A Part of Genealogy Express
Welcome to
Miami County, Ohio

History & Genealogy

By Frank M. Sterrett
of Troy, Ohio
Montgomery Printing Co.
Troy, Ohio




     Borden City Building and Loan Association; incorporated, June 6, 1871; authorized capital $1,500,000.
     Third Piqua Building and Loan Association, incorporated, Sept. 24, 1884, authorized capital $2,000,000.


     Peoples Building and Loan Association Company; incorporated, Apr. 28, 1890; authorized capital, $3,000,000.


     Monroe Building and Loan Association; incorporated July 19, 1875; authorized capital, $400,000.


     Covington Loan and Building Association: incorporated, Mar. 23, 1886; authorized capital, $800,000.

West Milton

     West Milton Home Savings Association:  incorporated Dec. 1, 1887; authorized capital, $100,000.



     Franklin Lodge, Troy.
     Warren Lodge, Piqua.
     Tippecanoe Lodge, Tippecanoe City.
     West Milton Lodge, West Milton.
     Covington Lodge, Covington
     Social Lodge, Lena.
     Pleasant Hill Lodge, Pleasant Hill.
     Bradford Lodge, Bradford.
     Troy Chapter, Troy.
     Fidelity Chapter, Fidelity
     Christian Chapter, Bradford.
     Sharon Chapter, West Milton.
     Covington Chapter, Covington

     Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

     Piqua Lodge, Piqua.
     Piqua Council.
     Troy Lodge
     Tippecanoe Lodge.
     Industry Lodge, Lena.
     Covington Lodge.
     Taylor Lode, Fletcher.
     Bradford Lodge.
     Stillwater Lodge, West Milton
     Casstown Lodge
     Pleasant Hill Lodge
     Brandt Lodge, Brandt.
     Garfield Lodge (Col.), Troy.

Rebekah Lodges.

     Begonia Lodge, Bradford.
     Virique Lodge, West Milton
     Trojan Lodge, Troy
     Oriental, Tippecanoe.
     Violet Lodge, Fletcher.
     Silver Star, Lena
     Mildred Lodge, Covington
     Champion, Casstown
     Household of Ruth, Troy.

Posts of the Grand Army of the Republic.

     Alexander Mitchell Post, Piqua
     A. H. Coleman Post, Troy
     Langston Post, Covington
     Grand Army Post, Pleasant Hill.
     Rouzer Post, Tippecanoe.

Miscellaneous Societies.

     Piqua Tent, Maccabees.
     Veterans of the Spanish War, Piqua.
     Sons of Veterans, Covington.

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     Daughters of American Revolution, Piqua
     Piqua Tribe, I. O. Red Men.
     Amokee Tribe, I. O. Red Men, Covington
     Demoiselle Council, D. of P., Covington
     Loramie Tribe, I. O. Red Men, Piqua.
     Piqua Council, Royal Arcanum.
     Piqua Court Foresters.
     Piqua Court Marguerite.
     Patrons of Husbandry, Covington.
     Patrons of Husbandry, Pleasant Hill.
     A. H. Coleman, W. R. C., Troy
     D. M. Houser W. R. C., Tippecanoe.
     Chattanooga Castle, K. G. E., Lena
     Willow Camp, W. O. W., Piqua
     Miami Grange, Piqua
     Jr. O. U. A. M., Conover
     Potsdam Council, Jr. O. U. A. M.
     Miami Lodge, M. B. A., Piqua
     Knights of Pythias, Fletcher.
     Jr. O. U. A. M., Fletcher.
     Milton Lodge, K. of P., West Milton.
     Pythian Sisters, West Milton.
     Stillwater Lodge, K. of P., Covington.
     Stillwater Grange, Covington.
     Order of the Gobblers, Covington.
     Knights of Columbus, Piqua.
     Jr. O. U. A. M., Tippecanoe.
     Lodge of the Maccabees, Tippecanoe.
     Modern Woodmen, Tippecanoe.
     Daughters of America, Tippecanoe.
     Order of Ben Hur, Tippecanoe.
     Royal Arcanum, Tippecanoe.
     Knights of the Golden Eagle, Troy.
     Aerie of Eagles, Piqua.
     Aerie of Eagles, Troy.
     Knights of Pvthias, Troy.
     B. P. O. E„ Troy.
     B. P. O. E., Piqua.
     Jr. O. U. A. M„ Troy.
     Touquas Tribe, I. O. Red Men, Troy.
     Trojan Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Troy.

Women's Clubs.

     My readers will join me in thanking Mrs. Addison F. Broomhall for the following very interesting and authentic sketch of the Women’s Clubs of Miami County.  It comes as by authority, since she was




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     The Miami Underwear Co.
     The Atlas Underwear Co.
     The Piqua Hosiery Co.
     The Stuart-Brown Underwear Co.

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     The Orr Felt and Blanket Co.
     The Pioneer Shaft and Pole Co.
     The Piqua Handle and Mfg. Co.
     The Piqua Furniture Co.
     The Cron Kills Co.
     The Wood Shovel and Tool Co.
     The Sprague-Smith Furniture Co.
     The Piqua Gas and Coke Co.
     The Piqua Malt Co.
     The Piqua Foundry and Machine Co.
     The Piqua Packing Co.
     The Piqua Milling Co.
     The George H. Rundle Co.
     The Ohio Marble Co.
     The King Mfg. Co.
     The Favorite Stove and Range Co.
     The American Wagon Stock Co.
     The American Straw Board Co.
     The Piqua Flour Co.
     The French Oil Machinery Co.
     The Piqua Blower Co.
     The Piqua Creamery Co.


     The Allen and Wheeler Co.
     The American Fixture and Mfg. Co.
     Troy Auto Supply Co.
     The Troy Body Co.
     Troy Bottling Works.
     The Lorimer Mfg. Co.
     The Montgomery Printing Co.
     The Hobart Bros. Co.
     The Hayner Distilling Co.
     The Troy Carriage and Sunshade Co.
     The Troy Coal and Ice Co.
     Troy Feed Mill,
     The Troy Laundry Co.
     The Troy Light and Power Co.
     The Troy Lumber Co.
     The Troy Milk and Butter Co.
     The Troy Pattern Works.
     The Troy Stamp Works.
     The Troy Wagon Works.
     The McKinnon Dash Co.
     The Hobart Mfg. Co.
     The Troy Marble Works.
     The Troy Foundry and Machine Co.
     The Miami Trailer Co.
     The Gummed Products Co.

Tippecanoe City.

     Ford and Co., Wheel Works.
     The Tipp Straw Board Co.
     The Tipp Furniture Factory.
     The Tipp Underwear Co.
     The Tipp Bldg, and Mfg. Co.
     The Sanders and Kerr Tobacco Warehouse.
     The Deetrick Milling Co,
     The C. W. Jensen Mfg. and Building Co,


     Covington Woolen Mills.
     Compton and Son Boiler Works.
     Covington Flouring Mills.
     The J. W. Ruhl Quarries.
     The C. N. Jackson Quarries.
     Covington Lumber Co.
     The Covington Electric Light Co.
     The Covington Steam Laundry Co.

Pleasant Hill.

     The Deeter Brickyard and Tile Co.
     The M. and P. Tobacco Warehouse.
     The Langanaker Sand and Gravel Co.
     The Busy Mail Order Co.

     NATHAN HILL - Came to Miami County as a boy of 12 years and with his father settled in Newton Township.  He was born in Maryland, near Ellicott's
Mills, on the 15th day of March, 17S8.  Thomas Hill, his father, took part in the formation of Miami County.  Nathan married Frances Williams, a daughter of Michael Williams, on the 29th day of June, 1809.  He organized Hopewell church, which became the center of a great influence for good in that section.  He expired on the 15th day of Jan., 1852, leaving behind him a cherished memory of deeds well done.

     FRANCIS GRAY - Was born in Erie County, Pa., Aug. 10, 1821.  In 1881, the F. Gray Co. was organized in Piqua, the leading stock holders being.

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Francis Gray, N. C. Nellis and William C. Gray.  The product of the company consisted of paper makers, felts and jackets, flannels and yards, the orders for felts coming from all parts of the United States and Canada and even from across the Ocean.  “Their cylinder felt jacket earned the reputation among paper mill men of being the best in the world.”  This enterprise, one of the greatest in the history of the country, perpetuated by the successful Orr Felt and Blanket Co., of the present time, did much to place Piqua among the successful manufacturing cities of the state.  Mr. Gray died Mar. 30, 1901, after an illness of several months, regretted by all who had realized that he had been one of the most potent and successful factors in our history.

     MILTON G. MITCHELL - The son of William S. Mitchell of Elizabeth Township, was born Aug. 30, 1845, and was educated in the public schools and in the grammar department of the Troy schools, coming to the latter in the fall term of 1862, together with Dr. W. A. Robinson, his cousin, and the author of this book.  He was a member of the extensive Mitchell family which have been more extensively treated on in our chapter on religion and the address on the history of McKendrie Chapel, commencing on page 428.  He died Sept. 17. 1901 and left a wife, who had been Mary Iliff and three children, Fern, Quinn B., and Mildred.

     GEORGE W. SCOTT - Was born in 1849 in Elizabeth Township and was educated in the public schools there and at Troy.  For ten years he engaged in the nursery business; then served a term as deputy treasurer of Miami County; then founded the Troy Buggy Works, a successful concern for more than 20 years.  He became the patentee of a storm front and later of automobile attachments which he is at the present time manufacturing in the city of Cleveland, with a successful company behind him.  He was one of the most active and useful citizens in the history of Troy.

     ALEXANDER M. HEYWOOD - W.. born Oct. 17, 1840, in Staunton Township, the son of Nathaniel Heywood, one of the pioneer settlers, who was educated in the schools of his Township and in Troy, he enlisted in Co. H, Eleventh Ohio Infantry in 1861 and at the end of that three months service, reenlisted in Co. B, 94; O. V. I. in which he served to the close of the war.  The record of the battles which this regiment participated is ___ forth on page 399, Vol. 2 of this work.  He was successively a Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain and Major.  At the battle of Perryville when
Capt. John Drury of his company was killed, Heywood took command and by his cool bravery won the respect and admiration of his men and superiors.  He served 4 years as Sheriff of Miami County and now lives a retired life in his comfortable home, 301 East Franklin Street.

- Was born at Portsmouth, Ohio, Feb. 5, 1875, son of Rev. Thomas L. and Hortense (Clave) Hughes. Mr. Hughes’ ancestors were Welshmen.  He was graduated from the Washington and Jefferson College at Washington, Pa., and is a graduate of the Indiana Law School and admitted to the bar in June, 1900 and began the practice of his profession in Piqua.  In 1891, he was elected City Solicitor of his adopted city and again in 1903 and as Mayor in 1905 and again in 1907.  He was married Sept. 22, 1904, to Anna Blushe Matthews, of Piqua, of which union, one son, Thomas Floyd Hughes was born.  Mr. Hughes is a lawyer of excellent standing; worships with the Presbyterians and acts with the Republican party of which he is the present chairman of the County Executive Committee and member of the State Central Committee for the Fourth Congressional District.

     ROBERT M. WILSON - Was born in concord Township, Miami County, Ohio, Mar. 6th, 1849, a son of John Wilson and Elizabeth (Debra) Wilson.  The latter was one of the strong and reliable characters of Concord Township, serving as a Trustee of the same for 30 years, in which capacity his son, Robert M., the subject of this sketch, is serving at the present, time.  Mr. Wilson was married to Miss Allie B. Brown on Sept. 17, 1875, from which union, three children, Clarence W. Viond, May and AnnaMr. Wilson and wife worship at the Christian church.  He fraternizes with Odd Fellows and Elks.

NATE IDDINGS                                        NANCY, FRANK B. & NATE IDDINGS 

     NATHAN IDDINGS. - We copy the following admirable sketch, by permission, from the pen of our friend T. C. Harbaugh, familiarly known as Nate Iddings, president of the Bradford bank, and a member of the grain firm of Arnold and Iddings, of Bradford, may well be called one of the fathers of the town of which he is one of the most prominent and stirring citizens and has been for a period of nearly 40 years or since 1869.
     He was born on a farm near Pleasant Hill, in Newton Township, Miami County, March 171*, 1841, son of David and Sarah (Hill) Iddings.  His paternal grandfather was Joseph Iddings, whose father (great grandfather of the subject of this sketch) came to Ohio from South Carolina, settling on a large farm situated on the boundary line between Montgomery and Miami Counties, a part of the farm lying in each county.  This immigration occurred in 1796, at the time Joseph, the grandfather of Nathan, was but a boy.  He followed agriculture as also did his son, David Iddings, who was born in the locality, south-east of Pleasant Hill, and who, as has already been seen, married Sarah Hill.  The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm and in his boyhood attended the country schools.  He afterward taught school for four years in Miami County, in the vicinity of Troy and Pleasant Hill and proved a successful teacher.  Subsequently in furtherance of a laudable ambition, he took up the study of the law, under the guidance of Alexander Long, and after thoroughly mastering the principles of the profession, he was admitted to the bar in Cincinnati in April, 1862.  Instead of at once devoting himself to the practice of his profession, he took up the business of court reporting, which he followed thereafter, for 35 years, serving as a court reporter in ten different counties in the western part of the state.  He reported in shorthand the first trial in Miami County at which Judge Williams presided.  During all this time, he made his home in Bradford, taking an active part in the improvement and development of the town and being generally recognized as one of the foremost citizens, as he was also one of its first comers.  It is said that he had but one predecessor—John S. Moore—who opened a grocery store in the place when there was scarcely anything here but a primitive railway station, consisting of a box car set up at the side of the track, and a woodyard, where the locomotives were accustomed to replenish their stock of fuel.  Mr. Iddings was right on the heels of Mr. Moore, opening a general store almost before the latter had time to get his trade well started.  From that day until the present, he has been an active factor in the business life of the town and practically in every phase of its development.  In the early days, he, with Frank Gruelich, organized the voting precincts and in spite of the opposition of the town of Covington and Gettysburg, had the village incorporated, and the Special School District of Bradford, Miami and Darke Counties established.  He was one of the members of the first board of education, and was more than any other member, responsible for the establishment of the school house on its present site, which result was secured only after a long and determined fight on his part, the question being finally settled by an appeal to the popular vote.  For over 30 years Mr. Iddings has been attorney for the Penn-

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sylvania Railroad Company.  In 1893 he organized the Bradford bank of which he has since been the efficient president.   He is the owner of a large amount of agricultural property including some ten farms in Miami and Darke Counties, Ohio, aggregating about 1,500 acres.  He also owns about 400 acres south of Pleasant Hill— the old home place —on which farm stands the largest barn in the state, 100x 50 feet in dimensions and three stories in height, with mansard roof.  During his long and strenuous carreer, Mr. lddings has been able to devote a few leisure moments to literary pursuits and his interesting historical sketches, dealing with local subjects and embodying for the most part, his personal reminescences of men and things, have appeared from time to time in the local journals to the interest and edification of our citizens.  His own life is an integral part of the history of the town—and it may be said of the best part of it, he has never shirked his duty as a good citizen, but on more than one momentous occasion has stood to his guns and maintained his position in spite of the resolute efforts of those who were opposed to his ideas and who were in the majority; and this he has done not from any unreasoning spirit of obstinacy, but from the fact that he had carefully studied the situation and knew the plan he advocated would in the long run be for the best interests of the community.  He has always been a man of action, quick to size the salient point of a position and profit by his advantage while others were still engaged in reconnoitering.  When Gen. Grant said, when he saw his opportunity at Fort Donnelson: “The one who attacks first will win and the enemy will have to be quick if it gets ahead of me”  so Mr. Iddings in every important turning point of his career, has acted on the same principle— with what success those who know him will be able to testify.
     Mr. Iddings was married in 1868 to Nancy Patty, a daughter of Charles Patty.  They have had one child, a son Frank, who married Lillian Miles and has daughter, Mildred.
     In addition to the agricultural properly owned by Mr. Iddings. which has been already referred to, he is also the owner of about 60 houses in Bradford, which he rents.  He is a member of the Masonic order, and is at once the guide, philosopher and friend of every interested enquirer into the history of the town in which he has for so many years made his home.
     * SHARON WICK'S NOTE: Birth should be Mar. 17, 1841 according to Find A Grave.com

     REV. ANTHONY J. MENTINK. - The esteemed pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Troy, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 11, 1877, being one of the six children of Anthony and Rosalie (Weitershager) Mentink.  His father, a native of Holland and a blacksmith, is now a resident of Cincinnati, where he still follows his trade.
     The subject of this sketch received his earlier educational training in St. Gregory Seminary and completed his theological studies at St. Mary's of the West.  He was ordained to the priesthood in 1902 by the most reverend William H. Elder, then Bishop of Cincinnati, but now deceased.  His first charge was as assistant at St. Anthony’s Church, Cincinnati, where he remained until 1S06, when on March 30 of that year, he was transferred to his present parish as pastor.  The further progress of this society and history of Father Mentink and his pastorate in Troy up to the erection of the present splendid edifice and the present date is fully set forth on page 494, Vol. 2 of this work by Father Mentink’s own pen.

     JESSE BURKETT. - A prominent citizen of Troy for many years, now deceased, was a member of Co. D, 94 O. V. I. and that regiment engaged as set forth on page 390, Vol. 2 of this work.  He occupied a position in the court house for many years and was treasurer of the county for two terms.  He was born in North Carolina in 1835 and came to Darke County when

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eleven years of age.  In 1847 his parents moved to Fredericksburg, Miami County, where he worked with his father in the blacksmith shop.  On Dec. 29, 1874, Mr. Burkett was married to Flora P. Tenney, who died in 1878, leaving one daughter.  Mr. Burkett again married for his second wife, Anna Cosley Moody from which union three sons were born.  His widow survives him.

     HENRY ORBISON EVANS - Was born in Troy, Ohio, Mar. 20, 1846, the son of Albert G. and Nancy E. (Orbison) Evans.  His father was born at Hillsboro, Highland county, Ohio, Mar. 5, 1811.  When a young man, he moved to Defiance, Ohio, where he was a pioneer storekeeper and Indian trader.  In 1841 he located in Troy where he continued in the mercantile business from which he retired in 1867.  He died on the home place, just across the river from Troy, on the hill opposite Rose Hill on Nov. 29, 1889.  Henry, the subject of this sketch, was educated in the public schools of Troy and in the Miami University, from the latter of which he obtained the degree of A. B. and A. M.  For seven years he was engaged in his profession of civil engineer in railroad work. In 1875 he was elected Surveyor of Miami County on the Republican ticket and at the same time served as city engineer.  In 1891, he went to California and until 1894, followed engineering in connection with irrigation work, and then until 1808 worked in many parts of the west and south-west in railroad construction work.  Two years of this time he was in old Mexico and for nine years in the employ of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad as assistant and division engineer.
     He returned to Troy in 1908 and established his home on the hill opposite Troy which he had purchased from his father’s estate.
     Mr. Evans was joined in marriage with Miss Jennie Jefferson, a daughter of John Jefferson, of Fayette County, Ohio.  She died in 1885, leaving a daughter, Nannie J., who is now the wife of Phillip A. Shaffer of New York City, a chemist by profession, who has charge of the Loomis Laboratory.  Mr. Evans was united in marriage again and this time to Miss Ella Hawthorne who was for a number of years connected with the public schools of Troy as a teacher.  Mr. Evans is a member of the Presbyterian Church and Coleman Commandery F. and A. M.  In an acquaintance of more than 40 years with Mr. Evans I have known no man with a higher standard of ethics and a deeper sense of his responsibility as a citizen.  In the effort now being made for a barge canal from Toledo to Cincinnati, he is an earnest advocate.  The reasons for the building of this canal are epitomised by the author on page 207, Vol. 2, of this work to which it is hoped the reader will be attracted and form an opinion on this, the most important feature of transportation in the future of the Miami Valley.

     DANIEL M. SMITH - Was born Mar. 9, 1835, in Montgomery County, Ohio, a son of Lester Smith, who was a pioneer in the business of manufacturing cut shingles in Troy.  He was educated in the Troy schools and for several years was with the old state bank of Troy which in the 60’s developed into the First National Bank of Troy.  He was successively promoted from bookkeeper to teller, assistant cashier, cashier, president, and finally died in that office in March, 1919, at the advanced age of 84 years.  Mr. Smith was married to Angeline Janver from which union six children were born, Robert J., Margaret, Walter I., Frederick A., a graduate of West Point and now a Colonel of the Regular Army, Eugene and Adeline.  Mr. Smith and family are members of the Presbyterian church.

     ROBERT J. SMITH -  Son of Daniel W. Smith, was born in Troy, Ohio, on Nov. 18, 1865, and was educated in the Troy schools and the Wooster University.  He was married to Harriet Emilie Jones on

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Sept. 17, 1889, from which union four children were born.  He is by occupation a lawyer, a member of the Presbyterian Church and of the Junior Order of American Mechanics.  He resides in Piqua and successfully practices his profession in that city.  Has been a member of the National Guard of Ohio, the City Solicitor of Troy and Chairman of the Republican Committee of Miami County.
     I cannot refrain from giving point here to the vein of humor that constantly bubbles from this good friend.  In the blank I furnish for sketches one of them asks the question, date of death? which should be erased when sent to persons still in the land of the living, but this and the next one were promptly filled out by “Bob” as follows, date of death?  Continuous !  Where buried?  In a law office in Piqua!  He adds at the bottom of his sketch blank in his own hand writing,  ‘‘A very calm and uneventful life, spent mostly in Troy and Piqua, except while absent seeking health of my family, during which period, was for ten years a division attorney for the Frisco railroad system in Texas.”

     ELIAS GARST HAWN - About one and a quarter miles on the Covington pike north-west of Troy, lives the subject of this sketch, one of the substantial farmers of Concord Township, born in Bethel Township in June, 1842, married to Cynthia A. Nutter and them were born eight children.

     JOHN BELL - Born Oct. 31, 1970, in Logan County, Ohio, lived with his father and mother, John and Nancy E. Bell, until young manhood, being educated in the public schools and at Findlay College of law,  He came to the city of Piqua some ten years ago and has since practiced his profession of the law in that city with an ability which has placed him high in the estimation of his fellow citizens.  He united in marriage with Martha E. Rosebrook on Oct. 18, 1899, from which union two children, a boy of 8 and a girl of 6 have been born.  He worships at the Methodist Church and is a member the Knights of Pythias.  He served in Cuba during the Spanish-American war and has served as Mayor and City Solicitor of the city of Piqua and as secretary of the local draft board for Miami County during the world war preparation.

     WATSON F. CALDWELL - Was born in Tippecanoe, Miami County, on Jan. 8, 1857, and lived with his father and mother Chester Louis Caldwell and Mary Stewart until young manhood.  He was educated in Tippecanoe and Humboldt, Kansas, and was married to Frances Timmins on Sept. 4, 1883, from which one child, now deceased, was born.  He is by occupation a printer and conducts one of the successful job houses in his city; worships at the Presbyterian church and fraternize with the Masons and Odd Fellows and has served as deputy supervisor of elections.

     A. R. GARVER - Was born in New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio, on Dec. 20, 1860, and lived with his father and mother, Benjamin C. and Ruth Anna Carver, until he had attained his majority.  He was educated in the New Carlisle schools and at Wittenberg College, in Springfield, Ohio, and married Ida Rohrer at Tippecanoe, on Dec. 20, 1887, from which marriage three children have been born; Ruth E., on Oct. 18, 1888; Carl R., Nov. 1, 1890, and Jacob C., Jan. 16, 1896.
     Mr. Garver is one of our most spirited and enterprising citizens; a prominent manufacturer of furniture in Tippecanoe: president of the Tippecanoe National Bank; large land owner in the west; a member of all the Masonic orders and worships at the Lutheran church.  He served with distinction in the State Senate of Ohio between 1914 and '16, from the 12th Senatorial district, composed of Darke, Miami and Shelby counties, overcoming a Democratic majority of about one thousand.

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     HENRY FLESH - Was born in Bavaria, Germany, on June 29, 1837, and was educated there, corning to America in 1852 and to Fiona in 1858 where he was married in 1862 to Caroline Friedlich from which union Leo was born on Sept. 20, 1863 and Joel W. on Dec. 7 , 1867.  A history of Piqua would be quite incomplete with Henry Flesh left out.  He has been a banker for near 50 years; was 23 years a member of the City Council; President, of the Ohio Bankers Association; a member of the Ohio Centennial Commission and a life trustee of the Piqua Memorial Hospital and now in the 83rd year of his age, he can be seen daily in his place at the outside desk of the Citizens Bank, where his benevolent countenance has greeted the public since the memory of the present generation runneth not to the contrary.
     I have known and respected him for more than half a century.  There is perhaps no resident of the county more entitled to the high esteem and veneration of our citizens.  On the 4th day of April, 1919, as I sat with him in his office at the bank, he reverted to his active past and to incidents of mutual interest in our past and unreservedly of the future, he said.  “So long as I can help out in the bank and be of use to my time I shall be glad to stay but I have learned to say with perfect equanimity, ‘Thy will be done.’ ”
     In 1902, a resolution passed the legislature of Ohio, creating a Commission to prepare a centennial celebration of the admission of Ohio to the Union.  In the capacity of a commissioner, Mr. Flesh came to the city of St. Louis, in that year, where the great St. Louis World’s Fair was being promoted in celebration of the anniversary of the Louisiana purchase, being coincident with the Ohio date, and it was there as secretary of the Finance Committee of the great event in St. Louis which did not take place until 1904; I had the pleasure of introducing Mr. Flesh to ex-Governor David R. Francis and the Board of Directors in language I thought befitting his high standing in Miami County.  In our meetings in the past 12 years, since I returned to Ohio, Mr. Flesh invariably refers to this pleasant episode in our lives.  Since writing the above, the spirit of my friend has departed and he lives in the beyond.

     BLANCHE CHAFFEE RANNELLS. - Was born in Tippecanoe City, Miami County, Ohio, on June 9, 1863, and lived with her father and mother, Sidney Larkin Chaffee and Barbara Cecil, until young womanhood.  She was educated in the public schools at Tippecanoe City and at the Oberlin and Ohio Wesleyan Female University at Delaware.
     She united in marriage with Benjamin Ulysses Rannells on July 18, 1389, from which union two children have been born, Florence Cecil on Sept. 7, 1890 and Marion Elizabeth on Dee. 10, 1894.
     Mr. Rannells has been engaged in the insurance business for some years, located in the city of Cleveland, O., but during the years '17 to '19 in war work in connection with colleges in Ohio and adjoining states.

     WALTER F. HENNE - Was born in Troy, Ohio, on Nov. 15, 1868 and lived with his father, Carl Henne, whose portrait appears in this volume, and his mother, Theresa Deis, until he had attained his majority.  He was educated in the public schools of Troy and the Dayton Commercial College. On Oct. 29, 1893, he united in marriage with Sallie M. Marriott, from which union five children have been born.  He was brought up in the boot and shoe business with his father, and conducted a house in both Piqua and Troy and still continues the Piqua house, although the four brothers have become large manufacturers of rubber, having branch establishments in Columbus, Mansfield and Youngstown.  Mr. Henne has built him a palatial home in Miami, Florida, where he delights to take his aged mother for winter recreation, who has a pleasant bungalow on East Franklin street in Troy.

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     CARL HENNE - Was of German nationality, born at Wittenberg, on Nov. 4, 1843, and lived with his father, Jacob, until 14 years of age, when he came direct to Troy, where his elder brother Joseph, had preceded him.
     His education in Germany, was necessarily limited, and almost equally limited after his arrival here but that which he lacked in this particular was largely counterbalanced by hard horse sense and a wonderful memory that served him successfully in his business life.  He was a shoe maker and worked at the bench for several years when he and his brother, John E. Henne, whose portrait and sketch appears on page 483 of my second volume became partners in the sale of boots and shoes and in which business Carl continued until his death.  It was from him I purchased my foot wear for 40 years and it was with him for even a longer period, I enjoyed friendship and social intercourse.
     He and his family were communicants of the Catholic church and he was a member of the Independent Order of Red Men, where, 30 years ago, he was a prominent figure.
     His military service was confined to membership in the Lafayette Blues, the most famous of all our Troy military organizations, during peaceful times.  From ’75 to ’85.  I was prominent in the Republican politics in Miami County, having served during that period for 5 years as the leader of the party in county and senatorial district as well as being Chairman of the Congressional Committee a part of that time.  My friend Carl Henne was a stalwart Democrat but it made no difference in our friendship and indeed, we often worked together in municipal matters.
     Carl was married in April, 1866, to Theresa Deis, from which union six children were born: Jacob C., on Feb. 9, 1867;  Walter, in Nov. 1368; George William on Apr. 21, 1872: William George on Apr. 21, 1872; Ida Marie, born May 19, 1877, and died Sept. 12, 1877; Marie Theresa, born Aug. 15, 1879, and died Jan. 21, 1891.
     Carl Henne died on Aug. 17, 1908, and was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery.
     “Forty years ago did you say?
     Forty years? Ah, my friend it is true!
     All the dreams that have flown since that day,
     All the hopes in that time passed away, Old friend, I’ve been thinking of you.’’

     DR. ISAAC CELSUS KISER - Was born in Fletcher, Miami County, on Aug. 16, 1873 and lived with his father, Benjamin L., and his mother, Mary A. Hetzler, until young manhood.  He was educated in the public schools at Fletcher, and at the Ohio Medical University at Columbus and practiced his profession, after graduation, in his native town until 1918 when he removed to the city of Piqua, where he immediately entered into a large and lucrative practice.
     He married Rose S. Sanders in August of 1897, who has been his intelligent and responsive help meet both in the home and in his practice.
     The Doctor has not confined his activities to his profession.  He served as State Senator for the 12th Senatorial District comprised of Darke, Miami and Shelby counties from 1914 to 1916 and gained for himself a reputation for industry and fearlessness in legislation that secured him the respect of his constituents of both political parties.  The Doctor is intensely patriotic, serving for years as chairman of Memorial Day services at Fletcher.  Withal, he is also a good man and good fellow.

     RAPHAEL LOUIS—Was born in Piqua on Oct. 7, 1861 and lived with his father, David Louis, and his mother, Regina Lebensberger, until young manhood.  His father commenced the grocery business in I860 in which young Raphael grew up.  In 1908, he and his brother, Meyer Louis established the Piqua Paper Box Factory on Covington Ave., and College

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street, Piqua, commencing on a small scale until they have now expanded into an output of 2 1/? million boxes per year
and furnishing largely the trade in that
line for western Ohio and eastern Indiana.

     MEYER LOUIS.—Another thorough-going American of Hebrew ancestry, a partner of Raphael, was born in Piqua on
Nov. 12, 1862 and was educated in the public schools of that city and was married to Fannie Stetch on Oct. 1, 1891, from, which union four children were born: Ruth, 1893; Samuel, 1896; Helen, 1898; Ralph, 1900.





     JOHN P. SPIKER. -





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     ROLLIN. -



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     CYRUS T. BROWN. -




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     JOHN W. BROWN. -




     A. B. CAMPBELL. -



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     W. A. HAINES. -


     C. M. HUNT. -








     A. W. DEWEESE. -





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     A G. STOUDER. -



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     GEORGE A. FREY. -






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     J. W. DAVIS - Who has long been prominently identified with the affairs of Troy, Ohio, has been a resident of this city since 1880 and is engaged in the real estate and insurance business at the present time.  He was post master of Troy during the second administration of President Cleveland, receiving his appointment in 1893 and during his tenure of office had the distinction of sending out the largest amount of first class mail of any post-master of the same class in the United States, 300 mail pouches being required for use in the local office.  This supremacy brought the city into prominence throughout the country.  Mr. Davis was born in Tippecanoe City, Miami County, Ohio, in 1862 and was reared and graduated at that place, being a graduate of the Tippecanoe City High School.  In 1880 he came to Troy and accepted a position as clerk with the wholesale and retail grocery firm of D. M. McCullough.  After one year he entered the employ of C. L. Coolidge (dry goods, boots and shoes) in the capacity of bookkeeper and salesman and so continued for three years. He next represented E. Levering and Co., coffee importers of Baltimore, Maryland, in the wholesale and retail trade through the states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, continuing with that firm for seven years.  He then became associated in business with C. T. Long under the name and style of Long and Davis.  They conducted a gentlemen’s furnishing and fine tailoring establishment for a period of five years.  In 1893 he was appointed postmaster and upon his retirement from that office he became associated with M. K. Gantz and George S. Long in the ownership of the Troy Democrat which they conducted for two years.  Mr. Davis then embarked in the real estate and fire insurance business with which he has since been successfully identified.  He has always taken an active interest in politics and the success of the Democratic party and has served as chairman of the executive committee of that party and as chief state supervisor of elections for Miami County.  In 1889, Mr. Davis, was united in marriage with Miss Ellen Eliza Shilling who comes of one of the pioneer families of Miami County and the youngest daughter of Jesse Shilling, Sr.  One son, Brice Barron Davis was born to them and died in infancy.  In 1915 Mrs. Davis died, and in 1919 Mr. Davis was married to Mrs. Lillian B. Ziegenfelder.
     Mr. Davis is past Chancellor Commander of the local lodge Knights of Pythias, Eminent Commander of Coleman Commandery and a member of Antioch Shrine A. A. O. N. M. S. at Dayton.

     H. L. JOHNSTON. - Manager and chief engineer of the Hobart Electric Manufacturing Company has been a resident of Troy some twenty years.  He was born at Bainbridge, Indiana, and was nine years of age when his parents moved to Cincinnati, Ohio.  Mr. Johnston attended the public schools of Cincinnati and afterward pursued a course of study at the Ohio State

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University in electrical engineering, graduating with the class of 1892.  He entered the employ of the General Electric
Company in the Cincinnati office and continued in its service for three and one-half years. In 1893, he represented that
firm in the installation of the electrical work for the interurbnn railroad from Troy to Piqua and continued here as superintendent of the work for six months.  This was the third interurban road built in the State of Ohio, and the first to run big cars.  After retiring from the superintendency, Mr. Johnston became associated with Mr. Hobart in electrical manufacturing, the business being incorporated under the name of The Hobart Electric Company.  He was vice-president and treasurer of the concern until he was made manager and chief engineer.  It is one of the principal manufacturing enterprises of the city and transacts an enormous business.  Mr. Johnston is the mechanical expert of the Troy Sunshade Company in which he is financially interested and is the patentee of several valuable articles used by that firm.  In 1900 Mr. Johnston was united in marriage with Miss Adeline Smith, a daughter of D. W. Smith, cashier of the First National Bank of Troy for many years, and they have two children, Edward and Frances.  Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Troy Club.  In religious attachment he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.

     JOHN L. PRUGH. -







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     W. R. THOMPSON, M. D. - Who for some forty years has been in the active practice of medicine and surgery at Troy and enjoys a well earned reputation for professional skill, was born in Montgomery County, where he was reared.
     After completing the common school course in his native county, Dr. Thompson attended the Ohio Wesleyan College, going from there to the University of Michigan, where he was graduated from the medical department in 1869.  He first took up practice in Tennessee but after a year and a half he returned to Montgomery County and located at Vandalia where he remained until 1879 when he came to Troy.  Dr. Thompson is an active and valued member of the Miami County, the Ohio State and the American Medical Associations.  He is the surgeon of the larger number of corporations of Troy and numbers patients from all parts of the State.  In 1871 Dr. Thompson was married to Miss Laura A. Stouder of Tippecanoe City, Miami County, and they have three children, namely: Charlotte, who is the wife of W. E. Bowyer, cashier of the Troy National Bank; Fannie E. (the wife of Walter H. Coles, deceased) who died recently at her home in Troy and Wilbur S., a promising young business man of the city recently married to Miss Isabel Hayner.  In addition to being eminent in his profession, Dr. Thompson is an active citizen, recognizing his responsibilities as such and lending
his influence to everything which in his judgment is beneficial to the community.






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     D. L. LEE - The late D. J. Lee was born in Virginia of the celebrated family of that name and came as an early settler to Miami County.  In Troy, his son David L. Lee was born in 1843 and educated in the district schools of the county.  He had scarcely left school when he enlisted for service in the Civil War in which he remained from November, 1861, to the close of the war.  He entered Company E, Seventy-first Regiment, O. V. I. as a private and was mustered out with the rank of sergeant.  After taking part in the battle of Shiloh he participated in the arduous campaign through Tennessee and Georgia and was on every noted battle field where his regiment was engaged until the battle of Nashville where he was so severely wounded that it was found necessary to amputate his left leg, the operation being performed in a field hospital.  On one occasion he was captured by a band of guerillas, six companies being forced to surrender at Clarksville, but he was paroled forty-eight hours later.  There were few hardships of war that Mr. Lee escaped, the entire record of his service being one to reflect honor on his name as a soldier.  After his honorable discharge in April, 1865, Mr. Lee returned to Troy where he learned the jewelry trade and worked at it for two years.  He then received his appointment to the United States Revenue Service and served six

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years. In the fall of 1873 he was elected Sheriff of Miami County and served two terms being re-elected in 1875.  After that, he was engaged in business for several years in Kansas City and after he came back to Troy conducted a grocery enterprise for six years.  Then, under the administration of President Harrison, he was connected with the revenue service again for four years.  Following this, came four years as Township Clerk when he was again appointed to the revenue service where he continued an efficient officer until the time of his death.  In 1869, Sir. Lee married Miss Elizabeth Clyde, a daughter of George C. Clyde, who was a pioneer of Troy.  Mrs. Lee died in 1905 leaving two sons: Harry, who is connected with the Central Union Telephone Company of Indianapolis, and Fred, who is a successful funeral director of Tippecanoe City.  Mr. Lee was a member of the First Presbyterian church.  He was secretary and treasurer of the Seventy-first regiment, Ohio Volunteer Association, for a number of years, belonged to the Grand Army of the Republic and also was a member of the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias and was treasurer of both these organizations for a long time.




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     DAVID M. COPPOCK - One of Miami County's most prominent citizens, formerly mayor of Plesant Hill, president of the Pleasant Hill Baking Company, president of the Miami County Mutual Insurance Company and identified with many of the movements which have resulted in advancing the various interests of this section, was born Dec. 29, 1841 in Union township, Miami County, Ohio, his parents being Benjamin and Esther (Miles) Coppock. Benjamin Coppock was a native of Miami County where his life was spent in agricultural pursuits.  He married Esther Miles, a daughter of William and Mary (Pearson) Miles, and they had three children: David M., Almeda and Elwood.
     David M. Coppock
obtained his education in the Union Township schools but his success in life has not been dependent upon the knowledge there gained, a natural inheritance of foresight, ability and good judgment doing much more.  He remained with his parents through early manhood, including one year after his marriage and then moved to the vicinity of Pleasant Hill where he lived until 1905 when he came to Pleasant Hill, purchasing here a residence.  He still retains his valuable farm of 150 acres which is situated in Newton township.  Mr. Coppock was married (first) Mar. 21, I860, to Miss Jane Jay, who died Jan. 17, 1879.  She was a daughter of Joseph F. and Mary Jay. The following children were born to that marriage: Anabel, Horace, Lambert, Almeda, Furnas J., Lura, Bertha, Fred and Charles B.  In August, 1880, Mayor Coppock married (second) Miss Rachel Overman, a daughter of Silas and Hannah Overman, of Marion, Indiana, and they have four children: Clarence, Herbert, Chester J. and Esther J.
     Politically, a Republican, Mr. Coppock has been frequently chosen by that organization in the township as standard bearer and prior to coming to Pleasant Hill served in local offices.  As mayor of the town he was a fearless official and has brought about excellent local conditions.  He still retains his membership in the Grange and is also a Mason.  For many years he has been a leading member of the Christian church.

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     HON. WALTER D. JONES - Common pleas judge for the Second Judicial District of Ohio and one of the most highly esteemed residents of Piqua was born in this city June 21, 1857, son of Hon. M. H. and Jane (Wood) Jones.  His father, but recently deceased, also a resident of Piqua, was one of the best lawyers in Miami County, was born in the District of Columbia in 1825 and became a resident of Piqua, Ohio, at a comparatively early date.  For a number of years he was associated with his son Walter in a law partnership, the firm commanding the leading practice in Piqua and might almost be called the Nestor of the bar, having been engaged in the legal practice here for more than sixty years.
     Walter D. Jones was reared and educated in Piqua, being graduated from the high school of Piqua in 1872.  He then began industrial life by learning the printer’s trade at which he worked in the office of the Miami Helmet and in other newspaper offices for several years. In the meanwhile under his father’s direction he was acquiring a stock of legal learning and having successfully mastered the principles of his profession was admitted to the bar at Columbus, Ohio, before the Supreme Court of the State in 1878.  His first practice was in partnership with his father with whom he continued for a number of years or until his appointment by Governor Bushnell as common pleas judge to fill the vacancy caused by the election of Judge Theodore Sullivan to the Circuit Court bench.  In the November election of 1829 he was elected by the people to fill the unexpired term of Judge Sullivan; he was re-elected for a full term in 1902 and again re-elected in 1907 which practice has continued and at the present time Judge Jones is serving his fifth term as common pleas judge of this county.  He has shown all the capabilities of an upright and learned jurist taking a comprehensive view of every case and impartial in his decisions which are based upon a sound knowledge of the principles of law and a careful consideration of the evidence in every case which comes before him.  His uniform courtesy, as well to the younger as to the older members of the profession has made him popular with all and he is much esteemed by his legal conferees as he is respected by the citizens in general throughout the district who see in him a faithful and capable public servant.  Before his elevation to the bench he served for twelve years as city solicitor of Piqua being elected for six terms, a record which shows the confidence reposed in him by his fellow citizens.   In his political principles Judge Jones is a staunch Republican but has not been an active member in the ranks of his party, preferring to devote his best energies to the creditable performance of the duties pertaining to his judicial office. Of decided literary tastes, he is an able writer but has hitherto not sought to gain a reputation with his pen.  He is a prominent member of the Masonic Order, has served as Worshipful Master of Warren Lodge, No. 24, F and A. M. and as high priest of Piqua Chapter No. 31.
     In 1879, Walter D. Jones was united in marriage with Miss Laura Harlow, then and now a resident of Piqua, who was born in Tennessee and who in her eighteenth year accompanied her parents, Rev. William D. and Kate (Tuttle) Harlow to Miami County, Ohio.  Their union has been blessed by one daughter, Laura C.  It is a matter of pride to Judge Jones that he has not had to go to some distant State to achieve success but has carved out for himself an honorable career in the city of his birth and among those who know him best—the friends of his early years and those of his own name and blood.




[Picture of Old Massey House, July, 1882, Piqua, O.]

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     HON. J. HARRISON SMITH - One of the leading members of the Miami County bar and a man who stands high in the esteem of his fellow citizens, was born in Piqua, where he now resides, on Sept. 1, 1861, son of Frederick and Mary (Sullenbarger) Smith.  His father was born in Baden Baden, Germany, in 1833, after coming to America enlisted in the Union army and was killed at the battle of Stone River.  John F. Smith had not long been married when he thus met an untimely end for it was but in 1860 that he was united in wedlock with Mary Sulienbarger, who had become a resident of the county some ten years previously, coming hither with her parents from her native county of Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, where she was reared.
     The subject of this sketch acquired his elementary education in the public schools of Piqua and graduated from the High School in the class of 1884.  In the following year he became a student in the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio, where he remained for a year.  He then entered Harvard University where besides taking the regular classical course, he studied philosophy, history, political economy and law.  The last mentioned study he pursued with special ardor for he had resolved to adopt the legal profession as his future sphere of activity.  After leaving college he commenced the practical study of law under the mentorship of the Hon. John McDonald of Piqua.  That he showed himself a young man of capacity may be gathered from the fact that he soon afterwards— in 1890—received the appointment as special agent in the United States census department to ascertain the mortgaged indebtedness of the states of Mississippi and Arkansas which work occupied him for some six months.  He was then offered a position at Washington. D. C., to assist in the classification of the mortgaged indebtedness of the United States and was there engaged until 1893.  While a resident of the Nation’s capital he entered the Columbia Law School (now the George Washington Law School) and pursued his studies to such good advantage that he was graduated a bachelor of law in 1891 and received the degree of master of law in the following year.  He was admitted to the bar at Richmond, Virginia, in 1893.
     On returning to his home in Miami County, Mr. Smith, instead of immediately taking up the practice of his profession, spent two years working on the farm but in March, 1896, he was admitted to practice in his native state and has since been engaged in the practice of law in the city of Piqua.  In November, 1896, he was elected on the Republican ticket as prosecuting attorney, assuming the duties of his office in the following January and serving two terms.  He soon proved his efficiency and it is the general opinion that the legal business of the county was never better taken care of than when in his hands.  Mr. Smith was Probate Judge from November, 1902, and served one term.  He was subsequently nominated for a second term but on this occasion suffered defeat.
     For a number of years Mr. Smith has taken an active and beneficial interest in local, state and congressional politics, his aim being not merely the success of his party but the carrying out of the popular will and the perpetuation of pure, stable and representative government.  As a lawyer he takes a high rank possessing not only the qualifications of a good attorney but also a high degree of forensic ability and eloquence.  He is also a keen judge of character and has been especially successful in jury cases.  He has a convenient and well appointed office in the Orr block.  Mr. Smith belongs to various prominent fraternal orders, being a member of Dayton Lodge, No. 147 F. and A. M., Piqua Lodge, No. 8. I. O. O. F. and Piqua Lodge No. 523 B. P. O. E., also Loramie Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men No. 353, Piqua, and Council No. 80, Junior Order United American Mechanics.
     He was married in 1895 to Miss Anna E. Ball, a daughter of William B. and Kate Ball of Memphis, Tennessee.  They had two children, John H., who died, and Fred W., who was born August 1, 1908.
On Nov. 4, 1919, Mr. Smith was elected Mayor of the City of Piqua by a majority of 951, the largest ever received for that office in the history of that city.






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George Washington Law School) and pursued his studies to such good advantage that he was graduated a bachelor of law in 1891 and received the degree of master of law in the following year.  He was admitted to the bar at Richmond, Virginia, in 1893.
     On returning to his home in Miami County, Mr. Smith, instead of immediately taking up the practice of his profession,   spent two years working on the farm but in March, 1896, he was admitted to practice in his native state and has since been engaged in the practice of law in the city of Piqua.  In November, 1896, he was elected on the Republican ticket as prosecuting attorney, assuming the duties of his office in the following January and serving two terms.  He soon proved his efficiency and it is the general opinion that the legal business of the county was never better taken care of than when in his hands.  Mr. Smith was Probate Judge from November, 1902, and served one term.  He was subsequently nominated for a second term but on this occasion suffered
     For a number of years Mr. Smith has taken an active and beneficial interest in local, state and congressional politics, his aim being not merely the success of his party but the carrying out of the popular will and the perpetuation of pure, stable and representative government.  As a lawyer he takes a high rank possessing not only the qualifications of a good attorney but also a high degree of forensic ability and eloquence.  He is also a keen judge of character and has been especially successful in jury cases.  He has a convenient and well appointed office in the Orr block.  Mr. Smith belongs to various prominent fraternal orders, being a member of Dayton Lodge, No. 147 F. and A. M., Piqua Lodge, No. 8. I. O. O. F. and Piqua Lodge No. 523 B. P. O. E., also Loramie Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men No. 153, Piqua, and Council No. 80, Junior Order United American Mechanics.
     He was married in 1895 to Miss Anna E. Ball, a daughter of William B. and Kate Ball of Memphis, Tennessee.  They had two children, John H., who died, and Fred W., who was born Aug. 1, 1908.
     On Nov. 4, 1919, Mr. Smith was elected Mayor of the City of Piqua by a majority of 951, the largest ever received for that office in the history of that city.

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     C. ROY COPPOCK - Is a well known resident of Pleasant Hill, Miami County, Ohio, and has charge of the correspondence of the Jesse Beery Company of that place.  He was born in Bradford, Newberry township, Miami County, Sept. 4, 1874, a son of Elwood and Sarah (Younce) Coppock, and a grandson of Benjamin Coppock.  Benjamin Coppock the grandfather, was one of the early settlers of Miami County and was located on a farm east of Ludlow Falls, in Union Township.  He lived there until his death in 1890 and was buried at Union Cemetery, as was his wife who survived him for some years.  Her maiden name was Esther Milk and they had three children, two of whom are living, David M., and Elwood. Religiously.  they were members of the Society of Friends.  He was a Whig in politics.
     Elwood Coppock was born at Ludlow Falls, Miami County, where be lived until

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after his marriage when he moved to Bradford and conducted a shoe store.  He remained there four years and then carried on the same business in Arkansas.  Returning north, he became a traveling salesman at which he has since continued, being first located at Goshen, Indiana, and then at Logansport, Indiana, where he now lives.  He is a Republican in politics.  He was married to Sarah Younce, a daughter of David Younce and they became parents of six children: Minnie, Lulu, C. Roy, Frank (deceased), Cado (deceased) and Esther (deceased. C. Roy Coppock first attended school in Arkansas, then at Goshen, Indiana, Webster, Indiana, Fountain City, Indiana, Pleasant Hill, Ohio, Richmond, Indiana.  In the meanwhile he learned sign painting and the trade of a baker, which he followed for a time, and he also followed the insurance business. He engaged in selling sewing machines prior to accepting his present position with the Jesse Beery Company of Pleasant Hill.  He served four years as city clerk at Pleasant Hill and proved a most efficient officer.  He is a Republican in politics.  Oct. 29, 1903, Mr. Coppock was united in marriage with Miss Effie Whitmer, a daughter of John W. and Frances Bell Whitmer, and they have a pleasant home in Pleasant Hill.
     Fraternally, he is a member of the Masonic Lodge, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Junior Order United American Mechanics.

     J. A. KERR,



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     ALLEN COPPOCK - A highly re-

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spected citizen of Pleasant Hill, was born Mar. 14, 1838, in Newton township, Miami County, Ohio, a son of Joseph C. and a grandson of William Coppock.  The Coppocks were among the earliest Quaker settlers in this section and have always been numbered with the reliable and substantial people, William Coppock engaged in teaming and his wagons were operated between Cincinnati and the outlying settlements.  His home was at Ludlow Falls.  He married Eunice Cochran and they had three children: Joseph, Susan and MayWilliam Coppock died about 1812 and his burial was one of the first in the East Union Cemetery, a Friends’ burying ground.  His widow survived for several years.
     Joseph C. Coppock was born in a log cabin which still stands near Ludlow Falls, Miami County, Ohio.  He engaged in farming after his first marriage, later moved to the old mill property near Pleasant Hill, after his third marriage, but in the interim had lived for several years with his son Allen.  He died in June, 1896 and was interred in the East Union Cemetery.  For a number of years he was Justice of the Peace.  Joseph C. Coppock was married first to Sarah Jay, daughter of William Jay.  She died in 1841, the mother of three children: William, Allen and Henry Mr. Coppock was married (second) to Sarah (Aldrich) Conway, daughter of Varnum and Margaret Aldrich and two children were born to this union: Amanda and Frank M.  His third marriage was to Bianca Barrett, a daughter of Thomas Barrett.
     Allen Coppock attended school until he was about twenty years old, first near the Quaker meeting house and later the district schools and completed his education at a well known educational institution on College Hill, Cincinnati.  He assisted in operating the home farm after his return until 1864, when he enlisted in Company A, 147th regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and served four months as a soldier.  He escaped all injury and after his marriage, which took place in a short time, he settled down to farming one mile south of Pleasant Hill in Newton township, where he had 144 acres winch he operated until 1871.  He then traded farms with his father, taking the old homestead and there continued to live until 1898 when he retired to Pleasant Hill.  Mr. Coppock is in the enjoyment of excellent health and taking advantage of his leisure has traveled quite extensively in later years.  On Dec. 18, 1908, he made a very interesting and enjoyable visit to California and during this trip stayed two months at Santiago, two month's at Los Angeles and also saw the sights of San Francisco, the city rising from its ruins, and on the way back home stopped over in Colorado and Salt Lake City.  Such is trip is not only interesting but educational.  He reached home in April, 1909.
     On June 21, 1865, Mr. Coppock was married to Miss Maria E. Furnas, a daughter of Joseph and Margaret Furnas, and they have had the following children: Sarah, Joseph, Margaret, Fred D., Jeddie Carlton, Mary Ethel, Allen B., Harry and Clarence C.   Sarah married L. A. Kesler and has three children. Joseph married Ida Moler,  a daughter of Ephriam Moler, and they have two children—Jay S. and Josie.   Margaret married Omer Patty and they have three children, Clarence, Joseph and William A.  Fred D. married Maude Miles, a daughter of John and Susan Miles, and they have two daughters, Dorothy and Eugene. Jeddie Carlton married Zoa DeBra,, a daughter of John and Mary Ann Debra.  She died Oct. 29, 1905.  He married (second) Bonnie Weaver, a daughter of John WeaverMary Ethel married Harry Brown, and they have one daughter, Margaret.  Allen B. married Grace DickeyHarry, born Dec. 22, 1868, died Aug. 10, 1870.  Carence C., born June 24, 1873, died Mar. 15, 1879.  Mr. Coppock joined the Masons in 1868 and has been identified with the Pleasant Hill Lodge ever since.  In Political affiliation he is a Republican, but takes no active part

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in campaign work.  He is a member o£ Dan Williams Post G. A. R. No. 369, Pleasant Hill.





     FRANK GOODMAN DAVIS - Merchant and manufacturer of Tippecanoe City, Ohio, was the youngest son as well as the youngest child of Enoch and Barbara Davis (nee Goodman) and was born in Elizabeth Township, Miami County, Ohio, May 5, 1855.  He moved with family to Tippecanoe City (then a small village) in 1862, where he entered the union or public schools in which he continued until he had a fair common school education, through the use of which, together with his congeniality and his untiring application to his duties, he has gained the enviable and honorable position he now occupies.  He is not only well known and popular in and about his immediate home town but throughout the entire county.
     Mr. Davis’ first employment after leaving school was at telegraphy, working at the key until the death of his father in 1872 which compelled a thorough alteration of his plans.  From the key he went to a clerkship in the general store of Bowman and Lindsley and from a clerkship with Bowman and Lindsley, later J. W. Bowman, he rose to be a partner, the firm being Bowman and Davis, which was for many years one of the best known concerns in Miami County in the mercantile business as well as one of the largest distributors of general merchandise in south Miami County.  The present firm is Davis and Smith, which firm continued to handle a large part of the general merchandising business of this most prosperous little city and country surrounding.
     Mr. Davis was one of the first promoters of the whip manufacturing industry in Tippecanoe City and was one of the first incorporators of The Tipp Whip Company and the president of the company for nearly twenty years.  He was also the promoter of the Davis Whip Company which was incorporated eleven years ago and his official relation to that company is president and general manager.  Both these concerns are prosperous and representative of the most modern ideas in whip manufacturing.  Their output is marketed all over the United States.  In 1332, Mr. Davis was married to Diary E. Harshbarger, daughter of Isaac D. and Hannah R. Harshbarger, nee Kable.  They have three children, Margaret E., Loa L., and Robert G.
     Mr. Davis, as well as an active citizen in nearly everything good in the town, en-

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joys distinction in Democratic political circles also and his strength has been recognised by his party, it having nominated him, unsolicited and against his earnest protest, twice for important offices, his defeat in both instances being accomplished through the most untiring endeavor of his opponents and by a reduction of a big Republican majority to almost no majority at all.  His party honored him by sending him as a delegate to the National Democratic Convention which convened in Chicago in 1892 and which nominated Hon. Grover Cleveland for the presidency.
     He belongs to F. and A. M. Lodge No. 174, I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 247 and the
Royal Arcanum Lodge, all of Tippecanoe City, Ohio.

     DAVID DAVIS - A prosperous farmer residing one mile north of West Milton, Ohio, has 148 acres in his home farm and is also the owner of a fifty acre tract situated one-half mile west of that place, both lying in Union township.  He was born in that township Jan. 27, 1831, and is a son of Benjamin and Margaret (Wareham) Davis.
The paternal grandfather of Mr. Davis was Abiathar Davis, who was a native of Wales. Upon coming to the United States he first located in Georgia, and in 1902 made his way north to Miami County where he remained for two years.  He later settled a section of land in Union township west of West Milton and there lived the remainder of his days, being a carpenter by grade, and also farming.
     Benjamin Davis was about ten years old at the time his parents came to Union township and here he was reared to maturity, undergoing hardships of pioneer life.  He always followed farming and acquired 240 acres of land in Miami county, the most of which he cleared and improved.  In 1856, he said his farm and went to Iowa where he purchased 700 awes.  He was in Iowa at the time of his death which occurred at the age of eighty-four years.  He married Margaret (Wareham) Fetters of Pennsylvania and they had eleven children.   Her death occurred at the age of forty-nine years.
     David Davis after completing his education in the schools of West Milton, took up the occupation of farmer.  He worked for his father until he became of age and thereafter worked for himself with all the energy and thrift characteristic of the Welsh race. - On his home farm he erected one of the largest residences in the vicinity, it being occupied by his son, who farms the place, and he also made most of the other improvements now on this farm.  After many years of unceasing activity he practically retired to enjoy the fruits ox his toil.  He is fond of travel arid spends most of his winters in Florida to escape the severity of the northern climate.
     Mr. Davis was first married to Miss Anna Mote, whose death occurred in 1891, and they became the parents of five children, as follows: J. O. Davis, of Troy, Ohio; Lambert, deceased; J. Warren, who lives on the home place; Laura, of Dayton, Ohio, and Mary, who lives at Springfield, Ohio. He formed a second union with Miss Mary Kelly.  Mr. Davis is a Republican in politics, and served as a member of the school board for a number of years.

     A. J. IDDINGS -


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     T. C. SCHILLING (deceased) - Was for long years engaged in the mercantile business in troy, having conducted a furniture store and undertaking establishment for more than forty years.  He was born in Columbus, Ohio, in 1845 and as a son of Jesse Shilling who prior to his death, was one of the prominent and active citizens of Troy.  Jesse Shilling, a son of William and Hannah Shilling, was born in Maryland in 1825 and was about two years of age when his parents removed to Columbus.  There he was reared and educated and when twenty-one years of age was foreman of the Hayden Foundry at Columbus, O.  He acquired considerable skill as an engineer and followed that occupation for years.  In 1854 he removed to Troy and soon after agitated the establishment of a fire department here.  Largely through his activity the project was favorably acted upon and he was installed as the first engineer of the department.  He was always among the foremost in furthering the city's interests, being one of the founders of the present water works system and was most highly esteemed by his fellow citizens.
     T. C. Shilling attended school in Columbus until his parents moved to Troy in 1854 and then attended school here until the Civil War was in progress.  He enlisted as a member of Company H, 147th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.  Upon his return from the front he engaged in the dry goods business for some years and then formed a partnership with T. C. Bond under the firm name of Bond and Shilling, in the furniture and undertaking business.  The partnership continued sixteen years when upon the death of Mr. Bond, Mr. F. C. Roberts became a partner, the firm name being changed to Shilling and Roberts.  This establishment was most successfully conducted and commanded a lib-

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eral patronage at the hands of the people.  Mr. Shilling was married at Ft. Wayne, Indiana, to Miss Jennie Hartzell and they have two sons, Eugene and Wade, both of whom became identified with the business of Shilling and Roberts, the younger son, Wade, being now in the undertaking business for himself.  Mr. Shilling took a deep interest in local politics, but with exception of service on the School Board has filled no public office.  Fraternally he was a member and has filled all the chairs of the following lodges: Blue Ledge, F. and A. M.; Chapter; Odd Fellows; Knights of Pythias; also a member of the Knights Templar.  He was past commander of the local post, G. A. R.  Religiously he was a member of the First Baptist church.  Failing health compelled his retirement from active business and after several years of semi-invalidism he died in July, 1919.




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     HAVILAH COPPOCK - The subject of this sketch was born in Union Township, Miami County, of pure American stock, transplanted here from South Carolina, on the 8th day of February, 1843.  His father and mother, James and Jane, came to Miami County in 1804, and entered 160 acres of land, near Ludlow creek, west of the picturesque falls, a picture of which will be found on page 369 of volume 2.  They were of the Quaker faith, and so much opposed to the institution of slavery that they sought a home in a free state, and rather than bring up around them they came to the primeval children in contact with that influence around them, they came to the primeval forests where the antlered deer ran his swift course, in advance of the baying hounds.  The black bear, the wild cat, the fox, the lynx, the raccoon, the opossum, were here in great abundance.  It was not only a land with abundance of game, but a land of sunny skies and sparkling springs, of beautiful scenery, verdant dales and flowery fields, of fruitful soil and many wild fruits and nuts, of healthful and delightful climate and luxuriant flora and fauna.
     When the subject of this sketch first opened his eyes lo the light many changes in these surroundings had taken place.  The school and church had followed quickly in the path of progress; much of the great forest growth had disappeared and all of the larger game.  He was of the second generation of pioneers who largely placed the county in its present advanced position, in which work he has borne a conspicuous and honorable part.  He remained on the home place till he had obtained his majority, when, after having been educated in the public schools of the time, he became a school teacher and married Mary Potter, in December, 1867, from which union he had three children.  His wife dying, he again married Josephine Vore Pickering, on June 23th, 1898.  For years he purchased live stock and sold them in the Dayton market, and at first hauled them by wagon, but when his business extended he drove them through, occupying three day on the going trip.  He owns the old home farm, near the old woolen mill, on Ludlow creek, which in the early day was a station of the underground railway in which the elder Cop pock was an ardent agent.  It was the duty of this station to receive runaway negroes and forward them to the next station in Mercer county.  This mill was owned by Isaac Coate.
     Mr. Coppock served his township as assessor for three years, and township trustee for four years.  He was elected a County Commissioner in 1896, and served for six years, besides a term of eight months from January, 1867 to September of that year, before his regular term commenced.  He was a faithful, upright and efficient officer.  No padded bills passed his watchful eye.  Although he belongs only to the Big church and the big lodge, he is a man of high morals and stands for the highest class of citizenship.  He said to me but yesterday, “I am in good health, and so far as my vital organs are concerned.  I may live 15 years yet, but I feel that whenever the time comes, I will leave with a consciousness that I have tried to live right.”

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     He visits his 230 acres of rich land practically every clay, superintending its management with enthusiasm and keen enjoyment.
     He lives in a fine residence in West Milton.  The world will be better for Havilah Coppock having lived in it.



     A. M. FRY




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Served as Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, from 1916 to 1920, resigning the same to become a candidate for Governor of Ohio, to which office he was elected on Nov. 2, 1920 and to which he was inaugurated on Jan. 10th, 1921.  His greater field lies in the future when a full sketch of his life is written.  This history of Miami county is the only book extant in the state containing a portrait of all the Governors of the state from St. Clair to Davis.





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