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† Source:
A. History of Northwestern Ohio
A Narrative of Its Historical Progress and
from the First European Exploration of the Maumee and
Sandusky Valleys and the Adjacent Shores of
Lake Erie, down to the Present Time
by Nevin O. Winter, Litt. D.
Assisted by a Board of Advisory and Contributing Editors
Vol. II
Published by
The Lewis Publishing Company
Chicago and New York
† Source: History of
Northwestern Ohio - Vol. II _ 1917 - Page
729 |
A prominent physical of Toledo for
the past thirty years, Doctor Emery is distinguished not only
by his splendid professional services but also by many unusual
interests as a man and citizen and the enthusiasm and forcefulness
which he brings to every undertaking and subject of life's
Doctor Emery is one of the proprietors of
the Emery-Butler Sanitarium, located at Toledo,
Waterville, Ohio, and Sarasota, Florida. These sanitariums
employ nature's methods of cures largely, and many splendid and
marvelous results have followed the drugless treatment of disease.
These institutions, three in number, are known as the Dorr Street
Sanitarium, 1259 Dorr Street in Toledo, founded by Doctor
Emery; the Silver Spring Sanitarium near Waterville and at the
rapids of the Maumee River not far from the historic Turkey Foot
Rock; and Sarasota Springs Hotel and Sanitarium in Florida.
Doctor Emery is also president of the Cooperative
Homestead Company. He is active medical director of the Dorr
Street Sanitarium and has his offices at 1259 Dorr Street.*
He was born at Maumee, Ohio, one of the most historic
communities in Northwest Ohio. The exact date and
circumstances of his birth Doctor Emery states as
being 9:15 P. M. on the 14th of March, 1857, while outside the rain
was pouring down in torrents. His father, Samuel
Emery, who was born in Medina County, Ohio, was known to every
Knight of Pythias in Ohio, and was an active worker in that order
and was able to repeat the ritual and lectures without reference to
manuscript. He died in Maumee in 1900 at the age of
seventy-three and is buried in Perrysburg, Ohio. He was a
member of the Knights of Pythias Building Board of Toledo which
built the Pythian Temple there, and was a charter member of the old
Knight of Pythias Lodge No. 20 at Toledo. He also rendered
service as a private soldier for three years in Company A of the
Fourteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was offered a
captaincy, but in that as in every other relation ship of life
preferred the ranks to the honors of office. In fact his
associates have often spoken of him as a " diamond in the rough.''
He possessed unusual scientific and mechanical ability, and had the
genius to carry out almost any complicated undertaking. He
worked at ship building and house building for many years, and
reared a family of five sons and five daughters to do him credit.
He married Henrietta Reece, who was born in Lucas
County, Ohio, and died in 1906 at Newark, Ohio, at the home of her
son George, twin brother of Doctor Emery.
She was the mother and grandmother of a number of children and had
the satisfaction of knowing that not one of her sons ever drank,
chewed or smoked. The children living today are:
James S. of Toledo; Dr. C. Sumner and George
Washington, twins, the latter a resident of Cadiz, Ohio;
Harvey R. of Newark, Ohio; Edwin W. of Greenfield, Ohio;
Mrs. C. A. Bassett of Mobile, Missouri; and Mrs. P. L.
Stephenson, whose husband has been assistant county recorder of
Hancock County, Ohio, for nearly thirty years and lives in Findlay.
Doctor Emery received his early education
in the public schools of Maumee. He attended medical college
in the Ohio Northern University, also studied at Toledo, and was a
student in the Fowler & Wells Phrenological Institute at Cooper
Union, New York. In 1886 Doctor Emery began
practice in Toledo, and at the end of thirty years he has a larger
business today than ever before. He also holds a state
certificate as a dentist and is one of the few men of his profession
who have competent skill in medicine, surgery and dentistry.
In 1910 Doctor Emery established the Dorr
Street Sanitarium, and is now building the Silver Spring Sanitarium,
which, because of its location, and the unusual facilities for
natural therapy is known as the Mount Clemens of Toledo, Ohio.
Doctor Emery organized the Co-operative
Homestead Land Club, of which he is president, this being an
organization of people interested in suburban land for homes and
buying and developing property on the co-operative principle.
There is a Toledo suburban club organized under the auspices of the
Co-operative Homestead Company, and this has a beautiful tract of
land at Eagle Point on the Maumee River. Another colony club
has a tract of land in Florida.
Doctor Emery is a stockholder in numerous
other organizations. He is a very rugged man, physically
strong and in perfect health, and to those who are accustomed only
to the conventional processes of thinking and acting his dynamic
personality is sometimes startling. In politics he is now a
socialist, but at one time was a democrat. Out of his own
reasoning, his broad experience in life and his knowledge of
socialism and related sciences, he has formulated a practical
religion of righteousness, and this religion is best expressed in a
small book entitled "Effectives," by O. E. Latham.
Doctor Emery is a member of the Toledo Commerce Club.
Some years ago he was a candidate on the democratic ticket for
county coroner and he made a splendid showing in spite of the
minority power of his party.
On March 20, 1894, Doctor Emery married Miss
Sarah C. Smith of Bellevue, Ohio. Her father, Fred
Smith, was one of the ablest farmers in the State of Ohio and
a splendid citizen and man of fine character. He is now
deceased. Her mother, Mary A. (Box) Smith, is also
deceased. Mrs. Emery was born four miles from Bellevue
in Sandusky County and completed her education in the Ohio Northern
University at Ada, and prior to her marriage was an assistant in the
musical department of. that school.
† Source: History of
Northwestern Ohio - Vol. II _ 1917 - Page 1076
* SHARON WICK'S NOTE: This building appears to be gone as of
2018 |
Toledo lawyer, whose affiliations have been with the best interests
and the prominent men of the city, was admitted to practice in 1912
and has since confined himself to the handling of a general law
practice. For the first two years he practiced with the firm
of Marshall & Fraser, and he is now associated in practice
with Harry Levison and Thomas R. Manton.
He has also become prominent in democratic politics
and in the fall of 1915 was elected a member of the State
Legislature from his home county, for the term ending in 1917.
He is a member of the Lucas County Bar Association and of the Ohio
State Bar Association. In November, 1915, he received an honorable
discharge after having served two years with Troop D of the Ohio
National Guard Cavalry.
Joseph O. Eppstein was born at Toledo May 31,
1889, a son of Julius and Lotta J. Eppstein, both of whom
have long lived in Toledo, his father being now retired.
Mr. Eppstein acquired his education in Toledo and at Ann Arbor,
Michigan. He graduated from the Central High School with the
class of 1909, and then after a three years' course was graduated in
1912 LL. B. from the law department of the University of Michigan.
† Source: History of
Northwestern Ohio - Vol. II _ 1917 - Page 969 |

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