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Seneca County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


History of Seneca County :
from the close of the Revolutionary War to July, 1880 :

embracing many personal sketches of pioneers, anecdotes,
and faithful descriptions of events pertaining to the organization of the county and its progress

Published: Springfield, Ohio: Transcript Print. Co., 

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T. 3, N. R. 13 E.

     THIS township was organized on the 4th day of December, 1832.  The first election of township officers took place on the 3d day of April, 1833, at the house of Abraham RineboltChristian Foster, John Stombaugh and Michael Stahl were elected trustees; Henry Hoffman and Abraham Rinebolt, supervisors; Samuel Rinebolt, Andrew Ferrier and Daniel Swope, overseers of the poor; Enoch Trumbo, clerk; Jonas Hampshire and Jacob Hollinger, fence viewers.
     In 1840 the population was 586; in 1870 in had increased to 1,131; in 1880 it is 1,394.
     Henry Hoffman, in 1827, moved from Perry county, Ohio, and located on the southeast quarter of section thirty-six, the first settler in the township, and his brother-in-law, Abraham Rinebolt, came from the same county in 1828, and located near him.
     Enoch Trumbo is the only old settler living.  He came in 1833, and located on section twenty-two, where he still resides.  He was once county commissioner, and is highly respected for his good sense and honesty.
     Jonas Hampshire located on the northwest quarter of section twenty-two in 1833.  He used to take a very active part in public affairs, and was a leader in the Democratic ranks.  He was a successful farmer, and has accumulated a handsome fortune.  He lives in Wood county now.
     Michael Stahl came in 1832, and also located on section twenty-two.  Daniel Swope came in 1833, also settled on section twenty-one, and is still there, also one of the oldest settlers living.  George Stahl came in 1834.  James Robert, the Hollopeters, William Noble (the father of Hon. Warren P. Noble and Harrison Noble, the present mayor of Tiffin), Robert C. Caples, Samuel Yunker, Robert Shipper, Henry Shoutz, Henry F. Johnson, the Long family, Abraham Craun (who is

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still living), Joseph English, Thomas Chance, George Stoner and Christian Foster were among the early settlers.
     My good old friend, Henry Stahl, was a boy but fourteen years old when he came to the township in 1836.  He married Elizabeth, the daughter of John Reinbolt.  He is one of the most substantial men of the township and highly respected for his manly virtues and excellent judgment.
     John Lambright, Frederick Feble, William Ash and others, were also prominent citizens.
     Isaiah Hollopeter laid out the town of Rehoboth in the 7th of December, 1844, but it never flourished.
     The location of the L. E. & L. railroad has brought market to this township, and Jackson station is of great convenience to the people.  Some parts of Jackson are rolling and gently undulating, but the larger portion was overflown by Wolf creek and exceedingly undesirable on that account.  The settlers entered the dry and best parts and the wet portions could find no purchasers for many years.  Even so late as the close of the Mexican war, there were lands in Jackson upon which A. Rank, a Mexican soldier, located his land warrant.  This was the last piece of public land sold in the county.
     These swales hindered the progress of Jackson many years, but finally, by judicious ditching, the surface water is led away, and Jackson will rank among the best townships in the county, there being very little land within its borders, unproductive.
     Harrison's creek is one of the tributaries of Wolf creek.
     The following is taken from the history of Fostoria and vicinity, by E. W. Thomas, with his kind permission.:

     In 1832 a large body of Wyandot Indians camped in Jackson township and engaged in their favorite pursuit of hunting game.  They killed eleven bears and one hundred and seven deers, besides large quantities of small game.  They were remarkably quiet and well disposed towards the whites.  They bought potatoes, corn, etc., but in all their transactions were perfectly honest, and if a white family wished to get rid of Indians, they invariably tried to get them in debt, for when they once got an Indian indebted to them he would not call again; but the majority of them could never be induced to go into debt.  They would pay up punctually and often bring presents of deer and bear meat.
     The first whisky sold in the township was by John P. Gordon.  The Indians used to go to his store, then kept in Risdon, and get their fire-water.  They would get gloriously fuddled and make the woods resound with their hideous yells.  On one occasion, in the fall of 1832, they had been to Gordon's shebang and imbibed freely of fire-water, and getting their bottles filled, they started for their camp, some four miles distant.  They had to

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pass the cabin of Mr. Nestlerode, on what was then known as the island and bears that name to the present time; the same farm now being owned by Mr. Nestlerode, who is a resident of Fostoria.  They stopped, as they had been in the habit of doing before, but were drunk.  There were some six or seven in the company.  When they arrived at Mr. Nestlerode's cabin, they were too drunk to get off their ponies, but Mr. and Mrs. Nestlerode assisted them to dismount.  When they entered the cabin, they commenced upsetting chairs, tables and everything that came in their way.  They were feeling up for the floor when a general fight ensued between the whole party, except the chief, Thomas Koon, who was sober.
     Their scalping knives and tomahawks were brought into use, and the family were frightened; the children treed under the beds.  But Mr. Nestlerode, by order of the chief, took the knives, tomahawks and guns from them, and their bottles of fire-water also.  But the chief feared trouble when they reached their camp, and probably fearing they might return, asked Mr. Nestlerode to had each Indian his bottle of fire-water; which was done, and then assisting them on their ponies, they again started for their camp, but had proceeded but a short distance when one of the party became rather top-heavy, and tumbled off.  His companions halted, built him a fire, and left him, and proceeded on to their camp.  The Indian who had been left, returned to Mr. Nestlerode's the next morning with his clothes badly burned, and when asked what was the matter, replied: "Indian too much drunk; Indian take too much fire-water; Indian sleep close big fire; fire much burn Indian, but white man get Indian drunk, then cheat Indian much."
     On the next day each Indian returned alone for his property, that Mr. Nesslerode had taken from him while drunk.  Mrs. Nestlerode was very anxious to get ride of them as soon as possible, so when the first Indian came she brought out all the knives, tomahawks and guns, but he only took what belonged to him, and when each one came he could be induced to take his own property.  They all appeared ashamed of what they had done the day before, and like Adam in the garden of Eden, they lay the blame on some other person.  "Bad white man; sell Indian fire-water; Indian get much drunk; Indian bad; white man cheat Indian."



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