(Form for
Native Citizen)
No. 16548 Issued Apl. 23, 88
County of Arapahoe}ss.
I, Napoleon Wagner, do swear that I was born in the
County of Shelby & State of Ohio, on or about the 31st
day of March, 1857, that I am a Native and Loyal Citizen
of the United States, and about to travel abroad
accompanied by my wife, Marie Gertrude Wagner, age
twenty years.
Sworn to before me this 17th day of April, 1888.
Napoleon Wagner
William J. Ache____, Notary Public
I Henry Wagner, do swear that I am acquainted with the
above named Nepolean Wagner, and with the facts stated
by him, and that the ____ are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Sworn to before me this 17th day of April, 1888.
Henry Wagner
William J. Ach___, Notary Public
Wagner & wife
Age, 31 years
Mouth medium
Stature, 5 feet 8 1/2 inches, eng.
Chin, broad
Forehead, high
Hair, brown
Eyes, blue
Complextion, medium
Nose, prominent
Face, oval
I, Napoleon Wagner, do
solemnly swear that I will protect, and defend the
Constitution and Government of the United States against
all enemies, whether domestic or foreign; and that I
will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the
same, any ordinance, resolution, or law of any State,
Convention, or Legislature to the contrary
notwithstanding; and further, that I do this with a full
determination, pledge, and purpose, without any mental
reservation or evasion whatsoever, and further, that I
will well and faithfully perform all duties which may be
required of me by law; So help me God.
Napoleon Wagner
Sworn to before this 17th day of April 1888
William J. Achison?, Notary Public
Appelant desires passport sent to following address:
Dr. Napoleon Wagner
Box 2783, Denver, Colorado |