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History of Shelby County, Ohio
representative citizens
Evansville, Ind. -
1913 - 947 pgs.
Chapter XX
Pg. 349
Green and Jackson Townships
Surface and
Soil.—The location of Franklin township being in the
second tier from the north is crossed by the Greenville
Treaty Line and its boundaries are as follows:
Dinsmore is the sister township on the north; Jackson and
Salem townships form its east line; Salem, Clinton and
Turtle Creek are along the southern border, and Turtle
Creek and Van Buren townships bound it on the west. A
generally level surface and a rich soil mainly of black
loam have made fine agricultural possibilities here, while
sand pits and gravel beds in some portions have proved
well worth developing. Transportation facilities are
excellent, there being fine roads and from north to south
runs the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton (the old Dayton &
Michigan Railroad), with shipping points at Swanders, Anna
and Botkins. This road is paralleled by the Western Ohio
Electric Railroad. which does a good passenger business.
This section of Shelby county was largely settled by
natives of other parts of Ohio and its people have ever
been of the quiet, law-abiding class.
Villages.—Swanders is a
small village of about eighty-six population, centrally
located, and has outlived Massena, Woodstock and other
once promising settlements. Woodstock, a town of
sixty-four lots, was laid out in June, 1836, but the
village organization is no longer maintained. In 1857 the
Dayton & Michigan Railroad (now the Cincinnati, Hamilton &
Dayton) was constructed and in 1867 the company
established a flag station about five miles north of
Sidney, which was named in honor of James
Swander, who was appointed agent of the railroad
company, was the first postmaster (1867), and established
and conducted the first dry goods and general store.
Industries.—Tile making
was formerly an important industry at Swanders, the tile
yards being conducted for a number of years by Killian
& Ludlum, but the business has been
abandoned. In 1868, Henry Smith erected a steam saw mill,
which he sold a year later to. James Swander,
who in turn sold out to Bulk & Minniear. The
latter firm operated it with success for a number of
years, but the business becoming unprofitable,. was
finally given up. The most important industry now at
Swanders, or indeed in Franklin township, is the grain
elevator of W. M. Alton & Son, which is doing a
good business. Edward H. Billing is postmaster and
conducts a general store.
Justices of the Peace.—The list of those who
have served in the office of justice of the peace in
Franklin township is as follows:
1836 May 26 - Cole,
1837 Jan. 20 - Lenox, John
1839 Apr. 8 - Ross, William
1839 Dec. 28 - Clancy, George
1842 Oct. 17 - Clancey, George
1845 Apr. 25 - Deweese, David
1845 Nov. 15 - Clancey, George
1848 Apr. 17 - Shaw, Thomas
1848 Oct. 21 - Deweese, David
1848 Dec. 30 -Clancey, George
1851 Nov. 8 - Bogan, Henry
1851 Nov. 8 - Clancey, George
1854 Apr. 14 - Wenner, George
1856 May 19 - Ludlum, Eliakim
1857 - Clancey, George
1859 Apr. 12 - Ludlum, Eliakim
1859 Oct. 20 - Deweese, David
1862 Apr. 22 - Ludlum, Eliakim
1865 Apr. 14 - Ludlum, Eliakim
1866 Apr. 11 - Ailes, E. T.
1867 Apr. 5 - Fridley, Lewis
1868 Apr. 13 - Ludlu, Eliakim
1869 Apr. 12 - McDeweese, J. (resigned May 26, 1870)
1871 Apr. 15 - Elliott, J. D. (resigned)
1871 Apr. 11 - Ludlum, Eliakim
1872 Apr. - Staley, Daniel |
1874 Apr. 10 - Ludlum, Elias
1875 Apr. 9 - Sitzman, Lorenzo
1876 Apr. 8 - Applegate, Lewis
1877 Apr. 17 - Ludlum, Eliakim
1879 Apr. 17 - Applegate, Lewis
1880 Apr. 14 - Ludlum, Eliakim
1881 Apr. 13 - Young, P. W.
1884-1887 - Young, P. W.
1886-1889 - Ludlum, E.
1887 - Young, P. W.
1889 - Fogt, Peter
1890 - Hagelberger, John
1892 - Fogt, Peter
1893-1896 - Hagelberger, John
1895 - Fogt, Peter
1896 - Maurer, August
1898 - Fogt, Peter
1899-1902 - Maurer, August
1901 - Fogt, Peter
1901 - Bushman, David
1902 - Bertsch, Andrew
1904 - Bertsch, Andrew
1905 - Schiff, George C.
1908 - Schiff, George C.
1911 - Young, P. W.
1912 - Fogt, Peter |
The present clerk
of Franklin township is T. S. Price, Trustees:
L. W. Border, Lewis Knasel and
Anthony Summer.
The Reformed
Church Society.—The early settlers of Franklin
township were not slow in taking measures to secure church
privileges and the first society formally organized was
that known as The Reformed Church Society, in September,
1832, at the house of Jacob Schlosser, by
Rev. John Pence. The members of the first class were
Jacob Schlosser and wife, James Swander and
wife, David Swander and wife, Philip Swander and wife,
Henry Swander and wife, Peter Hartman and wife, Jacob
Woodring and wife, and Joseph Carmany and wife.
They were all earnest Christian people and while they
struggled for two years to secure a proper church
structure, they became only the more closely united as
they met for religious meetings at each other's homes. In
1834, with the help of the Lutheran society, a union
building was put up on the Wapakoneta turnpike road. two
and half miles south of Anna. It was constructed of hewed
logs and its dimensions were 25 by 30 feet. The two church
bodies met alternately in this building until 1845, when
the Reformed society sold its interest and in the
following year erected a frame edifice. The church has a
live membership, presided over at present by the Rev.
R. R. Yocum, of Maplewood.
Wesley Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church.—In
1883 the Methodists of Franklin township decided to bring
about the organization of a society of their faith and,
although there were but seven initial members, their zeal
was such that Rev. Thomas Simmes
acceded to their request and afterward, for a number of
years, regular meetings were held at the house of
Philip Young. The church edifice known as
Wesley Chapel was erected about 1847, an^ is situated on
the Murphy turnpike road near the center of the west line
of section 36, north of boundary line, in Franklin
township. It has been remodeled in recent years. The
church membership at present approaches one hundred and
ministers have all been supported and church affairs
decorously carried on. The first revival meeting in this
neighborhood was held at the home of Philip
Young. The last survivor of the original membership
was Mrs. Samuel Barley. Rev. J. W.
Miller, of Anna, Ohio, is now the pastor of this
Plum Creek Methodist Episcopal Church Society.—The
frame structure known as the Plum Creek Methodist Church,
situated three miles north of Sidney, near Plum creek, on
the Wapakoneta turnpike road, was dedicated in November,
i860, by Rev. Jacob M. Holmes, but has since
been remodeled. The society was organized in February,
1839, by Rev. David Warnock and the first members
were Nathan Burress and wife, Thomas Shaw and wife,
Henry Yinger and wife Louisa Leapley, Jane
McVay, Mary Critton, Caspar Yinger, Valinda Yinger,
Elizabeth McVay, David Greenlee, Elizabeth Burress and
Sarah Burress. Many of these old township
families are yet represented in its membership. Rev.
John Parker is present pastor.
An account of the schools of Franklin township
may be found in the chapter on education. |
This township, forming the
southeast corner of Shelby county, is five miles square
and contains 25 sections of land. It was a part of Orange
township prior to March 7, 1820, when it was erected as an
independent township. It possesses a fertile soil, is
mainly level, and is well drained by various streams,
principally by Tawawa or Mosquito creek and Leatherwood
creek, with their respective numerous tributaries. There
are also numerous drain ditches, which have been
established through the flat sections of the township.
Settlement here antedates the organization of the township
some years, the first known family to penetrate the forest
here and establish a home being that of Henry
Sturm, who came from Clark county, Ohio, in 1814. This
pioneer, with his wife and twelve children, settled in the
southwest quarter of section 1. His children
were Matthias, Margaret, Nicholas.
Henry, Peter, William, Jacob,
Frederick, Ephraim, Elizabeth, George
and John, most of whom grew to become well known
residents of this or other townships in the county.
The spring following their arrival marked the coining
of Henry Sturm's son-in-law, Samuel
Robinson, who also had several small children.
Among those who came a little later we may mention:
Ezekiel Sargeant, who came from Clark county,
Ohio, in 1816; William Bothel, who came from
Pennsylvania, in 1816; John R. and Adam
Medaris, who came in 1817, and were progressive men
and active citizens here for many years; John
Ellsworth, who came in 1817: Peter
Princehouse, who also came in 1817 or the year
following: Thaddeus Turtle, Edward
Conroy and family; David Larue, who came
from Champaign county, Ohio: all came in 1818. About this
time— some of them even earlier— Joseph Park,
William Richardson, Jacob Kiser, George
W. Frazier, Daniel Apples,
John Botkin and John Dorsey cast
their lot with the newly developing community.
Among those of a latter period we might mention
Robert C. Cunningham and Samuel Redenbo,
who arrived in 1819; Silas Dorsey, in 1824;
Peter V. and David S. Sherwood, in 1831; Samuel
Bird and William Niswanger, in 1832;
John Platt and William B. Williams,
in 1833; Elias Barbee, in 1834; Timothy
Conover and John Dickensheets, in
1835; Herman R. Hunt, in 1836; Matthias
Gray, in 1837; Paul F. Verdier and Samuel
Woodward, in 1839; Mahlon Moon, in
1840: and Dr. John C. Leedom, in 1842. Dr.
Leedom was by no means the first practicing
physician here, as he was preceded by Doctor
Pratt, who came as early as 1820, and by a Doctor
Little, who came subsequently to Doctor
Pratt. The first election was held in the house of
John R. Medaris in April, 1820. The first justices of
the peace were Henry Sturm and Charles
Johnston, who were chosen at the election above
mentioned. The first clerk was Charles Dorsey.
The justices in order after the first election of
Mr. Sturm and Mr. Johnston were:
1835 - Jackson, Philip
1836 - Vaughn, Thomas
1836 - Barbee, Elias
1839 - Barbee, Elias
1839 - Vaughn, Thomas
1842 - Sherieff, X.
1842 - Vaughn, Thomas
1845 - Sherieff, N.
1845 - Vaughn, Thomas
1848 - Sherieff, N.
1849 - Lewis, Samuel
1851 - Hunt, Ira F.
1852 - Hume, John
1854 - Carey, Alexander E.
1855 - Beezley, William
1860 - Lewis, Samuel
1863 - Smith, A. L.
1865 - Bowersock, David
1866 - Simes, L. G.
1868 - Bowersock, David
1869 - Simes, L. G.
1871 - Bowersock, David
1872 - Simes, L. G. |
1874 - Bowersock, David
1875 - Simes, G. G.
1877 - Lewis, Samuel
1878 - Simes, G. L.
1880 - Bowersock, David
1881 - Simes, L. G.
1884 - Simes, L. G.
1885 - Sargent, John
1887 - Simes, L. G.
1888 - Bennett, Madison
1890 - Simes, L. G.
1890 - Baker, E. M.
1893 - Simes, L. G.
1893 - Yost, Elisha
1896 - Prince, David N.
1899 - Yost, Elisha
1901 - Marrs, E. O.
1902 - Baker, W. H.
1903 - Needles, E.
1905 - Baker, N. H.
1908 - Jackson, C. A.
1908 - Wiley, E. E.
1911 - Kiser, T. J. |
E. F. Rolfe is the present
township clerk, and the trustees are W. F. Valentine,
J. L. Atkinson and Harvey Wiley.
Schools.-—Although this subject is dealt with in
another chapter of this volume, we may here make some
mention of. the pioneer school. It was at first held in
the homes of the settlers. About the year 1818 or 1819 a
school was conducted in a primitive round log building on
the farm of David Larue, in section 10. The
first term consisted of but seven days and it is related
that the teacher, Mr. Dorsey, received but
fifty cents a day, or three and a half dollars for the
term. The first house built especially for school purposes
was erected in 1820 near the old graveyard in what is now
Plattsville. Miss Lucy Wilson was the
first instructor here. In 1821 another log schoolhouse was
built near the Sturm graveyard, and the first
teacher was Doctor Pratt. Until 1853, there
were none but subscription schools, but on June 18th of
that year the township was divided into six school
districts and a tax levied on the township for school
purposes.. The first brick schoolhouse had its inception
in that year, and since that time the community has been
blessed with good buildings and superior instruction,
school affairs being under the guidance of capable
directors chosen from among the citizens whose hearts were
in the work.
Churches.—Hand in hand with development
educationally and commercially, was the development
spiritually. From almost the first the settlers were wont
to gather in the home of some settler for divine worship,
and from this humble beginning societies were gradually
formed and in time churches erected. Denominational lines
were not so closely drawn in those days, as there were too
few of any one denomination. We herewith present facts
regarding some of the religious bodies that struggled and
conquered under the most adverse circumstances:
The Salem Methodist Episcopal church was
organized in 1825 by Rev. Simes or Rev.
Westlake, and among the most prominent of its
members were David Larue and wife,
Silas Dorsey and wife, and
Mrs. Jemima Conroy. A hewed log church
was erected in section 4, and served as long as the
organization continued, which was until about the year
The Charity Chapel Methodist Protestant church was
organized about 1840, with Silas Dorsey as the leader of
the society, it drawing considerably from the membership
of the Salem Methodist Episcopal church. Meetings
were held in Mr. Dorsey's house for a number
of years, when a frame building was erected in section 4
of Green township. It ceased to exist as a church body in
1864 or 1865,
The Spring Creek Christian church was organized
March 15, 1851, by James T. Hunt and James
Skillen in a log schoolhouse on the Cephas T..
Sanders farm, with sixty-one members. Meetings were
held in the school building until 1852, when a frame
building was constructed in the southeast corner of
section 28, near the Miami county line.. It was dedicated
in 1853 by Rev. Griffin. In 1868, a fine new church
building was erected and was dedicated in November of that
year by Rev. James Linn. Among the original members
may be mentioned: Cephas and Nancy Sanders,
Cephas T. Sanders, Rachel Sanders,
David and Chloe Sherwood, John
Luseney, Martha Luseney, Martha
Sanders, David and Catherine Wiles,
William and Rachel Williams,
Jackson and Mary Cramer, John and
Almira Henman, David and Matilda
Hall, and Catherine Sanders. It
started out with a goodly membership, and the church
affairs have always continued in a good healthy condition.
The present pastor is Rev. L. W. Ryan.
Charity Chapel Christian
church was organized in the Methodist.
Protestant church building in 1864 or J865 by
Elder Asbury Watkins. William
Benham and Thomas Stith were
appointed the first deacons of the church. Worship was
held in the Methodist Protestant building Until 1878, when
they erected a building of their own, which was dedicated
on December 27, 1878, by Elder E. M. Rapp. The
church is served by Rev. L. W. Ryan, pastor of the
Spring Creek Christian church.
The Methodist Episcopal
society at New Palestine (now Tawawa) had its
inception about the year 1820, and was organized by Rev.
Finley. Among the members were Philip
Locker and wife, William
Bathel and wife, Jacob Kiser
and wife, and Ezekiel Sargeant
and wife. They met around at the various
homes for worship and continued in that way while the
organization lasted, which was until the late thirties.
The Christian church at New Palestine had its
beginning in an organization formed at the residence of
Daniel Neal in Champaign county, by
Elders Jeremiah Fusion and John
T. Robertson. The latter was the first
pastor and meetings were held in the Neal home for
about one year, and in May, 1838, they equipped a vacant
house on the Ira Hunt farm in Green township
with seats, using that as their house of worship for many
years. They next built a frame church in New Palestine,
which was dedicated in June, 1851, by Elder
Samuel Fusion, assisted by Elder
Justus T. Hunt. When this building proved inadequate
for further use for church purposes. the society erected a
larger structure near the old one, it being dedicated
January 1, 1882, by Elder A. L. McKinney, of Troy,
Ohio. The original members of the congregation were Ira
and Anna Hunt, Justus T. Hunt and wife, David Bever
and wife, Daniel Neal and
wife, Joseph Basey and wife,
David Greeley and wife, Ira
F. Hunt and wife, Eleanor
Woolley, Mary A. Flemmon and
Daniel Currier. This church is at present
served by Rev. A. J. Adriance, of Defiance, Ohio.
The Plattsville Methodist Episcopal church, at
one time known as the Antioch Methodist Episcopal church,
was organized about 1819 or 1820, and until 1828 or
thereabouts, meetings were held in the homes of various
members. In that year or the following a hewed log
building was erected on the ground later occupied by the
cemetery at Plattsville, the land being donated for that
purpose by Thaddeus Turtle. They continued
in this building until 1849, when a new one was built on
property purchased at Plattsville, from John R.
Medaris. The church was dedicated in 1850, the
name being changed from the Antioch Methodist Episcopal
church to the Plattsville Methodist Episcopal church
society. Among the original members were Thaddeus
Turtle and wife, John R. Medaris and
wife, and William Ellsworth and wife.
The Plattsville Universalist church was erected
in 1877, and was dedicated on July 29th of that year by
T. S. Guthrie, assisted by the local pastor, Rev.
J. D. Lawer. The society was organized on September
30th following, J. D. Lawer and thirty-six others
constituting the membership. It has been a very prosperous
organization. Rev. Colgrove is the present pastor.
Palestine, Plattsville and Ballou are the
villages which have existed in Green township.
New Palestine was laid out
on September zj, 1832, by Ephraim Davidson,
who owned the land on which it was located, and the first
settlers in the village were George Swiger
and family. The first store was conducted by John
Stephen, and the first hotel by Joseph
Knot. The former postoffice for this village was named
Tawawa, but has been abandoned, and the village is now
known by its original name only. New Palestine has two
lodges, a K. G. E., with a membership of ninety-eight, and
on I. O. R. M. lodge, membership about sixty.
Plattsvlle, with a
population of 134, is located near, the center of Green.
township, on what was the old John R. Medaris farm.
The latter had it surveyed in 1844 by Jonathan
Counts, and it was recorded September 26, 1844. In
1849, an addition to the village was surveyed for J. R.
Medaris, and this was recorded on July 4th of that
year. The first business at this point was an ashery and
general store, of which Thomas Farshee was
proprietor. The Methodist Episcopal and the Universalist
churches are located here, drawing membership largely from
surrounding territory. Plattsville Lodge No. 643, I. O. O.
F., was instituted in the village on July 12, 1876, by
Nathan Jones, grand master of Ohio. The
original members were: Samuel Griffis, L.
P. Redenbo, P. R. Hunt, B. F. Johnson, G. W.
Frazier, W. H. Bulle, J. T. Princehouse, W. L. Woolley, D.
Bowersock and James Williams.
Industries of Green Township.—The
first mill was established by John Medaris,
and was a corn cracker, located near the village of
Plattsville. A water power saw mill was erected on
Leatherwood creek, in 1826 or 1827, by William
Ellsworth, and a few years later Abraham
Medaris also built a saw mill in the same locality
near Plattsville. The next saw mill was the one conducted
by Samuel Robinson on Leatherwood creek. In
1854 Hageman Brothers built a steam saw mill one
mile south of Plattsville, and a steam saw mill was built
by John Sargeant and John Neal
near New Palestine. In 1879, a portable steam saw mill was
started by Gabriel Harbaugh. and was
operated many years with great success. At the present
time William F. Valentine operates the only tile
mill in the township, his output being from 18 to 22 kilns
annually. Mr. Valentine also engages in
ditch contracting and in a season uses over 200 carloads
of tile additional to the product of his own plant.
The present township clerk of Green is E. F. Rolfe,
Trustees: W. F. Valentine, J. L. Atkinson
and Harvey Wiley.
Jackson township, which is
bordered on the north by Auglaize county, on the east by
Logan county, has Salem township on its south and Dinsmore
and Franklin townships on its western boundaries. Its
general settlement was more recent than many of the other
townships, although, in 1912, it may lay just claim
to being one of the most important. While the land was
originally heavily timbered, the soil proved very fertile
and all agricultural activities have prospered.
In 1831 James
McCormick, traveling from Green county, found
desirable land in what is now Jackson township and
entered a tract in section 34 There are no other recorded
transactions in land until 1833, when Andrew
Nogle, of Fairfield county, settled in section 30. In
the following year another pioneer, Thomas
Cathcart, of Montgomery county, made an entry of land
in section 33; and from the same county, in 1835, came
David Snider and William Johnston.
In 1837 the homesteaders were John W. Knight, Jeptha M.
Davis, Dudley Hughes and William Babcock, and
in 1838-1839, Jonathan Howell and Samuel
Brandenberg. There is no further record of
permanent settlers until 1843, when Christian
Hawver of Miami county, located in section 33. Two
years later, Philip Hawver, of the same
county, bought 160 acres of the McPherson grant,
and in the following year a member of the same family,
George Hawver, also settled here. Other early
settlers whose date of location cannot be definitely
stated were Mathew Vandine, Timothy
Wale, Julius Wale, Moses
Quick, Kimmer Hudson, Henry
Roland, Lewis Bland, Reuben
Clayton and William Dawdon. It is
probable that Luther L. Davis came about 1837 and
that Jacob H. and David Babcock
may have come in 1840. The McPherson section of
grant above alluded to, comprises 640 acres lying entirely
within Jackson township and was a special grant to
James McPherson by the St. Mary's treaty of
Mills—Perhaps no industry in a pioneer region is
more necessary than that of milling and where water could
be utilized there was always some man enterprising enough
to build a mill; even when no fall in a stream was
sufficient, a horse mill was frequently built. The first
mill in Jackson township—one of the latter character—was
erected by Daniel Davis, in 1839, being
located on the north half of the southwest quarter of
section 3. Ten years later Joel Babcock
erected a steam saw mill in what is now the town of
Jackson Center, but it was destroyed by fire in 1868. In
the following year the Babcocks erected another
mill on the same site and operated it until 1875, when it
was purchased by R. F. Buirley, who continued its
operation. In: 1866 the firm of McCod & Slusser
built a saw mill, in section 33, operated it until 1881,
the firm becoming McCord & Munch. For
many years the Dearbaugh operated a saw mill and
also a handle factory at Jackson Center, .the latter being
erected during the summer of 1882. Among present or recent
industries are a cane mill, which has been operated for
three years by William Hughes; also the mill
and grain elevator of L. Kraft, who
purchased it from William Ludwig. This, one
of the most extensive business concerns of the township,
was destroyed by a fire, in December, 1912, the loss was
estimated at $15,000.
Jackson township has several
important business centers. The village of Montra, with a
present population of 160, was surveyed May 22, 1849, and
is situated in the north half of the southeast quarter of
section 18, town. 7, range 7 east. At first the village
houses were constructed of logs and the first store was in
a log building, conducted by a Mr. Mahuren,
who was also postmaster and he not only carried the mail
to Port Jefferson but also carried the greater part of his
store stock, making his trips on foot. He evidently was. a
man of considerable enterprise, as he also conducted an
ashery and a cooper shop. The village has several thriving
industries at the present time, including the grocery and
restaurant of Daniel Collins and the
establishment of J. C. Heintz, devoted to
pumps, steel tanks and wind engines. |
The situation of
Jackson Center is in the north part of the township, in
sections 10 and 15, consists of twenty-four lots and the
plat was recorded May 4, 1835: The first postmaster was
E. P. Stout, who was also the first merchant. There
has always been a considerable amount of business done
here, among the present industries being the following:
The Richmond Auto Company, automobiles and supplies; R.
S. Heinler, hardware; J. B. Zehner, drugs;
Chas. M. Lambert, musical goods and bicycles;
Dearbaugh & Moodie, general merchandise;
L. H. Sollman, bakery and restaurant; Mrs. G. A.
Swickard, millinery, and the mill interests already
mentioned. Dr. L. M. Babcock has a well appointed
dental office here. There is also a good newspaper
published here—The Jackson Center News, proprietor, J.
G. Sailor, a fuller account of which can be found in
the chapter on the Press of Shelby county. For mention of
the First National Bank of Jackson Center see, chapter on
Banks and Banking.
Education both
secular and religious has been a leading interest with the
people of Jackson township and intelligence and good
citizenship prevail. The more important educational
statistics of the township may be found in the chapter on
Jackson Center Seventh Day Baptist church was
organized March 22, 1840, at the house of Solomon
Sayrs, by Elder James Bailey,
assisted by Elders Simeon Babcock and
S. A. Davis, with about thirty members, viz.,
Luther L. Davis, Solomon Sayrs
and wife, Emeline Sayrs, Dudley
Hughes, Davis Loofborough and
wife, Calvin Davis and wife,
James M. Davis and wife,
Uriah Davis and wife, James
Davis and wife, John W. Knight and wife, Simeon
Babcock, and some others whose names are not
mentioned. They held their meetings at the houses of the
different members alternately, making the house of
Solomon Sayrs their regular place for holding
the quarterly. meeting about two years, or until 1842,
when the society erected a hewed log church building west
of Jackson Center. Maxson Babcock and
Jacob Maxson were appointed deacons of the
church, Brooks Akers was: the clerk, and
Eled Simeon Babcock was the first
minister in charge, and remained as such for over twenty
years. The society met in the log church building for
several years, or until the erection and completion of the
old frame church building one-fourth of a mile west of
Jackson Center, which was dedicated in September, 1859, by
Elder L. A. Davis, assisted by Elders.
S. Babcock, Benjamin, Clement, and Elder
Maxson. In May, 1881, the society began the erection
of a fine frame church building in Jackson Center 48 by 30
feet, which was completed at a cost of about $2,000, and
dedicated during the summer of 1882. The present pastor is
Rev. E. L. Lewis.
St. Jacob's Lutheran church was organized in
April, 1851, its original membership being Jacob
Zorn, Sr., Jacob Zorn, Jr.,
Jacob Metz, Sr., Philip
Metz; Philip Kempfer, Sr.,
Michael Elsass, Jacob Nonnoront,
Michael Keis, Sr., Nicholas
Shearer, Michael Shearer, and their
wives, together with John Iseman and wife, Jacob
Iseman and wife, George Heinz and
wife, and Mrs. Elizabeth Christler. Nicholas
Shearer, John Iseman and Jacob Zorn were the
first church trustees. Under the direction of Rev.
George Spangler the company purchased a little over
one acre of land in the northeast quarter of section 6,
town. 7, range 7, on which a hewed log structure was built
and this continued to be used as a meeting place until in
1877 when a commodious brick church building was put up.
The church has maintained its organization up to the
present time. Rev. Mr. Pfluger, of Botkins,
is now serving as pastor.
St. Emanuel's Lutheran Church—The Lutherans at Montra
united in 1860 and a society was organized by Rev.
Henry King. They were earnest people who were willing
to meet for worship in an old storeroom until a proper
church edifice could be completed, which was accomplished
in the fall of 1862. Services were held here until the
building was destroyed by fire in 1874, the membership
having increased and during the summer of 1875. The
new church building was erected on the old site. Many
gifted preachers and zealous Christians have ministered to
this congregation since then. The present pastor is
Rev. B. F. Mittler.
Montra Methodist Episcopal Church—The Methodist
faith was professed by some of the earliest settlers at
Montra, but they had no special church organization until
in the winter of 1864-65, when Elijah Holmes and wife,
Mrs. Mary Foster, Henry Carter and wife, Samuel J. Piles
and wife, William Baker, Elizabeth Kah and Joab
Click and wife, under the direction
of Revs. Rinehart and Smith, became a
recognized religious body. The society worshiped for
several years in an old log building in the town but were
able to dedicate a new structure in June; 1879, the
minister then in charge being Rev. J. B. Findley.
Rev. B. F. Smith, of Jackson Center, is now serving
the congregation. .
Pleasant Hill Methodist Episcopal Church—This church,
located one mile east of Jackson Center, was organized
some time prior to 1838. The earliest class included
Andrew Holmes and wife, Lewis Bland and wife,
Thomas McVay and wife, Henry and James Roland and their
wives, Philip Keith and wife, John Armstrong and wife,
Mary Kertier and others. The first meetings were held
in private houses, but by 1843 a log structure was put up,
which was supplanted in 1853 by a frame edifice. The
latter continued to be the church home until the erection
of a much more pretentious one in 1882, at which time the
membership numbered some sixty families, with missionary
and other organizations. This society, however, disbanded
some time ago and is no longer in existence.
There is also at Jackson Center a Disciples, or Church
of Christ, organization, Rev. Harry Stinson being
its pastor.
The list of justices of the peace that have served in
Jackson township'from 1836 until 1910 will show that
representative men here have held this important position:
1836 Nov. 8 - Maxwell,
1837 Oct. 21 - Cathcart, Thomas M.
1839 Oct. 14 - Noland, Wesley
1840 Nov. 9 - Cathcart, Thomas M.
1842 Apr. 28 - Meranda, Newland
1842 Oct. 17 - Noland, Wesley
1845 Apr. 24 - Meranda, Newland
1848 Oct. 21 - Elliott, John C.
1846 Apr. 22 - Loofbourrow, Davis
1851 Nov. 8 - McCormick, Valentine
1858 Apr. 16 - Hopkins, E. H.
1860 Nov. 10 - Ailes, H. M.
1861 Apr. 22 - Hopkins, E. H.
1863 Oct. 18 - Young, Peter M.
1866 Oct. 17 - Elliott, John C.
1867 Oct. 15 - Young, P. M.
1869 Oct. 18 - Elliott, John C.
1870 Oct. 19 - Moodie, John
1872 Oct. 12 - Ailes, Alfred
1873 Oct. 20 - Moodie, John
1875 Oct. 20 - Ailes, Alfred
1876 Oct. 18 - Moodie, John
1878 Oct. 14 - Ailes, Alfred
1879 Oct. 18 - Moodie, John
1881 Oct. 19 - Ailes, Alfred |
1882 Mar. 18 - Ailes,
H. P.
1884 - Babcock, J. C. (resigned Mar. 9, 1886)
1885 - Ailes, H. P.
1886 - Moodie, John
1888 - Ailes, H. P.
1889 - Applegate, Louis (resigned same year)
1889 - Hussey, James M.
1891 - Ailes, H. P.
1892 - Hussey, James M.
1894 - Ailes, H. P.
1894 - Leininger, J. A.
1897 - Ailes, H. P.
1900 - Ailes, H. P.
1900 - Davis, A. A.
1903 - Ailes, H. P.
1903 - Davis, A. A.
1906 - Babcock, C. F.
1906 - Ailes, H. P.
1909 - Ailes, H. P. (appointed)
1909 Jan. 22 - Babcock C. F. appointed, resigned
Apr. 5, 1909
1909 - Sailor, J. G.
1910 - Ailes, H. P.
1910 - Baker, W. E. |
The present township clerk is
Geo. P. Staley.
Trustees—William Schneeberger, Jacob
Helmlinger and J. .M. Hughs.
Jackson township has several
flourishing fraternal organizations. Lodge No. 736, Odd
Fellows at Jackson Center, has about one hundred members.
Granite Camp No. 15573, at Jackson Center has an active
membership o£ thirty-one.
Epler Lodge, No. 458, F. & A. M.
was organized at Montra, Shelby county, Ohio, on the 25th
of November, 1871, and began working under dispensation,
with officers as follows: T. W. Epler, W. M.; H.
S. Ailes, S. W.; A. A. Davis, J. W.; J. E.
Elliott, treas.; J. C. Grafton, sec; D.
Glick, S. D.; G. W. Elliott, J. D.; E. V.
Ailes, Tyler. The charter members were C. M. Davis,
J. M. Carter, H. Arnett, B. R Wren, and H. M.
Stout. They received their charter on the
16th of October, 1872. Their place of meeting was at
Montra until December 17, 1877, when they moved to Jackson
Center, where they have since held their meetings.
Poplar Knob Grange is an
active and flourishing society, with W. C. Baker
and Sidney Ailes, trustees. |

- History of Shelby County - Publ. 1913 -
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