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Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of
Sandusky & Ottawa, Ohio

J. B. Beers & Co. 1896



Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page  845

  ADOLPH HALBEISEN.  Riley township, Sandusky county, includes among its successful citizens a number of industrious and prosperous farmers, one of whom is Mr. Halbeisen.  He was born Aug. 12, 1845, and is a son of Nicholas and Caroline Halbeisen.
NICHOLAS HALBEISEN was born in Germany Aug. 12, 1802, and was there united in marriage with Caroline Geshie, who was born Apr. 8, 1814, also in the Fatherland.  They came to America in 1844, and located in Ohio, in Riley township, Sandusky.  Here for ten dollars an acre they bought land which at the present time is valued at one hundred dollars an acre.  They had the following children: Barney married Millie House, and they have had five children; they live in Ballville township, Sandusky county.  Caroline married Casper House, by whom she had four children; she died in 1871, and was buried in Ballville township.  Lewis is a farmer in Michigan.  Adolph is the subject proper of this sketch.  August, who is a farmer, married Michael Bundschner, a farmer in Sandusky township, Sandusky county, and they had five children.  Nicholas Halbeisen died Nov. 12, 1861.
     Adolph Halbeisen was reared to habits of industry and economy, and received a common-school education.  He remained at home on the farm until the death of his father, then had the management, and saved his money.  On Nov. 12, 1880, Adolph Halbeisen was united in marriage with Helen Beansack, and they have had eight children, their names and dates of birth being as follows:  Clara, Jan. 26, 1882; Caroline, Apr. 10, 1883; Joseph, Apr. 11, 1885; Arnold, July 7, 1886, Henry, May 23, 1888; Frank, May 23, 1889; Augusta, Dec. 10, 1890, and Ellen, Sept. 8, 1891.  Mr. Halbeisen bought seventy-two acres of land at $110.00 per acre, as a homestead.  He has held the office of school director for three years.  In politics he is a Democrat, and in religious affiliation a Catholic.

Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 793

Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 793

  A. J. HALE

Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 143

  BIRCHARD HAVENS, farmer, of Jackson township, Sandusky county, was born near the place of his present residence, Aug. 16, 1847, a son of Henry and Sarah (Iams) Havens.
HENRY HAVENS, the father of our subject, was one of the early pioneers of the Black Swamp, born at Columbus, Ohio, and came to Sandusky county in the year 1837, entered 160 acres of land in Section 10, Jackson township, to which more was added later, making 400 acres, about half of which he cleared himself of heavy timber, always worked very hard, and from exposure contracted consumption, of which he died. Birchard Havens, our subject, was the fourth in order of birth in the family of eight children, was reared upon his father's farm, and received the customary country-school education.  He started out in life on his own account at the age of eighteen years, working on a farm for his brother William one year, and for John King one year.  At the age of twenty he rented some land from his brother for one year, and subsequently bought eighty acres from Joseph Hammer for $5,000.  After clearing off ten acres of the timber he sold it two years later to his brother, and in 1870 bought the 152 acres where he now lives.  He has 130 acres under good cultivation, of which he cleared a large part himself.  He has always worked diligently, enjoyed good health, and been a good provider for his family.  He is highly respected in his community, and has held various civil offices.
Birchard Havens was married Jan. 17, 1867, to Miss Elizabeth C. Overmyer, who was born Feb. 19, 1844, daughter of Lewis and Mary (Stoffer) Overmyer.  The father of Mrs. Havens was born Dec. 10, 1810, and died Oct. 1, 1886; her mother was born Jan. 20, 1811, and died May 31, 1862.  Their children were: Hugh, who married Dinah Kelley, by whom he had six children; Susan, who married John Kelley, and had two children; Mary Ellen, who married Henry Sheffner, who died, and for her sec ond husband she married John Reed, who died, and she then wedded William Brown, who lives in Fremont, Ohio; Ben, who married Ellen Burkhart, and has two children - Charles and Coraetta; Elizabeth C., wife of our subject.
     The children of Birchard and Elizabeth Havens were as follows: Clara, born May 30, 1868, married to Frank Kenan, and has two children - Armina Catharine, born Mar. 7, 1890, and Edna Rose, born July 24, 1891; Hattie, born Nov. 13, 1871, who has taught eight terms of school in Jackson township, and resides with her parents; Myrtie, born Sept. 7, 1874, who died in childhood; Della, born May 10, 1876; and one that died in infancy.  Mr. Havens and his wife are members of the United Brethren Church, toward which they are liberal contributors.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 354
  FRANK HAVENS, farmer and dealer in live stock, Jackson township, Sandusky county, was born near his present place of residence Jan. 11, 1860, a son of William J. Havens.
     Our subject was reared on his father's farm, where he received valuable lessons in the most approved modern methods of farming in vogue in the Black Swamp, a region formerly noted for its deep mud, and fever and ague, but which has had its soil fertilized and its air purified by scientific ditching and subsoil drainage, making it the garden spot of northern Ohio.  He obtained his education in the common schools, and at the home fireside.  He remained with his parent until his eighteenth year when he married, and then entered upon farming on his own account.  He first rented one hundred acres of land of J. B. Winters, for one year; then moved upon eighty acres of his father's land which he farmed on shares.  He next bought eighty acres of his father, and three years later seventy-six acres of the Thomas Brown estate; then three years still eighty acres of his father, then forty acres of William Lease, and twenty acres of Solomon King, and 153 acres of the old Otho Lease farm, making a total of 449 acres.  He carries on general farming, and makes a specialty of raising, buying and shipping fat hogs to East Buffalo, once or twice a year.  In politics he is a stanch Republican, and has held various local offices; in religious connection he is a member of the U. B. Church.  He has been very successful in his business ventures, and is highly esteemed for his upright character.
     On Jan. 23, 1879, F. R. Havens was married to Miss Avilda J. Winter, and the names and dates of birth of their children are as follows:  Flavel S., Aug. 23, 1882; Robert G., Aug. 17, 1884; Essie G., Feb. 2, 1890; Ross Ray, Jan. 28, 1892; and Willis B., Dec. 11, 1894.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 348

Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 119-120


WILLIAM J. HAVENS.  As a pioneer of the Black Swamp, a region lying between the Sandusky and Maumee rivers, extending several miles on each side of a line drawn from Fremont to Perrysburg, and as one who has spent the greater part of a busy life in helping to subdue the dense forests, reclaim the marshes and change the once howling malarial wilderness into one of the choicest and healthiest garden spots of the Buckeye State, the subject of our sketch is well worthy of place in these pages.  Having his residence on the old parental homestead which he has so grandly improved and beautified, he is able to appreciate the marvelous changes which have taken place in this region within the last half century, and is worthy of the modest laurels of pioneer heroes.
     The grandfather of our subject was William Havens, a farmer, living in the State of New Jersey, who married a Miss Mackley, and about the year 1815 removed with his family of eight children to Franklin county, Ohio, and settled on Black Lick creek, about twelve miles east of Columbus.  Here, after experiencing the usual vicissitudes of pioneer life, he died in 1820; his wife passed away twenty years later.  Their children were Mary, Thomas, Susan, John, Sarah, Henry, Martha and William, all now dead except William, who is eight-one years of age.
HENRY HAVENS, the father of our subject, was born in New Jersey, in 1809, and at the age of six years came with his father's family to Ohio.  He grew up on the home farm in Franklin county, his educational advantages being very limited.  In the fall of 1831, having saved up his hard-earned money, he came to Sandusky county and entered 160 acres of government land in Section 10, Jackson township, at $1.25 per acre.  He was married the same year to Miss Sarah Iams (daughter of Hugh Iams, who died in 1837), and on Mar. 10, 1832, moved upon his farm in the Black Swamp.  The moving party were ten days on the way through the forests, being obliged to cut out their way as they went among logs and underbrush.  They built a double log cabin in which they lived comfortably for twelve years, when they built a frame residence, and herein he resided until within one year of his death, which occurred in 1853, when he was aged forty-four yeas; his wife died in 1851, at the age of thirty-eight.  Their children were William J., Hugh, Birchard, Mahala, Ora and Mary J.  Henry Havens was a highly-respected citizen, and held the office of justice of the peace in his township for a term of yeas.  He was one of the jurors in the first murder trial ever held in Lower Sandusky, known as the Sperry case.
     William J. Havens was born Dec. 13, 1833, in Jackson township.  He received only a common-school education, but by reading and observation he has developed a broad and liberal intelligence.  For many years he has been engaged in mixed farming, the raising of grain and live stock of superior quality, and at one time was the owner of over five hundred acres of land, only two hundred acres of which he now retains, having divided the remainder among his sons.  He has given special attention to the breeding and fattening of fine hogs, while his farm is a model one in point of culture.  Mr. Havens is a public-spirited citizen, and has held various offices of honor and trust in his community, such as land appraiser, town clerk, treasurer, trustee, and member of the board of education.  In 1863 he enlisted in Company B, Fiftieth Regiment, Ohio Home Guards, became first lieutenant of his company, and in the fall of that year assisted in the guarding of Johnson's Island, in Sandusky Bay, where Rebel officers were confined as prisoners of war.  In the spring of 1864, when Abraham Lincoln called on Ohio for troops, and Gov. Brough responded with 40,000 Home Guards, Mr. Havens went with his regiment to Cleveland, Ohio, where, after consolidation with other companies, they were mustered into the United States service, and he took his place as first lieutenant of Company H, One Hundred and Sixty-ninth O. V. I.  They were sent to the defense of Washington, D. C., and were also located four months at Fort Ethan Allen, Va., where Mr. Havens was taken down with malarial fever, which impaired his health and rendered him unfit for service.  After returning with his regiment he resumed farming.  Mr. Havens is a member of the Sandusky County Pioneer and Historical Society, of Manville Moore Post, G. A. F., Fremont, and of the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth O. V. I. Regimental Association.  He is a Republican in politics, and in religious affiliation is a member of the U. B. Church, with which he and his wife united in 1868.
     On Oct. 1, 1852, William J. Havens married Miss Ann M. Paden, daughter of Alexander and Maria (Remsburg) Paden, who migrated from Maryland, where they were both born, the father in Hagerstown, the mother in Middletown.  The children born to this union were George W., who married Marcella Swickard, and has two children - Stella (who died at the age of seven years) and Lula; John F., who married for his first wife Ann Fry (by whom he had one child, Ida), and after her death wedded Miss Fanny Winters, by whom he had one child, Ida), and after her death wedded Miss Fanny Winters, by whom he had four children; Charles, who married Miss Celiette Warner, and has two children, Milo and Russell; Frank, who married Avilda Winters, and whose children are Flavel, Robert, Essie, Ray, and one son unnamed; James, who died in Denver, Col., at the age of twenty years; two children who died in infancy; Emma Jane, who married C. C. Ritter, and has one child, Virgil; Orrville, who married Miss Cora Fought, daughter of William Fought, of Gibsonburg, Ohio, and whose children are Chattie and Orlie.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 119

J. M. Hawk


Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 222

R. B. Hayes


 GEN. RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HAYES, the better part of whose life is so closely interwoven with the history of this entire nation - whether we speak of him as General, Governor, or President - was born at Delaware, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1822.
     He was descended from George Hayes, a native of Scotland, who came to America in the latter part of the seventeenth century, settling at Windsor, Conn.  Rutherford Hayes, of the fifth generation from this George Hayes, was born, in 1878*, in West Brattleboro, Vt., and in 1813 married Sophia Birchard, of Wilmington, in that State, "a lady of fine intellect and lovely character."  In 1817 the family moved to Ohio, the trip being made in a covered wagon and consuming forty-seven days, and in the town of Delaware they settled.  Here in July, 1822, Mr. Hayes died, leaving a wife and one daughter, and in less than three months the future president of the United States was born, a posthumous child.  The estate and management of the family affairs were entrusted to Sardis Birchard, Mrs. Hayes' brother, then a young man, who took a loving interest in his sister's welfare, and was declared elected by the highest authority in the government, and on the 4th of March, 1877, he took his seat in the Presidential Clinic.
     The administration of President Hayes, although unsatisfactory to machine politicians, was a wise and conservative one, meeting with the approval of the people at large.  Throughout, his administration was intelligently and consistently conducted with but one motive in view - the greatest good to the country, regardless of party affiliation.  That he was eminently successful in this, and was as wise, patriotic, progressive and beneficial in its effects as any the country has enjoyed, is the judgment of every intelligent person who gives it an unbiased study.
     On the expiration of his term, ex-President Hayes retired to his home in Fremont, Ohio.  Here he died Jan. 17, 1893, of neuralgia of the heart, deeply lamented not only by relations and friends, but by the entire nation, whose welfare he had ever at heart.  That he was pre-eminently a soldier, his career as such, his interest in the Grand Army, the Loyal Legion, the Union Veterans Union, and all other organizations associated with the army, prove beyond peradventure.  As a lawyer he was successful; as a congressman he was popular; as Governor and President he revealed the statesman.  He was never idle - wherever duty called there was he ever to be found, and in this respect the many claims upon his time made him almost ubiquitous.
     Gen. R. B. Hayes was the recipient of the degree of LL. D. from Kenyon, 1868; Harvard, 1877; Yale, 1880; and Johns Hopkins University, 1881.  He was commander-in-chief of the military order of Loyal Legion; was first president of the Society of the Army of West Virginia.  He was president of the John F. Slater Education Fund, and one of the trustees of the Peabody Fund - both for education in the South.  He was also president of the National Prison Reform Association, and a trustee of a large number of charitable and educational institutions.  After leaving the Presidency, Mr. Hayes was actively engaged in educational, reformatory and benevolent work, and became president of many societies and associations, the chief object of which was the welfare of his fellow-men.  Indeed, his life from beginning to end was a very busy one, and no less beautiful.
     On Oct. 30, 1852, Gen. R. B. Hayes was united in marriage with Miss Lucy Webb, who was born Aug. 28, 1831, in Chillicothe, Ohio, at that time the capitol of the State, daughter of Dr. James and Maria (Cook) Webb, and descended, on both sides of the house, from Revolutionary stock.  Miss Webb was instructed by the university professors, preparatory to entering the Wesleyan Female College at Cincinnati, and it was while attending this institution that Mr. Hayes made her acquaintance.  Mrs. Hayes first became known to the outside world during the Civil war, and in the army, among volunteer soldiers, she found ample opportunity for the exercise of her rare faculties in making people happy.  Upon learning of the severe wound received by her husband at the battle of South Mountain, she hastened east and joined him at Middletown, Md.  As soon as he was able to be about she would spend a portion of each day in the hospitals, cheering and comforting the wounded of both armies with delicate attentions and tokens of sympathy.  Eminently social and domestic, her residence "Spiegel Grove," was seldom without visitors, and was always, in every station, mistress of her own household.  The following named children were born to Gen. and Mrs. Hayes: Birchard A. Hayes, of Toledo; Webb C. Hayes, of Columbus, and Fannie and Scott R. Hayes, of Fremont.  Eight years of beautiful private life were granted Mrs. Hayes, years which were filled to the brim with joy and occupation.  On June 21, 1889, she was stricken with apoplexy, resulting in paralysis, and on the 28th her soul took flight.  She took an interest in all charities, and was a leader among the originators of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home in Ohio.  She was also a member of the Woman's Relief Corps of the State of Ohio.  To her husband and herself the Methodist Episcopal Church in Fremont is largely indebted for its beautiful Church edifice.

Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 62
* This date is a typo.. s/b 1778
  W. B. HEIM.  Among the enterprising and successful young business men of Fremont, Sandusky county, may be justly mentioned William B. Heim, of the well known drygoods firm of Heim & Barnum, corner of Front and State Streets.  Although of German parentage of Mr. Heim is a native of the "Buckeye State," having been born in Fremont, Ohio, June 6, 1857, a son of Albert and Margaret (Malkamus) Heim
     William B. Heim entered business life as a clerk in the dry-goods store of J. Ryan, in 1875, and remained in that capacity until 1882.  Having mastered the problems involved in mercantile transactions thoroughly, and economized his time and means, he found himself ready to embark in an enterprise for himself, and in 1885 became a member of the firm of Heim & Richards, successors to J. Ryan.  This firm was afterward changed to Heim & Barnum, our subject remaining connected with the firm.  There are few men in any community who can boast of having gained the confidence of the public more thoroughly than he; and this has been done by fair dealing and genuine courtesy.  The store of Heim & Barnum, No. 116 N. Front Street, is 86 by 23 feet, and they occupy part of the second story of the building; eight clerks are employed.
     Mr. Heim
was married in 1887 to Miss Clara A. Dorr, of Fremont, and they have one child, BogniardMr. and Mrs. Heim are both possessed of good educational ideas, and their aim is to give their son the advantage of modern methods of culture.  Mr. Heim is a Democrat, a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and of the National Union.

Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 69

C. Hintz
William Hintz


Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 280

A. Hornung


A. HORNUNG.  a striking illustration of that time worn proverb familiar to every school boy, "tall oaks from little acorns grow," is seen in the business career of the gentleman whose name opens this sketch, and who is a member of the well-known firm of Zorn, Hornung & Co., leading citizens and pioneer merchants of the town of Gibsonburg, Sandusky county.  The simple story of his life shows that there is always a chance for the boy or man who takes hold of fortune with strong hands and steady will, and compels here to bestow those gifts which the timid supplicant can never win.
     Mr. Hornung was born March 7, 1842, in Washington township, Sandusky county, son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Sickendahler) Hornung.  This worthy couple were natives of Germany, where they were married, and whence, in 1833, they emigrated to America, settling in Pennsylvania near Allentown, where they lived for about six years.  They then came to Ohio, settling in Washington township, Sandusky county, on a farm, where they remained during the rest of their lives.  The father, whose birth took place in 1796, died in 1871, the mother, who was born in 1807, surviving him until 1892.  Mr. Hornung was a Democrat, and both he and his wife were consistent members of the Lutheran Church.  Their family consisted of six children:  Charlotte, who married Aaron Krotzer, of Gibsonburg; Caroline, who married Adam Ansted, and lives in Washington township; Mary; Tilman, residing in Washington Township; our subject comes next; and Jacob, who lives in Gibsonburg; two children died when infants.
     The subject of this sketch spent his early day upon his father's farm, performing the many tasks which fall to the lot of a farmer's boy, with scanty sources of amusement or pleasure, and but small opportunity to acquire an education.  At the age of fifteen, tiring of the monotonous life in the country, determined to strike out for himself, he commenced and served an apprenticeship in the shoemaking trade under Mr. Zorn, his present partner, who was then located at Hessville, Sandusky county.  Here he remained some six years, making his home with Mr. Zorn, with whom he boarded nine years.  At the end of six years he bought the shoe business from Mr. Zorn, carried it on for three years, and then formed a partnership with his old employer.
     The new firm continued in business at Hessville until 1871, when seeing that the present location of Gibsonburg bade fair to become a leading point in the county, then decided to open a branch of their business there, Mr. Hornung taking charge of the same.  The first building put up in the present town was his store.  It was erected on the corner now occupied by the large and commodious structure in which their present extensive mercantile business is now carried on, and it is around this pioneer establishment that the present flourishing village of Gibsonburg has crystallized.  The entire business of the firm was soon centered at this point, and it has been steadily growing in size and importance.  Not content with this, these energetic men have constantly had in view the progress and enlargement of their chosen community, and have been prominent factors in its growth and prosperity.  At the present time they are carrying on, in addition to their flourishing mercantile business, the manufacture of lime; have erected an elevator, and stave heading factory; established a creamery, and, besides, are pioneers in the gas and oil producing business, now owning and operating a gas plant and extensive oil fields with many oil wells.  It is generally an unwise thing to have so many "irons in the fire," but the undoubted ability and well-known energy, perseverance and excellent judgment always evinced by Mr. Hornung and his partner in the management of their large ventures, are a guarantee of their success in whatever direction they turn their attention. they turn their attention.  They are valuable citizens of Gibsonburg, and as such command the respect and esteem of all who know them.
     On April 8, 1867, Mr. Hornung was married in Washington township, to Miss Catherine Stotz, who was born in Germany May 28, 1842.  Four children have been born to them: Elizabeth, George, Charles and Julia; of these, George is a member of the firm, Charles being in its employ as bookkeeper; the daughters are at home.  In politics Mr. Hornung is a Democrat, and he and his wife are members of the Lutheran Church. 
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 326


H. G. HOUSE, farmer, Green Creek township, Sandusky County, was born in Switzerland, Mar. 16, 1833, a son of Jacob and Mary (Hooser) House, also natives of Switzerland, who emigrated to America in1847, landing at New York City.  From there they at once proceeded to Lower Sandusky (now Fremont), Ohio, where the father worked at his trade as a stone mason, and soon after bought a farm of forty acres in Riley township, which they made their home.
     Jacob House was born June 3, 1800, and died in Sept., 1874.  He was a Democrat in politics, and a member of the Roman Catholic Church.  Mary Hooser, mother of our subject, was born in 1798, and died in April, 1874.  Five of their children grew to maturity, of whom H. G. House is the oldest; John is a marble cutter in California; Casper died at the age of forty-nine years; Matthew is a stone mason in Fremont, Ohio; Mary married Joseph Huttinger, and is living east of Fremont.  After coming to America H. G. House learned the trade of a stonemason, at which he worked at intervals for about twenty years, at the same time operating his far in Riley township, Sandusky county.  In 1857 he took a trip to California, by the Panama route, and spent several years on the Pacific coast.  He worked on a farm and in the mines; spent six months in British Columbia, assisted in building a packhorse road for the Hudson Bay Company, and in 1851 he returned to Fremont, Ohio.
     On Nov. 5, 1861, our subject married Miss Catharine Bisang, born at Buffalo, N. Y., in Mar., 1841, and they have thirteen children, all of whom are living: Mary M., born May 21, 1863, married Philip Wamus, who lives in Sandusky county (they have three children - Rosa, Clarence, William); Amelia, married to Barney Halbeisen, a farmer of Ballville township (they have six children - Laura, Louisa, Louis, Clarence, Leona, Urban), Charles married Katie Young, and they have two children - Louisa, Carl; Joseph  is a carpenter of Portland, Ore.; Laura married John Weiss, an employe at the Carbon Works, Fremont, Ohio (they have one child - Leona); and William H., Francis, Helen and Antonio.  Mrs. House is a daughter of Joseph and Margaret ('Geiger) Bisang.  Her father was born in Alsace, France, married thereto his first wife, and came with her to America; she died in Buffalo, N. Y.   They had children as follows:  Theresa, Mary, Joseph, and Peter.  For his second wife Mr. Bisang married Margaret Geiger, and by her had six children: (1) Margaret, who married Samuel Babione, and died in Ballville township, Sandusky county; (2) Elizabeth, born Oct. 14, 1844, who married John P. Baker, a merchant tailor, of French descent, who worked at his trade in Fremont, and died in 1877; (30 Magdalena, who married George Fend, and is now living at Port Angeles, Wash.; (4) Mary, who married John Schaff, now of Helena, Mont., and (5) Caroline, who married George Dunning, an undertaker at Portland, Ore.  Mrs. House lived in Buffalo, N.Y., until twelve years of age, and then came to Sandusky county.  Her father was born in 1793, and died in Fremont, Ohio, in 1874; her mother was born in Baden, Germany, Nov. 24, 1804, and died Mar. 14, 1894, at the home of her daughter, near Fremont.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 332


CHARLES H. HOUTS.  This gentleman, who is of the oldest pioneers of Ottawa county, and a prosperous agriculturist and fruit grower of Clay township, has also a record as a soldier in the late Civil war of which he  might well be proud.  The participants in that struggle for the preservation of the Union are growing perceptibly fewer as the years roll on, and it will not be long ere none are left to tell the story.  We who hear it from the lips of those who took an active part in its victories and defeats are fortunate indeed.
     Mr. Houtz was born in Scott township, Sandusky Co., Aug. 11, 1842, son of John and Rhoda (Schorggly Houts, the former of whom was born in 1813 in Pennsylvania, and the latter in Columbiana county, Ohio.  When seven months old he was brought to Ottawa county, and in his boyhood he attended the public school at Port Clinton, afterward assisting his father in the work upon the farm.  When the call for men for three-years' service in the Civil war was made, the patriotic youth responded by enlisting Jan. 4, 1864, in Company G, One Hundredth Ohio Infantry, under the command of Col. Patrick Sleaven  He was in many bloody battles, and where he saw thousands of men dying on the field, and learned from experience the horrors of war.  Among the notable engagements in which he took part were:  The battle of Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., May 5 to 9; Resaca, Ga., May 13 to 16; Dallas, Ga., May 27 to June 4; Kennesaw Mountain, Ga., June 9 to 30; Utay Creek, where they lost one hundred men, August 6; Atlanta, Ga., July 29 to Sept. 2; Columbia, Tenn., Nov. 24 to 28; Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, and Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15 to 16, all in 1864.  In all these engagements Mr. Houts was so fortunate as not to receive even a scratch, although his comrades fell all around him, and indeed throughout the whole campaign he enjoyed the best of health, with the exception of an attack of measles which kept him in the hospital for a week or two.  He received his discharge after brilliant victories at Salisbury, N. C., on July 17, 1865.
     After his return from the army Mr. Houts sailed on Lake Erie and Lake Huron for six years.  He then took up the trade of a carpenter and joiner, at which he worked six years, during three of which he was in partnership with Samuel Wisner, under the firm name of Houts & Wisner, carrying on the business of contractors and builders at Port Clinton.  Subsequently he engaged in farming, working six years on a farm near Port Clinton, after which he came to Clay township, rented a farm and worked thereon for five more years.  By hard work and frugality during all this time he managed to save enough money to buy a farm of his own, and in 1888 purchased eighty acres of land near Clay Center, which was partly under cultivation.  Here he went to work with a will, spending every spare moment in beautifying the place.  He rebuilt the dwelling house and all the barns, and made other needed improvements, and today is enjoying the fruit of his labors in a pleasant, comfortable home.
     Mr. Houts was married, Dec. 31, 1868, at Port Clinton, to Caroline P.,  the daughter of J. R. Heim, a merchant of that place, and they have one child, John Richard, born Oct. 17, 1870.  He was educated in the public schools of Clay township, and worked on the homestead farm for several years.  He was married Dec. 20, 1893, to Lillie M., daughter of Frederick Sutton, Esq., of Martin, where the couple now reside.
JOHN HOUTS, the father of our subject was born near Strasburg, Penn., and came to Ottawa county when quite young, locating near Port Clinton.  Here he was married in 1836 to Rhoda Schroggy, and to them five children were born, as follows:  Henry, born in 1841, died when quite young; Charles H., our subject, born in 1842; Mary A., born in 1844, is the widow of William Britten, who was killed in a stone quarry at Marble Head (she has three children); James, born in 1846, at Port Clinton, is married and lives in Michigan (he has two children); one died in infancy.  The mother of our subject was one of the first school teachers in Port Clinton.  She died there in 1848.  In 1853 the father married again, taking for his second wife Amanda Mommemey, of Port Clinton, and five more children were added to the family, viz.: John, who is an engineer on a vessel on Lake Erie; Rosie, deceased; William, who lives in one of the Western States; Clara, living in Kansas; and Ida, married and living in Cleveland.  Mr. Houts passed peacefully away at the home of his son Charles in Clay township, Mar. 11, 1894, at the ripe old age of eighty-one years and two months, beloved and respected by all who knew him.
     J. R. Heim, the father of Mrs. Charles Houts, was born at Baden, Germany, Mar. 4, 1821, and came to this country when a young man, living for some years at Plastered, this State.  He then removed to Port Clinton, where he was engaged in the hotel business for number of years, subsequently buying a farm near Port Clinton, on which he lived until 1886; his wife preceded him to the better land, dying Mar. 7, 1869.  Mr. Heim was married in 1847 to Pauline Moos, and they became the parents of twelve children, their names and dates of birth being as follows:  Caroline, Nov. 7, 1848, now the wife of our subject; John R., born Jan. 26, 1850; Adam, Mar. 30, 1852, died Mar. 30, 1892; Christine, Feb. 17, 1854; Maria B., Sept. 26, 1857; Catherine P., July 11, 1859; August, Aug. 9, 1861; William C.,  Mar. 11, 1863; Edward C., Feb. 22, 1865; Clara E. J., Mar. 14, 1867; and Christoph L., May 7, 1869, died Sept. 1, same year.
     Our subject in politics is a stanch Democrat, and an admirer of President Cleveland.  He was a trustee of Clay township for several years, and a school director and member of the board of education at Genoa.  He was clerk of the board for two years, and held the office of trustee three years in Portage township. Socially, he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and also of Clay Lodge, F. & A. M., at Genoa.  He is a man of influence, well liked, both in public and private life.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 410


JOHN HOUTZ, a prominent and well-to-do agriculturist of Washington township, Sandusky county, whose farm is situated within one move of the town of Helena, is a native of the county, born Oct. 7, 1855, in the town of Rollersville, third in the order of birth of five children born to John and Elizabeth (Boyer) Houtz.
     John Houtz, Sr.,
father of our subject, was one of the oldest settlers of Sandusky county; was a Pennsylvanian by birth, born in 1801 and in 1808 moved to Ohio, settling in Sandusky county, the Indians at the time being friendly neighbors.  He was twice married, the first time to Katharina Houtz, who died leaving one child, Mary Ellen Phiester, at present living in Wood county, Ohio.  His second wife, Elizabeth (Boyer), became the mother of five children, namely: Cornelius, a farmer, living near Rollersville, Sandusky Co.; Zacharias, farmer, near his brother Cornelius, both owning a goodly number of acres of prime land; John, subject of this sketch; Elizabeth who died in 1893 (she was the wife of Mr. George Tyson, who is now living in Wood county, Ohio; and Sarah, wife of Levi Tyson, a farmer near Rollersville, Ohio (they have two children).  The father of this family died in February, 1880, at the age of seventy-nine years; the mother passed away when the subject of this sketch was but a young lad, and he does not remember much regarding her.
     John Houtz, of whom this sketch more particularly relates, received a liberal education at the winter schools of his native place, from early boyhood assisting his father on the farm, until the time of his marriage.  In 1880 he purchased the ninety-two acres of land whereon he now lives, and has by industry, thrift and sound judgment made a success, living and toiling on with the bright prospect before him of adding to his possessions.
     Mr. Houtz was married Feb. 11, 1875 to Miss Mary Ann Baird, daughter of John S. Baird, a farmer of Sandusky county, Ohio, and five children have blessed this union, their names and dates of birth being as follows:  Elsie, March 27, 1877; Gary, July 4, 1882; Stella, Sept. 22, 1884; Mabel, Aug. 10, 1887, and Grace, July 13, 1889.  In religious faith Mr. and Mrs. Houtz are members of the United Brethren Church.  He has one his farm twelve good oil wells, and the property being one of the best oil stands in Sandusky county, he hopes before the close of the year to discover as many more wells.  Wide-awake, progressive and genial, Mr. Houtz has insured for himself a personal popularity that in itself is a fair capital for any man traveling the earlier portion of life's highway.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 361

Zacharias Houtz

Mary J. Houtz

ZACHARIAS HOUTZ.     Among enterprising agriculturists of Sandusky county who are rapidly pushing their way to the front, to a place among the substantial and leading citizens, is this gentleman.
     He was born March 14, 1850, in Mahoning county, Ohio, where his father was a pioneer, and when a mere lad came with his parents to Scott township, Sandusky county.  His father, John Houtz who was born in Pennsylvania Sept. 13, 1801, and located in this locality when it was an unbroken wilderness.  He purchased the east half of Section 4, Scott township, a Mr. Roller purchasing the west half about the same time.  He also bought one hundred acres on the Greensburg pipe, which he afterward sold, becoming the owner of a like amount near Helena, a portion of which has been divided into village lots and sold.  He continued to conduct his business affairs with marked ability, and at his death was in very comfortable circumstances, owning much valuable real estate, and a large amount of money in notes.  Before his demise he divided the property among his heirs.  He passed away Jan. 20, 1881, and the community mourned the death of one of its respected and valued citizens.  His wife, who in her maidenhood was Elizabeth Boyer, was born May 9, 1819, and died July 27, 1871.  They were the parents of six children - Mary, Cornelius, Zacharias, Elizabeth, John and Sarah.
Aiding in the work of the farm, Zacharias Houtz developed a strong and vigorous constitution.  His mental training was meager, as the schools of the neighborhood were poor; but through business experience and observation he has become a well-informed man, and has provided his children with good educational advantages.  With his axe upon his shoulder he would start out early in the morning with his father to assist in the work of clearing the farm, seventy-three acres of which he received of the homestead, which was almost unbroken forest.  As the years passed, the forest was replaced by waving fields of grain and grassy meadows, and in 1874 Mr. Houtz erected his first frame house of the family, and in 1892 he built a substantial frame residence, which stands as a monument to his thrift and enterprise.  He now gives his entire attention to farming, and to the oil business, in which he is extensively engaged.  On Sept. 1, 1882, Mr. Houtz purchased thirty acres.  In 1889 he leased the 103 acre farm on which he resides for a consideration of one dollar per acre and one-eighth of the oil produced.  He has since purchased eighty acres, which he has leased for one-sixth of the oil.  The royalty from his wells constitutes a handsome income, and would enable him to retire at once from business were he so disposed; but indolence and idleness are utterly foreign to his nature, and he continues his work, increasing the value of his property by keeping his farm in good condition.
     On Oct. 22, 1874, Mr. Houtz wedded Mary Jane Plantz, who was born Oct. 26, 1858, and is a daughter of an honored pioneer of Scott township, Sandusky county, Benjamin Plantz, who was born in Lancaster county, Penn., Mar. 18, 1810.  His wife, Amelia (Romler), was born Feb. 6, 1818, in Columbiana county, Ohio, and died June 16, 1892.  His death occurred in January, 1895, and of their thirteen children seven are now living.  Grandfather Jacob Plantz was born in 1790, his wife in 1792, and they passed away in 1876 and 1880 respectively.  They had eight children, six of whom are living.  The maternal grandfather, Mr. Romler, died about 1863.  Mr. and Mrs. Houtz are the parents of seven children: Mary Lodema, born June 7, 1875, was married Mar. 3, 1895, to Burt Whiteman, who is engaged with the Manhattan Oil Company, in Scott township, Sandusky county; Verna Ellen, born Sept. 6, 1877; John William born Oct. 16, 1879; Belvin C., born Sept. 4, 1882; Edward Floyd, born June 3, 1885; Charles E., born May 18, 1887; and Minnie May, born May 1, 1892.  The family circle yet remains unbroken, and the friends of parents and children are many.
     Mr. Houtz is a supporter of the Peoples party, but has never sought or desired political preferment, giving his time and energies to his business interests, in which he has met with a high degree of prosperity, thanks to his capable management, his enterprise and honorable dealing.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 270

W. T. Hufford

James Hufford

HUFFORD FAMILY.  The great ancestor from whom have descended the Huffords now living in Sandusky county, Ohio, was Jacob Hufford.  He was born in Maryland 1772, where he learned the trade of blacksmith.  It was in his native State that he met and married Miss Catharine Creager, and shortly after their marriage they came to Kentucky, where for a few years Mr. Hufford worked at his trade.  About 1811 they emigrated to Greene county, Ohio, where they lived until 1836, during which time Mr. Hufford continued at his trade, and it was here that his children - Cornelius, Jacob, Elizabeth, James, Levi, William, Isaac and Catharine - were born and brought up.  In 1836 this ancestor came to Sandusky township, Sandusky Co., Ohio, where he purchased, in Section 31, 200 acres of land, which was held in the family until about 1881.  After his death, in 1851, the land was owned by his sons, Jacob and William.  None of the children of this old pioneer are now living, the last one, James, having died in the spring of 1895.  The descendants of the children of Jacob, the pioneer, are now, many of them, living in Sandusky county, and it is of one of them, William T. Hufford, and of his father James, whose portraits are here given, that we now write.
JAMES HUFFORD, the third son of Jacob Hufford, was born Nov. 23, 1812, in Greene county, Ohio, and came with his parents to Sandusky county, in 1836.  Here he started in life for himself, his only endowments being good health and a determination to accomplish something in the world.  In June, 1837, he was married to Miss Susan Arnold, of Greene county, and to them were born three children:  George W., born in 1838, and died at Memphis, Tenn., during the Rebellion, a member of the Seventy-second Regiment, O. V. I.; Harriet A., who married William Slates; and Joseph M., born in 1845, an died in 1868.  Mrs. Hufford was called from earth June 23, 1846, and was buried in Muskalonge Cemetery.  On Dec. 24, 1847, Mr. Hufford was married to Elizabeth Fisher, of Sandusky county.  She was born in Perry county, Ohio, Jan. 9, 1829, and came with her parents to Sandusky county when eight years of age, where she has since lived.  Mrs. Hufford is a daughter of William and Jane (Anderson) Fisher, the former of whom was born and married in Virginia, and to them were born five children, three of whom are now living:  Mrs. Hufford, George Fisher and Mrs. Margaret Hummell; the father died in 1872, the mother in 1831.  To Mr. Hufford by his second wife was born one child, William T. Hufford, whose sketch follows.
     James Hufford was a highly esteemed citizen, and an affectionate husband and father.  He was a very intimate friend of Dr. Wilson, president of the First National Bank, of Fremont, Ohio.  By hard work and strict integrity he accumulated a handsome property, west of Fremont.  At his death, which occurred Mar. 31, 1895, he owned 277 acres of as fine land as can be found in Sandusky county.  Mr. Hufford had all of his business settled, his will executed and his son, William, appointed executor of his estate.  The property is to remain intact during the life of Mrs. Hufford, then descend to the children - William T., and his half sister.
WILLIAM T. HUFFORD was born Sept. 26, 1851, in Sandusky township.  He was educated in the high school at Fremont, Ohio, and was for seven years a teacher in the Sandusky county public schools.  On Dec. 25, 1873, Mr. Hufford was married to Miss Sarah J. Rideout, of Sandusky county.  Since their marriage they have resided on the old homestead, on which, in 1894, Mr. Hufford erected one of the finest dwellings to be found in Sandusky county, either in the city or country, the plan of the house being designed by Mr. Hufford, himself.  It is finished inside in oak, which Mr. Hufford took from his own timber lot.  The style of the house, both inside and outside, is modern in every way; the sitting room and parlor are provided with handsome grates and mantels.  The house is heated from cellar to garret by a furnace, thus freeing the rooms from all dust and litter attending the use of stoves.  On entering the sitting-room from the porch one is brought in front of a fine piano, which instrument is played by Mrs. Hufford herself, while at either end of the piano stands a base viol, and on top of the piano lies a violin, which instruments are played by the two boys at home.  The musical development of those who inhabit the house serves to make the modern architecture of the building more highly appreciated.  Mr. Hufford, like his father, is a thorough business man, and highly respected by all who know him.  His ability to give facts and dates connected with the lives of his ancestry is remarkable, thus showing that any subject that in any way engrosses his attention is thoroughly mastered.
     To William T. Hufford and his wife have come three children: (1) Eugene L., born Sep. 26, 1874, whose education was completed in Adrian College, Michigan; he was married Apr. 3, 1894, to Estella Smith, of Sandusky county, (2) James F., born Apr. 13, 1877, and (3) Ray V., born May 4, 1884.  Mrs. Hufford, the estimable wife of our subject, was born Dec. 25, 1853, in Sandusky county, where she received her education in the country schools.  She has paid considerable attention to music, and it is from their mother that the children inherit their musical taste.  Mrs. Hufford is the daughter of William and Mary Ann (Huggins) Rideout, the former of whom was born Feb. 10, 1819, a carpenter by trade, though he followed farming as his principal occupation; he died Apr. 6, 1892.  His wife was born Mar. 4, 1822.  To them were born six children, Mrs. Hufford being next to the youngest, and the only daughter in the family; her brother, Lafayette, died at Fort Ethan Allen, Va., July 3, 1864 (he belonged to the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Regiment, O.V.I.); another brother, Frank, lives in Ottawa, Ill., and two other brothers, Arthur and John, live in Tuscola, Illinois.  
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 206
  CORNELIUS HUFFORD, a farmer and pioneer of Christopher Hufford, was born May 30, 1806, in the State of Kentucky, and when about nine years of age came with his father's family to Greene county, Ohio.  Here he married Miss Mary Jane, daughter of Abraham Zook.  She was born in Bedford county, Penn., Jan. 13, 1809, of Pennsylvania Dutch descent.  Her father removed to Seneca county, Ohio, three miles north of Tiffin, where he died at the age of sixty years, and her mother died at the age of seventy-nine years.
     In 1836 Cornelius Hufford moved to Sandusky township, Sandusky Co., Ohio, and in 1838 to Ballville township, same county, where he bought 130 acres of heavily-timbered land, on which he followed blacksmithing for about twelve years and then devoted himself exclusively to farming.  In 1868 he sold his farm to farming.  In 1868 he sold his farm to Julius Patterson, and bought another farm of eighty acres in Washington townships.  His son Simon lived with him on this place and farmed for him.  Mary Hufford died Apr. 7, 1882, and he afterward lived among his children, dying Mar. 14, 1884.  In politics Mr. Hufford was a Democrat; he and his wife were members of the Reformed Church for many yeas.  He was a man of large size, stout, hearty and vigorous until past fifty years of age, when he became afflicted with rheumatism which obliged him to use a cane in walking.  They had ten children, only five of whom grew to maturity: Sarah, born Apr. 17, 1834, married Mark Thraves; Simon, born Jan. 14, 1837; Elizabeth, born Feb. 17, 1842, married Norton Rathbone, and lives in Green Creek township; Catharine,  born July 12, 1844, married James Emerson, and lives in Ballville township; and Martha, born Dec. 14, 1845, married Elliot Ferrenberg, and lives near Gibsonburg, Ohio.
SIMON HUFFORD, a son of Cornelius Hufford, wa born in Sandusky township, Sandusky county, Jan. 14, 1837.  His early life was spent on his father's farm in Ballville township, where he attended common school and acquired habits of industry, economy and thrift.  On Dec. 26, 1861, he married Miss Sarah E. Short, daughter of Moulton and Matilda (Tracy) Short, born Aug. 13, 1842, of Yankee descent.  He carried on farming on his father's farm in Ballville township for a number of years, and later in Washington township, but now lives on a farm of his own in Ballville township.  He is a member of years, and later in Washington township, but now lives on a farm of his own in Ballville township.  He is a member of the M. E. Church at Fremont, Ohio, and in politics is a Democrat.  A record of their children is given as follows:  (1) Lillie Jeannette, born Nov. 2, 1862, married Joseph Herr, and their children are - Harry J., born Oct. 24, 1883, and Hattie May, born July 20, 1885.  (2) Jennie Lenora, born Mar. 20, 1864, married William Inks and their children are - Ralph, Jesse, Birchard, Florence and Maud.  (3) Frank W., born Aug. 4, 1867, was married Oct. 2, 1889, to Miss Eugenia Myers, who was born July 3, 1871, and they have one child - Hallie Bell, born Sept. 9, 1891.  (4) Armina, born Aug. 13, 1870, was married May 13, 1891, to Frederick Maurer, who was born Aug. 13, 1870, was married May 13, 1891, to Frederick Maurer who was born May 24, 1868, now residing in Helena, Washington township; one of their children, S. Q., was born Oct. 8, 1892,and died Feb. 22, 1893, the other child, Gorman Daine, was born Feb. 22, 1894.  (5) Burton Hudson, born Dec. 21, 1873, died Nov. 3, 1874.  (6) Hattie May, born July 31, 1876.  Mrs. Hufford, whose heath had been failing for several years, died at the home of her daughter, Mina, Nov. 15, 1895, aged fifty-three years, three months and two days, and was buried in McGormley cemetery, Ballville township.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 493
  GEORGE J. HUFFORD.     In the history of Sandusky county this gentleman well deserves mention, for he is one of the leading and influential citizens of Washington township, and is one of the native sons of the locality.  His birth occurred in Sandusky township, Sandusky county, Mar. 29, 1844.  His parents, James and Harriet Hufford, came to Ohio from Pennsylvania, and cast in their lot with the pioneer settlers of Sandusky county, at a day when settlements were widely scattered, and much of the land was still in its primitive condition, and when the work of progress and civilization seemed scarcely begun.  They both lived to a ripe old age and reared a large family of children, most of whom still reside in this  section of the State.
     No event of special importance occurred during the boyhood and youth of George Hufford, he spending his time in the usual manner of farmer lads, attending the district schools through the winter season and working in the fields during the summer months.  Thus he early became familiar with all the duties that fall to the lot of the agriculturist, and when he began business for himself experience was such as to make his career a successful one.  He gave the benefit of his services to his father until twenty-three years of age, when he came to Washington township, where he has since made his home, successfully engaged in farming.  About the time of his marriage he purchased his land, and his time and energies have since been devoted to its cultivation.  The fields are now well tilled, and he has added to the place many improvements, which stand as a monument to his thrift and enterprise.
     Mr. Hufford was united in marriage with Miss Sophia Nickles, daughter of Peter Nickles, and their home has been blessed with two children, a son and a daughter: John Franklin, born Dec. 31, 1871; and Rosa Belle, born Oct. 8, 1874.  Both are still at home.  The Hufford household is noted for its hospitality, and the members of the family have many warm friends throughout the community, holding a high position in the social circles in which they move.  Our subject is a member of the Evangelical Church, and his political sympathies are with the principles advocated by the People's party.  Such is the life record of one of Sandusky county's native sons, and though it is not filled with events of an exciting nature, it cannot fail to be of interest, as is the history of every man who does his duty to his country, himself and his fellow men.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 840
  JOHN WILLIAM HURDELBRINK was born in Woodville township, Sandusky county, in 1841, son o_ Armon Henry and Elizabeth (Wilner) Hurdelbrink, both of whom were born in Hanover, Germany, in 1811, the former in November of that year.
    The parents of our subject had three children, as follows:  Henry, who lives in Toledo, Ohio, married Angelina Stieger, by whom he had eight children; she died Apr. 2, 1887.  Mary married Louis Linke, a farmer of Woodville townshp, and they had eight children.  John W. is the subject of this sketch.  IN 1840 Mr. and Mrs. Hurdelbrink came to America, landing in New York, where they remained but a short time.  They then moved to Wood county, Ohio, and after about two months bought twenty-five acres of land, the greater part of which they cleared, and put up a log cabin and other buildings.  After living there over nine years they sold this place, and moved to what is now the old family homestead, where Mr. Hurdelbrink passed the remainder of his days.  At the time of his death he had 160 acres of valuable land, of which he had cleared about eighty acres himself.
     On November 1, 1867, John W. Hurdelbrink was united in marriage with Louisa Coleman, who was born Mar. 19, 1850, in Hanover, Germany, and seven children were born to them, namely: Minnie, born July 25, 1868, married John Stine, a farmer of Woodville township, by whom she had three children - Ella, Lizzie and Etta; H., born July 17, 1870, was married to L. Cole, and they had one child (they live in Gibsonburg, Sandusky Co., Ohio); August, born Dec. 25, 187_, is single and lives at home; Louis, born Feb. 17, 1875; Charles, born Mar. 2, 1880; George, born Mar. 18, 1884; and Augusta, born Sept. 25, 1885.  Mrs. J. W. Hurdelbrink's brother William and sister Lizzie live in Ottawa county, Ohio.  Their father died Sept. 12, 1868.
     John W. Hurdelbrink always remained at home, and on the death of his father the estate was divided.  In 1885 he bought eighty acres of land, partly cleared, which cost him $3,200, and here he carries on general farming.  He is a Democrat in politics, and in religious connection is an active member of the Lutheran Church in Woodville, Sandusky county.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 773
  M. L. HUSS.  To this enterprising farmer of Green Creek township, Sandusky County, is due largely the growth of the small fruit industry in his locality.   Mr. Huss lives on the ridge in the township, and was one of its first men to engage in growing and shipping small fruits on a large scale.  He has made fruit-growing his chief business for many years.
     Mr. Huss was born in Green Creek township, Mar. 31, 1848, son of Christian and Catherine (Rathbun) Huss.  Christian Huss was born on Cat Island, on the Susquehanna river, Penn., Feb. 21, 1815.  In 1824 he came to Ohio with his parents, Noah and Mary (Burkholder) Huss who settled on what is now known as the Kernahan farm, in Green Creek township, lived to an advanced age, and left a large family, consisting of John, Noah, Christian, Elijah, Jacob, Ellen (wife of David Hawk), Barbara E. (wife of S. S. Rathbun), Jane (who first married a Mr. Bernent, and afterward wedded Oliver McIntire; she lived on the old Huss farm), Ann (who married George Hutchins), and Martha (who married a Mr. Campbell, and moved to Iowa.  Christian married Catherine Rathbun, who was born in Ontario county, N. Y., in 1818, and had twelve children, as follows: Chaplin, of Green Creek township; Eliza, wife of John Morrison, of Ballville township; Shannon, who died young; Noah B.; Darius, who died at the age of fourteen years; Burr, of Ballville township; Maurice L., of Green Creek township; Jane, who married a Mr. Gleeson, by whom she had two children, and afterward married Dr. McMillen, of Steuben county, Ind.; Oliver P., of Steuben county, Ind.; Barbara, wife of Chauncey Young, of Steuben county, Ind.; Christian E., on the old homestead in Green Creek township; and Saxton.  Christian Huss, the father, died Feb. 22, 1864, and forty-nine yeas.  His faithful and devoted wife survived until August, 1893.
     Maurice L. Huss, subject of this sketch, attended the Dawley school, in Ballville township, a joint district, and on the old homestead he learned the practical value and lesson of perseverance and industry.  He was married, in 1871, at the age of twenty-three years, to Miss Henrietta Storer, born in Brooklyn village, Oct. 21, 1851, daughter of Samuel Storer, a prominent farmer of Green township.  To Mr. and Mrs. Huss have been born two children - Ruth and Dwight.  Mr. Huss is regarded generally as one of the leading men of the township, and is essentially a progressive, active citizen.  He has for twenty-two years been a prominent member of the I. O. O. F., and is a charter member of Clyde Grand Encampment.  He was elected trustee of the township in 1893, and is now serving in that capacity.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 810
(Contributed by Red Grier - redgrier@hotmail.com )
  CHARLES B. HUTCHINSON, one of the leading and most progressive farmers of Green Creek township, Sandusky County, is a native of same, born in Green Creek township Mar. 21, 1848.  In all matters of public interest Mr. Hutchinson is wide-awake, and by his progressive ideas is doing much for the people of his native and neighboring townships.
     Nathaniel Hutchinson, great-grandfather of our subject, was a native and resident of Cambridge, whose three sons - John, Thomas and Joseph - in 1818 migrated to Clark county, Ohio.  John after a short period, removed to Wabash, Ind., where he and his family fell victims to an epidemic of fever.  Thomas remained in Ohio some twenty years, and then removed to LaGrange county, Ind., where he died.  Joseph, grandfather of Charles B., was born Apr. 21, 1782, and was married in his native State, in Oct., 1805, to Mary A. Hodgman, who was born in Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 10, 1783.  After coming to Ohio they resided in Clark county until Apr., 1827, when they moved to Green Creek township, Sandusky county.  Joseph Hutchinson was a mechanic, and followed his trade through life.  After locating on a farm in Green Creek township he went to Monroeville, Ohio, and there worked for about six years, then returning to his farm and remaining until his death, in Jan., 1855; his wife died in 1851.  This couple had eight children, as follows:  Mary A., Born Sept. 9, 1807, married Ashel Franklin in Clark County, June 14, 1829, and died in May, 1848; Joseph H., born Apr. 17, 1809, died Nov. 24, 1823; Charlotte, born Feb. 7, 1811, married S. S. Kellogg, of Huron county, Feb. 10, 1831, died in Feb., 1854; Louisa, born Sep. 12, 1814, who married Elisha Lake, and after his death, Charles Petty, died in Woodbury county, Iowa; Josiah B., born Nov. 30, 1817, died May 28, 1836; Alfred, father of Charles B., born Sept. 17, 1820; Phoebe M., born May 29, 1825, married Noble Perin, who died in Andersonville prison during the war (she lives in Green Creek township); Joseph, born May 29, 1830, fatally crushed by a loaded wagon, from which he fell.
     Alfred Hutchinson was seven years old when his parents settled in Green Creek township.  The schools at that period were very primitive; but he received the best education the locality afforded.  At the age of eighteen years he began an apprenticeship to the brick-layer's and plasterer's trade, which he followed for about thirty years.  He was married Apr. 6, 1843, to Mary M. Dirlam, born in Massachusetts Aug. 18, 1823, daughter of Orrin and Annis (Gibbs) Dirlam, both born in Blandford, Mass., the former on Feb. 22, 1792, the latter on August 18, 1797.  Annis Dirlam died in Massachusetts Nov. 6, 1830, and three years later Orrin Dirlam migrated with his seven children to Green Creek township, Sandusky Co., Ohio, where he entered a large tract of land.  These seven children were as follows:  Sarah, born Sept. 28, 1818, married Samuel Chapin, and died in Clyde Sept. 10, 1873; Orrin M., born Feb. 7, 1820, died in 1889 in Sullivan, Ashland county; Dolly Almira, born Oct. 27, 1821, married Merlin Babcock, and died Mar. 26, 1848; Mary M., Franklin, born Dec. 12, 1824, resident of Townsend township, Sandusky county; James M., born Feb. 21, 1826, a resident of Wood county; and Spencer, who died in infancy.  For his second wife Orrin Dirlam married Elvira Smith, who was born in Massachusetts Apr. 18, 1807.  By this marriage he had nine children:  Henry S. born Feb. 9, 1843, who enlisted in the army at Cleveland, and while acting captain of his company was seriously wounded at the battle of Chickamauga, dying from the effects of the wound Dec. 18, 1865; Zadoc, born Sept. 16, 1836, resident of Clyde; Verrazano, born July 25, 1839, served in the army and died August 3, 1882; Theodore, born Jan. 22, 1842, participated in the one-hundred-days' service, now living in Lorain county; Sidney, born Sept. 8, 1844, a resident of New London; Minerva, born Jan. 2, 1847, died Nov. 8 1879; Walter S., born Jan. 28, 1853, a resident of Lorain county; and two children who died young.  Orrin Dirlam was the father of sixteen children, fourteen of whom grew to maturity.  He died at Huntington, Lorain county, May 20, 1882.
     The children born to Alfred and Mary M. (Dirlam) Hutchinson were as follows:  Zemira, born Dec. 2, 1844, enlisted in Company A, Seventy-second O. V. I., and died in prison at Florence, S. C., Oct. 30, 1864; Charles B., subject of this sketch; Fred, born Jan. 28, 1861, married Mabel Lay, daughter of William E. Lay, and has five sons - Clare, Ernest, Karl, Frank and Ralph; Fred lives on a farm in Green Creek township.  Alfred Hutchinson died on the old homestead in Green Creek township in 1889, and his widow at this writing still resides there.  Neither at this writing still resides there.  Neither had been identified with any Church organization, but both believed in and followed practical Christianity.  Their lives have been illustrations of the belief that to do good is the highest function of man.  Alfred Hutchinson during his lifetime was recognized as one of the leading citizens of his community, and he was elected to many of the township offices.
     Charles B. Hutchinson, his son, is likewise one of the most prominent men of the township to-day.  He possesses business ability of an advanced order, and his capacity is demonstrated by his visible works.  He was thoroughly educated in the common branches, and in addition attended the Clyde High School.  On Nov. 16, 1864, when only sixteen years old, he enlisted in Company B, Second U. S. A. Regulars, and was in service four months when his parents, on account of his youth, succeeded in getting him back on the farm.  When a few days under twenty years of age, Mar. 17, 1868, he married Miss Emma Strickland, who was born in Clyde in Apr. 1850.  They started young in life, but during the happy and successful career that followed they have never had cause to regret their early marriage.  Seven children have been born to them, five of whom survive, as follows:  Dr. A. F., who is a graduate of Clyde High School and of the class of 1893 in the Medical Department of the University of Michigan (he married Miss Mildred Ward, and is now practicing medicine at Banfield, Barry Co., Mich.); Chella, a Clyde High School graduate of 1892, at home; Lotta, Lou and Delmer.  Claude died at the age of eight years and Floyd at the age of four years.  Since his marriage Mr. Hutchinson has been engaged in farming.  He owns 115 acres of choice land, and in his methods no farmer of the township is more progressive or successful.  In politics he is a Republican.  He is taking pains to carefully educate his children, and in all things he is public-spirited and enterprising.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the counties of SANDUSKY & OTTAWA, OHIO - Publ. J. B. Beers & Co. 1896 - Page 204




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