THE name of this good old township
is especially dear to the writer, for among its best men and
prominent citizens many years ago, he counted many true and
devoted friends. Its early settlement and
organization, etc., have already been mentioned, and it
remains only to refer to several subjects not previously
touched upon.
The first township election was held on the 6th day of
May, 1820, at the house of Joseph Parmenter.
Among the first settlers in the
township were William and Nathan Whitney, Joseph
Parmenter, David Underhill, James Whitmore, James
Underhill, Eli Whitney, Jasper Underhill, Benjamin Clark,
Solomon Dimick, Benjamin Murray and A. H. Twiss,
most of whom the writer well knew. They are all dead
but Jasper Whitney, o whom mention will be made
There were several squatters upon the openings in
Thompson, who, owing to the scarcity of water at that time,
left the country.
In 1830 the population of the township was 362; in 1840
it was 1,404, and has increased to about 1,900 now.
The face of the country is beautifully undulating and
the soil remarkably rich and fertile. The very many
improvements all over the township, the large barns,
splendid farm houses and excellent stock, indicate comfort
and wealth, industry, economy and intelligence. The
German element predominates very largely, both in the old
Pennsylvania and the European stock. There is a large
settlement of German Catholics in the southeastern portion
of the township, where they have a splendid church and a
nunnery, under the auspices of the Precious Blood Society,
mentioned in the chapter on Big Spring township. These
German Catholics were among the first settlers in that part
of the township and had organized a society as early as
1832-3. Among those early pioneers I will mention
Anthony Knapp, John Host, Michael
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Reinhart, John Glassner, Anthony Zahm, George Zahm, J. M.
Zahm, Franz Hen, David Umlor, Peters Schoendorf and
John Gerhartstein.
Among the prominent men of
later years may be mentioned Jacob and John Bunn, Samuel
Stewart, Jacob and Peter Karn, John Royer, John
Decker, Daniel Close, M. Good, John Heter, Peter Dewalt,
and others; also the Schochs, the Douglas's
the Manleys, the Purdys, the Murrays,
the Bloomers, John Hobbes, Elder Jackson and others.
The soil in Thompson, as elsewhere in the county, is
drift, resting upon a sub-stratum of loose, shaley
limestone, which is full of fissures, forming numerous
sink-holes, which are found all over the township. A
little stream called Sink creek runs into one of these,
where it disappears. Many years ago a saw mill was
erected upon this stream, with sufficient water to run it
about three months in the year. There is a
similar creek with a small saw mill a little west of this.
Whenever there is a heavy or continuous rain, these
sink-holes overflow, doing a good deal of damage sometimes.
The greatest natural curiosity in Thompson is its
celebrated cave. The entrance to the cave is near the
south end of the east half of the northwest quarter of
section one, on the land once owned by Mason
Kinney, one and one-half miles from Bellevue, and
three-quarters of a mile from Flat Rock. The discovery of
the cave is generally attributed to George and Henry
Hasson. It was probably first discovered by
Lyman and Asa Strong. It was known as early
as the year 1815 by the settlers on the Fire land, and
visited frequently by the hunters for the purpose of killing
rattle snakes, which were found here in great numbers, and
which gave the name of Rattle Snake's Den to the cave.
The mouth of the cave is six feet long and three feet wide.
Upon examining the land in the immediate vicinity, it
appears that about five acres, from some unknown cause, have
sunk several feet. Some have conjectured that the
limestone rock once rested upon a bed of soap-stone, which
being washed away in course of time, left a cavity that
swallowed up the whole mass above. There is no doubt
but that sometime in the world's history a great convulsion
ahs racked the substratum here, for as you descend the
cavity, you find the rocks on one side in a horizontal
position, while on the other side they incline to angle of
Upon entering the cave a natural passage leads
downwards, gradually in a northeasterly direction. At
a depth of about thirty feet, the light from above is
obstructed, below which, darkness forever reigns, unless
driven away by the torch of the curious explorer, who
examines wonders of this gloomy place. After a descent
of about forty feet, you
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enter a large cavern, and here, as the eye surveys the lofty
ceiling and penetrates the recesses all around, the mind is
peculiarly impressed with the awful grandeur and
magnificence of the scene. Proceeding onward, water is
observed dripping from the rocks above, which is found, upon
examination, to be impregnated with sulphur and not
disagreeable to the taste. Beneath are discovered the
tracks of harmless animals that roam about in places
inaccessible to man; while overhead bats are seen suspended
from the rocks, apparently lifeless, but when brought to the
sun, they soon recover, and immediately directed their
course to the cave.
After a descent of nearly two hundred feet, the passage
in interrupted by a stream of pure cold water, which is very
pleasant to the taste, and has a slow current to the
northward. This stream rises during the wettest season
of the year about eighty feet, and again recedes upon the
recurrence of dry weather. In 1844, a year remarkable
for rains, the water rose in the cave 170 feet, and within
thirty feet to the surface of the earth. When at its
minimum height, the stream presents only a few feet of
surface, but its bottom has never been reached.
This cave is certainly an object of interest to all who
admire the works of nature or delight in subterranean
wonders, and were the rocks excavated around the mouth, so
as to render the ingress less tedious, it would doubtless be
visited by thousands.
I have taken the foregoing description of the cave from
Butterfield, and copy also a communication signed "W." to
the Sandusky Clarion of Aug. 17, 1844. It is so
intimately connected with the subject that the reader will
peruse it with interest:
seen going the rounds of papers as a "singular phenomena,"
the flowing of the water from a well about eleven miles from
this place.
Singular, I think it is not, and new I know it not to
be. Neither as represented did it commence "all at
once to flow," for it was known to rise many days before it
commenced to overflow, and had been daily watched.
Some days it rose a little, and some days it fell a little,
until the last violent rain, when it commenced running over.
But perhaps you will better understand the subject if I
give you the result of my observations, and what I have
learned concerning the subterranean waters of that region,
for the last quarter of a century.
Cold creek, probably the principal outlet of the water,
rises in Margaretta township about three and a half miles
from Sandusky bay (and at an elevation of fifty feet above
Lake Erie), into which it flows in a northerly direction,
and in that distance supplies the water for four large
flouring mills.
The spring that the creek flows from was originally
about an acre in extent, but by damming it close to the
head, the course of the water was
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changed under ground, so as to divert a part of it, which
again bursts out at about two hundred rods distant, from a
great depth in the earth, forming a hole about ten feet
across, which was afterwards partially surrounded by a
circular dam, with the intention of forcing the water back
to the old creek; but as the water would not run up hill,
the dam was extended and a canal dug uniting the springs in
one level. The new spring is now about 100 feet
across, bowl-shaped and from 40 to 60 feet deep, with the
water so clear that a person looking from a boat on its
surface, can see small objects floating at the bottom, and
seem themselves to be floating in the air.
These springs rise less than two miles from the Fire
lands, which is also our county line, west, within which
distance another rises, called the Rockwell spring, which
flows west into Sandusky county, and supplies water to a saw
The water that supplies these springs is supposed to
come from the extensive swamps and marshes that lie from 25
to 30 miles in a southern direction, and about five miles
north of a dividing ridge that separates the waters flowing
into the Ohio river and those flowing into Lake Erie at this
point, and at rather a gradual elevating of about 400 feet
above the level of the lake.
From Cold creek to these swamps, there is strong
evidence of large quantities of water running under the
surface of the earth. The first is about fifty rods
from the head of the creek, where the breaking out of a few
stones at the bottom of a small ledge, exposed a large and
deep stream of water, constantly running, the bottom of
which cannot be reached at twenty feet in a slanting
direction, and the surface can be seen ten feet wide.
At another place, some two miles south, water can always be
obtained by sinking a bottle from 40 to 60 feet in the
crevices of the rock. Then, again, about five miles
south of Cold creek, is a dishing prairie, of from one to
two hundred acres of land, which, after a series of rainy
seasons, fills by the water rising from its bottom, through
the alluvial soil that forms the surface of the prairie.
Then about one mile further south, is a similar prairie,
from the south side of which, at about ten feet elevation
from its bottom, is the flowing well. The first
account of the flowing of this prairie reaches back about
twenty-seven years. A man who had settled on the north
bank for the purpose of cultivating the lands below, which
he found ready for the plow, was in the night alarmed
by a loud report and the shaking of the earth, and upon
going to the door of his cabin, he heard a sound as a
running water. Upon going towards the spot from whence
the sound proceeded, he found the water rushing from the
surface of the earth with tremendous force, on the south
bank of the prairie, in a volume larger than a hogshead,
which continued to flow until the prairie was filled, and
the water ran off from the northeast side of the basin.
After this, the prairie filled several different seasons,
through the alluvial soil on its sides and bottom, but not
always so as to run over, until about twelve years ago, when
the flowing well burst out about 60 rods east of the first
one. After it had ceased flowing, a man living near
thought to follow the water as it settled down, so as to
have a well, it being difficult to find water in this
neighborhood. After digging about eighteen feet in a
perpendicular direction, the course diverged to the
westward, in a descending direction, about as much further;
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after removing the rubbish about twenty feet further in a
perpendicular direction, it was abandoned at a distance of
fifty-feet from the surface of the earth. Since that
time water could always be found at the bottom in the spring
of the year. Eight years ago it overflowed again,
since which time there has occasionally been high water in
it during a wet season, when it filled the prairie to the
extent of about seventy-five acres, floating off the fences
and destroying the crops. It lasted about ten days,
when it ceased flowing, and ran back, so that the prairie
was dry within a week, notwithstanding the bottom of the
basin is eight feet below where the water was drained to the
well, the water settling away through the soil at the
While the water was at its highest point at this time,
the family upon the farm where the "flowing well" is
situated, heard a loud report in the night, which seemed to
come from the earth, during a thunder storm. In the
morning it was found to have come from the "blowing out" of
another hole about three-quarters of a mile in the
northwesterly direction, from which the water was flowing in
a stream as large as a hogshead. Around all the "blow
holes," as they are called, the broken limestone is
scattered for many feet, thrown out by the force of the
water when it first burst out.
From this spot for ten miles or more, towards the
dividing ridge, the face of the country is indented in
numerous places, with flowing prairies, and "sink holes,"
from a few rods to many acres in extent. Many of the
"sink holes" are mere bowl-shaped depressions of the
surface, occasioned probably during periods of high water,
by the wasting away of the earth below, into the cavernous
region, through some crevice in the compact limestone,
immediately beneath. I am led to this conclusion, from
the fact that in some places wells have been dug into the
compact limestone, that have furnished water, until some dry
season, when it has become low, and in blasting for more,
they have broken through into the loose limestone, and lost
what they had.
Others of the "sink holes" have openings at the bottom,
through which the water rises in a wet season, whilst
through the bottom of others the surplus water from the
surface of the country runs off.
Advantages have been taken of some of these depressions
to form the pond of a saw mill near Bellevue, that runs form
two to four months in the spring of the year, carried by
water that is accumulated from the draining of a large sink
I think if it were not for the sink hole to carry off
the water, in many places the country would be full of ponds
and swamps rendering it unhealthy. The citizens of
Bellevue have been compelled, this season, for the second
time, to drain a pond caused by the overflow of a sink-hole.
About two miles, still south of Bellevue, there is an
opening into a cavernous limestone, that can be traversed
about two hundred feet, at the extremity of which runs a
large stream of water, at more than 130 feet from the
surface of this earth, and this season the cavern was filled
to within from twenty to thirty feet of the surface.
A few miles still further south is a sunken prairie, in
the bottom of which stands a black walnut tree that holds a
rail cut eighteen inches through
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country about the town is rich and beautiful. Two of
the proprietors, Harpster and Korner, have
gone to their long homes. Mr. Schock is still
The Orphans' Home, under the care of the Evangelical
church, is situated here, and under the care of its present
gentlemanly and intelligent superintendent, the Rev. Mr.
Dresbach, will do great good, as it has already
established a reputation for itself, to the honor of the
church and the county alike.
Thompsontown was surveyed and platted on the corners of
sections fourteen and fifteen and twenty-two and
twenty-three, on the 14th day of November, 1840.
William McCauley, Abraham Sherk and Samuel Sherk
were the proprietors. The survey was made in the same
month when General Harrison was elected
President of the United States. That ended the "hard
cider" campaign, but it was no reason why Thompsontown never
Was one of the early settlers in Thompson. He and
old father Royer are, perhaps, the only survivors of
that class of pioneers. Mr. Royer still resides
in Thompson, but Mr. Underhill lives in Wood county
as I am informed.
It is said that many years ago Mr. Whitney,
while living in Thompson, near Nathan Whitney, was
taken sick very suddenly and, after a short illness, died
and was laid out on a cooling-board. The neighbors
rendered every assistance possible and the doctor assured
them all that Mr. Whitney was dead. A coffin
was made and brought to the house and preparations made for
the burial. Mrs. Whitney could not persuade
herself to believe that her husband was dead, and the
funeral was put off to an indefinite time. A
consultation of physicians was held at the house and no
trace of life could be discovered. The doctors,
neighbors and all, tried to prevail on Mrs. Whitney
to let the funeral take place, but she was unmoved and
insisted that her husband was not dead. Some people
now began to doubt whether she had her right mind, and
matters began to look serious as to her. She cared but
little, however, about the gossip of the neighbors, but kept
her sleepless watch by the side of her dead husband,
occasionally applying restoratives. In the afternoon
of the ninth day she discovered signs of life, and in a
short time she succeeded in bringing Mr. Whitney to
With prompt medical aid and good nursing, he was
restored to good, vigorous health in a short time. He
heard, while lying in this trance, everything that was said
near him, and when he recovered sufficiently.
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to express himself, he said a great many ugly things of
those who wanted to bury him alive.
The undertaker refused to take the coffin back, and the
family put it up into the loft of the cabin, where for many
years thereafter it was used to keep dried apples in.
Several years thereafter, it was used to keep dried apples
in. Several years thereafter the father of Mr.
Whitney died and was buried in the same coffin.
His name was Gunworth.
Mr. Whitney is still living near, and west of,
Woodville, in Wood county, Ohio.
The father of my old friend, Samuel Horner,
lived on a farm about one mile east of Flat Rock, which had
a little spring on it. All the neighbors came there
for water, and kept the spring in bad condition.
Mr. Horner thereupon made up his mind to have a well for
his own family use, and dug down some six feet, when he came
upon a rock. He took a crow-bar and struck the rock,
when a stream of water burst up that overflowed the well and
formed a constantly running stream. Mr. John Burman
lives on the farm now.