Page 220 This township was
organized June 4, 1850, and contains 23 sections, of which 9
are in original township 5, and eight in township 6, of
range 6, and two in township 6 and 4 in township 7, of range
7. It is bounded on the north by Seneca and Malaga, on
the east by Centre, on the south by Wayne and Franklin, and
on the west by Franklin and Seneca. In the Geological
Survey of Ohio, Prof. Andrews says: "This
township is well named, for it is upon a very high ridge,
from which the water flows into Will's creek, on the
northwest and west, into Sunfish creek on the east, and on
the land of George Feiock, and half-mile southwest of
the village of Lewisville, is one of the highest points in
the county. It is one hundred and thirty feet above
the upper seam of coal, and about three hundred and forty to
three hundred and sixty above the lower coal found on the
south fork of Will's creek. A distant knob, in the
direction south, 25° east, is a
little higher. On the land of Wm. Smith,
section 18, coal has been mined to a small extent, and some
has been taken to Woodsfield. On the land of J. R.
Fisher, on Sunfish creek, north of Wm. Smith's, a
stratum of iron ore, nine inches thick, is reported by
Hon. J. O. Amos. It is thought to be about fifty
feet above the Woodsfield (Evans) seam of coal.
The first settlers in the township were Ephraim
Rucker and Mollie McGuire. Rucker was a
Virginian, and the McBrides, Pennsylvania. The
McGuire settlement was made just north of the present
village of Lewisville, and was known as Mollie's Garden.
Rucker settled in the western part of the township.
Rucker and the McGuires built the first
cabins, about 1814. The following were the first, or
earliest settlers; Ephraim Buckner, James Benson, Michael
Crow, Wm. Craig, Philip Cline and Edward Coulter,
from Virginia; John Hamilton, Jacob Wise, David Ayres,
Ephraim Dearth, Thomas Scott, James Allen, Robert Smith,
and Thomas Allen, from Pennsylvania; Henry Benson,
Barak Fisher and Alexander Ferrel, from Maryland;
Robert Stewart, John McBride, Robert Hannahs, and
Hugh Henderson.
The first election was held at
Lewisville, Sept. 7, 1850. There were, probably, as
many voters in the township then as now. The first
vote cast was by Lemuel Rucker. Michael Crow
and George W. Watson, were the first justices of the
peace. Mr. Watson, however, was elected in
Centre, before the organization of Summit. First
trustees, Barnet Mann, John H. Ayres and
Jacob H. Hamilton; first assessor, Isaac Barnhart;
first treasurer, Wm. Milligan; constable, Philip
About 1830, or sooner,
Francis Allen built the first grist-mill, about one and
a half miles north of the site of the present town of
Lewisville. It was a horse-power draft mill.
About 1835, a Mr. Miller built a water grist-mill on
Sunfish, about two miles northeast of Lewisville, and was
afterward known as Baker's mill. About 1835,
Ephraim Rucker built a saw-mill on the headwaters of
Will's creek, some three miles west of Lewisville.
About 1825, Philip Cline taught a school about
two and a half miles northwest of the site of Lewisville,
with some thirty scholars. The house was the primitive
style, and the school a subscription school, at one dollar
and fifty cents for a term of three months; twenty-six days
to the month, and the pay, generally, in corn, at eighteen
cents per bushel.
The first postoffice was in the southwestern part of
the township, and called Shannon. It is now called
Lecompton. The only other postoffice is in the village
of Lewisville, and the name of the office the same as the
The first religious services were held at the house of
John Hamilton, in the northwestern portion of the
township, by the Baptists. The first society organized
was by the Presbyterians, about the year 1830. They
erected a log building, and, about 1853, tore it down and
erected a frame, on the same site. It was again
remodeled in 1881. Rev. McCandlas was the first
minister. This church is known as the Buchanan
Presbyterian Church. Among its first members were
Wm. Buchanan and wife, Robert Smyth and wife,
Robert Smith and wife, Wm. Pickens and wife,
James Graham and wife, Robert Cooper and wife,
and Archibald Cooper and wife. The second
church organized was on the head water of Will's creek, by
the Episcopal Methodists. Rev. Leeper was the
first minister. Among the first members were Jacob
and Mary Wise, Jacob Wise, junior, and wife,
James Wise and wife, and John Dearth. This
church was known as the Wise M. E. Church.
There are now in the township five churches; one
Presbyterian, two Lutheran, one German Methodist, and one
English Methodist.
The town of Lewisville was laid out in 1837, by
Barak Fisher and John Burton.
Population, in 1880, reported at 120. The population
of township, including the town, by the census of 1880, was
914. The present justices of the peace of Alex.
Buchanan and Henry J. Bender.
The school statistics for the township, for the
year ending Aug. 31, 1881, were as follows: Total
school moneys received within the year, $2,987.78; paid
teachers within the year, $1,600.75; paid for fuel, etc.,
$178.66; balance on hand Sept. 1, 1881, $1,208.37; No. of
school houses, 6; No. of school rooms, 7; value of school
property, $4,500; No. $36.00, ladies, $22.00; No. of pupils
enrolled, 243.