brick manufacturer, Zanesville, Ohio. One of the most noted
and successful
concerns in the state, extensively engaged in the manufacture of
brick of all kinds, is that known as W. B. Harris & Bros.,
the firm having three yards in and near Zanesville, with a capacity
of 60,000 bricks per day. Charles O. Harris was born in
Zanesville in 1833, and his father, William H. Harris, who
was a native of London, England, came to America when a young man.
The elder Harris located in Zanesville in 1821, followed
merchandising for some time, but in later years became a farmer.
His death occurred in Zanesville in 1880. Charles O. Harris
was reared in Zanesville and received his education in the public
schools of that city. After some time spent as a clerk he
became a member of the firm of W. B. Harris & Bros., in
merchandising business, and continued with this firm until 1889,
since which time the firm has been extensively engaged in the
manufacture of brick. Mr. Harris selected, as his
companion in life, Miss Lucy Meredith, a native of the Old
Dominion, and their nuptials were celebrated at Winchester, Ohio, in
1865. This union has been blessed by the birth of four
children, one son and three daughters. The family worship at
the Presbyterian church. In politics Mr. Harris advocates the
principles of the republican party. He is a member of the
Royal Arcanum and Legion of Honor.
Source: Biographical and Historical Memoirs
of Muskingum County, Ohio, publ. 1892 - Page 478 |