The Putnam County
Containing Sectional Outline
Maps of the County, Showing Location
of Roads, Railroads, Towns, Rivers,
Creeks, etc.
Of the Fifteen Townships of the
County, together with Maps of all
the Towns Reduced to Single Page
Of County Buildings, Churches,
school Buildings, Business Houses,
Private Dwellings, etc.
Of the County, Towns, Churches,
Crawfis College, Schools, and other
Interesting and Valuable Data
Published by D. W Seitz and O. C.
Ottawa, Ohio

NOTE: Please contact me
HERE if you
need me to transcribe any of these names. ~ Sharon Wick
County Outline |
5 |
Blanchard |
13 |
Greensburg |
11 |
Jackson, |
17 |
Jennings, |
19 |
Liberty |
7 |
Monroe |
9 |
Monterey |
18 |
Ottawa |
12 |
Palmer |
8 |
Perry, |
10 |
Pleasant |
15 |
Riley |
14 |
Sugar Creek |
20 |
Union |
16 |
Buren |
6 |
Belmore |
98 |
Columbus Grove |
78 |
Cloverdale |
115 |
Cascade |
115 |
Dupont, |
113 |
Jennings |
124 |
Glandorf |
86 |
Gilboa, |
97 |
Hector |
101 |
Hartsburg |
114 |
Huntstown, |
115 |
Jones City, |
132 |
Kieferville |
133 |
Kalida |
123 |
Leipsic |
58 |
McCulloughville |
99 |
Marice City (Continental) |
102 |
Miller City |
115 |
Muntanna |
133 |
North Creek |
99 |
Ottawa |
32 |
Ottoville |
116 |
Pandora |
100 |
Rushmore |
114 |
Rimer |
114 |
Spitzer (Townwood) |
96 |
Vaughnsville |
114 |
West Leipsic |
99 |
Wisterman |
115 |
Brief History of Putnam County |
21 |
History of Ottawa, Ohio |
33 |
Clover Creamery Company |
41 |
Ottawa HOme and Savings
Association |
42 |
Bee Hive Store |
43 |
History of Ottawa Public
Schools. |
47 |
Ottawa Catholic Church |
51 |
Extract From Howe's History of
Putnam Count in 1846 |
55 |
History of Leipsic |
59 |
Buckeye Stave Company |
63 |
Mary's Catholic Church |
69 |
Hotel Leffler |
73 |
Kiferville |
75 |
History of Columbus |
79 |
History of Gladorf |
87 |
History of Gilboa |
90 |
McCulloughville |
93 |
History of Pandora |
94 |
History of Marice City |
103 |
Miller City |
110 |
North Creek |
110 |
Dupont |
111 |
Cascade |
112 |
Huntstown |
112 |
Cloverdale |
112 |
Muntanna |
112 |
Wisterman |
112 |
History of Ottoville |
117 |
Jennings |
125 |
Rimer |
127 |
Kalida |
128 |
Note: Missing page numbers will be
added as needed
Acker, Howard |
45 |
Ackerman, F. M. |
41 |
Alford, Levi B. |
68 |
Andrews, John H. |
104 |
Annesser, Wm. |
40 |
Arnold, Samuel C. |
54 |
Bacon, Samuel S. |
41 |
Bailey, Daniel M. |
36 |
Bailey, John P. |
36 |
Banning & Acker |
45 |
Banning, Amos J. |
45 |
Christian |
83 |
William |
83 |
Baughman, Abram |
61 |
Baughman, Abram,
Mrs. |
61 |
Baughman, George
W. |
61 |
Baughman, James
K. |
61 |
Baughman, W. Rush |
61 |
Beach, B. J.,
Prof. |
92 |
Beach, Joseph R. |
42 |
Beard, John |
49 |
Beardsley, C. E.,
Dr. |
40 |
Beckman, Alex |
43 |
Bell, James |
106 |
Boehmer, Amos,
Hon. |
125 |
Boehmer, H. J.,
Hon. |
125 |
Bracht, Michael |
96 |
Bredeick, J. O.,
Rev. |
120 |
Brice, Wm. K.,
Re. |
82 |
Brinkman, G. B. |
26 |
Brinkman, H. & C. |
42 |
Brown, David I. |
37 |
Brown, J. W. |
42 |
Brugman, Wm. G. |
76 |
Bucher, John D. |
90 |
Burgess, Bostwick
F. |
29 |
Burgess, Zoe,
Miss |
29 |
Bushong, Isaac N. |
63 |
Carr, Clinton S. |
43 |
Cass, Geo. B. |
54 |
Chapin, Clarence E. |
104 |
Clevenger, George |
132 |
Clevenger, John |
130 |
Clevenger, T. J. |
130 |
Cover & Bruon |
40 |
Cover, J. F., residence |
55 |
Cowan, John |
126 |
Crawfis, Herman
L. |
46 |
Crawfis, John |
91 |
Dambach, Rev. |
76 |
Day, A. H. |
80 |
Day, Homer R. |
80 |
DeFord, S. F., Prof |
48 |
Detrow, M. R. |
110 |
Dick, Anthony, Rev. |
51 |
Dimock, Eli, Dr. |
111 |
Dimock, Elias W. |
111 |
Eastman, E. R. |
34 |
Eddlebrock, B. H. |
134 |
Edwards, John |
63 |
Edwards, Joseph |
63 |
Edwards, W. W. |
63 |
Ellis, Frank N. |
89 |
Elwell, Dwight A., Dr. |
84 |
Emery, Joseph S., Dr. |
65 |
Emery, Louisa, Mrs. Dr. |
65 |
Ernest, Daniel |
52 |
Ernst, John W. |
107 |
Esely, John S. |
66 |
Frayer, Charles |
38 |
Fritz, George |
36 |
Gasser, W. |
117 |
Gilbert, Rufus E. |
104 |
Gminer, Frank |
118 |
Gores, George |
66 |
Hale, J. I. |
73 |
Handy, Wm. H., Judge |
35 |
Harbaugh, T. J., Rev. |
129 |
Harmon, M. |
134 |
Harris, L. S. |
92 |
Hector Stave Co., The |
10_ |
Hermiller Bros. |
43 |
Hiner, Nelson H. |
75 |
Hoffmeyer & Smith |
134 |
Holtz, Lewis E. |
26 |
Hotel Leffler |
73 |
Huber, John V. |
73 |
Huber's Block |
55 |
Huddle, James D. |
29 |
Hummon, T. F. |
67 |
Jenkins, David R. |
40 |
Jones, David |
81 |
Jones, J. F., Prof. |
79 |
Kahle, I. H., Hon. |
51 |
Kehres, Andy |
120 |
Kelley, W. W. |
42 |
Kerating, Joseph |
88 |
Killen, Guy B. |
80 |
Kinder, Geo. D. |
56 |
Knupp, Geo. H. |
38 |
Kober, A. A. |
75 |
Kober, George |
92 |
Kober, Wm. A. |
65 |
Kohls, Wm. |
52 |
Konst Bros. |
106 |
Konst, L. F. |
95 |
Kramer, Peter |
125 |
Kratzer, George |
95 |
Krauss, Wm. C. G. |
35 |
Kunneke, John H. |
82 |
Kunneke, Theodore |
82 |
Lampe, Cornelia E. S. |
74 |
Lampe, H. H. |
74 |
Lampe, H. H., Mrs. |
74 |
Leasure, James P. |
27 |
Leffler, Charles H. |
68 |
Leffler, D. G. |
27 |
Leffler, Daniel M. |
68 |
Lenhart, W. S. |
48 |
Leopold, Joseph |
28 |
Lewis, W. A. |
68 |
Light, A. F., Rev. |
108 |
Light, G. A., Dr. |
29 |
Light, J. C. |
52 |
Long, D. C., Capt. |
36 |
Long, Guy P. |
107 |
Long, J. L'H. |
38 |
Lowden, Arthur E. |
107 |
Ludwig, Wm. J. |
109 |
Machlmann, F. J. |
66 |
Maidlow, John |
91 |
Maidlow, John, Mrs. |
91 |
Maple, Simon |
81 |
Matthias, A. C., Dr. |
91 |
McClung, John C., Dr. |
62 |
McCracken, N. H. |
50 |
McCrate, Joseph |
131 |
McDowell, Calvin A. |
84 |
McKinley, John A. |
128 |
Meffley, G. W. |
46 |
Mersman, John Bernard |
121 |
Miller, J. J. |
119 |
Moore & Moore |
45 |
Moore, Gilson |
45 |
Morris, Alford |
105 |
Morris, Frank, Dr. |
84 |
Morris, Joseph, Dr. |
84 |
Morris, Judge and Mrs. |
84 |
Mueller, M., Rev. |
118 |
Neff, H. A. |
106 |
Niglsch, Francis, Rev. |
88 |
Oberbeck, Aaron |
28 |
Odell, O. H. |
42 |
Ogan, Julius S. |
35 |
Paul, A. L., Dr. |
40 |
Paul, T. E., Dr. |
52 |
Plettner, Otto L. |
109 |
Poast, J. W. |
26 |
Pope, B. F. |
46 |
Powell, David N. |
34 |
Prowant, Noah |
112 |
Raabe, Christian |
126 |
Raabe, John C. |
126 |
Rampe, Fred J. |
90 |
Rampe, John P. |
62 |
Rampe, William, Jr. |
90 |
Rampe, William, Sr. |
90 |
Ream, H. D. |
Rice, A. V., Gen. |
53 |
Risser, David |
Risser, G. W. |
39 |
Roberts, S. W. |
72 |
Rohrer, Elizabeth, Mrs. |
Roof, Joseph |
89 |
Rosenberger, L. C. |
Rule, H. C., Dr. |
62 |
Sampsal, Kemp |
13_ |
Schlagbaum, Wm. |
119 |
Schmitschulte, H. W. |
Scott, William |
Sealls, George H. |
165 |
Seitz, B. F. |
12_ |
Seitz, D. W. |
50 |
Seitz, David |
13_ |
Seitz, John |
13_ |
Seitz, Samuel, Elder |
13_ |
Sheets, J. M., Judge |
Shiffer, Geo. C. |
Smith, James H. |
Smith, W. W. |
Sparling, B. D., Dr. |
104 |
Speaker, Nimrod |
96 |
Spencer, W. S. |
95 or 96 |
Stateler, P. C., Dr. |
Stechschulte, A. |
Steiner, A. T. |
11_ |
Straman, John |
Sutton, Stansbury |
39 |
Sutton, Stansbury, Mrs. |
39 |
Sutton, W. W. |
Sweeney, T. J. |
Talbot, O. C. |
5_ |
Thomas, A. A., Rev. |
7_ |
Thomas, A. Z., Judge |
28 |
Thome, Joseph |
8_ |
Thrall, E. C. |
11_ |
Thrall, W. H. |
11_ |
Tinkham, H. C. |
72 |
Townsend, O. E. |
72 |
Troyer, Andrew J. |
10_ |
Tupper, Chas. E., Dr. |
54 |
Underhill, .F. W. |
65 |
Uphaus, J. H. |
8_ |
Vincke, F. F. |
119 |
Wannemacher, C. & Son |
12_ |
Wannemacher, Charles |
12_ |
Watts, A. V. |
34 |
Weaver, S. P. |
93 |
Werner, Jacob |
64 |
Williams, Geo. C. |
43 |
Williams, T. J. |
12_ |
Williamson, D. C. |
76 |
Woertkoetter, Henry |
88 |
Wolf, F. H. |
39 |
Zahrend, John |
72 |
Zeller, J. J. |
44 |
Zeller, W. S. |
4 |
- Business - A. V. Rice &
Co., Bankers |
46 |
- Business - Alexander
Beckman Building |
43 |
- Business - Bank - Cover &
Bruon, Bankers |
40 |
- Business - Bank of
Leipsic |
63 |
- Business - Barn of Joseph
McCrate |
132 |
- Business - Beckman House,
The - Ottoville |
120 |
- Business - Brugman House,
Kieferville |
76 |
- Business - Business Block
of F. F. Vincke |
119 |
- Business - Business Block
of Joseph Kersting |
89 |
- Business - Business Block
of Joseph Thome & Co. |
89 |
- Business - Business Block
of L. C. Rosenberger |
107 |
- Business - Business House
of F. J. Rampe |
90 |
- Business - Business House
of James Bell |
106 |
- Business - Business Room
of C. Raabe & Sons |
126 |
- Business - Business Room
of Henry Woertskoetter |
88 |
- Business - Business Room
of J. J. Miller |
120 |
- Business - Business Room
of W. A. Kober |
75 |
- Business - Chapin's
Elevator |
104 |
- Business - Clover
Creamery, The |
41 |
- Business - Day Block, The |
80 |
- Business - Dr. H. Huber's
Block, Ottawa, O. |
55 |
- Business - First Brick
Building of Continental |
104 |
- Business - Ft. Jennings
Elevator |
125 |
- Business - Harness Store
of M. Harmon, Glandorf
One of the Leading and Most
Reliable Dealers of the
County |
134 |
- Business - Hector Stave
Works View |
109 |
- Business - Hermiller
Brothers Building |
43 |
- Business - Hotel Leffler,
Leipsic, O. |
73 |
- Business - Interior View
of Noah W. Prowant's Drug
Store |
112 |
- Business - J. B. Beach's
Livery Stable |
42 |
- Business - J. V. Huber's
Business Block |
73 |
- Business - John W.
Ernst's Llivery Stable |
107 |
- Business - Kings Hall,
Ft. Jennings, O., B. H.
Proprietor. Commo__ Stage for Theatrical Purposes |
134 |
- Business - Kline Milling
Co. - Advertisement |
75 |
- Business - Konst Bros'
Brick Works |
106 |
- Business - Konst Bros.
Tile Works |
106 |
- Business - Kunneke Block,
The |
82 |
- Business - Lampe Block,
Leipsic, O. |
74 |
- Business - Lewis Alford
Store |
68 |
- Business - Livery and
Feed Stable of Hoffmeyer &
Smith, Glendorf, O |
134 |
- Business - Maple House,
Continental, Ohio |
105 |
- Business - Mersman House |
121 |
- Business - N. Speaker's
Business House |
95 |
- Business - Ottawa
Manufacturing Co. |
46 |
- Business - Rampe, John
P., Shoe Store |
62 |
- Business - Saw Mill of J.
B. Mersman |
122 |
- Business - Sentinel
Printing House - Printing
Machine |
56 |
- Business - Stechschulte's
Clothing Store |
67 |
- Business - Store of
Wannemacher & Son |
120 |
- Business - The Bee Hive |
43 |
- Business - The Clipper -
Newspaper Advertisement |
85 |
- Church - Continental U.
B. Church |
108 |
- Church - Holy Family
Church |
76 |
- Church - Holy Family
Church, New Cleveland |
76 |
- Church - House of Church
Organist, Glandorf |
88 |
- Church - Leipsic M. E.
Church |
70 |
- Church - Ottawa River
Christian Church |
127 |
- Church - St. John's
Church, Glandorf, Ohio |
87 |
- Church - St. Mary's
Catholic Church |
69 |
- Church - St. Mary's
Immaculate Conception
Church |
118 |
- Church - Sts. Peter &
Paul's Church |
51 |
- Church - Thompson Church,
The |
131 |
- County Infirmary, The |
24 |
- County Jail, The |
23 |
- Court House, The |
22 |
- Landmark - Leaning Tower
of Pisa |
50 |
- Map - Belmore |
98 |
- Map - Blanchard Township
(Plat) - Range 8 East, Town
1 North |
13 |
- Map - Cascade |
115 |
- Map - Cloverdale |
115 |
- Map - Columbus Grove,
Ohio |
78 |
- Map - Dupont |
113 |
- Map - Ft. Jennings |
124 |
- Map - Gilboa |
97 |
- Map - Glandorf |
86 |
- Map - Greensburg Township
(Plat) - Range 6 East, Town
1 North |
11 |
- Map - Hartsburg |
114 |
- Map - Huntstown |
115 |
- Map - Jackson Township
(Plat) - Range 5 East,
Town 1 North & 1 South |
17 |
- Map - Jennings Township
(Plat) - Range 5 East,
Range 5 East, Town 1 & 2 South |
19 |
- Map - Kalida |
123 |
- Map - Kieferville |
101 |
- Map - Leipsic, Ohio, 1891
(Plat) |
58 |
- Map - Liberty Township
(Plat) |
7 |
- Map - Marice City |
102 |
- Map - Miller City, O. |
115 |
- Map - Monroe Township -
Town 2 North, Range 5 East |
9 |
- Map - Monterey |
114 |
- Map - Monterey Township
(Plat) - Range 4 East,
Town 1 South, Range 5 East |
18 |
- Map - Ottawa Township
(Plat) - Range 7 East, Town
1 North |
12 |
- Map - Ottawa, Ohio |
32 |
- Map - Ottoville |
116 |
- Map - Palmer Township -
Range 6 East, Town 2 North |
8 |
- Map - Pandora |
100 |
- Map - Perry Township
(Plat) - Range 5 East, Town
1, North |
10 |
- Map - Pleasant Township
(Plat) - Range 7 East, Town
1 South |
15 |
- Map - Putnam Co., O -
1880 |
5 |
- Map - Riley Township
(Plat) - Range 8 East, Town
1 NOrth |
14 |
- Map - Rimer |
114 |
- Map - Rushmore |
114 |
- Map - Sugar Creek
Township (Plat) - Range 6
Town 1 & 2 North |
20 |
- Map - Union Township
(Plat) - Range 6 East,
Town 1 North & 1 South |
16 |
- Map - Van Buren Township
(Plat) |
6 |
- Map - Vaugnsville |
114 |
- Map - West Leipsic |
99 |
- Map - Wisterman |
115 |
- Portrait - Zeller, J. J. |
44 |
- Portrait - Ackerman, F.
M. |
41 |
- Portrait - Alford, Levi
B. |
68 |
- Portrait - Arnold, Samuel
C. |
54 |
- Portrait - Auker, Howard
W., Merchant Tailor |
46 |
- Portrait - Bacon, Samuel
S. |
41 |
- Portrait - Bailey, Daniel
M. |
36 |
- Portrait - Bailey, John
P. |
36 |
- Portrait - Banning, Amos
J., Merchant Tailor |
46 |
- Portrait - Baughman,
Abram |
61 |
- Portrait - Baughman,
Abram, Mrs. |
61 |
- Portrait - Baughman, G.
W. |
62 |
- Portrait - Baughman,
James K. |
61 |
- Portrait - Baughman,
William Bush |
61 |
- Portrait - Beach, Bernard
J., Prof. |
92 |
- Portrait - Beardsley, C.
E., Dr. |
40 |
- Portrait - Bergess, Zoe,
Miss |
29 |
- Portrait - Boehmer, Amos,
Hon. |
125 |
- Portrait - Boehmer, H.
J., Hon. |
125 |
- Portrait - Bredeick, John
Otto, Rev. |
120 |
- Portrait - Brice, William
K., Rev. |
83 |
- Portrait - Brinkman, G.
B., Commissioner |
26 |
- Portrait - Brown, David
Irwin |
37 |
- Portrait - Brown, J. W. |
42 |
- Portrait - Burgess, B.
F., Sheriff |
29 |
- Portrait - Bushong, Isaac
N. |
63 |
- Portrait - Cass, George
B. |
54 |
- Portrait - Clevenger,
George, Mr. & Mrs. |
132 |
- Portrait - Clevenger,
John |
130 |
- Portrait - Cowan, John |
126 |
- Portrait - Crawfis, John |
91 |
- Portrait - Dambach, Rev.,
Pastor Holy Family Church |
76 |
- Portrait - DeFord, S. F. |
48 |
- Portrait - Detrow, M. R. |
110 |
- Portrait - Dick, Anthony,
Rev. |
51 |
- Portrait - Dimock, Eli,
Dr. |
111 |
- Portrait - Dimock, Elias
W. |
111 |
- Portrait - Eaker, Nimrod
S. |
95 |
- Portrait - Eastman, E. R. |
35 |
- Portrait - Edwards, John |
63 |
- Portrait - Edwards,
Joseph |
63 |
- Portrait - Edwards, W. W. |
63 |
- Portrait - Ellis, Frank
N. |
89 |
- Portrait - Elwel, Dwight
A. |
84 |
- Portrait - Emery, Joseph
S. |
65 |
- Portrait - Emery, Louisa
M. |
65 |
- Portrait - Esely, John S. |
66 |
- Portrait - Fritz, George |
36 |
- Portrait - Gilbert, Rufus
E. |
104 |
- Portrait - Gores, George |
66 |
- Portrait - Hale, J. I.,
Architect |
73 |
- Portrait - Handy, Wm. M.,
Judge |
35 |
- Portrait - Harbaugh,
Thomas J., Hon. |
129 |
- Portrait - Hiner, N. H. |
75 |
- Portrait - Holtz, L. E.,
C.E. |
26 |
- Portrait - Huddle, James
D, County Surveyor |
29 |
- Portrait - Hummon, T. F. |
67 |
- Portrait - Jones, David |
81 |
- Portrait - Jones, J. F.,
Prof. |
80 |
- Portrait - Kahle, I. H.,
Hon. |
51 |
- Portrait - Kelly, W. W. |
42 |
- Portrait - Kersting,
Joseph |
89 |
- Portrait - Killen, Guy B. |
81 |
- Portrait - Kinder, George
D., Ottawa, O. |
56 |
- Portrait - Knupp, George
H. |
38 |
- Portrait - Kober, George |
92 |
- Portrait - Kohls, William |
52 |
- Portrait - Krauss, Wm. C.
G. |
35 |
- Portrait - Kreiger,
Bernard, Janitor |
30 |
- Portrait - Kunneke, John
H. |
82 |
- Portrait - Kunneke,
Theodore |
82 |
- Portrait - lampe,
Cornelia E. S. |
74 |
- Portrait - Lampe, H . H. |
74 |
- Portrait - Lampe, H. H.,
Mrs. |
74 |
- Portrait - Leasure, James
P., Prosecuting Attorney |
27 |
- Portrait - Leffler,
Daniel G., Commissioner |
27 |
- Portrait - Lenhart, W. S. |
48 |
- Portrait - Leopold,
Joseph, County Treasurer |
29 |
- Portrait - Lewis, William
A. |
68 |
- Portrait - Light, A. F.,
Rev. - Family Group |
108 |
- Portrait - Light, G. A.,
Dr., Coroner |
29 |
- Portrait - Light, J. C. |
52 |
- Portrait - Long, David C. |
36 |
- Portrait - long, Guy P. |
107 |
- Portrait - Long, Jacob L.
H. |
38 |
- Portrait - Ludwig, W. J.
& Family |
109 |
- Portrait - Maehlmann, F.
J. |
66 |
- Portrait - Maidlow, John |
91 |
- Portrait - Maidlow, John,
Mrs. |
91 |
- Portrait - Mapel, Simon |
81 |
- Portrait - Matthias, A.
C., Dr. |
91 |
- Portrait - M'Clung, John
C. |
62 |
- Portrait - M'Cowell,
Calvin A. |
84 |
- Portrait - M'Cracken,
Nelson Howard |
50 |
- Portrait - M'Crate,
Joseph |
132 |
- Portrait - Mersman, J. B. |
122 |
- Portrait - Moffitt, W.
Renwick |
40 |
- Portrait - Moore, Gilson
H. |
45 |
- Portrait - Moore, J. J.,
Judge |
34 |
- Portrait - Morris, Frank,
Dr. |
84 |
- Portrait - Morris, Henry,
Judge & Mrs. |
84 |
- Portrait - Mueller,
Michael, Rev. |
119 |
- Portrait - Nigsch,
Francis, Pastor, Glandorf
Church |
88 |
- Portrait - Oberbeck,
Aaron, County Auditor |
28 |
- Portrait - Ogan, Julius
S. |
35 |
- Portrait - Paul, A. L. |
40 |
- Portrait - Paul, T. F.,
Dr. |
52 |
- Portrait - Poast, J. W.,
Commissioner |
27 |
- Portrait - Prayer,
Charles |
38 |
- Portrait - Raabe,
Christian |
126 |
- Portrait - Rampe,
William, Sr. |
90 |
- Portrait - Rauh, H. F. of
Der Demokrat |
57 |
- Portrait - Rice, Americus
V. |
53 |
- Portrait - Risser, George
W. |
39 |
- Portrait - Roberts,
Samuel W. |
73 |
- Portrait - Rule, H. C. |
62 |
- Portrait - Sampsal, Kemp |
130 |
- Portrait - Schmitschulte,
H. W., Clerk of Courts |
27 |
- Portrait - Scott, William |
54 |
- Portrait - Seitz, Daniel
W. |
50 |
- Portrait - Seitz, David |
131 |
- Portrait - Seitz, John |
131 |
- Portrait - Seitz, Samuel,
Elder |
131 |
- Portrait - Sheets, John
M., Judge |
26 |
- Portrait - Sherman, W.
P., Infirmary Director |
30 |
- Portrait - Shipper,
George C. |
64 |
- Portrait - Smith, James
H. |
67 |
- Portrait - Smith, W. W. |
71 |
- Portrait - Sparling, B.
D., Dr. |
104 |
- Portrait - Spencer, W. S. |
95 |
- Portrait - Staman, John
H. |
36 |
- Portrait - Stateler, P.
C. |
92 |
- Portrait - Stechschulte,
A. |
67 |
- Portrait - Summers, J.
W., Infirmary Director |
30 |
- Portrait - Sutton,
Stansbury, Mrs. |
39 |
- Portrait - Sutton,
Stansbury, Mrs. |
39 |
- Portrait - Sutton, W. W.,
Hon. |
39 |
- Portrait - Sweeney, T. J. |
40 |
- Portrait - Talbot, Oliver
C. |
52 |
- Portrait - Thomas, A. A. |
71 |
- Portrait - Thrall, E. C. |
110 |
- Portrait - Thrall, W. H. |
110 |
- Portrait - Troman, Amos
Z., Probate Judge |
28 |
- Portrait - Tupper,
Charles E. |
54 |
- Portrait - Underhill, F.
W. |
65 |
- Portrait - Uphaus, J. H.,
Judge |
88 |
- Portrait - Wannemacher,
Charles |
121 |
- Portrait - Watts, A. V. |
34 |
- Portrait - Weaver, S. P. |
93 |
- Portrait - Werner, Jacob |
64 |
- Portrait - Williams,
George C. |
49 |
- Portrait - Williams,
James, Infirmary Directory |
30 |
- Portrait - Williams,
Thomas J. |
129 |
- Portrait - Williamson,
David W. |
76 |
- Portrait - Woertkoetter,
Henry, Mr. & Mrs. |
88 |
- Portrait - Wolf, Fred H. |
39 |
- Portrait - Zahrend, John |
72 |
- Portrait - Zeller, W. S. |
44 |
- Portrait of Kober,
William A. |
66 |
- Putnam County's First
Court House |
25 |
- Residence - and Business
Room of Henry Fipp,
Glandorf, O. |
134 |
- Residence - Basinger,
Christian |
83 |
- Residence - Beard, John |
49 |
- Residence - Brecht,
Michael |
96 |
- Residence - Brinkman, G.
B. |
134 |
- Residence - Buscher, John
D. |
90 |
- Residence - Clevenger,
John - Sugar Creek Township |
130 |
- Residence - Clevenger,
Thomas J. - Union Township |
130 |
- Residence - Cover, J. F.,
Ottawa, O. |
55 |
- Residence - Ernest,
Daniel |
52 |
- Residence - Gores, George |
66 |
- Residence - Halker, J. W.
- Glendorf |
134 |
- Residence - Harris, L. S. |
92 |
- Residence - Konst, I. F. |
96 |
- Residence - Kratzer,
George |
95 |
- Residence - Lumber &
Stock Yards &
Family of Alfred Morris |
105 |
- Residence - M'Crate,
Joseph |
132 |
- Residence - Mersman, J.
B. |
121 |
- Residence - M'Kinley John |
128 |
- Residence - Pastoral
Residence |
51 |
- Residence - Poast,
Jonathan W. |
128 |
- Residence - Risser, David |
94 |
- Residence - Rohrer,
Elizabeth, Mrs. |
127 |
- Residence - Roof, Joseph,
Mayor of Glandorf |
89 |
- Residence - Schlagbaum,
William |
119 |
- Residence - Seitz, B. F. |
128 |
- Residence - Seitz, David |
131 |
- Residence - Smith, W. W. |
71 |
- Residence - Sparling, B.
D., Dr. |
104 |
- Residence - Steiner, A.
T. - Red Oak Farm |
111 |
- Residence - Tinkha, H.
C., Townwood, Ohio |
72 |
- Residence - Troyer, A.
J., Glendale Farm |
107 |
- Residence - Weaver, S. P. |
94 |
- School - Continental
School Building |
103 |
- School - Crawfis College |
93 |
- School - Ottawa High
School |
47 |
- School - Parochial School
Building |
51 |
- View - The Old Myers Mill
at Cascade |
133 |
- View - View of Hector,
Ohio |
110 |
- View - View of Street
Parade at the German Pioneer
Meeting of 1894, at Ottoville |
122 |
. |