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Mahoning County, Ohio
History & Genealogy

Coroner's Inquest
This is not a complete list at this time....
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Page Name Date of Death Sex Foreign born
or Native
How died
6 Adams, Albert 23 Jul. 1908 M _ Shot by Louie Galidja
6 Adleff, John 14 Oct. 1903 M F Accident
6 Aikens, Malinda 29 Apr. 1899 F N Drowned
6 Alexander, David 12 Oct. 1902 M N Accidental Electrocution
6 Allen, Bessie 12 Oct. 1896 F _ Accident
6 Allen, James 8 Aug. 1901 M N Hemmorhage from bullet wound
6 Allen, John 8 Nov. 1900 M N Exploding Cannon
6 Allen, Norman T. 9 Dec. 1902 M N Accident on RR
6 Allshouse, Charles E. 26 Jan. 1901 M N Killed by Pa Freight Train
6 Allshouse, Harry 11 Oct. 1904 M N Suicide
6 Allshouse, Jessie 28 Mar. 1898 M U Accident
6 Ambrose, Andy 14 Jul. 1905 M F Accident
6 Ammer, Fred 2 Feb. 1903 M F Probable Drowning
6 Anderson, Elsie 1 Jul. 1906 F _ Shock
6 Anderson, Jno. 21 Mar. 1898 M U Accident
6 Anderson, Santin 5 Mar. 1896 M F Injury
6 Andrews, Nellie 14 Apr. 1901 F N Fatty Heart
6 Arbruzan, Mary Simon 13 Aug. 1902 F F Shot by Simon Arbruzan
6 Arkwright, Wm. 19 Aug. 1898 M N Drowned
6 Armstrong, R. L. 16 Feb. 1906 M _ Accodemt
6 Atkins, Joseph 24 Jan. 1906 M F Natural
6 Augustine, Tony 15 Apr. 1901 M U K by C
44 Bailey, Raymond 31 Dec. 1904 M N Accident
44 Bajok, Martin 27 Dec. 1905   F Accident
16 Balencia, M. 28 Oct. 1899 M F Accidental
33 Banks, Walter 2 Jul. 1901 M N Thrown from Wagon
16 Bannen, Bernard F. 30 Dec. 1892 M N Accidental
33 Barcaska, Andy 30 Nov. 1903 M F Accident
16 Barrett, Richard 22 Sep. 1899 M U Accidental
33 Barton, George 29 Mar. 1902 M N Killed at Ohio Coal & Clay
33 Battisto, Felicia 16 Mar. 1904 M F Accident
33 Battles, James 17 Apr. 1904 M N Pneumonia & Heart failure
44 Baughman, Mattias 15 Oct. 1904 M F Accident
33 Baynes, Michael 16 Jun. 1902 M F Accident on RR
33 Bazorek, Adelbert 5 Aug. 1904 M F Accident
44 Beggs, James 23 Mar. 1905 M N Accident
44 Begley, Emmett 290 Nov. 1904 M N Accident
33 Begosh, Joe 18 Aug. 1901 M F Burns
33 Belly, Peter 1 Jul. 1901 M N Convulsions
44 Benson, Cenith 26 Oct. 1905 F N Suicide
33 Benson, Charles 1 Jul. 1902 M F Suicide
33 Beretta, Antonio 25 Jan. 1904 M F Gun Shot
33 Berger, Joseph 21 Jun. 1904 M N Drowning
44 Bergman, Louis V. 4 Jul. 1905 M N Murder
33 Berry, Richard 9 Dec. 1902 M F Accident
44 Besore, Jacob S. 17-May-08 M _ Strychnine Poisoning
16 Bezak, John 16 Oct. 1893 M F K by C
33 Black, William H. 3 Jun. 1904 M N Congestion of lungs
33 Blackburn, Charles 24 Mar. 1902 M N Accident
44 Blaney, Janes 28 Dec. 1905 F N Heart Failure
16 Blaschalk, John 1 Jul. 1899 M F Accidental
16 Bliss, Wakeman 28 Jul. 1898 M N Suicide
44 Blodofski, Antonia 13 Oct. 1905 F F Heart Failure
33 Blosch, Codis 11 Mar. 1902 M F Killed on RR
16 Bodden, John 26 Mar. 1894 M N Natural causes
16 Bodder, Louisa 26 Feb. 1892 F N K by C
16 Bodge, Miss Nellie A. 20 Jun. 1895 F U Heart failure
44 Boere, George Stan. 3 May. 1905 M F Electrocution
33 Boggins, Michael 28 Sep. 1903 M F Heart Failure
44 Bohen, Edward 25 May. 1905 M N Gastritis  
44 Bolaha, Mary 12 Feb. 1906 F _ Natural Causes
16 Boller, John A. 15 Mar. 1901 M U Struck by street car
33 Bonnackers, Charles 9 Sep. 1901 M U Burns
16 Borey, John 8 Jul. 1899 M N Drowning
33 Boswell, George 18 Ult 1904 M N Murder
16 Boyle, Jim 29 Jul. 1899 M F Accidental
33 Boyle, John 24 Apr. 1903 M F Accident
44 Boys, Herman G. 3 Nov. 1904 M N Accident
16 Bradley, Arabella _ Jul. 1898 F F Natural causes
16 Braford, George 28 Aug. 1899 M U Unknown causes
16 Bramer, Edward 2 Jun. 1899 M N Heart failure
16 Branton, Mary 25 Oct. 1898 F N Bullet wounds
16 Branton, Wm. H. 19 Oct. 1898 M N Suicide
33 Breem, George 6 Apr. 1903 M N Accident
33 Brindzko, Andrw 28 Jul. 1903 M U Accident
16 Brisco, Michael 21 Oct. 1892 M F Accidental
16 Brown, Jennie 28 Dec. 1898 F N Heart failure
33 Brown, John W. 8 Oct. 1903 M N Accident
33 Brownlee, Alexander B. 26 Sep. 1903 M N Suicide
33 Brownlee, Henrietta 26 Sep. 1903 F N Shot by above
33 Bruce, John (colored) 16 Jul. 1903 M u Alcoholism
33 Bruin, John 28 Nov. 1901 M U Killed on RR
16 Brungard, ____ 6 Oct. 1896 _ _ Stillborn
33 Buchanon, David M. 27 May. 1902 M N Accident on Erie RR
33 Buehrle, David 5 Jul. 1903 M N Suicide
44 Buna, Joseph 25 Oct. 1905 M F Accident
33 Burgi, John 17 Nov. 1901 M F Heart Disease
33 Burke, Anthony 28 Aug. 1901 M U Struck by Train
16 Burke, James 10 Nov. 1895 M N Accidental
33 Burns, Harry S. 10 Sep. 1902 M N Accident on RR
33 Burns, John 15 Jun. 1904 M N Alcoholism
44 Burns, John T. 12 May. 1905 M N Accident - Erie RR
16 Burns, Katharina 30 Jun. 1900 F F Heart Trouble
16 Burns, Patrick 30 Jul. 1892 M N K by C
16 Burtell, J. E. 15 May. 1899 M U Natural causes
44 Burton, James 26 Jan. 1906 M _ Natural Causes
16 Bushnell, Millard 5 Jun. 1897 M _ Accidental
29 Cahill, Joseph Earl 29 Jun. 1900 M N Accident
9 Calentuna, Joseph 7 Dec. 1895 M F Natural
9 Callahan, Chas. F. 3 Feb. 1899 M N Suicide
9 Callahan, Wm. H. 11 Oct. 1898 M N Heart failure induced by alcohol
29 Callihan, Frank 28 Nov. 1901 M N Accident-Gun shot wound
39 Calvin, Joseph J. 12 Sep. 1905 M N Accident
9 Campbell, ___ 8 Oct. 1893 F F Murder by gunshot
9 Campbell, J. E. 8 Jun. 1893 F N Natural
9 Campbell, James 24 Mar. 1894 M N Suicide by hanging
29 Candela, Severa 29 Sep. 1901 M N Natural
9 Capriano, Josep __ Dec. 1896 M F Accidental
39 Carey, Michael 19 Jan. 1903 M F Suffication
39 Carney, James 18 Jun. 1903 M F Accident on Erie RR
29 Carney, William 17 Mar. 1902 M F Accident-Mahoing Valley RR
39 Carroll, Florence 3 Nov. 1902 F N Struck by Erie Train
39 Carson, John R. 21 May. 1905 M F Accident, B. & O. RR
9 Casement, Robt. L. 10 Mar. 1894 N Accidental poisoning
9 Casey, Patrick 18 Dec. 1895 M _ Natural
39 Cashion, Thomas 1 Dec. 1902 M N Accident
29 Cashman, Wm. 29 Apr. 1899 M F Dropsy
9 Cavanaugh, Daniel P. 23 Feb. 1897 M _ Heart failure
29 Cavenaugh, James 1 Jul. 1902 M N Killed by Penna engine
29 Cecei, Michael 13 Dec. 1901 M F Accident on P. F. W. & C. RR
39 Celano, Francesco 10 Dec. 1904 M F Drowning
39 Certico, Nicholas 17 Aug. 1905 M F Murder
29 Chambers, John 23 May. 1900 M U Accident
29 Checona, Petro 31 Jan. 1902 M F Accident
9 Chiffo, Guiseppe 26 Sep. 1892 M F K by C
29 Christy, Hugh 27 Apr. 1900 M U  Bullet Wound
29 Chuey, Steve 16-May-01 M F Struck by P & L E Engine 63
9 Ciautte, Joseph 22 Jul. 1893 M F Accidental
39 Cilente, Pasquale 25 Jun. 1905 M F Natural
29 Cimarello, Angelo 18 May. 1901 M F Overcome by gas at Valley Furnace
9 Civils, James T. 5 Jul. 1898 M F Accidental
39 Clark, Ethel 17 Feb. 1904 F N Gas poisoning
29 Clark, Hubart 24 May. 1901 M U Killed by Engine, Erie RR
29 Cleary, Bernard 20 Mar. 1902 M N Accident-Erie RR
29 Cleary, Dennis 27 Dec. 1899 M F Heart Disease
39 Cleary, James 27 Oct. 1904 M N Drowning
39 Click, Latmick 16 Jan. 1906 M _ Natural
29 Cofield, James 21 Jun. 1900 M N Overcome by Gas
9 Cohn, Elmer 18 Aug. 1897 M N Accidental
39 Colett, Mike 26 Jun. 1905 M F Natural
39 Collenberger, Harry 15 Aug. 1905 M N Murder
39 Collillo, Ralph 19 Nov. 1903 M F Accident
29 Collins, James 24 Oct. 1902 M F Killed on L. S. & M. S. RR
9 Collins, John 8 Oct. 1893 M F K by C
29 Collins, Mary 10 Jul. 1902 F N Poisoning-carbolic acid & Paris Green.
39 Collins, Peter 15 Jan. 1906 M _ Suicide
39 Colluca, Stephen 5 Jul. 1905 M F Accident
9 Conboy, Edward 30 Sep. 1896 M _ Accidental
39 Conley, John 24 May. 1905 M N Accident
29 Conley, Joseph 14 Aug. 1899 M N Effects of Intoxicants
29 Connell, Mary O. 18 Mar. 1899 F F Accident
29 Connelly, Owen 25 May. 1900 M U Cerebral Hemorhage - body found, supposed to be him.
39 Connelly, T. et al 23 Oct. 1904 M N Murder
29 Connolly, Joseph 7 Aug. 1902 M N Killed by cars Mahoning Valley RR
9 Conroy, Baby 14 Nov. 1895 M _ Premature birth
29 Conroy, Edward 1 Aug. 1901 M N Accidentpstruck by pole
9 Conroy, Michael 6 Oct. 1893 M _ K by C
29 Conway, Michael 24 Jun. 1901 M F Accident-struck by bar
9 Cook, B. F. 22 Nov. 1892 M N K by C
29 Cook, Dugald 5 Jul. 1902 M F Exhaustion from hanging on a fence by one leg.
9 Cook, Henry 12 Jul. 1893 M N Drowned
9 Cook, Henry 14 Aug. 1894 M N Cutting his throat
9 Coppersmith, John 2 Sep. 195 M F Natural
39 Copsac, Anthony 6 Nov. 1905 M F Accident
29 Costello, John 13 Feb. 1899 M F Loss of Blood
29 Cotter, Thomas 26 Nov. 1901 M U Supposed alcoholilsm
39 Cowan, John 19 Jan. 1905 M N Pneumonia
29 Cox, James (colored) 25 Oct. 1899 M N Heart Disease
9 Coyne, Anthony 11 May. 1892 M N Poisoning
9 Coyne, Philip 15 Mar. 1898 M F Accidental
29 Coyne, Thomas 27 Mar. 1899 M F Asthma & Pneumonia
29 Cramer, Chauncey 20 Jul. 1900 M N RR Accident
29 Cramer, Mau 18 Apr. 1900 F U Accident
39 Cranston, A. H. 24 Mar. 1903 M N Injuries from Unknown Cause
9 Crapp, Christian 9 Dec. 1893 M F K by C
29 Crowley, Henry 22 Aug. 1899 M U Accident
39 Crowley, John 9 Aug. 1905 M F Accident
29 Cruickshank, David 26 Mar. 1902 M F Accident
29 Cruickshank, John 18 Aug. 1901 M F Shock from burns
39 Cucca, Jamele 2 Feb. 1906 F _ Accident
39 Cullen, Dennis 17 Nov. 1903 M F Accident
29 Cunningham, James 29 Dec. 100 M N Struck by Passenger train
9 Cutler, W. R. 9 Feb. 1897 M _ Accidental
4 Dagnone, Caromine 2 Aug. 1899 M N Cholera infantum
4 Davis, Daniel 2 Aug. 1893 M N K by C
49 Davis, Harriet 16 Dec. 1905 F N Suffocation
4 Davis, Roy Alvin 4 Jul. 1905 M N Accident
4 Davis, William 26 Sep. 1895 M _ Natural
49 Davis, Wm. 8 Jan. 1906 M _ Accident at Ohio Steel
4 Daws, Samuel 22 Jun. 1905 M N Suicide
4 Dayman, John 17 Jan. 1896 F _ Accidental
4 Deakin, Edgat T. 31 May. 1890 M N Drowning
4 Debilius, Katherine 9 Aug. 1900 F F Natural
4 Dedeon, Constantin 16 Jan. 1905 M F Accident
49 Defino, Nichola 25 Jul. 1907 _ _ Fractured skull
4 Deibel, Elmer 28 Jul. 1901 M N Drowned
4 Delesantro, Antonio 18 Oct. 1903 M F Accident
49 Dellelias, Marillo 11 Oct. 1906 M F Alcoholism
4 DeLuca, Antonio 18 Oct. 1903 M F Accident
4 Dentcheon, Henlo (Harlo?) 9 Apr. 1899 M N K by C
4 Detrick, Aravilla 6 Sep. 1893 M N Hemorrhage of lungs
4 Dieter, Henry 10 Jul. 1901 M F Suicide by Hanging
4 Dieter, John O. 15 Jun. 1903 M F Accident
4 DiMarco, John 10 Oct. 1903 M F Accident
4 Dirolenzo, Antonio 8 May. 1904 M F Body found in Mahoning River
4 Dobbins, Alonzo 15 Dec. 1902 M N Alcohol & morphine habit
4 Dolanski, Michael 21 Sep. 1901 M F Killed by cars at Steele Co.
49 Doud, Wm. 12 Nov. 1908 M _ None given
4 Douglas, David 29 Aug. 1898 M N Drowned
4 Douglas, Thomas 18 Sep. 1905 M N Accident
49 Downes, William 28 Feb. 1906 M _ Natural
4 Duck, Andy 26 Dec. 1898 M N Convulsions
4 Dulovich, John 7 Oct. 1904 M F Suicide
4 Duncan, George 5 May 1898 M Accidental
4 Dunlap, John 3 Jul. 1894 M N Suicide by Shooting
49 Duritca, Michael 4 Mar. 1906 M _ Natural
4 Durkin, Patrick 9 Jan. 1904 M F Crushed by P & L E Engine
22 Edgar, George H. 13 Oct. 1896 M N Suicide
22 Edmonds, Thomas 14 Jun. 1901 M U Struck by Erie Train
22 Edwards, Mrs. Jane 24 Feb. 1895 F _ Apoplectic fit
22 Elliot, Author A. 4 Sep. 1898 M N Suicide
22 Eroine, W. H. 9 Aug. 1895 M N Drowning
22 Estler, Wm. 4 Jun. 1895 M U R. R. Accident
22 Evans, Maree 15 Oct. 1897 N. Spasms
22 Evans, William 5 Dec. 1901 M U Accident, fall from tressle
22 Everest, Harry 14 May. 1902 M F Alcoholism & dementia
19 Fellic, Michael 19 Mar. 1895 M _ Suicide
19 Fero, John 18 Jun. 1898 M U Natural
19 Fitzpatrick, Wm. 10 Jul. 1894 M N Accidental
19 Flaherty, John 28 Feb. 1895 M _ Suicide
19 Fleming, Dominick R. 5 Nov. 1897 M U Accidental
19 Flynn, Jas. A. 4 Jun. 1893 M N Suicide by gas
19 Flynn, Mary 16 Sep. 1898 F F Neuralgia of heart
19 Fox, Lucindy 8 Sept. 1894 F N Suicide
19 Foy, Thomas 8 Apr. 1894 M N Natural
19 French, Frank 31 Jan. 1894 M N Suicide by poisoning
19 Frier, Edward 8 May. 1893 M N Accidental
19 Futmeale, Nicola 8 Feb. 1897 M F Accidental
8 Galvin, Margaret 2 Jun. 1893 F N Natural
8 Garvin, Margaret 27 Aug. 1894 F _ Natural
8 George, Thomas 20 dec. 1893 M N K by C
8 Gilroy, John 2 Apr. 1894 M F Suicide by drowning
8 Gleason, Joseph 29 Jun. 1897 M _ Drowned in Mahoning
8 Glouitsno, Mike 14 Mar. 1896 M F Accident
8 Gorman, Thomas 14 Nov. 1894 M F Natural, induced by intemperence
8 Gorrisco, Mike 10 Apr. 1894 M F K by C
8 Greenbauer, Walburga 9 Jul. 1892 F F Natural
8 Greenwold, Douglas 28 Oct. 1895 M N Accident
8 Gribbons, Patrick 30 Dec. 1899 M F Frozen
8 Grim, George 15 Oct. 1898 M N Heart failure
8 Gringer, Lillian 25 Jan. 1892 F F Natural
14 Haas, Achsah 24 May. 1896 F N Suicide by hanging
14 Hackett, Mrs. 2 May. 1895 F U K by C
14 Hackett, Willilam 6 Aug. 1892 M N K by C
14 Haley, John 10 Jul. 1897 M F Gunshot wound
14 Hamilton, G. W. 18 Aug. 1895 M _ Drowning
14 Hanrahan, Mrs. Mary 19 Nov. 1898 F F Heart failure
14 Harley, Frank 20 Nov. 1899 M N Self induced, overdose of morphine
14 Harmon, Mary A. 15 Mar. 1898 F N Suicide
14 Harmonski, Charles 25 Jan. 1896 F _ Accident
14 Hazlett, Robert G. 19 Jan. 1898 M n Accident
14 Heeter, Alfonzo A. 16 Aug. 1896 M N Drowning
14 Hemingway, Benjamin 4 Feb. 1896 M _ K by C
14 Hess, Henry 29 Apr. 1893 M N Natural
14 Hickman, Milton S. 8 Dec. 1899 M u Accident
14 Hicock, E. M. 10 Nov. 1895 M N K by C
14 Highsmith, W. H. 11 Aug. 1899 M U Accident
14 Hile, John R. 24 Nov. 1899 M n Accident
14 Hitchens, Jim 22 Jun. 1895 M U K by C
14 Hopkins, Martin 22 Dec. 1898 M F Accident
14 Horass, Thomas 5 Feb. 1898 M N Accident
14 Howard, Chas. L. 30 Jan. 1899 M N Epilepsy
14 Howe, Sadie 24 Feb. 1897 F ) Epilepsy
14 Hughes, John 18 Feb. 1893 M N Accident
14 Hurley, W. E. 30 Nov. 1898 M N Heart failure by intemperence
21 Ieranto, Manuello 7 Apr. 1899 M F K by C
21 Imre, Biro 24 Nov. 1893 M F Acute alcoholism
21 Irish, Wm. M. 1 Jan. 1899 M U Cerebral hemorrhage
15 Jantormen, Alex 9 Mar. 1893 M N Accident
15 Jenkins, John H. 25 Oct. 1898 M F Bullet wound
15 Jennings, Richard 9 Mar. 1898 M F Accident
  Joerndt, John __ May. 1890     (see Yoerndt or Yeacatt)
15 Johns, Daniel R.  27 Apr. 1896 M N Apoplexy
15 Johnson, Andrew 1 Jun. 1899 M F K by C
15 Johnston, Robert 15 Aug. 1892 M N Accident
15 Joice, Michael 9 Jul. 1894 M F K by C
15 Jones, Dwight 5 Dec. 1899 M U Accident
15 Jones, Geo. G. 6 Feb. 1899 M N Unknown
15 Jones, John 5 May 1895 M U Natural
15 Jones, Mrs. M. 3 Apr. 1895 F _ Heart
15 Jones, Wm. 9 Oct. 1898 M F Accident
15 Jordan, Thomas 6 Nov. 1899 M U Accident
32 Jurphy, Anna 13 Sep. 1902 F F Natural
7 Kane, Philip 4 Sep. 1895 M N Accident
7 Kellean, Frank 2 Aug. 1894 M N Drowning
7 Kelley, Alilce 28 Sep. 1894 F N Drunkeness
7 Kennedy, Daniel 3 Sep. 1892 M N K by C
7 Kennedy, Michael 18 Aug. 1898 M N Accident
7 King, James 2 Apr. 1895 M _ Apoplexy
7 Kinneman, Byron 23 Dec. 1898 M N Freezing
7 Kirkbride, Joseph 8 Feb. 1899 M N Suicide
7 Kistler, J. B. 6 Dec. 1899 M F Alcoholism
7 Kodijock, Annie 13 Mar. 1896 F _ Natural
7 Kohlman, Fred 4 Jul. 1895 M _ Natural
7 Kosac, Steve 3 Sep. 1898 M N Accident
7 Koughteath, Chief 1 Jan. 1896 _ _ Apoplexy
7 Krall, Michael 15 May. 1899 M F Natural
7 Krisiminski, Mike 3 Dec. 1897 M F Accident
L-5 Labanoviz, Tom 8 Jun. 1896 _ F Accidental shooting
L-5 LaFazia, Maria 18 May. 1892 F F Killed by Victoria LaFazia
L-5 Lamb, John 3 Jun. 1895 _ _ Killed in coal mine
36 Lanburn, Elma 25 Jun. 1904 F N Heart failure
L-5 Lash, Wm. 16 Apr. 1899 M N Accident
36 Laughran, Thomas 22 Dec. 1903 M N Pistol shot wound
36 Lee, Joseph (colored) 23 Jan. 1903 M N Natural
36 Lehner, Lewis 10 Dec. 1902 M N Internal Hemorrhage
L-5 Lehu, Peter 11 Jul. 1895 M F K by C
36 Leiben, A. V. 6 Aug. 1904 M N Heart failure
36 Lenk, Annie 3 Nov. 1904 F N Convulsions
36 Leonard, Francis 3 Jul. 1904 M F Accident on Mahoning Valley RR
36 Leperstein, Rose 25 Jul. 1905 F _ Accident
L-5 Lewis, Evan 4 Jul. 1894 M N Accidental
L-5 Lewis, Fred 24 Nov. 1899 M U Accident
L-5 Lewis, John 17 Aug. 1897 M N Drowned
L-5 Lewis, Reese 18 Mar. 1893 M F Killed by railroad engine
36 Lewis, Sylvester 23 Feb. 1906 M _ Heart failure
L-5 Lewis, Wheeler, S. 12 Aug. 1897 M N Accident
L-5 Lewis, William 7 Dec. 1899 M N Accident
L-5 Liddy, John 28 Jan. 1896 F _ Natural
L-5 Liddy, Nora 25 Nov. 1896 F _ Heart failure
36 Lisko, Joseph 2 Dec. 1902 M F Heart failure from alcohol
L-5 Livingston, Birnie 5 Jul. 1893 M N Drowning
36 Livingstone, Lawrence 19 Jul. 1904 M N Suicide
36 Livingstone, Margaret 27 Jul. 1904 F N Murder
36 Llewellin, William 8 Nov. 1902 M F Heart failure
L-5 Lloyd, Albert 9 Sep. 1893 M N K by C
L-5 Lock, William 2 Mar. 1894 M N Suicide by hanging
36 Lodwick, Charles 4 Nov. 1906 M N Homicide
36 Loftus, William 6 Nov. 1903 M N Heart failure
36 Logan, Lucy 23 Sep. 1905 F N Suicide
36 Longmore, James 14 Oct. 1906 M U Accident
L-5 Lowrie, Daniel 8 Sep. 1898 M F Drowned
36 Lozier, Reuben 19 Oct. 1905 M N Accident
36 Lubonivitch, Michael 24 Mar. 1906 M _ Natural
L-5 Luchrow, Herman 3 Jan. 1896 M F Accident
L-5 Lundahl, Eugene 15 Jun. 1894 M N Convulsions
L-5 Lunys, John 27 Dec. 1899 M N Accident
L-5 Luplow, Herman 28 Jun. 1897 _ _ Accident by own hand
36 Lyle, Katherine 17 Mar. 1906 F _ Suicide
36 Lynch, Bridget 26 Dec. 1902 F F Heart failure
36 Lynch, Daniel 17 Mar. 1904 M F Acident on B. & O. RR
36 Lynch, Thomas 19 Mar. 1904 M F Struck by Sharon Line Street car.
42 Macheskay, John 26 Jan. 1906 M _ Accident
32 Mack, Frank 10 Oct. 1900 M U Struck by train
32 Madar, Andrew 18 Aug. 1901 M F Shock caused by burns
32 Magos, Andros 3 Mar. 1902 M F Accident - Erie RR
42 Mahoney, James 14 Mar. 1905 M N Accident
32 Mahony, Robert 28 Jun. 1903 M F Heart
32 Makar, John T. 19 Jul. 1902 M _ Killed on P & L E RR
32 Makos, Steph 17 May. 1902 M F Suicide by hanging
32 Malacaro, Joseph 8 Mar. 1902 M F Accident
18 Maline, George C. 2 Sep. 1900 F N Drowned
M-18 Maloney, Thomas 12 Apr. 1895 M F Accidental
42 Mann, Patrick 24 Oct. 1903 M N Alcoholism
U many unknown or unnamed adultsl, children & infants        
32 Marco, Andrew 7 Mar. 1901 M U Cerebral Hemmorhage
32 Marinelli, Felix Antonio 24 Jul. 1902 M F Killed on P & L E RR
42 Marinelli, Linginio 10 Oct. 1903 M F Accident
32 Marroon, John 24 Sept. 1900 M U Supposed truck by train
M-18 Marshall, James 7 Mar. 1898 M F Natural
32 Marshman, Andrew C. 26 Nov. 1902 M N Accident-National Sand & Stone
42 Martin, Hazel (colored) 24 Mar. 1908 F _ Septic Perotinitis
42 Martin, Jane 12 Jul. 1905 F N Suicide
32 Mastronardi, Vincenzo 1 Jul. 1901 M F Accident - Falling at Furnace
32 Matekovich, Martin 12 Dec. 1902 M F Killed on Penna RR
42 Matke, John 21 Sep. 1908 M _ Violence at hand of John Krizay, the result of being thrown from a bridge causing a fractured skull and broken neck.
M-18 Matti, Godleib 15 Jan. 1892 M F Pneumonia
32 Maxwell, Thomas 20 May. 1901 M N Burned at Ohio Steel
M-18 Mayer, John 8 Sep. 1893 M N K by C
M-18 Meedlock, Joe 5 May. 1896 M _ Natural
32 Meeker, Alice J. 11 Jan. 1903 F N Poisoning
42 Meeter, Stephen 10 Oct. 1903 M F Poisoning from furnace gas
M-18 Mentzer, Frank A. 8 Nov. 1898 M F Accident
42 Meredith, Claude 19 Oct. 1905 M N Heart
18 Messersmith, Lucy 17 Apr. 1900 F U Suicide by Shooting
32 Metz, Frank 17 Jun. 1902 M N Heart
32 Michael, Bertha 2 Sep. 1901 F N Accident
M-18 Mikler, George 30 Jun. 1898 M N Accident
32 Miles, Vern 24 Mar. 1902 M N Accident
42 Miller, James W. 27 Jan. 1904 M N RR accident
18 Milovic, John 20 Feb. 1900 M F Accident
32 Minner, Harry 15 Aug. 1901 M N Accident - killed by train
42 Mockowski, Stanislaus 14 Jul. 1906 M F Accident
M-18 Modrella, Emanuella 19 Dec. 1899 F F Accident
42 Moherman, John 19 May. 1904 M N Suicide
32 Moherman, Solomon R. 29 Apr. 1902 M N Poisoning
M-18 Moles, H. C. 26 Dec. 1898 M N Accident
M-18 Molitori, Joseph 23 Nov. 1892 M F Accidental asphyxiation
32 Molnar, Daniel 18 May. 1903 M F Accident - M. B. Ry
M-18 Moner, Peter 6 Aug. 1892 M U K by C
42 Montison, Joseph 19 Sep. 1903 M F Injuries received at hands of Nilholo Modorelli
42 Moody, Howard H. 27 Oct. 1903 M N Suicide
M-18 Mooney, Thomas 10 Nov. 1893 M U Natural
32 Moore, John 30 Jan. 1902 M N Heart
M-18 Moore, Joseph 16 Jun. 1894 M N Suicide by hanging
42 Moore, William 19 Dec. 1905 M N Natural gas poisoning
M-18 Moran, Hugh 2 Jul. 1898 M N Accident
M-18 Moran, Nora ca 15 Nov. 1897 F F Spasms
32 Morgan, John 6 Aug. 1901 M N Trying to get on Erie Train
M-18 Morgan, Morgaret 5 Jul. 1897 F _ Accidental
42 Morgan, Rees 22 Jan. 1906 M _ Apoplexia
32 Morris, Jonathan 4 Dec. 1902 M N Suicide
M-18 Morrison, Michael 21 Dec. 1893 M F K by C
32 Morrow, Ephraim 30 Aug. 1903 M F Over dose of Laudanum
32 Morthland, Abram 3 Jun. 1902 M N Injury from fall & drowning
32 Moses, Mary Joseph 17 Oct. 1902 F F Drinking poison in coffee
32 Mounds, John 31 Aug. 1901 M N Struck by M. V. St. RR car
M-18 Moyles, William 24 May. 1892 M N Accidental by gas
42 Mucci, Joseph 2 Apr. 1904 M F Murder
42 Mucillo, Marino 8 Dec. 1905 M F Accident
32 Mudisco, John 10 Feb. 1903 M F Accident
32 Mulvihill, Patrick 25 Dec. 1902 M N Bullet wound
32 Munford, Howard 12 Oct. 1902 M N Killed on Mahoning Valley RR
32 Murie, Jovo 8 Jan. 1902 M U Accident on P & L E RR
32 Murphy, Frank 11 Aug. 1902 M F Killed on Erie RR
18 Myers, Clara 21 Aug. 1900 F N Suicide - chloroform
32 Myers, Edward 7 Sept. 1900 M N Electrocution
M-18 Myres, Joe 27 Apr. 1896 M F Typhoid Fever
29 Nary, Owen 27 Sep. 1901 M F Heart
N-26 Nelson, Hubert 20 Jun. 1899 M N Drowned
29 Newton, Isaac 4 May. 1900 M F Old age & heart trouble
29 Nichol, Isaac R. 16 Sep. 1902 M N Heart
29 Nigro, Phillip 8 Jul. 1902 M F Accident - Republic Iron & Steel Co.
29 Nolf, William 28 Aug. 1908      
Q none        
X None under X        
29 Notestine, T. T. 6 Jan. 1900 M U Accident
29 Novotny, Michael 27 Nov. 1902 M N Natural
24 Oatstein, William 20 May. 1900 M N Heart
24 O'Brien, Michael 18 Aug. 1901 M N Shock caused by burns
O-24 O'Connell, Elen 28 Jan. 1892 F N Natural
O-24 O'Hara, Michael 2 Jan. 1892 M F K by C (killed by cars)
24 O'Harra, Frank 22 Jul. 1905 M N Accident
24 Olinger, William 17 Oct. 1903 M N Accident
24 O'Neal, Thomas 25 May. 1903 M U Natural
24 O'Neil, Charles 4 Oct. 1901 M N Killed on Penna RR
24 O'Neil, William ca Dec. 1900 M U No P.M. (possibly lung trouble)
24 O'Neill, James 25 Dec. 1904 M F Natural
24 O'Neill, Phoebe 20 Sep. 1901 F N Accident
O-24 Orient, Frank 18 Mar. 1897 M _ Accident
24 Orto, Samuell 28 Dec. 1903 M F Accident
O-24 Osborn, Chas. N. 29 Oct. 1892 M N Accident
24 Osborne, Minnie 29 Sep. 1906 F _ Peritonitis
P-20 Palifrone, Joseph 12 Jul. 1897 M F Accident
20 Paolitto, Roco 16 Oct. 1903 M F Accident
20 Parcello, Peter 22 Sep. 1901 M F Accident, run over by cars
20 Parker, Almon 13 Dec. 1903 M U Heart
P-20 Parker, H. H. (colored) 1 Apr. 1894 M N Accident
20 Parker, Thomas 30 Sep. 1901 M F Accident, Brier Hill Iron & Coal
43 Parry, Sarah 10 Aug. 1905 F F Accident
43 Pastork, Mary 29 Jul. 1906 F _ Erysipelis
43 Patton, Charles T. 13 Nov. 1905 M N Suicide
43 Paul, Fairman 29 Jul. 1907 M N Accident
43 Pavlyik, George 21 Feb. 1906 M F Burned by accident
20 Pearson, Andrew 6 Apr. 1904 M F Suicide
P-20 Peckor Stephen 19 Sep. 1894 M _ Drowned
20 Peleprone, Antonio 28 Apr. 1902 M F Accident
P-20 Pelley, Carrie 16 May. 1894 F N Suicide by morphine
43 Pennell, John R. 24 Apr. 1908 M _ Gun Shot by Martin Perkins
20 Perry, Victor 3 Mar. 1903 M N Accident
43 Peterchoc, Paul 3 Dec. 1905 M F Accident
43 Petrick, John 27 Mar. 1906 M _ Natural
P-20 Petro, Joe 25 Dec. 1895 M F Accident
43 Petronitro, Donato 7 Oct. 1906 M F Homicide
20 Phillips, George 2 Apr. 1901 M U Heart
20 Phillips, John H. 29 Sep. 1900 M N Cramps or convulsions
20 Piercuck, Adam 15 Apr. 1902 M F Alcoholism
20 Pigley, Tony 25 Dec. 1901 M F Accident, Brier Hill Iron & Coal
20 Pilmer, J. B. 1 Dec. 1902 M N Accident
20 Piscione, Joseph 6 Mar. 1902 M F Drowning
P-20 Pitts, Henry J. 4 Aug. 1893 M N Natural
P-20 Pitzer, Lawrence 5 Jun. 1892 M N K by C
20 Polock, Mary 4 Feb. 1903 F N Natural
20 Pomery, William 9 Jan. 1900 M U Convulsions from alcohol
20 Ponick, Herman 17 Mar. 1902 M F Injuries at National Steel
20 Popolo, John 27 Jul. 1903 M F Accident, Erie RR
20 Potter, Ann 19 Sep. 1902 F N Natural
P-20 Price, William 11 Sep. 1899 M F Accident
43 Prillia, Frank 22 Jun. 1906 M _ Suffocation
43 Probst, Albert M. 24 Jun. 1904 M N Accident
P-20 Profilio, Angelo 5 Mar. 1898 M F Accident
20 Purnell, James 27 Feb. 1901 M N Killed by engine on E. RR
Q-27 Qualey, Henry 11 Mar. 1895 M U Accident (intemperance)
13 Rabish, Stephen 24 Mar. 1906 M _ Accident
13 Racek, Franz 29 Nov. 1902 M F Killed on Mahoning Valley RR
R-13 Ramsey, James 29 Jun. 1898 M U Suicide
R-13 Rau, John H. 17 Mar. 1892 M F K by C
13 Ray, German M. 17 Feb. 1902 M N Hemorrhage
13 Reagan, David 27 Nov. 1902 M F Choking
13 Reardon, Edward 21 Jan. 1904 M N Killed - Lake Shore RR
13 Reardon, Edward 25 Oct. 1906 M U Accident caused by liquor
R-13 Reardon, Matthew 27 Sep. 1897 M U Accident
13 Reber, Adam 17 Jan. 1903 M N Heart failure
13 Reck, Charles E. 12 Mar. 1904 M N Accident
R-13 Reeble, Daniel 17 Jun. 1895 M N Accident
R-13 Reed, Ida 18 Aug. 1892 F N Drowned
13 Reel, Casper 24 Mar. 1900 M F Hemorrhage or convulsions
R-13 Rennie, Robert 2 Sep. 1895 M N Accident
R-13 Rhulman, Elizabeth 16 May. 1892 F N Suicide
13 Richards, Benjamin 27 Jun. 1902 M F Accident, P & L E RR
13 Richards, Richard B. 18 Aug. 1901 M N Shock from Burns
R-13 Riley, John 14 Dec. 1898 M N Heart failure
R-13 Rimola, Sam 7 Sep. 1896 M N Accident
13 Ripple, William 18 Aug. 1901 M N Killed by cars
R-13 Rish, Andrew 2 Dec. 1899 M F Heart failure
13 Rish, Mary 12 Sep. 1905 F F Murder
R-13 Ritch, Tony 8 Dec. 1898 M F K by C
13 Ritner, Mallie 30 Aug. 1900 F U Not stated
13 Robasby, Louis 19 Mar. 1900 M F Burned to death
13 Roberts, Richard 14 Feb. 1906 M _ Natural
13 Robinson, ___ 4 Oct. 1906 _ U Accident at birth.
13 Roe, James 4 Apr. 1902 M N Accident - Republic Iron & Steel
13 Rogers, William 3 Sep. 1903 M N Alcoholism
13 Rollins, Max M. 13 Apr. 1902 M F Suicide
13 Rombovsky, Joseph 27 Jun. 1905 M F Heart failure
13 Rooney, Catherine 30 Jan. 1900 F F Natural, aided by alcohol
R-13 Rooney, Edward 1 Feb. 1892 M F Natural
R-13 Rosche, James 18 Dec. 1895 M _ Accident
13 Rose, James (colored) 16 Nov. 1902 M N Suicide by shooting
13 Rosenbaum, Darvin 21 Oct. 1903 M N Accident
R-13 Ross, Joe 6 Mar. 1895 M _ Run over by R. R. Engine
R-13 Rukenbrod, David 25 Mar. 1895 M N Suicide
R-13 Ryan, John S. 22 May 1892 M F Accident
41 Sabolic, Tomo 3 Nov. 1904 M F Accident
30 Salisbury, Cassius T. 23 Mar. 1901 M U Supposed Heart Failure
30 Salyen, Thomas 12 Sep. 1901 M F Struck by Park & Falls car (alcohol)
41 Samuell, Thomas 22 Sep. 1905 M N Accident
30 Samuels, Philip 14 Jan. 1901 M F Heart
41 Sanders, Michael 29 Jul. 1904 M F Heart failure
41 Saricint, Michael 29 Apr. 1903 M F Accident
30 Sarinko, Mike 18 Aug. 1901 M F Shock caused by burns
30 Sassanella, Theresa 14 Jun. 1902 F F Shock from bullet wounds
30 Scanlon, Dennis 11 Mar. 1901 M U Cerebral hemorrhage
41 Scarpio, Geoseph 5 Sep. 1905 M F Accident
30 Schemmelpfennig, William F. 7 Apr. 1902 M N Accident on Erie RR
41 Schenck, Fred R. 26 Jun. 1907 _ N Accident
41 Schettino, Angelo 1 Dec. 1905 M F Murder
S-11 Schettino, Pettergrino 31 Sep. 1898 M N Accident
41 Schiller, Mary 6 Jun. 1903 F F Murder
41 Schlegel, Phillip 24 Apr. 1903 M N Lung congestion from alcohol
30 Schmidt, Alexander 30 Jun. 1902 M F Killed at National Steel
S-11 Schmitt, Michael 24 Oct. 1895 M F Apoplexy
30 Schofield, Ellen 4 Aug. 1902 F F Killed on Erie RR
30 Schroeder, Herman 6 Aug. 1902 M N Killed by horse while crossing race track
41 Seidner, Hosea 3 Dec. 1905 M F Accident
S-11 Semple, Lena 1 Jun. 1897 F _ Congestion of lungs
41 Setmark, Joseph 5 Apr. 1904 M F Accident
41 Sexton, Burt E. 3 Jul. 1904 M N Gun shot wound
30 Seyler, Adam 28 Mar. 1902 M N Heart failure (alcohol)
30 Shaffer, Ralph S. 5 Jul. 1900 M U Unknown
41 Shannon, Harry 31 Mar. 1906 M _ Accident
30 Shaver, Norris 20 Jul. 1901 M N Struck by P & L E Train
30 Sherwood, Agnes 28 Sep. 1902 M N Gastritis & heart (alcohol)
S-11 Shetler, John 9 Feb. 1896 M _ K of C
41 Shirmar, George 14 Sep. 1907 M _ Stab wound
11 Shukazky, John 5 Mar. 1900 M F Ruptured blood vessel
30 Shurkowitz, John 18 Jan. 1902 M F Accident
S-11 Sika, Pauk 12 Sep. 1897 M F Accident
30 Simerone, Cessare 1 Dec. 1901 M N Struck by Erie Engine
41 Sinkovic, Andrew 5 Jul. 1903 M F Bullet wound
30 Skotch, Joseph 20 Feb. 1900 M F Accident
30 Slafkoski, Joseph 23 Oct. 1901 M U Crushed at Andrews Bros. mill
30 Slavukovic, Luka 2 Jul. 1902 M F Killed by electric car near Struthers
S-11 Smith, Ella 25 Aug. 1899 F U Unknown
30 Smith, John 10 Nov. 1901 M F Heart (alcohol)
30 Smith, John 26 Sep. 1902 M F Accident at R F & S Co.
30 Smith, Sidney 11 Jul. 1901 M N Accident - struck by lever
S-11 Snooks, William 7 Jun. 1899 M U Heart Disease
S-11 Snyder, Eugene F. 5 Aug. 1896 M F Poisoning
30 Soltes, John 20 May. 1901 M F Burned at Ohio Steel Co.
41 Sowers, S. J. 12 Feb. 1906 M _ Accident
S-11 Spaw, James A. 7 Jun. 1898 M N Accident
30 Spisak, Joseph 12 Mar. 1900 M F Accident
41 Stacey, Mansfield 13 Nov. 1903 M N Accident
30 Stahura, Steve 18 Aug. 1901 M F Shock caused by burns
30 Stambaugh, Alfred 9 Dec. 1902 M N Internal hemorrhage & asphyxiation
S-11 Stambaugh, Charles 28 Sep. 1899 M U Heart Disease
30 Stanckovic, Jundro 12 Oct. 1901 M F Injuries at Andrews Bros. mill
30 Stanup, Lucil 3 Aug. 1902 F N Natural
S-11 Stevanski, John 23 May 1899 M F Accident
11 Stevonevich, Joseph 5 Mar. 1900 M F Ruptured Blood vessel
41 Stiernagel, Clarence H. 10 Nov. 1904 M N Ptomanie Poisoning
41 Stiernagel, Edna 10 Nov. 1904 F N Ptomanie Poisoning
S-11 Stright, Andrew W. 8 Dec. 1897 M U Accident
41 Sturgeon, Annie 28 Jan. 1908 F _ Septicaemia from child birth
S-11 Sturm, Irene Catherine 3 Feb. 1898 F F Natural
41 Stutler, Lewis O. 4 May. 1905 M N Gun shot wound
41 Succo, Luigi 13 Oct. 1905 M F Accident
41 Sulgan, Mike 27 Jan. 1906 M _ Accident
30 Sulinsky, Steve 17 Nov. 1900 M F Found dead in bed
41 Sulivan, DAvid 2 Apr. 2903 M N Accident
30 Sullivan, James 5 Jul. 1900 M U Runaway accident
41 Sullivan, Thomas 24 Aug. 1905 M N Accident
41 Susbeski, Anthony 1 Nov. 1906 M F Accident
30 Suthann, William 19 Oct. 1902 M N Heart
41 Swartswelter, John M. 12 Oct. 1908 M _ no cause.
41 Sylves, Frances J. 6 May. 1906 M F Accident
41 Szeranko, MIke 22 Jul. 1904 M F Accidenet
30 Szlavski, John 14 Jul. 1900 M F Drowned
T-10 Tabor, Jacob 25 Mar. 1895 M _ K by C
10 Takarzek, Adam 16 Nov. 1904 M F Accident
T-10 Taylor, Catherine 22 Jun. 1899 M U K by C
T-10 Taylor, Eliza 18 Jun. 1893 F N Natural
10 Taylor, Thomas 26 Oct. 1900 M U Accident - American Steel Hoop Co.
10 Tecko, Stephen 27 Jun. 1907 M F Accident
10 Tegue, Peter 28 Jan. 1906 M _ Murder
10 Telshaw, William 27 Mar. 1900 M F Accident
10 Terlicki, Stephen 25 Jan. 1905 M F Accident
T-10 Thomas, David P. 9 Mar. 1898 M F Natural
10 Thomas, James E. 24 Mar. 1902 M N Accident
10 Thomas, Joseph 13 Jun. 1902 M N Heart failure
T-10 Thomas, Mary 29 May. 1892 F N Drowned
10 Thomas, Rebecca 2 Jul. 1900 F N Heart failure
10 Thomas, Sarah 5 Jul. 1901 F _ Accident - shot
10 Thomas, Thomas 7 Nov. 1900 M N Alcohol & heart
10 Thompkins, George 19 May. 1903 M N Alcoholism
10 Thompson, Ernest D. 8 Oct. 1903 M N Accident
10 Timlin, Martin 19 Nov. 1903 M F Accident
T-10 Timlin, Michael 24 Oct. 1898 M F Asphyxiation
10 Tlonia, Thomas 18 Aug. 1906 - ok M _ _ Electric shock - investigated 8 Oct. 1907
10 Tokati, Mike 17 Mar. 1902 M F Accident - National steel
10 Tophet, Tony 30 Jan. 1908 M _ Septicaemia from stab wound.
T-10 Trunky, William G. 16 Mar. 1892 M N Suicide by hanging
10 Turpy, Ellen 14 Aug. 1901 F F Old age
10 Tyrell, Menville 3 Oct. 1905 M N Natural-heart failure
28 Vagge, Joseph 26 Oct. 1903 M F Accident
28 Valentine, Mary A. 3 Jan. 1908 F _ Poison from unknown cause.
28 VanAlmen, Fred 11 Sep. 1900 M F Suicide by hanging
28 VanEpps, Mrs. Lloyd 25 Apr. 1901 F N Suicide by Poison
28 VanHorn, John 5 May. 1900 M U Accident
28 Varge, Steve 28 Feb. 1906 __ _ Accident
28 Vaughn, Margaret 9 Jan. 1901 F N Suicide by drowning
V-28 Veraker, Nicholas 9 Oct. 1899 M U Accident
V-28 Vergallito, Phillip 24 Oct. 1898 M F Asphyxiation
28 Vickers, William H. 8 Oct. 1905 M N Suicide
V-28 VonKeenan, William 18 Jan. 1899 M N Heart failure
28 Vuletic, Ilia 8 Jan. 1904 M F Murder
17 Waffles, Mrs. Geo. (colored) 20 Jul. 1901 F N Burned to death
34 Waldron, Elmer 19 Dec. 1905 M N Natural - Gas poisoning
W-17 Ward, Lawrence 29 Dec. 1899 M N Spasms
W-17 Ward, William 15 May. 1899 M F Heart
W-17 Wardel, Elizabeth 20 Sep. 1894 F N Natural
W-17 Wassman, Charles 25 Jun. 1899 M N Heart
17 Wausha, Paul 20 May. 1901 M F Burned at Ohio Steel Co.
17 Waytek, Peter 5 May. 1900 M F Heart
17 Weick, Allice 17 Jun. 1901 F N Carbolic acid
W-17 Welsh, David 25 Apr. 1892 M N Natural
W-17 Welsh, Ed. F. 14 Jul. 1893 M F K by C
W-17 Welsh, Thomas 24 Dec. 1898 M U Accident
W-17 Whalen, George 7 Oct. 1896 M _ Accident
34 Whetstone, Alexander 26 Oct. 1906 M _ Accident - RR
17 White, Ella 24 Jun. 1901 F N Suicide by carbolic acid
34 Whitehead, Thos. 24 Apr. 1907 M N Murder
17 Whitstone, Stephen H. 21 May. 1901 M N Struck by Penna Co Engine #245
34 Whorten, Emmor 22 May. 1908 M _ Suicide
34 Wild, Thomas 22 Jun. 1907 M F Accident
W-17 Williams, Charles 19 Nov. 1892 M N Natural
W-17 Williams, David X. 17 Feb. 1893 M F Natural
34 Williams, Gus (colored) 18 Oct. 1901 M N Heart failure
17 Williams, John W. 12 Jun. 1901 M U Suicide? Laudnum
34 Williams, Richard 27 Jan. 1902 M N Suicide
34 Willow, Paul 29 Jan. 1906 M _ Suffocation
34 Wilson, Andrew 9 Jan. 1902 M N Pneumonia
34 Wilson, Harry R. ca 27 Dec. 1902 M N Alcoholism
17 Wilson, James 15 Apr. 1901 M & Gassed at Ohio Steel & fell 20 feet
34 Windsor, John 26 May. 1902 M N Poisoning
W-17 Winsor, George 11 Dec. 1897 M U Accident
17 Wiseman, Frank G. 3 Mar. 1901 M N Shock from accident
34 Witt, Warrick 20 May. 1903 M N Drowning
W-17 Wolf, (Boretchaer) 29 Dec. 1895 _ F Over stimulation liquor & excessive cigaretet smoking
W-17 Wood, Geo. R. 3 Apr. 1895 M _ R. R. Accident
W-17 Woodwork, Robert 5 Aug. 1896 M _ Poisoning
34 Woolgar, John 10 Nov. 1902 M N Accident - William Todd Co.
34 Wosch, Hugo 3 Oct. 1905 M N Accident - RR
34 Wrbel, John 4 Jul. 1905 M N Natural - Gastro Poisoning
25 Yapp, Thomas 1 Dec. 1902 M F Natural
  Yeacatt, John __ May. 1890     (see Yoerndt or Joerndt)
Y-25 Yensen, Yen 26 Sept. 1892 M F Suicide
  Yoerndt, John __ May. 1890     (see Yeacatt or Joerndt)
25 Yokes, Charles E. 3 Oct. 1904 M N Suicide
Y-25 Yonson, Yon        
25 Young, Looyal J. 1 Nov. 1906 M _ Accident
25 Zabel, Theodore 14 Feb. 1903 M F Accident
25 Zarlengo, Eugenio 19 Oct. 1903 M F Accident
25 Zearlingo, Carmino 8 Jan. 1905 M F Accident
25 Zeigenspeck, Adolph 12 May. 1904 M U Alcoholism
25 Zoreka, Mary 25 May. 1905 F N Poisoning
25 Zozza, Cesara 24 Dec. 1901 M U Fell through tressle (Trestle)
25 Zsabracsok, John 1 Feb. 1903 M F Blow on head with hammer by Paul Franko
25 Zsedenyi, Alexander 25 Aug. 1902 M _ Accident




This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Ohio Genealogy Express  ©2008
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