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township was organized Jan. 1, 1827, and contains nearly 28
squares miles. It embraces twelve stations in original
township 4, of range 4, and twelve sections in township 3,
of range 3, together with the north half of sections 15, 21,
27 and 33, and fractional sections 9, 10, 11 and 12, on the
river, in the last named township and range; is bounded on
the north by the Belmont county line, on the east by the
Ohio river, on the south by Salem and Adams townships, and
on the west by Sunsbury, and is the northeastern township of
the county. Big run and Johnston's run empty
into the Ohio river, and drain the east end of the township.
Cummings' run has its source in this township, and
empties into the river in Salem township. Negro and
Payne's runs, branches of Sunfish creek, drain the
southern and western parts of the township, and the waters
of Cat's run, a branch of Captina creek, drain the northern
portion of the township. Prof. Andrews says:
"The land is generally high, and, from the ridge running
east and west through the center of the township, streams
flow to the north, into Captina creek, to the east into the
Ohio, and to the south into Sunfish. The soil is
largely formed of disintegrated shales and sandstones, and
is naturally less rich than the more limestone soils, but
the German and Swiss farmers have done wonders in its
cultivation, and there is no better farming in the state.
Almost every farm has its small vineyard, and other fruits
are successfully cultivated. There is an air of
neatness and thrift quite in contrast with the slovenly
character of much of our native American farming in Southern
"On the land of Jacob Davis, in section 3,
of range 4, is seen, in the stream, a seam of coal, reported
to be four feet deep thick, which is the same seam as the
upper one in section 2, Salem township. The coal is
somewhat slaty. Above this seam no other coal was seen
in climbing three hundred and sixty-eight feet to the top of
a high knob on the farm of Charles Dota, about two
miles north or northeast of Mr. Davis'. On the
summit of the knob are several feet of crumbling limestone.
Below the limestone are red and yellow shales, below which
is a yellow sand rock, nearly fifty feet thick. The
highest part of the ridge cannot be less than five hundred
and fifty feet above the Ohio river, and it may be six
hundred feet. On the land of Ezekiel Mills
is a layer of limestone. It is, probably, one hundred
and fifty feet below the limestone on Mr. Dota's
hill. Nothing more of geological interest could be
found among these high hills."
The early settlements of this township were made along
the Ohio river, and in the valley of Big run. But
little can be added to what has been already said under the
heading, "First German and Swiss Settlements," and in the
history of Salem township. These were so intimately
blended as to be almost inseparable. Soon after the
beginning of the settlements in this township, John
Keller was engaged in opening an improvement on the head
waters of Big run. He then lived in Belmont county,
some distance from the place where he was at work. His
two little daughters, aged respectively eight and ten years,
were sent to carry his dinner to him. They missed the
right path and were lost in the forest. The people
from the surrounding settlements turned out in search of
them, and after three days the little waifs were found on
Negro run, not far from Sunfish creek. In their
terror, when they found they were lost they dropped the
basket containing the dinner, and lived for three days on
The first church erected was the St. John's Evangelical
Lutheran church, in the northeastern part of the township,
in section 30; Rev. J. J. Bodman, present pastor.
The second was the German M. E. church, situated in section
5, west of the center of the township; Rev. Chas. Koch,
present pastor. Both these churches have neat
parsonages and cemeteries attached, with a large membership.
Bingham postoffice is in the northwestern part of the
township, on Cat's run, and Switzer postoffice in the
northeast corner of section 35. These are the only
postoffices. There is no town in the township.
The number of pounds of cheese manufactured, in the past
year, was 52,485.
By the census of 1880, the population was 1,226.
The school statistics for the year ending August 31, 1881,
were as follows: Total amount of school moneys
received within the year, $3,875.38; paid teachers,
$2,016.35; paid for fuel, etc., $267.80; balance on hand
Sept. 1, 1881, $1,591.23; No. of school houses, 11; value of
school property, $4,474; No. of teachers, 11; average wages
of teachers, per month, gentlemen, $30.00, ladies $33.00;
No. of pupils enrolled, 367.
Present justices of the peace for the township:
Frederick Zessiger, George Schafer and Aaron Headley.