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Newspaper Excerpts

Source: Sun - Massachusetts
Dated: Apr. 2, 1835
The dwelling house of Mr. Hawkins CLARK,
in Rootstown, Ohio, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 4th ult.
Two girls, one 6 and the other 12 years old, were consumed by the flames.
Their bones were found together, having probably died in each others arms. |
Source: Portage County Advocate - Ohio
Dated: May 5, 1854
CAPT. F. W. COFFIN, we are pleased to learn, is recovering, though
slowly, from the severe injuries he received by being thrown from his horse, on
Walnut street, a few days since.------
A partial eclipse of the moon will take place on the
12th of the present month. The eclipse will be invisible on this
continent. |
Source: Portage County Advocate
Dated: May 10, 1854
Portage County Temperance Alliance - The Annual Meeting
The "Portage County Temperance Alliance" assembled
at Ravenna, in compliance with the Constitution, at 11 o'clock, A. M., on
Thursday, May 4th, 1854, and was called to order by William Wadsworth, Esq.,
Vice President of Ravenna Township.
The throne of Grace was fervently addressed by the
Rev. Mr. Bear.
The minutes of the last meeting of the Alliance
were called for, and after being read by the Secretary, the following Committees
were appointed by the Chairman.
Committee on Resolutions. - L. W.
Hall, Dr. P. Barron, S. W. Ingraham, J. C. Branerd, and A. P. Singletary.
Business Committee - G. Keen, H. L. Garter,
Albert Austin, Rev. Mr. Bear, and Miner Strong.
Committee to fix the next place of Meeting.
- S. A. Gillett, Geo. Sanford, and Alpheus Dickenson.
The Meeting then adjourned till 1_ o'clock, P.M.
The Convention reassembled at the Court House at
the appointed hour, and was called to order by Mr. Vice President Harmon
, of Randolph, and on motion Dr. P. Barron, of Edinburg, was associated
with him in the Chair.
The Business Committee having been instructed to report
the names of suitable candidates, to fill the various offices of the Alliance
for the ensuing year, submitted to the Secretary the following nominations,
which were read and the report unanimously adopted.
President. - S. A. GILLETT,
Vice Presidents. - MINER MERRICK,
Atwater; WASHINGTON PARKER, Aurora; H. L. CARTER, Brimfield;
C. B. CURTIS, Charleston; CALEB BROWN, Deerfield,;
Dr. P. BARRON, Edinburg; D. L. ROCKWELL, Franklin; JOSHUA ATWOOD,
Freedom; ALVA UDALL, Hiram; ORVILLE BLAKE, Mantua;
PINNEY, Paris; G. KEEN, Ravenna; POMEROY REED, Rootstown;
J. C. BRAINARD, Randolph; DAVID PERKINS, Suffield; A. P.
SINGLETARY, Streetsboro; J. K. PICKETT, Shalersville; ALVIN SMITH,
Recording Secretary - W. WADSWORTH
Corresponding Secretary - J. S. HERRICK
Treasurer. - STEPHEN R. FREEMAN.
The report of the Committee on next place of
Meeting was adopted, as follows - that the next Quarterly Meeting of the
Alliance be held at Freedom, on the first Thursday in August.
The members of the Ladies' Alliance having adjourned
their session at the Town Hall at this time, took seats in the Convention.
The Committee on resolutions, through their Chairman,
submitted a report which was accepted and layed on the table, while the Meeting
listened with attentive interest to the reading of the new temperance law, just
passed by our Legislature, whereupon the report was taken up and after an
animated discussion of considerable length adopted, as follows:
WHEREAS, a very large portion of two numerous
classes of community, the lovers of unjust gain and the lovers of liquor, are
engaged in sustaining the curse of intemperance - and, whereas, the motives
which actuate these two classes avarice and appetite, are among the strongest
that operate on the human mind.
Resolved, That eternal vigilance is the
price not less of Temperance than of liberty.
Resolved, That while it is evident that
so large a portion of both the above classes, enter into the composition of
legislatures, it is vain to hope for any efficient action in favor of
Temperance, till it is made a more prominent issue at the ballot box.
Resolved, That, even at what may be
considered the advanced stage of Temperance cause, labor and perservering effort
are as important as ever.
Resolved, That the friends of the cause
should relax no effort, yield to no discouragement, quail before no obstacle,
but press resolutely onward in this work of philanthropy.
Resolved, That the reverses of the past,
instead of producing despondency, should serve to nerve us to greater exertions,
and there should be no thought of faltering or relaxing, till complete success
be secured.
Resolved, That we will give the enemies
of our cause to understand that we are invincible in our perseverance; and
though we may be defeated we can not be conquered.
Resolved, That the new Temperance Law,
just passed by the Ohio Legislature is in our judgment, greatly in advance of
any Temperance Law we have ever had in this State, and the friends should
give it a fair trial, and ascertain by actual experiment whether it will secure
the abolition of the traffic in spiritous liquors. We therefore accept it,
if not in every respect all we could desire, as the best that could be secured
at the present time, and will endeavor faithfully to test its provisions, and
ascertain their value.
Moved and carried that a Committee of two be appointed
by the Chairman, to raise the necessary funds to pay for publishing Mrs.
EVERETT's Address. Col. H. L. CARTER and S. A. GILLETT
were appointed said Committee.
The Treasurer's report for the last year was read and
Mrs. CYNTHINA M. PRICE, of Randolph, was then
introduced to the audience, and was listened to with great interest while she
delivered an earnest and spirited address in behalf of the cause.
The Alliance then adjourned to meet in Freedom, on
Thursday, August 3d, 1854.
O. W. STRONG, Secretary |
Source: Portage County Advocate - Ohio
Dated: May 24, 1854
Kidnapping in Akron.
Akron, 18th - 4 p.m.
Eds. Morning Leader: - Two men came here three days
since, and visited a colored barber by the name of James Worthington at
his house, proposing to buy the house; their object was to gain information.
They came back Wednesday, and Thursday morning arrested
Worthington at his house at 6 o'clock a.m., and took him to the cars, charging
him with counterfeiting, and refusing to let him send for counsel.
The alarm was given and an immense crowd assembled.
The writ was examined by Mr. Wilson, who found
it to be totally worthless.
The excited crowd refused to permit them to take him.
They left, threatening that they should return - they had a writ from Judge
Leavitt, and one of the men who made the arrest is from Louisville, from
which it is alleged by Marshall Fitch, Worthington escaped,
stealing himself and $175.
Worthington has been here ten or twelve years.
A writ from the Governor is expected - Dennis, a
deputy Marshall was with the Kentuckian.
Thus ended this nefarious attempt at manstealing in
Summit. It is written upon the hearts of the people, and the decree has
bone forth, that no slave-catcher shall ever carry a victim from the free soil
of the Reserve. And we only regret that the people of Akron did not arrest
all those engaged in the attempt to kidnap one of their citizens, and try them
for that offense, according to the laws of Ohio for such cases made and
provided. Let them be prepared to apply their legal and constitutional
screws to the kidnappers upon their next visit. - Clev.
Leader |
Source: Portage County Advocate - Ohio
Dated: May 24, 1854
Man Killed.
An Irishman named THOMAS FARALL, a laborer
on the Franklin & Warren Railroad was found dead in a ditch by the track of the
C. & P. R. R., a short distance above the Depot on Tuesday morning. The
deceased was about forty years of age, and a drinking man. It is generally
supposed that he got upon the track in a fit of intoxication, and was run over
by one of the coal trains which pass up and down the road during the night.
One of his legs was cut off, and his body badly bruised and lacerated. The
deceased in company with several comrades visited a doggery on Chestnut st. in
the evening, and was afterwards heard quarreling in the streets. A bottle
of liquor was found near the body. It is thought by some that the man was
killed in a brawl and placed upon the track to avoid suspicion. Be this as
it may, the man who furnished him the liquor with which he and his comrades were
intoxicated is morally guilty of murder. How long shall these things be?
How long will it be before our citizens take measures to enforce the new liquor
law, and abate the rum nuisances? |
Source: Portage County Advocate - Ohio
Dated: May 31, 1854
Mr. THEODORE ARTER, has resigned his situation as Teller of the
Portage County Branch Bank of the State Bank of Ohio situated in Ravenna.
MR. ARTER has gone into the Dry Goods trade in Hanover, on the C. & P. R.
R., having formed a business connection with Mr. NICHOLAS of that place.
The business will be conducted under the style of NICHOLAS
and ARTER. From our acquaintance with Mr. ARTER we take
pleasure in saying that he is a man of excellent business qualifications, strict
integrity, and moral worth. Success to him. |
Source: Portage County Advocate
Dated: June 8, 1854
This individual will address the Literary Societies
of Western Reserve College, at Hudson, at the Commencement in July.
Mr. DOUBLAS was an unlettered slave a few years
ago in Maryland, and now he stands in point of accomplishments and reputation as
an orator, scarcely second to any man in the country.
The Literary Societies of W. R. College, have created
no little surprise, and produced no little sensation by so far overcoming the
spirit of cast, us to invite Mr. DOUGLAS to address them. So much
the more are they entitled to honor for their magnanimity and independence.
That Mr. DOUGLAS will acquit himself with
distinguished merit, and that he will draw an immense crowd to the Commencement,
cannot be doubted. |
Source: Portage County Advocate
Dated: Jun. 28, 1854
JOE DILLWORTH - On Sunday, Deputy Sheriff MATTHEWS arrested a
veteran rum-guzzler and noted petty thief, well known in this community as a
precious villain rejoicing in the name of JOE DILLWORTH. On Sunday
"JOE" came into town drunker than the law allows and making noise enough
for a dozen men. He was politely waited upon by the officer, who furnished
him with a suit of rooms at the "HERRIFF HOUSE." On his person were
found two Daguerreotypes, some very nice sea shells, and a lot of other traps
supposed to be stolen property. These articles can be seen at MATTHEWS'
Dauguerrean Rooms over SEYMOUR's Store. |
Source: Portage County Advocate
Dated: July 26, 1854
Proceedings of the Second Quarterly Meeting of the "Portage County
Educational Association"
Pursuant to adjournment, the "Portage County
Educational Association met at the Court House in Ravenna, June 29th, for the
purpose of making preliminary arrangements for a "Teachers Institute" to be held
in Ravenna the coming fall.
The meeting was called to order by J. K. Pickett
- after which P. B. Conant, Esq. presented L. L. Bond's
resignation of the secretaryship of the association. Mr. Bond's
resignation being accepted, E. C. Willmot was appointed Secretary, and
the meeting proceeded to the transation of business.
On motion of James Nicholas, Esq., Mr. A. Smith
of Windham, J. H. L. Scott of New Baltimore, and E. C. Willmot of
Ravenna, were appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the
object of the meeting and to suggest a plan for securing the accomplishment of
the purpose for which the association was organized.
On motion of E. C. Willmot the meeting adjourned
to meet again at 1 o'clock P.M.
After listening to remarks, from several gentlemen
present, upon the subject of Education and the manner of conducting Institutes,
the committee on resolutions reported as follows:
WEREREAS, a general apathy prevails throughout the
County of Portage with respect to the education of the rising generation, and
since the "Educational Association of Portage County" has been organized
professedly to promote and advance the educational interests of the county, and
whereas, this meeting of the Association has been called expressly for the
purpose of division some means by which to arrouse the teachers to more
efficient efforts to prepare for the duties of their profession, and to awaken
an interest in educational reform throughout the community generally; therefore
Resolved - 1st. That after due
deliberation and discussion we have unanimously come to the conclusion that the
best and most effectual plan to accomplish this very desirable object, is to
hold a "Teachers Institute" in this county to commence the second Monday of
October next, and continue two weeks -
2nd. That the "Institute" be held in the village
of Ravenna, and that a committee of arrangements to consist of the following
named persons: GEORGE MESSINGER, Ravenna, J. K. PICKET,
Shalersville, L. H. SCOTT, Garretsville, Miss AMY ASPENWALL,
Ravenna, Miss H. P. NORTON, Freedom, Miss ELIZABETH ROBINSON,
Ravenna, Wm. COOMAN, Ravenna and E. C. WILLMOT, Ravenna, whose
duty it shall be to make all the necessary arrangements for the "Institute" -
engaging lecturers &c., is hereby appointed.
3rd. That it be the duty of each vice
president to provide for the holding of at least one meeting in his township
prior to the time of holding the "Institute," at which a lecture shall be given,
calling the attention of the public to the benefits resulting therefrom, and
lying the plan of operations before the people.
4th. That we, the members of the "Portage
County Educational Association," do pledge ourselves to use every available
means to enhance the interest and secure the prosperity of the "Teachers
Institute" of Portage County to present ourselves in person at the sitting of
said "Institue" and supply such material aid as our hearts and purses may admit.
5th. That each member now present be appointed a
"committee of one," to urge the claims of this "Institute" and to induce our
fellow laborers and all friends of education in the county to attend it.
Which resolutions, after a somewhat spirited and
animated discussion, were adopted y the "Association." The Association
then adjourned to meet again in Ravenna on the first Saturday of October A. D.
1854. |
Source: Portage County Advocate
Dated: June 8, 1854
Decision of Judge SMITH - The Fugitive Slave Act declared
Judge SMITH gave his decision this morning, in a
very able manner, discharging us from arrest in the GLOVER case, on the
ground both of defectiveness in the warrant, and the unconstitutionality of the
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. He held the Fugitive Slave Act to be
unconstitutional because -
1. Congress has no constitutional power to legislate on
the subject of reclaiming fugitive slaves;
2. Nor to clothe court commissioners with the
power to determine the liberties of the people; and,
3. Because this Act denies the right of trial by jury.
He fully sustained the positions taken by BYRON
PAINE in his argument.
The following is the order of the Court:
In the matter of the Petition of SHERMAN M. BOOTH for a Writ of Habeas
Corpus and to be discharged from Imprisonment.
This matter having been heard upon the petition,
and return to the writ issued herein, and the return of the respondent,
STEPHEN V. R. ABLEMAN, thereto, and having been argued by counsel; and there
appearing no sufficient cause or warrant for the detention of the said
SHERMAN M. BOOTH and no sufficient reason being shown why he should be
restrained of his liberty by reason of the premises, or of anything contained in
the return to the said writ habeas corpus or for any other cause;
it is therefore hereby ordered, that the said SHERMAN M. BOOTH, be, and
he is hereby discharged from the said imprisonment whereof he has complained,
and that he go hence, and at large, without delay.
Associate Justice of the Sup. Court of Wisconsin.
We copy the foregoing from the Daily Free
Democrat of the 7th June, published at Milwaukie, Wisconsin.
Judge SMITH's decision that Congress has no
constitutional power to legislate on the subject of fugitives from service or
labor is in accordance with the opinion once delivered by Chief Justice SHAW,
of Massachusetts, and with the opinion of DANIEL WEBSTER, emphatically
declared in the Senate, during the debates in that body, of 1850. What is
of still more importance, it is in accordance with the strict construction of
the Constitution itself, which, neither in terms nor by implication, confers
upon Congress the right to legislate upon the subject. We hope to see this
example of judicial independence and integrity yet followed in all the State
Courts. |
Source: Portage County Advocate
Dated: Oct. 4, 1854
SMASH UP - One day last week the horse of O. B. DICKINSON, was
hitched in front of the COLLINS House, and becoming frightened by a paper
kite with which a little lad was playing broke his fastenings and ran.
When in front of the Stone Store he dashed the carriage to which he was
attached against a tree braking it entirely to pieces, and clearing himself from
it. The horse took the sidewalk in his course to the eminent danger of
pedestrians. G. KEEN, Esq., who was passing down Main St., near
CLARK'S Carriage Shop, barely escaped serious injury, if nothing more. |
Source: Portage County Advocate - Ohio
Dated: Oct. 18, 1854
A gentleman from Aroura informs us that on Thursday
night last, the grocery store of Mr. JOHN MACKEREL was entered and robbed
of about $1,100 by an English man, named WM STONEY. Six hundred
dollars of the money was in gold, and the balance in paper. - Mr. M., it
appears, was about settling up his business in that place, and had collected a
large amount of debts due him, and had the money with him. He partook
somewhat of the 'ardent' during the course of the day, and showed the money to
the Englishman, who improved the opportunity, and that night robbed him of the
whole amount, excepting about two hundred dollars. The Englishman had fled
to parts unknown, but we understand officers are in hot pursuit, and hopes are
entertained that he may be arrested, and brought to justice. - Leader.
THE METHODIST CHURCH ON SLAVERY - The annual conference of the M. E.
Church in this State, at their recent session in Janesville, passed the
following among other resolutions on Slavery: -
1. That our opposition to slavery in all its forms, was
never more decided and uncompromising than at present.
2. That we regard the Kansas and Nebraska bill passed
by our national legislature at is recent session, as an alarming exhibition of
the slave power, surpassed in atrocity only by the fugitive slave law of 1850.
3. That we deem it our duty as ministers of the gospel
to preach against slavery as against other violations of religion and humanity,
and in every other proper way to labor for its removal from the church and the
4. That we affectionately invite our people to
co-operate with us, by their prayers, and that in use of the elective franchise,
to effect a repeal of the fugitive slave law, to prevent the further extension
of slavery, and to secure its final extermination from the natian. -
Milwaukie Daily Sentinel.
SALEM RAILROAD ACCIDENT - A serious accident occurred at Salem,
on the O & P Railroad on Wednesday evening last. The Express from Pittburgh
ran into a Freight train at a high rate of speed, smashing up the locomotive and
cars - the platform of the passenger cars the were almost entirely broken off,
and some of the cars broken into pieces. The Conductor, GEO. KINGHT
was so badly injured that he died in three hours after the accident - a train
boy fourteen years old died of his injuries on Thursday. Two brakemen,
named MARTIN and KIMEALL had their legs broken and received other
injuries that render recovery impossible. The accident was caused by the
carlessness of the Conductor of the Freight train, who allowed his train
to remain on the main track on the time of the Express train several minutes,
and as the accident occurred about dusk, the Engineer on the Express train did
not descover its situation until too late to prevent the terrible
accident. The entire blame of the collision is charge to the Freight
HONOR TO WHOM DUE - Many of the ardent and sincere anti-slavery men in
this County, who have refrained from voting many years, urged by the eventful
exigency upon us, came forward like patriotic men as they are, and recorded
their stern rebuke against the Nebraska swindle, and general pro-slavery
corruption, by depositing their votes in the ballot box for freedom and
humanity. All honor to these self-sacrificing men for their generous aid
in the great cause of the People.
UNDERGROUND RAILROAD - Four persons on this popular road passed through
town on Monday, on their way to Canada, where they are now safely enjoying a
liberty that is unknown south of the Mason's and Dixon's Line.
We are pleased to learn that the amount of travel on
this road is rapidly increasing, and new breaches are being constantly
projected. |
Source: Portage County Advocate - Ohio
Dated: Feb. 7, 1855
FORGERY - CARTRIGHT MADDOCK, of Frederick, Mahoning Co., in October
last presented a note to the Portage Co. Branch for discount, for $500, and
obtained the money upon the responsibility of three additional signatures.
When the bill matured, it was ascertained that the three names signed to the
note had been forged by him.
We also understand that he "done" the Bank at
Youngstown in the same manner, a short time since.
MADDOCK is respectably connected, and has a wife
and child at Frederick.
He is "absent," and has not been arrested. |
Source: Sun - Maryland
Dated Aug. 15, 1887
Another Death at Chatsworth.
CHATSWORTH, ILL., August 14. - The six wounded who were in the Town Hall
passed a comfortable night, and part of them have decidedly improved.
Mrs. R. H. Clark of Rootstown, Ohio, whose limbs were amputated yesterday,
died this afternoon. The other wounded around town are improving. At
Piper City about all the wounded are improving. |
Source: Wisconsin State Journal - Wisconsin
Dated: Aug. 19, 1887
PEORIA, ILL., Aug. 12 - It was a large and
gay excursion party that steamed out of the Union depot Wednesday night over the
Toledo, Peoria & Western railway. Its destination was Niagara Falls, and,
as it had been extensively advertised, it drew largely from......
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated Aug. 25, 1918
Visitors Here and Elsewhere -
Miss Ruby Hannah, 3263 Clarendon road. Cleveland Heights, and Miss
Christine Campbell, Hathaway avenue N. E., are spending some time at Nelson
Ledges, Portage county. |
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