Soldiers of the
American Revolution

Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Ohio
County Not Stated

(I will add more information as I get it ~ SWick)

Ackright, Isaac Enos, Joseph Oliver, David
Allen, Eliphalet Evans, Edward (Rev) Osborn, Josiah
Allen, Willliam, Jr. Falkner, John Paisley, John
Allyn, Nathan Fay, John Palmer, Syvanus
Armstrong, Abel Felt, Joshua Pearce, Benjamin
Armstrong, Benjamin Ferree, John Perry, Winslow
Armstrong, James Fielding, Daniel Phelps, David (Capt.)
Ashley, William Fish, Ebenezer Philips, Peter
Atset, Joseph Follett, Frederick Piatt, Abraham
Bailey, Seth Forsyth, Eliljah Pierce, Ebenezer
Baker, Michael Foster, Jacob Pierce, James
Ball, Davis Frazee, Moses Pike, Zebulon
Bareth, Robert Frost, Samuel Plumer, Willialm
Barngrover, George Frothingham, Ebenezer Potter, John
Barnum, Enoch Fry, Jacob Pratt, Joel
Barr, Alexander Frye, Frederick Putnam, Jethro (Capt.)
Bassett, Cornelius Gadd, William Radabach, Peter
Batterson, William Gallespie, James Rawlings, Moses
Beirce, Willialm Gatchel, John Rhoads, Frederick
Bennett, Ishmael Gates, Nathan Rice, Benjamin
Bennett, Joshua George, William Ringland, John
Bennett, Richard Gibson, George Roads (Reed), John
Bennett, Thomas Gibson, Thomas Rogers, Nathaniel
Bidwell, Samuel Goodale, Silas Rogers, William
Black, Charles Green, Elisha B. Roll, John, Jr.
Black, Samuel Green, Isaac Root, Elijah
Blackman, Nehemiah Green, Nehemiah Ross, Matthias
Bloomfield, Moses Grosvenor, Thomas Sampson, Spaulding
Blount, Adam Guthrie, Truman Sargeant, Winthrop
Bolten, Lemuel Hallman, Stephen Scott, John
Boswell, Joseph Hamilton, Jonathan Scott, Mark
Bowyer, William Hogue, James Scott, Oliver
Boyles, Absalom Holden, Joseph Scull, James
Breck, William Hough, Joseph Seward, James
Brees, Timothy Hubbard, John Shaeffer, Philip
Brinton, William Huber, Andrew Shaw, Knowles
Brooks, Hananiah Hull, Uriah Shayer, Bartholomew
Brown, Benjamin Ingersoll, George Shields, David
Brown, Samuel irney, Henry Shoff, Philip
Brown, Samuel James, John Shuman, Timothy
Brown, Samuel James, Willialm Sinclair, Richard, Jr.
Buel, Joseph Janes, Elijlah Smith, Adam
Burk, Robert Johnson, James Smith, Jonathan
Burnham, John Johnson, Thomas Smith, Robert
Burns, John Jones, Asa Smith, Simeon
Burton, Selah Jones, George Spaulding, Sampson
Burwell, Jonathan Karr, Matthew Spelman, Timothy
Bushnell, Andrew Kemper, Peter Sprague, Joseph
Butler, Ebenezer, Jr. Kerr, John Sproat, Earl
Butler, Stephen Kingsbury, Samuel Staur, Abijah
Butler, Zebulon Kingsley, Nathan Stephens, Jabez
Campbell, John Kinney, John Stiver, Casper, 3rd
Carter, Daniel C. Kirk, John Story, Andrew
Cary, Christopher Knowles, Charles Story, William
Cary, Luther Letts, Nehemiah Stotbard, Thomas
Cassidy, George Lewis, Isaac Straden, George
Chance, James Lincoln, Rufus Strain, David
Chandler, Joseph Line, Joseph Strait, John
Chinaworth, Elijah Lisk, James Stryker, Peter
Clymer, Henry Lisle, Jacob Summers, Willialm
Coddington, William Long, Michael Swickhart, Martin
Combs, Robert Loomis, Jonathan Taylor, Jasher
Cook, Johnson Lunt, Daniel Teerman, John
Corliss, William Lusher, John Teter, Samuel
Craig, James Mallory, Gills Thayer, Elias
Crary, Archibald Malt, Moses Thompson, Samuel
Crhrichton, James Matthews, Abel Tison, Mathias
Cribbs, John McClung, Thomas Tuman, Peter
Cross, David McCoy, Daniel Warth, George
Crow, Israel McCullock, Robert Wartman, Peter
Cuddington, Benjamin McDermot, Michael Webber, Benjamin
Cue, Robert McFadden, Conley Webster, Joseph B.
Culver, Solomon McGaffey, Neal Weir, John
Cummins, James McGowan, Charles Wells, Benjamin
Cyprus, Andrew McMillan, Robert West, John
Dana, Benjamin McMinnis, James Wheeler, Walter
Davies, Marmaduke, S. McMullen, James White, George
Davis, James Mills, John White, John
Davis, Willialm Mills, William White, Joseph
Deaver, John Mitchell, Jaems Wilkins, Gabriel
Delong, Solomon Mitchell, Joseph William, Robert
Demina, Powall M'Leroy, James Williams, David
Devol, Allen Mooney, John Williams, William
Doane, Benjamin Moore, Ephraim Willis, Nathaniel
Dodge, John Moore, George Wilson, David
Dolaw, William Morrison, Francis Wilson, Jonathan
Dovenberger, David Mosey, John Wingard, Joseph C.
Dowler, Thomas Moss, Isaac Wolf, George 
Eddy, Livens Nassey, Ezekiel Wolf, John
Eldred, Moses Neblet, Aaron Wood, Joseph
Elwell, James Nixon, Thomas Wright, Shadrach
England, Joseph Norris, Richard Wyllys, John Palsgran
  Zane, Silas (Capt.)

The following list was taken from Byron Williams'
History of Clermont and Brown Counties."  At the time of publication of this roster there was not sufficient information to justify the publication of these records as authentic.  However, there is little doubt as to their service during the American Revolution.

Alexander, James (Lt) Hare, John Payne, John
Aldridge, John Hill, Benajah Penn, Benjamin
Apple, Andrew Hoy, Adam Porter, Eli
Barber, Nathaniel John, James, (Capt.) Ramsey, John, (Capt.)
Buckingham, Enoch Johnson, James Reddick, William
Brannen, Daniel Kain, James Richardson, Joshua
Carter, James Knott, Ignatius Riggs, Gideon
Carter, Reece Leeds, Hezekiah Rose, Reuben
Clarke, Judge James Logston, John Ulrey, Jacob
Coen, Edward Looker, Othniel Salt, Edward
Colglazer, David Love, Mordecai Sargent, Elijah
Conrey, John McCollun,  Cornelius (Ensign) Sargent, John
Conrad, John McCormick, Francis, Rev. Sargent, James
Corbley, Rev. John McKay, James Shaw, James
Cowen, William (Lt.) McKnight, William Sherwin, Elnathan
Davis, Benjamin Mitchell, John Slye, Jacob
Davis, Thomas Mock, David Smith, Absalom
Day, Jeremiah Morgan, Daniel Smith, Obadiah
Day, John Morin, Edward Stewart, John (Sergt.)
Denune, John Murry, Neal Stroup, Jacob
Donham, Nathaniel Murphy, James Thomas, Jacob
Durham, Daniel Nelson, John Thomas, John
English, Robert Neville, Presley, Gen. Walburn, Samuel
Fitzwater, William Nichols, Nathan Webster, Samuel (Sergt.)
Fox, Jacob Niles, John Whidden, Solomon
Frybarger, Lewis Owen, William Wilson, Samuel
Hall, Richard (Capt.)   Winters, Mordecai

Men reported as being buried in Pike County, Ohio

McMillan, Alexander
Chenoweth, Eliljah
Cissna, Charles
Daniels, Benjamin
Love, Charles
Beekman, William

Revolutionary Soldiers Claimed by Ohio
that are buried in other states.


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Submitters retain all copyrights