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Medina County,
History & Genealogy


History of Medina County, Ohio
Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers

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  Montville Twp. -

Source: History of Medina County, Ohio - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers - 1881 ~ Page 787

  Brunswick Twp. -
THEODORE KEHREN, farmer; P. O. Brunswick.  Laurent Kehren was a village schoolmaster.  His ancestors were from Holland.  He was married to Catharine Metzger, a native of Alsace.  They had thirteen children, among whom was the subject of this sketch.  He was born in Rommanswiler, Alsace, Nov. 9, 1831.  He worked at the trade of candlemaker for the paltry sum of $1 per month.  He came to America in 1848, and worked a short time in Milton, N. J., in a wadding factory, and then went to New York City, where he learned the trade of a watch-case maker.  At this he labored incessantly for sixteen years, and, by economy and prudence, amassed some means, with which he bought the farm on which he now resides.  He came to Brunswick in 1864, where he has been living ever since.  He was married in 1863 to Caroline Hammon, a native of Liverpool, this county.  They having two children - George L. and Floirne.  He has the esteem and respect of his neighbors, and all those with whom he is acquainted.  His sentiments and idea are liberal.  He is no slave to any church or secret organization.  He takes for his religious standard "a true, moral, positive science."  He is a firm believer and supporter of the constitution, and takes pride in being a kind and indulgent father, and a true, honest and upright citizen of the United States.  Although he has made some enemies by his expression of sentiments, he fears not to speak what his conscience dictates him to be right and just.  He is a deep and liberal thinker and does not shirk an expression of sentiment.  These traits are evidences of true manhood and nobility, and adored by him when compared with deception and bigotry.  But, with all these traits, he claims to be far from perfection, but human and liable to err.
Source: History of Medina County, Ohio - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers - 1881 ~ Page 766
  Montville Twp. -

Source: History of Medina County, Ohio - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers - 1881 ~ Page 787

  Brunswick Twp. -
WILLIAM KENNEDY, farmer, P. O. Brunswick.  He was born in Scarboro, Canada, in 1818.  His father, Andrew Kennedy, was a native of New York.  He was married to Mary Kerkins, a native of Maine.  There were seven children, five sons and two daughters.  The subject of this sketch was the second son.  His education was obtained in a common school.  He spent his younger days on his father's farm.  When he became 20 yeas of age, the patriot war was raging in Canada.  He was an American, and was styled as a "Yankee."  His life was threatened and he was compelled to escape.  He dame to Medina Co. in 183, and was married, in 1841, to Elizabeth Hamilton a native of Medina County.  They have seven children - Henry P., Albert H., Irving H., Mary E., Loretta E., Viola E. and Hattie E.  He is a member of the Congregational Church.  He has been Justice of the Peace for twelve years, and has served as County Commissioner eight yeas.  His grandfather, John Kennedy, was in the Revolutionary war and drove the oxen that drew bales of hay up Bunker Hill for fortifications.  Tradition says he steered the boat when Washington crossed the Delaware.  Thus it will be seen that patriotic blood flows in the veins of the subject of this sketch.
Source: History of Medina County, Ohio - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers - 1881 ~ Page 766
  Medina Twp. -
CHARLES C. KENYON, farmer; P. O. Brunswick (Medina Twp.); was born on his father's farm in Medina Co., Ohio, Jan. 18, 1847; he married Miss Lucy Gouldin, Feb. 16, 1868.  She is a native of Summit Co., Ohio.  They have three children, viz.:  Alfred M., Herman C. and John S.  His wife's parents, John and Hannah (Husong) Gouldin, were natives of Ohio and now reside in Summit Co.
Source: History of Medina County, Ohio - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers - 1881 ~ Page 693
  Hinckley Twp. -

Source: History of Medina County, Ohio - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers - 1881 ~ Page 775

  Spencer Twp. -

Source: History of Medina County, Ohio - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers - 1881 ~ Page 760

  York Twp. -
JOHN B. KNAPP, farmer; P. O. Mallet Creek; was born in Medina Township, Medina Township, Medina Co., Ohio, Mar. 10, 1822.  He is a son of Joseph and Betsey (Hagerman) Knapp, and grandson of John B. Knapp, after whom our subject was named.  Joseph Knapp was born in Otsego Co., N. Y., Aug. 3, 1792.  He lived with his parents in this county until 1810, when his mother died, and young Knapp packed all his possessions in a little bundle, which he carried over his shoulder, and thus started out, as many had before, to seek fame and fortune.  His first stopping-place was in Dutchess Co., N. Y., and, liking the people, and the "lay of the land," young Knapp concluded to tarry awhile here.  He was well received by the people and, instead of going on as expected, he remained there nine years, gaining a wife in the meantime.  He was married in 1817, and two years later, started overland with his wife and two babies, for Ohio.  His traveling outfit consisted of a horse hitched before a yoke of oxen that were yoked to an old-fashioned wagon, in which were seated Mr. and Mrs. Knapp and family, with what little belonged to them.  Thus equipped, they started on their long journey to Ohio, via Pittsburgh.  They arrived in Medina Township, Medina Co., Ohio, in Oct. 1819, and immediately located at "Hamilton's Corners," where they lived until March, 1833, when they moved to York Township, and cleared and settled on the farm now owned by Lewis Molock.  They had lived here but five months, when the mother died, in August, 1833.  Mr. Knapp remarried in July 1834, his wife being Betsey Lampson, who died October, 1863.  Mr. Knapp died May 1863.  Mr. Knapp's union with his first wife, was blessed with these children - Sarah, Mary, Charles, John, Zenas, Gilbert and Betsey.  John B. lived with his parents until his mother's death, when he went to live with L. L. Chapin, with whom he remained until he reached his majority.  He was married Jan. 11, 1854, to Sally M. Crawford, daughter of Josiah Crawford and by her had the following family - Joseph L., one that died without being named, Charlie J., Emery J. (deceased), and Catharine RMrs. Knapp was born Feb. 9, 1832, and her folks were old settlers, coming to Medina Co. in 1821.  Mr. Knapp is a Republican, and he and wife are members of the Protestant Methodist Church.
Source: History of Medina County, Ohio - Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers - 1881 ~ Page 737

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