toledo
(now Lake Shore) Railroad. Subsequently, he became the
Toledo Agent for the Raod, holding that position until his
death, Nov. 3, 1864. He was 41 years of age, and a man of
pure life, enjoying the confidence of all acquaintances.
His widow (Mrs. Mary D. Hemenway) now (1888)
resides in New England. |
George A. Carpenter, died in Toledo, Oct. 12,
1866. |
Joseph Coghlin, Oct. 23, 1866, Toledo, aged 54 |
Toledo, Jan. 1, 1867, Emma P., wife of
Daniel H. Nye, aged 32. |
Newstead, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1867, Mrs. Sarah H.
Burnham, mother of Mrs. Mattew Brown of Toledo. |
Captain Gilman Appleby, one of the oldest
commanders of Lake crafts, died in Buffalo in February, 1867. |
Toledo, July 28, 1867, Sophia A., wife
of Marshall Burton. She was a woman of unusual
force of character, and throughout her active life prominent in
social and religious circles, and highly esteemed.
She left a husband, three sons and three daughters. |
Jan. 6, 1868, E. Gussie Perrin, daughter of
E. W. Perrin, aged 19. |
Mrs. B. L., wife of S. P. Halsey,
Toledo, died Feb. 16, 1868. |
Sarah H., wife of James L. Smith,
Toledo, Mar. 2, 1868. |