History of Monroe County, Ohio
- Illustrated -
A Condensed History of the County;
Biographical Sketches: General Statistics; Miscellaneous Matters
Publ. H. H. Hardesty & Co, Publishers
Chicago and Toledo
Page 222
township was erected by an act of the General Assembly, Feb.
10, 1869. It lies on the Ohio river, is very irregular
in shape, and is bounded on the north by Greene and Ohio
townships, and on the east by Ohio township and the river,
on the south by the Ohio river, and on the west by Jackson
and Greene townships. There are four sections, and
three fractional sections and two fractional sections in
township 2, of range 4, and a fractional part of section 19,
in township 2, of range 4, in this township. Opossum
creek has its source in this township, and drains its
western and northwestern parts. A run, through the
Havely lands, emptying into the river, drains its
eastern part; Davis', or Patton's run, the
central, and Narrow's runs the western parts. Prof.
Andrews says: " Near Sardis two seams of coal are
found, the lower one about ninety feet above the Ohio river,
and the other about one hundred and ninety higher The
lower was not measured. It is, probably, the
equivalent of the Woodsfield seam. The quality of the
coal of the lower bench is good. This seam is reported
to be worked at another point, and found to be four feet
thick. This measurement, probably, includes the clay
parting. A seam of hard, blue limestone, ,two feet
thick, is seen about one hundred and forty feet below the
upper coal. A very long section was taken at
Baresville, extending to the top of a very high hill, about
two miles from the village, which disclosed four seams of
coal. [Is this not the high hill on the Gehring
farm in Lee?] The lowest one, probably the
Woodsfield seam, is about forty-five feet above low water in
the Ohio river. This is two feet thick The next
is one hundred and ninety-three feet higher, with nine
inches of coal in the upper bench, separated from the lower
bench of two feet by four inches of clay parting.
About one hundred and forty-seven feet higher is the blossom
of another seam of coal. Nearly three hundred feet
higher, and on summit of the hill, is another blossom of
coal. This hill, by the barometer, is six hundred and
seventy-nine feet high from the low water level of the Ohio
river. About one hundred and thirty-five feet below
the top of the hill are six feet of limestone, the lower two
of which are cement limestone. It is, for the most
part, a weary alternation of sand stones and shales."
The settlements made in what is now known as the Sardis
bottom were among the very earliest in the county. On
what is called "the fraction," in the Havely farm, a
Mr. McBride had a large improvement. In 1802,
he had upwards of forty acres cleared, with bearing fruit
trees and good buildings thereon. The date of the
beginning of this improvement is unknown. There was,
also, an old improvement near this, where F. Shupbach's
house now stands. The next settlement was made where
George Thistle now lives. Johnston and
Scott, who were the purchasers of all of fractional
township 1, of range 3, lived here in very early days,
probably as early as 1801. Johnston and
Scott opened a store, on this bottom about the year 1808
or 1809. Stephen Scott, or, Yankee Scott,
as he was called, the partner of Johnston, lived on
the farm above this, known as the Wells farm, now
owned by Bauman. Other early settlers were
Charles Wells, the descendants of Azariah Hoskinson,
James Patton and his sons, John and David
Patton, and the Nesbitts. Perhaps none of
the descendants of the first settlers now reside in the
township, unless it may be some of the Martins,
descendants of Abner Martin, who settled on the
Frail farm in Ohio township, and the descendants of
Azariah Hoskinson of Jackson. The population has
become, like that of Switzerland and Ohio, principally
German and Swiss, by whom the soil is very carefully
The Mount Moriah Methodist Episcopal Church, a United
Brethren Church, and a Baptist, or Mennonite Church, are all
in section 11, and a Methodist Church in Sardis.
The town of Sardis was laid out by James Patton,
in 1843. It is situated in section 33, on the Ohio
river, and is a good business point. The postoffice is
of the same name. The other postoffice in the township
is called Moreton, situated some five miles back of Sardis.
The manufacture of cheese is a productive industry in
this township, the number of pounds manufactured last years
being 104,263.
The present justices of the peace are James Nesbitt
and John Angus.
The population of Sardis, as reported for 1880, was
265, and of the township, including the town, by the census
of 1880, was 1,241.
The school statistics for the township, for the year
ending Aug. 31, 1881, was as follows: Total amount of
school moneys received within the year, $3,367.42; paid
teachers, $1,309.99; paid for interest and in redemption of
bonds, $562.00; paid for fuel, etc., $248.27; balance on
hand, Sept. 1, 1881, $1,247.16; No. of school houses, 5; No.
of school rooms, 6; value of school property, $8,300.00; No.
of teachers necessary, 6; average wages paid teachers, per
month, gentlemen, $36.00, ladies, $25.00; No. of pupils
enrolled, 291.
In closing these imperfect sketches of the history of
Monroe county and its several townships, it is due to
JOHN B. NOLL, esq., of Woodsfield, to say, that to him
the writer is greatly indebted for many of the facts and
incidents herein narrated; and that but for his kindness in
placing at the writer's disposal many memoranda of local and
personal history that he had gathered together, these
sketches would have been still more imperfect than the
writer feels them to be.

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