Source: History of Preble County, Ohio -
her people, industries and institutions
by R. E. Lowry
With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and
Genealogical Records of Old Families
B. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.
Indianapolis, Indiana
Practical industry, wisely and vigorously applied, never fails
to bring success. It carries a man onward and upward,
brings out his individual character and acts as a powerful
stimulant to the efforts of others. The greatest results
in life are often attained by simple means and the exercise of
the ordinary qualities of common sense and perseverance.
The every-day life, with its cares, necessities and duties,
affords ample opportunity for acquiring experiences of such
kind, and its beaten paths provide a true worker with abundant
scope for effort and self-improvement. John A.
Dalrymple, a young farmer living in Washington township,
this county, has, from the beginning of his career, taken
advantage of opportunities as they were offered. In the
community in which he lives he has established a reputation for
industry, thrift and good management.
John A. Dalrymple was born in Washington
township, Preble county, Ohio, Aug. 16, 1885, a son of F. J.
and Laura (Kayler) Dalrymple, both of whom are natives of
Preble county, and are now residents of Eaton. F. J.
and Laura Dalrymple were the parents of four children;
Charles A. a farmer in Darke county, Ohio, who married
Gladys Shoemaker; John A., immediate subject of this
review; Earl O., a resident of Eaton, who married
Nellie Gates, and Mary M., a graduate of the Eaton
high school was living with her parents.
John A. Dalrymple was reared on the farm where
he now lives, and ___ed his education in the district schools,
from which he was gradu___ after which he became a student of
the Jacobs Business College, __ Ohio, from which institution he
was graduated. After leaving ____ he returned to the farm
and has since engaged in agricultural pursuits. ___
Dalrymple believes in the modern science of farming and
keeps __sive set of books, and at any time can ascertain exactly
what his profits ___osses are on the farm. His bookkeeping
knowledge has proved of ____ service to him.
Mr. Dalrymple was married on Jan. 28, 1906, to
Cora Kirkhoff, the daughter of Thomas M. Kirkhoff,
who is a resident of Eaton, Ohio. She __ a student of the
Eaton public schools and was graduated from the ____. To
Mr. and Mrs. Dalrymple have been born four children,
Blanche, ___yrtle C., Mildred L. and Lois J.,
the latter of whom died on Mar. _____5.
The Dalrymples are active members of the
Lutheran church, and Mr. Dalrumple is one of hte
trustees of the church to which he is attached. He ___
member of the Preble County Protective Association, and was
secretary ____ organization for three years. He is a
Democrat, but has never taken ____ part in politics, and has
never aspired to or held office. He has made ___eminent
success in managing the old homestead of one hundred and ___ive
acres, situated five miles north of Eaton, and is one of the
respected ___ of the community in which he lives.
Source: History of Preble County, Ohio - Illustrated -
1915 - B. F. Bowen & Company, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana - Page
(Taken from a bad copy at Google Books & Archive - will be
looking for a better copy to make corrections ~ Sharon Wick) |
George W. Deardorff |
Among the enterprising and progressive citizens of Preble
county, Ohio, none stands higher in the esteem of his fellow
citizens than George W. Deardorff, a farmer living in
Washington township, Preble county, Ohio. He has long been
actively engaged in agricultural pursuits, and his standing as a
citizen and neighbor has increased with the years of his
residence in Preble county.
George W. Deardorff was born Feb. 5, 1850, in
Darke county, Ohio, and is a son of Samuel and Cynthia A.
(Miller) Deardorff, the latter of whom died Dec. 26, 1914.
She was born in November, 1828. Samuel Deardorff
died in 1884. He was born in Preble county, Ohio, and was
a son of Jacob Deardorff, who settled in Preble
county in an early day. Jacob Deardorff carved a
farm out of the wilderness in Lanier township, where he and his
wife reared the following children, Peter, Paul,
John, Jacob, Benjamin, Isaac,
Anna, Rebecca and Samuel.
Samuel Deardorff went to Darke county,
Ohio, where he lived for three years, at the end of which time
he returned to Preble county, and lived on his father's farm.
In 1856 he bought the farm where his son, George W., now
lives, and remained on this latter place until his death.
He and his wife were the parents of four sons and two daughters,
all of whom are living: George W., with whom this
narrative deals; Nancy, the wife of Reuben
Swisher, of Des Moines, Iowa; William H., of
Colorado; Mary, the wife of Benjamin Neil,
of Eaton, Ohio; Laban, of Chicago, Illinois, and David,
a resident of Louisiana.
George W. Deardorff came with his parents from
Darke county, Ohio, to Preble county when he was two years of
age, and in the public schools of this county he received his
education. He remained at home with his parents until his
father's death, and has never married.
Mr. Deardorff is a Republican, and is well known
in Washington township, and by his upright and honorable life
has won the esteem of a large number of people.
Source: History of Preble County, Ohio - Illustrated -
1915 - B. F. Bowen & Company, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana - Page
592 |
George W. Deem
James K. Deem |
Source: History of Preble County, Ohio - Illustrated -
1915 - B. F. Bowen & Company, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana - Page
720 |