History of Richland Co., Ohio
Past and Present
Publ: Mansfield by A. A., Graham & Co.
1807 - 1880

Sandusky Twp. -
Crestline; was born in Springfield Township, this county, on
July 16, 1823; his father, John Paramour, having removed
from Jefferson Co., Ohio, about the year 1813, was one of the
original pioneers who aided in converting the forests of
Springfield Township into beautiful farms; M. B. Paramour
possessing the energy and perseverance which characterized the
old settlers, has earned by his own labor and good management
the means which have enabled him to own the farm on which he now
resides, containing 254 acres of well improved land, from the
sale of the products of which he realizes annually about $1,600,
and is considered one of the most successful farmers in the
county. He was married on Oct. 13, 1849, to Susan R.,
daughter of Joseph Cox, then living near the village of
Shelby; they have raised a large and respectable family of
children, and are well fixed for the enjoyment of all the
happiness this world can afford.
Source: History of Richland Co., Ohio from 1808 to 1908 - by
A. J. Baughman - Vol. II - Publ. 1908 - Pg. 876 |
Franklin Twp. -
GEORGE H. PIFER, farmer; P. O. Mansfield.
He was born in Cumberland Co., Penn., Apr. 28, 1838; came to
Ohio when he was quite young. Married, Feb. 22, 1866, to
Anna Dunnan, who was born in Franklin Township Jan. 6,
1839; they have the following children: Alberta J., born
Mar. 12, 1868, and Lizzie M., born Aug. 23, 1870.
Source: History of Richland Co., Ohio - Vol. II - A. A., Graham
& Co., Publishers. 1807 - 1880 - Page 78 |