Welcome to
(No specific county)
Source: Wheeling Register
Dated: Mar. 4, 1876DURING the present term of court
Belmont county furnished eleven more inmates for the Ohio
penetentiary. Judge Chambers has sentenced them as
follows: Hardy, Yaus and Gardner, three years
each; Cavanaugh four years; Yaus, Williams and
Beall, three and a half years each; Ellis, Colvin, Mabra
(colored) and Jack SONES, three years each. The
total amount of the time of service to be devoted to the State
aggregates forty-one and a half years. Verily, "the way of
the transgressor is hard" in Belmont county. |
Source: Owyhee Avalanche -
Dated: May 25, 1878
It is rumored that Justice
Swayne is to retire from the Supreme Bench and that one
Stanley Matthews, of Ohio, is to succeed him. The
courtesy of the Senate, or one courtesy of the Senate, would
secure the confirmation of such an appointment. |
Source: Tucson Daily News - Arizona
Dated: Aug. 12, 1882
William Montgomery, an Ohio pensioner, who was badly
disabled during the War of the Rebellion, has notified
General Wykoff, Pension Agent of his district, that he
wishes his name stricken off from the pension rolls, as he has
fully recovered his health. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 2
Dated Nov. 19, 1886
Ohio Pensioners.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 18 -
- Pension claims fo the folloowing Ohioans were allowed today:
Original pensions -
David S., father of Isaac Cooltrap, Fairview;
Richard H., father of William P. Baughner,
Germantown; Michael Burgermaster, Dunbridge; Thomas
Bummet, Cleveland; Henry M. Kidder, West Farmington;
Bonaparte Ziegler, Cincinnati; Jonas Irvin,
Xenia; JAmes Spellman, Montrose; Jeremiah Moss,
Cleveland; John P. Durlin, Mount Pleasant; Alvin C.
McKell, Fostoria; George S. Crane, South Salem;
Horace Burbee, Painesville.
Reissued pensions -
Solomon Seartman, Juncation City; Robert M. Bain,
Panesville; Joshua F. Whipps, New Lexington; Thomas
Miller, Churchhill; Isaac Meredith, Walhonding;
John O. Byers, Mansfield.
Increased pensions -
George Saylor, Hillsboro; August Hoelst, Piqua;
Stephen F. Fuller, Bertramville; Luke Hardy
Nelsonville; Frederick Sandweir, Dayton; Andrew J.
Crumpstone, Ironton; Philip Steinbough, Port
Washington; William P. Swope, Springfield; Seth A.
Waite, Renson's Corner; Ananias Helandrum,
Milledgeville; Israel Beterson, Ironton; Joseph C.
Tressler, Kaile; Peter Keller, Cincinnati; John S.
Watts, Xenia; David McGuickin, East
Townsend; Charles Luck, Cleveland; Eli
Randon, Roxbury, and William Kent, Nashville, O. |
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer
Dated: Feb. 11, 1889
The Daughter of an Ohio Emigrant and the Avenger of a Brother's
FORT SMITH, Ark., Feb. 10 - According to a lawyer
of this city who knew Belle Starr from her infancy and
defended her in each of her trials here, her father, John
Shirley, removed to Carthage, Mo., from Ohio, twenty years
before the war and kept a hotel known as the Carthage House,
where Myra Shirley was born.
Her early days were spent at home and nothing occurred
to break the family circle until her eldest brother, Allison
Shirley, was killed towards the end of the war by Kansas
Jayhawkers. The day after teh murder Myra was in
the saddle in hot pursuit of her brother's murderers. The
prevalence of border warfare and the great number of struggling
troops then in Southwestern Missouri gave the young daredevil
ample opportunity to show her prowess, and the wayward girl
never again went home to stay, but linked her fortunes with the
famous band of guerillas head by Quantrell.
After Quantrell's gang disbanded Myra
fell in with the James and Younger brothers, and
married with Cole Younger. After daughter is the
famous beauty and desperado Pearl Younger.
While on a visit to her aged father in Texas she
met and married a desperado named Reed. This son
was one of the first to reach her dead body last Monday.
Reed was shot and killed by United States officers at
Paris, Texas, and in 1869, and it was just before his death that
the woman, then known as Belle Reed, stole $32,000 from
Walt Grayson, a Cherokee Indian, forcing him to deliver
the money at the muzzle of a six-shooter. She claimed to
be an Indian, and was tried in an Indian court. To find
her guilty would have been like assaulting the entire
neighborhood, and the court acquitted her.
As soon as Reed was buried Belle married
a full-blooded Creek Indian, named Sam Star, and
thenceforth she was known as Belle Starr. Their
honeymoon was spent in this city, in the United States Court,
where both were tried and found guilty of horse stealing and
sent to the Detroit jail. Upon her return to the Indian
country she was arrested for larceny and acquitted.
Sam Starr was killed in a brawl about four years
ago, and Belle then married Jim Starr, alias
Bill July, her late husband's brother. |
Source: St. Louis Republic
Dated: Aug. 2, 1889
On His way to the Ohio Penitentiary with 24 Other Federal
A whole car-load of United States
prisoners arrived at Union Dept yesterday morning over the
Frisco, en route to the Ohio State penitentiary at Columbus,
from Fort Smith, Ark. Among the number was Frank Read,
a son of the notorious Belle Starr, the female outlaw,
who was shot and killed a few months ago in Indian Territory.
There were 25 prisoners in all under conviction for various
offences and were well guarded by Col. Jacob Yost, United
States Marshal as Fort Smith and a detail of deputies. The
marshals were all armed with 42-calibre revolvers and had them
ready for use. The car was the last on the train, and when
it entered the deposit a guard stood on each platform while
Col. Yost and several deputies watched the prisoners inside.
They were handcuffed and a number were shackled besides.
Young Read has some Indian blood in him and has the
appearance of a desperate man. He intimated at the depot
that his mother's friends knew her murderer and that they would
see that her death was avenged. The young man spoke with
terrible earnestness. He also said that the man who killed
his mother had a hand in sending him to the penitentiary.
All of the prisoners, Col. Yost explained, were convicted
of crimes committed in Indian Territory. They were being
taken to the Ohio Penitentiary because there was no room in a
nearer institution of that character. He did not look for
any trouble in getting his prisoners to Columbus. The care
was switched on to an east bond train and went out about 8
o'clock, the prisoners having had an abundance of time for their
breakfast at the depot. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 1
Dated: May 23, 1894
Washington, May 22. - (Special) The following
pensions were granted today:
Original - Alexander H. Dall, Delaware;
Andrew Davidson, Lancaster; Jerome Osborn, Norwalk.
Restorations and increases - William H. Ewing,
deceased, Alliance.
Increase - Clifton Kleeton, Vinton; Samuel
Neikerk, Republic; Orange H. Kasson, Cleveland,
William McKnight, Pomeroy; Ferdinand Rose,
Richmonddale; Eliza D. Williams, Mt. Ephraim; Andrew
J. Bennett, Columbus; William Doren Coshocton;
James Thomas, Circleville; Salin Sith, Bartramville;
Elijah Miller, Andrews; Aaron J. Lucas, Stouts.
Reissues - Theodore F. Hoover, Dayton; John
L. Polling, Tiffin; Nathan T. Clark, Willoughby;
Alonzo M. Dimmit, Bataia; Alfred Chalfant, Chalvant.
Original, widows, etc. - Rebecca Stewart,
Millfield; minors of Barney Wind, Elmora; Isabell
Porter, Summerfield; Hester Reed, Orbiston; Isabel
A. Carter, Patriot; Sarah Poling,Gibsonville,
Margaret C. Ewing, Alliance; minors of Hiram M. Morey,
Delaware. |
Source: St. Albans Daily Messenger
Dated: Jan. 27, 1898
Henry Starr, the Notorious Desperado, Now in Ohio Penitentiary
COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 27 - Henry Starr leader of the
daring gang of train and bank robbers which has been terrorizing
the citizens of the southwestern states. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Issue 223 Page 3
Dated: Aug. 11, 1899
Original -
John Rohne, Lucas, $12; Martin O. Beam, Ansonia, $6;
Thomas B. Bender, Massilon, $6; John P. Knight,
Urbana, $6; Adam Schubert, National Military home,
Montgomery $6; Elisha Hinds, Steubenville, $6; James
V. Whitney, Cleveland, $6.
Additional - Special July 29,
John F. Linn, Conneaut,
$10 - $12; Abraham Scott, Ratcliffburg, $6 to $8;
David Baldwin, Dennison, $6 to $10.
Supplemental -
Moses F. Hosler, Burgoon, $8.
Restoration and increase -
William Clunk, Canton, $8 to $16.
Renewal -
John Baker, Canton, $10.
Renewal and reissue -
Conrad Beyer, Cincinnati, $8.
Increase - Special July 29,
John C. Reed, Mansfield, $14 - to $24; Ross C. Naragon,
Scio, $16 to $17; Godfrey Turner, National Military home,
Montgomery, $6 to $8; Alexander J. Hammond, Cadiz, $6 to
$8; Frank Schiller, Marion, $14 to $17; Andrew Brammer,
Bartramville, $14 to $17; Josiah Adams, Continental, $17
to $24; Aaron B. Sears, Bloomfield, $8 go $10; James
F. Cahoon, Lorain, $6 to $8; Richard Holmes, North
Fairfield, $8 to $12; James Kelly, National Military
home, Montgomery, $8 to $10; John C. Daly, National
military home, Montgomery, $6 to $8; Lewis Heimlick,
Cardington, $6 to $8; Christian Rehle, Cleves, $8 to $10;
Samuel K. Alexander, Moss Run, $10 to $14; John
Pitcock, McLuney, $10 to $14; William H. Campbell,
Royal, $14 to $17; Felix Owen, West Union, $10 to $12;
Martin Eterle, Columbus, $6 to $8; Simon Welch,
Cardington, $6 to $10; Levi Stump, East Liverpool, $6 to
$12; Wesley J. Walters, Abanaka, $10 to $12.
Increase -
Joseph Peacock, Fruitdale, $12 to $14; Isaiah Clark,
Richwood, $6 to $8; Edward Regan, East Toledo, $6 to $8.
Reissue - John Fox, Arlington, $12.
Original widows, etc. - Mary E. Clinton,
Cleveland, $8; Margaretha Ritz, Cincinnati, $8;
Mary J. Willhide, Youngstown.
Source: Montgomery Advertiser - Alabama
Dated: Oct. 3, 1917
Ohio Soldiers Are Welcome in Montgomery. Buckeye
State Men Are Almost All Here.
Few Remaining Detachments Are
Expected to Arrive Before End of Week - Over 18,000 Men are Now
Quartered at Camp Sheridan - Montgomery People Extend Hearty
Welcome to Ohio Soldiers.
Practically the entire Ohio Division has arrived at
Camp Sheridan and will be the guests of Montgomery for the
winter months. The people of the city are glad to have the
Ohio men here. They stand ready and willing to do all in
their power to make the stay of the boys in khaki from the
Buckeye state pleasant.
MEN Feel At Home.
Since the first detachments of men
arrived at the camp, every effort has been made to have them
feel at home. Many of the Ohio men have never been in the
South before and are now for the first time experiencing
southern hospitality. From the impressions gained during
their stay in the city, many will form their only impressions of
the South and the Southern people.
ARE Among Friends
Realizing this, the people are
exerting themselves in every way to make these men from another
state, and in a strange environment feel that they are among
The welcome which has been given the various units as
they have arrived is now given to the entire division, and the
people of the city hope and believe that the Ohio men will find
their stay in the South pleasant, if it is in the power of the
local people to make it so.
General Treat Absent.
While Major-General Charles G.
Treat, commander of the 37th division, is in Europe studying
trench warfare at close range his division, made up of the
troops from the Buckeye State, are getting their share of hard
work and when he returns to Camp Sheridan he will ___ that the
men have not lost a minutes instruction because of his absence.
Brig. - Gen. W. R. Smith, commander of the
artillery brigade, is camp commander in the absence of
General Treat, and Major Steven G. Fuqua is acting
chief-of-staff in the absence of Lt. - Col. Dana T. Merrill,
who accompanied General Treat when he was called to
Washington to set his orders. Both General Smith
and Major Fuqua are from the regular army and it was
Major Fuqua who mapped out the 14-week course of instruction
for the men of the 37th division.
Other Officers Here>
Other officers at division
headquarters who have much work on their shoulders are Major
Wildrick, of the regular army, Adjutant, Lt. -
Col. Barger, division instructor; Lt. -Col. Shetler,
of Ohio, division quartermaster and Lt. -Col. Hall,
division surgeon.
Few Yet To Come.
With the arrival Tuesday of the 2nd
Ohio Infantry, few other outfits are yet to come. Those
here now include the headquarters troop. 134rh Machine Gun
Battalion, 73rd Brigade Headquarters, 135th Machine Gun
Battalion 145th Infantry, 146th Infantry, 74th Brigade
Headquarters, 136th Machine Gun Battalion, 147th Infantry, 148th
Infantry, 62nd Field Artillery Brigade Headquarters, 112th
Trenchc Mortar Battery, 134th, 135th and 136th Field Artillery,
112th Engineers, 112th Field Signal Battalion, 112th
Headquarters Train, 112th Military Police, 112th Ammunition
Train, 112th Headquarters Train, 112th Military Police, 112th
Ammunition Train, 112th Sanitary Train, 112th Supply Train,
112th Engineer Train, 42nd Depot Brigade Headquarters, part of
62 depot brigade, Bakery Company No.23, Sanitary Detachment 72rd
Brigade. Detachment Quartermaster Corps, Sanitary
Detachment Machine Gun Battalion, Base Hosepital Corps,
Engineers' Sanitary Detachment, Ordnance Detachment, Moter Truck
Company No. 43?, Moter Truck Company No. 107 and the band
attached to the engineers, there are also 62 men attached to the
The time of the arrival of the other outfits has not
yet been intimated, because of military censorship, but it is
thought there will be comparatively little delay in getting the
remaining troops into Camp Sheridan, it is believed also that
the 7,750 drafted men will start their movement southward
immediately the camp is in shape to receive them.
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette - Ohio
Dated: Jan. 24, 1880
Proposition to Form One From Butler, Preble, Warren and
Special Correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette.
MIDDLETOWN, Jan. 23, - Judging from the Franklin Argus,
January 15, we would say they have been caught in the "boom" in
regard to the forming of a new county, the territory to be taken
from Preble, Butler, Montgomery and Warren counties. The
proposition as stated is a fair one. This is the time to
agitate this matter, as Montgomery, Warren and Butler all need
new Court Houses. The petition will soon be circulated and
presented to the Legislature as soon as soon as possible.
Middletown is well located for the county seat. We have
two railroads running through the heart of our town, and also of
the territory mentioned, and there is no doubt that before many
years shall have passed another will be running to the northwest
along Twin Creek to Germantown and Union City, Ind., thence
northwest along the old mackinaw route. Then the thrift
and enterprise possessed by our citizens also are arguments in
our favor, why the capital should be located here.
Mrs. Cassady, an old resident of this township,
died Friday morning at 9 o'clock pneumonia, at the age of
sixty-eight. Mrs. Cassady was a sister of Mr.
James Sinky, who died on Friday, 16th. She remarked to
her brother just before he died that it would not be long before
she would follow him to his long home. |
(Source: National Intelligencier - Dated March 25, 1831)
KILBOURN, John, author of the Ohio Gazetteer,
formerly a Representative of Congress from Ohio, died lately at
Columbus, Ohio.
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