Contributed by Brenda Duckworth
from her grandfather's collection among my collections ~ Sharon Wick

Moomaw Homestead 1927
Probably in Ross Co., Ohio
Brenda's Grandfather, Irvin Means, Boarded with the Moomaw family in
1900 |

Rocky Fork Caves, Point Usel Cave
Highland Park, Bainbridge, Ross Co., Ohio
This post card was mailed to Brenda's grandfather, Irvin Means, RFD 7,
Casey, Illinois
Postmarked 1916 |

Jefferson Street looking West from Washington Street, Greenfield,
Highland Co., Ohio on state line next to Ross Co., Ohio
In Irvin Means' photo album, not mailed. |

Farmers Picnic Grounds
Lyndon, Ross Co., Ohio
This postcard was mailed to Irvin Means, RFD 7, Casey, IL

Jones Bridge, Bourneville, Ross Co., Ohio
Mailed to Irvin Means, Casey, Illinois
1916 |

Presbyterian Church,
South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio
Mailed to Irvin Means, RFD 7, Casey, Illinois - 1916
Mrs. Haubeil in her kitchen
Ross Co., Ohio Hill Farmer

St. Paul's Church,
Chillicothe, OH |
George Debakos
Russian born farmer

George Debakos
in one room shack
George Debakos
School House, Buses and General Store

School yard with Children
School Bus in Huntington Twp.

Car wreck on Highway 50
