––Through his own well directed endeavors Mr. Pace has
become the owner of a well improved farm of eighty acres in
Gilead township, and he is numbered among the successful
agriculturists and stock-growers of the county, where he has
maintained his home for more than thirty years and where he has
forged forward from the position of a farm hand, employed by the
month, to a secure place as one of the representative
agriculturalists of this section of his native state
Mr. Pace was born in Perry county, Ohio, near New
Lexington, and the date of his nativity was January 19, 1853.
He is a son of Minor and Julia (Drake) Pace, members of
sterling pioneer families of this state, where the father
continued to be identified with agricultural pursuits until his
death. He died in Perry county and his wife died in Marion
county, Ohio. Of their children four sons and one daughter are
now living. He whose name introduces this review early began to
learn the valuable lessons of practical industry, as he began to
assist in the work of the home farm when a mere boy. His
educational advantages were those afforded in the district
schools of his native county and he continued to be associated
with his father in the work of the farm until he had attained to
his legal majority. He then began working by the month as a
farm hand, and as such he came to Morrow county in 1877,
dependent entirely upon his own energy and ability for making
his way to the goal of independence. He was industrious and
frugal and in 1894 he purchased his present farm, which is
eligibly located in Gilead township at a point about three miles
northeast of Mount Gilead, the county seat. He has shown
distinctive thrift and progressiveness in his farming and
business operations and his place is devoted to diversified
agriculture and stock-growing, in which latter department he has
given special attention to the breeding of registered Merino
sheep. He has been very successful in this line of enterprise
and the fine sheep raised by him are in much demand for breeding
While loyal to all civic duties and responsibilities and
ever ready to lend his cooperation in the promotion of measures
advanced for the general good of the community, Mr. Pace
has no ambition for public office. His political allegiance is
given to the Republican party, and in religion he is a Baptist.
His wife holds membership in the Presbyterian church at Mt.
Gilead. They are held in high esteem by all who know them and
their pleasant home is noted for its generous hospitality.
As a young man, while employed on a farm in Morrow county,
Mr. Pace was united, in marriage to Miss Rose F.
Nellans, daughter of the late John Nellans, a farmer
of Canaan township. Mrs. Pace was summoned to the life
eternal December 31, 1892, and of the three children only one is
living––Dora Maude, who is now and has been for six
years, a successful and popular teacher in the schools of Gilead
township. The other daughter––Jessie U., died at the age
of sixteen years, and the only son, John Sheldon, was but
eighteen months old at the time of his death. On the 4th of
April, 1895, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Pace to
Miss Angenetta Payne, who was born and reared in Morrow
county, and who is a daughter of the late Hiram Payne.
No children have been born of the second marriage.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––A representative business man of Mount Gilead, Morrow county,
Ohio, and one whose loyalty and public spirit have prompted him
to do all in his power to conserve the progress and development
of this section of the fine old Buckeye state is Mellville
Parrott, who is a native son of Mount Gilead and a scion of
an old Pennsylvania family. He was born on the 4th of March,
1854, and is a son of Simeon S. and Mary (Hiddleson) Parrott,
the former of whom was a native of Washington county,
Pennsylvania, and the latter of whom claimed Monroe county,
Ohio, as the place of her birth. Both were born in the year
1818, and the father came to Morrow county, Ohio, in the year
1837, settling on a farm near Mount Gilead. Mrs. Parrott
came to this county with her parents, as a young girl, and her
marriage was solemnized in September, 1840. To this union were
born the following children: Nelson, Clark, Mellville, Louise
and Dora. Nelson and Clark are both
deceased; Mellville is the immediate subject of this
review; Louise is the wife of N. N. Hiskett, and
resides in Morrow county; and Dora married I. M. Lautz,
of Vinton county. Simeon S. Parrott died in 1904 and his
cherished wife was summoned to eternal rest in 1901.
Mellville Parrott was reared to the sturdy
discipline of the home farm which was situated one mile
southeast of Mount Gilead, and during the busy seasons he
assisted his father in the work and management thereof,
attending school during the winter terms. When eighteen years
of age he gave his entire time to farming and the raising of
high-grade stock and he continued to be thus engaged until 1910,
in which year he opened a coal yard at Mt. Gilead. In the
latter line of enterprise he has been most successful,
controlling a large trade and conducting a prosperous business.
He owns forty acres of fine land in Gilead township, one quarter
of a mile southwest of Mount Gilead, and on the same raises corn
of exceptional quality, samples of which have been exhibited in
many states of the Union. He makes a specialty of the Johnson
county white and the Reed yellow corn and for the same
has been awarded premiums in many of the state fairs. Mrs.
Parrott is the owner of one acre of real estate in Mount
Gilead, the same being located on West High street, near the
Toledo & Ohio Central Railroad.
Mr. Parrott has been twice married, his first union
having been to Miss Addie McAllister, by whom he had
three children: Ethel, who is the wife of Ellery
Newson, of Morrow county; Nellie, who passed away in
1882; and Florence, who is the wife of Charles Markham,
of Mount Gilead, Ohio. Mrs. Parrott was summoned to the
life eternal in 1880, and in 1893, was celebrated the marriage
of Mr. Parrott to Miss Lillie F. Elliottt [sic],
who was born and reared at Marion. No children have been born
to this latter union.
In politics Mr. Parrott accords an unswerving
allegiance to the principles and policies for which the
Democratic party stands sponsor and although he has never been
desirous of political preferment he has been sincere and
energetic in his efforts to promote the general welfare. He
served for a number of years as a member of the Morrow County
Agricultural Society. His wife is a devoted member of the
Presbyterian church, and they hold a secure place in the esteem
and friendship of their fellow citizens.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––A representative of one of the sterling pioneer families of
Morrow county, Mr. Patten is here one of the effective
exponents of the agricultural industry in this favored portion
of the Buckeye state and he is the owner of a fine landed estate
of one hundred and forty-four acres located in Gilead township,
five miles northwest of Mount Gilead, the county seat, and three
miles north of the thriving village of Edison. Well known in
his native county, Mr. Patten is a citizen whose career
has been marked by unflagging application and productive energy,
the while his sterling attributes and genial personality have
gained to him the confidence and good will of those with whom he
has come in contact. As one of the representative citizens of
Gilead township and as a citizen whose influence is given in the
support of all worthy objects conserving the general welfare, he
is well entitled to recognition in this volume.
Thomas A. Patten was born in Canaan township, this
county, on the 19th of June, 1861, and is a son of Joseph and
Sarah (Coe) Patten, the former of whom was born in
Pennsylvania and the latter in Ohio. Joseph Patten was a
boy of six years of age at the time when the family removed from
the old Keystone state to Ohio. He was a son of Thomas
Patten, who came to this state in 1826, making the overland
journey with ox teams and wagons, by means of which he
transported his family, household effects and a modest equipment
of farming implements. In the year mentioned he established his
home in Morrow county, which was then a part of Marion county,
and located on a farm now owned by William Lepp, in
Canaan township. This land was a forest wilderness at the time
he secured the same from the government and his first arduous
labors were directed toward making a clearing in the woods and
erecting therein his primitive log cabin, which was the family
home for many years. He reclaimed much of his land, which was a
quarter section, to cultivation and continued to reside on this
homestead until his death, as did also his noble and devoted
wife. They became the parents of eleven children, of whom
Joseph was the second in order of birth, and these children
were reared to lives of usefulness and honor. The parents lived
up to the full tension of the pioneer days and were earnest,
sincere and God-fearing folk whose names merit a lasting place
on the roster of those who assisted in laying the foundations
for latter-day prosperity. Thomas Patten, the elder, was
a very strong man physically as well as morally and his children
were strong and active. Shortly after settling here in the
woods he found that he needed a heavier log chain and he went to
Mount Vernon on foot and, purchasing the iron, carried it back
to Mount Gilead on his shoulder, a substantial chain being made
therefrom. His wife, who was also a very strong and determined
woman, once killed a deer with a chopping ax. The deer had been
crippled at some time and had come to the spring for a drink.
The dog scented it and the deer went close to a large log to
guard off the dog. Mrs. Patten stole up to the log and
struck the deer’s head over it, splitting it open. Mr.
Patten still has one of the horns in his possession as a
memento of his grandmother’s prowess. His father, James
Patten, used to ride an ox and carry to the mill, a long
distance away, a sack of corn sufficient to supply the family
with meal. Quite a difference now in the matter of
Joseph Patten was reared to maturity amid the scenes
and influences of the pioneer epoch in Morrow county and his
youth gave to him ample experience in connection with the
herculean work of developing a farm in the midst of the forest.
He finally, however, determined to direct his efforts along
other lines, and served an effective apprenticeship to the trade
of blacksmith, in which he became a skilled artisan and to which
he continued to devote his attention for fully forty years,
during much of which time he was associated in partnership with
the late Jonathan Masters, under the firm name of
Patten & Masters. They conducted a large and representative
business and had a well equipped shop in Mount Gilead. Their
characters were as stanch as the vocation which they followed
and they had a wide acquaintanceship in this section of the
state, where both ever commanded secure place in popular
confidence and esteem. Vigorous in mind and body, cheerful,
optimistic and whole-souled, Joseph Patten was a man of
influence in the community and his friends were equal in number
to his acquaintances. He attained to the age of eighty-five and
one-half years and his cherished and devoted wife was summoned
to the life eternal at the age of seventy-three years. They
became the parents of seven children, three sons and four
daughters, all of whom attained to years of maturity and two of
whom are now living. The subject of this review is the younger,
and his brother, J. R., is a representative citizen of
Brown county, Kansas, where he is in business.
Thomas A. Patten was reared to manhood on the old
homestead which his father owned in Canaan township and
conducted in connection with his blacksmithing business, and he
remained there until he became twenty-two years of age. The
public schools of his native county afforded him his early
educational advantages and he continued to attend the same at
intervals until he had attained to the age of eighteen years.
Virtually his entire active career has been one of close
identification with agricultural pursuits, and through the same
he has gained a definite and secure success, giving him place as
one of the independent and substantial citizens of his native
county, of whose manifold advantages and attractions he has ever
been deeply appreciative and to whose interests he is signally
loyal. His present fine farm is well improved with substantial
buildings and is under a high state of cultivation. It is
devoted to diversified agriculture and the raising of excellent
grades of live stock and the thrift and good management of the
owner are in evidence on every side. He has been the owner of
this farm since 1902 and the same was formerly owned by
Jonathan Masters, his father’s old and valued partner in the
blacksmith business.
In politics, though never ambitious for official
preferment, Mr. Patten is found arrayed as a stanch
supporter of the principles and policies of the Democratic party
and in local affairs of a public order he gives his support to
all measures and enterprises tending to advance the general
welfare of the community. Both he and his wife hold membership
in the Methodist Episcopal church at Boundary, and he is a
valued member of Denmark Lodge, No. 760, Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, of which he is past noble grand. He has belonged
to the foregoing organization for twenty years.
On the 17th of May, 1883, Mr. Patten was united in
marriage to Miss Eda Hann, who was born in Canaan
township, this county, on the 19th of January, 1862, and who is
a daughter of the late Noah Hann, an honored citizen and
prosperous farmer of Canaan township. Sylvester P., the
elder of the two children of Mr. and Mrs. Patten, was
born on the 27th of November, 1866, and was educated in the
public schools of the county. He is one of the successful young
agriculturists of Gilead township and is a young man of sterling
character and exceptionally industrious habits. He married
Miss Mary Clouse and they have one child, Francis A.,
who was born on the 26th of August, 1909. Pansy, the
younger of the two children of the subject of this review, was
born on the 9th of August, 1892, and was afforded excellent
educational advantages. She remains at the parental home and is
one of the popular factors in the social activities of her home
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
distinguished as one of the oldest native-born citizens of
Bloomfield township, Morrow county, is an honored representative
of the brave and courageous men who boldly pushed their way to
the western frontier in the early part of the last century, and
by sturdy pioneer labor established homes for themselves and
their descendants in this vicinity. Since the days of his
boyhood wonderful changes in the face of the country have been
wrought, and in the development of its varied resources he has
taken an active part, at the same time accumulating for himself
a competency. He was born January 6, 1837, in Morrow county,
his birth occurring in Bloomfield township.
His father, William Pearl, was born, bred and
educated in, Maryland. After his marriage with Nancy Doty,
a Maryland girl, he came with his bride to Morrow county, Ohio,
locating in Bloomfield township, not far from Chesterville
township, where members of the Doty family were then well
established. The long trip was made with ox teams, the way
being marked in many places only by blazed trees. Taking up
sixty-three acres of timbered land, be cleared and improved a
good farm, and a few years later erected the first frame house
in the township. On that homestead his ten children were born
and reared, eight sons and two daughters completing their
household, as follows: Peter, Alexander, the special
subject of this brief sketch; Jackson, deceased;
William, Jim, Isaac, deceased, Oliver, George, Jane,
and Ellen. William Pearl was a zealous supporter
of the principles of the Democratic party and a prominent member
of the Christian church.
In common with the sons of the neighboring farmers,
Alexander Pearl obtained his early education in the district
schools, attending the long winter terms, but assisting on the
farm during seed time and harvest. Beginning life for himself
at the age of twenty-one years, his first important step was to
take unto himself a wife. He then embarked in agricultural
pursuits, and by means of untiring industry, combined with skill
and practical judgment, found himself, ere many years,
proprietor of a highly-improved and productive homestead of
eighty-three acres, with a good set of farm buildings. In his
political relations Mr. Pearl is a sound Democrat, and
has served as trustee of Chesterville township. Religiously he
is an active member of the Advent church at Sparta.
Mr. Pearl married, in 1858, Lovinia Dupy, who
was born in Bloomfield township, Morrow county, on a farm on
which her parents, Samuel and Elizabeth (Denina) Dupy,
located on coming to Ohio from the Empire state. Of this union
five children were born, namely: James, deceased;
Joseph; Malinda; Alfaretta; and Kelley, deceased.
Since the death of Mrs. Pearl, which occurred in 1905,
Mr. Pearl has resided with his son Joseph, who was
born June 4, 1875, and is now actively and prosperously engaged
agricultural pursuits. His daughter, Malinda Pearl, born
February 25, 1880, also makes her home with her brother
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––A prominent agriculturist of Congress township, Morrow county,
Ohio, is Zenas B. Peoples, who here owns and operates a
fine farm of one hundred and twenty acres. Everything about his
highly cultivated estate is indicative of thrift and prosperity
and throughout this region Mr. Peoples is recognized as a
man of sterling integrity of character and as a citizen whose
contribution to progress and development has ever been of the
most insistent order. Mr. Peoples was born in this
county, the date of his nativity being October 9, 1857. He is a
son of William and Mary (Cook) Peoples, the former of
whom was a prominent farmer of this section of the fine old
Buckeye state whose demise occurred on the 5th of June, 1880, at
the age of fifty-five years. William Peoples was a son
of David Peoples, who was reared in Jefferson county,
this state, his parents having been natives of Ireland, whence
they came to America about the year 1780. David Peoples
accompanied his parents to Franklin township, Morrow county, in
1810, at which time he was a child of but five years of age. At
that time Franklin township was an uninhabited wilderness and
Robert Peoples, great-grandfather of Zenas B.,
entered a tract of two hundred acres of government land, which
he cleared and on which he reared to maturity a large family of
children. His son, David Peoples, died in 1865 at the
age of seventy-three years. The marriage of William Peoples
to Miss Mary Cook was solemnized on the 11th of May,
1854, and to them were born four children: Louisa, whose
birth occurred on the 28th of February, 1855; Zillah and
Zenas, born October 9, 1857; and Kate, born April
2, 1866. Louisa married Davis Hetrick and resides
in Congress township, this county; Zillah is the wife of
Michael Hirth and maintains her home in the city of
Cleveland, Ohio; Zenas is the immediate subject of this
review; and Kate married Jacob Volk, of Cleveland,
Ohio. William Peoples at the time of his death, was the
owner of a farm of one hundred and ten acres of most productive
land, which was divided among his children.
Mary (Cook) Peoples, the mother of him whose name
introduces this article, was a descendant of a long line of
illustrious people. She was a daughter of William P. and
Louisa (Mann) Cook and her birth occurred on the 29th of
August, 1830. William P. Cook was a native of the state
of Maryland, whence he came to Ohio in the early pioneer days,
locating on a farm in Morrow county, where he raised a family of
four children. He was a son of Reverend John Cook, a
minister in the Baptist church, who was long a noted preacher in
Maryland and who served as chaplain in the war of the
Revolution. After immigrating to Ohio, Reverend Cook
settled in Morrow county on the north fork of Owl creek, where
he purchased a tract of seven hundred acres of land and where he
divided his time between preaching and farming.
Zenas B. Peoples was reared to adult age on the old
homestead farm and his preliminary education consisted of such
advantages as were offered in the public schools of the locality
and day. When nineteen years of age, through reading and close
application to his studies, he was enabled to teach school,
which he did for the ensuing eight years. He is now the owner
of a fine farming property of one hundred and twenty acres and
he devotes his attention to diversified agriculture and the
raising of high grade stock. He is a prominent member of the
Pleasant Grove Christian church, in which he was an elder for
two years and in which he has served as clerk for the past
year. In politics he accords a stalwart allegiance to the
principles and policies of the Democratic party, in the local
councils of which he has long been an influential leader. He is
an ardent temperance advocate and is a member of the township
board of school directors. Mr. Peoples is a well
informed, affable gentleman and one whose dealings have all been
characterized by uprightness and most honorable methods.
On the 13th of May, 1882, was celebrated the marriage of
Mr. Peoples to Miss Jennie Maxwell, a daughter of
James P. and Susan (Swallum) Maxwell. She was born on the
12th of February, 1860, and was reared on the farm on which she
and her husband now reside. Her father was summoned to the life
eternal on the 2nd day of May, 1898, at the age of eighty years,
and her mother passed away on the 24th of January, 1902, at the
age of seventy-nine years. James P. Maxwell came to Ohio
from Pennsylvania, as a young man. He was an early pioneer in
this county and he traced his ancestry back to stanch
Scotch-Irish extraction. Mrs. Peoples’
great-grandfather, on the maternal side, was John Swallum,
who was taken from school when a mere boy and forced into
service as a soldier in the Hessian army. Subsequently he was
captured by the American forces and then became a gallant and
faithful soldier under General Washington. To Mr. and
Mrs. Peoples were born two children: Jessie, the
elder, and Ward M. Jessie was educated in the
public schools and at Angola, Indiana, Normal School, and she
has been a popular and successful teacher in the schools of
Morrow county and at Cleveland, Ohio, for the past nine years.
Ward M. lives on a farm adjoining his father’s and he is
married to Miss Norma Elizabeth Fish; they have one
child, Maxwell Beck Peoples, whose birth occurred on the
13th of May, 1909.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––The ranks of old patriot soldiers, who were so loyal in the
defense of their country in her urgent need, are gradually
becoming thinned, and thus it is a matter of special
gratification to the publishers of this volume to here accord
recognition to one who fought and bled at the shrine of Union.
Orlando D. Phillips has passed practically his entire
active business career in Harmony township, Morrow county, Ohio,
where he is the owner of a splendid farm of three hundred and
twenty acres of well cultivated land. He is engaged in
diversified agriculture and the growing of live stock and in
these lines of enterprise he has met with unqualified success.
Orlando D. Phillips was born at Granville, Licking
county, Ohio, the date of his nativity being the 21st of
November, 1845. He is a son of Benjamin and Margaret
(Johnson) Phillips, both of whom were born and reared in
Licking county, Ohio, where was solemnized their marriage.
Benjamin Phillips came to Morrow county from Newark, Ohio,
in 1854, and he located on a farm in Harmony township, on which
he continued to reside during the remainder of his life. With
the passage of years he accumulated a large estate, owning at
one time as much as four hundred and fifty acres of fine Buckeye
lands. He was a well educated man and was widely renowned as an
orator of marked eloquence. He was a stanch Republican in his
political proclivities and for a number of years served with the
utmost efficiency as a member of the board of county
commissioners of Morrow county. He was the father of five
children, all of whom are now deceased except Orlando D.,
the immediate subject of this review. Benjamin Phillips
was summoned to the life eternal in the year 1891, and his
cherished and devoted wife passed away in 1911. Both were
highly esteemed in their home township, where they were active
factors in progress and development.
On the old homestead farm in Harmony township Orlando D.
Phillips was reared to adult age, and as a boy and youth he
attended the public schools of this section. When but seventeen
years of age he became fired with boyish enthusiasm and enlisted
as a soldier in Company C, Eighty-second Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, the date of the beginning of his military career being
the 29th of January, 1862. He was in the Eastern army during
the first year and a half of his service and during that time
participated in the second battle of Bull Run, the battle of
Chancellorsville and the conflict at Gettysburg. Subsequently
he was with Joe Hooker and took part in the battle of
Lookout Mountain. He was twice wounded, at the battle of Resaca
in the left thigh, and at Atlanta in the lungs. He was with
Sherman on his memorable march to the sea and throughout his
military career he saw hard service. Before the close of the
war he was promoted to the rank of corporal and he received his
honorable discharge and was mustered out of the service on the
3d of August, 1865. One of his brothers, Oliver P. Phillips,
gave up his life in the service of his country. Mr. Phillips,
of this notice, retains a deep interest in his old comrades in
arms and signifies the same by membership in the Grand Army of
the Republic, in which he is a valued and appreciative member of
Marengo Post. As a reward for his services during the Civil was
he receives a pension of twenty-four dollars per month.
When peace had again been established Mr. Phillips
returned to Morrow county, Ohio, where he worked on his father’s
farm until his marriage, in 1867. After that important event he
began to farm on his own account and he now owns a splendid
estate of three hundred and twenty acres, all of which is in a
high state of cultivation. The fine substantial buildings,
located in the midst of well cared for fields are ample proof of
the owner’s thrift and industry. In addition to his farming
operations he raises high-grade stock and everywhere he is
recognized as a farmer and business man of reliable methods and
sterling integrity. He and his wife are devout members of the
Disciple church at Wildcat and he is affiliated with a number of
fraternal and social organizations of representative character.
His political convictions are in harmony with the principle
promulgated by the Republican party and he is ever on the alert
to do all in his power to advance the general welfare of his
home community and county.
Mr. Phillips has been twice married, his first union
being to Miss Mariah Long, the ceremony having been
performed on the 19th of January, 1867. To this marriage were
born four children, three of whom are living in 1911, namely:
Emma, who is the wife of Arthur Hayden; Eddie B.,
who is unmarried and who remains at the parental home; and
Starley H., who is engaged in agriculture and who resides in
Harmony township. Mrs. Phillips was called to eternal
rest on the 24th day of March, 1892, and subsequently Mr.
Phillips married Miss Addie B. Turner. The latter
union has been profilic [sic]
of one
child; Freddie D., who was born on the 19th of April,
1899, and who is now attending the district schools in this
township. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are popular and
prominent citizens in Harmony township and they command the high
regard of all with whom they have come in contact.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––A wide-awake, brainy man, full of vim and energy, Willis T.
Phillips, of Bennington township, holds a place of
prominence among the foremost agriculturists of Morrow county,
and has made his mark in insurance circles, in the year 1910
doing an especially large business as agent for the Ohio State,
Life Insurance Company. He was born April 27, 1872, in
Coshocton, Ohio, a son of Reverend W. L. Phillips, a well
known Methodist Episcopal minister.
Born in Pennsylvania, Reverend W. L. Phillips was
educated for the ministry, and subsequently came to Knox county,
Ohio, and was assigned to the Northern Ohio Conference. He
preached in different places, spending the larger part of his
time, however, in Morrow county, where he held various
pastorates. He was a regularly ordained preacher at Iberia, and
likewise at Fulton, where he built up a large church. He was a
man of great intelligence, public-spirited and progressive, and
while in Morrow county represented his district in the State
Legislature. He married Mary Madden, who was born in
1840 in Perry county, and came with her parents to Morrow county
in 1841.
The only child of his parents, Willis T. Phillips
attended first the graded schools, completing his early
education in the Marengo High School. As a young man he began
his active career as an agriculturist, and now owns, in
Bennington township, a well improved farm of one hundred acres,
which he devotes to general farming and stock raising, meeting
with good success in these lines of industry. On October 1,
1909, Mr. Phillips accepted a position with the Ohio
State Life Insurance Company, and the following year was
credited by the company with doing more business along certain
lines than any other of the company’s representatives.
At the age of nineteen years, on February 19, 1891, Mr.
Phillips married Jennie Randolph, who was born in
Stantontown, Peru township, Ohio, December 22, 1871, a daughter
of Hiram and Anna (Chase) Randolph. Mr. and Mrs.
Phillips are the parents of three children, namely:
William, born November 1, 1892, was graduated from the
Marengo High School with the class of 1911; J. Foster,
born May 29, 1894; and Leno L., born August 7, 1898.
Politically an earnest supporter of the principles of the
Republican party, Mr. Phillips is an active worker in its
ranks, and is now one of the supervisors of election. Both he
and his wife are congenial, pleasant people, prominent in social
affairs, and are held in high esteem throughout the community.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
 |
––A venerable and highly respected citizen of Morrow county,
Perry M. Pierce, of South Bloomfield township, has long been
identified with the advancement of the agricultural growth and
prosperity of this part of the state and holds a noteworthy
position among its substantial farmers. He is of pure English
descent, the founder of the branch of the Pierce family
to which he belongs having come with a brother across the
Atlantic in the Mayflower, landing in Plymouth, Massachusetts,
in 1620. His posterity are scattered throughout the length and
breadth of the land, the name “Pierce” being known in
many a town, county and state. Perry M. Pierce was born
December 5, 1827, in South Bloomfield township, in the rude log
cabin here erected by his father, Barnabas C. Pierce.
His grandfather, Reverend Daniel Wildman Pierce, a
Baptist minister, devoted his life to the ministry, holding
pastorates in New York state. He married a Miss Wildman,
who was of New England ancestry, her parents having been born
and bred in Connecticut.
Barnabas C. Pierce was born September 30, 1792, in
Putnam county, New York, and was there reared. He served as a
soldier in the war of 1812, and eight years later, in 1820,
migrated with his family to Ohio, locating in South Blomfield [sic]
township, in what was then Knox county, but is now included
within the limits of Morrow county. He took up his residence on
the farm of fifty acres which his wife inherited from her
father, who had taken up five hundred acres of land from the
government, and there carried on general farming until his
death, at the age of eighty-six years. The maiden name of his
wife was Nancy Wildman. She was born in Bristol,
Connecticut, February 5, 1803, and died on the home farm in
Morrow county, Ohio, at the age of eighty-two years. They were
the parents of seven children, as follows: Thomas J.,
born December 26, 1820, in South Bloomfield township; Mary,
born May 12, 1823, died in childhood; Nathan W., born
March 10, 1825: Perry M., the subject of this brief
biographical sketch; Betsey J., born April 1, 1831;
Daniel H., born August 1, 1837; and Columbus D., born
November 1, 1839. During the Civil war Columbus D. Pierce,
the youngest son, enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and
Twenty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until receiving
his honorable discharge at the close of the war.
A man of scholarly attainments, fitted for a professional
career, Perry M. Pierce located after his marriage in
Hartford, Ohio, where he studied and practiced medicine for a
few years, after which he traveled extensively throughout the
state. Locating then on the homestead of his father-in-law in
Morrow county, he was extremely successful in his occupation of
a general farmer and has here continued his residence until the
present time. He is a great reader, keeping himself well
informed on the current topics of the day, and is not only an
interesting conversationalist but is said by his neighbors and
friends to be one of the best orators in the county.
Mr. Pierce married, June 12, 1864, Lois Amanda
Gano, who was born in Morrow county, Ohio, April 10, 1845, a
daughter of Elijah Gano, a life-long resident of this
state. Elijah Gano married Chloe D. Stephens, who
was born in Tompkins county, New York, and for four years
thereafter lived on a farm in Perry township. He then moved
with his family in 1848 to South Bloomfield township, locating
on the farm now owned and occupied by Mr. Pierce, and
there both he and his wife spent their remaining years. Mr.
and Mrs. Gano became the parents of five children, as
follows: Lois Amanda, born April 10, 1845; David,
born February 27, 1848; Lorenzo Bruce, born November 30,
1850, died June 25, 1851; Ann Eliza, born November 4,
1853, died at age of fourteen; and Ora Z. T., born
February 4, 1860.
Of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce four children
were born, namely: Ida died in infancy; Sumner,
born May 18, 1867; Linneus, born August 17, 1869; and
Clinton L., born December 23, 1871. Educated in the
district schools and at the Sparta High School, Sumner Pierce
taught school twelve years, and having passed the civil service
examination with an unusually high record of scholarship,
secured a position in the United States post office service, and
is now considered one of the most expert clerks of that
department. Linneus Pierce, educated in the district
schools, is now located on the home farm, which he manages with
much success. Clinton L. attended the Sparta High
School, and subsequently taught school ten years, and is now
identified with various industries. Mr. Pierce is a
member of the Lutheran church while Mrs. Pierce and the
oldest son, Linneus, are valued members of the Methodist
Episcopal church at Bloomfield.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a representative member of the medical profession of Mt. Gilead,
Ohio, has been identified with this place since the spring of
Dr. Pierce is a native of Morrow county, Ohio, born
in Chesterville, Chester township, September 15, 1868, and he
belongs to a family whose residence in Ohio covers a period of
more than a hundred years. His parents, Clark and Harriet
(Lyon) Pierce, both natives of Ohio, the former born in
Harmony township, Morrow county, in 1830, the latter, in Knox
county in 1833, were well known and highly respected in the
community in which they lived; they died within twenty-four
hours of each other, and of the six children born to them the
subject of this sketch is the only one now living. Clark
Pierce was a Union soldier, and as a members [sic]
Company E, One Hundred and Twenty-first Ohio Regiment of
Infantry, served all through the Civil war. He was a son of
Zabad Pierce. Mrs. Harriet Pierce was a daughter of
Daniel Lyon, who was a son of Simeon Lyon and a
grandson of Abraham Lyon, the last named a captain in the
Revolutionary war. Simeon Lyon, in 1805 came to Ohio
from Morristown, New Jersey, and acquired title to a tract of
land in the Western Reserve, which is still in possession of
members of the Lyon family.
Roy L. Pierce passed his youth and early manhood at
Chesterville in his native county. After his graduation from
the Chesterville High School he clerked and later taught school
there deciding to prepare himself for the medical profession, he
entered the Ohio Medical University, of Columbus, Ohio, where he
graduated in 1896. He began the practice of his profession as
an extern of the institution, and took a post graduate course of
one year. In the spring of 1901 he took up his residence in Mt.
Gilead, where he has since been successfully engaged in the
practice of medicine. He is secretary of the Morrow County
Medical Society and has membership in the Ohio State and
American Medical societies.
Doctor Pierce married Miss Laura J. Rhodebeck
in October, 1898. She was born in Morrow, county in 1873, and
is a graduate of the Mt. Gilead High School. Previous to her
marriage she was a music teacher. They have had two children,
an infant deceased, and Harriet I., born December 1,
Fraternally the doctor is a Mason, having membership in
Chester Lodge, F. and A. M. He is also a member of Mt. Gilead
Independent Order of Odd Fellows and of the Encampment, and has
passed all the chairs, and is past grand chief patriarch. Both
he and his wife are members of the Order Eastern Star, in which
she has passed the chairs, and she is also a member of the
Rebekah Degree, auxiliary to the I. O. O. F., in which she has
filled all the offices. Politically the doctor affiliates with
the Republican party. He served two terms as coroner. He is a
genial, cordial gentleman and affable and of a cheerful, sunny
nature, which are prime exponents of success in the sick
chamber. He is a lover of fine horses, a bird fancier, and
humane by his dog; these are some of his social characteristics.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––Honored and respected by all, there is no man in Morrow county
who occupies a more enviable position in commercial, industrial
and financial circles than does Alpheous L. Pipes, not
alone on account of the brilliant success he has achieved, but
also on account of the honorable, straightforward business
policy he has ever followed. He possesses untiring energy, is
quick of perception, forms his plans readily and is determined
in their execution, and his close application to business and
his excellent management have brought to him the high degree of
prosperity which is his today. He stands as one of the foremost
merchants in this part of the state and in other lines his
business has assumed large proportion, but while laboring for
his own success he has also promoted the general prosperity by
pushing forward the wheels of progress and advancing the
commercial prestige of the county in which he makes his home.
Alpheous L. Pipes was born in Harmony township,
Morrow county, Ohio, on the 7th of March. 1864, a son of
Harod and Mary J. (Sellers) Pipes, both of whom were natives
of Ohio. Harod Pipes was identified with agricultural
pursuits during the major portion of his active business career
and he was summoned to the life eternal on the 20th of June,
1903; his wife passed away on the 29th of September, 1909. They
were the parents of six children: three sons and three
daughters, concerning whom the following brief record is here
inserted: Allie is the wife of Ed Vance and
resides at Cardington, this county; Alpheous L. is the
immediate subject of this review; Joseph H. and
Jeremiah are both prominent farmers in Harmony township;
Cora is the wife of W. F. Hildebrand, of Morrow
county, and Mertie is now Mrs. Lyman P. Ulrey and
maintains her home in Morrow county. Alpheous L. Pipes
was reared to adult age on the home farm in Harmony township and
after completing the curriculum of the district schools of his
birth place he was for two years a student in the high school at
Chesterville. After leaving school he devoted his entire time
and attention to farming until 1891, in which year he engaged in
the hotel business at Fulton, continuing to be identified with
that line of enterprise for about one year, at the expiration of
which he launched forth in the hardware business. In 1904 he
added to his original concern a general stock of groceries,
dry-goods, boots and shoes and notions. His establishment is
practically a well equipped department store and it has been
said concerning him that he handles everything from a needle to
an automobile or threshing machine. His fine line of business
and the large patronage to which he caters are the result of his
own well directed endeavors. In addition to his store
enterprise he is a stockholder in the People’s Savings Bank at
Mount Gilead, and is also a stockholder in the Ohio State Life
Insurance Company.
On the 31st of October, 1888, was solemnized the marriage
of Mr. Pipes to Miss Iona M. Graham, who is a
daughter of Benton and Candace (Selover) Graham and whose
birth occurred on the 27th of May, 1865. Benton Graham
was born in Congress township, Morrow county, and his wife was
born in Franklin township. Benton is a son of Samuel
Graham, who was born and reared in the state of
Pennsylvania, whence he came to the fine old Buckeye state of
the Union. Mrs. Pipes is from a large family of eleven
children and all living but the mother. Mr. Graham is
seventy-four years old and in good health. Mrs. Pipes
grew up on the old home farm in Congress township and she early
availed herself of the advantages afforded in the district and
high school at Mount Gilead. She was very studious and bright
and for seven years prior to her marriage was a popular and
successful teacher in the public schools of Morrow county.
Mr. and Mrs. Pipes have three children, namely: Delta Mae,
born July 8, 1891, was graduated at the Cardington high school
in 1909. She attended school at Granville one year and will
pursue a business course in the following year. Mabel F.,
whose birth occurred on the 31st of January, 1894, is now a
student in the Cardington high school. Pliny P., born
April 12, 1896, is attending public school at Fulton. All the
children are at the parental home.
In politics Mr. Pipes accords an unswerving
allegiance to the principles of the Democratic party and while
he has never been anxious for the honors or emoluments of
political office of any description he has ever manifested a
keen interest in all matters touching the general welfare. He
is a member of Fulton Lodge, No. 433, Independent Order of Odd
Fellows and his wife is affiliated with the Daughters of
Rebecca, in which she is vice grand of the Fulton Lodge. Mr.
Pipes is a man of distinct and forceful individuality, of
marked sagacity, of undaunted enterprise, and in manner he is
genial, courteous and easily approachable. His career has ever
been such as to warrant the trust and confidence of the business
world and as a citizen he holds no mean place in the confidence
and esteem of his fellow men.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––Morrow county, Ohio, figures as one of the most attractive,
progressive and prosperous divisions of the state, justly
claiming a high order of citizenship and a spirit of enterprise
which is certain to conserve consecutive development and marked
advancement in the material upbuilding of this section. The
county has been and is signally favored in the class of men who
have contributed to its development along commercial and
agricultural lines and in the latter connection the subject of
this review demands recognition, as he has been actively engaged
in farming operations during practically his entire life thus
far. He has long been known as a prosperous and enterprising
agriculturist and one whose business methods demonstrate the
power of activity and honesty in the business world.
James H. Place is a native son of Morrow county, his
birth having occurred in Westfield township, on a farm near his
present home, on the 27th of August, 1839. He is a son of
Ethan F. and Charity (Smith) Place, the former of whom was
born in the state of New York and the latter of whom claimed
Germany as the place of her nativity. Ethan Place was a
son of John Place, who was likewise born and reared in
the old Empire state of the Union, in which place was solemnized
his marriage and whence he removed to Ohio in an early day,
location having been made on a farm in Westfield township. His
cherished and devoted wife, whose christian [sic]
was Sally, was summoned to the life eternal in Westfield
township in 1836, and John passed away in 1848, at
Caledonia, where he spent the closing years of his life. To
them were born the following named children: John, Sullivan,
Ethan, Anson, Margie, Sallie and Elizabeth, all of
whom are now deceased. To Ethan and Charity Place were
born: Lydia E., whose birth occurred on the 22nd of
November, 1833; Philo D., born March 5, 1836; George P.,
March 3, 1838; James H., August 27, 1839; Henry and
Henrietta, twins, born June 27, 1841; and Mary E.,
born October 13, 1849. Ethan Place died on the 3rd of
May 1881, and his noble wife was called to her reward on the 8th
of May, 1885. He was a stanch Republican in his political
convictions and he was ever on the alert to do all in his power
to advance the general welfare of the community in which he
maintained his home. The father was a Baptist and the mother a
devout member of the Presbyterian church in their religious
faith, and they were active and zealous participants in all
benevolent and charitable movements advanced in the township.
Mr. Place, the immediate subject of this review, was
reared to the invigorating discipline of the home farm, in the
work and management of which he early became associated with his
father. During the winter terms he attended the district
schools in Westfield township and there managed to eke out a
fair education, which he has since supplemented with extensive
reading and varied experiences. In 1867 he initiated operations
as an independent farmer and he has resided upon his present
splendid estate, comprised of one hundred acres, since 1867. In
the midst of highly cultivated fields are beautiful and
substantial buildings and the general atmosphere of thrift and
prosperity which pervades the place is indicative of good
management on the part of its practical owner. The Place
farm is eligibly located six miles distant from Cardington and
it is accounted one of the finest estates in Morrow county. In
his political convictions Mr. Place accords an
uncompromising allegiance to the cause of the Republican party
and while he has never manifested aught of ambition for the
honors or emoluments of public office he is always willing to
contribute his share to all matters projected for progress and
development. He is affiliated with the social organizations of
representative character and while he is not formally connected
with any religious organization, he has the highest feeling of
respect for Christianity and attends and gives his support to
the United Brethren church, of which his wife is a devout
On the 25th of April, 1867, was recorded the marriage of
Mr. Place to Miss Ruth R. Shaw, who was born in
Westfield township, this county, on the 13th of November, 1845,
and who is a daughter of Jonathan Shaw, born in
Pennsylvania, and of Mary A. (Barry) Shaw, born in
Maryland, whence they came to Westfield township at an early
period, they having been the first white settlers in this
section of Morrow county. Jonathan Shaw, the father of
Mrs. Place, lived and died on the old farm entered by his
father and he was summoned to eternal rest on the 19th of
November, 1901. Mrs. Place is a scion of one of the most
worthy families in Morrow county and a lady of most pleasing
address and personality. Her parents, Jonathan and Mary A.
(Barry) Shaw, were the parents of the following children:
Susanna, who is the wife of William Curl, a prominent
citizen of Cardington, Ohio; Rachel, who was the widow of
Andrew Redd prior to her marriage to T. J. Holloway,
of Morrow county, Ohio; Sarah J., who was the wife of
Oliver Sharp at the time of her death, on the 9th of
September, 1902; Ruth R., who is now Mrs. Place,
wife of the subject of this review; J. W. Shaw, a
successful business man at Cardington, was twice married, first
to Eva Ensign, who is deceased, and second to Miss Imo
Shunk; James S., who married Miss Alma Lewis,
is a resident of Carthage, Indiana, where he is the proprietor
of a jewelry establishment and where he also conducts an
undertaking business; Aaron is deceased, as are also
Mary E. and Alfred A.; Melissa is the wife of
Loran Curren, of Westfield township; John L.
wedded Minerva Oliver and they reside in the northern
part of Morrow county, near the city of Galion, Ohio; Martha
E. is deceased; and Dorothy is the wife of W. C.
Brenizer, one of the prosperous farmers of Westfield
township. Mrs. Place was reared and educated in what is
now Shawtown, Ohio, and prior to her marriage she was one of the
successful and popular teachers of Morrow county. Mrs. Place,
as well as her husband, came from sterling families and there
has never been a blot on the escutcheon of the family name. To
Mr. and Mrs. Place have been born two children: Walter
W., whose birth occurred on the 17th of May, 1872; and
Carrie M., born November 4, 1874. The son was married on
the 25th of October, 1893, to Miss Ada Cecil and they are
the parents of three children; Ralph L., Ivan L., and
Irene E. The daughter, Carrie M., was married to
Lewis Howard on the 25th of February, 1897, and they reside
in Westfield township.
Mr. Place is a man of fine mentality and broad human
sympathy. He thoroughly enjoys home life and takes great
pleasure in the society of his family and friends. He is always
courteous, kindly and affable, and those who know him personally
accord him the highest esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Place’s
lives have been exemplary in all respects and they have ever
supported those interests which are calculated to uplift and
benefit humanity, while their own high moral worth is deserving
of the highest commendation.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––An essentially loyal and public-spirited citizen of Congress
township, Morrow county, Ohio, is Samuel T. Poland, who
has filled with utmost efficiency many important offices of
public trust and responsibility in this section. Mr. Poland
was born on the 30th of April, 1842, a son of Samuel and Mary
(Truex) Poland, both of whom are now deceased, the former
having passed away in 1865, at the age of sixty-five years, and
the latter, in 1864, at the age of fifty-four years. The father
was a prominent farmer and was the first recorder of Morrow
county, having been elected to that office in 1848 and serving
therein for two terms. Mr. and Mrs. Poland became the
parents of ten children, namely: David, Benjamin, William R.,
John C., Daniel, Joseph, Samuel T., Elizabeth (Mrs.
Parsons), Mary C. (Mrs. Early) and George W.
Of the above children all are deceased except John C., Samuel
T. and George W.
As a youth Samuel T. Poland attended the district
schools of this county and he early began to assist his father
in the work and management of the home farm. When seventeen
years of age he entered upon an apprenticeship at the
shoemaker’s trade, serving for a period of three years and
becoming a most skilled workman. During the war he was an
ardent Union sympathizer and in May, 1864, he enlisted as a
private in Company G, One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, in which he served for one hundred days, at
the expiration of which he reenlisted in Company K, One Hundred
and Seventy-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until the
close of the war. He saw much active service in the war; was
under General Thomas at Nashville and later joined
Sherman at Goldsboro, North Carolina, being under that
renowned general at the surrender of General Johnston.
He participated in many important conflicts marking the progress
of the war, including the battle of Murfreesboro, Nashville, the
battle of the Cedars, the evacuation of Decatur, Alabama, Wise
Forks, North Carolina and others. He received his honorable
discharge in August, 1865, and was mustered out of service at
Charlotte, North Carolina. After the close of his brilliant
military career Mr. Poland returned to Morrow county,
where he initiated his active business life as a grocer in the
town of Mount Gilead, his partner in business being D. G.
Poland. He continued to be identified with that line of
enterprise for the ensuing nine years and in 1876 he came to the
farm owned by his father-in-law in Congress township, where he
remained for two years. He then, in 1878, purchased a tract of
one hundred and forty acres of most arable land at an
administrator’s sale, the same being located in Congress
township. He engaged in diversified agriculture and the raising
of high-grade stock and has continued to devote the major
portion of his time and attention to agricultural pursuits
during the long intervening years to the present time, in 1911.
In 1908 he purchased an additional tract of land, some
eighty-seven and a half acres adjoining his homestead on the
south. As a farmer Mr. Poland is thrifty and industrious
and his splendid estate is finely improved, all the buildings
being of the most modern type.
In politics Mr. Poland is aligned as a stanch
supporter of the Republican party and he has been incumbent of
many important offices in Morrow county. For nine years he was
a school director and for eleven years he served as justice of
the peace. In 1904 he was elected county commissioner, to which
office he was reelected in 1906, serving until 1909. Mr. and
Mrs. Poland are highly esteemed citizens in their home
county, where they are deeply admired and beloved for their
sterling integrity of character and their sincere devotion to
all matters tending to enhance progress and development. Mr.
Poland has ever retained a deep interest in his old comrades
in arms and signifies the same by membership in Hurd
Post, Grand Army of the Republic, at Mount Gilead.
In June, 1865, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Poland
to Miss Rachel J. Lyons, a daughter of Peter and
Sophia (Bell) Lyons. She was born in this county on the
24th of January, 1840. Mr. and Mrs. Poland have two
children: Sarah A., who is the wife of Charles B. Hull,
of Edison; and William H., who married Miss Iva Long
and who resides in Congress township. William H. has two
sons: Samuel, who was born in 1905, and John,
whose birth occurred in 1907.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
was born October 25th, 1870, at Mount Gilead, Ohio, and entered
the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, May 20,
1887, as a naval cadet, having received the appointment from
Colonel W. C. Cooper, representative from the Fourteenth
Congressional District. He was graduated from the Naval Academy
June 4, 1891, was commissioned an ensign, July 1, 1893; a
lieutenant, junior grade, March 3, 1899; a lieutenant, September
9, 1899; a lieutenant-commander, September 30, 1905; and a
commander March 4, 1910.
He served on the U. S. S. “Lancaster,” “Monocacy,”
“Petrel,” and again on the “Lancaster,” in 1891-1893, on the
Asiatic Station, going out under sail around the Cape of Good
Hope on the “Lancaster,” and returning across the Pacific by
mail-steamer. He was on the “New York” when she first went into
commission in 1893 and for over a year thereafter, as well as
during the Spanish war, when she was Admiral Sampson’s
flagship; was on the “Machias” from ’94 to ’97, on the Asiatic
Station, returning from there on the “Detroit” in 1897; was on
the “Alliance,” a training ship for apprentices, cruising on
both sides of the Atlantic in 1899-1900, then on the “Dolphin”
for a few months, and after a tour at the Torpedo School at
Newport, Rhode Island, on the “Buffalo,” en route to the Asiatic
Station where he was transferred to the “Brooklyn” 1901-2. The
“Brooklyn” was then sent to Australia to represent the United
States at the reception given to the Duke and Duchess of York
(the present king and queen of England), on their tour around
the world. After a. cruise to all the ports of north China and
Japan, the “Brooklyn” returned to New York. The summers of 1903
and 1904, were spent on the “Chesapeake” (now called the
“Severn,”) and the summer of 1909 on the “Olympia,” and that of
1910 on the “Massachusette,” [sic] all of these summer
cruises being for the instruction of midshipmen.
Commander Pollock joined the battleship “Ohio” in
October, 1904, remaining until May, 1905, when he was made
Equipment Officer at the Naval Station, Cavite, P. I., until
January; 1906, when he was ordered back to the “Ohio” as Flag
Lieutenant on the staff of Rear Admiral C. J. Train,
Commander-in-Chief of the U. S. Navel forces on the Asiatic
Station. On the death of the Admiral in August, 1906, he
accompanied the remains back to thee United States, and was on
the battleship “Alabama,” as navigator until August, 1907.
October 1, 1910, he joined the battleship “Virginia” as
Executive Officer. Of these ships, the “Lancaster,” “New York,”
“Brooklyn,” “Ohio,” “Alabama,” “Olympia,” were flagships.
His shore duty has been at the U. S. Naval Academy,
1897-99, 1902-04, in 1907 and 1910, and in 1902 a few months on
the receiving ship “Columbia” at the Navy Yard, New York, also
occasional minor duties, as in command of the tug “Nina,” the
torpedo-boat “Bagley,” etc., for short times. While on duty at
the naval academy he was instructor for four years in
mathematics, and three years in electrical engineering. His
services at sea have taken him over two hundred thousand miles
in all parts of the world, except around South America.
He was married, December 5, 1893, at Hale’s Rest, Richland
county, Ohio, to Beatrice Law Hale, born there July 20,
1873. She was a daughter of Hugh Brisben and Henrietta
Melvina (Fox) Hale, of Richland county, Ohio. Beatrice
Hale, their daughter, was born June 1, 1901, at Brooklyn,
New York.
He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, of
the Society of Colonial Wars, of the Military Order of the
Carabao, and has received from the government the West Indian
medal for service on the New York, during the war with Spain,
also the Spanish campaign, and Philippine badges, for service
during those campaigns, and has a sharpshooter’s medal with
expert bars for rifle and revolver shooting. During the
Jamestown Exposition, while on the “Alabama” he was temporarily
of the staff of the German Commodore who represented [sic]
the German Emperor, and some months later received from the
Commodore and his staff a handsome silver cigar box, in
recognition of his services.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––Living on his pleasant homestead in Westfield township,
James R. Porter is numbered among the successful and
enterprising agriculturists of Morrow county, where for many
years he has been actively engaged in the cultivation of the
soil. A native of Ohio, he was born June 9, 1849, in Delaware
county, and there brought up and educated.
His father, James Porter, was born in Pennsylvania,
and while young came with his parents to Ohio, locating in
Delaware county in pioneer days and there spending the remainder
of his life, during his active career being engaged in general
farming. He married Eliza Kane, who was also born in
Pennsylvania, and when a child was brought by her parents to
Delaware county, Ohio. She died on the home farm in Delaware
county, and her body was laid to rest beside that of her husband
in the Marlboro church yard. Of the five children born of their
union, three are living, as follows: Elizabeth, wife of
Lester Olds, of Kansas; Henry W., of Arkansas, and
James R.
James R. Porter became familiar with the three “rs”
in the district school. Left fatherless at the age of thirteen
years, he assumed a large part of the responsibility of the care
of the family, and until his own marriage had charge of the home
farm. Coming to Morrow county, he located in Westfield
township, where he now has a well-improved and highly productive
farm of sixty-five acres, which he is managing most
successfully, each year gathering abundant harvests. He is a
general farmer, but pays considerable attention to the raising
of stock, which he finds a profitable industry. He is a
Democrat in politics and a strong advocate of all measures
calculated to advance the interests of the community.
Mr. Porter married, in 1869, Sarah Claypool,
who has passed to the life beyond, her death occurring on the
home farm October 24, 1907. Five children blessed the union of
Mr. and Mrs. Porter, namely: Laura, wife of
William Blake, of Delaware county, Ohio; Hattie, wife
of Frank Mayfield; Bertha, living at home;
Addie, who after graduation from the Ashley High School
taught school for a time, is the wife of Ralph Riley; and
Minnie, who was graduated from the Ashley High School and
afterwards took a commercial course at Valparaiso, Indiana, is
now a bookkeeper in Cleveland, Ohio.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––Independence may be cultivated to advantage, but the germ must
be inborn and inbred. Some fortunate individuals possess it by
inheritance and as a birthright, and they have the strongest and
finest brand of it. They are not swayed by every breeze which
may be wafted, but they deliberately choose their course and
walk with unwavering steps toward their destination. They hold
to their principles and their ideals and govern their actions
accordingly, paying no attention to the names of sects or
parties but closely considering the things or thoughts or
policies for which they stand.
Among the foremost of this class which has influenced for
advancement the communities of Morrow county stands Judge
Louis K. Powell, former mayor of Mt. Gilead and probate
judge and long a leading member of the bar. A native of the
county, he was born February 6, 1852, son of Evan W. and
Elizabeth (Everett) Powell, and was trained in the schools
of Franklin township and on his father’s farm, his education in
these respects alternating with the seasons of summer and
winter. At the age of eighteen he realized one of his strongest
ambitions by entering Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio,
where he completed a regular course in 1873 and graduated with
the degree of B. A. Then he engaged in teaching, but kept his
eye on the goal of the law by devoting his “leisure” hours to
study in the office of Olds & Dickey. In 1878 he was
admitted to practice and immediately formed a partnership with
T. H. Dalrymple in the office which he now occupies.
Elected mayor of Mount Gilead in 1880, he conducted its public
affairs with marked discretion and ability until 1884, and it
was during his administration as mayor that the Short Line
Railroad connecting the village with the Big Four system was
constructed. From 1885 to 1891 he served the county with equal
honor in the capacity of probate judge. On his retirement from
the bench he resumed practice with characteristic promptness,
good judgment and success. In addition to the other positions
mentioned he was a member of the seventy-third General. Assembly
of Ohio, and is at this writing a member of the Circuit Court
for the Fifth Judicial Circuit of Ohio, having been appointed to
that position by Governor Harmon to succeed Hon.
Maurice H. Donahue, who was elected to the Supreme Court of
Ohio at the general election of 1910. In early life and as an
official Judge Powell supported the Republican party but
has since come to believe that the independent or progressive
wing of the Democratic party more nearly conforms to his
political views than does the Republicanism of to-day. Thus
believing, he has had no hesitancy in vigorously supporting the
party of his choice.
In 1882 Judge Powell married Miss Carrie
Dalrymple, the daughter of his partner, and to them have
been born four children, two of whom are living; Herman D.,
born in 1883, and Roger K., in 1902. The former is a
high school graduate and at this writing is employed with a
civil engineer corps at Medford, Oregon, of which state he has
become a resident.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
––Numbered among the substantial and progressive citizens of
Morrow county is Sanford D. Powell, farmer and stockman,
who also devotes a part of his well-improved farm of eighty-five
acres to the profitable keeping of bees. He is one of the loyal
citizens of Morrow county and has paid this favored portion of
the Buckeye state the compliment of remaining within its borders
throughout nearly the entire course of his life. By the
circumstance of birth Mr. Powell belongs to Auglaize
county, for it was there that his eyes first opened to the light
of day November 28, 1865. His parents were John and Mary
(Stevens) Powell, and his paternal grandfather, Peter
Powell, was a well-known and highly honored elder of the
Baptist church and a native of the state of Virginia. John
Powell, like his son, our subject, was a farmer and
stock-raiser and the owner of an advantageously situated farm of
one hundred and seventy-one acres, upon which were reared his
family of six children. They are as follows: Peter Christian,
deceased; George Monroe Powell, residing in Perry county,
Ohio; Isaiah Douglas Powell, of St. Louis, Missouri; the
subject, who is third in order of birth; Maria, wife of
Marion Hart, near Stanton, Ohio; and John W. Powell,
who makes his home in Lincoln township.
The early days of Sanford D. Powell were passed amid
rural surroundings and to the schools of the county is he
indebted for his educational advantages. When he was about
twenty years of age he had the misfortune to lose his father and
much of the responsibilities of the operation of the farm fell
upon his youthful shoulders. He remained upon the homestead
with his mother until her death, which occurred in 1904. This
admirable lady was previous to her marriage Miss Mary Stevens,
daughter of Benjamin Stevens, and she was born in Ohio,
in the year 1828, being seventy-six years of age at the time of
her demise
Upon the settlement of the property after the death of his
parents Mr. Powell received one sixth of it, and he has
added to his share, now owning eighty-five acres. As previously
mentioned, in addition to his general farming and stock-raising
he also cultivates honey for the market, and has twenty-two
stands of bees. His agricultural methods are of the most
advanced and enlightened sort and have been crowned with
abundant success.
Mr. Powell is a prominent member of the time-honored
Masonic Order, his membership being with Mt. Gilead Lodge, No.
206, Free and Accepted Masons; and with Cardington Chapter, No.
163, Royal Arch Masons; while he is also affiliated with Fulton
Lodge, No. 433, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In addition
he is identified with the Crystal Lodge of Rebekahs, Lodge No.
487, of Fulton, Ohio. In his political proclivities he is
Democratic and at one time served as justice of the peace of
Lincoln township. He is a man of more than ordinary ability, a
wide reader, who studies current events and keeps abreast of the
times. He is well known in this section of Morrow county and
that favorably, for his honesty and integrity are unswerving,
and in consequence he enjoys the respect of the community in
which he has spent almost his entire life. His parents removed
from Auglaize county to Morrow county in the year 1866.
Mr. Powell comes from a sturdy old Virginia family,
and his forbears were prominent in the life of the Old Dominion
His grandfather was a noted clergyman, and although Mr.
Powell is not united with any church, he is a liberal
supporter of them. He finds his lodge relations a source of
great pleasure. Mr. Powell is unmarried.
Source: History of Morrow County, Ohio by A. J. Baughman - Vol.
II - Chicago-New York: The Lewis Publishing Co. - 1911 – pp.
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |