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ONE of the great problems
yet unsolved is that, in the Divine economy, it was found necessary
for human progress and development in this world, that war should
prevail and become popular. From the earliest period known to
history, down to our own time, war seems to have been the means, not
only of settling difficulties between communities, tribes and
nations, but the means by which states and nations have been
established, and by which they have grown in intelligence and
And if we may credit the Scriptures, God not
only sanctioned war, but took a direct part in it. The verdict
of history is that through the bloody carnage of war, through its
untold sufferings and miseries, the cause of liberty has been
promoted and civilization has been advanced. By war this great
Nation came into existence, founded upon the principles of freedom
and human liberty, and by war it threw off that deadly
incubus—slavery—which marred its bright escutcheon, and made freedom
exultant throughout the world. Whether war will continue to be
the potent factor of human progress, the power to which nations will
continue to appeal for the settlement of controversies, the future
can only determine. The grandest captain of the age - U. S.
Grant - by the establishment of the Geneva Convention,
inaugurated a new power, which meets the approbation of all good
people throughout the world, and it is to be hoped that in the
settlements of disputes in the future, it will be adopted by all
nations and governments.
Neither this county nor the state was settled early
enough to send out men to participate in the war of the Revolution,
but three of the most prominent pioneers of Muskingum county,
settled there soon after the close of that war. They were
Generals Rufus Putnam, Benjamin Tupper and Colonel Ichabod
Nye. The two former were not only confidential friends of the
great Washington, but his able lieutenants in the great struggle for
The Indian war in the Northwestern Territory, or the
territory north of the Ohio, which followed the war of the
Revolution, was too early to affect the territory
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now embraced within the limits of Muskingum county. There were
a few Indians inhabiting that territory at the time that were in the
Indian war, but there were no battles fought on its soil; nor is it
known that there were any white men living in the territory that
were in the war.
When the Indians discovered that they could no longer
depend upon their former ally, the British, for aid, they became
satisfied that they could not cope with the power of the United
States, and were willing and ready to accept the terms of the treaty
of peace, that had been proposed by our government. The
principal features of this treaty were: The cessation of
hostilities; the restoration of all prisoners of war; the
establishment of boundary lines, with further cession of lands by
the Indians, and compensation on the part of the government for all
additional lands ceded. The Indians were to acknowledge
themselves under the protection of the United States, and no other
power, and to sell off their reserved lands to no other power; the
Indians or the United States, to remove or punish intruders on the
Indian lands. Trade was to be opened as provided in the Fort
Harmer treaty; all injuries to be settled by law, and any hostile
plans known to one party to be revealed to the other. All
previous treaties annulled.
This treaty was concluded and signed by Gen.
Wayne and the representatives of the Indian tribes and nations
of the Northwest, at Greenville, Aug. 3, 1795, and was ratified by
the United States Senate, Dec. 22, 1795. The amicable
adjustment of the Indian troubles was the initiatory step to the
rapid settlement of this section of the country.
War of 1812. - The
impressment of American naturalized citizens on the high seas by the
British government, the attempt to incite the New England states to
a dismemberment of the Union, the intrigues by her emmissaries with
the Indians of the Northwest to induce them to again make war
against the United States, were the principal causes that brought on
the war of 1812. The British government thought that if they
could again incite the Indians to war against the settlers of the
Northwest, they would be forever compelled to abandon that territory
north of the Ohio, thereby making the Ohio river the boundary line,
and ultimately it would be able to add that magnificent domain to
its own possessions.
In June, 1812, war was declared by the United States
against Great Britain. In this war the soil of Ohio was the
scene of most momentous engagements of the army of the Northwest;
and in the regular service and in volunteer fmilitia,
the soldiers acquitted themselves with honor. When the first
murmurings of the impending conflict were heard, the attention of
the government was directed to Ohio as the most suitable ground for
organization and the base of operations in the Northwestern
frontier. It was held as certain that the English would depend
upon and would secure the aid of the dreaded allies, the Indians.
Ohio was the frontier territory and the population was much
scattered, being at that period the youngest of the States. In
view of the exposed condition of the frontier and the almost certain
coalition of the Indians under their noted chief, Tecumseh,
the government determined to send a body of regular troops from
Southern Ohio to the northwestern frontier, the Detroit river, to
secure the command of Lake Erie. A force of 1,500 men, which
had been drawn together at Cincinnati, and known as the Northwestern
army, was given to Brig.-Gen. William Hull.
Gen. Hull left Cincinnati with these troops May 14,
1812. At Urbana he was joined by one regiment of Ohio
volunteers, under command of Col. James Findley; one company
of Cincinnati light infantry, commanded by Capt. John F.
Mansfield; one regiment from the Scioto country, commanded by
Col. Duncan McArthur, and another regiment from the Muskingum
country, commanded by Col. Lewis Cass. In the latter regiment
there were about 250 men from Muskingum county. Of this number
about twenty were killed in the war. Northern Ohio, Lake Erie,
Michigan and Canada comprised the principal theatre of the war in
the West; and among the events of note were Col. Croghan’s
defense of Fort Stephenson, on the present site of Fremont, Ohio;
Commodore Perry’s victory on Lake Erie; Hull’s
surrender at Detroit; the defeat of the British under Gen.
Proctor; the defeat of the Indians under Tecumseh, by Gen.
Harrison, at the battle of the Thames, in which the great
Indian chief was killed, and the gallant and ever memorable defense
of New Orleans by Gen. Jackson.
The war closed, victory resting with the arms of the
republic; the volunteers returned to their homes, and the treaty
(Ghent) was signed by the representatives of the United States and
Great Britain Dec. 24, 1814.
The Mexican War. -
The battle of San Jacinto, which was fought Apr. 21, 1836,
terminated the fierce struggle between Mexico and Texas, and secured
to the latter her independence, which she maintained up to the year
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Mexico, however, submitted to her defeat, and the loss of her
magnificent territory with ill grace, and nursed the hope that she
would ultimately regain it. When the question of the annexation of
the Texas Republic to the United States came up, Mexico used all her
influence with our government to prevent it, claiming that as she
had not recognized the independence of Texas, that territory was
still a part of her domain. The efforts of the Mexican
government, aided by the anti-slavery element in the United States,
were not strong enough to resist the powerful pressure for
annexation, and Feb. 24, 1843, a joint resolution for the admission
of Texas passed both houses of Congress; the following day it was
signed by President Tyler, and thus that grand empire
became a part of this great nation.
This act was regarded by the Mexican government as
unjust and as an encroachment on its rights, and soon after the
inauguration of President Polk, the Mexican minister
called for his passports. Texas was admitted into the Union July 4,
1845; diplomatic relations between the two countries ceased, and
both nations began preparations for war. General Zachary
Taylor was sent into Texas with 1,500 men, which was
subsequently increased. He took a position with his forces,
which was called the “army of occupation,” near the border of the
Rio Grande. The army was engaged in defending the territory of
the new state from Mexican invasion until the spring of 1846.
Final declaration of war was made on the part of the United States,
May 13, 1846, and on the part of Mexico May 23d following, and
active measures for war were at once taken. A call was made by
the President for 43,500 men and a requisition on the State of Ohio
was made for three regiments or 2,400 men.
May 20, 1846, Governor Bartley issued his
proclamation in response to the call of the President on Ohio for
three regiments. The call was for volunteers in the terms of
the law, “Infantry or riflemen to serve twelve months or to the end
of the war, unless sooner discharged.” The governor, in his
proclamation, appealed to the patriotism of the people of the state,
and called upon the major-generals to muster their several
divisions, and to determine the number of volunteers that could be
had in each brigade. May 22, 1846, Maj.-Gen. Chas. B. Goddard,
in response to the governor’s proclamation, called on Gen. John
T. Arthur of the Second brigade, to proceed to ascertain the
number of volunteers under his command who would enroll themselves
for the war. The next day General Arthur issued
the following order:
Page 119 -
the people, left Zanesville on the May Queen, for Cincinnati, where
it was assigned to the Third regiment, commanded by Col. R. S.
Curtis. The troops arrived at New Orleans July 9, and went
into camp on the old battleground. In a few days they left for
the seat of war.
This company did gallant service in the war, and
participated in some of the fiercest and most deadly battles.
At the close of the war those that escaped death returned to their
February 3, 1848, treaty of peace was concluded at
Guadaloupe, was ratified by both governments, and was proclaimed by
President Polk, July 4, 1848.
War of 1861-5. -
At the close of the war, Ohio had in the union army 200
regiments of all arms. In the course of the war she furnished
230 regiments, besides 26 independent batteries of artillery, 5
independent companies of sharp-shooters, a large part of 5 regiments
accredited to West Virginia, contingent; two regiments transferred
to United States colored troops, and a large portion of the rank and
file of the 54th and 55th Massachusetts. Muskingum county
furnished, all told, 3,850 men. It is not the purpose of this
work to give the history of all the regiments that were enlisted
from Ohio for the war of the rebellion, but those in which coldiers
from Muskingum county were mustered.
First Ohio
Volunteer Infantry. - This regiment was formed and on its
way to Washington, under the command of A. M. McCook, within
three days after President Lincoln’s first call for
troops, which was made and telegraphed throughout the country Apr.
15, 1861. It was largely made up from Southwestern Ohio, its
nucleus being formed from the old militia companies, and its
complement chiefly from the young men of that section of the state.
Transportation companies at this early stage of the war were not
familiar with the moving of troops, and many annoying delays were
experienced en route to the Potomac, and ere the regiment
arrived at Washington, the first danger to the Capitol of the nation
from rebel arms had passed over. It was attached to General
Schenck’s brigade, and its first engagement was at Vienna,
where the rebels attacked their trains. The First, with the
rest of the brigade, debarked, formed in line by the track, and
acquitted itself handsomely, with the other troops, driving the
rebels back. It was on the field at the battle of Bull Run,
but was not actively engaged, but rendered valuable service in
covering the retreat of those that were in that disastrous battle.
Soon after this battle, its term of service having expired, it was
sent home and mustered out, with very slight loss. During the
month of August, reorganization for the three years’ service begun,
its place of rendezvous being at Camp Corwin. October 31, with
Col. F. B. Smith in command, it left camp, and proceeded to
Cincinnati, where it received its arms, and on the 5th of November
embarked on the steamboat Telegraph, for Louisville, and upon its
arrival there went into camp at Camp York. Leaving Camp York,
November 15th, it reported to Gen. A. McCook at Camp Nevin,
and was assigned to the Fourth brigade, Second division, Army of the
Cumberland. About the middle of December it broke camp and marched
to Green river, where it remained until the 15th of February, 1862,
in preparation for active field work, when orders were received to
join Gen. Grant, then marching on Fort Henry. On
their way, news was received of the fall of Fort Henry, and the
regiment returned to Green river, and from there moved on to
Nashville, and went into camp in an open field, without either tents
or blankets. March 16, the regiment received marching orders
and started out for the field of Shiloh, by way of Duck river and
Savannah. During the latter part of the march cannonading was
heard in the direction of Shiloh, and double quick time was made to
Savannah, then to Pittsburg Landing, where they arrived on the
morning of the 7th of April. The regiment immediately formed
in line of battle to the left of its brigade, and to the right of
Gen. Crittenden’s division. It was hotly engaged
with the enemy until about mid-day, driving it back, and recapturing
General Sherman’s camp, when it retired to replenish
its ammunition. Having prepared for action, the First again
took the field, and participated in the general charge on the rebel
lines. During this battle the First was saved from greater
loss by the generalship of its able commander, B. F. Smith.
It next participated in the movements on Corinth, but did not
join in the pursuit of the enemy. It remained for a while
guarding Corinth, and then was ordered to Nashville. It was
engaged in several expeditions and skirmishes on its way, and
finally arrived there
* It is a sad commentary on those upon whom the
responsibility rested of preserving the names of the volunteers that
enlisted for this war, that none can be found. The historian
has searched the files of the newspapers of Zanesville in vain for
any record of them. Only a part of the muster roll of one company
even can be found in the adjutant general's office of the state, and
this is so mutilated that many of the names are unintelligible.
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Second Ohio
Volunteer Infantry -
Page 121 -
Third Ohio
Volunteer Infantry. -
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Page 123 -
Fifteenth Ohio
Volunteer Infantry. -
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Dec. 2, 1865. It was in the war four years and eight months,
and retired from the service of its country as being one of the best
regiments sent into the field.
Sixteenth Ohio
Volunteers. - The Sixteenth was organized at CAmp Tiffin,
Ohio, Oct. 2, 1861, under Colonel John F. De Courcey, and was
mustered the same day into the United States service. It
proceeded to Camp Dennison, where it remained until December 16,
when it received its arms, and was ordered to Lexington, Ky.
Jan. 12, 1862, it received orders to report to General S. P.
Carter, at Somerset, Ky., where it was engaged in repairing and
bilding military roads. Jan. 31, 1862, it was ordered to
London, where it halted for a rest and then moved on to Cumberland
Ford, arriving there February 12th. A reconnoisance was
made March 12, resulting only in a light skirmish. This was
repeated on the 22d.
The regiment was placed in the Twenty-sixth brigade,
with the Forty-second Ohio and Twenty-second Kentucky, and assigned
to the Seventh Division, Army of the Ohio, under command of Gen.
George W. Morgan. April 28, a move was made to the top of
Cumberland mountain near Cumberland gap. The troops arrived at
the top early in the morning, with a heavy fog surrounding them.
They encountered the rebels and a sharp fight followed, continuing
until the afternoon. The month of May was consumed in
preparing for an assault on Cumberland gap. About the middle
of June it was discovered, on moving toward the gap, that the enemy
had abandoned it and had retreated toward Knoxville, Tenn.
The Sixteenth entered the late stronghold of the enemy
and hoisted the Union flag. It remained there until August 3,
fortifying, drilling and foraging, with an occasional skirmish.
On August 6, it was ordered out to relieve the Fourteenth Kentucky,
at Tazewell, and a sharp fight followed. In this action,
Companies B and K were cut off from the main force and most of them
were taken prisoners. The enemy proved too strong for the
Union troops, and they were forced to retreat to the main army.
Toward night, the Union army retreated within their entrenchment at
the gap, the enemy following a short distance.
September 8, the Sixteenth, with its brigade, was
ordered to Manchester, Ky., for supplies. On the 19th they
were joined by the remainder of teh Union troops at the gap and
moved toward the Ohio river. In this retreat they were
constantly harassed by the Rebels as far as Grayson. They suf
Page 126 -
188 recovered from wounds; discharged on surgeons certificate of
disability, 186. The total of the original organization and
recruits, was 1,191, of which there was mustered out 477.
Nineteenth Ohio
Volunteers -
Twenty-Fourth Ohio
Volunteer Infantry -
Page 127 -
Thirty-Second Ohio Volunteers. -
Page 128 -
Sixty-Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
Page 129 -
Seventy-eighth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry. -

Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Building, Zanesville.
Page 130 -
Page 131 -
subsequent it was ordered to Louisville. From there, July 9,
it started for Columbus, Ohio, where, on the nth, it was paid off
and mustered out of the service of the United States. No
regiment leaving the state to battle for the cause of the Union was
more distinguished for its gallantry, noble daring and hard fighting
than the brave Seventy-eighth.
Ninety-seventh Ohio
Volunteer Infantry. - The Ninety-seventh was recruited from
the counties of Coshocton, Guernsey, Morgan and Muskingum, Companies
C, E, F, G and K being largely made up from the latter county.
It was mus
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Hundred-and-seventy-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
This regiment was organized at Camp Zanesville, from September 30,
to Oct. 8, 1862, to serve three years. It was recruited from
the counties of Coshocton, Guernsey, Morgan and Muskingum.
Volunteers from Muskingum were principally in Companies A, B, F, G,
H, I and K. It was
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Page 134 -
One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. - This
regiment was organized at Zanesville, Ohio, May 9 and 10, 1864, and
was mustered into the United States service for 100 days. It
was composed of the Eleventh regiment, Ohio National Guard, from
Muskingum, county, and the Seventy-third battalion, Ohio National
Guard, from Fairfield county. The regimental officers were: Lyman
J. Jackson,
colonel; Horace D. Munson, lieutenant colonel; Wm. S.
Harlan, major; Robert Chambers, surgeon; Albert
W. Train, adjutant; Henry Lillibridge, quartermaster;
Joseph H. Moore, chaplain, and Albert A. Guthrie,
sergeant major.
Immediately after muster-in the regiment was ordered to
Harper’s Ferry, Va., and went into camp on Maryland heights until
May 17, when it was ordered to report to Gen. Lew Wallace,
and was assigned to Brig- Gen. Kenly’s command. Four
companies were detailed on guard duty at Camp Bradford, Baltimore,
where they remained during their term of service. One company
performed provost guard duty in Baltimore, another was detailed at
Patterson Park Hospital, and the remaining companies were on
detailed duty, guarding bridges on the Philadelphia, Wilmington &
Baltimore railroad. At the time of the Rebel invasion, 100 men
from the regiment were mounted and participated in the battle of
Monocacy junction, July 9, and the skirmishes incident thereto.
July 12, companies B, E, G and I, with other troops, moved on an
expedition to Pikesville, against the Rebels. July 28, four
companies of the regiment were stationed at Havre de Grace, where
they had charge of the railroad. August 13, its term of
service having expired it was discharged and sent home. It
arrived at Zanesville, August 17, and was mustered out on Aug. 24,
One-Hundred-and-Sixteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. - This
regiment was organized at Zanesville, Ohio, May 12, 13, and 14,
1864, to serve for one hundred days. It was made up of the
Fifty-third battalion, Ohio, National Guard, from Perry county;
Ninety-first battalion, Ohio National Guard, from Muskingum county,
and a part of the Seventy-third Ohio National Guard, from Fairfield
county. It was mustered
into the United States service at Zanesville, May 12, 1864, and was
immediately placed en route to Harper’s Ferry. Its first duty
was to guard supply trains to Martinsburg, W. Va. On its
return it was placed in the First brigade, First division, of
General Hunter’s army, and on the morning of the 25th of
May it moved out to Woodstock, W. Va., with the command. It
then moved toward the front, but on the way was again detached and
sent back to guard and take charge of a supply train at Martinsburg.
At Middletown the regiment met Mosby’s guerillas and had a skirmish
with them. From this time until the close of its service, it
was occupied almost continually in marching
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and counter-marching through the Shenandoah Valley, during which
time it was engaged in a number of skirmishes. August 25, the
regiment started for home and arrived at Zanesville on the 29th.
At the expiration of its term of service, Aug. 29, 1864, it was
mustered out.
One-Hundred-and-Seventy-eighth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.—This
regiment was organized at Camp Chase, Sept. 26, 1864, to serve one
year. Companies A and F were partly made up from Muskingum
county. Under command of Col. Joab A. Stafford, it
started by rail and water for Nashville, under orders to report to
Gen. George H. Thomas for duty. It remained in
Nashville about two weeks, performing
guard duty, when it was ordered to Tullahoma, Tenn., when it formed
a part of the post command. The post was evacuated during the
winter of 1864-5, and the One-hundred-and-seventy-eighth was sent to
Murfreeboro, where it it remained during the siege. After the
defeat of General Hood’s army, at Nashville, the
regiment was ordered to North Carolina. It landed at Morehead
City with the Twenty-third army corps, and later took part in the
action at Wise’s fork against Gen. Johnston’s
forces. After the surrender of Johnston, the regiment
was ordered to Charlotte, N. C., for garrison duty. It
remained there until it was mustered out June 29, 1865. It was
paid off and discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio, July 10, 1865.
One-Hundred-and-Ninety-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. - This
regiment was one of the series recruited for one year's service, and
was organized at Camp Chase, Ohio, Mar. 20, 1865, with Col. Henry
B. Banning, commanding, it arrived at Harper’s Ferry, March 25,
and after preforming
performing garrison duty there for a few days, it joined
Gen. Hancock’s command at Winchester. While in
this camp news of Lee’s surrender was received, and the
regiment was ordered to Alexandria, Va., when it performed
provost guard duty until Dec. 18, 1865. It was then ordered to
Washington and mustered out of service. It returned to Camp
Chase, was paid off and discharged.
This regiment, like all that class of one-year’s
service, organized in 1864-5,was composed of men who had previously
been in the service, and were thoroughly experienced soldiers; and
when they were recruited there were no indications that the
Confederacy was so near its final collapse.
Individual Record,
First Regiment.
Wm. E., |
e. in Apr.
1861, Co. H, for 3 months' service, re-e. May 2,1864;
apptd, 2nd. lieut. Co. E., 100 days., m. o. Aug. 22,
1864, re-e. Sept. 21, 1864, 1 year, Co. A; apptd 1st
lieut. Feb. 10, 1865; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Thos M., |
e. in Apr.
1861, 3 months' service, Co. H; re-e. Aug. 12, 1861, 3
years, Co. E; apptd. 2d lieut; cap.; parolled; res. July
27, 1862. |
Jas. S., |
e. Apr.
1861, 3-months' service, Co. H; re-e. Sept., 1862, 7th
O. V. C.; trans. to U. S. N.; dis. June, 1865. |
Frederick, |
e. Apr.
1861, 3-months' service, Co. H; re-e. in 18th U. S. I.;
wd. at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863; in hos.; cap. in
front of Atlanta; in Andersonville and other prisons;
parolled; in hos. at Annapolis; m. o. Sept. 15, 1865. |
Second Regiment. -
Anderson, H.
L., |
e. Aug. 9,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; pro. 1st lieut.; pro. capt. Aug.
10, 1863; dis. at Camp Chase Oct. 10, 1864; com. maj.
194th Mar. 14, 1865; pro. lieut. col. Oct. 22, 1865; m.
o. Oct. 24, 1865. |
James, |
e. Oct. 8,
1862, 9 months, Co. E; dis. July 9, 1863; re-e. Feb. 23,
1864, 3 yrs. Co. B; wd. at the Wilderness; trans. to 4th
O. bat. June 5, 1864. |
Bell, J. W., |
e. Sept.,
1861, 9 months, C. E; dis. July 14, 1863. |
Brown, John
T., |
e. Sept. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; dis. July 30, 1862, on acct. of
wds. |
Cary, James
Edward, |
e. Aug. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; killed at Perryville, Ky., Oct. 8,
1862; |
James, |
e. Aug. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. E, corp.; apptd. sergt. Feb. 1, 1864;
wd. at Perryville and at Resaca; m. o. Oct. 1864; |
Elsea, John, |
e. Oct. 8,
1862; 9 months, C. E; in several hospitals; dis. Aug.
20, 1863. |
Daniel, |
e. Oct. 8,
1862; 9 months, Co. e; dis. July 14, 1863. |
Hugh N., |
e. Aug. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. E.; wd. at Perryville, Ky.; no
further record. |
Noah, |
e. Aug. 19,
1861; 3 years, Co. E; wd. at Chattanooga, died at
hospital; 2d brig., 1st div., 14th Army Corps. May 27,
1864. |
David D., |
e. Aug. 19,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; m. o. Oct. 10, 1864; |
Robert P., |
e. Aug. 24,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; wd. and capt. at Chickamauga;
exchanged; trans. to 18th O. V. I., Oct. 10, 1864. |
David, |
e. Apr.,
1861, 3 years, Co. H; kld. at Vienna, Va., June 17,
1861; |
Andrew J., |
e. Aug. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; trans. to V. R. C. July 1, 1863;
m. o. Oct. 10, 1864. |
John, |
e. Oct. 8,
1862, 9 months; wd. at Dechard Station; dis. July 14,
1863. |
Ross, James
M., |
e. Oct. 10,
1862, 3 years, Co. E.; dis. July 26, 1863. |
Ross, Nathan
T., |
e. Oct. 8,
1862, 9 months, Co. E.; dis. July 14, 1863. |
Martin, |
e. Aug. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; wd. at Perryville, dis. Feb. 10,
1863; disab. |
Bryant, |
e. Aug. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; wd. at Stone River; in hospital;
m. o. Oct. 10, 1864. |
Van Horne,
Francis, |
e. Aug. 14,
1861, 3 years Co. E.; m. o. Oct. 10, 1864. |
Page 136 -
Leander, |
e. Aug. 11,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; in hospital at Cincinnati;
m. o. Oct. 10, 1864. |
Chas. T., |
e. Licking
County, Oct. 8, 1862, 9 months, Co. E; wd. at
Murfreesboro; in hospital; dis. July 14, 1863. |
David, |
e. Aug. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. E.; apptd. corp. Dec. 15, 1862; wd.
at Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863; dis. Apr. 13, 1864 disab. |
Third Regiment. -
A. C. |
e. Oct.
8, 1862, 3 years, Co. E; left at department
headquarters; no further record. |
Louis A., |
e. June
13, 1861, 3 years, Co. E., corp.; apptd. sergt.
May 1, 1864; m. o. June 21, 1864. |
Lewis F., |
e. June
13, 1861, 3 years, Co. E, corp; apptd. sergt, May 1,
1864; wd. at Chaplin Hills, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862; m. o.
June 21, 1864. |
William A., |
June 13, 1861, 3 years, Co. E; apptd. corp. Nov. 1,
1862; wd. at Stone River Jan. 3, 1863; capt. near
Rome, Ga.; held one month; m. o. June 21, 1864. |
George W., |
e. Aug.
22, 1862, 3 years, Co. E; wd. at Chaplin Hills, Ky.,
Oct. 8, 1862; trans. to Miss, marine brig. Jan. 31,
1863; dis. at Vicksburg Jan., 1865. |
Elijah, |
e. Allen
county June 13, 1861, 3 years, Co. B; sergt. color
bearer; wd. at Huntsville, Ala.; capt. near Rome,
Ga.; paroled; m. o. Camp Dennison June 21, 1864. |
John, |
e. June
18, 1861, 3 years, Company A; wd. at Stone River; no
further record. |
Benj., |
e. June
13, 1861, 3 years, Co. E; capt. near Rome, Ga.;
prisoner at Belle Island 3 weeks; exch.; m, o. June
21, 1864. |
John J., |
e. Aug.
28, 1862, 3 years, Co. E; trans. to Co. C, 33d,
June, 1864; capt. and held for a few days in Libby. |
John W., |
e. June
13, 1861, 3 years, Co. E; wd. at Stone River Dec.
31, 1862; m. o. June 21, 1864. |
Frederick W., |
e. June
13, 1861, 3 years, Co. F; wd. at Perryville; capt.
near Rome, Ga.; paroled and sent to Camp Chase;
trans. to 33d O. V. V. I., Co. C.; wd. in front of
Atlanta; in hospital; m. o. at Washington June 5,
1865. |
Fourth Regiment.
Samuel J., |
e. June 3,
1861, 3 years, Co. C; m. o. June 24, 1864. |
Regiment. -
Alfred, |
surg., e.
June 11, 1861, 3 years; m. o. June 20, 1864.
John, |
e. in Franklin
county June 13, 1861, 3 years, Co. K; m. o. July 20,
1865; vet. |
Twelfth Regiment.
William T., |
e. May,
1861, 3 months’ service, Co. K; re-e. Aug., 1861, Co. F,
2d W. Va. V. C.; wd. and capt. at Wytheville, Va.; dis.
1865. |
Jas. K., |
e. June,
1861, Co. E, for 3 months; re-e. for 3 years; m. o. with
regt. June 21, 1864. |
William J., |
e. June 13,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; apptd. corp; dis. at Huntsville,
Ala., Feb. 12, 1862; disab. |
Cary, John
P., |
e. June 13,
1861. 3 years, Co. E; capt. near Rome, Ga.; exchanged;
m. o. June 24, 1864. |
Cooper, George H., |
e. June 13,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; m. o. June 21, 1864. |
Crooks, John
H., |
e. Aug. 22,
1862, 3 years, o. E; in hospital; wd. at Perryville; in
hospital; dis. Feb. 1, 1863; disab.; re-e. may 2, 1864,
Co. K, 159th as sergt.; det. for duty on staff of Gen.
Lew Wallace; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864; re-e. Feb. 17, 1865
for 1 year in Co. G, 196th; corp; m. o. at Cumberland,
Md., May 15, 1865. |
Jas. A., |
e. June 13,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; apptd. sergt.; kld. at Champlin
Hills, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862. |
Fix, Joseph, |
e. June 13,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; apptd corp, Apr. 20, 1862; sergt.
Jan. 1, 1863; 1st sergt. Dec., 1863; wd. at Chaplin
Hills, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862; m. o. June 21, 1864. |
Foye, W.
H.,. |
e. June 13,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; corp; apptd. 1st sergt. Nov. 14,
1861; dis. Aug. 24, 1863. |
Joseph D., |
e. Aug. 23,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; dis. Aug. 21, 1863; disab. |
Frederick, |
sergt., e.
June 13, 1861, 3 years, Co. E; dis. at Huntsville, Ala.,
June 9, 1862; com. 2d lieut. July 25, 1862, Co. E.,
97th; dis. Dec. 12, 1862; disab. |
Fifteenth Regiment. -
Alexander, Neeley, |
e. May, 1861, Co. A,
3-months' service re-e. 3 years; wd. at Shiloh; died at
St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1862; |
Alexander, Wm., |
e. Aug. 9, 1861, 3 years,
Co. A; wd, at Kenesaw mt., June 14, 1864; m. o. Nov. 21,
1865; vet. |
Bailey, Wesley, |
e. May, 1861, Co. A; died
in hospital at Louisville, July, 1861. |
Brown, Jos. S.,
e. Aug. 9, 1861, 3 years,
Co. A; wd. at Stone river, Dec. 31, 1862; before
Atlanta, Aug. 19, 1864; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865; vet. |
Brown, Robt. B., |
e. Aug. 9, 1861, 3 years,
Co. A; wd. before Atlanta, July 24, 1864; m. o. Nov. 21,
1865; vet. |
Campbell, Jacob, |
e. Aug. 9, 1861, 3 years,
Co. A; cap. near Lawrenceburg, Ky. 1861; apptd. corp; m.
o. Nov. 21, 1865; vet. |
Case, James T., |
e. Aug. 9, 1861, 3 years;
m. o. Nov. 19, 1864; |
Connin, James, |
e. Sept. 30, 1862, 3 years,
Co. A; died at New Concord, O., Jan. 10, 1864. |
Decker, John G., |
e. Aug. 9, 1861, 3 years,
Co. a; apptd. corp. Fe. 9 1865; wd. at Liberty Gap, June
25, 1863; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865; vet. |
Ferguson, A. J., |
e. Oct. 6, 1864, 1 year,
Co. A; m. o. Oct. 29, 1865. |
Ferguson, Wm., |
e. Aug. 9, 1861, 3 years,
Co. A; apptd. corp. Apr. 19, 1863; sergt., Apr. 11,
1864; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865; vet. |
Green, John A., |
e. Sept. 6, 1861, 3 years,
Co. B; corp; apptd. sergt. Jan. 1, 1864; 1st sergt. Feb.
9, 1865; cap. at Stone River, tenn., Dec. 31, 1862; wd.
at Picket's Mills, Ga., May 27, 1864; at Liberty Gap,
Tenn., June 25, 1864; in front of Atlanta, July ___,
1864; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865; vet. |
Gregory, John, |
e. Aug. 9, 1861, 3 years,
Co. A; apptd. sergt. Mar. 8, 1864; 1st sergt. Feb. 9,
1865; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865; vet. |
Page 137 -
Samuel R., |
e. Aug. 9,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; wd. at Nashville, Dec. 16, 1864;
dis. July 13, 1865; disab. |
Charles, |
e. Feb. 28,
1862, 3 years, Co. A; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865. |
Solomon, |
e. Dec. 17,
1863, 3 years, Co. A; wd at New Hope Church, May 29,
1864; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865. |
Wm. H., |
e. Feb. 10,
18664, 3 years, Co. A; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865. |
Jacob H., |
e. Sept. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. A; dis. Feb. 21, 1865; disab. |
Benoni, |
e. Co. A;
kld. at Kenesaw Mt.; no further record known. |
James, |
sergt. e.
Aug. 9, 1861, 3 years, Co. A; cap. at Stone River, Dec.
31, 1862; wd. at Liberty Gap, June 25, 1863; dis. Mar.
8, 1864; disab. los of leg. |
W. W., |
e. Aug. 9,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; m. o. Sept. 19, 1864. |
Wm., |
e. Sept. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. A; cap. at Stone River, Tenn., Dec.
31, 1862; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
John, |
e. Aug. 9,
1861, e years, Co. A; m. o. Sept. 19, 1864. |
Edward T., |
Sept. 6,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; corp; wd. at Chickamauga, Dec. 31,
1862; m. o. Sept. 19, 1864. |
Ai, |
e. Apr. 11,
1865, 1 year, Co. A; m. o. Nov. 20, 1865. |
Robt. H., |
e. Sept. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. A; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Gilbert,, D., |
sergt. e.
Sept. 6, 1861, 3 years, co. B; trans. to 78th, Co. B,
Dec. 28, 1861; pro. to 2d. lieut. same date; pro. 1st
lieut. Apr. 16, 1862; cap. Sept. 7, 1862; det. as A. A.
I. G. and A. C., 3d. Div. 17th, A. C.; pro. to lieut.-col.
Jan. 12, 1865; m. o. at Columbus, O., July 15, 1865. |
Patterson, Samuel L., |
e. Sept.
1861, 3 years, Co. A; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865; vet.
Richardson, Edward, e. Feb. 10, 1864, 3 years, Co. a;
wd. at New Hope Church, May 27, 1864; trans. to V. R. C.
Apr. 21, 1865. |
Schreiber, Frank L. |
e. Aug. 9,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; wd. at Liberty Gap, Tenn., June
25, 1863; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865; vet. |
Wiseman, |
e. Sept. 6,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; dis. Dec. 1, 1863, acct. wounds
received at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. |
Stevenson, T. R., |
service in
Co. A, from 1864 to 1865. |
Samuel T., |
2d lieut.,
e. Sept. 9, 1861, 3 years; Co. A., res. May 2, 1864.. |
S. T., |
e. June 30,
1864, 3 years, Co. F; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865. |
Harvey, |
e. Aug. 9,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; cap. at Chickamauga, Sept. 20,
1863; died in Andersonville, July 14, 1864. |
Jas. W., |
e. Sept. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. A; wd. at Stone River, Ten. Dec. 31,
1862; in hos.; dis. Apr. 10, 1863; disab.; re.-e; m. o.
Nov. 21, 1865; vet. |
Edward A., |
e. Aug. 9,
1861, 3 years. Co. A; corp.; dis. Aug. 9, 1864; disab.;
re.-e. Co. A; corp.; dis. Aug. 9, 1864; disab. ; re.-e.
May 2, 1864, Co. C, 159th, 1st sergt., m. o. Aug. 22,
1864. |
James, |
e. Aug. 9,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; dis. June 21, 1862; disab. |
Wolf, Wm.
Lee, |
e. Aug. 9,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; m. o. Nov. 21, 1865; vet. |
Sixteenth Regiment. -
Bagent, Jas. M., |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; dis. at Columbus, Oct., 1864. |
Buchaloo, Israel, |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; dis. Mar. 8, 1863; disab. |
Butler, Wm. F., |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; died in service, interred at home. |
Cass, Sylvania,
e. 3 mo. service, Co.
F; drafted June 9, 1864, Co. B, 126th, wd. at
Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, 1864; m. o. June 25, 1865. |
Comer, Frank, |
e. 1861, 3 mo. service
Co. K. |
Dorsey, J. C., |
e. Apr. 1861, Co. K;
served until Aug.; pro. to corp. then serj. |
Dunmead, David, |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; died at New Orleans, Oct. 31, 1863. |
Dunmead, Wm.,
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years Co. D; apptd. corp.; dis. Sept. 23, 1863. |
Estinghausen, L. F., |
e. April 1861, 3 mo.
service. |
Fleming, Alonzo F., |
corp., e. Sept. 10,
1861, 3 years, Co. A.; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864. |
Fletcher, John A., |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; trans. to V. R. C. May 1, 1864; dis.
1865. |
Fletcher, Joshua G.
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; died at Cumberland gap, Ky., Aug. 9,
1862. Fletcher, Spencer, corp., e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; wd; died at Milliken's Bend, La., Apr.
4, 1863. |
Layton, James, |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864. |
Lazell, Thos.,
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864. |
Murray, Sam'l. A., |
e. Aug. 18, 1861, 3
yeaers, Co. A; sick; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864. |
Nineirk, Chas., |
Sept. 27, 1861, 3
years, Co. A; corp.; wd. at Young's Point, Miss.;
trans. to V. R. C.; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864. |
Oubrich, Thos., |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; capt.; held 10 weeks; m. o. Oct. 31,
1864. |
Pansler, John B.,
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, C. D; dis. Sept. 3, 1863, disab. |
Playford, John H., |
e. Aug. 1, 1861, 3
years, Co. A; apptd. serg.; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864. |
Rieley, Enoch, |
e. Sept. 15, 1861, 3
years, Co. A; corp.; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864. |
Ross, Henry H., |
e. Sept. 1, 1861, 3
years, Co. A; dis. on act. wds. red. at Vicksburg,
Aug. 27, 1863. |
Ross, Solomon B., |
e. Sept. 1, 181, 3
years, Co. A; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864; sub-served in Co.
D, 88th. |
Rushey, Daniel, |
e. Sept. 15, 1861, 3
years, Co. A; m. o. Oct. 31, 184; re-c. Feb. 15,
1865; mus. 195th Co. I; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Rushley, Frederick,
e. Sept. 10, 1862, 3
years, Co. A; in hos. Bayou Teche, La. and N. O.
La.; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864; re-e. Feb. 15, 1865, corp.
; Co. 1, 195th; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Scott, Judson C., |
e. Sept. 15, 1861, 3
years, Co. A; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864. |
Scott, Samuel S., |
e. Sept. 15, 1861, 3
years, Co. A; died at Camp Dennison, Dec. 29, 1861. |
Shadrick, John, |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3
years, Co. D; died at Memphis, Jan. 8, 1862. |
Page 138 -
St. Claire, Daniel, |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3 years,
Co. D; died at Cumberland Gap, Ky., July 27, 1862. |
St. Claire, Wm., |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3 years,
Co. D.; cap. at Chickasaw Bayou, Dec. 29, 1862; held in
Rebel prison and hos.; paroled; ex. Oct. 1863; m. o.
Oct. 31, 1861. |
Tatham, Chas.,
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3 years,
Co. D; died at Gallipolis, O., of fever, Nov. 6, 1862. |
Frost, Anthony,
e. Sept. 15, 1861, 3 years,
Co. A; wd. at Chickasaw Bayou; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864. |
Vanostran, Joseph, |
e. Sept. 13, 1861, 3 years,
Co. D; m. o. Oct. 31, 1864. |
Regiment. -
Fred, |
served Co.
E. from Apr. to Aug., 1861; re-e. Jan., 1864, Co. D, O.
V. C.; wd. near Atlanta, Aug. 10, 1864; dis. July 14,
1865. |
Devilling, C. T. |
e. Mar. 25,
1862, 3 years, Co. B; m. o. July 16, 1865, vet. |
Wm. L., |
e. Sept. 23,
1861, 3 years, Co. H; trans. to V. R. C., Feb. 16, 1863. |
John, |
e. Sept. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; apptd. sergt. July 12, 1864; m. o.
July 16, 1865, vet. |
Henry, |
e. in
Fairfield Co. Aug. 15, 1861, e years, Co. A, corp; m. o.
July 16, 1865, vet. |
W. C., |
e. Aug. 21,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; m. o. July 16, 1865. |
Regiment -
J. N., |
e. Apr. 23,
1861, Co. K; dis. Aug. 1861. |
Nicholas, |
e. Sept. 16,
1861, 3 years, Co. F, corp.; m. o. Nov. 9, 1864. |
Lafayette, |
e. Sept. 25,
1864, 1 year; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. |
Chas. W., |
e. Mar. 1,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Oct. 9, 1865. |
John, |
e. Sept. 24,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; wd. at Stone river; m. o. Nov. 9,
1864. |
Nineteenth Regiment -
Geo. W., |
e. May,
1861, 3-months' service, Co. D; re-e. Dec. 14, 1861, 3
years, Co. B, 78th; twice apptd. sergt.; wd. at Shiloh
Jan. 12, 1865; m. o. July 1, 1865, vet. |
Stephen, |
e. Fe. 20,
1864; m. o. with regt., Oct. 24, 1865. |
John C., |
e. Aug. 12,
1861, 3 years, Co. K, corp.; dis. Sept. 14, 1862; disab.
(served in the 3d 3-months' service) |
Geo. E., |
e. Aug. 28,
1861, 3 years, Co. K; dis. at Columbus, O.; disab. |
Morris, |
corp., e.
Feb. 23, 1864, 3 years, Co. E; m. o. Oct. 24, 1865. |
Monroe, |
corp., e.
Feb. 23, 1864, 3 years, Co. E; m. o. Oct. 24, 1865. |
Howard, |
e. Sept. 12,
1861, e years, Co. E; wd. at New Hope Church; dis. Feb.
24, 1863; disab. |
Wm. L., |
e. Oct. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; m. o. at San Antonio, Tex., Oct.
17, 1865. |
Joseph, |
e. Aug. 21,
1861, 3 years, Co. K, corp.; sergt. Sept. 25, 1864; wd.
at Stone river; m. o. Oct. 24, 1865, vet. |
Frank, |
e. Feb. 25,
1864, 3 years, Co. E; m. o. Oct. 24, 1865; previously
served in 88th, Co. A. |
Wm. E., |
e. Sept. 12,
1861, 3 years, Co. E, pro. corp.; wd. twice slightly, at
Stone river and Kenesaw Mt.; m. o. Oct. 24, 1865, vet. |
Henry, |
e. Feb. 25,
1864, 3 years, Co. K; m. o. Oct. 24, 1865. |
Wm., |
e. Aug. 28,
1861, 3 years, Co. K; m. o. Oct. 24, 1865, vet. |
Fred M., |
e. Sept. 18,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; apptd. corp.; m. o. Oct. 17, 1865,
vet. |
John J., |
e. Aug. 28,
1861, 3 years, Co. K; pro. corp.; m. o. Oct. 24, 1865. |
Twentieth Regiment -
Launder, Alfred D., |
e. in
Shelby Co., Aug. 18, 1861, 3 years, Co. B; injured
in leg by accident; apptd. corp.; m. o. July 15,
1865; vet. |
Martin, |
v. e.
Sept. 26, 1864, 1 yr., Co. D; dis. May 31, 1865;
three months service in 16th, Co. K. |
Walters, Hiram, |
e. Oct.
1, 1864, 1 yr., Co. G; m. o. May 30, 1865. |
Twenty-third Regiment -
McFarland, Wm. J., |
e. July
20, 1864, 3 yrs., Co. G; m. o. July 26, 1865. |
Norman, Wm. C., |
e. in
Washington Co., June 23, 1864, 3 yrs., Co. G; wd. at
Fishers' Hill, Va.; m. o. July 26, 1865. |
Twenty-fourth Regiment
Dempster, Francis, M., |
e. May
31, 1861, Co. B; 3 yrs., died of wounds, Nov. 5,
1861. |
Duval, Washington L., |
e. May
30, 1861, 3 yrs., Co. B; apptd. corp; wd. at Stone
river Dec. 31, 1861; trans. to V. R. C. Jan. 14,
1864. |
Erwin, Thos. J., |
e. May
30, 1861, 3 yrs. Co. B; det. on scout duty,
sketching rebel camps, etc., cap. on one of his
scouting expe.; condemed to be shot as a spy;
received permanent injuries while making his escape;
wd. in head by bushwhackers in Ky.; wd. at Shiloh;
in hos. at Cincinnati; dis. for disab. Sept. 2,
1863. |
Fluke, John W., |
e. July
24, 1861, 3 yrs., Co. B; wd. at Cheat Mt. W.
Va., in hos. Louisville; m. o. June 21, 1864. |
Howard, Geo. B., |
e. May
30, 1861, 3 yrs., Co. B, corp.; apptd. sergt. Jan.
31, 1862; trans. to V. R. C. Aug. 1, 1863. |
Johnson, Geo. B., |
e. June
13, 1861, 3 yrs., Co. K; apptd. sergt. Aug. 16,
1863; m. o. June 23, 1864. |
Langley, Jacob, |
e. May
30, 1861, 3 yrs., Co. B; m. o. June 21, 1864. |
Langley, Robt. |
e. May
30, 1861, 3 yrs., Co. B, corp.; apptd. sergt. Feb.
28, 1863; m. o. June 21, 1864. |
Christ, |
e. May
30, 1861, 3 years., Co. B; died at Nashville, May
25, 1862. |
Slack, W. H., |
e. May
30, 1861, 3 years, Co. B; m. o. June 21, 1864. |
Stokes, SAmuel, |
e. May
30, 1861, 3 years, Co. B; wd. at Stone River; m. o.
June 21, 1864. |
Sullivan, James, |
e. May
30, 1861, 3 years, Co. B; wd. at Lookout Mt.; in hos.;
m. o. June 21, 1864. |
Thomas, Geo. M. |
e. May
30, 1861 3 years, Co. B; died at Nashville, May 30,
1862. |
Twenty-fifth Regiment -
Caw, Wm., |
e. Oct. 15, 1864, 1
year; m. o. July 15, 1865. |
Davis, Jesse M., |
e. June 26, 1861,
Co. H; wd. at Honey Hill, S. C.; vet. |
Page 139 -
David, |
e. June 26,
1861, 3 years, Co. H; wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 20 1862;
dis. at Camp Chase, Feb. 1863; disab. |
John C., |
e. Oct. 12,
1864, 1 year, Co., F; m. o. Oct. 12, 1865. |
Michael, |
e. Oct. 5,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; died in De Camp hos. David's isl,
N. Y., May 7, 1865. |
McArthur, |
e. in Morgan
Co., Feb. 11, 1864, 3 years, Co. H, corp.; apptd. sergt.
in hos; dis. Columbus, O., June 18, 1866. |
John D., |
e. in Licking Co.,
Oct. 7, 1864, 1 year, Co. F; in hos. from hip disease;
m. o. Oct. 7, 1865. |
James, |
e. Oct. 13, 1864, 1 year,
Co. G; wd. at Honey Hill, S. C.; m. o. Oct. 13, 1865. |
Regiment -
Saml. C., |
e. June 17,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; corp.; cap. at Chickamauga Sept.
20, 1863; died in Andersonville prison, Aug. 7, 1864. |
Albert A., |
e. June 19,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; in hos.; m. o. July 25, 1864. |
James H., |
e. June 27,
1861, 3 years, Co. B, capt. at Stone river; held 9 mo.;
m. o. July 25, 1864. |
Jonathan, |
e. Feb. 28,
1865, 1 year, Co. H; trans. to Co. F, 97th; m. o. Oct.
21, 1865. |
Twenty-Seventh Regiment -
Mendall, |
e. in
Jackson county, Aug. 6, 1861, 3 years, Co. E, capt.;
pro. to maj. Nov. 2, 1862; pro. to lieut.-col., Mar. 19,
1864; wd. at Atlanta; received the brevit brig.-gen.;
dis. Sept. 15, 1864. |
Evans, John
a., |
e. July 20,
1861, 3 years, Co. E, corp.; apptd. sergt.; trans. to q.
m. dept. May 1, 1864; pro. to 1st lieut, and sergt. q.
m. June 28, 1865; pro. capt. Co. C, May 31, 1865; m. o.
July 11, 1865. |
Twenty-Ninth Regiment -
Cyrus B., |
d. Sept. 27,
1864, 1 year, Co. E; in hos.; m. o. Jan. 5, 1865. |
W. C., |
e. Oct. 12,
1864. 1 year, Co. E; m. o. July 13, 1865. |
Chas., |
d. in
Licking Co., Oct. 18, 1864, 1 year, Co. F; in hos. at
Troy, N. Y.; m. o. June 13, 1865. |
Addison E., |
d. Sept. 26,
1864, 1 year, Co. E; died in hos. at New York, Apr. 19,
1865. |
Thirtieth Regiment -
Thos. J., |
e. Aug. 16, 1861, 3 years,
Co. B; in hos.; wd. at Antietam; m. o. Aug. 13, 1864. |
Thaddeus, |
e. Aug. 16,
1861, 3 years, Co. B, det. in pioneer corps, 2d div.
15th A. C., dis. at Atlanta, Sept. 12, 1864. |
Montgomery, John W., |
e. Aug. 16,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; killed at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25,
1863. |
Thirty-First Regiment -
David J., |
e. Jan. 1,
1864, 3 years, Co. G, m. o. July 20, 1865. |
Jas. A., |
e. Feb. 24,
1864, 3 years, Co. G; m. o. July 20, 1865; re-e. June
13, 1866, Co. K, 1st U. S. I.; dis. June 13, 1869. |
Benj. S., |
e. Sept. 20,
1861, 3 years, Co. H., corp; pro. to sergt.; died Sept.
29, 1863, of wds. received at Chickamauga Sept. 20,
1862. |
Henry, |
e. in Perry
Co., Aug. 26, 1861, 3 years, Co. G, m. o. July 20, 1865;
vet. |
Wm., |
e. Jan. 9,
1864, 3 years, Co. G.; m. o. at Camp Chase, O., May 29,
1865. |
Chas. W., |
e. Feb. 9,
1864, 3 years, Co. G; m. o. July 20, 1865; previous serv.
in Co. G, 88th. |
Joel D., |
e. in Treble
Co., Sept. 6, 1861, 3 years, corp; cap. at Chickamauga
Sept. 20, 1863; in Andersonville and other prisons;
escaped; m. o. at Columbus, O.; re-e. Mar. 27, 1865, Co.
f; trans. to Co. B., 48th Battn. July 24, 1865; m. o. at
Columbus, O., Mar. 30, 1866. |
Benj. H., |
e. Feb. 9,
1864, 3 years, Co. G; m. o. July 20, 1865. |
Chas. H., |
e. Feb. 27,
1864, 3 years, Co. D.; m. o. July 20, 1865. |
Horatio, |
e. Sept. 12,
1861, 3 years, C. G; pro. to corp.; in hos. at
Chattanooga; det. as asst. comy, sergt.; trans. to Co.
I, Apr. 27, 1864; dis. at Atlanta Sept. 27, 1864. |
Thirty-Second Regiment -
Martin, |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G.; capt. at Harper'sFerry; paroled;
wd. before Atlanta Aug.21, 1864; dis. at Camp Denison
May 16, 1865; vet. |
Henry J., |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G.; m. o. at Chattanooga Aug. 28,
1864. |
John W., |
e. Aug. 1,
1862, 3 years co. G.; dis. May 15, 1865. |
Elijah, |
e. Aug. 1,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; capt. at Harper's Ferry; ex.; wd.
before Atlanta; n hospital; dis. May 15, 1865. |
Thomas E., |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; wd. before Atlanta; m. o. July 20,
1865; vet. |
James, |
e. July,
1861; 3 years, C. G; m. o. July 20, 1865; vet. |
John W., |
e. Aug. 15,
1861, 3 years, Co. K, det. in q. m. dept. as teamster;
m. o. July 20, 1865. |
Isaac, |
e. Dec. 13,
1864, 1 year, Co. G; m. o. July 20, 1865. |
Thomas C., |
e. Aug. 1,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; m. o. July 20, 1865. |
Simeon, |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co., Co. G; apptd. corp. Mar. 17, 1864;
dis. May 31, 1865; vet. |
John W., |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, C. G; apptd. corp. Jan. 1, 1864; sesrgt.
June 1, 1865; m. o. July 20, 1865; vet. |
William S., |
e. Mar. 28,
1864, 3 years, Co. G; in hospital; m. o. July 20, 1865. |
Francis, |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; died at Marietta, Ga., Dec. 7,
1864, of wds, received before Atlanta, July, 1864; vet.
William H., |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, co. G; m. o. July 20, 1865 |
Henry H., |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; m. o. July 20, 1865. |
Warner, |
e. Aug. 3,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; apptd. 1st sergt. from corp.; pro.
2d lieut, June 14, 1863; 1st lieut. Apr. 20, 1864; capt.
May 18, 1865; m. o. July 20, 1865. |
William, |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; died at Vicksburg, Aug. 22, 1863. |
James, |
e. 1861, for
3 years, Co. G; cap. Harper's Ferry; ex.; Vicksburg; m.
o. July 20, 1865; vet. |
Page 140 -
Francis M., |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; orp. pro. com. sergt. May 22,
1865, vet. |
Roberts, G.
W., |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G, corp; apptd. sergt.; dis. Oct. 21,
1862; disab. |
Alfred, |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; cap.; paroled; in hospital; trans.
to V. R. C. Oct. 23, 1863; m. o. at Washington July 20,
1865. |
Smart, John
W., |
e. Jan. 1,
1864, 3 years, Co. G; dis. May 22, 1865. |
Robert F., |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; pro. to q. m. sergt. from sergt.
Jan. 1, 1863; to 2d lieut. May 25, 1864; 1st lieut. Co.
K, June 5, 1865; vet. |
Thomas M., |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; trans. to V. R. C. Oct. 28, 1863. |
Alvah J., |
e. Jan. 1,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; cap. at Harper's Ferry; paroled;
m. o. July 20, 1865; vet. |
Albert J., |
1st lieut.,
e. Sept. 4, 1861, 3 years, Co. G; dis. Aug. 20, 1862;
disab. |
Alex., |
e. Aug. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; pro. sergt. Dec. 17, 1863; cap. at
Atlanta; died in Andersonville Aug. 21, 1862; vet. |
Regiment -
Robt. J. |
e. Aug. 10,
1861, 3 years, Co. C; capt. at Chickamauga, Sept. 20,
1863; apptd. corp. Sept. 22, 1863; m. o. at Columbus,
O., Mar. 25, 1865. |
Thirty-sixth Regiment -
H. A., |
e. July 29,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; wd. at Perryville; m. o. July 27
1865, vet. |
Benj. F., |
e. Mar. 31,
1864, 3 years, Co. G; m. o. July 27 1865. |
Thirty-ninth Regiment -
Jacob, |
d. Morgan
Co., Mar. 23, 1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. July 9, 1865. |
Converse, |
e. Mar. 28,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. July 9, 1865. |
Forty-second Regiment -
James W., |
e. Sept. 17,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 30, 1864. |
Forty-third Regiment -
Jacob, |
d. Oct. 12,
1864, 1 year, Co. B; no report for duty. |
Wm. S., |
d. Oct. 8,
1862, 9 months, Co. H; m. o. Aug. 18, 1863. |
Forty-fourth Regiment -
Silas F., |
e. Oct. 10,
1861, 3 years, Co. K; pro. to hos. steward; m. o. 1865. |
Forty-sixth Regiment -
Alexander, Joseph, |
d. Oct. 15,
1861, 3 years, Co. H; wd. at Shiloh, Apr. 6, 1861; pro.
sergt. from corp.; died at Black river, Sept. 6, 1863;
served the first 3 months in the 15th. |
Forty-seventh Regiment -
Isaac N., |
e. Sept. 27,
1864, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. near Washington, May
31, 1865. |
Harrison, |
d. Sept. 27,
1864, 1 year, co. H; m. o. at Camp Dennison, May 29,
1865. |
Daniel, |
e. Sept. 27,
1864, 1 year, Co. K; m. o. at Cincinnati, Nov. 17, 1865;
disab.; vet. |
Washington, |
May 31,
1865. |
John F., |
d. Sept. 27,
1864, 1 year, Co. H; died near Ft. McCallister, Dec. 13,
1864. |
John, |
e. Oct. 24,
1864, 1 year, Co. A; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
Francis L., |
d. Oct. 4,
1864, 1 year, Co. I; m. o. Aug. 11, 1865. |
Fifty-first Regiment -
Clark M., |
e. Sept. 6,
1861, in Coshocton county; 3 years, Co. D; corp; apptd.
sergt. May 5, 1865; m. o. Oct. 3, 1865; vet. |
Gilbert, |
e. Feb. 29,
1864, 3 years, Co. F; m. o. Oct. 3, 1865. |
Madison, |
e. Sept. 6,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; dis. at Nashville, Apr. 22, 1863;
disab. |
John H., |
e. Feb. 20,
1865, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. Oct. 3, 1865. |
Fifty-second Regiment -
Nixon B., |
e. Aug. 13,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; corp; apptd. sergt.; wd.; m. o.
June 3, 1865. |
Regiment -
Jos. G., |
Sept. 24,
1864, 1 year, Co. C; in hos.; m. o. May 19, 1865. |
Thos., |
d. Sept. 24,
1864, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. May 30, 1865. |
Regiment -
Jacob F., Jr., |
sergt., e.
in Pickaway county, Feb. 25, 186_, 3 years, Co. C; pro.
2d lieut., Oct. 2, 1862; 1st lieut. Co. H, Oct. 9, 1862;
cap. near Chattanooga; wd. at 2d battle of Bull Run, wd.
at Peach Tree Creek; dis. Ap. 9, 1865. |
Regiment -
Wm., |
e. Dec. 18,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; in hos.; wd. at Ft. Wagner, July
18, 1863; in hos.; apptd. corp. Oct. 29, 1864; m. o. at
City Point Aug. 23, 1865. |
Elijah F., |
e. Sept. 29,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; died at Washington, May 30, 1862. |
James, |
e. Oct. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; dis. at Suffolk, Va., Oct. 21,
1862; disab. |
John W., |
e. Sept. 20,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; dis. for wds. rec. at Harrison's
landing, Va.; re-e. May 2, 1864, 100 days, Co. B, 159th;
m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Francis M., |
e. Sept. 7,
1862, 3 yrs. Co. B; wd. at Frot Wagner; trns. to Co. F,
116th, June 12, 1865; m. o. June 20, 1865. |
Josephus, |
e. Dec. 11,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; cap. May, 1862; ex.; wd. at Ft.
Wagner; trans. to Co. D, 67th, Sept. 1, 1865; m. o. Dec.
7, 1865; vet. |
B. F., |
e. Oct. 5,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; in hos. of wds.; trans. to Co. C,
Aug. 3 1865; to Co. F, 67th Sept. 1, 1865; m. o. Sept.
14, 1865. |
Eisha, |
e. Oct. 4,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; dis. June 4, 1862. |
Hiram, |
e. Sept. 26,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; apptd. corp. Nov. 1, 1863, sergt.
Jan. 3, 1865; m. o. at City Point, Va., Aug. 24, 1865;
vet. |
Dunnington, James N., |
e. Nov. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; wd. at Fort Wagner; in hos.; wd.
at Appomattox, Apr. 9, 1865; trans. to Co. A, Aug. 3,
1865; trans. to Co. D, 67th, Sept. 1, 1865; m. o. at
Cincinnati, Nov. 17, 1865; disab.; vet. |
Abram, |
e. Nov. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; apptd. corp., Nov. 14, 1863;
sergt. Jan. 3, 1865; wd. at Ft. Wagner; trans. to Co. K,
Aug. 23, 1865; vet. |
Page 141 -
Wm. J., |
e. Nov. 1,
1861, 3 years, 20, 1865. Co. D; killed at Ft. Wagner,
July 18, 1863. |
Robt., |
e. Oct. 6,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; apptd. corp., Sept. 7 1863, m. o.
Oct. 1864, at Chapin's farm, Va.. |
Adam H., |
e. Oct. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. I cap. July 18, 1863, at Ft. Wagner;
ex.; m. o. at Chapin's farm, Va., Oct. 26, 1864. |
Wm., |
e. Oct. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; apptd. corp.; trans. to Co. C,
Aug. 3, 1865; m. o. at Columbus, O., Dec. 12, 1865; vet.
Amos, |
e. Jan. 1,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; cap. May 1862; prisoner at
Lynchburg; ex.; 3 times wd. at Deep Bottom run, Va.; m.
o. at Camp Denison, O., Sept. 14, 1865. |
Ulysses, |
corp., e.
Oct. 13, 1861, 3 years, Co. H.; m. o. at Chapin's Farm,
Va., Oct. 26, 1864. |
Daniel F., |
e. Oct. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. F.; apptd. corp., Oct. 28, 1864; cap.
at Appomattox, Apr. 9, 1865; in hos.; trans. to Co. C;
Aug. 3, 1865; m. o. at Camp Chase, June 16, 1865. |
Thos., |
e. Oct. 23,
1861, 3 years, Co. F.; m. o. at Chapin's Farm, Oct. 26,
1865. |
Grandstaff, Andrew, |
e. Oct. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. H. trans. Co. I.; vet. |
Geo. W., |
e. Oct. 25,
1864, 1 year, Co. D; trans. Co. k, Aug. 26, 1865. |
Geo. W., |
e. Feb. 26,
1864, 3 years, Co. F; wd.; in U. S. hos.; trans. to Co.
C. Aug. 3, 1865. |
Chas. P., |
e. Dec. 2,
1861, 3 years, Co. I; in hos. at Newbern, N. .; dis.
Dec. 15, 1864 |
Jacob, |
e. Oct. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; died in hospital at New York Aug.
1, 1863, of wds. received in assault on Ft. Wagner July
18, 1863; interred in grave 795 Cypress Hill Cemetery. |
Grafton, |
e.Nov. 21,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; kld. in assault on Ft. Wagner July
18, 1863. |
Henderson, James, |
e. Oct. 19,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; wd. at Folly Island, S. C., June
24, 1863; dis. at Cleveland, O., June 20, 1864; disab. |
Charles W., |
corp. e.
Dec. 11, 1861, 3 years, Co. A; trans. to 67th, Co. D.,
Sept. 1865, m. o. Dec. 1, 1865; vet. |
George B., |
e. Oct. 12,
1864, 1 year, Co. F. |
Jones, I. H., |
e. Sept. 21, 1861, 3 years, Co. A; pro. to 1st lieut.
Co. K, 97th, Sept. 10, 1862; pro. to capt. Oct. 12,
1864; dis. Oct. 24, 1864, for wds. recd. near Kenesaw
Mt. June 22, 1864. |
Silas D., |
e. Oct. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; corp.; sergt. July 1, 1862; 1st
sergt. July 25, 1863; 1st lieut. Nov. 18, 1864; wd. at
Ft. Wagner; vet. |
William B., |
e. Sept. 20,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; apptd. sergt. Nov. 1, 1863; 1st
lieut. May 9, 1864; trans to Co. B May 15, 1865; wd. and
cap. at Deep Bottom, Va., in Libby and Danville prisons;
m. o. July 31, 1865. |
Nieman S., |
d. in Morgan
county Aug. 20, 1862, 3 years, Co. B; wd. at Ft. Wagner
July, 1863; cap.; held as prisoner; in hospital; m. o.
at Richmond, july 20, 1865. |
Daniel, |
e. Oct. 24,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; m. o. at Fredericksburg June 4,
1862; disab. |
George, |
e. Dec. 9,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; m. o. at Chapin's farm, Va., Oct.
19, 1864. |
Fleming D., |
e. Oct. 8,
1861; 3 years, Co. F; det. in artillery service Aug. 6,
1862; pro. corp.; trans. to artillery service Oct. 8,
1864; m. o. July 20, 1865. |
William G., |
e. Feb. 29,
1864, 3 years, Co. F; trans. to Co. C Aug. 3, 1865; m.
o. Dec., 1865. |
Isaac P., |
e. Oct. 8,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; dis. Aug. 1, 1865, at Fortress
Monroe; disab.; vet. |
James H., |
e. Oct. 23,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; apptd. corp.; sergt. Sept. 7,
1863; died in hospital, New York harbor Aug. 31, 1864;
vet. |
Pinkerton, John W., |
county, e. Oct. 3, 1861, 3 years, Co. B; 2d lieut.; pro.
1st lieut. Co. A May 26, 1862; wd. at Ft. Wagner; in
hospital; m. o. Oct. 21, 1864. |
Isaiah, |
e. Oct. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; det. as butcher; in hospital; dis.
at Folly Island, S. C., July 5, 1863; disab. |
William, |
e. in Morgan
county, Feb. 29, 1864, 1 year, C. F; trans. to Co. C
Aug. 3, 1865; in hospital; m. o. Dec. 7, 1865. |
James L., |
e. Oct. 22,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; m. o. at Morris Island, S. C.,
Oct. 27, 1863. |
John W., |
e. Oct. 4,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; trans. to Co. A Aug. 3, 1865; vet. |
George W., |
e. Sept. 27,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; corp; m. o. at City Point, Va.,
Aug. 24, 1865. |
Alex, |
e. Nov. 15,
1861, 3 years, Co. I; in hospital at Fortress Monroe; m.
o. Nov. 15, 1864. |
Joseph, |
e. Oct. 16,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; pro. to q. m. sergt. July 1, 1863;
1st lieut. and q. m. sergt. Nov., 1864; det. a. a.
a. q. m. 1st brig., 1st div., 24th Army Corps, after the
surrender; det. a. a. a. q. m. dept. Virginia and North
Carolina; in hospital; m. o. Aug. 23, 1865; vet.
Thomas D., |
e. Sept. 20,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; pro, from 1st sergt. to 2d lieut.
July 15, 1862; to 1st lieut. Co. E May 26, 1863;
dis. Jan., 1865; disab. |
Thomas N., |
e. Oct. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; m. o. at Richmond Oct. 26, 1864. |
Joseph, |
e. Oct. 10,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; corp.; sergt. Aug. 23, 1863;
trans. to Co. C Aug. 3, 1865; vet. |
Stoenburner, William H., |
e. Sept. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; corp.; apptd. sergt. July 5, 1863;
wd. at Ft. Wagner July 18, 1863; m. o. Oct. 26, 1864;
re-e. Feb. 27, 1865, 1 year, Co. G, 1st sergt.; m. o.
Sept. 11, 1865. |
Frederick B., |
d. Oct. 4,
1864, 1 year, Co. A; cap. at Appomattox Apr. 9, 1865; m.
o. June 16, 1865. |
James W., |
e. Oct. 5,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; det. at teamster; dis. at Folly
Island, S. C., May 24, 1862; disab. |
James B., |
e. Oct. 4,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; dis. Oct. 20, 1862; disab. |
Page 142 -
Perry, |
e. Oct. 11,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; wd. at ft. Wagner; trans. to
Co.__, 67th Sept. 1, 1865; vet. |
Francis M., |
e. Oct. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; m. o. Oct. 27, 1864. |
George W., |
e. Oct. 5,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; wd. at Hatcher's Farm, Va.; trans.
to Co. G, Aug. 3, 1865; m. o. Aug. 8, 1865; vet. |
Isaac H., |
mus. e. Oct.
8, 1861, 3 years, Co. F; trans. to Co. C. Aug. 3, 1865;
m. o. Sept. 1, 1865; vet. |
Regiment -
Wm., |
e. Dec. 19,
1861, 3 years; Co. I; dis. Nov. 16, 1862; disab. |
John T., |
e. in
Washington Co., Oct. 1, 1861, 3 years, Co. D.; in hos.
from sunstroke; trans. to U. S. S. C., May 20,1863; m.
o. at Chattanooga, Oct. 28, 1864. |
Sherlock, |
e. Oct. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. D.; m. o. July 8, 1865; vet. |
Wm. ., |
e. Oct. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. D.; corp.; m. o. July 8, 1865; vet. |
Jos. F., |
e. Oct. 20,
1861, 3 years, Co. D.; m. o. July 8, 1865; vet. |
Regiment -
Henry, |
e. in
Licking Co., Oct. 6, 1864, 1 year, Co. G.; m. o. at New
Orleans, Oct. 5, 165. |
Regiment -
Benj. F., |
e. Nov. 19,
1861, 3 years, Co. I.; m. o. at Nashville, Dec. 19,
1864. |
August, |
e. Nov.
1861, 3 years, Co. C; wd. at Kenesaw, Mt.; m. o. Nov.
30, 1865. |
Wm. H., |
e. Nov. 19,
1861, 3 years, Co. H.; wd. at Stone River, Dec. 31,
1862; apptd. corp. Jan. 1, 1864; wd. at Rocky Face
Ridge, May 15, 1864; May 28, at Dallas, Ga.; June 15,
1864, at Lost Mt., Ga., and at Peach Tree Creek, July
20,; apptd. serg. Jan. 1, 1865; m. o. Nov. 30, 1865;
vet. |
Regiment -
W. H., |
e. July 26,
1862, 3 years, Co. I; wd. at Antietam; wd. at Culpeper;
trans. V. R. C., Nov. 1863; dis. in 1865. |
A. S., |
d. Sept. 23,
1864, 1 year, Co. C.; m. o. near Bladensburg, Md., June
1, 1865. |
Jacob S., |
d. Sept. 7,
1864, 1 year, Co. K.; m. o. near Bladensburg, Md., June
3, 1865. |
A. J., |
d. Sept. 27,
1864, Co. K.; m. o. at Camp Dennison, O., May 17, 1865. |
Jno. W., |
e. Oct. 16,
1864, 1 year, Co. A.; m. o. at Columbus, O., July 14,
1865. |
David E., |
e. Oct. 4,
1864, 1 year, Co. C., m. o. May 27, 1865. |
Jacob A., |
d. Sept. 1,
1864, 1 year, Co. K.; m. o. June 3, 1865. |
Regiment -
John, |
e. Feb. 29,
1864, 3 yrs.; Co. F.; trans. to Co. C, 62nd O. V. I.,
Sept. 1, 1865; m. o. Dc. 7, 1865. |
Wm. R., |
e. Dec. 2,
1861, 3 yrs; Co. F; trans. to Co. C, 62nd O. V. I. Sept.
1, 1865; m. o. Dec. 7, 1865; vet. |
Vincent, |
e. Oct. 8,
1861, 3 yrs., Co. F; trans. to Co. C, O. V. I., Sept. 1,
1865; m. o. Dec. 7, 1865, vet. |
Edmond N., |
e. Feb. 24,
1864; 3 yrs., c. F.; trans. to Co. C, 62d O. V. I.,
Sept.1, 1865, m. o. Dec. 7, 1865. |
McClellan, Samuel, |
e. Feb. 24,
1864, 3 yrs., Co. F; trans. to Co. C, O. V. I., Sept. 1,
1865; m. o. Dec. 7, 1865. |
McCullough, Wm., |
e. Dec. 2,
1861, 3 yrs; Co. F; trans. to Co. C, 62nd O. V. I.,
Sept. 1, 1865; m. o. Dec. 7, 1865; vet. |
George, |
e. Feb. 29,
1864, 3 yrs., Co. F; trans. to Co. C 62nd O. V. I. Sept.
7, 1865, no further record. |
Wm., |
e. Feb. 29,
1864, 3 yrs., Co. F; trans. to Co. C, 62nd O. V. I.
Sept. 1, 1865; m. o. Dec. 7, 1865. |
John, |
e. Feb. 24,
1864, 3 yrs., Co. F; trans. to Co. C, 62nd O. V. I.,
Sept. 1, 1865; m. o. Dec. 7, 1865. |
Valentine, |
d. Sept. 30,
1864, 1 yr., Co. K.; m. o. June 2, 1865. |
Richard, |
e. Mar. 29,
1864, 3 yrs., Co. F; trans. to Co. C, 62nd O. V. I.,
Sept. 1, 1865; m. o. Dec. 7, 1865. |
Regiment -
Tunis, |
e. Apr. 1,
1862, 3 yrs., Co. I; died in hos. at Nashville, Nov. 1,
1862. |
Wm. M., |
e. Mar. 5,
1862, 3 yrs., Co. I; died Nov. 27, 1863, at Chattanooga,
of wds. rec. at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. |
John, |
e. Feb. 28,
1862, 3 yrs., Co. I; disch. at camp Dennison, O. Aug. 8,
1863; disab. |
Henry, |
e. Mar. 18,
1862, 3 yrs., Co. ___; m. o. Apr. 9, 1865. |
Seventieth Regiment
James, |
e. Sept. 23,
1861, 3 yrs., Co. I; pro. sergt. maj. Oct. 1, 1864; m.
o. Aug. 14, 1865. |
Regiment -
Armstrong, J. F., |
e. Sept. 28,
1 year, Co. A; m. o. at Camp Dennison, O., May 25, 1865. |
Jacob, |
corp., e.
Oct. 16, 1861, 3 years, Co. A; wd. at Nashville, Dec.
15, 1864; dis. an acct. of wds. at Camp Dennison, O.,
June 23, 1865, vet. |
Ezekiel K., |
e. Mercer
Co., Oct. 9, 3 years, Co. A; apptd. 2d. lieut. Nov. 27,
1861; in hos. at Louisville; dis. for disab. Apr. 1,
1862; com. 1st. lieut. Co. D, 193d Mar. 11, 1865; m. o.
Aug. 4, 1865. |
Seventy-sixth Regiment
Perry, |
e. Nov. 2,
1861, 3 years, Co. G; dis. Aug. 2, 1862; disab. |
McFarland, Philip E., |
e. Feb. 22,
1864, 3 years, Co. C; m. o. July 15, 1865; |
McFarland, Wm., |
e. Feb. 28,
1864, 3 years, Co. C; m. o. July 15, 1865. |
Maher, M.
R., |
e. Nov. 11,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; apptd. 2nd sergt.; pro. 1st lieut.
Dec. 16, 1861; in hos.; res. Oct. 7, 1862. |
John J., |
e. Feb. 19,
1864, 3 years, Co. C; dis. at Camp Dennison hos. May 20,
1865; disab. |
Sam'l. H., |
e. Oct. 2,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; m. o. July 15, 1865. |
Albert, |
e. Morgan
Co., Feb. 18, 1864, 3 years, Co. A; in hos. at Marietta,
Ga.; cap. at Gadsden, Ala.; paroled; m. o. June 30,
1865. |
Page 143 -
Chas. H. H., |
e. Jan. 10,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; m. o. July 15, 1865; vet. |
Thos. A., |
e. in
Licking Co., Jan. 22, 1864; cap.; in hos.; m. o. July
15, 1865. |
Newton, S., |
e. Nov. 2,
1861, 3 years, Co. D, corp.; dis. Feb. 26, 1865, disab. |
Shoemaker, Conrad, |
e. Oct. 28,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; det. as blacksmith; m. o. July 15,
1865; vet. |
Sylvester M., |
e. Oct. 19,
1861; 3 yrs., Co. A; corp.; sergt. Dec. 17, 1863; 1st
sergt. Feb. 11, 1865; m. o. July 15, 1865; vet. |
Standiford, Elisha, |
e. Oct. 7,
1862, 9 months, Co. B; m. o. Aug. 4, 1863; re-e. May 2,
1864; cap. at North Mt., W. Va., July 3, 1864; ex.; m.
o. May 31, 1865. |
Seventy-seventh Regiment -
Clinton S., |
e. Nov. 29,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; died at Camp Dennison, Dec. 31,
1862, of wds. received at Shiloh. |
Louis, |
e. Oct. 9,
1862, 9 months, Co. B; died in hos. at Alton, Ill., Mar.
7 1863. |
Geo., |
e. Dec. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. K; apptd. corp; m. o. at Little Rock,
Ark. June 3, 1865. |
Seventy-eighth Regiment -
Moses B., |
e. Jan. 5,
1864, 3 years, Co. D; m. o. at Camp Dennison, Ohio, June
3, 1865. |
Wesley, |
e. Nov. 23,
1861, 3years, Co. B; pro. to hospital steward Jan. 11,
1862; returned to co. Feb. 8, 1862; dis. at Crump's
landing, Mar. 23, 1862; disab. |
Henry S., |
corp., e.
Nov. 23, 1861, 3 years, Co. B; in action at Ft. Donelson;
in hospital; lost his speech and was dis. for disab.
Aug. 12, 1862; re-e. Feb. 13, 1865, Co. G, 196th O. V.
I.; dis. at Columbus Sept., 1865. |
Fenton, |
corp., e.
Dec. 2, 1861, 3 years, Co. B; in hospital at Pittsburgh
Landing in 1862, and at Camp Dennison; dis. for disab.
July, 1862; May 2, 1864, com. 1st lieut. and assigned to
Co. H, 159th O. V. I., and det. on court martial duty at
Baltimore; dis. Sept., 1864. |
David, |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. B; in hospital with small-pox at
Newbern, N. C.; dis. at Washington May 30, 1865. |
Felix W., |
e. Jan. 1,
1864, 3 years, Co. B; kld. before Atlanta July 25, 1864;
interred on field. |
John F., |
e. Dec. 5,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; apptd. corp. Sept. 7, 1862; died
at Memphis Jan. 25, 1863. |
William F., |
e. Nov. 18,
1861, 3 years, Co. C; m. o. at Beaufort, S. C., May 12,
1865. |
Michael, |
e. Nov. 2,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; det. in 8th Mich. bat. July 10,
1863, from July 1863, to Dec., 1863; cap.; in
Andersonville and MIllen; ex.; sent to hospital at
Annapolis; m. o. at Columbus July 1, 1865. |
Russell, |
e. Dec. 30,
1861, 3 years, Co. C; apptd. sergt. May 1, 1862;
then 1st sergt.; pro 2d lieut. NOv. 18, 1864; 1st
lieut. Co. A Jan 1, 1865; det on staff of Gen. Robert K.
Scott, 2d brig., 3d div., 17th A. C., Mar. 28, 1865; m.
o. July 11, 1865; received a gold medal for gallant
conduct before Atlanta July 22, 1864. |
Benj. A., |
e. Oct. 25,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; apptd. 1st lieut. Dec. 14, 1861;
in hospital; res. June 1, 1862; disab. |
Chas. P., |
e. Aug. 10,
1862, 3 years, Co. B; m. o. at Washington May 30, 1865. |
John, |
e. Nov. 18,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; wd.; m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
George L., |
d. Oct. 6,
1862, 9 months; wd.; m. o. at Bovina, Miss., July 15,
1863; re-e. Feb. 12, 1865, Co. E, 195th; det. on staff
of Gen. Banning; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Isaac H., |
e. Aug. 23,
1862, 3 years, Co. A; wd. at Atlanta; m. o. at
Washington May 30, 1865. |
James A., |
sergt., e.
Nov. 8, 1861, 3 years, Co. C; dis. at Columbus July 1,
1862; disab. served later in 160th and 196th. |
Caleb, |
e. Sept. 29,
1861, 3 years, Co. F.; dis. July 11, 1862; disab. |
Bush, L.
J., |
e. Aug. 3
years, Co. E; in hospital; wd. at Champion's Hill; det.
as nurse; m. o. at Washington June 1, 1865. |
Samuel P., |
e. Jan. 16,
1864, 3 years, Co. C; died in hospital near Atlanta July
28, 1864, of wds. recd. at Atlanta July 28, 1864, of
wds. recd. at Atlanta July 22, 1864. |
Edward, |
e. Nov. 18,
1861, 3 years, Co. C; wd.; dis. June 6, 1862; disab.;
re-e. Aug. 18, 1862, 3 years, co. E. |
Philander S., |
e. Dec. 10,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; wd. at Champion's Hill; cap.;
paroled; det. as nurse in hospital, 3d div., 17th A. C.,
June 12, 1864; m. o. at Columbus Dec. 10, 1864. |
Henry S., |
e. Jan. 16,
1864, 3 years, Co. D; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
Robert F., |
corp.; e.
Nov. 20, 1861, 3 years, Co. E; died at Triadelphia,
Ohio, May 6, 1862. |
Z. M., |
e. Dec. 2,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; apptd. capt. Dec. 13, 1861; pro.
to maj. Sept. 7, 1862; lieut.-col. Oct. 1, 1862; col.
Nov. 29, 1862; dis. July 23, 1863; disab. |
John, |
e. Dec. 4,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; apptd. Nov. 16, 1864; m. o. July
11, 1865; vet. |
Lewis, |
e. Aug. 22,
1862, 3 years, Co. D; m. o. May 30, 1865. |
Robert A., |
e. Jan. 28,
1864, 3 years, Co. A; wd. at Atlanta; apptd. corp. June
1, 1865; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
Asuph, |
e. Jan. 14,
1862, 3 years, Co. B; died of wds. recd. at Champion's
Hill May 16, 1863. |
Charles M., |
e. Oct. 28,
1861, 3 years, Co.; m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
Thomas M., |
d. Sept. 23,
1864, 3 years, Co. A; dis. at Washington May 30, 1865. |
Alex., |
d. Oct. 6,
1862, 9 months, Co. A; died at Memphis Feb. 25, 1863. |
Manley H., |
e. Oct. 7
1863, 3 years, Co. D; died of wds. recd. before Alanta
July 22, 1864; |
Oliver B., |
e. Jan. 16,
1864, Co. D, 3 years; m. o. Aug. 24, 1865. |
Page 144 -
Enoch, |
e. Dec. 10,
1861, Co. B; dis. July 3, 1862; disab. |
James P., |
e. Nov. 4,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; dis. July 16, 1862; disab. |
James, |
e. Aug. 29,
1862, 3 years, Co. D; dis. at Mound Hill Aug. 29, 1863;
disab. |
Noah H., |
e. Nov. 13,
1861, 3 years; m. o. at Beaufort Jan. 12, 1865. |
Albert, |
e. Nov. 4,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; dis. at Columbus, Ohio, July 8,
1862; disab. |
Theo, |
e. Jan. 18,
1864, 3 years, Co. B; corp.; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
Robert S. |
e. Dec. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; apptd. wagoner 3d div., 17th A.
C., Nov. 10, 1861; ret. to regt. July 10, 1865; m. o.
July 11, 1865; vet. |
Joshua |
e. Nov. 20,
1861, 2 years, Co. C; pro. to 2d lieut. 9th La. Col.
Vol., Apr. 22, 1863; later known as the 5th U. S. Col.
H. A.; res. as 1st lieut. Sept. 18, 1865. |
Martin, |
e. Dec. 31,
1861, 3 years, Co, E; apptd. corp. May 1, 1862; sergt.
__ 22, 1864; 2d. lieut. Co. F; May 1, 1865; vet. |
Davis, |
e. Apr. 16,
1864, 3 years, Co. D; died Oct. 1, 1864, Rome, Ga. |
Echelberry, Harrison, |
e. Aug. 29,
1862, 3 years, Co. D; m. o. at Washington, May 30, 1865. |
Lewellyn, |
e. Oct. 6,
1862, 9 months ,Co. D; m. o. at expi. of service; serv.
Co. F, 47th Sept. 28, 1864; apptd. corp. m. o. at
Washington, May 31, 1865 |
I. S., |
e. Morgan
county, Oct. 17, 1862, 3 years; Co. E; pro. corp.; in
hos. at Memphis, Vicksburg and Mound City, Ill.; dis.
there for disab. Sept. 10, 1863. |
Silas W., |
e. Jan. 21,
1864, 3 years; wd. near Atlanta, Aug. 26, 1864; m. O. at
Madison, Inc., May 20, 1865. |
Fox, Wm.
Thos., |
e. Dec. 21,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; m. o. at Beaufort, S. C. Jan. 12,
1865; 3-months' service, 15th, Co. A. |
Allen M., |
e. Aug. 13,
1862, 3 years, Co. D; m. o. at Washington, May 30, 1865. |
Gallagher, Jas. W., |
e. Feb. 5,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
John T., |
e. Oct. 31,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; m. o. at Columbus, O., Oct. 31,
1864. |
Jas. H., |
e. Oct. 29,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; apptd. corp.; sergt.; wd. at
Atlanta; apptd. 1st sergt. Aug. 1, 1864; pro. 2d lieut.
Nov. 18, 1864; 1st lieut. Jan. 6, 1865; m. o. July 11,
1865. |
Wm. C., |
e. Dec. 12,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
John W., |
Oct. 6,
1862, 9 months, co. E; m. o. July 13, 1863. |
Jos. L. |
e. Nov. 11,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; captured at Atlanta, promoted to
hospital stew. Jan. 11, 1865; m. o. at Columbus,
O., July 11, 1865; vet. |
Peter, |
e. Dec. 31,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; dis. at Camp Chase, O., June 28,
1862; disab. |
Philip, |
e. Nov. 13,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; pro. corp. Apr. 30, 1862; sergt.
Oct. 21, 1863; kd. at Atlanta, July 22 1864; vet. |
Alex. V. P., |
sergt, e.
Oct. 30, 1861, 3 years, Co. F; pro. 2d lieut. Co. E,
Jan. 1, 1865; vet. |
Thos. J., |
e. Nov. 4,
1861; 3 years, Co. D; wd. at Champion's Hill; in hos.;
apptd. corp. Feb. 1, 1865; m. o. July 11, 1865; vet.
Wm., |
e. Aug. 21,
1862, 3 years, Co. D; on det. duty as clerk; m. o. at
Washington, May 30, 1865. |
Wm. S., |
e. Oct. 21,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; apptd. 2d lieut. Dec. 14, 1861;
1st lieut. Apr. 20, 1862 and capt. to date from Apr. 4,
1862; res. on acct. of disab. Feb. 13, 1863; com. maj.
159th, May 2, 1864; subsequently det. for recruit, serv.
in Md. m. o. at Zanesville, Aug. 24, 1864. |
Jas. C., |
e. Oct. 25,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; pro. sergt; 2d lieut. JUne 1,
1862; 1st lieut. Mar. 24, 1863; in hos. at Vicksburg; m.
o. Dec. 26, 1864. |
John, |
e. Dec. 17,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
John W., |
e. Nov. 22,
1861; 3 years, Co. G; apptd. corp.; in hos.; dis. Sept.
12, 1862, disab.; re-e. May 2, 1864, 135th Co. C; m. o.
Setp. 1, 1864; re-e. Feb. 21, 1865, 197th Co. G.; apptd.
sergt. Apr. 25, 1865; m. o. at Columbus, Ohio, Mar. 12,
1866. |
Henderson, Albert, |
e. Nov. 2,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; dis. at Columbus, Ohio, July 2,
1862, disab.; served later in 160th. |
Frederick, |
e. Nov. 20,
1861, 3 years, Co. C; corp.; apptd. sergt. Apr. 1, 1865;
m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
Michael, |
e. Nov. 4,
1861, 3 years, Co. C; apptd. corp; sergt., July 22,
1864; 1st sergt. Dec. 1864; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
John, |
e. Jan. 2,
1862, 3 years, Co. D; dis. at Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 1,
1862; disab.; re-e. May 2, 1864, 159th, Co. E; m. o.
Aug. 22, 1864. |
Chas., |
e. Aug. 29,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; m. o. at Washington, May 30, 1865. |
James, |
d. Sept. 21,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. at Washington, July 11, 1865. |
Daniel, |
e. Dec. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; died Aug. 7, 1864, of wds.
received at Atlanta, July 22, 1864; vet. |
Moses, |
e. Dec. 12,
1861, 3 years; Co. D; died in hos. at Vicksburg, Feb. 9,
1864. |
Thos. J., |
e. Nov. 2,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; capt. at Atlanta, July 22, 1864;
m. o. at Camp Chase, Aug. 1, 1865. |
Albert, |
e. Nov. 13,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; died at Pittsburgh Landing, May
15, 1862. |
Joseph, |
e. Jan. 28,
1864, 3 years, Co. B; died near Galesville, Ala., Oct.
26, 1864. |
Vincent, |
e. Dec. 27,
1861, 3 years; m. o. July 7, 1865; vet. |
Nathan, |
e. Nov. 9,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; det. at hd. qrs. 3d Div. 17th A.
C., Aug. 30, 1864; m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
Samuel H., |
e. Feb. 10,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; dis. at Bolivar. Tenn. Oct. 23,
1862; disab. subsequently serv. in Co. E, 159th. |
Abram, |
e. Nov. 8,
1861, 3 years, Co. A; wd; m. o. at Beaufort, S. C., Jan.
12, 1865. |
Page 145 -
John F., |
e. Dec. 21,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; corp. apptd. sergt.. July 22,
1864; sergt.-maj., Dec. 17, 1864; vet. |
Anthony, |
John, |
Chas., |
Monroe, |
Peter B., |
e. Aug. 23,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; in hos.; dis. at Memhis, Mar. 12,
1863; disability |
John N. |
Chas., |
John H., |
Alex., |
Wm., |
Henry, |
Geo. W., |
McLaughlin, James, |
Warren, |
Wm., |
Wm. P., |
Chas. B., |
John L., |
Joseph T., |
Benj. F., |
Benj. F., |
e. 1861, Co.
F.; killed before Atlanta, July 22, 1864; vet. |
Mendenhall, Dr. Saml. C., |
e. Nov. 26,
1861; com. asst. surg.; res. on act. of disab., Apr. 21,
1862; re-e. Feb. 16, 1863, 3 years; m. o. at Columbus,
O., July 15, 1865. |
Hiram F., |
e. Nov. 20,
1861, 3 years, Co. A.; died at Bolivar, Tenn.; Dec. 10,
1862. |
Sylvester, |
e. Jan. 16,
1864, 3 years, co. C., m. o. July 11, 1865. |
B. S., |
e. Dec. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. B.; det. as orderly to Gen. Leggett,
Feb. 1863; m. o. at Beaufort, Jan. 12, 1865. |
David, |
Philip, |
Isaiah, |
Moore, J.
T., |
Horace D., |
Louis, |
John A., |
Amos, |
DAvid, |
Frederick, |
James H., |
Geo. W., |
Oliver, |
Joseph E., |
Jos. W., |
Richardson, Geo. W., |
e. Dec. 16,
1864, 3 years, Co. A; det. as wagoner 17th A. C. May 20,
1864; m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
Geo., |
e. Mar. 10,
1864, 3 years, Co. B.; kd. before Atlanta, July 22,
1864. |
Richardson, Joseph, |
e. Nov. 13,
1861, 3 years, Co. F; dis. at Columbus, Nov. 10, 1862;
disab.; re-e. Feb. 11, 1864, Co. F, O. V. C.; det. at
Kilpatrick's hd. qrs.; m. o. Aug. 8, 1865. |
Geo. H., |
Aaron, |
Leroy A., |
Israel C., |
Geo. H., |
Wm., |
e. Nov. 11,
1861, 3 years, Co. c. corp.; apptd. sergt. Apr. 30,
1863; m. o. Nov. 22, 1864. |
Page 146 -
Henry C., |
e. Dec. 14,
1861, 3 years, Co. K; m. o. July 11, 1865. vet.; 3
months' service in 1st O. V. I. Co. H. |
A. J., |
John W., |
Geo. W., |
Joseph, |
Adolphus W., |
Simeon C., |
e. Dec. 31,
1863, 3 years, Co. B.; pro. sergt. Apr. 2, 1865; m. o.
July 11, 1865. |
James A., |
e. Nov. 2,
1861, 3 years, Co. D.; corp.; apptd. sergt. Sept. 1,
1862; apptd. 1st sergt. Apr. 5, 1865; m. o. July 11,
1865; vet. |
Sensabaugh, G. W., |
d. Sept. 29,
1864, 1 year, Co. C.; m. o. at Washington, May 30, 1865. |
David J., |
Dec. 5,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; corp.; apptd. sergt, May 1, 1862;
died at Vicksburg, Aug. 13, 1863; interred at Mt.
Sterling, O. |
Wm. F., |
Saml. H., |
Joseph V., |
Arthur D., |
Albert, |
David, |
Geo. F., |
Henry H., |
Jesse, |
David W., |
John W., |
John Wm., |
J. P., Jr., |
Francis M., |
e. Nov. 2,
1862, 3 years, Co. F.; corp.; apptd. sergt. Apr. 1,
1863; died at St. Louis, Sept. 3, 1863. |
James T., |
e. Oct. 20,
1861, e years, Co. F.; apptd 2d lieut. Dec. 26, 1861;
1st lieut. Feb. 6, 1864; act. assist. ins. gen. 2d
brig., 3d. div., 17th A. C., Nov. 10, 1864; pro. to
capt. Jan. 12, 1865; res. Apr. 1, 1865; in the 3 mo.
service Co. H, 1st O. V. I. |
Oliver C., |
Nathan, |
D. G., |
Peter W., |
Benj., |
William, |
Sylvester, George W., |
Mathias, |
Joseph G., |
O. M., |
Joseph, |
e. Jan. 25,
1864, 3 years, Co. D.; wd. at Atlanta July 22, 1864; m.
o. July 11, 1865. |
James, |
e. Jan. 13,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; cap. in Miss.; in Libby; escaped;
m. o. July 14, 1865; vet. |
Leaven, |
e. Nov. 6,
1861, 3 years, Co. D; wd. at Shiloh; det. as wagoner 3
Div. 17th A. C. May 1, 1864.0 |
Denbark, G. B., |
e. Nov. 8,
1861, 3 years, Co. D.; cap. at Atlanta; apptd. corp.
June 1, 185; m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
Van Kirk,
Joseph, |
e. Nov. 13,
1861, 3 years, Co. F.; dis. at Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 27,
1863; disab. |
Harrison, |
e. Dec. 6,
1861, 3 years, Co. B.; pro. sergt.; died June 1863, of
wds. received at Champion's Hill. |
Francis M., |
e. Dec. 6,
1861, 3 years, Co. B; dis. July 16, 1862; disab. |
John M., |
e. Dec. 7,
1861, 3 years, Co. B.; m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
Samuel T., |
d. Sept. 27,
1864, 1 year, Co. H.; m. o. at Washington May 30, 1865. |
Lewis, |
e. Nov. 6,
1861, 3 years, Co. A.; died at Champion's Hill, Miss.,
May 21, 1863. |
A. H., |
e. Nov. 15,
1861, 3 years, Co. D.; pro. corp.; then colorsergt.;
killed at Atlanta, July 22, 1864; vet. |
J. C., |
e. Oct. 13,
1863, 3 years, Co. A.; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
Page 147 -

Page 148 - Blank Page
Page 149 -
W. P., |
e. Oct. 14,
1864, 1 year, Co. E.; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
Lewis H., |
e. Jan. 13,
1862, 3 eyars, Co. F.; in hospital June 27, 1862; re-e.
May 2, 1864, 159th, Co. A. dt. as carpenter; dis. Aug.
24, 1864. |
Amaziah, |
e. Dec. 18,
1861, 3 years, Co. D.; corp; apptd. sergt. Mar. 1, 1865;
m. o. July 11, 1865; vet. |
Merritt, |
e. Dec. 18,
1861, 3 years, Co. D.; dis. in 1863; disab. |
William C., |
e. Nov. 18,
1861, 3 years, Co. F.; dt. in q. m. dept.; m. o. July
11, 1865; vet. |
Jacob G., |
d. Sept. 28,
1864, 1 year, Co. C.; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
Whitecraft, John R., |
e. Mar. 6,
1864, 3 years, Co. E.; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
Alex H., |
e. Aug. 30,
1862, 3 years, Co. F.; dt. hdqrs. Dept. of Tenn. Dec.
18, 1884; m. o. May 30, 185. |
Nathaniel C., |
e. Sept. 13,
1862, 3 years, Co. D.; dis. at Cairo Mar. 5, 1863;
disab. |
Charles C., |
e. Jan. 12,
1864, 3 years, Co. C.; pro. q. m. sergt.; pro. 1st
lieut. Jan. 12, 1865; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
James R., |
e. Nov. 1,
1861, 3 years, Co. A.; apptd. corp. July 1, 1864; cap.
at Champion's farm; paroled; ex.; apptd. sergt. June 12,
1865; wd. in front of Atlanta Aug. 18 1864; m. o. July
11, 1865; vet. |
Jesse W., |
e. Dec. 16,
1863, 3 years, Co. A.; wd. before Atlanta; in hospital
at Chattanooga; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
Solomon, |
e. Dec. 5,
1861, 3 years, Co. B.; apptd. corp. Jan. 5, 1865; m. o.
July 11, 1865; vet. |
Charles S., |
e. Nov. 4,
1863, 3 years, Co. A.; wd.; in hospital; m. o. at
McDougal, U. S. Gen. Hos. New York Harbor, May 31, 1865. |
John C., |
e. Dec. 12,
1861, 3 years, Co. F.; dis. Mary 12, 1862; disab. |
William M., |
d. Oct. 1,
1864; 1 year, Co. I.; dis. June 5, 1865. |
Alfred, |
e. Dec. 12,
1861, 3 years, Co. F.; apptd. sergt. May 1, 1862; 1st
sergt. Aug. 22, 1864; pro. to 2d lieut. Jan. 12, 1865;
1st lieut. Co. G. Apr. 22, 1865; m. o. July 11 1865;
vet. |
Oliver P., |
e. Jan. 1,
1862, 3 years, Co. G.; m. o. at Beaufort, S. c., Jan.
12, 185; vet. |
William C., |
e. Dec. 5,
1861, 3 years, Co. B.; apptd. sergt.; wd. at Raymond,
Miss.; m. o. at Beaufort, S. C., Jan. 12, 1865. |
Eightieth Regiment -
Myers, Geo., |
e. Apr. 15,
1864, 3 years, Co. F; m. o. at Columbus, O., Aug. 15,
1865. |
Eighty-fourth Regiment -
Richard, |
e. June 1,
1862, 3 months, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 20, 1862. |
Eighty-fifth Regiment -
Henry e., |
e. Guernsey
Co., May 26, 1861, 3 months, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 23,
1862; re-e. Oct. 8, 1862, 3 years, Co. H 122d; trans, to
Co. K Nov. 1, 1862; cap. at Winchester, June 15, 1863;
in Libby and Salisbury prisons; ex.; m. o. at Columbus,
O., May 22, 1865. |
John, |
e. May 28,
1862, 3 months, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 23, 1862; re-e. Sept.
27, 1864, 1 year, Co. E, 29th; m. o. June 5, 1865. |
Regiment -
George W., |
e. May 28,
1862, 3 months, Co. A; m. o. Oct. 1, 1862. |
Eighty-eighth Regiment -
John H., |
e. June 4,
1862, 3 months, Co. G; apptd. sergt. June 14th; m. o.
Sept. 26, 1862. |
Solon M., |
e. June 4,
1862, 3 months, Co. A; apptd. from 1st sergt. to 2d
lieut. June 16, 1862; m. o. Sept. 26, 1862; subse.
served in Co. B, 79th, and as Q. M. U. S. N. Miss squad. |
Hiram, L., |
e. June 4,
1862, 3 months, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 26, 1862. |
Joseph, |
e. June 4,
1862, 3 months, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 26, 1862; subse. in
Co. G, 31st O. V. C. |
Robt. T., |
e. Jan. 5,
1864, 3 years, Co. B; m. o. July 3, 1865. |
Alva, |
e. June 6,
1862, 3 months, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 26, 1862. |
W. S., |
e. July 6,
1863, 3 years, Co. E; died in hosp. at Camp Chase, Jan.
15, 1865. |
James H., |
e. June 6,
1862, 3 months; m. o. sept. 26, 1862. |
John, |
e. July 13,
1863, 3 years, Co. E; dis. Mar. 14, 1865; disab. |
Henry C., |
musician, e.
June 6, 1862, 3 months, Co. A; m. o. Sept. 26, 1862. |
Richard, |
e. July 7
1863, 3 years, Co. E; m. o. July 3, 1863. |
James A., |
e. July 2,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; m. o. July 3, 1865. |
Ninetieth Regiment -
Jacob, |
e. Aug. 6,
1862, 3 yrs., Co. H; m. o. July 13, 1865; e. reg. army,
Co. I., 17th U. S. I. |
Henry, |
e. Aug. 7
1862, 3 yrs., Co. B; corp; cap. at Chickamauga, Sept.
19, 1863; m. o. July 13 1865. |
Jos. E., |
e. Aug. 6,
1862, 3 yrs., aptd. sergt; trans. to V. R. C. Mar. 16,
1864. |
John W., |
e. Aug. 6,
1862, 3 yrs., Co. H; died at Nashville, Dec. 16, 1862. |
Regiment -
Chas. H., |
e. in
Lawrence Co., July 31, 1862, 3 yrs., co. D; aptd. corp.
Sept. 1, 1862; wd. at Lynchburg, June 17, 1864; aptd.
sergt. Oct. 1, 1864; m. o. June 24, 1865. |
Ninety-second Regiment. -
John L., |
service in
Co. I; wd. and capt.; no further record. |
Regiment -
Asher, |
e. Aug. 6,
1862; 3 yrs., Co. F; m. o. June 8, 1865. |
Samuel J., |
corp., e.
Aug. 11, 1862; 3 yrs., Co. F, m. o. June 8, 1865. |
Regiment. -
Wm. H. |
E. Aug. 1,
1862, 3 yrs., Co. F; m. o. Aug. 14, 1865. |
Saml. R., |
e. Aug. 8,
1862, 3 yrs., Co. G; cap, at Richmond; paroled; m.
o. Aug. 15, 1865. |
Alva, |
e. Sept. 24, 1864, 1 yr.,
Co. F; m. o. May 18, 1865. |
Regiment. -
Frederick N., |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; dis. at Gallatin, Tenn., Jan., 20,
1863; disab. re-e. May 2, 1864, 100 days Co. B, 159th;
m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Page 150 -
Matthew, |
e. in
Licking Co. Feb. 24, 1865, 1 year Co. F; cap. en route
to regt. by guerrillas in Tenn.; released; trans. to Co.
E, 26th O. V. I. June 7, 18655; m. o. Oct. 21, 1865. |
Howard, |
e. July 26,
1862, 3 years Co. E, trans. to 8th Co., 2d bat. V. R.
C., Jan. 15, 1864; m. o. at Camp Dennison, June 25th,
1865. |
Armstrong, John A. |
e. Aug. 13,
1862, 3 years Co. G; died at Danville, Ky, Oct. 15th,
1862. |
Andrew, |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years Co. E; wd. at Danville, Ky.; trans. to
87th Co., 2d bat. V. R. C., Jan. 15th, 1864; m. o. at
Camp Dennison, June 28, 1865. |
John F., |
e. Feb.
28th, 1865, 1 year Co. F; cap. by guerrillas en route to
regt.; released; trans. to Co. E, 26th, June 7, 1865; m.
o. Oct. 21, 1865. |
Wm. W., |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years Co. G; dis. at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 17,
1863; disab.; re-e. May 2, 1864, 100 days, Co C, 159th;
m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
John M., |
corp. e.
Aug. 12, 1862, 3 years Co. F.; aptd., sergt. Mar. 29,
1863, killed at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. |
Henry M., |
e. Aug. 4,
1872, 3 years Co. G; wd. at Perryville; dis. at
Louisville, July 2, 1863; disab.; re-e. Mar. 6, 1865, 1
year Co. K, 195th; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Andrew W., |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years Co. E; aptd. corp. Dec. 1, 1863; m. o.
June 10, 1865. |
Daniel C. C., |
e. Aug. 12,
1862, 3 years Co. E; trans. to Co. C. 8th V. R. C., Nov.
15, 1863; m. o. at Chicago, July 12, 1865. |
Jacob H., |
e. Aug. 4,
1862, 3 years Co. G; wd. at Kenesaw Mt.; m. o. June 10,
1865. |
Patrick, |
e. Aug. 8
1862, __ year Co. F; wd. Mission Ridge; aptd. corp. Apr.
1, 1865; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Jos. W., |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; in hos; m. o. at Madison, Ind.,
June 6, 1865. |
James A., |
e. Aug. 7,
1862 3 years Co. C; wd. at Kenesaw Mt. June 27, 1864; m.
o. June 10, 1865. |
David, |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; dis. at Gallatin, Tenn., May 10,
1863; disab. |
William, |
e. Aug. 22,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; wd. at Franklin Tenn.; m. o. June
10, 1865. |
John, |
e. Aug.,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; died at Beverly, W. Va., 1864. |
John H., |
e. Aug. 5,
1862, 3 years, Co. F.; det. in hospital; m. o. at
Chattanooga, May 23, 1865. |
William S., |
e. Aug. 7,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; wd. at Perryville; in hospital;
det. at Ft. Rosecrans hospital; joined regt. for Atlanta
campaign; wd. at Franklin; m. o. at Nashville, June 10,
1865. |
Henry, |
e. July 30,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; apptd. corp; died July 12, 1863,
at Chattanooga, of wds. recd. at Kenesaw Mt. June 22,
1864. |
Cox, Ed.
R., |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; wd. at Kenesaw Mt. June 22, 1864;
m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Robert, |
e. July 31,
1861, 3 years, Co. E; dis. June 10, 1863; disab. |
Nicholas, |
e. Aug. 14,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; dis. at Nashville Aug. 1, 1863;
disab.0 |
Thomas D., |
e. Aug. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; apptd. corp.; wd. at Franklin;
apptd. sergt. May 25, 1865; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
John H., |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; apptd. corp. and com. sergt. Mar.
19, 1863. |
William B., |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Mnuel, |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; wd. at Kenesaw Mt. June 22, 1864;
died of wds. July 21, 1864. |
George, |
capt., e.
July 25, 1862, 3 years, Co. E; res. Mar. 13, 1863; was
in the 3d O. V. I., 3 months' service. |
Albert, |
e. Aug. 22,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; pro. corp.; wd. at Franklin; m. o.
June 10, 1865. |
George, |
e. Aug. 1,
1862, 3 years; dis. at Quincy, Ill., Mar. 25, 1863;
disab. |
John, |
e. Aug. 9,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; trans. to 1st U. S. V. V. E. July
18, 1864. |
William T., |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; apptd. corp. Mar. 4, 1863; sergt.
Jan. 1, 1865; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
John, |
e. Aug. 6,
1862, 3 years, Co. E.; apptd. sergt. Jan. 1, 1865; m. o.
June 10, 1865. |
Jacob C., |
e. Aug. 13,
1862, 3 years, Co. G.; wd.; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Jas., |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; injured at battle of Jonesboro; in
hospital; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
David A., |
e. Aug. 6,
1862, 3 years, Co. F.; dis. at Bowling Gren, Ky., Dec.
10, 1862; disab.; died April, 1863. |
Jos. T., |
e. Aug. 21,
1862, 3 yeras, Co. G.; pro. 2d lieut. Co. K., from
sergt. Nov. 20, 1862; 1st lieut. Dec. 13, 1862; capt.
Feb. 10, 1865; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Edward L., |
corp. e.
Aug. 11, 1862, 3 years Co. K; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
John, |
e. Aug. 7,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; apptd. corp; wd. at Nashville Dec.
16, 1864; m. o. at Louisville, June 11, 1865. |
Saml., |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years Co. F; wd. at Franklin, Nov. 30, 1864; m.
o. June 10, 1865. |
Chas., |
corp. e.
Aug. 9, 1862, 3 years, Co. G; trans. to V. R. C., Aug.
1, 1863. |
John, |
e. Aug. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. B.; died at Nashville, Dec. 16, 1864
of wds. recd. at the battle of Nashville, Dec. 15, 1864.
Geo., |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Adoniram J., |
e. Aug. 5,
1862, 3 years, Co. I.; wd. at Adairsville; in hos; m. o.
June 10, 1865. |
John, |
e. Aug. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. F.; wd. at Franklin, Nov. 30, 1864;
m. o. at Nashville, May 11, 1865. |
John, Sr., |
e. Aug. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. F.; wd. at Atlanta, July 22, 1864;
left arm amputated; trans, to 124th Co., 2d batln. V. R.
C., Dec. 9, 1864. |
Page 151 -
Geo. R., |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. E.; wd. at Franklin, Nov. 30, 1864;
m. o. at Louisville, May 31, 1865. |
Charles H., |
e. Sept. 2,
1862, Co. G; pro. from sergt.-maj. Nov. 25, 1862, to 2d
lieut.; 1st lieut. Co. H. Oct. 12, 1864; m. o. June 10,
1865. |
Elias F., |
e. Mar. 6,
186-; m. o. Oct. 21, 1865. |
John, |
e. Aug. 7,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; wd; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
James A., |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; cap. at Stone River; paroled; no
further record. |
Joseph, |
e. Aug. 5,
1862, 3 years, Co. H; wd. at Mission Ridge Nov. 25,
1863; trans. to Co. B, 22d V. R. R., Oct. 22, 1864; m.
o. July 13, 1865. |
William H., |
e. July 28,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; mortally wd. at culpeper; no
further record. |
Hugh, |
e. Feb. 28,
1865, 1 year, co. F; trans. to Co. H, 26th O. V. I.,
June 7, 1865; m. o. Oct. 21 1865. |
Henry A., |
e. Aug. 12,
1862, 3 years Co. K; pro. to sergt.; wd. at Kenesaw Mt.
June 27, 1864; wd. at Nashville; in hospital; m. o. June
10, 1865. |
Josiah A., |
corp., e.
Aug. 8, 1862, 3 years, Co. E; kld. at Franklin, Tenn.,
Nov. 30, 1864. |
John, |
e. Aug. 5,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; died in hospital at Chattanooga
July 5, 1864, of wods. recd. at Adiarsville, Ga., May
17, 1864. |
Robert, |
e. Aug. 9,
1862, 3 years, Co. C; dis. at Columbus, Ohio, May 26,
1864, for wds. recd. at Mission Ridge Nov. 26, 1863.
John W., |
e. Aug. 22,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; pro. to sergt.; to 1st lieut. Co.
G Feb. 20, 1865; dis. June 10, 1865. |
John, |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; kld. at Kenesaw Mt. June 22, 1864. |
J. B., |
e. Aug. 5,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; apptd. corp.; sergt. Sept. 1,
1864; m. o. June 1, 1865. |
Peter, |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; in hospital; trans. to Co. B, 22d
V. R. C.; m. o. at Clinton, Iowa, July 13, 1865. |
Samuel, |
e. Aug. 14,
1862, 3 years, Co. F.; dis. at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 17,
1863; disab. |
Thomas, |
e. Aug. 12,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; wd. at Perryville; in hospital;
trans. to 43d, Co. -, 2d bat., V. R. C., Aug. 31, 1863. |
Uriah J., |
e. Aug. 7,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; m. o. at Columbus, Ohio, June 15,
1865. |
Louis, |
e. Aug. 22,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; dis. Apr. 27, 1863; disab. |
Abram, |
e. Aug. 5,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; dis. Apr. 10, 1863; disab. |
William H., |
e. Aug. 4,
1862, e years, Co. G; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Charles H., |
e. Aug. 12,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Ramsbottom, Alfred, |
e. Aug. 11,
186_, 3 years, Co. K; corp.; apptd. sergt. Mar. 5, 1863;
1st sergt. May 10, 1863; m. o. June 10, 1865; awarded
medal of honor by secretary of war Feb. 22, 1865, for
capturing a rebel flag at the battle of Franklin Nov.
30, 1864. |
James E., |
e. Aug.,
1862, 3 years, Co. B; wd. at Stone River, det. hospital
nurse; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
George S., |
e. Aug. 4,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; wd. at Mission Ridge Nov. 25,
1863; trans. to Co. F, 15th V. R. C.; m. o. at Cairo
July 15, 1865. |
David A., |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; dis. at Gallatin, Tenn., May 10,
1863; diab. |
Ezra, |
e. Aug. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; died at Franklin Dec. 17, 1864, or
wds. recd. there Nov. 30, 1864. |
Oliver h., |
e. Oct. 6,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; dis. at Gallatin Feb. 26, 1863;
disab.; re-e. May 2, 1864, Co. E; corp.; m. o. Sept. 7,
1864. |
William H., |
e. July 31,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; trans. to Co. I, 11th V. R. C.,
Apr. 10, 1864; in hospital; mo. o. Albany, N. Y., June
29, 1865. |
Richard J., |
mus. e.
Sept. 7, 1862, 3 years, Co. a; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Howard M., |
e. Aug. 4,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; corp.; apptd. sergt. Mar. 17,
1863; 1st sergt. May 25, 1865; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
C. M., |
e. July 30,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; corp.; died at Zanesville Mar. 20,
1863. |
Lyman L., |
e. Aug. 115,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; dis. June 21, 1864, at Columbus,
Ohio, for wds, red. at Mission Ridge Nov. 25, 1863. |
John W., |
sergt., e.
Aug. 4, 1862, 3 yeras, Co. G; apptd. 1st ___ Mar. 17,
1863; pro. 1st lieut. co. I May 18, 1865; m. o. June 10,
1865; wd. at Missionary Ridge and at Franklin. |
William B., |
e. Aug. 13,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
Thomas H., |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; dis. at Nashville Dec. 15, 1862;
disab. |
Smith, G.
E., |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; dis. June 15, 1865. |
Charles, |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; pro. corp.; wd. at Mission Ridge
Nov. 25, 1863; in hospital; trans. to 5th V. R. C., Co.
H, Feb. 5, 1865; m. o. July 5, 1865. |
George, |
e. Ag. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; m. o. July 10, 1865. |
Claire, John, |
e. Aug. 7,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; died at Danville, Ky., Oct. 23,
1862. |
Omer T., |
e. Feb. 24,
1865, 1 year, Co. F; trans. to Co. I, 26th, June 7,
1865; m. o. Oct. 21, 1865. |
Nixon, |
e. Aug. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; dis. at Louisville Apr. 29, 1863;
disab. |
Stockdale, D. L., |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; corp.; apptd. sergt. Feb. 20,
1865; in hospital at Nashville; det. duty; m. o. June
10, 1865. |
Stockdale, Robert, |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; kld. at Franklin Nov. 20, 1864. |
John J., |
e. Aug. 14,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; kld. at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25,
1863. |
Jacob A., |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; m. o. June 10, 1865. |
James K., |
e. Aug. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; dis. at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 27,
1863; disab.; re-e. in May, 1864, in 13th O. V. C., Co.
F; dis. Aug. 18, 1865. |
Page 152 -
William C., |
capt., e.
Juy 28, 1862, 3 years, Co. G; res. Dec. 13, 1862. |
William, |
e. Aug. 16,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; m. o. June 15, 1865. |
Tole, Samuel
G., |
William, |
George |
Stephen, |
Julius W., |
George W., |
Calvin, |
Newton, |
Aquilla, |
Bradbury, |
William, |
Wisecarver, Henry F. |
Wisecarver, Jacob, |
Walford, Michael |
Walford, Nathan |
Regiment -
Harvey L., |
e. Aug. 12,
1862, 3 years, Co. H.; q. m. sergt.; pro. to 2d lieut.
Mar. 28, 1863; 1st lieut. May 25, 1864; capt. May 25,
1865; not mustered; m. o. June 1, 1865. |
Ebenezer F., |
e. July 31,
1862, 3 years, Co. B; wd. at Bentonville, N. C. Mar. 19,
1865; m. o. at Camp Dennison, May 31, 1865. |
One Hundreth
Regiment -
Chas. L., |
Aug. Aug. 14, 1862, 3 years, Co. A; dis. at
Camp Dennison, July 1, 1863; disab. |
One Hundred and Second Regiment -
Isaac M., |
e. Aug. 7
1862, 3 years, Co. D; m. o. June 30, 1865. |
John, |
e. Aug. 12,
1862, 3 years, Co. A, wd. at Athens, Ala.; m. o. at
Louisville, May 28, 1865. |
One Hundred and Eighth Regimentn -
Louis, |
e. Aug. 22,
1862, 3 years, Co. E, corp.; cap. Dec. 7, 1863; paroled;
wd. at Resaca; m. o. June 9, 1865. |
Henry C., |
e. Aug. 18,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; 2d lieut.; pro. to lst lieut. Co.
B, Sept. 26, 1864; cap. at Hartsville, Ten.; ex.; wd. at
Resaca, at Big Shanty and at Bentonville; m. o. June 9,
1865. |
One Hundred and Tenth Regiment -
Anthony, |
d. May 16,
1864, 3 years, Co. H; wd. at Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept.
22, 1864; m. o. June 1865. |
Leonard, |
d. June 9,
1862, 3 years, Co. K; cap. at Monocacy, Md., July 9,
1864; trans. to Co. K; m. o. at Camp Dennison, July 20,
1865. |
One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment -
Josephus, |
e. Aug. 22,
1862, 3 years, Co. B.; m. o. July 6, 1865. |
Geo., |
e. Aug. 11,
1862, 3 years, Co. A; m. o. July 6, 1865. |
One Hundred and Fourteenth Regiment -
Jos., |
e. in Perry
county, Aug. 22, 1862, 3 years, Co. I; cap. near
Napoleon, Miss., Jan. 1863; escaped and recap; paroled;
reported to Columbus, Ohio; hos. duty; reported at
Chicago and trans. to Co. C, 8th V. R. C.; det. as hos.
nurse; dis. at Chicago, July 1, 1865. |
Henry, |
mus., e.
Nov. 16, 1862, 3 years, Co. E.; trans. to Co. F, Nov.
27, 1864; trans. to Co. B, 48th, July 24, 1865; m. o. at
Gaveston, Nov. 17, 1865. |
Longstreth, Philip W., |
e. Aug. 19,
1862, 3 years, Co. G; m. o. June 9, 1865. |
One Hundred and Sixteenth Regiment -
Edward, |
e. Aug. 13,
1862, 3 years, Co. F.; corp.; apptd. sergt. May 10,
1865; trans. to Co. A, 62d, June 14, 1865. |
Hapson L., |
e. Aug. 21,
1862, 3 years, Co. I; cap. at Bunker Hill, Va., June 13,
1863; ex. July 7, 1863; cap. at High Ridge,, Va., Apr.
6, 1865; ex.; m. o. June 26, 1865. |
William W., |
e. Aug. 8,
1862, 3 years, Co. C; m. o. June 14, 1865. |
One Hundred and Twenty-second
Regiment -
William |
Frederick C., |
Samuel, |
Arndt, John
E., |
John W., |
Jesse M., |
William H., |
col. com.,
Oct. 10, 1862; res. Feb. 3, 1865. |
William J., |
e. Aug. 22,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; apptd. sergt. Jan. 1, 1863; wd.
and cap. at Winchester; m. o. June 26, 1865. |
Page 153 -
Henry W., |
Jerome, |
William L., |
e. Sept. 10,
1862, 3 years; m. o. June 26, 1865. |
George W., |
Jacob, |
John, |
Daniel, |
Dunn, J. L., |
e. Aug. 22,
1862, 3 years, Co. F; died at Brandy Station, Va., Dec.,
1863. |
Evans, Wesley, |
Fell, George
M., |
Jacob, |
e. Aug. 20,
1862, 3 years, Co. E; wd. and cap. at Winchester;
re-cap. July 29, 1863; wd. at the Wilderness, May 6,
1864; dis. for disab. at Washington Jan. 13, 1865. |
William, |
Henry, |
Lyman L., |
Jeremiah H., |
Gary, Daniel B., |
Gordon, C. M., |
Granger, John, |
Granger, Moses M., |
Gray, John, |
e. Oct. 3, 1862, 3 years,
Co. F; cap. at Winchester, June 15, 1863; ex. Nov. 16,
1863; m. o. June 26, 1865. |
Griffin, Mathew, |
e. Jan. 26, 1864, 3 years,
Co. I; m. o. June 26, 1865. |
Hahn, David, |
e. Coshocton county, Aug.
26, 1862, 3 years, Co. D; dis. at Cumberland, Md., Mar.
26, 1863; disab. |
Hall, Albert, |
e. Aug. 20, 1862,3 years,
Co. A; wd. at Spottsylvania; in hospital; cap. at Cedar
Creek; in Libby, m. o. June 26, 1865; |
Hale, Jacob W., |
e. Oct. 18, 1862, 3 years,
Co. E.; trans. to Co. I Nov. 1, 1862; wd. at Mine Run
Nov. 27, 1863; cap. at Cold Harbor; m. o. at Camp Chase,
June 9, 1865. |
Hale, John H., |
Hambey, Jas., |
Hammond, John F., |
Hammond, Albert, |
Hartman, Henry, |
Hoppstatter, David, |
e. Feb. 20, 1864, 3 years,
Co. A; m. o. June 26, 1865. |
Houck, John, |
Johnson, J. W., |
Kenker, Henry, |
Kime, Geo. T., |
King, Geo. B., |
Kinkade, Alfred L., |
Kinkade, Chas., |
Kinkade, Jas., |
Kupmual, John |
Lawson, Robt., |
Leansure, Isaac, |
Lennon, Mathew, |
Linn, Mathew, |
McCracken, Edward, |
McGruder, John W., |
Mangold, John H., |
Mason, Rufus, G., |
Matson, Jas. M., |
e. Aug. 21, 1862, 3 years;
Co. F; cap. at Winchester, June 15, 1863, m. o. June 26,
1865. |
Page 154 -
Chas. C., |
e. Sept. 12,
1862, 3 years, Co. I; sergt.; wd. at the Wilderness;
cap.; held 4 months; ex.; dis. at Danville, Va., May 13,
1865; disab. |
Simon, |
Wm., |
James, |
Samuel, |
Joseph, |
Samuel J., |
Samuel, |
Samuel, |
Richard J., |
Andrew J., |
Power, Benj.
F., |
Jas. W., |
Pyle, Wm., |
Roll, Geo., |
Jerome, |
e. Feb. 29,
1864, 3 years, Co. F; cap. at the Wilderness May 6,
1864; in Andersonville; escaped; re-taken, with loss of
arm in Rebel hos.; dis. at Columbus, Ohio, June 26,
1865; disab. |
Schramm, John L., |
Sheppard, Wm. H., |
Sims, Israel, |
Sims, Israel W., |
e. Sept. 30,, 1862, 3
years, Co. F; wd. at Mine Run Nov. 27, 1863; apptd.
corp. Oct. 4, 1864; m. o. June 26, 1865. |
Sims, William H., |
Smith, Amos B., |
Smith, John, |
Stults, Andrew P., |
Stutton, John C., |
Swope, Franklin G., |
Taylor, Joseph M. T., |
Tracy, Benj. N., |
Trost, Joseph, |
Trust, Peter, |
Walters, George E., |
Warner, Robert H., |
Watson, J. W., |
Wheeler, Lysander, |
Wilber, Thomas C., |
Wilds, William, |
Willey, Charles T. |
Williams, Jeremiah |
Worthing, Price, |
Worthing, Thomas, |
Wright, Charles W., |
Young, Frederick, |
e .Feb. 29, 1864, 3 years
Co. A; m. o. June 26, 1865. |
One Hundred and
Twenty-sixth Regiment -
Thomas D., |
d. June 9,
1864, 3 years, Co. B; m. o. June 25, 1865. |
Page 155 -
Knapp, O.
T., |
e. Aug. 15,
1862, 3 years, Co. B; m. o. at Washington May 29, 1865. |
Alex. M., |
e. May 16,
1864, 3 years, Co. I; cap. at Monocacy July 9, 1864; m.
o. Jun e 25, 1865. |
William, |
e. Aug. 19,
1862, 3 years, o. H; m. o. June 25, 1865. |
John W. |
e. Aug. 28,
1862, 3 years, Co. I; cap. at the Wilderness May 6,
1864; in Andersonville and other prisons 8 months; m. o.
June 25, 1865. |
Abraham M., |
e. Aug. 14,
1862, 3 years, Co. H; killed at Spottsylvania May12,
1864. |
One Hundred and
Twenty-ninth Regiment -
Allen D. S., |
e. July 14,
1863, 6 months; apptd. capt. Aug. 10, 1863; m. o. Aug.
10, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Thirty-third Regiment -
Amos J., |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. H; m. o. Aug. 20, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Thirty-fifth Regiment -
John h. |
e. May 8,
1864, Co. B; cap. July 3, 1864, at North Mountain, W.
Va.; died in prison. |
Jesse, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. B; cap. at North Mountain, W. Va., July 3,
1863; m. o. Mar. 25, 1864. |
Micajah, |
corp., e.
May 2, 1864, 100 days ,Co. B; cap. at North Mountain,
July 3, 1864; died in Andersonville Mar. 17, 1865. |
Leroy F., |
e. May 2,
1864, 1 year, Co. B; cap. at North Mountain, W. Va.,
July 3, 1964; died in prison at Florence, S. C. |
William M., |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. B.; sergt.; cap. at North Mountain,
W. Va., July 3, 1864; m. o. at Columbus Mar. 15, 1865. |
One Hundred and
Fortieth Regiment -
David, |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days; m. o. Sept. 3, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Forty second Regiment -
Ransom, |
e. Coshocton
county, May 2, 1864, 100 days; m. o. Sept. 2, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Forth-third Regiment -
Samuel, |
e. in
Coshocton county, May 2, 1864, 100 days, Co. G; m. o.
Aug. 24, 1864. |
Samuel, |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 3, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Fiftieth Regiment -
William S., |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. D; m. o. Aug. 23, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Fifty-first Regiment -
Samuel, |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. A; m. o. Aug. 27, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Fifty-seventh Regiment -
Graham, |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 2, 1864. |
Thomas H., |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. F; m. o. Sept. 2, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Fifty-ninth Regiment -
Marcus, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. B; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
David, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
James, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Michael, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Solomon, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Eli, |
corp., e.
May 2, 1864, Co. G; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Charles G., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
James, |
e. May 2,
1814, Co. C; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Andrew, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864; in Oct. joined 62d
regt., Co. B, at Richmond; wd. at Ft. Gregg; sent to
hosiptal; wd. at Point of Rocks; dis. June 30, 1865. |
Charles, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Joseph, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. H; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Lewis, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. H; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Atchison, A.
W., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Auxline, H.
A., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. K; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Baird, Jacob
J., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864; re-e. Feb. 23, 1865,
Licking county, Co. A, 194th dis. at Columbus Oct. 24,
1865. |
Austin, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. F; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864; re-e. in navy service
gunboat Brilliant; in hospital; trans. to hospital
service; dis. at Cairo Aug. 31, 1865. |
John N., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Bash, Jacob,
2d lieut.,
e. May 2, 1864, o. K; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
James F., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. B; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Sylvester, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. K; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Baughman, G.
W., |
S. R., |
John W., |
Beem, W.
H., |
Jonathan H., |
Samuel M., |
J. B., |
Blackstone, William, |
Charles, |
John, |
Charles M., |
D. J., |
Newton, H., |
M. C., |
W. M., |
George W., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. K; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Page 156 -
Willard, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. F; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
David, |
Richard P., |
Peter, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Robert E., |
William, |
George, |
Samuel, |
Henry, |
John, |
Harry W., |
Abraham, |
Cox, J.
W., |
Samuel, |
Julius, |
William J., |
Nathan, |
William G., |
John H., |
William, Jr., |
Cusac, A.
C., |
Samuel H., |
Spencer, |
John A., |
L. J., |
T. J., |
W. H., |
Dutro, C.
W., |
Michael, |
U. S., |
John, |
Jas. W., |
Harvey D., |
Horace, |
W. W., |
John G., |
Geo. W., |
Ford, Wm.
D., |
D. P., |
John W., |
Noah, |
Chas. H., |
Chalkley, |
J. C., |
J. W., |
Wm. H., |
Chas. H., |
Jacob, |
Richard H., |
E. W., |
John |
Jos. |
John, |
Wm., |
Henry, |
Given, D.
S., |
Jas. D., |
Thos., |
Decatur, |
Robt., |
Wm., |
Henry, |
Robt. J. J., |
J. T., |
Samuel L., |
Wm. S., |
Jos. M., |
W. H., |
Chris., |
John, |
Abner, |
Jas., |
Henry C., |
Watson A., |
Geo. W., |
Robt. G., |
Samuel T., |
Peter, |
Adam A., |
James, |
S. F., |
Korte, H.
L., |
Jas., |
W. H., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Page 157 -
Lee, Geo.
C., |
e. May 2,
1864, C. A; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Lee, Jesse
N., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Levi, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. G; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Jas. H., |
Robt., |
James, |
Elijah, |
Perry, |
Henry, |
Lumb, Wm.
J., |
John, |
Chas. W., |
McCutcheon, James, |
McFarland, Jas. A., |
John, |
McGee, W.
W., |
J. W., |
Samuel, |
Robt., |
Geo., |
John, |
Mendenhall, R. F., |
Geo. P., |
Chas. H., |
Geo., |
John, |
John Jr., |
J. M., |
David E., |
Geo. W., |
Ai., |
Moore, E.
H., |
Moore, F.
H., |
Geo., |
James, |
A. P., |
Hugh F., |
Joseph |
Neff, A.
J., |
Sephen A., |
Wm. H., |
T. J., |
Wm., |
Wm. A., |
H., Alvin, |
Richard, |
David, |
Luther C., |
Perry W., |
Henry, |
Andrew, |
Henry, |
Benj. W. |
Chas. W., |
Wm. W., |
Robt., |
Geo. W., |
Jacob, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. K; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864 |
John, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. G; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Sanford W., |
Elijah, |
F. E., |
Glenn, |
John E., |
John H., |
Chas., |
Edward, |
Henry S., |
B. F., |
Jacob M., |
Jacob, |
J. E., |
Sayle, S.
A., |
Saup, R.
M., |
Isaac, |
Geo., |
J. D., |
L. D., |
Samuel, |
James, M., |
W. S., |
Alex C., |
Joseph T., |
sergt., e.
May 2, 1864, Co. G; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Page 158 -
Sniff, H.
C., |
corp., e.
May 2, 1864, Co. C; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Christ, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. G; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Geo. A., |
corp., e.
May 2, 1864, Co. F; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Thos., |
Stockdale, Philip, |
corp., e.
May 2, 1864, Co. B; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Gilbert L., |
sergt. e.
May 2, 1864, Co. E; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Ralph G., |
I. C., |
John, |
Wm., |
Train, A.
W., |
Chas., |
Lloyd, |
M. L., |
Avon, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. G; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Thos., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Robt., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
David M., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. G; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864 |
Geo. B., |
Capt., e.
May 2, 1864, Co. K; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Thos. H., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. B; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Thomas, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Saml. L., |
lieut. e.
May 2, 1864, Co. B; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Wilkinson, David, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
R. S., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. F; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
Daniel, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. B; m. o. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Adam, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Aug. 22, 1864. |
One Hundred and sixtieth
Regiment -
Aler, C.
F., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Christ T., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Armstrong, Wm., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Wm., |
e. May 2,
1864. Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Wm., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Baker, S.
G., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Casten, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
D. N., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864 |
Andrew, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864, |
W. J., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Wm. H., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. K; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
John L., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Barton, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
John G. |
Jacob H., |
Benj. F., |
e. |
Geo. E., |
John, |
Jas. R., |
Francis M., |
Jos. |
Wm., |
Andrew, |
Henry S., |
John, |
Wm., |
Elijah J., |
Thos.C., |
Henry, |
Andrew, |
Jonas, |
Gay, John
C., |
David G., |
Saml. J., |
Henry H., |
Caleb H., |
Wm., |
Wm., |
John, |
Jacob H., |
I. H., |
Henderson, Albert, |
Frederick, |
Geo. E., |
Jonathan, |
Geo. B., |
John G., |
Robt., |
David F., |
Peter, |
Joseph, |
Thos., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
N. A., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
L. H., |
e. May 2,
1864 Co. H; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Chas., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
McLees, Josiah, |
e. May 2, 1864, Co. I; died July 20,
1864, at Frederick, Md., of wnds. recd. at Maryland
Heights. |
Thos., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept 7, 1864. |
A. L., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Page 159 -
John W., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. A; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Carl, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Wm., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
W. A., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Peter, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Wm., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
S. C., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
J. T., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Hamilton, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Joseph, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Samuel, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
James, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
David L., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
John B., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. A; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Ebenezer, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. B; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. wd. at Maryland
Heights. |
Oliver, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Ross, D.
W., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
John B., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
John O., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864; re-e. Feb. 15, 1865, 1
year, 191st, Co. D; m. o. Aug. 27, 1865. |
Robert H., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Jacob, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Smith, A.
B., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Charles W., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; died at Frederick, Maryland, July 16, 1864;
interred in Zanesville, Ohio. |
Smith, J.
E., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Smith, J.
R. H., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. C; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864; re-e. Mar. 2, 1865, 1
year, 36th, Co. A; dis. June 22, 1865. |
Smith, N.
K., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Horace, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
J. A., |
mus., e. May
2, 1864, Co. __ m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Stewart, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Washington, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Jacob L., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864; repe. Feb. 15, 1865, 1
year, Co. D; m. o. Aug. 27, 1865. |
Solomon D., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Jesse, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865; re-e. Sept. 28, 1864,
1 year, Co. C; m. o. May 30, 1865. |
Samuel W., |
corp., e.
May 2, 1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
Clinton, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
Julius, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
William H., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
George, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
Daniel T., |
e. May2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
Trace, M.
R., |
capt., e.
May 2, 1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
James, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
John, |
corp., e.
May 2, 1864, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
O. M., |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
Jacob, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
Robert, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
Jerome, |
e. May 2,
1864, Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1865. |
Isaiah M., |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. I; died at Frederick City, Md., July
1864. |
T. H., |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days , Co. D; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
J. A., |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. I; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
John V., |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 7, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Sixth-first Regiment -
James, |
1st lieut.,
e. May 2, 1864, 100 days, Co. G; lost left eye at
Martinsburg, Va., by accident, May 30, 1864; mo. o.
Sept. 2, 1864. |
George M., |
e. in Morgan
county May 2, 1864, 200 days, Co. G; com. 2d lieut.; m.
o. at Camp Chase Sept. 2, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Sixty-second Regiment -
Theo., |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, co. C.; furloughed to accept recruiting
com.; pro. 2d lieut. Co. I, 178th; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
One Hundred and
Seventieth Regiment -
Geo., |
e. May 2,
1864, 100 days, Co. E; m. o. Sept. 10, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Seventy-second Regiment. -
James M., |
e. Apr. 27,
1864, 100 days, m. o. Sept. 3, 1864, re-e. Feb. 10,
1865, 1 year, Co. B; wd. by accident; in hos.; m. o.
Sept. 26, 1865. |
Thos., |
E. Apr. 27,
1864, 100 days Co. F; m. o. Sept. 3, 1864, re-e. Sept.
23, 1864, 1 year, Co. A; m. o. July 11, 1865, |
Thos. T., |
e. Apr. 27,
1864; 100 days, Co. A; m. o. Sept. 3, 1864. |
A. L., |
e. in
Guernsey Co. Apr. 27, 1864, 100 days, Co. C; m. o. Sept.
3, 1864. |
Henry, |
e. in
Guernsey Co. Apr. 27, 1864, 100 days, Co. C; m. o. Sept.
3, 1864. |
Wm. T., |
e. Apr. 27,
1864, 100 cays, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 3, 1864. |
Thos. H., |
corp., e.
Apr. 27, 1864, 100 days, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 3, 1864. |
Hamberry, |
e. Apr. 27,
1864, 100 days, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 3, 1864. |
One Hundred and
Seventy-fifth Regiment -
Huffman, M.
O., |
e. Aug. 29,
1864, 1 year, Co. K; m. o. June 27, 1865. |
One Hundred and
Seventy-eighth Regiment -
Chas., |
e. Aug. 31,
1864, 1 year, Co. A; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
James E., |
e. Aug. 31,
1864, 1 year, Co. A; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Frank, |
e. Aug. 29,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Craig, Chas.
H., |
e. Sept. 16,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; trans. to Co. E. 181st, June 15,
1865; m. o. July 14, 1865. |
Page 160 -
Yarmett, Porter L., |
e. Sept. 12,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. l. June 29, 1865. Three
mos. service in 1th 15th. |
Lyman, |
e. Aug. 23,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Christian, |
e. Sept. 27,
1864, 1 year, Co. F.; m. o. June 29, 1864; in 1861
served in 21st, Co. B. |
Stephen, |
e. Aug. 23,
1864, 1 year, m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Joseph P., |
corp.; e.
Aug. 11, 1864, 1year, Co. F; died at Murfreesboro, Jan.
7, 1865, |
Wm., |
mus., e.
Sept. 8, 1864, Co. F.; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Moses A., |
e. Sept. 13,
1864, 1 year, Co. F.; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
James, |
e. Sept. 24,
1864, 1 year, Co. A; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
John W. |
e. Sept. 19,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Wm. L., |
e. Sept. 15,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. June 25, 1865; previous
service in Pa. cav. |
James G., |
e. Aug. 27,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. at Beaufort, N. C., June 19,
1865. |
David, |
e. Sept. 14,
1864, 1 year, Co. F. m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Gilbert, |
e. Aug. 23,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Andrew, |
e. Sept. 13,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. at Columbus, O., June 19,
1865. |
Wm., |
e. Sept. 3,
1864, 1 year Co. A; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Edward, |
e. Sept. 13,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. at Columbus, O., May 25,
1865. |
Thos. D., |
e. Sept. 22,
1864, 1 year, Co. F.; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
John, |
e. Aug. 11,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Henry, |
e. Sept. 15,
1864, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. June 29, 1865. |
Wellington, |
e. Sept. 26,
1864, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. July 7, 1865. |
One Hundred and
Eighty-fifth Regiment -
Du-Dugan, Andrew |
e. Jan. 23,
1865, 1 year, Co. H., m. o. Sept. 26, 1865; re-e. Mar.
1, 1867, Co. C, 19th U. S. I.; sergt.; dis. at Little
Rock, Ark., Mar. 1, 1870. |
Daniel, |
e. Feb. 28,
1865, 1 year, Co. B; m. o. Sept. 26, 1865. |
Geo. W., |
e. Feb. 13,
1865, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 26, 1865. |
Benj., |
e. Feb. 5,
1865, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 26, 1865. |
One Hundred and
Ninety-first Regiment. -
Aurelius, |
e. Feb. 22,
185, 1 year, Co. E; in hospital; m. o. at Winchester
Aug. 27, 1865. |
William, |
e. Licking
county, Feb. 24, 1864, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Aug. 27,
1865. |
James R., |
e. Feb. 20,
1865, 1 year; m. o. Aug. 27, 1865. |
Montgomery, Alex., |
e. Feb. 24,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Aug. 27, 1865. |
William, |
e. Feb.
1865, Co. E; m. o. Aug. 27, 1865. |
Adam C., |
corp., e.
Feb. 15, 1865, 1 year, Co. D.; m. o. Aug. 27, 1865. |
J. W., |
e. Feb. 20,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Aug. 27, 1865. |
One Hundred and
Ninety-second Regiment -
Adam, |
e. Feb. 24,
1865, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 1, 1865. |
Charles B., |
e. Feb. 15,
1865, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 1, 1865. |
Moore, F.
H., |
e. Feb. 15,
1865, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 1, 1865. |
William D., |
e. Feb. 24,
1865, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 1, 1865. |
Dallas B. |
e. Jan. 28,
1865, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 1, 1865. |
William H., |
mus., e.
Feb. 4, 1865, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 1, 1865. |
George C., |
e. Feb. 15,
1865, 1 year, Co. H.; m. o. Sept. 1, 1865. |
John, |
corp., e. e.
Feb. 18, 1865, 1 year, Co. H; m. o. Sept. 1, 1865. |
One Hundred and
Ninety-fourth Regiment -
Cornelius, |
e. Mar. 3,
1865, 1 year, Co. A; m. o. Oct. 24, 185. |
One Hundred and Ninety-fifth Regiment -
John L., |
e. Feb. 15,
1865, 1 year, Co. I; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Morris S., |
sergt., e.
Feb. 28, 1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Ballinger, James H., |
e. Fe. 25,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
William R., |
e. Feb. 2,
1865, 1 year, Co. I; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
L. J., |
e. Feb. 21,
185, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Thomas, |
e. Mar. 6,
1865, 1 year, Co. K; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Up- ,
e. Mar. 6,
1865, 1 year, Co. K; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Robert, |
e. Feb.
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. July 21, 1865. |
John W. |
Feb. 14,
1865, 1 year, Co. I; pro. 2d lieut. Mar. 18, 1865;
served 1862-64 in Co. A, 78th O. V. I.; m. o. Dec. 18,
1865. |
George, |
e. Feb. 9,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Charles, |
e. Mar. 2,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
William, |
e. Mar. 6,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
Joseph, |
e. Mar. 6,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; apptd. 1st sergt. Mar. 17, 1865; 2d
lieut. Nov. 4, 1865; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
John H., |
e. Feb. 25,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
William H., |
e. Licking
county, Mar. 8, 1865, 1 year, Co. K; m. o. Dec. 18,
1865. |
Curtis, |
e. Feb. 13,
1865, 1 year, Co. E; m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. |
One Hundred and Ninety-sixth Regiment -
Lorenzo D., |
e. Feb. 13,
1865, 1 year, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 11, 1865. |
Gilbert, |
e. Feb. 13,
1865, 1 year, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 11, 1865. |
Jacob, |
e. Feb. 13,
1865, 1 year, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 11, 1865. |
William, |
e. Feb. 13,
1865, 1 year, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 11, 1865. |
George W., |
e. Feb. 28,
1865, 1 year, Co. F; m. o. Sept. 11, 1865. |
D. C., |
e. Feb. 11,
1865, 1 year, Co. G; m. o. Sept. 11, 1865 |
One Hundred and
Ninety-seventh Regiment -
Smith, W.
T., |
e. Feb. 10,
1865, 1 year, Co. G; m. o. July 31, 1865. |
One Hundred and
Ninety-eighth Regiment -
M. V., |
e. Mar. 6,
1865, Co. B; m. o. May 8, 1865. |
Page 161 -
Culbertson, M., |
e. Feb. 28,
1865, Co. B; m. o. May 8, 1865. |
John, |
e. Apr. 4,
1865, Co. D; m. o. May 8, 1865. |
Frederick, |
e. Feb. 28,
1865, 1 year, Co. B; m. o. May 8, 1865. |
Jacob, |
e. Feb. 14,
1865, 1 year, Co. B; m. o. May 8, 1865. |
Dallas T., |
e. Apr. 7,
1865, 1 year, Co. G; m. o. May 8, 1865. |
John J., |
e. Apr. 5,
1865, 1 year, Co. G; m. o. May 8, 1865. |
Elias, |
e. Apr. 7,
1865, 1 year, Co. B; m. o. May 8, 1865. |
Service -
G. F., |
e. Sept. 15,
1862, 9th O. V. Cav., Co. A; died Oct. 21, 1864. |
James, |
e. Sept. 15,
1862, 9th O. V. Cav., Co. A; died at Camp Dennison Oct.
21, 1864. |
Henry C., |
e. 1862,
Union L. G. Cav.; dis. 1865. |
George, |
e. Bat. 1,
O. V. H. A.; in hospital; det. in mule train; injured;
dis. at Camp Dennison Aug. 2, 1865. |
Moses, |
e. in Noble
county June 14, 1863, |
Best, G.
B., |
e. Apr.,
1863, Ind. I. Co., 4 months; trans, to gun-boat
"Brilliant;" had fever. |
Moses, |
e. in Noble
county June 14, 1863, Bat. I, O. V. H. A.; in hospital;
det. in mule train; injured; dis. at Camp Dennison Aug.
2, 1865. |
William P., |
1862-65, 9th O. V. C.; pro. com. sergt. |
Lyman, |
e. Newark
Jan. 12, 1864, Co. A; in several hospitals; dis. disab.,
heart disease. |
John, |
service, 9th
O. V. C., Co. C; trans. 110th V. R. C.; dis. 1865. |
William H., |
William H., e. Oct., 1862, 9th O. V. C., Co. A, 3 years'
service. |
Thomas, |
e. Aug. 28,
1862, Co. A, 9th Ohio Volunteer Cav.; m. o. July 20,
1865. |
Jas., |
e. Sept.,
1862, 9th O. V. C.; dis. July 1865. |
Wm., |
e. Licking
Co., Feb. 27, 1864, Co. G., O., V. V. I.; in hos; wd.
near Marietta, Ga.; m. o. Louisville, July 20, 1865. |
Saml. W., |
e. July 15,
1862, Co. A, 9th O. V. C.; dis. July, 1865. |
Culbertson, Dr. Howard, |
e. Nov. 16,
1862, U. S. V. 3 yrs. as surg.; aptd. surg. in charge of
hos. at Rollo, rank of maj.; surg. in charge of U. S.
gen. hos. (Harvey) at Madison, Wis.; m. o. Oct. 1865,
brev. rank of lieut. col.; passed examination as asst.
surg. U. S. A.; com. Feb. 28, 1866; made capt. July 8,
1866; placed on retired list Jan. 8, 1869, for disab. |
J. P. |
service, Co.
C., O. V. C., 1863-5; on det. duty. |
Thos. A., |
e. Feb. 27,
1864, 1st O. V. V. C.; dis. Sept. 27, 1865. |
A. Q., |
e. Aug. 5,
1861, Co. D., O. V. C.; m. o. with regt. |
Lawson, |
e. 1864-5,
Co. F. 13th O. V. C.; wnd. at Cold Haror, Edwards, Geo.,
service 9th O. V. C.; cap. and killed near Jonesboro. |
Geo., |
e. Oct. 27,
1864, bat .I; m. o. at Knoxville, Tenn; July 24, 1865. |
Terrence, |
e. June
1862, U. S. drag., Co. F; wnd. at Brandy sta.; trans. to
114th N. Y. V. I. |
Geo., |
e. Feb. 1,
1864, Co. E., 22d V. R. C.; dis. July, 1865. |
Henry, |
served in
Co. B, 1st O. V. V. C., the latter part of war. |
Isaac I., |
served in
Co. D, 12th O. V. C. from 1863 to 1865. |
J. W., |
served in
Co. B, 1st O. V. V. C from 1864 to 1865, wnd. at Atlanta |
Chas. C., |
com. Capt.,
Sept. 1861, Co. C, 17th U. S. I., Mar., 1863; assigned
to Co. A. 1st batln; wnd. at Chancellorsville; res. May
26, 1864. |
W. H., |
served from 1862 to 1863, 1st o. S. S. |
Geo. W., |
sergt., e.
in Ross county, Oct. 19, 1863, Co. M, 12th O. V. C.,
cap. at Mt. Sterling, Ky.; paroled; in hos., dis. June,
1865. |
John G., |
service, 7th
O. V. C., Co. B, 1862 to 1865. |
Marshall M., |
service 13th
O. V. C. C., Co. F, from 1861 to 1865; wnd. at
Petersburg. |
Saml. J., |
e. Oct. 10,
1864, 1st U. S. V. V. E. C., Co. H; impressed in
service; dis. at Nashville, Sept. 26, 1865. |
John, |
e. Oct. 8,
1862, Co. A, 9th O. V. C.; m. o. July 20, 1864. |
Wm., |
e. May 6,
1864, Co. A, 9th O. V. C.; m. o. July 22, 1864. |
S. D., |
e. 12th U.
S. I., service from 1862 to 1865. |
J. A., |
service in
9th O. V. C., Co. A, from 1862 to 1865. |
Newton B., |
service in
Co. K, 5th U. S. C., from 1863 to 1866, 1st sergt. |
John P., |
e. Sept. 24,
1864, Co. C, 1st batln, 15th U. S. I.; det. as
pioneer; wnd. at Atlanta; dis. Sept. 24, 1864. |
G. W., |
served in
9th O. V. C., Co. A; cap. and held a prisoner 5 months.
Harrison, |
served in
9th O. V. C., Co. A, from Oct. 1862 to July 1865. |
Lyman, |
served in
the 8th U. S. I., Co. F; pro. sergt.; det. on provost
duty; dis. Jan. 21, 1867; vet. |
D. F., |
served in
15th U. S. I., Co. G; from 1861 to 1864, wnd. at
Chickamauga. |
Henry, |
e. Oct. 6,
1864, 1 year, 24th Indp. bate. L. A. m. O. June 24,
1865; previously served in the 1st W. Va. L. A. |
Isaiah, |
service, 1st
batln. O. Indp. S. S. Co. C; trans. to V. R. C. |
David, |
service in
10th O. V. C. Co. B, from 1862 to 1865; wnd. at Resaca. |
Josephus, |
served n 9th
O. V. C. Co. C, from 1862 to 1865. |
C. C., |
served in
the 9th O. V. C., Co. A. |
Mathew M., |
served in
the 10th O. V. C. Co. A, from Oct., 1862, to Aug., 1865;
sergt. |
Clark, |
served in
9th O. V. C., Co. C, from Nov., 1862, to Dec., 1864;
det. 4th O. Art.; in hospital; dis. for disab. |
John, |
e. at
Mansfield in 1862; service 1st O. S. S.; in hospital;
trans. to I. C.; dis. July, 1864; disab. Pake, Henry L.,
service 10th O. V. C., C. B, from Oct. 1862, to Oct.
1865. |
Zenas F., |
service 6th
O. Ind. S. S. |
John, |
service 9th
O. V. C.; pro. sergt.; served from 1862 to 1865. |
Page 162 -
R. L., |
e. Nov. 10,
1862, Co. C., 9th O. V. C.; m. o. at Columbus, Aug. 2,
1865. |
Harrison, |
service in
the 13th O. V. C., Co. F. |
John |
service in
9th O. V. C., Co. C, from 1862 to 1865. |
David, |
e. Oct. 29,
1862, 9th O. V. C., Co. C; m. o. July 20, 1865. |
James H., |
service in
the 6th Co., Ind. S. S., from 1862 to 1865. |
Willis D., |
e. Dec. 20,
1863, in the 10th O V. C., Co. D; m. o. July 30, 1865. |
Robert T., |
service in
the 1st U. S. C., Co. F, from Nov., 1862, to Nov. 1865;
pro. corp.; wd. at Cold Harbor June, 1864. |
Ernest, |
service from
Hamilton county, in Co. C., 13th O. V. C., from Feb.,
1861, to Aug., 1865; wd. at Petersburg; in hospital;
det. service on steamer, J. Barnes. |
Charles, |
e. from
Madison county, 9th O. V. C., Co. A, serving 2 years. |
Ephraim, |
e. from
Madison county, 9th O. V. C. Co. A; pro. sergt.; serving
three years. |
Shoemaker, George E., |
e. Oct. 23,
1862, Co. C, 9th O. V. C.; pro. to corp.; then to
sergt.; m. o. July 20, 1865. |
B. F., |
service from
1863, 6th O. V. C., C. G; taken prisoner; died in
Andersonville Jan., 18 65. |
Isaac, |
service in U. S. C. T., Co. F, from 1863 to 1865. |
William, |
service in
12th O. V. C., Co. H, from 1864 to 1865. |
Harrison, |
e. service
in 1st O. V. V. C., Co. B, from 1864 to 1865. |
Charles C., |
service 13th
O. V. C., Co. F; killed at Petersburg July 30, 1864;
interred on field. |
George W., |
service as
farrier and vet. surg. 1st O. V. C., from 1861 to 1865. |
Troylus, |
service 10th
O. V. C., Co. B, from 1864 to 1865. |
William B., |
service in
9th O. V. C., C. A, from Aug., 1862, to July, 1965. |
Andrew J., |
e. Nov. 27,
1862, 9th O. V. C., Co. C; apptd. teamster; injured in
the service; in hospital; dis. June, 1865. |
Marshall, |
service in
9th O. V. C., Co. C; pro. corp.; served from 1862 to
1863. |
Charles B., |
e. in Morgan
county Oct. 28, 1863, 9th O. V. C., Co. K; apptd. 2d
lieut; hurt in leg fall of horse; in hospital; dis. Oct.
17, 1864; disab. |
Albert, |
service 13th
O. V. C., Co. F, from 1864 to 1865. |
James F., |
service in
5th Ind. O. V. C., Co. B, and the 13th O. V. C. from
1863 to 1865. |
John C., |
service 10th
O. V. C., Co. C., from 1864 to 1865. |
Tomlinson, A. C., |
e. Feb. 29,
1864, U. S. Signal Service; in hospital; dis. at
Louisville Aug. 22, 1965. |
Fleet, R. C. M., |
service in
18th U. S. I., 2d batln., Co. F.; dis. 1862; disab. |
Voohis, John R., |
service 5th Ind. Batln., O. V. C., Co. D, from 1863 to
1865. |
Sherman, |
service in
the 23d U. S. C. T., Co. I. |
George, |
service in
5th Ind. Batl. Cav., Co. F, and in 13th O. V. C.; wd.,
losing right arm. |
J. F., |
service in
9th O. V. C., Co. A, from 1864 to 1865. |
Edward, |
service in
4th Ind. Batln. O. V. C., Co. E, from 1863 to 1864. |
William T., |
service 9th
O. V. C., Co. C, from 1864 to close of war; wd.; cap.;
in Andersonville. |
Jos. P., |
service 9th
O. V. C., Co. A, from 1862 to 1865. |
Benton, |
service in
the 4th U. S. C. T., Co. B, from 1863 to 1865. |
S. H., |
service 9th
O. V. C., Co. C, from 1864 to 1865; corp. |
William H., |
service in 9th O. V. C., Co. A. |
Azariah, |
service in
the 12th O. V. C., Co. D, from 1863 to 1865. |
First Artillery -
Gladstone, William, |
e. Aug. 21,
1862, 3 years, Co. C.; corp.; prom. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o.
at Knoxville, Tenn., June 20, 1865. |
Payton O., |
e. in Morgan
county June 1, 1863, 3 years, Co. I; m. o. July 25,
1865; 3 months' service in Co. F, 86th O. V. I. |
Second Artillery -
Joseph, |
e. in
Coshocton county Aug. 1, 1863, 3 years, Co. F; in
hospital acting hospital steward; m. o. Aug. 23, 1865. |
Sixteenth Light
Artillery -
Isaac N., |
e. Aug. 20,
1861, 3 years; apptd. corp.; then sergt.; m. o. Sept. 5,
1865. |
Twenty-first Light
Artillery -
Chas., |
e. Sept. 19, 1863, 3 years; m. o. July 11, 1865. |
Twenty-fourth Light
Artillery -
George W., |
e. Oct. 19,
1864, 1 year; m. o. June 24, 1865. |
Naval Service -
Silas, |
e. Feb.,
1864; seaman gunboat Brilliant; dis. Feb. 1865. |
E. D., |
served in
navy from 1862 to 1863; e. Sept. 1864, 178th, Co. A. |
John H., |
e. Nov.,
1863, gunboat Gazelle, Miss. Squad; dis. at the mouth of
Red River Nov., 1864. |
Henry, |
1864-65, gunboat Brilliant. |
Duncan, |
e. Aug. 29,
1864, sailor gunboat Brilliant; dis. June 1, 1865. |
A. R., |
e. Aug. 30,
1864, as seaman gunboat Brilliant, Miss. squad; dis.
Aug. 1, 1865. |
Alex. M., |
entered the
navy service Aug. 14, 1864, on the Clara Dolson gunboat;
trans. to the gunboat Brilliant; dis. at Cairo, Aug. 14,
1863; served 126th, O. V. I., Co. I. |
William H., |
e. for
service on gunboat Brilliant, Miss. squad, Feb. 16,
1864; trans. to Silver Lake as paymaster clerk; dis.
Feb. 16, 1865. |
Jas. A., |
service as
sailor from 1862 to 1865. |
Chas. A., |
e. Apr. 2,
1864; gunboat Brilliant, Miss. squad; pro. signal q. m.;
dis. at Paducah, Apr. 3, 1865. |
John N., |
e. May,
1861, gunboat Pittsburg; dis. at Mound City, July 12,
1865; vet. |
Wm. J., |
seaman, gunboat Brilliant, from 1862 to 1863. |
Page 163 -
Palmer, Jas.
Wm., |
service Feb.
1865, gunboat Brilliant; died May 18, 1865. |
Reuben J., |
seaman, gunboat Milwaukee, latter part of the war. |
Louis S., |
seaman U. S. gunboat; kd. at Pittsburg Landing, Apr. 6,
1862 |
Robt., |
seaman, gunboat Brilliant; from 1864 to 1865. |
Geo. D., |
seaman, gunboat Brilliant, Miss. squad, from 1864 to
1865. |
John H. |
seaman, gunboat Brilliant, Miss. squad; from 1864 to
1865. |
Shaw, Geo.
W., |
e. Feb. 1,
1864, as seaman, gunboat Brilliant, Miss. squad; apptd.
steward; dis. Feb. 7, 1865. |
Nathan K.; |
carpenter, gunboat Brilliant; from 1864 to 1865. |
Joseph R., Jr., |
service as
seaman, U. S. gunboat Brilliant from 1862 to 1863, pro.
to paymaster's clerk; in Aug. 1863, apptd. recruit.
officer for U. S. N.; dis. at close of war. |
Miscellaneous Service Other States -
Adams, Geo.
C., |
e. Sept. 12,
1863, W. Va. L. A., bat. H; cap. New Creek, Va., Nov.
28, 1864; in prison 3 mo., dis. June 12, 1865. |
Adams, Wm.
E., |
e. 1861,
47th Ind. V. I. Co. A; trans. to V. R C.; dis. Oct.
1865. |
Wm. D., |
e. 1861,
12th Ill., Co. D; taken prisoner at Tunstalls Sta. May
4, 1863, sent to Libby; ex same day; vet. Feb. 1864;
dis. at New Orleans, Mar. 1, 1866. |
Jos., |
e. Sept. 15,
1862, Co. A, 9th O. V. Cav.; died at Camp Dennison, Oct.
21, Antietam; in hos.; dis. Feb. 1864; re-e. Co. D,
1864. |
Henry C., |
e. and
served in the U. L. G. Cav. from 1862 to 1865. |
Barker, J.
H., |
e. Dec.
1863, Co. B, 38th Ind. V. I., drummer; dis. at
Indianapolis, July, 1865. |
Geo. W., |
e. 3 mo.
serv., 3d Iowa V. I., Co. G; re-e. for 3 years; dis. for
disab; appted. 2d Lieut. 129th O. V. I. Co. E; served
until 1864. |
Barton, Saml.
A., |
c. at
Bloomington, Ill., Dec. 16, 1862, Co. E, 39th Ill. V.
I.; in hos. at Folly Isl., 1863; dis. for disab. same
year. |
Barton, Wm.
H., |
e. at
Bloomington, Ill. Aug. 12, 1861, Co. B, 39th Ill. V. I.;
in hosp, at Phila.; dis. for disab. at Hilton Head, Dec.
12, 1863. |
S. R., |
e. and ser.
3 years in Co. E, 1st W. Va., V. C.; pro. to sergt. |
Brooks, John
R., |
e. 1861, W.
Va. I; served until 1865. |
Brown, Thos.
J., |
May, 1863,
55th Mass. (col.) V. I. wnd. at James Island, July 2,
1864. |
Henry J., |
served in
Co. A, 195th N. Y. V. I., 1863-5. |
Isaac, |
e. at
Hickory, Pa., Aug. 19, 1862, Co. K, 140th Pa. V. I.; wnd.
at Gettysburg (Devil's Den); in hos. 9 mo. Philadelphia;
det. ward master of hos; reported to Washington; clerk
at regt. h. q.; dis. June 17, 1865. |
Geo., |
in serv. 3
mo Co. C, Ill. V. I., then 3 years in 48th Ill. V. I.
Co. F; wnd twice before Atlanta. |
Theo., |
e. Sept.
1861, Co. I, 3d N. Y. V. C; dis. Sept. 23, 1864. |
Patrick, |
e. Co. E;
11th Pa. V. I.; wnd. at Petersburg. |
S. C., |
e. Co. A,
7th Iowa; wnd. at Corinth. |
Geo. E., |
e. at
Louisville. Aug. 1861, Co. A; 1st. Ky. V. I.; wnd. in
Miss.; killed at Stone River. |
F. C., |
e. May,
1863, Co. A; 4th batln. O. V. C.; sergt. served till
Mar. 1864, pro. 2d. lieut. Co. A, 13th O. V. C, then
capt. |
Isaac, |
e. 1862,
13th W. Va. V. I; in hos.; dis. Mar. 1864. |
Lyman, |
e. Aug. 30,
1861, Co. F, 2d. W. Va. V. C; dis. Jan. 1863, disab. |
John J., |
served in
1st, Tenn. L. A; pro. sergt.; 2d. and 1st. lieut.,
captain, breveted major U. S.; V., inspector general,
aid de camp and staff duty. |
Martin, |
e. Sept. 8,
1861, Co. F; 2d W. Va. V. C.; apptd sergt. Co. C; vet at
Charleston, S. C.; m. o. at Wheeling, July 4, 1865. |
Jas. M. |
e. July,
1863, and served in the 117th Ind V. I; dis. Mar. 1864. |
Felton, Jas.
W., |
service in
the 14th W. Va., V. C., Co. B; from 1862 to 1865. |
Benj. O., |
service in
the 4th W. Va. V. I., Co. M.; 1863-4. |
Elias, |
in 77th Ill., Co. B; dis. Feb. 1863, for disab. |
Owen, |
from 1861 to 1864, in 30th Ill.; in all the battles of
that regt. to time of dis. |
Milton S., |
service in
Co. A, 3d W. Va. V. C. from 1862 to 1865. |
Hagar, Benj.
J. |
e. 8th Pa.
V. I. Co. I; wd. at Antietam; in hos.; dis. Feb. 1864;
re-e. Co. D, 191st Pa; cap. at Spottsylvania, in
Andersonville; dis. June, 1865. |
Geo. w., |
service in
Co. D, 4th W. Va., V. I. from 1861 to 1864. |
Henry, |
service, in
1st N. Y. L. A; bat. H, from 1861 to 1865, then in U. S.
N. |
Geo., |
served in
6th Ind. V. I., Co. G, and 10th Ind. V. C. from 1862 to
1865. |
Hunter, T.
J., |
served in
the 22d Ky. V. I., Co. F. |
Calvin |
entered in
Pa. 1863, first as “Pa. Emergency Man,” then as
enrolling officer. |
Robt., |
service in 2d Pa. I, Co. P'; also 4th Pa. V. C. |
Kern, G. V., |
service Nov. 18663, W. Va. Indp. C.; in hos; cap. by
Mosby's guerrillas; paroled; dis. June 5, 1865. |
Jas. H.; |
service in
10th Iowa V. I., Co. C; from 1861 to 1865, wnd. at
Champion's Hill; in hos.; dis. Aug. 30, 1865; vet.
Jas., |
service in
25th Ills. V. I., Co. F; wnd. and cap. at Chickamauga,
in Andersonville 11 mo.
escaped, recaptured. |
Jas. A., |
service in
the 10th Ind. Co. F; from Apr., 1861, to Aug. 1861. |
Thos., |
served in
the 4th. Pa. V. I., 3 mo. men; and 114th Pa. Co. I; wnd.
at Gettysburg; dis. May, 1865. |
Henry, |
e. in bat.
H., 1st. W. Va. L. A., Oct. 3, 1863. |
Isaac N., |
service, Co.
K; 34th 111 . V. 1 ; wnd. at Shiloh; died in hos. at St.
Louis, Apr. 19, 1862. |
Page 164 -
Wm., |
in 152d Pa. H. A., Co. K; from 1864 to 1865. |
James, |
service, 3
yrs., 15th Pa. V. C., Co. C. |
McEwen, John
P., |
service in
4th Iowa V. I., Co. C; from 1861 to 1864; pro. through
the grades to capt; wnd. at Pea Ridge and Chickasaw
Bayou. |
McGill, Wm.
H., . |
service in
4th Ky. V. I. one year; in 9th O. V. C., Co. A, from
1862 to 1865; pro. sergt; wnd and cap |
Geo., |
service from
Sept. 1861, 2d W. Va., V. C., Co. E; m. o. with regt. |
Isaac, |
Aug. 4, 1862, Co. A; 134th N. Y. V. I; pro. sergt; cap.
at Gettysburg; escaped; cap. before Atlanta; in
Andersonville and Millen prisons; ex. in 1865; m.
of June 1865 |
Marcellus, |
service in
125th Ills., Co. C, from 1862 to 1865. |
Marple, Geo. |
service in 12th W. V., C. B; from 1862 to 1865. |
Henry, |
service in
54th Ill., Co. K, from 1864 to 1865; cap. and paroled. |
Jacob H., |
service in
4th W. Va. C., Co. B; from 1863 to 1864 |
Nelson T., |
service in
39th Ind., Co. E, from 1861 to 1863, pro. to sergt.,
then 1st lieut. |
Jacob, |
service in
14th Pa. V. A. from 1864 to 1865. |
John, |
e. in 28th
Ill., Co. D; Aug 3, 1861, 2nd. at Shiloh; in hos.; m. o.
Apr. 6, 1866; vet. |
Edward, |
service, 12th Kan., Co. A, from 1862, to 1865. |
Joseph, |
service in
the 22d Pa. V. C., Co. C, from 1862 to 1865. |
Ramsey, W.
K., |
service in
55th Pa., C. C. |
Saml. E., |
service in
15th Ky., Co. K, from 1861 to 1864. |
Ray, Alpheus, |
service in
Y. V. I., Co. C, from 1862 to 1865; wnd., in hos. the
77th Pa., Co. E; cap. at Chickamauga; died pro. corp.
Arthur H., |
130th N. in the Danville prison, June 17, 1864. |
Francis, |
service in
59th Pa., C. C. |
Saml. F., |
service in 6th W. Va. V. I., from Nov. 1861, to Dec.
1864. |
Geo., |
125th Pa., Co. I, and in the 22d Pa. V. C.; dis. Oct.
1865. |
Robb, John
C., |
e. service
in the 7th Minn. Co. B, and the 2d Ark., Co. B one year. |
Ryan, A. Z., |
service in
the 11th Mo. V. I. Co. E, from 1861 to 1865. |
Saer, S. B., |
service in
1st W. Va. V. C. Co. A, from 1861 to 1864. |
Joseph |
service, 52d
N. Y. V. I. Co. G, from 1863 to 1865; cap. and in
prison. |
Chas., |
service 3d
Mo., Co. E, from 1861 to 1864. |
Patrick, |
service in
31st Ill. V. I. Co. I, from 1861 to 1864; wnd at Kenesaw
Mt. |
John, |
service in
1st W. Va. L. A. Bat. C, 4 years. |
Slack, John
A., |
134th Ill. V. I. Co. F; died in Ky., July, 1864. |
Smith, John
A., |
served as
sergt in 2d Minn. V. I., Co. G. |
Swift, Wm.
H. H., |
112th Ill. V. I. Co. C; from Aug. 1862, to June, 1865.
Saml. D., |
service, 6th
W. Va. V. C. Co. C; cap., died in Andersonville. |
Stevens, H.
H., |
service in
24th Ia. V. I., Co. H; killed at Champion's Hill. |
David, |
service in
34th N. J. V. I., Co. G, from 1863 to 1866. |
Tudor, Chas.
H., |
service 10th
Md. V. I., Co. D, from 1863 to 1865. |
Van Buren,
John, |
service in
30th N. Y. V. I., Co. A, from 1861 to 1862. |
John W., |
service in
20th Ind. V. I. Co. I, pro. to rank of capt. |
Eli, |
service in
89th Ind. V. I., Co. A, from 1862 to 1865. |
Levi, |
service in
89th Ind. V. I., Co. A, from 1862 to 1865. |
Isaac S., |
service 1st
W. Va. V. C. Co. F, one year, 1861-2; wnd. at Bull Run;
in hos.; dis. Oct. 14, 1864. |
Warren, Wm., |
service 46th
Ill. V. I. from 1863 to 1865; corp. |
Wm. C., |
asst. surg.
4th W. Va. V. I. and 2d W. Va. V. I., from 1862 to 1865. |
Watkins, W.
K. |
service in
150th N. Y. V. I., Co. C, from 1862 to 1865; wnd, in hos.
pro. Corp. |
Arthur H., |
1305h N. Y. V. I., Co. D, from 1862 to 1865; pro. 1st
lieut. |
Martin, |
service 1st
Ill. V. C. Co. A, from 1861 to 1862; cap. at Lexington,
Mo.; ex.; 3 years in the 14th Ill. V. C. |
Lemson, |
service in
147th Ind. V. I., Co. E, from Feb., 1865 to Aug. 1865. |
John, |
service in
36th Ill. V. I., Co. C, wnd. at Kenesaw Mt. |