Historical Atlas
Paulding County, Ohio
Containing Maps of Paulding County, Townships, Towns and Villages,
Compiled by O. Morrow and F. W. Bashore
Maps of the United States and State of Ohio.
Together with a Statement of the Settlement, Growth and Prosperity of
the County,
Including a Personal and Family History of Many of its Prominent
Madison, Wis.:
The Western Publishing Co.
Auglaize Twp. -
ANDREW OTT, an industrious farmer, stockraiser
and blacksmith, was born in Bavaria, Germany, Jan. 7, 1837, the son
of George and Rosa Ott, who came to this country in 1853, and
located in Morrow county. They remained here but a short time,
when they removed to Junction, Paulding county, and there died, the
father in 1891 and the mother in 1874. Three children,
Andrew, George, who died in the army, and Mary, the wife of
M. Ader, were the children born to them. Andrew Ott,
the subject of this notice remained with his parents until June 26,
1862, when his marriage with Miss Maggie Dick was solemnized.
Mrs. Ott is the daughter of John and Catherine (Haller)
Dick of Austria, Germany, and by her union with Mr. Ott
became the mother of George, Mary, John, Eliza (deceased),
Joseph, Anthony, Rosa, Emma C. and Gertrude (deceased).
Our subject owns 160 acres of fine land, seventy acres of which are
well improved. He is an aggressive democrat and votes the
strait ticket. He has held the office of township trustee for seven
years and that of supervisor for several terms. He and his
family are devout members of the Catholic church.
Source: Historical Atlas of Paulding Co., Ohio - Publ. 1892
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