* Source:
Commemorative Biographical Records
of the
Counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio
Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co.
AHRENS are two of the most
prominent farmers and fruit growers of Danbury township,
Ottawa county, the former of whom was born Sept. 22,
1860, on the old homestead farm upon which he still
resides. He is a son of CARSTEN
and Elizabeth (Fauble)
Ahrens, both natives of Germany, was reared to manhood
upon the farm, and received his education in the district
schools of the neighborhood. From early boyhood he
has been engaged in agricultural pursuits, and of late
years has devoted a great deal of his time and attention
to fruit growing, owning and operating one of the largest
and most extensive fruit orchards in the township.
Socially he is a member of Peninsular Lodge, No. 607,
Knights of Pythias, and, politically, is a stalwart
CARSTEN AHRENS, the father, was born in the Province of
Hanover, June 5, 1805, and was a son of Adolph and Katherina Ahrens, also natives of the same province.
Until the age of sixteen years he remained in his native
land, it being about 1821 when he left home, going to
England, where he worked in a sugar refinery some seven
years. In 1828 we find him a resident of New York,
where he engaged in the grocery business. Five years
later he came to Danbury township, Ottawa Co., Ohio, where
he purchased the land on which he afterward resided, and
then returned to New York. Several years later he
removed to his farm, but after a residence of a few years
rented his land to his brother and again went to New York,
remaining there until about 1838, when he returned to
Danbury township, and from that date until the time of his
death there made his home. He departed this life May
2, 1883.
The mother of our subject was born in the Province of
Hesse, Germany, Apr. 14, 1830, and was a daughter of Wilhelm and Katrina Fauble,
both of whose births occurred in the Fatherland.
She came to America in 1850, and for about a year made
her home in Cleveland, Ohio. On Dec. 6, 1851, at Sandusky City, Erie Co., Ohio, she
was united in marriage with Carsten Ahrens,
and became the mother of six children, as follows:
Katherine, born Feb. 11, 1853, who became the wife of
Daniel Finken,
and died Oct. 5, 1884; Adolph, born Jan. 23, 1855,
died Dec. 17, 1874; Elizabeth, born Oct. 21, 1858,
who became the wife of William Hess, of Danbury township
and died suddenly, Apr. 13, 1895, at the residence of our
subject, leaving a husband and four children to mourn the
loss of a faithful wife and loving mother; Henry is the
next in order of birth; Anna was born in February, 1862;
and John, born Apr. 25, 1864, also residing on the old
The farm is now under the personal supervision of our
subjects, and the neat and imposing appearance of the
surrounding are ample proof of their ability as thorough,
practical farmers and fruit growers. They take a
lively interest in the progress and development of the
county, giving their encouragement and more substantial
support to those enterprises which are calculated to
upbuild the community. The family attend the
services of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
* Source: Commemorative
Biographical Records of the
Counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio: Chicago: J. H.
Beers & Co. 1896
- Page 708 |
ALEXANDER (deceased), father of Mrs. Eliza P.
Miller, was born at New London, Chester Co., Penn.,
July 31, 1812, and came to Ohio in 1833, locating first
at Dayton, later at Piqua. Here he was actively
engaged in business for a number of years. In
1843-44 he represented Miami county in the Ohio
Legislature. About that time he removed to
Columbus, and for several years was engaged in the home
office of the Columbus Insurance Co. In 1854 he
became general agent for the West of the Hartford Fire
Insurance Co., removing to Chicago in 1861. In
1863 failing health compelled him to resign his position
and in order to obtain rest and recreation he came to
the Lake Erie islands. Impressed with the natural
beauty and advantages of the locality, he bought a farm
on the Peninsula, which for thirty years was his home.
During the administration of President Grant, Mr.
Alexander was appointed Examiner of National Banks,
and spent four years in government employ, his territory
embracing all of New York State (except the city), Ohio,
Indiana and a part of Virginia.
Mr. Alexander early saw the superior advantages
of the Peninsula for fruit growing, and from the first
made that the only product of his farm. He was the
first on the Peninsula to plant peaches largely for
market, and to see, as prophesied by him, that entire
section of country covered with peach orchards. He
was called from earth Dec. 23, 1894. Though of a
retiring disposition, always seeking to avoid publicity,
he took an active interest in public affairs, and few
men were better posted in the doings of the day.
In early life he united with the Presbyterian Church,
and always lived a consistent Christian life. He
assisted in organizing the Congregational Church on the
Peninsula, and was always one of its faithful
Mr. Alexander was twice married; first time to
Martha A. Graham, of Chester county, Penn., but
she died in 1844, leaving one son, Robert Graham
Alexander, who died in Chicago in 1862, in his
twenty-second year. In 1849, for his second wife,
Mr. Alexander married Harriet R. Petitt,
of Piqua, who, with three daughters (Mrs. William
Miller, of Gypsum, Mrs. S. R. Gill, of
Lakeside, and Mrs. J. W. Benschoter of Bowling
Green) and one son (S. P. Alexander), survives
* Source: Commemorative
Biographical Records of the
Counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio: Chicago: J. H.
Beers & Co. 1896
- Page 371 |
(Deceased), was born in New London, Conn., Nov. 11,
1809, and became one of the valued residents and
prominent farmers of Erie township, Ottawa county.
His loss to the community was a matter of sincere
regret. His parents, Frederick and Cynthia
(Williams) Allyn, were also natives of the Nutmeg
State. He began to write his own biography, but
death prevented the completion of this task. He
wrote "I was born in North Gaston, now called Ledyard,
New London, Conn., and left there Mar. 31, 1834, going
to Lycoming county, Penn., on the west branch of the
Susquehanna river, and staid there eight months. I
then went to Conventing township, Portage Co., Ohio,
arriving there Dec. 9, 1834; left there Jan. 1, 1835,
and came to Lower Sandusky (now Fremont); next I went to
Riley township and lived there two years. In June,
1835, I removed to Erie township, Ottawa Co., Ohio,
where I purchased 120 acres of land, and in 1837
commenced cutting wild grass. I was married Apr.
13, 1838, [?] to Rebecca Laforce, who died Feb.
12,[?] 1859, and was married again Nov. 6, 1862."
Here the writer laid down his pen never to resume it
again, but he is well entitled to a more extended
mention in this work devoted to the honored pioneers and
best citizens of Ottawa county. He acquired his
education in his native State, and when quite a young
man left home to make his own way in the world.
Going to Pennsylvania, he worked as a farm hand for
several years, and on leaving the Keystone State, he
removed to what was then called Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
From 1835 up to the time of his death he was an esteemed
resident and leading farmer of Erie township, Ottawa
county, taking an active interest in all that pertained
to the welfare of the community, and doing all in his
power for its advancement and progress. He was
united in marriage with Mrs. Rebecca Misener Laforce,
who was born Feb. 20, 1811, and died Feb. 14, 1859,
leaving one son, George Williams, who was born
Mar. 24, 1838, and lives in Elmore, Ohio. For his
second wife, Mr. Allyn wedded Miss Sarah
(Adams) Falley, who was born Oct. 19, 1825, in Erie
county, Ohio, and was the widow of Francis Falley.
By the second marriage was born, Sept. 19, 1863, one
son, Charles Lester. Mr. Allyn passed away
at his home in Erie township, Apr. 24, 1891, and his
death was deeply and sincerely mourned. He had
lived an honorable life, and all who knew him respected
him for his sterling worth. In his political views
he was a Republican.
CHARLES L. ALLEN was born and reared on the old
homestead farm which is still his place of abode, and
his education was obtained mostly in the schools of Port
Clinton. At an early age he became familiar with
all the duties of farm life, and has since been
identified with the agricultural interests of his native
county, being one of the enterprising progressive
farmers of Erie township. He was married, at the
home of his wife's parents in Erie township, Feb. 3,
1887, to Miss Emma Belle Sharpe, who was born in
Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 29, 1868, daughter of Leonard
and Elizabeth (Bailey) Sharpe. Her father died
July 26, 1892; her mother is now a resident of Lacarne.
To this union were born four children, two of whom are
living: Frederick Leonard, born Apr. 19, 1888;
and Myrtle Belle, born Sept. 12, 1891. The
parents attend the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in
his political views Mr. Allyn is also a
George W. Allyn, son of Frederick A. Allyn by
his first wife, was married Aug. 18, 1859, to Esther
K. Gamble. Their only daughter, Clara Edna,
was born July 16, 1862, and died in November, 1879, aged
seventeen years. They have two sons:
George W., born Feb. 12, 1872, and Andrew
Frederick, born Sept. 16, 1874.
* Source: Commemorative
Biographical Records of the
Counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio: Chicago: J. H.
Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 401 |
D. ALLEN, M. D., a popular citizen and a leading
physician and surgeon of Oak Harbor, Ottawa county, was
born in New Castle, Lawrence Co., Penn., Mar. 26, 1852.
His parents, Zebina N. and Mary A. (Van Eman) Allen,
were born in Beaver county, Penn., the father Aug. 23,
1821, the mother Apr. 20, 1828, and for many years have
been honored and respected residents of Scott township,
Lawrence Co., Penn., Mr. Allen is a cabinet-maker
by trade, but for a number of years he has been engaged
in agricultural pursuits, and in teaching school.
He has also served two terms as auditor for his county.
Their family consisted of seven children, three of whom
are yet living: Our subject; John, residing in
New Castle, Penn., and Amos, living at home.
Dr. D. S. Allen, the subject of this sketch,
received his primary education in the public schools of
his native State, and subsequently became a student in
Western Reserve College, at that time located at Hudson,
Ohio. On graduating from this institution he
studied medicine with Dr. J. W. Smith, then
police surgeon of Cleveland, now a resident of
Wellington, Ohio, taking a two years' course under his
tuition in Wooster University, Cleveland and graduating
from "the Cleveland University of Medicine" in 1885.
He then spent a year in Europe, making a special study
of surgery, and upon his return to America, in 1886,
commenced the practice of his profession in Oak Harbor,
where he has since resided. By a life of hard
study and devotion to his profession Dr. Allen
has been eminently successful as a practitioner, and has
succeeded in winning the confidence and respect of the
entire community in which he resides.
The Doctor was united in marriage at Oak Harbor, Oct.
21, 1881, with Miss Augusta Franck, a daughter of
"Squire Ernst and Louise (Frank) Franck, and to
this union came five children, viz: Mary A., born
Sep. 10, 1882; Frederick S., born Aug. 8, 1884;
E. Arvilla, born May 18, 1886; Laura L.,
born Aug. 18, 1888; and Clara E., born Aug. 10,
1890. Mr. Allen is an honored member of the
following societies: The Northwestern Homeopathic
Medical Society; Oak Harbor Lodge No. 495, F. & A. M.,
Forest Chapter No. 64, R. A. M., and Forest Council.
The family are members of the Lutheran Church. In
his political views our subject is a Republican.
* Source: Commemorative
Biographical Records of the
Counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio: Chicago: J. H.
Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 688 |
H. ALMROTH, a postmaster and proprietor of
general store at Elliston, is one of the best known
young men of Benton township and vicinity, and is
recognized by his wide circle of acquaintances
throughout Ottawa county as a most able and progressive
business man, and a valuable citizen.
He is a native of Benton township born Sept. 28, 1865,
on a farm near Elliston, son of PETER
and Anna (Kurth)
who were among the earliest pioneers of the township.
Peter Almroth was born in Germany, in 1831,
served three years in the army of his native land, and
about 1860 came to this country, sojourning temporarily
in Lorain county, Ohio, where he remained about one
year. He then came to Benton township, Ottawa
county, at a time when the entire region was a
wilderness, not even a road crossing the township.
He settled near what is now Elliston, where he still
lives, and bought forty acres of land, his wife paying
down one dollar to bind the bargain, the dollar being a
silver pocket piece she had brought all the way from New
York. By hard labor they paid for their land, also
purchasing an additional one hundred acres, besides
which they built a fine house and barns, together with
the other necessary outbuildings. The farm is now
considered one of the finest in Benton township, and its
appearance and fertility speak volumes for those who, by
their economy and hard labor, brought it to this state
by their own hands. To Mr. and Mrs. Almroth
were born eleven children - eight sons and three
daughters - six sons and two daughters still living and
residing in Ohio. Mrs. Almroth died June
19, 1895.
Henry H. Almroth spent his boyhood days on his
father's farm, and received a liberal education in the
public schools of Trowbridge, completing the course at
the age of fourteen. Commencing life for himself,
he now engaged as clerk in the general store of Magee
& Paffenbach, of Elmore, Ohio, where he remained
four months. After two months of illness he again
took up clerking, this time with G. F. Otten, at
Elliston, with whom he continued seven yeas, without the
loss of even a day. Mr. Almroth then spent
one summer at home on his father's farm, where he fully
recuperated his somewhat impaired health, afterward
entering the store of Mr. O'Neil, of Trowbridge,
Ohio, for whom he clerked one year. In February,
1887, Mr. Almroth and George Stock opened
a general store at Elliston, conducting same in
partnership for eight years, when Mr. Almroth
purchased his partner's interest, and is now sole owner
of the large and growing business. In addition to
his mercantile business Mr. Almroth is a dealer
in all kinds of grain- the only one in the vicinity -
buying at Elliston, Graytown, Trowbridge, and Limestone.
A stock company has just been formed at Elliston for the
purpose of drilling for oil and natural gas, Mr.
Almroth being a charter member of the company, and
also its secretary. That his business ability is
appreciated by his townsmen is shown by the fact that
they have elected him to the office of township clerk
for the fourth successive term; he has also been
postmaster at Elliston for six years, the only
Democratic postmaster in Ottawa county who continued in
office through Harrison's administration. Mr.
Almroth is now enlarging his store to accommodate
his trade in farm machinery, in which branch he does a
flourishing business. In fact, he is one of those
men who succeed in everything they undertake, but there
is no mystery surrounding his success, as it has been
accomplished solely by the exercise of his own ability,
energy and unceasing activity.
On Mar. 20, 1890, Mr. Almroth was married to
Miss Myra Kirk Baldwin, of Elmore, Ohio, and they
immediately settled in Elliston, where they have a fine
well-kept home, and very pleasant surroundings. To
their marriage have come two children: Ruth Ann,
born May 10, 1892, and Thomas Kirk born Dec.
8, 1893. Mrs. Almroth was born Dec. 2,
1867, at Elmore, Ohio, where she received a liberal
education in the public schools, at the age of sixteen
taking up the profession of teaching, which she followed
for six years. She is the youngest of five
children - two sons and three daughters - born to
Thomas and Sarah (Kirk) Baldwin, of Elmore, the
former of whom was born in Greene county, Ohio, June 17,
1832; the mother was born in Maryland June 7, 1832.
They were married Mar. 16, 1854, and the greater part of
their lives has been spent in Elmore, where they yet
make their home. Mrs. Henry H. Almroth is a
member of the M. E. Church of Elmore, and Mr. Almroth
in religious connection, is a member of the Evangelical
Church of Elliston. Socially he is a K. of P., and
in political faith is a stanch Democrat.
* Source: Commemorative Biographical Records of
the Counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio: Chicago: J.
H. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 818 |
one of the popular young men of Benton township, Ottawa
county, and one of the most energetic and prosperous
farmers here, is the son of Peter and Anna (Kurth)
Almroth, and was born Sept. 17, 1870, on the farm
where he now lives in Benton township. His
parents were among the earliest settlers in Benton
township, coming here when it was a wilderness, and by
hard work and the assistance of faithful children, made
one of the finest farms in the community.
Conrad Almroth was educated in the public
schools of Elliston, Benton township, and completed his
course of studies in 1886, after which he worked on the
farm for his father until 1894, since which time he has
had complete charge of it. He owns the stock and
machinery, and, with the assistance of one man, employed
by the month, works about 180 acres of land, comprising
the homestead. Mr. Almroth attends strictly
to business; his farm is kept in fine condition, fences
in good repair, land well tilled, and all the
surroundings give evidence of a skillful and industrious
farmer. His yearly output of grain averages:
Wheat, sixty acres; oats, twenty; corn, thirty; and hay
(cut), twenty-five acres. In addition to the
regular work of the farm, Mr. Almroth is engaged
in the stock business, dealing in cattle, sheep, and
hogs, which he sells to local dealers. Unlike his
brothers, Conrad Almroth has not yet taken unto
himself a wife. His sisters Mary (born Feb.
4, 1876) and Kate (born June 5, 1878) are at
home, attending to the housework, while he manages the
work on the farm.
The entire family are musicians, and are well known and
in demand throughout the vicinity on all social
occasions. Conrad Almroth is assistant
leader of the Elliston Cornet Band, n which he plays the
B-flat cornet. He has a tenor voice, his brother
Henry sings second tenor, John first bass
and George second bass. The sisters are
also musicians, and there is a fine quartet in the
family, with Mary for soprano, Kate alto,
Conrad tenor and John bass.
They are all born musicians, and none of them have
neglected their talents in this direction.
* Source: Commemorative Biographical Records of
the Counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio: Chicago: J.
H. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 822 |
AMES, a son of
and Mary Ann (Barnhart) AMES,
was born June 29, 1853, in Harris township, Ottawa
County, where he lived until twenty-one years of age,
receiving a literary education in the public school of
the district.
At twelve o'clock (noon) of his twenty-first birthday
David Ames started in life for himself, hiring
out by the month that afternoon to a Mr. Chapman,
for whom he worked two months. Mr. Ames was
united in marriage Apr. 18, 1875, with Miss Adella
Ingraham, of Sandusky county; then rented a farm in
Woodville township, in that county, where they lived
until 1879. They then went to Kansas and took 160
acres of land from the government; sold it at the end of
two years, and moved to Iowa, where they remained one
year. Mr. Ames then returned with his
family to his old home, and worked his father's farm two
years. They then removed to Elmore, Harris
township, Ottawa county, where he engaged in sawmill
work, in which occupation he continued for some time.
In 1881 he went to Graytown, Benton township, Ottawa
Co., Ohio, and settled on the "Ames farm," owned by his
brother, Lyman Ames, which he has worked for the
past four years. Mr. and Mrs. David Ames
have had seven children, as follows: Welby,
born Dec. 8, 1876; Milo, Oct. 2, 1877; Edith,
Apr. 6, 1879; John, Feb. 28, 1881; Clarence,
Feb. 9, 1883; Ada Belle, Oct. 29, 1888; and
Otto George, May 29, 1890. Of these Milo
died Sept. 29, 1878, aged eleven months and twenty-seven
days; Ada Belle died June 15, 1891, aged two
years, seven months and seventeen days; Otto George
died July 7, 1891, aged one year, one month and nine
days. The other children are at home, and
attending the public schools of Graytown and Elliston,
in Benton township, excepting Welby, who has been
at Elmore, Harris township, for one year fitting himself
for the profession of teacher. Mrs. Ames is
daughter of Joseph C. and Harriet E. (Morse)
Ingraham, and was born Sept. 16, 1858, in Woodville
township, Sandusky county, where she lived during her
girlhood days, attending the public schools there.
Her father was born in 1825; her mother on Sept. 20,
1829, in Pennsylvania, and died Sept. 4, 1878.
They had seven children, five of whom are still living.
The parents of David Ames, Lysander L.
and Mary Ann Ames, celebrated their golden
wedding Mar. 14, 1889. Lysander L. Ames was
born in New York State Apr. 10, 1812; came to Seneca
county, Ohio, when nineteen years of age, and three
years later moved to Ottawa county, where he afterward
lived. On Mar. 14, 1839, he was united in marriage
with Mary Ann Barnhart, who was born in Fairfield
county, Ohio, Feb. 12, 1820. In Ottawa county
Lysander Ames cleared and made for himself and his
estimable wife a fine home, at which place they both
died. They purchased their home near Elmore,
eighty acres of land, for one hundred dollars, and when
they died it was worth five thousand dollars. The
farm was deeded to Mr. Ames from the government,
had never changed hands during his lifetime, and they
had made one of the finest homes in Ottawa county.
This sketch would be unsatisfactory to Mr. David
Ames and his children without some account of how
he once made two dollars and a half. It was before
the stone pike was built, and he had gone to Fremont
with a wagon and two yoke of oxen to lay in a supply of
necessaries for the household. The roads were very
muddy, and just this side of Fremont he was overtaken by
a man with a team of horses and a loaded wagon.
They spoke, and inquired each other's destination, and
the man with the horses expressed his regret that his
fellow traveler had not horses instead of cattle to his
wagon so that they might bear each other company, but as
he had not he must drive on. They bade each other
good-bye, but Mr. Ames told the man that he (Mr.
Ames) would be far behind by the time they reached
Woodville, when he would leave that road for his home.
All went well until, nearing the Muskalonge creek, the
oxen stuck fast in an enormous mud hole, and could not
budge an inch. The man ahead with the horses went
through all right, and offered to hitch on ahead of the
oxen and help them out, which he did. Mr. Ames
was about to thank the stranger for his kindness when he
asked for fifty cents to pay for assistance. This
being paid, they had not gone far when the horse-team
got stuck, and Mr. Ames helped them out, and got
back his fifty cents. But before reaching
Woodville he was obliged to assist the man with the
horse-team five different times, thus receiving two
dollars and a half for his labor
* Source: Commemorative
Biographical Records of the
Counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio: Chicago: J. H.
Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 701 |
AMES, son of Deckerman C. and Rebecca (Purdue)
Ames, was born on his father's farm in Harris
township, Ottawa County, Nov. 13, 1843.
The father of our subject followed agricultural
pursuits all his life, coming to Ohio during his
boyhood. His father purchased land of the
government, and he continued to operate a portion of
that property until his death, which occurred in 1885.
He was buried in the Guss Cemetery at Elmore, and many
friends mourned his decease. In 1841 he had
married Miss Purdue, who was born in 1822, and
their family consisted of six children - William,
Alfred, Silas, Sarah, Nancy Ann and Mary Ellen
of whom Nancy Ann was drowned in Portage river,
near Elmore, while bathing; Alfred is also
deceased; and Mary Ellen is now Mrs. Drake,
of Michigan. The maternal grandfather of our
subject, James Purdue, was born in 1787, and was
a farmer and great hunter; his wife was born in 1790,
and they had a family of ten children. The
paternal grandmother was born in 1781, and her children
were eight in number.
William Ames spent his boyhood days on the old
homestead, attended the district schools of the
neighborhood, and at the early age of nine years began
working with a team, plowing, harrowing and doing other
work on the farm. When the call for 75,000 men was
issued by President Lincoln he eagerly and quickly
responded, anxious to aid in the defense of the Union,
but on account of his youth his father would not let him
enlist. A second time he offered his services, and
a second time his father prevented him from becoming one
of the boys in blue, but finally, in 1863, he became a
member of Company G, One Hundreth Regiment, Ohio
Sharpshooters, with whom he served until the end of the
war. He took part in the battles of the
Wilderness, which continued for seven days, Cold Harbor,
Welden Railroad, and assisted in the destruction of
Petersburg, where four thousand were killed in a half
hour, aiding in making the three-mile tunnel under the
city. He served in the army of the Potomac under
Gen. Grant, and witnessed the grand review of the
victorious troops in the Capitol City. He was also
in Ford's Theatre at the time of President Lincoln's
assassination, and saw Booth jump upon the stage after
firing the fatal shot which ended the life of once of
the most honored and distinguished men this country has
Upon the close of the war Mr. Ames returned
home, and on Aug. 14, 1865, he was married in Elmore
to Miss Emma J. Essig, of Stark county, Ohio who
was born Mar. 10, 1838, in that county, where she lived
until her marriage. She obtained her education in
the public schools, and then engaged in teaching in in
Portage county. Her father, John Essig, a
mason by trade, was born June 3, 1784,and died Sept. 30,
1854. His wife, who bore the maiden name of
Esther Spangle, was born May 4, 1792, and died Sept.
23, 1877. Twelve children bless their marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Ames have always resided in Elmore,
where they have a pleasant home and many friends.
Their only child, Birdie, was educated in the
public schools here, and for two years was a successful
teacher of Ottawa county. In 1888 she became the
wife of John Schling, and they now reside in Oak
Harbor. William Ames is engaged in the
raising of horses, and is well-known in Ottawa county,
where he has spent his entire life, as a straight
forward business man. He has the warm regard of
all with whom he has been brought in contact.
* Source: Commemorative
Biographical Records of the
Counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio: Chicago: J. H.
Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 790 |