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Pickaway County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


History of Pickaway County
Source:  History of Franklin & Pickaway Counties, Ohio
Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
Published by Williams Bros. 1880


Chapter XIX
Pgs. 106 - 110

Pg. 1- 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

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      To narrate the many acts of heroic devotion to the Union, evinced by the inhabitants of the counties of Franklin and Pickaway, during those terrible years of Rebellion, would require a volume in itself.  Columbus and vicinity have furnished the location of many schools, where was taught the "dread art of war."  Even as early as 1812 we find an extensive encampment located hear the then flourishing village of Franklinton.  Later, during the Mexican war, a camp of rendezvous was established near Columbus, and last, in 1861, we find the Capitol city nearly surrounded by them.  Early in the summer of this year, the lands comprised in what is now the beautiful retreat called Goodale park, were occupied as a military rendezvous, styled camp Jackson, and here were organized and drilled the first troops who went to war from this section.
     Camp Chase was next formed.  It was situated on the National road, some four miles from the city, in Franklin township, and, after it was ready for occupancy, Camp Jackson was abandoned.  Camp Chase became, from a simple place of rendezvous, quarters for paroled prisoners of war, and, later great numbers of rebel prisoners were kept in confinement here.  This was one of the most complete camps in the State, and was in use until the close of the war.
     Tod Barracks, named in honor of Ohio's patriotic governor, David Tod, were constructed in the fall of 1863.  The location was on the east side of High street, and  north of the railroad depot.  They were for the accommodation of sick or disabled soldiers and recruits, and were subsequently the rendezvous of military organizations, awaiting muster out.
     The United States garrison, situated northeast of, and some two miles from, the State house, was occupied by the United States, during the war, as an arsenal. The troops stationed here at present, are under the command of Colonel Anderson, of the United States army.
     The Soldiers' home, located in Columbus, was established April as, 1862 by, and under the supervision of, the Soldiers' Aid society. It was of great benefit to the needy soldier, whether clad in the blue or the gray. It closed, May 7, 1866, and the buildings, furniture, etc., were donated to the Hannah Neil mission - Ohio Soldiers' home.
     In the spring of 1864, the government erected buildings, some twenty in number, near the crossing of the Columbus & Xenia railroad, on the State quarry tract. These were denominated Tripler hospital, and in the fall of 1865, they were donated to the State for a soldiers' home. This was, we learn, the nucleus of the present establishment at Dayton.
     The Ladies' Soldiers' Aid society was formed in the fall of 1861, as an auxiliary to the National Sanitary commission at Washington. It was eminently a success. Thousands of our brave boys at the front, in the field, and in the hospital, were made more comfortable through the patriotic efforts of the ladies composing this society.
     At Circleville,, a society of the same nature, toiled early and late for the soldier.
During the memorable raid of the rebel John Morgan through Ohio, in the summer of 1863, which eventually resulted in his capture, in Columbiana county, a great number of men turned out from Franklin and Pickaway counties to aid in the defence of points it was believed he would attack, and though theirs was a bloodless campaign, yet they are entitled to credit for their ready response to the call. Many interesting incidents, ludicrous and otherwise, might be given, but space forbids.
     The rallying of the squirrel hunters, in the autumn of 1862, was another instance illustrating the readiness with which the citizens of Ohio sprang to the defence of the flag. The writer is
unable to give the number who participated from the counties of Franklin and Pickaway,, but he is informed there were several hundred of them.
     The descriptions following are compiled from the valuable work, by Whitelaw Reid, entitled "Ohio in the War." The roster is prepared in the office of the adjutant general of the State of Ohio, and the names are copied verbatim, hence the writer cannot be responsible for errors in spelling. In addition to the rolls, the writer has availed himself of all the aids within his
reach, to make the roster complete, showing the name of every soldier, of whatever rank, enrolled from the two counties. Some ten thousand names are given, and it is hoped none are omitted, though, from the Imperfect condition of the rolls, and the carelessness in recording credits, it is highly probable that omissions occur.

WAR OF 1812

     The following is copied from a muster roll now preserved in the office of the adjutant-general of Ohio, of Captain George Sanderson's company. This was recruited in the counties of Franklin, Fairfield, and Delaware, but as we have no means by which to designate those from each county, we give the roll entire. It was attached to the Twenty-seventh regiment United States infantry, commanded by Colonel George Paul, and formed a part of General Harrison's army at the defence of Fort Stephenson, and was in the disastrous battle of the Thames, October 5, 1813:

[Page 107]----------------------------------------------------------


Captain George Sanderson, enl.  April 9, 1813.
First Lieutenant Abner P. Pinney, commdg. Co. on muster out.
Second Lieutenant Audory Buttler,  commdg. Co. on muster out.
Second Lieutenant Andrews Bushnell, em. May 4, 1813.
Second Lieutenant John H. Mefford, enl. May 28, 1813.
Second Lieutenant Abraham J. Fisk, enl. Aug. 15, 1813.
Ensign William Hall, enl. May 2, 1813.


First Sergeant Linus Williams, enl. May 5, 1813; appointed Sergeant-Major July 4, 1813
First Sergeant John Vanmeter enl. June 3, 1813; appointed First Sergeant July 4, 1813.
Second Sergeant Chauncey Miller, enl. May 4, 1813.
Third Sergeant Robert Sanderson, enl. April 28, 1813.
Fourth Sergeant Joshua Pierce, enl. April 24, 1813.
Fifth Sergeant John Neibling, enl. April 23, 1813.
First Corporal John Dugane, enl. April 10, 1813.
Second Corporal John Collins, enl. April 12, 1813.
Third Corporal Luther Edson, enl. April 26, 1813.
Fourth Corporal Peter Gary, enl. April, 1813; absent, sick.
Fifth Corporal Smith Headly, enl. June 8, 1813.
Sixth Corporal Daniel I. Bartholomew, enl. May 8, 1813.
Drummer Jonathan C. Shupe, enl. May 8, 1813.
Fifer Abraham Deeds,  enl. April 28, 1813.


William Anderson, enl. May 29, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay
Joseph Anderson, enl. April 27, 1813; sick at Upper Sandusky
John Atkins, enl. May 31, 1813.
Joseph Allways, enl. June 22, 1813.
Thomas Boyle, enl. April 16, 1813.
John Bartholomew, enl. June 18, 1813.
John Berryman, enl. June 19, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay.
Henry Bixler, enl. May 27, 1813.
Abram Bartholomew, enl. May 31, 1813.
Samuel Bartholomew, enl. June 8, 1813.
James Braden, enl. July 23, 1813; sick.
Sheldon Bebee, enl. April 28, 1813.
James Brown, enl. April 27, 1813.
John Beaty, enl. April 15, 1813.
Eli Brady, enl. July 7, 1813.
Charles Burdinoo, enl. May 8, 1813.
John Batteese, enl. June 4, 1813.
Daniel Baker, enl. May 24, 1813; on command.
John Bussey,  enl. April 26, 1813.
Thomas Billings, enl. June 3, 1813.
Daniel Benjamin, enl. April 27, 1813.
Henry Case, enl. April 26, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay
Joseph Clark, em. May 18, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay.
Holdon K. Collins, enl, June 5, 1813; sick in camp
Blades Cremenes, enl. April 19, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay,
Chester P. Cole, enl. May 12, 1813.
William Cady, enl. May 12, 1813; died Nov. 20, 1813.
Samuel Cady, enl. May 12, 1813; sick at Seneca.
Nathan Case, enl. April 29, 1813; waiter for Lieutenant Pinney.
Chaney Clark, enl. April 27, 1813.
Almon Carleton, enl. June 17, 1813; died Nov. 28, 1813.
Stephen Cook, enl. July 5, 1813; died Nov. 8, 1813.
David Crosby, enl. June 30, 1813. Sick.
Jesse Davis, enl. May 20, 1813; appointed Sergeant May 20.
Asa Draper, enl. June 28, 1813.
Walter Dunham. enl. May 1 1813.
Enos Devore, enl. May 31, 1813.
Benjamin Daily, enl. June 18, 1813;  discharged July 12, 1813.
John Evans, enl. June 14, 1813.
Joseph Ellinger, enl. April 16, 1813.
Peter Fulk, enl. April 26, 1813.
John Forsythe, enl. April 28, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay.
Daniel Filkall, enl. May I, 1813.
John Faid, enl. April 22, 1813; discharged Nov. 23, 1813.
Ephraim Grimes, enl. May 14, 1813.
Wilson L. Gates, enl. July 6, 1813.
Elnathan Gregory, enl. June 21, 1813.
Joseph Gibson, enl. June 5, 1813; Died Aug. 28, 1813.
Samuel Gause, enl. June 25, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay.

  John Hunt, enl. June 12, 1813.
James Hagerty, enl. June 22, 1813.
Josiah Hinkley, enl. April 17, 1813; died Sep. 5, 1813.
John Hall, enl. May 30, 1813.
Frederick Hartman, enl. April 30, 1813; died at Zanesville.
David Hughes, enl. May 26, 1813.
Perlin Holcomb, enl. April 18, 1813.
John Harter, enl. April 27, 1813.
Jacob Headley, enl. April 27, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay.
John Harberson, enl. July 19, 1813.
John Jee, enl. April 16, 1813; sick.
Ambrose Joice, enl. June 22, 1813.
James Jones, enl. July 4, 1813.
John Johnston, enl. May I, 1813; sick.
James Jackson, enl. May 19, 1813; dischaarged (no date.)
John Johnston, 2nd,_____, on furlough.
John Kisler, enl. April 17, 1813.
Jonas Kincaid, enl. June 9, 1813.   
George Kissinger enl June 23, 1813; sick.
Jonathan Kittsmiller,  enl. May 5, 1813.
Samuel Kiniman, enl. May 30, 1813.
Joseph Larimore, enl. April 24, 1813.
Frederick Lathere, enl. April 27, 1813.
Henry Lief, enl. May 31, 1813.
Amos Leonard, enl. May 28, 1813
Marinas M. Loveland, enl. April 27, 1813.
William Louther, enl. June 21, 1813.
John McClung, enl. April 28, 1813.
Morris McGarvy, enl. June I, 1813.
Joseph McClung, enl. June IT, 1813; sick.
John McElwayne, enl. June i, 1813.
Francis McCloud, enl. June 14, 1813.
Hosea Merril, enl. Aug. 13, 1813.
John McConkey, enl. May 31, 1813.
Joshua Mellow, enl. May 4, 1813.
James Mose, enl. April 9, 1813; shot at Seneca Aug, 2, 1813.
Thomas Mapes, enl. June 28, 1813; sick.
John McBride, enl. June 28, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay.
William McClain, enl. June 16, 1813; sick at Put-in- Bay.
Henry Mains, enl June 13, 1813; sick.
Andrew Miller, enl June 5, 1813,
John McConnell, enl. June 15, 1813.
Alexander McCord, enl. June 8, 1813.
William Naper, enl. May 19, 1813.
Isachar Nickerson, enl. June 19, 1813.
George Osborn, enl. April 26, 1813.
George Parks, enl. May 26, 1813; died Nov, 28, 1813.
Lemuel Prat, enl. April 29. 1813; on recruiting service.
Roswell Paine, enl. June 6, 1813.
Benjamin Parkhurst, enl. June 5, 1813.
Luther Palmer, enl. April 29, 1813; sick.
Arzel Pierce, enl. May 3, 1813.
John Ray, enl. April 28, 1813.
David Ridinour, enl. April 30, 1813.
William Reed, enl. May 16, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay.
George Rophy, enl. April 27, 1813; died Dec. 2, 1813.
Elijah Rogers, enl. May 25, 1813.
Asa Rose, enl. July 15, 1813.
Joseph Stratler enl. May 22, 1813.
Henry Shadley, enl. June 8, 1813; died at Fort Ball.
Christian B. Smith, enl. June 28, 1813.
Perry Spry, enl. June 4, 1813.
John Sunderland, enl. June 5, 1813.
Christian Shyhawk, enl June 17, 1813; died Nov. 18, 1813.
David Severs, enl. May 19, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay.
John Severs, enl. June 9, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay.
Henry Skills, enl. May 22, 1813; sick at Put-in-Bay.
Ephraim Summers, enl. April 23, 1813;  sick at Seneca.
Henry C. Strait, enl. April 17, 1813.
Jonathan Sardon, enl. April 27, 1813.
Jacob Shroup, enl. May 22, 1813.
Charles Smith, enl. April 20, 1813.
Mynder Sheers, enl. May 19, 1813.
Adam Siner, enl. June 23, 1813.
John Smith, enl, July 4, 1813.
Thomas Sharp, enl. July 4, 1813.
Solomon Sheanor, enl. July 4, 1813.

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George Shadwick, enl. Sept. 25, 1813.
David Taylor, enl. June 9, 1813.
Jacob Trovinger, enl. June 2, 1813.
Frederick Tester, enl. April 27, 1813.
Benjamin Thorp, enl. April 19,1813; sick.
Frederick Tucker, enl. May 21, 1813; sick.
John Thorp, enl. May 10,, 1813.
Joseph Twaddle, enl. April 16,1813; sick.
Peter Caneley, enl. June 1,, 1813.
Lewis Canway, enl. April 28, 1813; died Oct. 27.
Jacob Canway, enl. April 19,1813; sick.
Alexander Walker, enl. May I5, 1813; sick.
Joseph Wilson, enl. June 19, 1813; discharged Sept. 15.
Ansel White, enl. April 20, 1813; sick.
Jacob Weaver, enl. May 28, 1813.
Jacob Wheeler, enl. May 25, 1813.
David Walters, enl. April 27, 1813.
Thomas Wheatley, enl. April 12, 1813
Joseph Wright, enl. June 30, 1813; sick.
John Welshaus, enl. May 25, 1813.
Coonrod Wolfley, enl. May 31, 1813.
Flavel Williams, enl. May 31, 1813
William Wallice, enl. June 4, 1813; on command.
Archibald Wilson, enl. -------- ; on command.
William Watson, enl. April 28,, 1813,
Henry Zimmerman, enl. June 7, 1813; sick.
Daniel Zipler, enl. July 6, 1813.
Seymour Tyler,  enl. July 29,1813.
The above roll was made out in December,  1813, but we are unable to obtain the date when they were discharged the service.


     Roll of the Second Company, Second Regiment, Fifth Brigade and Second Division. This company was recruited in Deer Creek and surrounding townships. It served under General Harrison at Upper Sandusky, and, without doubt, at other points, though of this fact the writer has no definite knowledge. The original roll was obtained from Benj. F Alkire, of Deer Creek township, and bears date September 6, 1817:
Captain, John M. Alkire;
Lieutenant, Jesse Cannon;
Ensign Isaac Davis;
Sergeants, George Phebus, Jeremiah Brown, John P. Martin 
Corporals, Nimrod  Alkire, William Grayham, Thomas Abbott, Janus Furnes; musician Jacob Miller;
James Shackleford, John Prater, Samuel Ator, Henry Hines, Jr., Leaven Walsten, George Trehorn, Robert Johnston, Peter Brown, Henry Peck, John Hines, James Martin, Josiah Walstone, Abraham Cade, Jonah Props, Henry Rector, Samuel Phebus, Jesse Peck, James Smith, Jacob Peck, Jeremiah Ulm, William Walstone, Abraham Eater, David Yates, Caleb Baggs, Ezra Woodsworth, Edward Rector, Jacob Hines, James Liget, Hiram Funk, William McGath, Jacob Terwilliger, Phenis Cade, Babel McGath, Henry Hines, Sr., Jnah H. Smith, Moses Cherry, Abraham Bert, William Hammons, Daniel Roads, Jonah Shabe, John Roads, John Mills, Abijah Cory, Simon Hornback, John Spangler, Samuel Megath, Joseph Slotherd, Tubman Robison, Thomas Vanhook, Benjamin Freeman, James Mills, William Ike, David Cooper, Amos Carr, John Runels, Stephen Tiffen, Jacob Funk, Powel Ike, Soveren Muir, David Baggs, James Walstone, John Hallstead, John Scott, William Norris, Samuel Thomas, James Golers, Thomas Simson, William Brown, Samuel Stonerock, Joseph Camp, Matthew Earlds, Thomas Brown, Adam Springer, Thomas Gorman, John Bilings, Sumerset Dawsey, Robert Ofordapor.


     Muster roll of Captain Otto Zirckel's company in the Fourth Regiment of the Ohio Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Charles Brough, which was called into the service of the United States under the act of Congress approved May 13, 1846, from the twenty-seventh day of May, 1847, when mustered, to the eighteenth day of July, 1848, when discharged.


Captain, Otto Zirckel, mustered out with company.
First Lieutenant, Edward Plessler; promoted First Lieutenant Sept. 24, 1847.  Mustered out with company

  Second Lieutenant, Frederic Schmidt; mustered  out with company.
Second Lieutenant, Herman Taeger; promoted from Sergeant Sept. 24, 1847.  Mustered out with company.
First Lieutenant, George Cullman; died Sept. 20, 1847, of sunstroke, while in pursuit of guerrillas.


First Sergeant, John Kern; appointed First Seargent Nov. 20, 1847.  Mustered out with company.
Second Sergeant, John Prickenbacher; mustered out with company.
Third Sergeant, Frederic Pluff; mustered out with company.
Fourth Sergeant, G. A. Fuchs; mustered out with company.
First Corporal, Charles Stephany; mustered out with company.
Second Corporal, Andrew Pleinhard; mustered out with company.
Third Corporal, Peter Freudenberger; mustered out with company.
Fourth Sergeant, Mathias Pluff; mustered out with company.
Musician, Wilmer Simons; mustered out with company.
Musician, Henry Snyder; mustered out with company.


Henry Bieber, mustered out with company.
Christ. Bruck, mustered out with company.
Jacob Breith, mustered out with company.
John Battlefield, mustered out with company.
Andrew Raumeister, mustered out with company.
John Bergwitz, mustered out with company.
William Dadt, mustered out with company.
Paulus Dussel, mustered out with company.
Fred. Decker, mustered out with company.
John Adam Eitel, mustered out with company.
Pearce Freese, mustered out with company.
William Fassig, mustered out with company.
Henry Goebel, mustered out with company.
Jacob F. Glanner, mustered out with company.
Sebastian Gramlich, mustered out with company.
Fredr. Harras, mustered out with company.
John Hotfman, mustered out with company.
Jacob F. Hiller, mustered out with company.
Jacob Hittler, mustered out with company.
George Kohlepp, mustered out with company.
Gottleib Link, mustered out with company.
Henry Longhenry, mustered out with company.
Peter Marx, mustered out with company.
Meyer, Joseph, mustered out with company.
August Martens, mustered out with company.
George Nithard, mustered out with company.
Ulrich Pleil, mustered out with company.
Planft, John mustered out with company.
Adolph Plaetger, mustered out with company.
George Schmidt, mustered out with company.
George Shaeffer, mustered out with company.
George Steinman, mustered out with company.
John Schroll, mustered out with company.
Henry Schreiner, mustered out with company.
George Schartzman, mustered out with company.
John B. Scherzer, mustered out with company.
Jacob Schoenbaub, mustered out with company.
L. V. Scheuerman, mustered out with company.
Jacob Schmery, mustered out with company.
George T. Scholl, mustered out with company.
Anton, Speck, mustered out with company.
John Tobler, mustered out with company.
Paulus Trott, mustered out with company.
T. G. Trapp, mustered out with company.
John Trapp, mustered out with company.
John Voeth, mustered out with company.
Lawrence Weinesdorfer, mustered out with company.
Henry Witzel, mustered out with company.
Christian Woehrly, mustered out with company.
John Watter, mustered out with company.
John Wieler, mustered out with company.
Henry Steinmitz, died at Metamoras, Mexico, Sept. 16, 1847
Jacob Schenkel, died at Vera Cruz, Mexico, Nov. 23, 1847
Jacob Nold, died at Vera Cruz, Mexico, dec. 29, 1847.
Peter Oestringer, Died at Puebla, Mexico, Feb. 15, 1847
Gustav Hahn, died at Puebla, Mexico, March 30, 1847.
Frist Sergeant Edward Lilly, discharged for disability Jan. 17, 1848.
John Martin Hansel, discharged for disability Nov. 5, 1847.

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Adam Plickenbacher, discharged for disability, Nov. 5, 1847.
Charles Hantz, discharged for disability Jan. 12, 1848.
Burchard Steinlein, discharged for disability Feb. 24, 1848
William Kachner, discharged on account of wounds, Feb. 24, 1848.
Napoleon Meyer, discharged for disability Jan. 16, 1848.
Anton Voeth, discharged for disability March 3, 1848.
Benedict Diesteizwig, transferred to regimental band.
Jacob Tehneider, transferred to regimental band.
William Schneider, promoted to Q. M. Sergeant Aug. 20, 1848.


     This regiment was organized at Camp Dennison, in August and September, 1861.  Before this period, it was in the three months service,  Participating in the first "flurry" of war around Washington city.  In the organization for three years, the majority of the field, line and staff had seen three months' service.
     In September, 1861, the regiment, with a full complement of officers, and over nine hundred men, moved, by order of General O. W. Mitchell, to Olympian Springs, in eastern Kentucky national troops in that portion of the State-and the good behavior of the soldiers of the Second regiment did much to remove the general opinion that the
“yankees” were anything except honorable.
     On the twenty-second of October, the regiment made a forced night march, of nearly thirty miles, surprising, and totally defeating the rebels, under jack May.  The rebel loss, in killed and wounded, was considerable, while the Second came off unharmed.
     Subsequently, the regiment joined the command of General Nelson, and was in the movement on Prestonburg, and the repulse of the rebels at Ivy Mountain, in which it lost two men killed, and seven wounded.  From
here the Second repaired to Louisville, where it was brigaded, and attached to the division of General O. M. Mitchell.
     The winter of 1861—2 was passed in perfecting themselves in drill, preparatory to the arduous work before them.
     In February, 1862, the division, Major-general B. C. Buell commanding, moved on Bowling Green, Gallatin and Nashville, occupying the last-named place.  When, on march, General Buell's army moved to the assistance of General Grant, at Pittsburgh Landing, the Second Ohio moved, with its division, on Murfreesboro, Shelbyville, Fayetteville, and Huntsville, and engaged in several small affairs with the enemy, along the Memphis & Charleston railroad.  The regiment was also with the column that first occupied Bridgeport.
     On Bragg's invasion of Kentucky, the Second Ohio then stationed at Battle Creek, Tennessee, moved across the mountains, to Louisville, where the army was organized.  The Second was assigned to Rosseau's division, in General McCooks left wing, and, with two divisions of that command, participated in the well-contested battle of Perryville, or Chaplin Hills, losing on the 8th of October, nearly forty per cent of all engaged. Captains Berryhill and Herel, and twenty-seven enlisted men, were killed, and Captains Beatty, Maxwell and McCoy, and eighty-seven enlisted men, wounded.  Our army pursued the flying rebels as far as Crab Orchard, and returned to

  Nashville.  General William S. Rosecrans,  succeeding Buell in command, changed the name of the department to the "Army of the Cumberland."  Subsequently, the division to which the Second Ohio was attached, was assigned to the Fourteenth army corps,  General George H. Thomas, commanding,  where it remained up to the battle of Atlanta, participating in all the marches and battles of that distinguished corps.  At the battle of Stone River, December 31,  1862,  the Second was closely engaged,  and suffered serious loss In this action,  the regiment captured the colors of the Thirty-second regiment,  Arkansas volunteers.  Chickamauga was the next battle ground.  In this hotly contested engagement, the regiment lost one hundred and eighty-three officers and men,  killed, wounded and missing.
     Falling back into the intrenchments,  they remained until November 24,  1862,  when the brigade to which the Second Ohio, was attached,  was sent to the assistance of General Hooker,  participated, on Lookout Mountain,  in his celebrated battle above the clouds.  In the battle of Mission Ridge, which occurred on the succeeding day, the regiment made its way to the crest, with slight loss, and captured the colors of the thirty-eighth Alabama.  The enemy was pursued to Ringgold, Georgia, where a halt was made.  The regiment was in the advance in the reconnoissance to Buzzard's Roost,  in February, 1864.
     In May,  following,  the regiment formed a portion of Sherman's force for the Atlanta campaign, and on the fourteenth of that month,  at Resaca, suffered heavily in an attempt to carry,  by assault,  the enemies intrenched position,  losing Captain Jacob Fottrell, and twelve men, killed, and Captains Staley and Mitchell,  and twenty-seven men, wounded.
     The regiment next moved with the division to the Chattahoochie river, and on July 21,  1864, took part in the battle of Peachtree Creek.  Here, First Lieutenant and Adjutant John W. Thomas was killed,  the last man of the regiment to offer up his life for the flag.
     The regiment remained in front of Atlanta until August 1, 1864, when it was ordered to Chattanooga, for final discharge, and some four weeks later was mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, having seen thirty eight months of active service.  The regiment's loss, killed in battle, one hundred and eleven; wounded, four hundred and twenty-five.


Mustered into service September 18,  1861,  for three years.


Captain O.C. Maxwell
First Lieutenant,  John A. Allen
Second Lieutenant,  John F. Gallagher


Sergeant Jacob A. Leonard
Sergeant Jacob Thompson
Sergeant Tobias Ross
Sergeant Benton Richard
Sergeant Alexander Schenck
Corporal John W. Buehner
Corporal Andrew I. Ward
Corporal Cyrus Anderson
Corporal William M. Adams

[PAGE 110]----------------------------------------------------------

Corporal Benj. D. Vanderveer
Corporal Thomas Neal
Corporal Watson Buckman
Corporal Stephen B. Staley
Musician G. M. Woodward
Musician Franklin Kline


Benjamin Anderson
Joseph Ashmore
Alleazor Allis
Thomas Auld
James M. Ackley
Peter Antonattis
Benton Cotterman
David P. Caskey
Thomas Crawford
Jacob Confer
Charles Cochran
John Coffman
Richard Carroll
David Coffman
Michael Coyle
Samuel Crawford
Nelson Coleman
Thomas Corbit
John Confer
Clay Deckert
Thomas Dickensherts
John Dundare
William B. Dudley
John Emerick
John Eckhart
Alexander Fox
Michael Gaiger
Andrew B. Gibson
William A. Hudson
M. H. Franklin
Isaac Hale
Oliver P. Huffman
Enoch Hoover
John Huntsbarger
Thomas Ireland
Richard K. Ireland
James S. King
John Kelly
Frederick Kline
Jonathon H. Kline
Benjamin F. Lee
Frederick Luber
Jacob Luber
Michael F. Luahey
Jesse Lee
William Lafuvers
Francis Marvin
William McCullough
Samuel Meyers
William McLane
Thomas Moore
Edmund O’Daniels
Joseph Pressler
John F. Price
Michael Poast
William P. Pebles
Luther R. Phillips
Benjamin Riggs
Philip H. Smith
Dunham Srackengast
John Shedy
Samuel Sawyers
David H. Staley
Charles Seibold
Ira C. Smock
Thomas I. Stetler
G.R. Schenck
Johnson Stump
Joseph Thompson
Ely Tyson
Sidney D. Vanderveer
Joseph B. Woodward
John Watson
Jacob D. Watson
Samuel Ward
William H. Widaman
Martin Y. Ward
George Wilson

Mustered into service January 15,  1862,  for three years


Captain Milton McCoy
First Lieutenant A. W. Plummer


Sergeant Perry L. Moss
Sergeant Nelson McCoy
Sergeant John Schoellar
Corporal William Lindsay
Corporal John Pontious
Corporal George Floyd
Corporal Daniel W. Best


Thomas Clifton
Washington Congrove
Isaac Dennis
Barton Dawson
Dennis Doyle
Thad Floyd
Henry Fulkerson
Martin Green
Liberty Jenks
George Littleton
Jacob McKnight
Charles McFall
William Richison
William Sapp
Cyrus Smith
William Smith
David Smith
James Smith
Christ Stouch
George Seigles
Jonas Fatinan
Frank Tulley
Rodney Webb
William Walston
Marwin D. Odin
Daniel O'Hern
Frank Wright
Fred Withner

Ira Pense


Captain William Baldwin
First Lieutenant Thomas F. Brand, resigned.  No date given
Second Lieutenant Alexander S. Berryhill, promoted FirstLieutenant July 25, 1861


First Sergeant Henry Ashton, promoted Second Lieutenant January 25, 1861


Sergeant James Mathis
Sergeant John P. Dolbow
Sergeant William A. Ward.
Corporal Joshua G. Palmer
Corporal William Mayse.
Corporal George W. Stoddard
Corporal John J. Anderson.
Drummer John S. Helms, discharged.  No date.


Jacob H. Armstrong
Beverly W. Brown
James Chapman
James P. Conn
Michael Durkin
Robert Ellis
Alexander Fisher
John Gugenham,
Isaac Groves,
John F. Harr,
Peter Hardman,
Add M. Heflebower,
Charles C. Jamison,
Melvin Kenfield,
Joshua C. Light,
William A. McComsey,
Martin Mooney,
Ferrel McCue,
John McDermitt,
Thomas M. Owen,
Edward Purcell,
Frederick Ribermen,
Amos Richardson,
Willard C. Smith,
Charles J. Scott,
James E. Taylor,
Henry L. Toomyres,
Mastin R. Wright,
Mathew Weaver,
Charles Arden,
Charles A. Cushman,
Richard Clary,
Nathaniel Darrow,
Monroe Elliott,
William C. Flago,
Michael Fritz,
Daniel C. Groves,
John Gichler,
Henry H. Hess,
John G. Horsengton,
Sanders V. Hubble,
David B. Kelch,
John h. Keifer,
James R. Lynch,
James M. Mitchell,
Jerome B. Miller,
Michael McFetridge,
John Newlove,
Samuel B. Price,
Charles H. Rhodes,
James Riddle,
Charles Stocks,
Alvaro Smith,
Theodore Stansbury,
John Turney,
Cyrus F. Ward,
Ambrose M. Voke.
Jacob M. Young.

     The writer is informed that the "Videttes" Captain Thrall, and the "Fencibles," Captain J. H. Riley, were assigned to this regiment, but is unable to find any record of them in the office of the adjutant general,


     Mustered into the service at Columbus, Ohio, April 17, 1861, and mustered out at expiration of term of service, July 31, 1861.


Lieutenant Colonel Rodney Mason, promoted colonel, mustered out with company.
Major August C. Parry; mustered out with company.
Regimental Quartermaster John G. Clarke; mustered out with company.
Adjutant Horace K. Thatcher; resigned June 21, 1861.
Adjutant Dilmer D. Mitchell, promoted adjutant, June 21, 1861; mustered out with company.
Surgeon Clark McDermot, wounded at Bull Run, July 21, 1861.
Assistant Surgeon James D. Webb.
Hospital Steward William Scott, appointed May 1, 1861; mustered out with company.

which one of the rebels was to annihilate five of the Yankees, fell into the hands of the National army.  A stand of colors, on which was inscribed "Floyd's Brigade" - The price of liberty is the blood of the brave," was secured by the Thirtieth.  November 14th the regiment went into camp at Fayetteville.  In the meantime the detachment at Sutton was frequently in expeditions against bushwhackers and horse-thieves.  Two men of the Thirtieth were killed and quite a number were wounded in the various skirmishes.  On the twenty-third of December this detachment joined the regiment at Fayetteville, and on the twenty-fifth the regiment held its first dress parade.  During the winter, which was wet and sickly, several companies were sent to outposts, and all worked upon fortifications.  Company H, and Pickaway county, was sent to the White House, on Soup Creek road.  April 17th the regiment broke camp and moved to Raleigh, and from there it marched, on May 5th, toward Giles Court House.  On the tenth it encamped at the confluence of the East and New rivers.  Company H was pushed up the Narrows, and succeeded in developing the enemy's position and drawing the fire of his batteries.  For eight days the allowance of rations was one cracker, with a small quantity of sugar, coffee, beans and rice to each man.  On August 16th the Thirtieth marched to join the army in eastern Virginia, and at noon on the nineteenth reached Brownstown, on the Kanawha, having carried knapsacks and marched ninety-five miles in three days and a half.  All were delighted to leave the mountains, and when the band played "Get out of the wilderness," as it came down Cotton Hill to the river, the deafening cheers that went up from the column showed that the hit was duly appreciated.  Proceeding on transports to Parkersburg, the regiment took the cars for the east, and on August 23d passed through Washington city, encamping at night at Warrenton Junction, Virginia.
     General Robertson says of the Thirtieth at Centerville:  "It moved forward under a heavy fire from the enemy's batteries in as good order as if on parade."
     At South Mountain, on September 14th, the regiment lay for several hours under a terrific artillery fire, and at four o'clock in the afternoon advanced against the enemy, who were intrenched behind a stone wall.  The "Graybacks" advanced, and a hot engagement ensued, lasting forty-five minutes.  The regiment stood its ground bravely, losing eighteen men killed, and forty-eight wounded.
     September 17th the regiment was heavily engaged, losing two officers killed, two wounded, and forty-five privates killed and wounded.  The National colors were torn in fourteen places by the enemy's balls, and two color bearers (Sergeants White and Carter) fell dead on the field.
     After remaining a few days near the battle-ground, the regiment moved for West Virginia, and on the tenth of October reached Hancock, on the Potomac, and for a time was engaged, almost daily, in fruitless marching.  December 5th, the Thirtieth, was its brigade, embarked on transports, and steamed down the river, arriving at

  Louisville, Kentucky, Jan. 3, 1863.  It moved down the stream until it reached Helena, Arkansas, where it was assigned to the Second division of the Fifteenth army corps.  January 21st, the regiment landed at Young's Point, and here it remained, engaged on the canal, and took part in numerous excursions into the surrounding country.  Resuming the march, the regiment, on May 19th, arrived in the rear of Vicksburg, and from this time until its final capitulation, was engaged in skirmish, picket and fatigue duty.  After the surrender of Vicksburg, the regiment went to camp, July 23rd, near Black river.  The losses of the Thirtieth, during the siege, were some sixty killed and wounded.
     Leaving Black river, with the army, on September 26th, it moved up the river, to Memphis, where it arrived October 2d.  Two days later it resumed the march, and on November 20th it camped at Brown's Ferry, ten miles from Chattanooga.  The twenty-fifth of the same month, it assaulted and carried the outer line of the enemy's works at Mission Ridge.  From November 29th to December 19th, the regiment subsisted off the country, and were engaged nearly the entire time in pursuit of the enemy.  In addition, nearly one-fourth of the men were without shoes.  In January, 1864, at Cleveland, Tennessee, the regiment re-enlisted, to the number of three hundred and fifteen men, and repaired to Columbus, where it was furloughed on the ninth of April.  On the expiration of the furlough, the regiment re-formed at Columbus, and proceeded, via Cincinnati, Louisville, Nashville and Chattanooga, to Kingston, Georgia, where it arrived May 20th.  Three days later, the regiment was again on the march.  It moved through Dallas and Ackworth, arriving at the foot of Kennesaw mountain June 19th.  During this march the regiment was almost continually under fire.  Early in July, the regiment moved to Atlanta, and on the twenty-second was in the assault, losing twenty-seven in killed, wounded and prisoners.  On the twenty-eighth, the regiment sustained four successive charges, in which it lost thirty men in killed and wounded.  The enemy abandoned a stand of colors, under the regiment's fire, and one hundred and five dead rebels were picked up in its immediate front.  Aug .28, 1864, picked up in its immediate front.  Aug. 29, 1864, those who were not veterans were mustered out, by reason of expiration fo term of service, and from this time until Aug. 13, 1865, at Louisville, Kentucky, the regiment was actively engaged in the defence of the starry ensign.
     Aug. 22, 1865, it was paid and discharged at Columbus, having traveled as a regiment, during its term of service, thirteen thousand, two hundred miles.

Mustered into service August 29, 1861.


Captain Jacob E. Taylor.
First Lieutenant John H. Groce.
Second Lieutenant Moses B. Gist.


First Sergeant Cyrus A. Earnest.
Sergeant Thomas J. Evans
Sergeant Peter Rudisill
Sergeant Charles C. Ludington.


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