The following biographies are extracted from:
A Standard History of Ross County, Ohio
Vol. II.
Published by The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago & New York
H. VESTER has spent his years usefully and
profitably as a farmer, and now owns one of the fine
estates of Scioto Township in Ross County.
Of substantial German ancestry, he was born at Omega,
Pike County, Ohio, Jan. 9, 1870. His father,
Henry Alexander Vester, was born in Stholp, a town
in West Prussia, on Mar. 18, 1825. Mr. Vester's
grandfather was a native of Prussia. During his early
childhood some of those devastating wars which desolated
that empire district of Europe occurred, and his parents
and brothers and sisters all perished in the general
massacre, he being the only member of the family to
escape. While he was wandering from the scene a
nobleman found him and took him to his home, rearing and
training him and giving him a good education. When
he reached military age he joined the army and served
under Bluecher in the battle of Waterloo.
His splendid services as a soldier earned him the iron
cross. After leaving the army he operated a flour
mill at Stholp, in West Prussia, and served as
burgomaster or mayor of the town until his death.
Henry A. Vester thus grew up in a home of
substantial comforts. He served an apprenticeship
at the tailor's trade, and then traveled as a
journeyman, working in different cities of Germany.
In each place he received a certificate of good
workmanship and character. While working in the
Village of Lauterecken, in Bavaria, he met the Bock
family, and falling in love with one of the
daughters came to America with the entire family.
They made the voyage on a sailing vessel and spent seven
weeks battling with the waves before landing in New York
City. Three of Henry Vester's brothers also
came to the United States, Edward, who settled at
Waverly, Julius, who located in Chillicothe, and
William who went on a farm in Pike County.
Henry A. Vester eventually moved to Pike County,
Ohio, and was engaged in the tailor business at Omega,
being employed by Mr. Vanachen. He remained
there until 1880 and in the meantime bought a farm in
Scioto Township of Ross County, 3-1/2 miles from the
courthouse, and was engaged in its operation until
his death in 1903. Henry A. Vester married
Dorothea Bock. She was born in Lauterecken,
a town in the Rhenish Province of Bavaria, July 28,
1835. Her father Abraham Bock, a native of
Bavarian, came to America accompanied by his family and
settled in Pike County, where he bought a farm, lived
there about ten years, and then moved to Logan County,
Illinois, where his death occurred. Mrs. Henry
A. Vester died Nov. 19, 1913.
Of the eleven children, Victor H. Vester, grew
up on a farm, received his education in the rural
schools of Pike and Ross counties, and lived with his
parents until they died. After the death of his
father he bought the interests of the other heirs, and
has since bought other land until his possessions now
aggregate 170 acres of the fertile soil of Ross County.
Besides the improvements which were there he has erected
a commodious frame barn and other buildings and his
place now ranks in value and in improvements with the
best in that section. His business has been that
of general farmer and fruit and poultry grower.
Mr. Vester married Emma England, who was
born in Scioto Township, daughter of Warner and
Nannie (Riley) England. They are the parents
of four children, Adalina, Lyle, Vivian and
Claude. Mr. Vester is an active member
of the Grange, and of the board of education.
Source: A Standard History of Ross County, Ohio -
Vol. II. - Published by The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago &
New York 1917 - Page 634 |
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