organized as a township of Morgan County in 1819. In 1851
the commissioners of Noble County altered and established its
boundaries making them as follows:
"Commencing at the southeast corner of section 36, in
township number 6 of range 9; thence north to the northeast
corner of said township number 6 of range 9; thence west along
said township line to the northwest corner of the east half of
section 5 in said township number 6 and range 9; thence south
through the center of sections number 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 to
the southwest corner of the east half of section 32 in said
township number 6 and range 9; thence along said township
line to the place of beginning - containing twenty-seven
"Olive Township, Guernsey County, was organized June 3,
1816, from a part of Buffalo Township, which was erected in
1810. The Guernsey County line, prior to the erection of
Morgan County in 1819, ran east and west through the center of
what is now Olive Township. The original Olive Township
probably extended westwardly and northwardly several miles.
No description of its boundaries can be found.
The following is a list of the holders of real estate
in Olive Township in 1826, taken from the Morgan County tax
duplicate for that year: Theodocius Armstrong, Samuel Allen,
John Allen, James Archibald, William Boon, Thomas Boyd's
heirs, William Boyd, William Bell, Israel Blake, Benjamin
Blake, Simeon Blake, Robert Caldwell, John Caldwell, Jesse
Cunningham, Sherebiah Clark, Aurelius Clark, Joseph L. Clark,
Isaac Devore, Levi Davis, Joseph Davis, Charles Davis, William
Free, Matthew Grimes' heirs, Jefferson Glidden, Dennis
Gibbs, John Glidden's heirs, William Glidden, Alexander
Greenlee, Isaac Hill, Elisha Harris' heirs, Joseph
Hutchins, Jr., Hollis Hutchins, Daniel Hutchins, Daid Hussey,
James Hatch, James Hughes' heirs, William Jacobs, Hollis
James, James Kyle, Lewis Keith, Samuel Long, Jonathan Long,
Joseph Matheny's heirs, David McGarry, William Miller, Samuel
McWilliams, John Noble, William Ogle, James Ogle, Edward
Parrish, Edward Perkins, William Perkins, George Padgett, John
Pidcock, John Rhodes, James Rainer, Israel Spencer, Michael
Shriver, Shubal Smith, Lewis Shirley, John Shirley, George
Shirley, Elisha Spencer, John Smoot, Lewis Smoot, Samuel Shaw,
Peter Shackle, William Scoggan, Thorla & McKee, James Tuttle,
Mary Tuttle, William Tilton, Hebron, Tilton, Benjamin Tilton,
Joseph Tilton, Jr., Davis Tilton, Elizabeth Wagoner, John Wiley
(of Belmont), Thomas Wiley, James Webber, James S.
Warren, William Warren, John Wiley, Benjamin Wickham, John
Wickham, Jr. Frederick Yerian. Number of acres 9,532½;
value, $10,973; total
tax on land and houses, $109.73. Included in the foregoing
list were the inhabitants of six half-sections and six full
sections now belonging to Sharon Township.
Very few names on the foregoing list are those of
non-residents. The township was much larger in territory
then than at present. This list may be regarded as an
authentic record of the pioneer settlers of Olive Township in
the year 1826. By far the greater number of families came
from New England, chiefly from Maine. A few came before
the war of 1812, and the rest immediately after its close.
They were nearly all poor but generally intelligent, Honorable
and honest. Few of the families moved directly to Duck
Creek from New England, but most of them came here after
spending a few years within the present limits of Washington
County. No part of Noble County had worthier and better
citizens among its early settlers than the Township of Olive.
The population was also permanent, and the present inhabitants
of the township are mainly the descendants of the pioneers whose
names are given above and of those who moved in a few years
later. Nearly all of the first settlers located along the
West Fork of Duck Creek, and that part of the township was
considerably improved before much land was taken up elsewhere.
Robert Caldwell a Pennsylvanian, came from Washington County, Ohio, and in 1809
settled upon the farm on which the town of Caldwell is built.
He was one of the very first settlers in Olive Township, and the
name of Caldwell has been conspicuous in the annals of Duck
Creek Valley ever since he settled here.
Joseph Caldwell, a son of
Robert now living in the village of Caldwell, was born on
Duck Creek, in Washington County, near where Caywood now is, in
1798, and has spent his long life in this valley. He is
now the oldest resident of Olive Township. He has a number
of relics of the olden time, among which is a carpenter's vise
which his father obtained when a wagoner in Pennsylvania during
the time of the Revolutionary War. Mr. Caldwell
stopped at a tavern for the night, and during the night the
Hessian troops were passing continually. In the morning
when he arose he saw a couple of Hessians sitting upon a log,
eating their breakfast. Mr. Caldwell and two other
men went toward them, but the Hessians immediately ran, in their
haste leaving behind the vise, which has secured, and which has
since been kept in the family.
Samuel Allen, the pioneer
miller of the valley, was the next settler below Wiley.
Joseph Matheny, who came from the vicinity of Marietta,
settled near Allen. Others who lived further down the
creek were Joseph Chapman, Richard and Gillias Doane
and the Hutchinsons, all of whom came before 1812.
Sherebiah Clark
was one of the most prominent early settlers of the Valley.
He came from Kennebeck County, Me., where he had previously
served as a representative to the Massachusetts Legislature
before Maine became a State. He was a man of wide views
and good intellect. In religion he was a Universalist.
He came here with a family of grown up children, in 1818.
His sons, Joseph and Aurelius, resided in the
township. On the organization of Morgan County in 1819,
Sherebiah Clark became one of the associate judges of that
county, in which office he served for three years.
Judge Clark died in 1852 and his wife in 1853. Their
children were Aurelius, Joseph, Zipporah, Louisa, Elvira
and Polly.
Hollis Hutchins, from Maine,
was a Revolutionary soldier, and was among the first settlers.
His sons were John, Hollis, David, Joseph and Daniel,
all of whom lived in the county and reared families.
Captain Simeon Blake was
one of the earliest settlers in the valley. He was a
native of Maine, and one of the early immigrants to the West.
He served in General Wayne's expedition against the
Indians in 1794-5. He lived near where Dudley now
The earliest mill in the township, and in all
probability the earliest in the county was erected at the
locality since known as Socum as early as 1812, by Samuel
Allen, assisted by the few scattering settlers then in the
valley. Although the mill was usually inactive a part of
the year, owning to scarcity of water, it was a great
convenience to the settlers, and for many years did a good
business. A sawmill was also in operation at the same
place, erected about the same time with the gristmill. A
few years later William Free put in brush, and by
the aid of the drift easily constructed a dam a short distance
above Allen's mill. His mill was in operation only a few
years, and "never amounted to much.
William Free, who lived
above Socum, was one of the early justices
of the peace in the township. He was a smart man, but
unscrupulous, it is said that he was sent to the penitentiary
for stealing; and that when a resident of Washington County he
was once publicly whipped at Marietta for some offense, before
the whipping-post had been abolished. It is also said that
Free was not his name, but Hamilton; and that
after he received his whipping, he shouted, "I'm free! I'm
free!" and called himself Free ever after.
Joseph Tilton and his
sons, Joseph W., Benjamin and Davis, all lived
together on a half-section in the western part of the township.
Hebron Tilton, a relative, lived on a quarter-section
adjoining. His children are Matthew, Alden D., Freeman,
Smith, Rufus, Eliza, Rebecca and Diadema.
William Tilton was
born in Kenebec County, Me., July 14, 1790, and is now living in
Jefferson Township, past ninety six
years of age. He is probably the oldest man in Noble
County. Mr. Tilton settled in Olive Township
with his family soon after the war of 1812, and resided here
until recently.
Simeon Tuttle
was an early settler on the west side of the creek, and died
here in 1816. His family
remained in the township, and some of the name are still here.
In 1812 Charles Davis and his sons, Charles,
Joseph, Levi, and Enoch, and his daughters, Sarah
(Cunningham), and Rhoda (Morris), came from Maine and
settled in the southern part of the township. All lived
here and reared families, and their descendants are still
numerous in the county. Enoch moved to the northern
part of the State. Mrs. Cunningham is still living,
in Kansas. The Davises were all leading members of
the Baptist Church, and good citizens.
John Glidden, a
native of Maine, came from Washington County, Ohio, and settled
on Duck Creek about 1814, where he died a few years later.
He was a doctor, having studied medicine under Dr. Jett,
at Marietta, but it is not known that he practiced his
profession after coming here. He was the father of
Sidney and John Glidden, still living in this
Silas Thorla,
from Massachusetts, brought his family to his new home, where
Olive now is, in 1816. He had been here for about two
years previously, engaged in salt-making. Mr. Thorla
was a man of good general information, and by profession a
surveyor. He was one of the early justices of the peace,
and served also as county surveyor of Morgan County. His
son, Benjamin Thorla who came into the Duck Creek Valley
when a small boy, is still living at Olive, and has a vivid
recollection, of pioneer times.
George Padgett, Edward
Wheeler, Allen Woodford, and Charles Chandler were
all New Englanders, and raised on section 16 in early years.
William Miller, noted as
being at the time of his death the oldest Mason in the United
States, settled early on the farm where the Caldwell Fair
Grounds now are. He came from County Antrim, Ireland, and
was a worthy man. His children were Jane, Ann, James,
William, Mary and Margaret. James lives on part
of the old place. William Miller was born in County
Antrim, Ireland, June 6, 1783, and died at the home of his son,
near Caldwell, Feb. 8, 1882, aged ninety-eight years. He
came to America in 182, and to Ohio in 1818, settling first in
Columbiana County and afterward on the farm where he died.
He married Mary Reed, of New Jersey. He was a
weaver by trade, but followed farming after coming to Ohio.
In religion he was a Presbyterian. Mr. Miller was
made a Master Mason in 1801, a Royal Arch Mason in 1804, and a
Knight Templar later.
The Ogles were another
Irish family. William, James, Robert and George
are brothers. All were early settlers and good
The Perkinses, Edward
and William
lived on Duck Creek, and were worthy representatives of the
universal "Yankee nation." Edward removed to West
Virginia, but William remained in the township until his
In 1818 James Webber, from
Vienna, Me., moved to the township with his family, consisting
of his wife and eight children, and settled where South Olive
now is. The journey was made with a wagon and occupied
eight weeks. The family moved into a log cabin, surrounded
by a small clearing, which had been made by a former occupant.
Mr. Webber died here about thirteen years later. He
was the father of eleven children. William, the
eldest, lives in this township. Robert and John
are also living in the West. William Webber was
born in 1806, and well remembers the journey across the
mountains from New England to the Ohio wilderness. Mr.
Webber states that at the time of his arrival a road had
been cut out through the township from the Olive salt works to
Marietta, but had not been improved.
In 1814 William and Hannah Warren
came to Marietta from Massachusetts, and a few years later
settled on Warren's run, near South Olive.
William Warren was a descendant of General Joseph Warren,
who fell at the battle of Bunker Hill. His sons who came
here were William, now a resident of Marietta; A. I.,
now in Iowa; and James S., who died in Olive Township in
1886, at the age of eighty-one years. His daughters were
Sophia, Priscilla, Nancy and Caroline. Caroline
(Webber) lives in this township and Sophia in
Silas Thorla
and Dennis Gibbs were the
first justices of the peace in Olive Township, Morgan County.
There were commissioned August 18, 1819. Thorla
resigned Sept. 4, 1821; Gibbs served until the expiration
of his term. The early township elections were held at
Gibbs' house, near the present site of Dudley.
Dennis Gibbs was among the
earliest settlers and most prominent citizens of the township.
In 1819 he was justice of the peace, and from 1821 to 1826 he
was one of the commissioners of Morgan County. He was a
native of Cape Code, Mass., and came to Olive Township in 1814,
settling three miles south of Caldwell. He was a carpenter
by trade, and coming to Ohio without means, was obliged to leave
his wife and two small children alone at home to go to distant
points to work at his trade to obtain money with which to pay
for his land. His industry and good management enabled him
to secure a competency, in spite of many drawbacks and
hardships. His wife was Mary Dudley, who was
born in Maine, of Quaker parentage. Of their children,
only two are now living in Noble County - Mrs. Julia Tilton
and Judge Dennis S. Gibbs. Dennis Gibbs removed to
Lowell, Washington County, where he died in 1872, at the age of
eighty-two. He was originally a Whit, but became a zealous
abolitionist and one of the projectors and managers of the
Underground railroad. In religion he was first a
Methodist, and afterwards became a member of the Christian
church and a preacher of that denomination. His house was
the meeting-place for the early Methodists of the township.
Dennis Gibbs built and operated the first carding mill in
this section. In company with others he helped to build
the first school-house in the neighborhood.
Judge Gilman Dudley
was one of the earliest settlers and foremost citizens. He
was born in Maine in 1793, settled in Ohio in 1815, and resided
in the State until his death, Dec. 6, 1875. He was a
soldier in the war of 1812. In 1823 he married Mrs.
Glidden. He was not only a pioneer as regards
settlement, but also in all the reforms of the day, always for
the right and against wrong. He was capable and honest and
filled many positions of trust and honor. He reared an
unusually bright and intelligent family, most of whom were
school-teachers. The children were Erwin G., Edwin,
James, Mary, Ruth and Maria. The family
trace their ancestry back to the Dudleys of Dudley
Castle, Staffordshire, England.
Israel Spencer
and his brother Elisha, William Waggoner and Michael
Shriver were early settlers in the same neighborhood.
The Spencers came from Pennsylvania. Israel
carried on distilling for some years. Elisha moved
west. William Waggoner died here about 1830.
Michael Shriver operated a still. Whisky making was
one of the most profitable of the early industries, and many
engaged in it. In 1830 five distilleries are known to have
been in operation in the township, the two already mentioned and
those of Israel Blake, Isaac Devore
and William Free. Nehemiah Spear
soon afterward engaged in the same business.
A well-known old settler was Ebenezer Cunningham, who died in
1851, at the age of sixty-one years. He was a soldier of
the war of 1812 and as is stated on his tombstone, "one of the
survivors of the flagship Lawrence, under Commodore Perry
at the battle of Lake Erie, Sept. 10, 1813."
Cunningham was a
carpenter and millwright. He built and kept in repair many
of the pioneer grist-mills that were run by horse-power.
James Lowe was the name of
the first settler at or near Olive. He was attacked by a
fit while crossing the creek, fell into the water and was
drowned, in the summer of 1814.
As a question of the manner in which some of the
pioneers did business, the following contract between Samuel
Caldwell and David Gorby, for the construction of a
sawmill, is presented. The document, however shaky its
orthography may appear in these days, was sufficiently strong
and binding:
"An article of an agreement made and entered Into by
David Gorby of the first part of Noble Township Morgan
County Ohio & Samuel Caldwell of the Second part of Olive
Township & County & State aforesaid, the Sd Gorby doath
on his part agree to build the sd Caldwell A sow Mill and grist
mill forebay he is To take the timber from the Stump The timber
is to be got out in first rate Stile, The poasts of the Lower
part of the Mill to be 12 by 12 inches Squair, he is to Fraim
the Mill & put in the running Geers in first rate workmen Like
manner Hefurther agrees to make a mill that will Saw as
fast as anny other man can with the Same head of or if he dont
he is to Have nothing for dowing Sd work, the Sd gorby is
to have the timber hewed by the 25th of June next & the mill
Fraimed by the first day of August next And The mill redy to Saw
by the first of Nov. Next
"the Sd Caldwell doath on his part agree to Pay
The Sd gorby one hundred Dollars As soon as the Mill
performs as he has Agreed to make her perform the Sd Caldwell
is to do all the hawling & to Furnish Plank for The
forebay and other uses about the mill allso brases, 2 Shute
Pieces timber for Saw gate We have boath here unto set our Hand
and Seals this 9 of May A D 1836

The mill was duly erected and "she performed"
satisfactorily to the owner and the millwright.
A paper in the possession of Fulton Caldwell
records the fact that on the 28th of June, 1828, a school
meeting was held at the house of John Rodes for the
second district, Samuel Caldwell was appointed clerk;
John Wiley, William Miller and Joseph Caldwell,
directors, and Hiram Caldwell, treasurer for the
district. It was also agreed that a school-house should be
built "at the southwest corner of the east half of the northeast
quarter of section 4 in township 6 and range 9, said land
belonging to Hiram Caldwell." On the same paper are
various endorsements showing that corn was used instead of
currency in building the school-house. For the year 1827
the directors received from Sherebiah Clark, Joseph Tilton
and H. Hutchins, trustees of section 16 seven
bushels, three pecks and four quarts of corn. In 1828 they
received from D. F. Harper, J. Scoggan and H. Hutchins,
trustees of the school section, an order for fifteen bushels and
twenty-four quarts of corn. In 1829 they received an
order for $1.90, and $1.98 in
a year not mentioned. April 6, 1830, "Received of
Joseph Hutchins thirty-eight and one-half bushels of corn."
John Wiley and Samuel Caldwell received eight
bushels "for drawing said corn;" Samuel Caldwell eight
bushels, for cutting school-house logs; John Wiley, six
bushels, "for chinking and daubing said house," and Joseph
Caldwell, six and one-half bushels "for making clapboards
for said house."
In 1848 Socum school district (No. 4) in this township
had twenty-four families living within its limits who came
principally from the State of Maine, and were among the early
settlers. The heads of these families*
were David McGarry, John Caldwell, Joseph Schofield, John
Clymer, Henry Woolf, Zephaniah Zoller, John Camden, Thomas
Rogers, Aurelius Hutchins, Francis Blake, Simeon Blake, Dennis
Gibbs, Boling Hatton, Joseph Hutchins, Harrison Kellar, Levi
Friel, Michael Kellar, Mrs. Woodford, Mrs. Woodward, Ebenezer
Phipps, W. F. McIntyre, Gilman Dudley, and two others.
Boling Hatton was the
grandfather of Frank Hatton, of the Burlington Hawkeye,
late Assistant Postmaster-General. He died June 1, 1874,
at the age of ninety-five. He was an 1812 soldier and one
of the pioneers of Duck Creek Valley.
The old road to Cambridge, which crossed the creek at
Caldwell, near the present residence of Fulton Caldwell,
was used as a race-course in the early years. An accident
which occurred in 1837 put an end to the sport. A young
man named Thomas Taylor, a general favorite in the
neighborhood, was thrown from his horse where C. Foster's
house now stands, and striking head foremost upon a fence was
rendered insensible. He did not regain consciousness, but
died twenty-four hours later.
Prior to 1840 Joseph Schofield had a carding and
spinning mill at Socum, run by horses in a tread-mill, similar
to that now used in sawing wood. He did a brisk business
for some years. Later John Clymer had a water
grist-mill on the site of the old Allen mill.
The early settlers, and particularly the New
Englanders, used oxen chiefly in plowing and other kinds of farm
work. The plows were called "hog nosed," and were
constructed from a forked stick, shaped into some semblance to a
mold-board and covered with strips of iron. Many of the
plows used in this township were made by Joseph Caldwell,
still living, James Davis doing the iron work.
Hoes, forks and similar implements were very rude implements
made by blacksmiths.
Among the early blacksmiths of the township were
James Davis, who worked in Olive, and Frisby Davis,
both Yankees; James and Matthew Garvin, from
Pennsylvania, and James Hopper from Belmont County.
April 22, 1811, a petition was presented to the
commissioners of Guernsey County, for a road from Cambridge "to
strike Buffalo Fork of Will's Creek at or near the mouth of
Muddy Fork, thence on the same direction to strike the south
boundary of Guernsey County, at or near the center of the sixth
township of the ninth range." The viewers met "at the
house of Thomas Stewart, innkeeper," on the first Monday
in April and viewd the same. The plot was signed by
James Cloyd, Dnaiel Bean and William Talbot, viewers;
George Archer and John Waller, axeman.
October 26, 1818, on petition of Robert Caldwell
and others, teh commissioners of Guernsey County ordered a road
to be surveyed "to commence at or near the twelve-mile three on
the road from Cambridge to the Washington County line; thence
nearly a south course to Benjamin Thorla's, on Duck
Creek; thence to Robert Caldwell's, to intersect the New
Philadelphia road, to the Washington County line near Captain
Blake's" James Thompson, Esq., Martin Crow and
John Keller were appointed viewers, and George Metcalf,
In the commissioners' journal of Guernsey County, under
date of June 1, 1818, it is recorded that "James Archibald†
presented the petition of himself and the other trustees of
Olive Township in behalf of the citizens of the township 6,
range 9, praying that said township be organized agreeably to an
act to incorporate the original surveyed townships; and the
board being satisfied that there are twenty electors in said
township, ordered an election for trustees of the school section
and a treasurer, to be held at the house of Samuel Allen,
the last Saturday of June, 1818."
John Wiley, Samuel Allen, David Hutcins, Doan
and Chapman, Anthony Perkins, Joseph and Levi Chapman,
Robert Gard, and others were among the first settlers of the
John Wiley settled on the
present Shafer farm, west of Caldwell, in 1810. He
was born on the Susquehanna River, near Harrisburg, Pal.; came
to Ohio in 1795, and located at Cedar Narrows, above Marietta,
where he remained until he came to Duck Creek. His father,
William Wiley, was a pioneer settler where Sharon Village
now is, and died in 1816. John Wiley married
in Washington County, Charity Severs, a native of
Massachusetts. They both died on the homestead farm, near
Caldwell, Mr. Wilely at the age of ninety-two and his
wife at the age of seventy-three. Their children were
WIlliam, John, Abraham, David, Tomas, Jacob, James, Hamilton,
Polly, Ann (Marshall), Betsey (Gray), Margaret (Moreland),
and Charity A. (Woodford). Mrs. Woodford is the
only one now living. All lived to have families except
John and Polly. David, Thomas, James and Ann
died in this county. The others lived here many years
and then went west and south.
Thomas Wiley was born in
Washington County in 1809, and came with his parents to this
county. After attaining his majority he entered 160 acres
of land where Archibald Wiley now lives. There he
remained until 1861, when he removed to the old homestead of his
father, where he died in 1869. He married Maria Scott,
a native of Pennsylvania, who was born near Hagerstown, Md.
She died in 1878. They had eight children - Emeline,
Delilah, Archibald, Eliza J. (deceased), Margaret
(deceased), James, Dunlap and Mary E. Those
living are all residents of Noble County. Archibald
Wiley served in Company I, Twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, from June 26, 1861, to August 26, 1864. James
enlisted in the Fourth Battalion, six months' cavalry, Aug.
1, 1863, and was mustered out with the company. Dunlap
was in the hundred days' service.
James W. Wiley, born in
1841, has spent most of his life in this county. He is now
a guard in the Ohio penitentiary at Columbus, and has held the
position since June 1, 1886. He married Rachel A.
Matheny in 1868. They have five children living, one
Archibald Wiley lives on the land entered by his father, and is a
prominent farmer. He was born in Olive Township, Sept. 14,
1835. He was reared a farmer and has followed that
occupation chiefly. He received a fair common-school
education, and by natural aptitude and shrewdness has been
successful in life, and has an enviable reputation in the
community. He takes a deep interest in politics and is a
firm Republican. He went as a private in the first company
raised in Noble County - Company I, Twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry - serving from June 26, 1861, to August 26, 1864.
Among other engagements he was in the battles at Allegheny
Mountain, Slaughter Mountain, Va., Second Bull Run, and
Gettysburg. In the last named battle he received two
slight wounds; his regiment was in the thickest of the fight,
and at its close only seventy-five men were left uninjured and
uncaptured, a second lieutenant commanding. Mr. Wiley
was captured, but being left asleep among the wounded, escaped.
After the battle he was employed in hospital service until the
following Christmas, when he rejoined the regiment at Folly
Island, S. C. There, on the reorganization of the
regiment, he was transferred to the Seventy-fifth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, with which he served until mustered out. After
his return, Feb. 16, 1865, he was married to Mary E. Brown,
whose parents were early settlers of Noble County. Mr.
and Mrs. Wiley have no children.
Captain Simeon Blake, one
of the earliest pioneers of Duck Creek, came from New England to
Washington County, and thence, in 1812, to the farm, on which he
lived and died. There was a large family. The sons
were Benjamin, Israel, Alfred, Simeon (still living in
the West), Francis; the daughters, Mahala, Sybil,
Lucinda, Frances and Lovina. Israel died in
this township, in 1873, at the age of seventy-four. He
married Elvira Clark, a native of Maine, and after her
death was wedded to Triphena Tomley, of Washington
County. He had a family of twenty children: Nicy,
Moses, Sardine, Polly, Olive, Oliver, Alfred, Joseph, Elvira,
Israel, Jr., Martha, Daid, Asenath, Andaline, Cydnor T., by
his first wife. The offspring of the second marriage were:
Julius A., Josiah, Jasper F., Hortense and Julia A.
Benjamin also lived and died in this township, and
reared a large family. The Blakes were worthy
people, generally Universalists in belief.
Captain Simeon Blake died in 1834. He was
a native of Providence, R. I. His wife, nee
Lovina Beck, came from Providence, R. I. He was one of
the early militia captains. In his religious belief he was
a Free-Will Baptist.
John Caldwell, one of the early settlers, was a
native of Pennsylvania, and a member of the Caldwell family
elsewhere mentioned. His son, David, who lives on
the homestead, was born in 1830. In 1861 he married
Adelaide Sanford, by whom he has had one child - Octavia
Andrew C. McKee, son of Dr. William McKee,
elsewhere mentioned, was born in 1843. After receiving a
common-school education, in 1859 he began the study of medicine,
under his father's tuition. In 1864 he enlisted in Company
F, One Hundred and Sixty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was
discharged at the expiration of his term of service. He is
a member of Noble Post, Grand Army of the Republic. In
1865, Mr. McKee married Serene E. Daniel, of
Caldwell. Three children - Cora M., Lura N., and
Helen M. Since his marriage he has been engaged in
Thomas McKee, son of Alexander McKee, was
born in Noble Township, in 1834, and remained at home until
1869, when he married Susan Ogle, of Olive Township.
By this union he has had five children, all still living -
Gilead A., Morris, Joseph O., Leoda L. and John W.
Mr. McKee has followed farming and stock-raising.
One of the pioneers who came prior to 1812 was
Elisha Harris, from Fauquier County, Va. He was a
Revolutionary soldier, and had served three "tours" in the army.
He and his sons were noted hunters and trappers. His wife
died at the age of over one hundred years. Among his
children were Stephen, Morgan, George and
Elijah. All except Elijah settled in Enoch
Township, where their descendants still remain. George
was a successful and widely known hunter. Stephen
moved to West Virginia, where he is still living at an advanced
age. Elijah remained on the old homestead in Olive
Township. He died in 1844. He married Elizabeth
Powell, also a native of Virginia. She died in 1882.
Their son, David A., now occupies the farm. He
enlisted in 1862, in Company K, Thirtieth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, and was discharged in December of the same year on
account of wounds received at Antietam.
Joseph Tilton and his wife and three sons came
from Martha's Vineyard, Mass., to Olive Township about 1818.
His sons were Benjamin, Joseph W. and Davis.
Joseph W. married Mary D. Lund, of Washington county,
and reared nine sons and two daughters. He was a
Presbyterian, and one of the early school-teachers. He
died in 1870. His widow lives on the homestead with her
son, Franklin A.
Allen Woodford and wife (nee Woodruff)
with a family of five children came from Connecticut to Marietta
in 1817. Five children were afterwards born to them, and
all are still living, viz.: Andrew, Lydia A. (Wheeler),
Aranda M., Helen (Colbig), Harry, Mary (Wiley), William Hiram,
and Elvira and Elmira (twins). The family
came to Olive township in 1818, where the parents died some
years later. Aranda M. Woodford, a prominent
farmer, lived at home until his marriage with Mercy Wheeler,
by whom he had eleven children. His wife died in 1881, and
he afterwards married Elizabeth McWilliams. One
child has been born of this union. Mr. Woodford is
a member of the Baptist church.
In 1825, Benjamin Weekley, with his wife
and eight children came from Belmont County and settled in this
township. Of the family, two sons and two daughters still
live in Noble County, and two children are deceased. In
1835 Benjamin's father, William Weekley,
originally from Virginia, came here from Belmont County.
William Weekley died in 1856, and his wife in 1848.
Benjamin died in 1866; his wife in 1848. William
Weeklely, the oldest son of Benjamin, was born in
Belmont County in 1816. In 1836 he married Margaret
Harris, and settled on a farm adjoining his father's.
He is the father of eight children by his first wife, four of
whom are living. Mrs. Weekley died in 1856.
In 1857 he married Miss C. B. Archer, fo this township.
To them have been born six children. George Weekley,
son of William, was born in 1842. He is at present
one of the infirmary directors of the county. He married
Emily Archer, and is the father of six children, five of
whom are living. All of the family are Methodists.
Levi Weekley was born in Belmont County in 1823,
and came to Olive Township with the family in 1825. In
1848 he married Maria Fogle. To them have been born
eight children, five of whom are living. Mr. Weekley
is engaged in farming. The family are Methodists.
William Cain and family came from Pennsylvania
to Ohio at an early date. They reared nine children, two
of whom are living in Noble County - one in Sharon Township and
one in Olive. Nathaniel Cain was born in Morgan
County in 1826. At the age of seventeen he began learning
the cabinet-maker's trade with James Hellyer, and
followed that business for twenty-five years. He has since
been engaged in farming. In 1846 he enlisted in the
Mexican war, but was discharged two weeks after his enlistment.
In 1847 he married Rebecca Willey. Of their seven
children six are living - William H., Valentine H., Sarah J.,
Catharine (Ward), Mary A., and Elizabeth C. (Heddelston).
Mr. Cain has served as township trustee and in other
local offices.
David Radcliff is an old settler, and a very
worthy citizen. He was born in County Down, Ireland, in
1813. At the age of seventeen he came to America with two
brothers, landing in Quebec. In 1830 he came to Olive
Township, where he entered eighty acres, which is now a part of
the far of Samuel Ackley. The place was then
unimproved. Mr. Radcliff worked alone until 1837.
He then married Jane Miller, of Noble township.
They had seven children, four of whom are living -- William,
who married Eliza Shriver (who is now deceased),
Martha (Davis), Ann (Willey) and David H.
Mr. Radcliff is a Universalist and a Mason.
Samuel Ackley, a representative farmer, was born
in Licking County, Ohio, in 1831, and in the same year came to
Olive Township with his parents. He remained at home until
1852, when, with eight or ten others, including the McKees,
he left for California, crossing the isthmus. The journey
occupied about forty-one days. Mr. Ackley remained
in California five years, and while there worked most of the
time in the Nevada mines. Returning to Noble County he
bought the farm on which he now lives, and in 1858 returned to
California for a year to settle up some land interests. In
1861 he married Melinda Ogle, of this township. Six
children were born of this union, one of whom died in infancy.
Those living are Francis W., W. Walton, Charles M.,
Alma and Bertha. His wife died in 1883, and in
the following year he married Sarah McGarry - one child,
Clyde. Mr. Ackley is a Universalist.
Basil Morgareidge was born in Olive Township in
Olive Township in 1835. He followed farming, and in the
later years of his life was in the mercantile business at
Caldwell, and afterwards at Dudley, being two years in each
place. He died in 1883. Mr. Morgareidge was a
member of Sharon Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and of the
Universalist church. He married Asenath Blake, in
1859, who is still living in Dudley, and owns the store
property. Three children are living - Edgar, Ollie
and Mary. Edgar was married to Mary J. Hutchins,
in 1882, and lives on a part of the Hutchins place.
Joseph Parrish, one of the eleven children of
Edward Parrish, who located in Sharon Township, in Sharon
township, in 1819, was born in Belmont County in that year, and
came to Morgan (now Noble) County with his parents when but
three months old. In 1842 he was married to Nancy Boyd,
daughter of one of the early settlers. By this union he
had two children, one of whom is living - Wiley Parrish,
who served in the late war in Company D, Seventh Ohio Volunteer
Cavalry. Mrs. Parrish died in 1867, and in 1870 he
married Mary R. Lowe, of Sharon Township. To them
were born two children, one of whom is living - Stella.
His second wife having died, in 1886 Mr. Parrish
married Kate Smoot, also of Sharon Township. Mr.
Parris is a prominent farmer. The family belong to the
Methodist church. He was reared on the farm of his father,
received a common-school education, and has devoted his life to
farming, and is one of the reputable citizens and farmers of the
Elwin T. Gouchenour was born in Olive Township
in 1847, and is a farmer, living upon the homestead where his
father settled. In 1871 he married Nancy J. Elliott,
of this county, by whom he has had two children - Jesse
and Minnie M. The former died at the age of four
years. Mr. Gouchenour is a member of the Methodist
Nathan J. Ramsey was born in Pennsylvania in
in1825. In 1836 he came to Harrison County, Ohio, and in
1848 to Olive Township. In the following year he married
Margaret Steen: two children - Mary A.
(deceased) and David. The latter married Hannah
Francis and resides in Olive Township. The first
Mrs. Ramsey died in 1863, and in 1864 Mr. Ramsey
married Ellen Gore, who died in 1878. In the
following year he married Hannah J. Hutchins. The
family are members of the Disciples' church. Mr. Ramsey
ahs served several years as township trustee.
Martin D. Poling was born in Guernsey County in
Guernsey County in 1823. In 1847 he married Martha
McKee, a member of one of the old Noble County families.
They have five children - Ezra, Mary, Abbie (Dais), David
and Ira. Mr. Poling is engaged in farming.
Easton W. Daniel was born in Loudon County, Va.,
Jan. 5, 1809. He came to Belmont County, Ohio, at the age
of seven years, thence removed to Brookfield Township, now in
Noble County, in 1837, and began the work of clearing and
improving a farm. He remained in Brookfield seventeen
years. In 1833 he married Elizabeth Edwards, of
Belmont County, who died in 1882. Of their five children,
three are still living. Serene, his daughter, is
the wife of Andrew C. McKee.
William Ross was born in Westmoreland County in
1835, and in 1849 came to Ohio with his parents, Clemenet
and Jane Ross, who settled in Sharon Township.
William lived in that township twenty years, and in Jackson
Township eleven years, coming to his present farm in Olive
Township in 1880. Mr. Ross has followed
farming, and at present is devoting much attention to
horticulture, making a specialty of small fruits. He was
one of the first in Noble County to introduce strawberries and
raspberries, and has been successful in their culture. In
1856 he married Nancy Ann Bell, of Morgan County.
They have had eleven children, ten of whom are living.
Mr. Ross is a member of the Presbyterian church. In
politics he is a Republican. He served as county
commissioner in 1875-8, and was instrumental in furthering the
adoption of an improved system of roads in Noble County.
John and Susan Haga came from Allegheny County,
Pa., and settled in Sharon Township in 1820. Mrs. Haga
died in 1855, Mr. Haga in 1873, at the age of
seventy-four. Their son Paul married Caroline
Cooper, whose parents, Solomon and Mary
Cooper, came from Hampshire County, W. Sarahsville, where he
followed tanning. May 1, 1845, the tannery was burned and
Mr. Cooper died May 24, from over-exertion at the fire.
His widow is still living. H. J. Haga, son of
Paul Haga, is a resident of this township.
Henry R. Seaman, the son of Milton Seaman,
once a wealthy and prominent merchant of McConnelsville, was
born in Malta, Ohio, November, 1, 1829. He went to
California in 1852. In 1855 he returned to McConnelsville,
and there married Miss Mary A. Porter, by whom he had
three sons and two daughters. After being in the
mercantile business in McConnelsville several years, in 1867 he
removed to Sharon, where he followed the same business. In
1871 he removed to Caldwell, where he died Sept. 4, 1882.
Aaron Haines was born in Jackson Township in
1827; his parents were early settlers in that locality. In
1849 he married Hannah, daughter of Rev. Benjamin
Blake. The latter is said to have been the first white
child born at Marietta. They have four children.
Mr. Haines is a member of the Masons, Odd Fellows and Grand
Army of the Republic. He enlisted in 1861, in Company F,
Sixty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry; served one year, and was
discharged on account of partial blindness.
John W. Green was born in Woodsfield, Dec. 11,
1846. His father, William R. Green, was a native of
Maine and a seafaring man; he came to Monroe County, Ohio, when
twenty-four years old; died in hospital during the late war.
John W. Green enlisted in December, 1862, in Company G,
Seventy seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was discharged in
December, 1865. He was in engagements at Little Rock,
Mark's Mills, Jenkins' Ferry, Spanish Fort, Blakely and Mobile;
wa an orderly on special and dangerous duty. He is a
member of the Grand Army of the Republic and a Republican.
Mr. Green was married in 1880 to Sarah J. Lamp, of
Middleburg. Children: Carrie M., Isaac M., Chauncy E.
and Ada F. He is a farmer and carpenter.
William Tilton, one of the few pioneers still
living, was born in Maine in 1790. In 1815 he removed to
Olive Township, where he entered 160 acres of land. He
married Zephorah, daughter of Judge Sherebiah Clark.
Their children were Lovina, Sherebiah C., Asenath, Albert,
John C., Benjamin B. and William. Mr. Tiltonis a
Republican and a strict Baptist. He now lives with his son
Albert, near Dexter City.
On the present James Ogle farm Jefferson
Glidden kept a small store, as far back as 1830, for a short
time. This was probably the earliest mercantile
establishment in the township except Robert McKees,
at Olive.
David Radcliff, a settler of 1830, has favored
the writer with many interesting reminiscences. He
remembers when there were only three wagons in his neighborhood,
and few, if any more, in the township. These wagons were
owned by Michael Morrison, Sr., William Scoggan and his
son John, and James ARcibald. They were
large cumbrous affairs, requiring four or six horses to draw
them, and were known as Pennsylvania road wagons.
The first winnowing mill was brought to the township by
Hebron Tilton and John Bell, and jointly
owned by them. It was sold by Murduck & Jenkins,
who lived near McConnelsville.
In the fall of 1837 Allen Stevens, who lived on
Meigs Creek, near McConnelsville, bought the first threshing
machine into the township. He first came to Benjamin
Thorla's, and thence to David Radcliff. The
machine was run by treadill or "endless chain" power, one horse
only being used.
The young people in early times had a resort to many
expedients in order to be decently and becomingly dressed.
Few could afford anything better than homespun and homemade
garments. Incidents are related of young men borrowing a
suit, or a part of a suit of clothes in order to make a
favorable impression when calling upon some particular lady
friend. Frequently young men went barefooted, carrying
their shoes in their hands until near their destination, in
making such calls.
The first justices of the peace in this township, after
its reorganization as a part of Noble County, were John C.
Headley and Jonathan D. Gibbs. The former
entered upon the duties of his office July 7, 1851, and the
latter July 14, 1851.
The earliest school in the township, and perhaps the
earliest in the county, was taught in the Socum district, as
early as 1816. The Yankee settlers had not been here long
before then erected a school-house and sought and provide
instruction for their children. The old log schoolhouse
stood on the present McAtee farm, then the land of
Joseph Hutchins, Jr. Among the early teachers were
Barnabas Crosby, Asa Burlingame, and Joseph Westcott.
The scholars came from all the country from three to four
miles around.
To one unacquainted with the history of
the place, it would scarcely seem possible that the dilapidated
and antiquated village of Olive, now bearing within itself all
the evidences of decay, was once a most prosperous and thrifty
town. Yet such is the fact. But since the younger
village of Caldwell sprang into being, growing steadily and
substantially, Olive has been as steadily and as constantly
declining. Two small stores and a blacksmith's shop are
all that remain in the way of commercial and industrial
interests. And the streets of the village, which once
resounded with the tread of able lawyers, editors and
politicians, are now as silent as those of Goldsmith's "Sweet
Long before any town started here - as early as 1820 -
Robert McKee opened a store and engaged in the mercantile
business, at first in a very small way. Prior to that time
all the settlers of the vicinity had been accustomed to go to
Marietta for the few articles of merchandise used in their
families. McKee's goods were brought from
Barnesville, through the woods, on pack horses, a distance of
thirty-one miles. Benjamin Thorla, who frequently
made the trip to bring goods to Mr. McKee, says there
were but four houses between Olive and Barnesville, and that the
road, for the greater part of the distance, was a mere path
through the woods. Robert McKee continued
the mercantile business many years, and accumulated a good
property. His son David succeeded him in the store.
Not long after McKee's store was started, a
postoffice, doubtless the first in Noble County, was established
at Olive and supplied with a weekly mail from Marietta.
Robert McKee was postmaster. The old office is now
The town of Olive, Robert McKee, proprietor, was
surveyed and platted by John F. Talley, surveyor of
Morgan County, in February, 1839. The plat was recorded
July 17, 1841.
Robert McKee's addition (lots 13 to 21) was made
in 1857, and Jasper McKee's addition (lots 21, 22 and 23)
in 1871.
Among those who first located in the village were
Dr. William McKee, John Headley and Frisby Davis.
James Davis, from Washington County, started the first
blacksmith shop, and in a few years nearly every variety of
business usually carried on in country villages had its
The buying of tobacco and hauling it to the river for
shipment became an important business in Olive. Robert
McKee was the first shipper. A second store was opened by
John and Joseph Wehr, the third by James McCune;
Joseph Wehr sold out to J. W. Tipton. The
business of the place was very large, compared with its
population, as with the exception of Sharon there was no
important trading point anywhere in the territory now forming
the western portion of Noble County.
The first tavern was started by Benjamin Thorla,
where he now lives. He continued the business many years.
Another tavern was started a little later.
The only mill ever in the place was a steam flouring
mill, erected by James McCune. It is still standing
but disused.
The old Methodist church, in which the first Court was
held, in 1851, is still standing, now degraded to the use of a
cow stable. Plainly, the glory of Olive has departed.
The village of Matrom was laid out by George Bell,
surveyor, for Joseph Schofield, proprietor, Mar. 25,
1846. This palce never grew to magnificent proportions,
and only a few dilapidated houses mark its site. Even its
name has passed away; and, instead of high-sounding "Matrom,"
plebeian "Socum" has taken its place. "Socum" is supposed
to have been derived from Soak'em, which title was
fastened upon the place on account of the bibulous and
whisky-selling habits of its inhabitants.
Socum once had stores and whisky shops and some other
kinds of business. The first mercantile establishment was
opened by Henry Wolf soon after the town was laid out.
From 1850 to 1858, Sidney Glidden kept store there.
Wilson F. McIntire was another early merchant. Of
late Socum has been going down hill and it now appears not far
from the bottom.
Moundsville was laid off into twelve town lots by
Isaac Davis. The plat was recorded May 21, 1861.
The place never attained to the rank of a village. It was
best known as "Fiddler's Green," from Rufus Hall, now in
Indiana, who lived here, had a small mill on the creek, and
whiled away all his spare time drawing a "concord of sweet
sounds" from his violin.
Moundsville has now barely a half-dozen houses,
scattered along the road for such a distance that some have
suggested "Stringtown" as an appropriate name. The
building of the railroad, and the consequent transfer fo
business of South Olive, effectually blighted its prospects.
The first store in the place was started by Abraham Young
in 1865, and in the following year W. P. Warren became
his partner. They were succeeded by W. D. Guilbert,
who removed to South Olive on the completion of the railroad to
that point.
The village of South Olive was surveyed and platted
Aug. 15, 1871, by David Miller, surveyor, for Welton
B. Ostrander, proprietor. The original plat contained
thirteen lots. Four additions have since been made by
William Kirkbride, increasing the number of lots to
The first building erected was the railroad depot, and
in it W. D. Guilbert opened the first store. The
next was erected by Rice & Martin and occupied as a
grocery store. The postoffice was established with W.
D. Guilbert, as the first postmaster. Guilbert,
Gouchenour & Moore and Peter Taylor are among the
ex-merchants of the village.
The present population is about twenty families.
The business is represented by O. J. Wood, E. A. Davis
and William Kirkbride, general stores; Leslie Crooks,
sawmill and planing mill; Richlieu Belford, blacksmith.
In 1883 the grist-mill at this place was burned,
involving a loss of several thousands. The building was
first erected as a tobacco packing house by Gouchenour &
Guilbert. It was converted into a mill by Jacob
Purcell in 1880. The stopping of the salt works, the
dying out of the oil excitement, and the burning of the mill,
all have had an injurious effect upon the prosperity of the
A new industry has just been started - the first
organized effort of the kind in the county - and bids fair to be
successful. The South Olive Creamery Company was organized
Sept. 16, 1886, with a capital of $5,000, and the erection of a
building at once begun. The stockholders are David
Gouchenour, John Stevens, J. K. Haines, Charles Huffman and
John Swayne. Similar enterprises are very
successful i other parts of the country and it is to be hoped
that this industry will prosper here.
Dudley, a flag station on the C. & M. railroad, is a
hamlet of modern growth, containing about a dozen buildings.
The first store was started here in the railroad depot in 1871
by J. P. Arnold. About six years later village lots
were laid off. William Graham, who succe3eded
Arnold in the mercantile business, built the first house,
excepting that owned by Sylvester Cunningham, which has
been standing for years. The next building erected was the
Universalist church. The grist-mill and sawmill of
Edgar Morgareidge was bult by him in 1885. At present
C. L. Harris carries on the mercantile business here:
William Tuttle has a blacksmith shop, and Sylvester
Cunningham a cabinet-maker and wagon maker's shop.
South Olive
Methodist Protestant Church - This church
was organized by Rev. George Willis. The house of
worship was erected in 1881 at a cost of about $600, on a lot
donated by William Kirkbride. The membership was
small at first, but there is now a large congregation. The
pastors have been Revs. Schuman, Orr, Wert, and Baker.
New Harmony
Baptist Church - This congregation is an old one,
the first organization having been in 1825. In 1843 the
church was reorganized and called New Harmony. Elder
William Davis was chairman of the first council and G. W>
Drake of the second. The organizing members were:
Rev. Joseph S. Clark, pastor; Hollis Hutchins, clerk;
John Hutchins, John Morgareidge, Robinson Sanford, Joseph
Davis, Joanna Hutchins, Betsey Davis, Jane Sanford, Rhoda
Hutchins, and John Cunningham were members of Harmony
church, and Joseph Davis, Levi Davis, Betsey Davis, Dorothy
Tuttle, Rhoda Ann Davis and Susan Tolman, original
members of New Harmony church in 1843. The present church,
a frame building thirty-five by forty-five feet, was erected in
1856, at a cost of about $1,200. The church now has 112
members, and the Sabbath school fifty scholars. The
pastors have been: Revs. Joseph L. Clark, B. B. Blake,
John Skinner, G. W. Glass, Henry Lyons, L. McPherson, H. Lyons,
W. A. Blake, J. S. Covert, Jesse Lieurance, J. Hurlbert, William
McPeek, J. G. Whittaker, H. M. Prince, William McPeek and
J. G. Whitaker.
Church - The Universalist church at Dudley was
built in 1878, and dedicated August 25 of that year. It is
a frame building thirty by forty feet. Among the leading
members who assisted in building the church were:
William Cunningham, Alden Tilton, William Spear, Moses Blake, J.
L. Rowlands, Ansel Blake, James Ogle, James Warren, W. P. Warren,
Samuel Ackley, David Radcliff and David Radcliff,
second. At the time of the organization there were about
one hundred members, but the number has been considerably
reduced since owing to various causes. Rev. J. W.
McMasters, who has preached for many years in the
neighborhood, has been the only regular pastor.
There were may who favored the Universalist faith among
the early settlers. Conspicuous among these were Gilman
Dudley, John Allen, Israel Blake, Aurelius Clark, Joseph Clark,
Daniel Tuttle, Hebron Tuttle and David Radcliff.
Joseph Clark preached in the woods on Daniel Tuttle's
farm (where William Spear now lives), as far back as
1840, and the Universalists have had preaching more or less
regularly ever since.
United Brethren
Church - The Olive Chapel United Brethren church,
in the western part of the township, was erected in 1879.
It was a neat and commodious frame building. There was
preaching in this neighborhood for some years before the
meeting-house was built. The congregation is not large,
but good interest is manifested.
* From a paragraph in the Republican, Jan. 15,
Archibald lived in what is now Sharon Township.