Wills & Estate

Last Will and
Testement of Jacob Siegel
(Spelling is as it is on documents)
In the name of the Benovelent Father of all I Jacob
Siegel of Shelby
County State of Ohio do make and publish this my last will and
(1) First it is my will that my just debts and all charges be
paid out
of my Estate.
(2) Seckond it is my will that Fifty Dollars Shall be taken
from my
Estate and Shall be used for Holy Masses and Erect a Tumb
Stone on my
(3) Third i give and devise to my daugter Regina
Brucken or her Heirs
out of my Estate the sum of Five Hundred and fifty Dollars
(4) Fourth i give and devise to my daughter Chatarina
Brown or her Heirs
out of my Estate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars $200.00/10.
(5) Fifth i give and devise to my Son Ferdinand
Siegel or his Heirs out
of my Estate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars $200.00/100.
(6) Sixth i give and devise to my Son Reinhard
Siegel or his Heirs out
of my Estate the sum of Five Dollars $5.00/100.
(7) Seventh i give and devise to my Son Philipp
Siegel or his Heirs out
of my Estate the sum of Five Dollars $5.00/100.
(8) Eight it is my will after all the above has been fully
complied with
as it says, if there Should be Some money left it is my will
that it
Shall be eaqually devidet amongst my childer or their Heirs.
(9) Ninth it is my wish that Anton Brucken shall
be my lawful
administrator of my estate.
In testimony heareof i have heareunto Set my hand and Seal
this 21st day
of January. A.D. 1879.
Jacob Siegel
Signd and acknowledged by Said Jacob Siegel as
his last Will and
testiment in our presence: and Signd by us in his presence
J. H. Rottinghaus
Conrad Brucken

Application To Probate Will
In the Probate Court Shelby County, Ohio. Jacob Siegel
deceased. To the
Honorable the Judge of said Court. And now comes J. H.
Rottinghause and
produces for admission to Probate in said Court, the Last Will
Testament of Jacob Siegel late a resident of the Township of
McLean in
said County, who died A.D. 1880.
Said will was not deposited during the lifetime of the
Testator, in the
office of the Judge of the Probate Court of said County, for
safe-keeping, as allowed by law. Said Testator died leaving no
widow and
the following persons, all of his next of kin resident in the
State of
Ferdinand Siegel son Wainsfield, Auglaize County, O.
Philip Siegel son McCartysvill Shelby Co. O.
Reignhart Siegel son Loramie PO Shelby Co. O.
Regena Brucken daughter Loramie PO Shelby Co. O.
Catharine Brown daughter Plesent Hill Miami Co. O.
the 4th day of May 1880
Attest:______ Wymann probate Judge
Journal No 2 Page 152
Recorded inRecord No 2 Page 492
Doc No 2 Page 176
See Notes Contributed by Norita Ross
