in Service of our Country

Author: Edward C. Culp
(Topeka, Kan. G. W. Crane & Co., printers & binders, 1885)



Organization of the Regiment - Assignment of Companies.


     WHEN the President's call for "three years men" was issued, in the early part of May, 1861, many of the "three months" companies still remained in various camps throughout the State, with no prospect of assignment to duty in the field.

     These companies were given the privilege of reenlisting for "three years, or during the war," and such as accepted the offer were immediately consolidated into regiments, placed in camp, and drilled and disciplined for active service.
     Among the regiments thus organized was the 25th Ohio Infantry, which, with the 23d, 24th and 26th Ohio, formed the brigade in Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, early in June, 1861.
     Some of the companies as before mentioned, had originally enlisted for three months, and had at first gone into camp in Camp Taylor, Cleveland, Ohio.
     When the 25th Ohio was organized, offers of companies poured in so fast that none but the very largest were accepted; and frequently the captain of one company would think himself fortunate in securing the position of first lieutenant, by fusing his company with another - thus brining the number to the maximum (101), which warranted a speedier muster in, and consequently an earlier assignment to a regiment, and active service.
     Owing to this patriotic "rush to arms," regiments were not raised from one section of the State, but were composed of men from all parts, as many as sixty counties being represented in a single regiment.  This was the condition of affairs in the 25th, which was, however, remarkably fortunate in its assignment of companies, and the character of its officers, who were, as a rule, gentlemen of culture, and some of them of considerable experience in army matters, having creditably served in the war with Mexico.  The enlisted men of the regiment were above the average in intelligence and social standing.  The majority were young men, and it is safe to say that the average age of the Regiment was not over twenty-one.  Ninety per cent. of the occupations were embraced in teaching, farming, book-keeping and clerks.
     On the 28th of June, 1861, the last company required to complete the regimental organization was mustered into service, when the regiment presented the following roster:

Colonel - James A. Jones, Norwalk
Lieut. Colonel - Wm. P. Richardson, Woodsfield
Major - George Webster, Steubenville
Surgeon - Louis G. Meyer, Cleveland
Asst. Surgeon - Lawrence G. Andrews, Toledo
Chaplain - Zachariah Ragan, Steubenville
Adjutant - Wm. L. Hoyt, Norwalk
Quartermaster - Andrew J. Hale, Fremont
Sergeant Major - Robert F. Jackson, New London
Q. M. Sergeant - Abner J. Phelps, Mansfield
Com. Sergeant - Samuel P. Houston, Summerfield
Hospital Steward - Oliver W. Williams, Tiffin
Prin. Musician - Ad. J. Hess
Sutlers - Wm. Jordan and Wilson Askew

COMPANY A - St Clairsville.

Captain, James F. Charlesworth
First Lieut., Wm. Askew
Second Lieut., Arthur Higgins.
First Sergeant, John D. Koontz;
Sergeant Wm. B. Wright
Sergeant Zenas Smith,
Sergeant Henry Johnson,
Sergeant Israel White.
Corporal Burget McConnaughy,
Corporal Wm. H. Spear,
Corporal James Mellor,
Corporal Thomas W. Fowler,
Corporal Abram Heed,
Corporal Robert Kennedy,
Corporal Hiram Nicholl,
Corporal Thos. H. Ferrel.
William Allum
Joseph Acres
George W. Bayless
William F. Bloor
Alexander Barrett
Joseph Boggs
Levi Butler
Elias Baile
James C. Bolan
Joshua Burkhead
Leander J. Beall
Samuel Beall
Daniel J. Croos
Wm. H. Crisswell
George Coss
John Conway
James E. Clifford
Robert Creighton
John T. Crowe
Hugh Donally
Reuben Donnelly
Robert M. Fulton
Robert A. Fowler
Samuel Glasgow
Philip Gable
Joseph Gallagher
John W. Holland
Eli Hawker
Samuel Henry
John R. Hedge
Charles Hoober
William Harrison
Hiram J. Hahn
George W. Iden
Drewer C. Iveson
Benjamin R. Johnson
Andrew M. Jeffers
James Justus
Charles H. King
James Kelley
John W. Kent
Dewitt C. Kinney
Josephus I. Kinney
Patrick Kaine
Wm. Linden
Wm. T. Lockwood
Henry Lambert
John Lebold
John McMillen
JOhn McConnell
George D. W. McPherson
James McMullen
Samuel McCrumb
Jacob McCabe
John McKirahan
Thomas McBride
George W. McBride
Michael Murray
Robert H. Miller
Henry Meek
Jesse C. Patterson
Levi Ryan
James Russell
John Richards
Emanuel L. Riley
Josephus I. Riol
Wm. C. Rankin
Nathaniel Sutton
Charles Smith
Samuel R. Stewart
Ignatius Tillett
Wm. F. Tolbert
Samuel Tolbert
Hezekiah Thomas
George W. Verbeck
Simon L. Voorheis
John Weyer
Robert Wright
James G. Whittle
Henry C. White
Wm. H. White
Wm. A. Whitcraft
John Zane

COMPANY B - Woodsfield.

Captain, James Washburn
First Lieut. Charles B. Jones
Second Lieut. John D. Merryman
First Sergeant, Alston C. Archbold
Sergeant George W. Martin
Sergeant James I. Carrothers
Sergeant Slater B. Brock
Sergeant Thomas A. Masters
Corporal James D. McMunn
Corporal James A. Driggs
Corporal Hugh McConville
Corporal Henry H. Moose
Corporal Samuel Trigg
Corporal John E. Hill
Corporal Elias Hoffman
Corporal Barney Powell
Musician Wm. S. Shaner
Musician John A. Hoffman
Wagoner Apollo Wells
John O. Archbold
Michael Archer
Isaac Beaver
Daniel Berry
John Brown
Ebenezer L. Boughner
Charles Beck
Fred J. Beck
Elijah Brown
Joseph Brown
Mark Brown
James M. Bowman
Wm. R. Bowman
Joshua Brown
Charles T. Chase
Thomas Cain
Stephen Conger
James D. Coffman
John B. Driggs
Peter Dailey
John W. Doherty
John C. Duff
Wm. Elliger
John Easthorn
Martin L. Folwell
Augustus Fierhelder
Henry H. FOrd
Phineas Gano
Wm. M. Green
Reason Hosue
Samel B. Hurd
Joseph J. Hopten
Abram Hayden
Duncan Highman
John M. Hinds
Patrick L. Hamilton
David A. Hollingsworth
Cornelius N. Jones
Henry Jones
Ralph T. Jeffrey
Benjamin Keene
Levi Keadle
Andrew J. Lloyd
Garwood P. Lacy
Benton Longwell
Mark Lawrence
David Lowe
Elias Lowther
Wm. M. Lowther
Wm. N. Long
Robert Marriner
Nathan Morris
Wm. Moffatt
Thomas Moffatt
Perry Moffat
Newlin C. Mercer
John J. Moose
Daniel Norfolk
John Osborn
Samuel Prescott
John L. Patten
John L. Pratt
Samuel Rhynard
Frederick Rose
Robert Rutherford
Isaac Rucker
Oliver P. Smith
James Snyder
Wesley B. Sultzer
Sylvester Sultzer
James C. Sultzer
Wm. H. Stine
Joseph Stewart
Wm. Smith
Harrison Stilt
Charles Twinum
James Trigg
John H. Twaddle
Charles G. Troy
Sylvanus Ullum
Joshua B. Vaughn
Anthony Wheeler
Samuel White
John White

COMPANY C - Woodsfield.

Captain, Jeremiah Williams
First Lieut. William P. Richner
Second Lieut. Francis M. Sinclair
First Sergeant Nathaniel J. Manning
Sergeant Wm. J. Akers
Sergeant William Craig
Sergeant Alexander Sinclair
Sergeant William Kast
Corporal Oscar F. Little
Corporal Abraham Tisher
Corporal Wm. Henthorn
Corporal John W. Harrison
Corporal James M. Barker
Corporal Alexander Drum
Corporal James M. Cunningham
Corporal Wm. G. Teese
Musician Ad. J. Hess
Musician John Walton
Wagoner George W. Henderson
Francis Armstrong
Henry Armway
Herman Buckleman
Andrew Boston
Elijah Becket
George Beach
Martin V. Barnes
Jacob H. Bailey
Thomas Batton
Wm. H. BAtton
William Batton
Smith Bodkins
Benoni Bennett
Albert Cavanaugh
Jesse Campbell
Samuel Coppersmith
John T. Cunningham
Jonathan Dunn
Wm. R. Drum
Joseph Dixon
John Frey
George Frick
August Fisher
John W. Fisher
Christian Frankhouser
Wm. Fallon
Thomas Grisell
Alonzo P. Henthoirn
Lafayette Henthorn
James B. Henthorn
Wm. J. Henthorn
Samuel Hutchison
Isaac Hutchison
Jeremiah Hicks
William Hamilton
Alexander E. Holland
Thomas B. Hudson
Isaac N. Headley
John Hall
John W. Haskins
James L. Hopper
Isaac Johnson
Harvey L. Jeffreys
Wm. J. Kelley
Franklin Long
Henry M. Link
Jacob H. Loreall
Robert Longwell
John A. Luke
Alexander W. Lowe
Lewis Mason
John McCollister
Isaiah Masters
James B. McPeek
Aaron Noland
Joseph P. Noll
henry Nunn
John W. Pearce
Uriah Province
James Province
Amida Province
Albert Pratt
Christian Resecker
Charles T. Riley
Peter Ryan
James L. Richardson
Mortimer Smith
Francis Schonhart
Joseph Sill
Washington Swallow
Solomon Suter
Charles W. Terry
John Tisher
John F. Thonen
Marion Y. Thornberry
Sylvanus Williams
George W. Wisiner
Lewis E. Wilson
Frederick Woodtler
Peter Yohe

COMPANY D - Richland, Huron & Fayette Counties

Captain, Aaron C. Johnson
First Lieut. Darious Dirlam
Second Lieut. Robert F. Jackson
Sergeant Edward C. Culp
Sergeant Ami P. Fairbanks
Sergeant Wm. B. Fleming
Sergeat Hiram Ward
Corporal Levi D. Vinson
Corporal Daniel S. Coe
Corporal Henry Stedwell
Corporal Myron Webber
Corporal Wm. W. Banning
Corporal Flavius J. Heller
Corporal Benjamin S. Mallory
Corporal John B. Ward
Musician John B. Wells
Musician Benjamin Harrison
Wagoner, George Dunks
George W. Armstrong
Charles Alwine
Anderson Blue
George Bracey
John M. Beelman
Albert N. Bradley
Theodore Brown
Newton A. Briggs
Wm. H. Brown
Frank Bisel
Cicero H. Boden
Otho W. Byrood
William D. Banks
George W. Crawford
Robert B. Cumpton
Wesley B. Cummings
Warren Collins
James L. Clark
John Crawford
George H. Clock
Clark O. Childs
Calvin A. Day
Wm. Duff
Nathaniel S. Davis
Wm. F. Fisher
Samuel Fleck
Joseph Ferguson
Lewis Ferman
Alphonzo E. Gregory
Thomas Grimes

Frederick Henick
David Houghtlin
Edward D. Hubbell
Benjamin F. Jones
Thomas Jones
Charles Jesson
John E. Jameson
Samuel Keifer
George Kester
Frank B. Lockwood
Lewis M. Lewis
Nicholas H. Lickliter
Geo. Logan
Morris McGregor
Lyman May
James M. Bride
Alfred Meeker
James Nesbit
Alfred Noacker
Nathaniel C. Osborn
James N. Pulver
Emanuel Ribblets
Charles C. Rodier
Samuel Reed
George Rumsey
Wm. Roberts
Fred Schnauffer
Jeremiah Snyder
Samuel Sutler
John M. Sparks
John H. Sharrett
Jesse Sharrett
John R. Smithson
Wm. S. Straley
John Truxell
William Underwood
John Vaughn
Clark F. Wright
Wm. White

COMPANY E - Fremont.

Captain, Moses H. Crowell
First Lieut. John W. Bowlus
Second Lieut. Andrew J. Hale
First Sergeant Elisha Biggerstaff
Sergeant Chas Ladd
Sergeant David R. Hunt
Sergeant Carrington E. Randall
Sergeant George N. Holcomb
Corporal Lewis H. Bowlus
Corporal Cyrus Odell
Corporal John A. Stump
Corporal William Herring
Corporal Daniel Hubble
Corporal James Clark
Corporal Jacob P. Thomas
Musician Robert H. Culley
Musician Benj. S. Gilmore
Wagoner Clinton Walters
George W. Alger
Geo. F. Alfred
John Bigley
James Bacon
Frederick T. Beagle
Henry Barnup
James W. Barnes
Charles Cimmerer
Elbridge Comstock
Frederick Cannell
Charles Caul
George W. Cleland
Thomas E. Coalwell
Samuel H. Deselems
Andrew J. Davis
George Dugan
Samuel Edgar
John Everingham
Isaiah Eastlick
George C. Edgerton
Josiah Fought
Samuel Frontz
August Freet
John Ferrell
Frederick Guilger
Joseph Hess
Monta Heath
Harvey N. Hall
Thomas C. Hemminger
Wm. L. Hutton
Thomas Howell
John Q. Hutchins
Frederick Halderman
Oliver P. Hershey
Virgil Jacobs
John Jell
George Kessler
John Knappenberger
Jesse Little
John Leary
John Loose
Lawrison Marsh
Joseph Mitchell
Wm. Mensor
Lucius Marsh
Joseph Mitchell
Wm. Mensor
Lucius Marsh
Darious Minnier
John Minnier
Peter Molyet
Wm. H. Mackey
John P. Merris
Lewis Moorer
Michael Mulgrove
Orlando L. Mills
harrison J. Meyers
Peter Miller
Isaac Nye
Hiram Odell
Hiram Ostrander
Richard D. Phelps
Alexander Pemberton
John E. Rearick
Joseph Riddle
Lewis Robber
Frederick Schultz
Wm. R. Stump
Alred F. Stump
Abednego Stevens
Norton G. Skinner
Joel Sphon
Levi S. Stewart
Henry Smuck
Florence Smith
Alexander Scott
Benjamin Stahley
Charles Slaughterbeck
Edward J. Teeples
Christopher J. Thayer
John Tweedle
Decatur Whitney
George D. Wormwood
Joseph Wright
Lewis Zeigler

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