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The township of
Beaver has been a part of Mahoning County since 1846. The
surface is moderately level, with a general northeast drainage.
In parts it is slightly broken by low hills, but the land near
the streams is low and subject to overflow. The township
was originally covered with heavy growth of timber, mostly oak,
ash, maple, beech and elm, with some pine, all of which have
been much reduced in quantity. Sufficient remains,
however, to give pleasing variety to the landscape, provide
shade for cattle and exert a beneficial effect on atmospheric
The principal stream is Mill creek, which flows through
the township northward, west of the center, and which is fed by
a number of small books. Big Bull Creek rises in the
southeastern part of the township. Springs are abundant,
and water may be obtained almost anywhere by digging wells.
The principal occupations are farming, dairying and raising
One of the first
settlers in Beaver was Major Jacob Gilbert, who came to
the township in 1802, and settled on the farm subsequently
occupied by Michael Wieland. One of his
children, a daughter, married Adam Wieland, from
whom are descended most or all of the Wielands in the
township. Major Gilbert saw service in the war of
1812. Another soldier of that war was John
Shanefelt, who settled near Gilbert on a homestead
which afterwards came into possession of his son and namesake
In the northern part of the township the first .settler
was "Billy" Stewart, an old bachelor who lived
alone in a small log cabin. Farther west the first
settler was Abraham Miller. Adam
Little at an early date settled near the center. On section
1 was Peter Stevens, who discovered coal in that
locality and who used to mine it in a small way for two cents
per bushel.
Christopher Mentzer settled on section 13
in 1803, and soon after Christopher Clinker
settled in the neighborhood of North Lima, with his sons,
Abner, Josiah, Samuel and Isaac.
In the same neighborhood, as early as 1804, were
Michael and Frederick Dutterer. Among
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the pioneers of the southern part of the township were John
Harman, Henry Neidigh, and Frederick
Sponseller. In the same year (1804) John
Coblentz, from Frederick, Maryland, settled on
the south side of section 25. He had a family of four sons
and one daughter, the last-named of whom became the wife of
John Elsler.
The township was
organized for civil purposes in 1811, and the first election
held April 1st of that year. The judges were Peter
Eib, Frederick Sponseller, and Christian
Clinker. The following were the officers elected:
Trustees— John Crumbacher, Christian
Clinker, Frederick Sponseller; clerk—George
Hoke; treasurer—John Harmon; lister—Adam
Little ; house appraiser, John Coblentz;
constable, Jacob Gilbert; overseers of the poor,
Balzar Mower, David Gerringer;
fence-viewers, John Neidigh, Sr., Christopher
Mentzer; road supervisors—Christian Crebs and
Jacob Crouse; justices of the peace, Peter Eib
and Adam Little.
Coal was formerly mined
in the county in considerable quantities. One of the
largest mines was that of Azariah Paulin which
yielded 1500 to 2000 tons yearly. There were .also coal
banks on the farms of Daniel Crouse and Abraham
Yoder, and a number of other mines south of East
Lewistown which yielded good coal. The good mines are now
all exhausted and coal mining is practically a thing of the
The first mill put in operation in the township was
built on Mill Creek, in section fifteen, in 1805, by Matthias
Glass. It was subsequently replaced by one of
greater capacity built by Jacob Crouse. In
1849 a steam mill was erected' by Anthony Smith,
which was a three-story frame structure and had three run of
Peter Glass also put up a sawmill, north
of the old Glass mill, which was operated many years by
Solomon Crouse.
Abraham Stauffer had
grist and saw mills on Mill creek which were operated up to
1840. A water-power saw mill was put up on Turkey
Broth creek, in section nine, by Jacob Detwiler. It
was subsequently operated by John Fellnagel, who
changed it to a steam mill.
Jacob Esterly built one of the earliest
tanneries, near the village of North Lima.
This is a pleasantly
situated village, and was founded about 1826 by James
Simpson. One of the earliest merchants was a man named
Hartzell; others were John Glass and
John Northrup. The first regular store was
opened by the Neill Brothers, whose clerk, John
Leslie, subsequently became a partner in the business.
Other early merchants were Crouse & Northrup,
Buzard & Co., J. H. Donald and Mentz, Hahn,
Fell & Co. The first public house was opened by
John Glass in 1830.
About 1828 the first postoffice was established, with
Jacob Gilbert as postmaster. Owing to the
difficulty in getting the mail, the office was discontinued in
1831, but in 1834 it was re-established. Nathan
Hahn was the first permanent physician in North Lima, coming
her in 1846 and remaining until his death in 1874. Other
doctors had previously practiced here for short periods of time,
the first being Drs. Manning and Willet in
This well laid-out
village, which is about two miles west of North Lima, was
founded about 1830 by John Nold, Henry Thoman, Sr., Peter
Goder, Sr., and George Houck. In 1839 a store
was opened here by Jesse Motter in the house occupied by
H. Thomas as a residence. Mr. Motter
continued in trade until 1845. Other early merchants were
Jacob S. Thoman, T. G. Northrup, Franklin
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Dunn, Smith & Buzard, George Buzard and Frederick
Fellnagle. The first public house was kept by a man
named Morrow, about 1843, in a building opposite the
Thoman residence. Ten years later Conrad
Stigletz opened an inn on the square, which he conducted
till 1863.
The first postoffice was established about 1841 with
Philip Fetzer as the first postmaster. For some
time it had but a semi-weekly .mail, but afterwards a daily
delivery was introduced. Dr. Ethan A. Hoke
was the first regular physician.
The schools of Beaver
township are divided as follows:
1st.—The North Lima special district, which comprises
the North Lima High School ,of three rooms and three teachers
(Superintendent H. W. Phillips); intermediate, Bessie B. Rice,
teacher; primary, Maude Glenn, .teacher.
Fractional district—Floyd Felger,
Morgantown district—Myrtle Kelley,
Erb district—J. R. Duncan, teacher.
All the above are in the East precinct, which enrolls
in all 190 scholars.
The West district (or Special District No. I ) contains
three schools, namely: East Lewistown district, Curtis
Ziegler, teacher; Beard district, Henry Crumbacher,
teacher; Boyer district.
Special No. 2. Pine Hill district, Ota Orr,
teacher; Harter district, Adelia Basinger,
teacher; Germantown district. The first-mentioned schools
in the above are in the East precinct, the last one in the West
precinct. The special district contains 176 scholars.
The Fractional district, with the school at Woodworth,
comprises a small part of Beaver township, and a part of
Boardman. Alice Renkenberger is the teacher.
The school buildings of Beaver township are all
substantial brick buildings, and a few years since were
pronounced by the state school commissioner as being the best
and most substantial of any township in the state. In the
special school districts the branches taught are, orthography,
reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, grammar, language
lessons, United States history, physiology, physical geography,
and algebra.
While no township in
Mahoning County possesses more law-abiding citizens in
proportion to its size than that of Beaver, there was at one
time a small but well organized lawless element that succeeded
for twenty years in terrorizing a large part of the community by
crimes of arson, theft, and perjury, until the reign of terror
was brought to an end by the arrest and conviction of some of
the ring leaders.
These troubles arose about the close of the Civil War,
and it is said that political differences had no small part in
originating them. The disturbers of the peace were in
general of that class known as southern sympathizers, or
"Copperheads," and their differences with their loyal neighbors
brought on acts of aggression and retaliation that finally
degenerated into the midnight crimes that for a time gave the
township of Beaver an unsavory reputation.
The leader of this lawless element was Azariah
Paulin, a man of such natural cunning and astuteness,
though united to a vindictive and criminal disposition, as to
earn for him the title of '"The Old Fox." By many, owing
to his leading connection with the troubles referred to, and his
ability in warding off from his subordinates for so long the
legal consequences of their acts, he was termed the "Old Chief."
The disposition of this man is well illustrated by his conduct
in connection with a contract made by him with one Tom
Campbell. Paulin possessed a farm at Steamtown
worth $10,000. Campbell had a berry patch on
Paulin's farm and it was agreed between them that
Campbell should raise the berries and that he and Paulin
should share equally in the proceeds. When the patch had
been planted and was in good shape Paulin ignored
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the contract and ordered Campbell off his farm, the
latter thereby losing from $1,200 to $1,500. This act,
which took place about 1880, was, it is said, the beginning of
the final phase of the Morgantown trouble, which resulted in the
final incarceration of the guilty parties. The town of
Morgantown, which was named after John Morgan, the
raider, was the place of residence and headquarters of the
criminal gang who for a score of years kept the community in
terror by their midnight depredations, barn burnings, and other
criminal acts of revenge. So well organized were these
lawbreakers that for a long time, though they were well known,
few could summon up courage to proceed against them, and when
any one did so the systematic perjury of the accused and other
members of the gang always resulted in acquittal, while the one
who had complained was made to feel the vengeance of the
conspirators. A German farmer who was put upon the witness
stand in connection with one of these cases declined to give
evidence tending to conviction on the ground that he "didn't
want to have his barn burned." About 1883, the situation
became so intolerable that some resolute county officials,
backed by the local press, made at last a determined and
successful effort to bring the offenders to justice.
Indictments were found against a number of the lawbreakers, some
of whom fled the county, Several convictions, however, were
obtained. George Paulin, a son of the "Old
Fox," and Delmar Little received each a sentence
of six years in the state penitentiary for perjury. Among
those who disappeared were Azariah Paulin himself, his
sons, William Henry and Charles, and his
nephew, Simon Paulin. The last named, who
lived on a part of Azariah's farm at Steamtown, and who
was indicted for arson at the May term of court, 1884, with
Jacob Paulin and Bill Cluse, after
absenting himself for a considerable time, returned Mar. 6,
1885, and going to the jail in Youngstown at 2 o'clock in the
morning, gave himself up. He was a very large stout man,
weighing about 225 or 230 pounds, and had a wife and four small
children. He was a son of Jacob Paulin, who
was convicted of arson at the May term of court in 1884, and
sentenced by Judge Arrel to three years in the
penitentiary. Those interested in the prosecution,
however, were determined to have the chief conspirator,
Azariah himself, who had been indicted on four
charges—concealing stolen property, corrupting witnesses,
perjury and arson. His bail was placed at $2,200 and the
bond signed by Attorney P. F. Gillies, Mrs. Paulin
securing. Gillies by executing a mortgage on their
farm of ninety-six acres in Morgantown. Azariah's
disappearance took place about Jan. 5, 1885. As near as
could be ascertained, he went first to Columbiana, and thence to
East Liverpool, remaining in that vicinity until January 13th.
From there .he went to Alexander, West Virginia. It
was at this place that ex-Sheriff Lodwick got track of
him and spent several days trying to get him, but failed.
He was next heard of in Pittsburg, where he claimed to have
remained three days. On Feb. 24, 1885, Sheriff
Walker, who had received a clue as to his whereabouts,
arrived with a requisition from Governor Hoadly.
The sheriff left the city going directly to Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, where he found that Paulin had remained
there for several days, but had left for Shippensburg on the
Cumberland Railway. While in Harrisburg, the latter had
passed himself off as a tramp and got free lodging one night in
the jail, going under the name of "A. Summers."
From that place he went to Shippensburg on the
Cumberland Railway. Here he took refuge with one Jacob
Stoffer, whom he had formerly known as a resident of
Poland. On arriving at Shippensburg, the sheriff' found
that Azariah had received mail at the postoffice.
In leaving the building he saw him sitting on a horse across the
street and immediately placed him under arrest. When
arrested Paulin had but $7 or $8 in his possession.
The sheriff conveyed him to Pittsburg and thence to
Youngstown. His bail bond in the meanwhile had been
forfeited, but on his arrival
the forfeiture was set aside.
The prisoner, who was partly disabled by a disease of
his feet, which were much swollen,
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was sure of conviction, but claimed persecution by his family.
He had previously made charges of immorality against his wife,
which were declared to be false by every reputable witness who
was acquainted with the family, and in his disagreement with her
he had threatened to commit suicide. In court he presented
a grizzled and unkempt appearance. He pleaded guilty to
subornation of perjury, and to the second count in the charge of
arson (the first count being nolled by the court) whereby he was
accused of procuring William Chuse to burn
Blosser's barn.
In so doing he said: "I'm not really guilty of this
crime, but I discover that I am so surrounded with witnesses who
will swear my liberty away and whose statements I cannot
contradict, except by myself, that I have concluded to save the
county expense and the court trouble by pleading guilty. I
am satisfied
that upon a trial I would be found guilty, although I am
perfectly innocent of the charge. I take this step by the
advice of my attorneys."
The cases against Paulin for receiving stolen
property and corrupting witnesses were also nolled.
I. A. Justice, A. Paulin's counsel, made an
earnest plea for judicial clemency, urging his client's age and
the crusade that had been incessantly made against him.
His sentence was three years on each indictment— for
arson and for subornation of perjury.