A Part of Genealogy Express
Welcome to
Miami County, Ohio

History & Genealogy

By Frank M. Sterrett
of Troy, Ohio
Montgomery Printing Co.
Troy, Ohio




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     The Piqua and Troy Chapters of "The Daughters of the American Revolution have located in Miami County, the following graves of Revolutionary Soldiers:

John Campbell, Forest Hill Cemetery
Andrew Small, Forest Hill Cemetery
David Manson, Brown School House Cemetery
Levi Munsell, Fletcher Cemetery
Benjamin Pegg, Hilliard Cemetery
Lewis Boyer, Wesley Chapel Cemetery
Miles Williams half mile north of Lena Cemetery
Samuel Mitchell, McKendree Chapel Cemetery
John Byrns, McKendree Chapel Cemetery
Henry Harter
, McKendree Chapel Cemetery
Jacob Counts, Raper Chapel Cemetery
Joseph Rollin, Raper Chapel Cemetery
Samuel Winans, Raper Chapel Cemetery
Joseph Moll, Raper Chapel Cemetery
Daniel Bailey, Raper Chapel Cemetery
David Stewart, Raper Chapel Cemetery
James Orr, Raper Chapel Cemetery
Michael Miller, Raper Chapel Cemetery
Alexander Telford, Rose Hill Cemetery
William Meredith, Rose Hill Cemetery
Aaron Tullis, Rose Hill Cemetery
David Morris, Sailors' Cemetery
____ Covault, Lost Creek Cemetery
Andrew Dye, Sr., Pleasant Hill Cemetery
John Gerard, Staunton Cemetery
Charles Carroll, West Branch, Quaker Church Cemetery
Joseph Rollins, buried at Raper Chapel, fought in the battle of Bunker Hill.
Henry Harter, buried at McKendree Chapel spent the severe winter of the revolution at Valley Forge with Washington. 
Michael Miller
, buried at Raper Chapel, fought under the command of Lafayette.

     On July 4, 1837, there was a meeting of all revolutionary solders then living in Miami County, held in Troy, at which thirteen toasts were replied to, and the Troy guard led the parade, and the ladies laid a table to accommodate one hundred guests.


     Unless a battle was fought within the limits of the county, or it resulted in the settlement of the same or it was commanded by some one who became prominently connected with the county, a county history cannot be considered a proper medium through which to describe it.  The war of 1812, while not declared until that date, had its actual beginning at the battle of Tippecanoe, six miles north of Lafayette, Indiana, in 1811.
     Former county history states that Tecumseh, the great Indian statesman and leader, commanded at that battle, which was not the case.  The prophet, his brother, commanded in that battle, the result of which forever disgraced him in the eyes of his brother Tecumseh, and the Shawnee Indians.  Tecumseh had returned from his mission among the southern Indians to Detroit, and it was precisely for this reason that General Harrison brought on the battle, because he knew Tecumseh might return any day.
     There was but one company recruited in Miami County for the war of 1812.  Two forts, one at Piqua and one at Covington, were erected on Miami County soil during that war.  The company was commanded by Captain George Buchanan,

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acting principally as rangers on the frontier, with headquarters at Ft. Rowdy, afterward Ft. Buchanan, located at Covington.  The regular militia of the county was called out several times for short periods as emergency seemed to require, even for as short a period as 15 days.  The principal officers of the militia, who performed service then was Major Charles Wolverton, Captain Reuben Westfall, Captain William Luce and Captain Jacob Mann, the grandfather of our present dry goods friend in Troy, Jacob Mann.
     Notwithstanding the unimportant work performed by Miami County in a military way, the most important work of the whole war in the interest of its successful termination was performed with the borders of Miami County, under the authority of the Government.  John Johnston held some 6000 Indians, women and children, from various tribes, away from the warpath at Upper Piqua, at the mouth of Loramie Creek, and it was the maintenance of these Indians, in friendly relations during the period of hostilities, that counted a great deal toward the result.  Councils were held with these Indians by Governor Meigs and United States Senator Jeremiah Morrow, who kept them in constant touch with the President.  During this period these Indians were largely fed and clothed by the Government, and to whom, also, many presents were given.
     The story of the Gerard and Dilbone murders, in August, 1813, in Spring Creek Township, has been written about in connection with the war of 1812, and made to appear as having been brought about and induced by that conflict, whereas, those murders could have been committed by white men, so, far as the motive for their commission was concerned.  It was an act of war, but was super-induced by a personal quarrel between Gerard, Dilbone and the elder Indian, who was accompanied by an Indian boy.  Daniel Gerard lived four miles north of Troy, on Spring Creek, and with his neighbor, Ross, was hewing timber a hundred yards from the house when shot.  Ross fled and gave the alarm, when the Indians fled without disturbing the family.  Since the British Government was at that time offering a bounty for the scalps of Americans, it is evident moneymaking did not furnish the motive.  Two miles further north, Dilbone and his wife were pulling flax, near a cornfield when attacked.  After being shot Dilbone ran and hid and lived until the evening of the next clay, when discovered.  The Indian and boy had but one rifle between them and after killing Mrs. Dilbone, left that behind, scarcely to be accounted for as the act of a warrior.  They were simply “bad Injuns” and took advantage of war times to commit an act that had been frequently committed by white men before and since the Dilbone crime.  One of our county histories, records Dilbone’s family as the second one that settled in Spring Creek Township, but this is a mistake, since the land office records show his land was entered in 1813 but a short time before his murder.


     There was only a part of a company recruited in Miami County for the war with Mexico and they were attached to a Dayton Company.  There was a large per cent of the people here then who viewed that war, as Tom Corwin did, when he said from his place in Congress: “If I were a Mexican as I am an American, I would welcome you with bloody hands to hospitable graves,” but there, are few today who entertain any other view than that the acquisition of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California and Nevada and a part of Colorado and Oklahoma was an unmixed blessing to civilization.  These States, once a part of priest-ridden, revolutionary Mexico, now contain 12,000,000 of happy and contented people.  In the galaxy of union, Texas is fifth in population.  Her domain is so broad that when the morning mocking birds carol their sons amid the diamond dewdrops in the giant cypress trees

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[ Picture of The Dog "Trust"]
NOTE:  Contact library for picture

     Supposedly the only dog in history mustered in and out of the United States Army.  Trained by Samuel H. Shannon, whose sketch and portrait appears on another page.  The discharge of "Trust," on next page, is recorded in the Court House of Miami County.

[Picture of Discharge of Dog "Trust"
NOTE:  Contact library for picture


     For the body of Jacob Right Sterrett, shot in the battle of Chickamauga, late in the evening of the second day's fight, September 2_, 1863, n the act of capturing a Confederate flag.
     W. W. Lyle, to whom this receipt was issued and who shipped the body, was the well known and loved Chaplain of that famous fighting organization, who just before the beginning of that great struggle addressed a throne of grace, while the regiment surrounded him, with uncovered heads.

[Picture of The Knoop Cabin]

     Wsa erected in 1800, on Section 4, Staunton township, and still standing.  It was one of the first four cabins erected in Miami county, the others being Peter Felixof Staunton; Job Gard at Piqua, and Samuel Morrison on Honey Creek.  It is probable that Simon Landryhad also erected a cabin at that time at Staunton and that David H. Morris also at near the mouth of Honey Creek.

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On her eastern border, the heights of Mont Blanco and the plains of El Paso do not behold the god of day for more than an hour afterward.  Thirty years ago Oklahoma was exclusively owned and largely populated by the North American Indian.  With great leaps and bounds, one of the most remarkable transformations in the history of civilization transpired within her borders.  Beautiful modern cities have sprung out of her plains; her golden grain







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Interesting Letter from J. F. Noland Gives Number in Each Regiment Who Enlisted During Civil War - Statistics Also Given.


                                                                           Troy, O., Oct. 4, 1917.

Editor Troy Daily Times.
     Howe's History of Ohio, gives the number of soldiers from Miami County in the Civil War at 5200, and this figure has been continually quoted as correct history, while I have in several public addresses, claimed the number was practically 3200.
     The Piqua Call has been publishing letters recently written, of J. F. Noland, the President of the 71st O. V. I. Association, and to him I have written in order that this question might be as definitely fixed as possible in my forthcoming history of Miami County.
                                                                           Very truly,
                                                                           FRANK M. STERRETT.


                                                                           176 East Northwood Ave.
                                                                           Columbus, O., Sept. 24, 1917.

Col. F. M. Sterrett, Troy, Ohio.
     DEAR SIR, - Answering your letter of the 16th received a few days ago, marked on envelope, "Delayed account incomplete address," in which you request me to give you my estimate of the number of men serving in the Civil War from Miami County, I respectfully submit the following:
11th Ohio Infantry 479 men
1st Ohio Infantry 104 men
44th Ohio Infantry and 8th Cav. 460 men
71st Ohio Infantry 400 men
61st Ohio Infantry 60 men
48th Ohio Infantry 100 men
11th Ohio Cavalry 126 men
8th Ohio Battery 80 men
94th Ohio Infantry 300 men
110th Ohio Infantry 300 men
147th Ohio Infantry 853 men
5th U. S. Colored 50 men
U. S. Navy 50 men
     Total 3362 men

     There were four companies in the 11th Ohio from Miami County and I find those four companies have 447 names on their rolls, but I find also Company "E" was broken up in 1862 and a new company of recruits took its place.  The men of the original "E" were assigned to other companies, and 22 of them to the Miami County companies which should be subtracted from 447 on their rolls; then four should be added because there was at least that many of the original field and staff of the regiment from Miami County.
     As the 109 recruits in the new company "E" were obtained by reuniting parties from the regiment, sent to their respective home districts, I estimate fifty of them were from Miami County.  As you may see I have given the matter of the composition of the 11th pretty careful examination and I think my figures above given are about as near correct as can be obtained by one at this late date, who was not a member of that regiment.  You will note, too, I have increased the number in the 11th, over the number given in my paper to to the Piqua Call.  I have also increased the number in the 44th and 8th Cavalry over the Call statement, due to further investigation.  I have found there was a bunch of men from Miami County in the 12th Ohio Cavalry, but I have been unable to ascertain how many.  I think the company which they joined was from Shelby County.  It has been claimed there were some men from Miami County in the 42d Ohio.  The roster of the 42d in the Adjutant General's office show where each of its ten companies are from, and none are credited to Miami.
     St. Paris and other places in Champaign furnished part of one company and some of those men may have since made their home in Miami County.  Some individuals

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from Miami County no doubt served in other organizations than I have named, but they are offset by men from other counties, serving in these organizations.  I estimate three hundred men from the county served two or more enlistments.  Deducting those from the 3300 and you have about 3200 men from the county who served in the Civil War.
     As the population of the county in 1860 was 29,959, 800 of whom were colored, the county did well to send 3200 to the war.

  Very Truly,

     There were 100 men in addition to Mr. Noland's list, members of Company B, 194th O. V. I.  Among these were John A. McCurdy, W. K. Dunlap, Benjamin Erisman, Willis N. Hance, William Stith, of Troy, and Henry Knoop and Capt. J. C. C. Class, of Casstown, and the remainder from other points in the County.
     According to N. W. Cady, there were about twenty men from Miami County in Garfield's regiment, the 42d, among whom was John T. Knoop, former County Commissioner; N. W. Cady, Benjamin Watson and Henry Heiner, of Troy.  There were perhaps an equal number in the 12th Ohio Cavalry.  Abbott E. Childs, of Troy, a sketch of whose life and a portrait of whom appears in this book, and Jacob Frank, of Troy, were two of them.  In any event there need not ever again be any dispute on this question.  It is safe to say that at the beginning of the war, one half of our population were women and of the remaining half more than one-half were children.  It follows, therefore, that one out of each two men over 18 years of age at that time were soldiers in the field.  There were so few adult men left at home that the women were compelled to harvest the gain in numerous cases.


     This regiment was organized at Camp Dennison, Ohio, from June 20, 1861, to Sept. 3, 1862, for three years.  The original members (except veterans) were mustered out in June 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service, and the veterans and recruits consolidated into a battalion and were retained in service until June 11, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with an order from the War Department.  This regiment took part in the following battles:
     Hawk's Nest, West Virginia, Aug. 20, 1861.
     Gauley Bridge, West Virginia, Aug. 20, 1861.
     Princeton, West Virginia, May 15, 16, 18, 1862.
     Bull Run Bridge, Virginia, Aug. 27, 1862.
     Frederick, Maryland, Sept. 12, 1862.
     South Mountain, Maryland, Sept. 14, 1862.
     Antietam, Maryland, Sept. 17, 1862.
     Hoover's Gap, Tennessee, June 25, 1863.
     Tullahoma, Tennessee, July 1, 1863.
     Chickamauga, Tennessee, Sept. 19 and 20, 1863.
     Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, Nov. 24, 186.
     Mission Ridge, Tennessee, Nov. 25, 1863.
     Ringgold, Georgia, Nov. 27, 1863.
     Buzzard's Roost, Georgia, Feb. 25, 1864.
     Resaca, Georgia, May 14, 1864.


This regiment was organized at Springfield, Ohio, Sept. 12 to Oct. 15, 1861, for three years' service.  Its designation was changed to the Eighth O. V. C. in June, 1864.  It participated in the following battles:
     Lewisburg, West Virginia, May 23, 1862.
     Dutton's Hill, Kentucky, Mar. 30, 1863.

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     This regiment, formerly the Fourty-fourth O. V. I., participated in the following battles:
     Covington, Virginia, June 9, 1864.
     Otter Creek, Virginia, June 15, 1864.
     Lynchburg, Virginia, June 17 and 18, 1864.
     Liberty, Virginia, June 19, 1864.
     Westchester, West Virginia, Sept. 18, 1864.
     Dartinsburg, West Virginia, Sept. 18, 1864.
     Winchester, Virginia, Sept. 19, 1864.
     Fisher's Hill, Virginia Sept. 22, 1864.
     North Shenandoah, Virginia (Luray Valley) Oct. 7, 1864.
     Cedar Creek, Virginia, Oct. 19, 1864.
     Beverly, West Virginia, Jan. 11, 1865.


     This regiment was organized at Camp Dave Tod, Troy, Ohio, and Paducah, Ky., from September, 1861 to January, 1862, to serve three years.  On the expiration of its term of service, the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recuits, retained in service until Nov. 0, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with an order from the War Department.  It participated in the following battles:
     Shiloh, Tennessee, Apr. 6 and 7, 1862.
     Clarksville, Tennessee, Aug. 19, 1862.
     Fort Donelson, Tennessee, Aug. 25, 1862.
     Cumberland Iron Works, Tennessee, Aug. 26, 1862.
     Clarksville, Tennessee, Sept. 7, 1862.
     Jonesboro, Georgia, Aug. 31 to Sept. 1, 1864.
     Lovejoy Station, Georgia, Sept. 2, to 6, 1864.
     Columbia, Tennessee (Duck Run), Nov. 24 to 28, 1864.


     This regiment was organized at Camp Piqua, Ohio, Aug. 24, 1862, to serve three years.  It was mustered out of service June 5, 1865, in accordance with an order from the War Department.  It participated in the following battles:
     Tate's Ferry, Kentucky, Aug. 31, 1862.
     Perryville, Kentucky, Oct. 6, 1862.
     Stone River, Tennessee, Dec. 31, 1862, to Jan. 2, 1863.
     Tullahoma campaign, June 23, 1863.
     Dug Gap, Sept. 11, 1863.
     Chickamauga, Georgia, Sept. 19-20, 1863.
     Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, Nov. 24, 1863.
     Mission Ridge, Tennessee, Nov. 25, 1863.
     Resaca, Georgia, May 13 to 16, 1864.
     Dallas, Georgia, May 27 to 29, 1864.
     Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia, June 9 to 30, 1864.
     Smyrna Gap Camp Ground, Georgia, July 3-4, 1864.
     Chattahoochie River, Georgia, July 6-10, 1864.
     Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, July 20, 1864.
     Atlanta, Georgia, ( ( Hoods-fire Sortie), July 22, 1864.
     Atlanta, Georgia, (Siege of) July 28, to Sept. 2, 1864.
     Jonesboro, Georgia, Aug. 31 to Sept. 1, 1864.
     Bentonville, North Carolina, Mar. 19-21, 1865.
     Johnson's Srurender, Apr. 26, 1865.
     On page 165, second paragraph, first column, in the last Chicago history of Miami County of 1909, I find the following:
     On page 165, second paragraph, first column, in the last Chicago history of Miami County of 1909, I find the following:
     "The record of the One Hundred and Tenth is one to be proud of.  It had more

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men killed, wounded and missing than any other regiment during the war."
     Since the first Colonel of this regiment, General J. Warren Keifer has been my lifetime friend, and the last Colonel Otho H. Binkley, was my uncle by marriage, and a great nmber of the rank and file were my boyhood friends and many of them my schoolmates, I would not desire to belittle the splendid battle record of this really tip-top body of men, but the truth of history compels me to herewith embody the statistics on this subject, so very little understood and so often a matter of discussion, compiled as it was from official reports.


Comrade F. M. Sterrett, Troy, Ohio.
     Dear Comrad - Enclosed find the statistics you ask for in your recent letter.
Regimental Losses in Any Single Battle
     First Minnesota, Gettysburg, engaged 262, killed 47, wounded 168, total 215, per cent 82.
     One Hundred and Forty-fourth Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, engaged 198, killed 25, wounded 103, missing 21, total 149, per cent. 75.
     One Hundred and First New York, Manassas, engaged 168, killed 6, wounded 101, missing 17, total 124, per cent 73.
     Twenty-fifth Massachusetts, Cold Harbor, engaged 300, killed 53, wounded 139, missing 28, total 220, per cent 70.
     Thirty-sixth Wisconsin, Bethesda Church, engaged 240, killed 20, wounded 108, missing 38, total 166, per cent 69.
     Twentieth Massachusetts, Fredericksburg, engaged 238, killed 25, wounded 138, total 163, per cent 68.
     Eighth Vermont, Cedar Creek, engaged 156, killed 17, wounded 66, missing 23, total 105, per cent 67.
     Eighty-first Pennsylvania, Fredericksburg, engaged 261, killed 15, wounded 141, missing 20, total 176, per cent 67.
     Twelfth Massachusetts, Antietam, engaged 334, killed 49, wounded 165, missing 10, total 224, per cent 67.
     First Maine Heavy Artillery, Petersburg, engaged 950, killed 115, wounded 489, missing 28, total 632, per cent, 66.
     Killed in Battle During Entire Service
Second Wisconsin, total enrollment 1203, total killed 238, per cent 19.7.
     First Main Heavy Artillery, total enrollment 2202, total killed 423, per cent 19.2.
     Fifty-seventh Massachusetts, total enrollment 1052, total killed 202, per cent 19.1.
     Sixty-ninth New York, total enrollment 1513, total killed 259, per cent 17.1.
     One Hundred and Fortieth Pennsylvania, total enrollment 1132, total killed 198, per cent 17.4.
     Seventh Wisconsin, total enrollment 1630, total killed 281, per cent, 17.2.
     Eleventh Pennsylvania Reserves, total enrollment 1179, total killed 196, per cent 16.6.
     One Hundred and Forty-first Pennsylvania, total enrollment 1037, total killed 167, per cent 16.1.
     One Hundred and Forty-second Pennsylvania, total enrollment 935, total killed 155, per cent 16.5.
     First Minnesota, total enrollment 1242, total killed 187, per cent 15.
     One Hundred and Tenth Ohio, total enrollment 1165, total killed 126, per cent 10.8.
     In the first table above those that died from wounds are not included in the number killed.
     In the second table is included killed and died of wounds.
     I trust the above gives you the information wanted.


Yours in F., C. and L.,
               A. A. General



     This regiment was organized at Camp Piqua, Ohio, Oct. 3, 1862, to serve three yeras.  It was mustered out of service June 25, 1865, in accordance with an

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Order from the War Department.  It participated in the battles of:
     Union Mills, Va. (Winchester), June 13, 1863.
     Winchester Heights, Virginia, June 14, 1863.
     Stephenson's Depot, Virginia, June 15, 1863.
     Wapping's Heights, Virginia, July 23, 1863.
     Brandy Station, Virginia, Nov. 8, 1863.
     Mine Run, or Orange Grove, Virginia, Nov. 27, 1863.
     Wilderness, Virginia, May 5 and 7, 1864.
     Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 9-12, 1864.
     New River, Virginia, May 14, 1864.
     Cold Harbor, Virginia, June _ 12, 1864.
     Petersburg, Va., June 22-23, 1864.
     Ream's Station, Virginia, June 29, 1864.
     Monocacy, Maryland, July 9, 1864.
     Snicker's Gap, Charleston, Halltown and Smithfield, August, 1864.
     O'Pequan, Virginia, Sept. 19, 1864.
     Fisher's Hill, Virginia, Sept. 22, 1864.
     Cedar Creek, Virginia, Oct. 19, 1864.
     Cedar Springs, Virginia, Nov. 12, 1864.
     Petersburg, Virginia, Mar. 25, 1865.
     Petersburg, Virginia, assault, Apr. 2, 1865.
     Jettersville, Virginia, Apr. 5, 1865.
     Sailor's Cr., Virginia, Apr. 6, 1865.
     Appomattox, Virginia, Apr. 9, 1865.


     This regiment organized at Camp Dennison, Ohio, May 16, 1864, to serve 100 days.  It was composed of the Twenty-fifth Regiment and Eighty-seventh Battalion, Ohio National Guard, from Miami County.
     On the 20th day of May the regiment started for Washington City.  Upon arrival, it reported to General Augur and was ordered on duty at Fort Ethan Allen.  On the 27th day of May, four companies were ordered to Fort Marcy.  On the 1st of June, Company A was detached to perform guard duty at Division Headquarters, and remained there during its term of service.  At midnight on the 11th of June, the regiment was ordered to Fort Reno.  Marching as far as Fort Stevens, the One Hundred and Forty-seventh moved into the the trenches as support to the First Main and First Ohio Batteries.
     In this position the regiment remained until July 4, when it returned to Fort Ethan Allen.  On the 23d of August it was ordered to report at Camp Dennison, Ohio, and was mustered out on August 30, 1864, on expiration of term of service.

(Troy, Ohio, Times, December 24, 1863)


    Camp Ijams, Ky., Dec. 9, 1863.

Editor Troy Times.
     Having nothing to do this bleak winter morning, I have concluded to pen a few lines for The Times.  I am a member of Company D, Fifth Ind. Battalion, O. V. Cavalry, have been a resident of the Trojan City and a reader of your paper.  We are now posted at Flemingsburg to guard against the Mountain guerrillas coming down in this region.  We have been here for the past three months and have in that time made several "ring hunts" in the mountains against the bushwhackers that infest them; the result of our scouts has been the capture, in all of 45 of the guerrillas, one lieutenant-colonel, one captain, and two lieutenants.  The lieutenant-colonel's name is Oliver Patton, a brother of James Patton, of Covington, Ky., who was engaged with Cathcart in the plot to release the prisoners at Camp Chase, Johnson's Island and other places.  We sent him to Cincinnati Barracks with a thirty-two pound ball attached to his leg.  He has since been sentenced to be shot.  He has, or soon will have his rights.

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NOTE:  For better copy of photo, contact a library in the Miami County, Ohio area.

     The grandfather of Samuel Knoop Statler was of Holland origin and moved from Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, to Ohio in 1799.  He settled on the farm, two miles south of Piqua, in 1802 and this really beautiful place with its marvelously clean and neat surroundings has remained in the family to the present day.
     The father of Samuel Knoop Statler, George, was born in 1798 and was the youngest in a family of seven boys and four girls.
     The subject of the above plate was born on the home farm on March 18th, 1844 and died there on July 1, 1917.  He was educated in the local schools and enlisted in the Naval Service of the United States on November 18th, 1863, for the term of one year.  In a manouver of the Carondelet on the Mississippi river, to which he was attached, he was accidentally wounded with a bullet which sent him to the hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, from which he was discharged on October 24th, 1864, and at the same time from the service.
     His mother was a sister of John, George, Jacob and William Knopp of Staunton Township.  The three first named were called the "Bachelor Knoops," William being the one to marry.
     The subject of the above plate was born on the home farm on March 18th, 1844 and died there on July 1, 1917.  He was educated in the local schools and enlisted in the Naval Service of the United States on November 18th, 1863, for the term of one year.  In a manouver of the Carondelet on the Mississippi river, to which he was attached, he was accidentally wounded with a bullet which sent him to the hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, from which he was discharged on October 24th, 1864, and at the same time, from the service.
     His mother was a sister of John, George, Jacob and William Knoop of Staunton Township.  The three first named were called the "bachelor Knoops,"  William being the only one to marry.
     Samuel was married to Clara Ellen Kinsman, born in Salem, Massachusetts, on February 18th, 1874, and one child, Catherine, was born.
     George Herbert Statler was born on June 27, 1881, and married to Minnie Schemmel on April 23rd, 1812, from which union were born Neil Schemmel Statler, Jan. 1, 1913 and Jean Louise Statler March 7th, 1915.  George lives on the home farm consisting of one hundred and sixty acres in excellent cultivation, with modern improvements.  A spring, west of the three residences, furnishes water to the barns and houses, by gravity.  George also superintends the Midway place, consisting of 250 acres.
     Samuel Knoop Statler was superintendent of construction of the Miami Gas Line Company down the Miami Valley.  He was the owner of bank stocks and an officer in two of the Piqua banks.  He occupied a high position in the financial affairs of Miami County and no citizen stood higher in the estimation of his fellow-man for integrity and usefulness.
     William Sabin Statler, and James Watson Statler were brothers of Samuel who with his sister, Harriet, were joint owners in the farm lands.  William Sabin and Harriet remain on the old place - endeared to them by 115 years of family ownership and occupancy.  Harriet has not married.  She takes an active and intelligent interest in all home masters, especially in young Neill Schemmel and Jean Louise.  I am under special obligations to her for courtesies extended to me while at their beautiful home.


     Joseph Pearson was born in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, on Jan. 23, 1809, and emigrated with his parents to the settlement at Staunton, Miami County, joining their old Pennsylvania neighbors, John, Jacob, George and William Knoop, who preceded them in 1797 and who, with others, built a stockade at the apex of the bend in the Miami, below Troy, as a protection against the Indians.
     Young Pearson engaged for some years in the saddlery business.  He was married to Mariah Ludlow on Nov. 13, 1835, who was a grand daughter of Col. Israel Ludlow, who, with Generals St. Clair, Dayton and Wilkinson, founded the city of Dayton immediately after the Greenville Treaty in 1795.
     From this union there were born four sons, William Ludlow Pearson Sept. 10, 1836; Benjamin Israel Pearson, in 1840; Joseph Elbridge Pearson, May 27, 1842; and George Harvey Pearson, on May 3, 1845 ; all of whom, in this year of 1917 have passed away except George.  The only girl of the family
was born in October, 1853, and died in 1862.
     Joseph Pearson was appointed Post Master of Troy in 1845 and served until 1849.  At the October election of that year, he was elected sheriff of Miami County and served until the close of 1854, at which time, he was elected Probate Judge of Miami County and served until 1861.  He was known in private
life as an upright citizen and in official life as an efficient and courteous official.  He died in 1871.  His devoted wife remained with her family until the year 1898, passing to the beyond at the ripe old age of 32.
     William Ludlow Pearson was prominent in the dry goods business, Joseph Elbridge in the wholesale and retail grocery business and various other important successful business ventures.  He represented Miami County in the State Legislature for one term, to the credit of himself and his constituents; Benjamin Israel was with his brother, Joseph Elbridge, in the grocery trade for some years and also engaged in the sale of general nursery stock.
     The descent will be through Joseph Elbridge who was married to Mary Studebaker in 1870.  From this union was born Joseph Elbridge. Jr., on June 25, 1871, who was married to Alice McCullough on June 2, 1890, and from this union was born Walter, on Aug. 21, 1S92.
     George Harvey, the subject of this sketch, with his wife, lives in his pretty home on Franklin street in Troy.  He was married to Rose Shaeffer, daughter of Eckert and Josephine Helen Shaeffer Dec. 18, 1883.
     From this union was born George Elbridge on July 17, 1886, who lived until June 17, 1906, when he left his stricken parents, in the blush of young manhood when life seemed opening to him with all of its unknown but enticing possibilities, leaving his father, cousin Joseph E. and his son, Walter, as the only male descendants of his family.
     George Harvey Pearson is the proprietor of the Pearson Block of store rooms and apartments at the corner of Main and Walnut streets and the owner of farm lands which furnish him genial employment while the tide runs out.  His wife is one of the energetic matrons of Troy, much engaged in good works.


     On account of religious persecution, in the latter part of the seventeenth century, the followers of Meno Simon, a Swiss reformer, came to the land of brotherly love, about which they had heard so much, and settled at the present site of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
     Among the immigrants were the forbears of Jacob Rohrer, the subject of this sketch and picture, who was born at Lancaster, on Oct. 15, 1815.
     When he was 21 years of age, he came to Montgomery County, with his mother, where two of his brothers had preceded him.  The Pennsylvania railroad was quite primitive in that day.  The ascent of the Allegheny Mountains was made on an inclined plane with wooden rails.
     He purchased the home farm, west of Hyattsville, in 1837, but did not move there until 1842.  He married Elizabeth Kindig on Christmas day, 1838, whose cradle he had rocked when a boy, back in Pennsylvania.
     Mr. Rohrer once said to me, that he sold butter in that day for five cents a pound, eggs at three cents per dozen, corn 20 cents per bushel, and wheat at 37 cents per bushel.
     The taxes on his farm of 187 acres was $17 per year.
     He served as Commissioner of Miami County from 1861 to 1866.  He founded the Ford and Company Wheel Works, was the president and principal stockholder.  He was also president of the furniture factory.  He helped to found the strawboard factory, the glucose works, president of the Tippecanoe National Bank, a director for 30 years of the First National Bank of Troy and a stockholder and director in the Troy Wagon and Carriage Works.
     Three children blessed his marriage, Mary, Ida, and John H,   Mary married I. C. Leonard, Ida married
A. R. Carver, and John married Rose Denham.  
     Elizabeth Kindig Rohrer died on Feb. 20, 1894, and Jacob Rohrer on May 25, 1910.

"Oh! a wonderful stream is the river of time,
As it runs through the realm of tears,
With a familiar rhythm and a musical rhyme,
And a broader sweep and a surge sublime,
As it blends in the ocean of years."



     SAMUEL KYLE HARTER, whose picture appears in connection with this sketch, came of revolutionary stock.  His grandfather, Henry Harter, a Revolutionary soldier, rests in the McKendrie burial ground, in Elizabeth township.  His father, Jacob Harter, came to Miami county from Cynthiana, Kentucky, early in the century.  The Harter home place was near Pleasant run and the woolen mill, which at one time received its power from this stream.
     Before attaining his majority, he taught penmanship, which he continued for some years until his eyesight warned him to discontinue that work.  He purchased an interest in the hardware business with Uncle Mack Hart and operated under the firm name of Hart & Harter from 1845 to 1865 when Uncle Mack retired from the firm.  When Mr. Harter had money to spare from his business, he invested in Miami county farm lands until he became the largest owner of this character of property in the county.
     He had an unusually high sense of the responsibility of citizenship and although a man of the closest business application, he took time to discharge the duties of mayor, councilman, member of the school board, and trustee of the Knoop Children’s Home.
     He was married to Olivia Meredith, also of Revolutionary stock, in 1853, and from this union, five children were born, three dying in infancy and Sabin in the bright flush of young manhood.  Mary Jane, the widow of William M. Hayner, living in her beautiful home in Troy, is now the only surviving member.
     In his later life, he traveled, with chosen friends and his wife, throughout this country and Europe.  Having an artistic temperament, he especially enjoyed the art galleries.
     He and his wife were consistent pillars and supporters of the First Methodist Church of Troy.  He was a member of the Franklin lodge of Masons in Troy.
     He frequently advanced money for the education of young men.  He once said to me, “When I have money to risk where the security is not certain, I venture it on young men.  If I do not get it back, it is not actually lost.”
     While he obeyed a rigid formula of personal morals, he was singularly free from bigotry.  It was easy for him to condone faults in others.  He believed that environment created faults that under different surroundings might have been virtues.
     He died in 1898 and is buried in Riverside cemetery.  His wife followed him or, May 13, 1901, and lies by his side.

"Love led them on; and faith, who knew them best
   Thy handmaids, clad them o'er with purple beams
And azure wings, that up they flew so drest,
   And spake the truth of thee in glorious themes.
Before the Judge, who thenceforth bid them rest,
   And drank thy fill of pure immortal steams."

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calling the roll morning and evening and seeing alter “lights out.”








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