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Miami County, Ohio

History & Genealogy


Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: Aug. 11, 186_
FOR SALE - House and lot in Covington, Miami County, Ohio.  Two story brick house with stable and other outbuildings; a good well of water; belonging to D. G. Varner.  Will sell cheap, as I wish to go to Missouri.  D. G. VARNER, Covington, Ohio
Source: Dayton Transcript
Dated: Saturday, June 8, 1845
Jonathan Randal of Milton, Miami Co. and Eliza A. Harrison daughter of I. C. Harrison, Esq. of same place married 4th inst. by Rev. Arnett.
Source: Pittsfield Sun - Ohio
Dated: Oct. 30, 1862
Capt. John C. Drury of one of the Ohio regiments, was killed in the recent battle of Perrysville, Ky.  Capt. Drury was a son of the late John Drury of Coleraine, a d formerly carried on a large mercantile business in Rowe.  He has many friends still living in Franklin county, who will regret the loss of the brave officer and genial gentleman, and sympathise heartily with the bereaved wife and children, who reside in Troy, Ohio.
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette - Cincinnati, Ohio
Dated: May 5, 1871
From Dayton.
Wedding - The Fruit Corp - Decoration Day, & c.
Special DIspatch to the Cincinnati Gazette.
DAYTON, May 4.
A brilliant wedding in Grace M. E. Church, to-night, attracted a crowd of visitors.  Dr. Courtland Ellsworth, of Piqua, was married to Miss Hattie Lewis, daughter of B. W. Lewis, Esq., of this city.

     At the meeting of the Horticultural Society yesterday, reports of members showed that the fruit crop was considerable damaged by the recent frosts, and the yield of most kinds will probably fall short of half a crop.

     Arrangements are being made for appropriate ceremonies on decoration day, both in the city and at the Soldiers' Home.
     The excitement on the Short Line Railroad question has subsided.

Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: Apr. 12, 1880
-- Daniel O'Connell, who shot himself on Friday morning, will probably recover.
-- The following are the Directors elect of the Spiker Wagon Company:  R. P. Spiker, Stephen Genslinger, Samuel Zollinger, Ricahrd Slauson, Lewis Leonard, S. Benson, William Ward.  The officers are Rodger P. Spiker, President; R. Slauson, Vice President; S. Genslinger, Secretary.
Source:  Wheeling Register - W. Virginia
Dated:  Jan. 27, 1890
A Much Married Printer
CHATTANOOGA, TENN., Jan. 26 - E. H. EYER, a printer who a short time since left this city for California in the track of a Mrs. GREEN, said to be from Falmouth, Ky., is a much married man, judging from the following letter received here from his third wife.  It is written from Covington, Ky., and signed M. EYER.  She says: "E. H. has been the laughing stock all around Northern Kentucky.  He has made himself very conspicuous, and has had three wives.  He left wife No. 1 in Philadelphia.  He married a woman in Piqua, O., at the close of the late rebellion.  He had no divorce from his first wife, and left her with a little girl.  Three months later he left his last wife.  EYER then went out West with a widow under an assumed name, and lived with her nine years.  She followed him around, and finally he shook her, and I was the next victim.
Source:  Philadelphia Inquirer - Pennsylvania
Dated: June 9, 1901


Special to The Inquirer
     OCEAN CITY, N. J., June 8 - A pretty June wedding was that which took place here this week, when Ambrose S. HUNSBERGER, of Philadelphia, and Miss Maud Elmer CROW, daughter of Mrs. B. F. WHEATMAN, were married at the Piqua at Fifth and Central Avenue.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Edward MOUNT, pastor of the Woodstown M. E. Church, assisted by Rev. George F. GOFF, pastor of the Auburn M. E. Church.
     As the Lobengrin(sp) wedding march was played by Miss Elsie BENSON, of Wilmington, a school friend of Miss HUNSBERGER and Joseph G. GOFF, best man; Miss CROW and Mrs. Joseph G. GOFF, matron of honor, and the flower girls, Mable and Alma WHEATMAN and Irene MOUNT, came down the stairs into the parlor, where the words were pronounced making the happy couple man and wife.
     The bride has a host of friends in Philadelphia, Wilmington, Camden and Ocean City.  The bridegroom belongs to one of Philadelphia's oldest families and is a well-known druggist of the Quaker City.  The bridal tour will include a visit to the Buffalo Exposition.
     Among those who witnessed the wedding were Dr. and Mrs. ROBERTSON, Miss Jessie ROBERTSON, William LYNCH, M. TOMKINSON, Mr. and Mrs. Christian HUNSBERGER, Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. PRICE, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. KUFFLE, the Misses Flora and Bertha HUNSBERGER, Oscar HUNSBERGER, Rev. and Mrs. Edward MOUNT, Irene MOUNT, Miss Elsie BENSON, Miss Sarah PERRY, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. WHEATMAN, Lee WHEATMAN, the Misses Ada and Mabel PRICE, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer GOFF, Miss Lizzie ABBOTT, Howard HUNSBERGER and Thomas SHAW.

Source:  Olympia Record - Washington State
Dated: Mar. 15, 1910
, O., March 15 - Deserted by a bridegroom of a week whom she accuses of eloping with her younger sister, Mrs. Frank DAGUE committed suicide at Addison, O., last night.  Mrs. DAGUE, formerly Miss Pearl WARNER, caused a sensation in the little town a week ago by eloping with DAGUE, a young business man.
     When they returned from Kentucky where they were married, DAGUE met his bride's sister.  Five days later he disappeared, as also did Miss WARNER.
Source: Freeman - Indiana
Dated: Jan. 28, 1911
Most Noble Governor of Household of Ruth Visited Here - Marriage of Prominent People.
Special to THE FREEMAN
     Mrs. Nannie Banks, of Middletown, O. Most Noble Governor Household of Ruth of the State of Ohio, was here visiting the local lodge,  Household of Ruth, and gave an able address, which was highly appreciated by all who heard her... Dave Kindall, a Piqua Boy, who enlisted in teh regular army and served his time of three years' service, and who has been half way around the world, is home with his parents and friends, and is being warmly welcomed by al..... Mr. Fred Huggard, a prominent young business man of Piqua, will be united in the holy bonds of wedlock Wednesday, to Miss Daisy Finley, an accomplished young lady of Dayton, O..  Mr. TAylor Madison and Miss Clara Jackson were married Sunday evening and are at home to their friends at their home on Favorite H____. Mrs. Esther Hynes and Mrs. Margaret Gr___ were visitors to St. Paris, O. and  _____ highly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. John Shoecraft .. Mrs. James __________  ____ called to Chicago last Thursday evening ___ the illness of her daughter M___ ____ Wilson ....  The Young _____ Allen rendered a very find program ______ _____ ening.  Mrs. Lenora Rodgers _________ of the League.    The Lad____ ______ Society of the Park Avenue B_____ ___ will give an entertainment ____ ____ing.  Call for The Freeman _____ ______ Meyers' Barber Shop.
(SHARON'S NOTE:  This was very hard to read)
Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated Feb. 26, 1916
Fules Fatal to Newly Married Couple at Piqua.
PIQUA.  Feb. 25 - (Spl) - Burned gas fumes caused the deaths of George H. CARTER, 28 and Selia McKENNEY CARTER, 23, his wife, who were found in their room in a hotel this afternoon.  The condition of the bodies indicates both had been dead ten or fifteen hours.
     Appearances indicate both died shortly after they had retired.  CARTER was found lying across the foot of the bed, seeming to have made an effort to arise when he found himself growing sick.
    The couple were employed by a Port Huron (Mich.) company promoting circulation contests, and were working for a newspaper here.  The CARTERs had been married in Indianapolis, Feb. 19.





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