History of Trumbull & Mahoning Counties,
Published: Cleveland: H. Z. Williams & Bros.
Trumbull County, Ohio
Abraham Drake, of Monmouth, New Jersey, was in the
habit of going with others to Schooley mountain, in that
State, in the fall of the year, for the purpose of hunting. On
one of these occasions he became acquainted with a Miss
Stark, a relative of Colonel John
Stark of Revolutionary fame, and married her. He bought two
hundred acres of land near Haskelstown, New Jersey, where they
settled, and to them were born three sons, viz: Abraham,
Aaron, and Sylvenius. Abraham, the oldest,
was born in 1756. In 1788 or 1789 he married Sarah
Bell, of Sussex county, New Jersey. To them three daughters
and six sons were born, viz: Elizabeth, Sarah, and
Meriam, Jacob, Simeon, Aaron,
George, Abraham, and Amos. And for some years
they lived near the above-named town, but the father dying, and
having willed all his property to his son Aaron,
Abraham and Sylvenius were dissatisfied. Abraham
endeavored to persuade Aaron to allow him to have the
house and a small piece of land belonging to his father's
estate, and on which he then lived, and which would enable him
to maintain his family by his occupation, being a weaver, but in
this his efforts proved to be of no avail, and on returning home
from this mission, late one evening, sadly disappointed, and as
no other avenue seemed open to him whereby he might support his
family, he said to his wife, "We will go West," and with this
decision, which was characteristic of the man, he soon bid his
friends and native place a last farewell, for he never returned,
and the writer believes never heard of them afterward. He
removed his family to Jefferson village, Morgan township,
Washington county, Pennsylvania, where they stayed some six
months, while he went on to Ohio to look for a place to locate
their future home. This was in the year 1804 or 1805. He
purchased three hundred and twelve acres of land in Howland
township, for which he paid $655, and settled on that part of it
which is the farm now owned by his grandson, Amos
Drake. Here they began by earnest and unceasing toil to
supply their wants from their own productions, amid the
privations and hardships incident to the times. It was even no
small task to guard the few domestic animals, which they had or
could get, from the attacks of wild beasts. Well does the
writer remember the log pen in which the sheep were secured at
night to keep the wolves from them, and also of the trap made of
logs in the woods, to catch those prowling invaders, yet with
all of their vigilance sheep were frequently killed, and bears
would kill the hogs and calves, and the deer would persist in
feeding upon their wheat in the fall and spring.
And yet amid these scenes with willing hands they soon began to
gain for themselves a comfortable home. But when it seemed they
most needed each other's presence to assist and cheer them in
their efforts death took from the home the wife and mother. She
died May 16, 1808, aged forty-two, leaving the husband and eight
children, the youngest a son only a year old.
The household duties henceforth devolved upon the
daughters, Elizabeth and Sarah. In 1813 he built
the house (yet standing) in which he afterwards lived until his
death, July 17, 1818, aged sixty-two years, and here would my
pen fondly linger to pay a tribute to one whose industry,
honesty, and uprightness of character were proverbial. The
impress of the virtues of that father and mother was seen upon
their children in after years, and made them moral, upright,
unassuming, faithful men and women.
Elizabeth having married, the care of the family
fell on Sarah, which duties she faithfully performed for
some years, she and Jacob keeping and living on the homestead.
Simeon and Aaron settled on a part of the land
which belonged to their father; George and
Abraham settled on the west side of the creek in this
township. Elizabeth moved to Poland, now Mahoning county,
all following agricultural pursuits. George in 1844
removed with his family to Howard, Knox county, Ohio. Sarah
in 1833 sold her interest in the homestead to Jacob, and
built a house on the farm of Abraham, where she lived
until April 1851, when she ceased to keep house, and lived with
Aaron and his family until April, i860, when she returned
to the old home, and lived with her nephew up to the time of her
death October 26, 1864, aged seventy-two years. She and her
brother Amos were not married—he dying July 30, 1821.
Meriam died in infancy in New Jersey. The following are
marriages of the the sons and daughters of Abraham and
Sarah Drake; the number of children born to each
marriage; the death and age of parents, and the number of
children now living.
June 11, 1811, by Dan Eaton, justice of
the peace, James Stull, of Poland, and
Elizabeth Drake, of Howland. To them were born three
daughters and one son. Death and age of parents unknown. One
daughter survives.
January 3, 1822, by Isaac Heaton, justice
of the peace, Simeon Drake and Lucretia
Williams, of Howland. No children, she dying soon after
marriage; age unknown.
May 8, 1825, by John Hank, justice of the
peace, Aaron Drake and Mary Williams,
of Howland. To them were born five sons and three daughters. He
died August 22, 1855, aged fifty-six years; his widow, three
sons, and one daughter survive.
June 9, 1825, by R. L. Seely, justice of the
peace, Simeon Drake and Olvina Hank,
of Howland. To them were born four sons and one daughter. The
father died March 12, 1859, aged sixty years ; the mother
February, 1880, aged seventy-six years. Three sons survive.
June 15, 1826, by Alford Brunson, justice
of the peace, George Drake and Nancy
Smith, of Hubbard. To them one son was born. The mother died
May, 1827. The son survives.
May 30, 1829. by Adamson Bendy, minister,
George Drake and Mary McElroy, of
Washington county, Pennsylvania. To them were born two
daughters. The mother dying in 185-; the father February 23,
1871, aged sixty-eight years. One daughter survives.
May 17, 1830, by A. Bently, minister, Abraham
Drake and Jane McElroy, of Washington
county, Pennsylvania. To them one son was born; the mother dying
October, 1842; the son surviving.
May, 1844, by A. S. Hayden, Abraham Drake and
Phebe Moffit, of Solon. To them was born one
daughter; the father dying May 24, 1849, aged forty-four years.
His widow survives.
April 11, 1826, by Joseph W. Curtis, minister,
Josiah Drake and Agnes Anderson, of
Howland. To them were born two sons and one daughter, viz:
Amos, Alva, and Agnes. The mother died
September 19, 1831, aged thirty-six years.
February 12, 1833, by John Henry,
minister, Jacob Drake and Artlissa Lane,
of Austintown. To them were born a son and daughter, viz:
George and Emily. The father died September 28, 1842,
aged forty-six years; the mother August 22, 1846, aged
thirty-seven years; his daughter Agnes October 4, 1846,
aged fifteen years.
The following are the marriages of the sons and
daughter of Jacob Drake referred to and the number
of children surviving : April 24, 1851, by Isaac
Errett, minister, Amos Drake, of Howland, and
Lavinia J. Hull, of Champion. To them a son and daughter
were born—Charlie W. and Ida M.—who reside as
above written.
September 6, 1860, by Mathias Christy,
minister, Alva A. Drake and Lide J. Grove, both of
Howland, where they still reside.
Emily went to Clinton county, Iowa, in 1847,
where she married Dr. S. D. Golder. They settled in
Charleston, Missouri. To them four sons and one daughter were
born. The mother died January 31, 1875, age forty-one years. The
daughter and three sons survive.
George went to Colorado in i860,
where he married Martha A. Brown. To them two sons and
one daughter were born. An infant son survives.
Alva A., second son of Jacob and Agnes
Drake, was born in Howland township in the year 1829.
After obtaining a fair English education he devoted himself to
agricultural pursuits. In i860 he married Miss Lide
Grove, daughter of Jacob and Rachel
Grove, of Austintown, and later of Howland. Mr.
Grove was born in Beaver, Pennsylvania, in 1802. While but a
child his parents removed to Austintown, and there he
married, in 1830, Rachel Woodward. He removed to
Howland in 1850, and died April 16, 1881. Mrs. Grove
died March 31, 1880. They had two children—John C. and
Lide. The former died in 1861, leaving two children—Minnie
and Lulu. Mr. Drake settled on the farm on
which he now resides in 1865. He is an extensive and practical
farmer and dealer in fine Merino sheep. He has accumulated two
hundred and fifty acres of land, which is in good condition.
While he is enterprising and industrious he is at the same time
liberal and companionable. He held the office of justice of the
peace in Howland township, and on account of reliable judgment
in business matters was chosen real estate appraiser. He is a
representative of one of the oldest and most respectable
families in the township, as the preceding family sketch will
*Prepared by Amos Drake. ok |
Samuel Kennedy (Howland), the
pioneer of this family in Trumbull county, was born in Chester
county, Pennsylvania, in 1764, from whence he moved to Ohio in
1814, and settled on the Kennedy homestead in Howland,
where he lived until his death, which occurred in 1816. On this
farm he erected the first saw-mill in the township on Kennedy
run, on the east part of the farm. This mill was operated from
that time until about 1873.
He was married to Jane Kennedy, and to
them were born the following children : Montgomery K.
(deceased), Nancy, now living in Howland, Elizabeth
(deceased), Mary, mother of J. F. King, Tabitha
(deceased), James, now on the home farm, Maxwell
(deceased), Thomas and William, of Bazetta; and
Ann, widow of M. J. Iddings, of Howland.
James Kennedy was born in Northumberland
county, Pennsylvania, in 1807, and came with his father to Ohio,
when he was but seven years old. From his boyhood to his present
advanced age he has been a resident of Howland, and always
prominently identified with all the public interests of the
township. In early times every settler from necessity became
expert in the use of a gun; but Mr. Kennedy was,
and is now rated, as an extra good shot. He relates that he
succeeded in killing forty-two wild turkeys in forty-four shots;
and now exhibits a target about two inches in diameter in which
eight bullet holes cluster about the center. He was also a
mechanic and manufactured articles of furniture and cutlery with
considerable skill.
He was married in 1831 to Miss Alice
Scott, who was born in 1809. Their children are William
Wallace, of Newton Falls; George W., of Howland;
James Lawrence, of Warren, and John Scott.
The Kennedy family of Howland was
represented in the late civil war by George W. Kennedy,
who enlisted August 22, 1861, in company C, Second Ohio cavalry.
The regiment immediately went into camp at Cleveland, where they
spent the winter. Afterwards were ordered west to Platte City,
Missouri, and were employed mostly as scouts in the Indian
country. The first skirmish in which they were engaged was at
Independence, Missouri, afterwards being engaged in a battle at
Cowskin prairie, and, also, at the second battle at Pea Ridge.
In 1862 or 1863 they returned from the West and in following
campaign were engaged as scouts in Kentucky and Tennessee; was
through the memorable campaign of the wilderness under Grant;
also at the siege of Knoxville, Tennessee. He was considerably
disabled by his horse falling on him at Somerset, Kentucky,
breaking a leg and three ribs.
In the fight at Piney Creek church his horse was shot
from under him while in command of his company, to which he
succeeded on account of the cowardice of his captain while under
fire, he holding the rank of sergeant at the time. At the famous
battle at Winchester, Virginia, he had another horse disabled,
and was present when General Phil. Sheridan
appeared after his famous ride—"saving the day at Winchester."
After following the regiment through many hard
campaigns he was discharged September 18, 1864, on account of
injuries received as above mentioned. On his return home he was
married November 11, 1865, to Eliza Bailey, who
was born July 25, 1837. They now have one child, Jimmie Frank,
who was born April 5, 1868. After his marriage, he settled on
the east part of the homestead farm and operated a saw-mill. He
afterwards returned to Sharon, Pennsylvania, where he kept a
hotel; also, afterwards engaged in same business at Warren. He
removed to the present farm in Howland in 1877, where he now
resides—having served his township as assessor, school trustee
and supervisor.
John Scott Kennedy was born in
1850, and was married m 1876, to Jennie King, who
was born in 1855. They have one child, Grace.
He is now a member of the firm of M. C. & J. S.
Kennedy, marble and granite works, Cortland, Ohio; was census
enumerator of 1880, and had the honor of presenting the best set
of books in the census district; he has also held the office of
town assessor for two years, having been elected to that office
while absent from home. He now resides on the home-farm in
Howland. ok |

James F. King |
widely and favorably known throughout this part of Ohio as a
stock dealer and farmer, is a descendant of one of the earliest
settlers of the county. His grandfather, Barber King,
was a native of Connecticut, and was employed in that State as
an iron worker.
He made the acquaintance and courted Irene
Schoville, a lady of aristocratic family, whose parents
objected to her marriage with a laborer; and the old Connecticut
statutes made it a crime for a man to lead a lady to Hymen's
altar without her parents' consent. But Cupid has never been
easily bound by statutes, and when in earnest always finds a way
of evading them. In this instance Miss Schoville
rode to her affianced's house, gave him a place behind her on
her horse, and rode to a magistrate's office, where they were
lawfully married. Mr. King joined the second
company of surveyors sent out by the Connecticut Land company in
1797, and while thus employed selected a place for settlement
near the present site of Canfield. The following spring he
removed with his wife from Connecticut and made an improvement
on the lot which had been selected. They lived there two years,
then removed to a lot at the present village of Girard. After a
residence on this lot of about six years, having made
considerable improvement, General Perkins proposed
an exchange of one hundred acres in Howland for the lot on which
Mr. King lived. After viewing the ground the
proposition was accepted, on condition that the center of the
one hundred acres should be a certain strong, clear, flowing
spring. Beside this spring Mr. King built his
house in Howland, and moved into it in June, 1806, on the day of
a total eclipse of the sun. The house stood on the ground now
occupied by J. F. King's residence. Mr. King
was a plain, unambitious farmer. He lived to the age of
sixty-nine years. Mrs. King lived to the advanced
age of eighty-six years. During the Revolution she was taken
prisoner at Wyoming by the Indians and held captive for six
months. The family of Barber and Irene King
consisted of seven children— Jonathan, James,
Samuel, William, Bliss, Anna, and
Sarah. Sarah (Mrs. William Brinton)
is the only member of the family living. They all settled in
Howland township except James, Anna (Mrs.
Jabez Bell), and Sarah Brinton.
William King, father of James F. King,
was born April 9, 1798, and died October 8, 1866. He was
married in 1820 to Mary B. Kennedy, a daughter of
Samuel and Jane Kennedy. She was born in 1801, and
died January 3, 1869. Mr. King was a man of great energy
and progressive ideas; his wife was plain, unassuming and
industrious. They were both members of the Presbyterian church
and were remarked in their neighborhood for sympathy and
kindness in cases of sickness. Their family consisted of four
children—James F., Irene (deceased), Orvilla (Mrs.
William Chamberlain), and Jerusha (Mrs. Charles Hunt).
James Franklin, whose portrait
appears on an adjoining page in this volume, was born March 12,
1822. He owns and resides on the old homestead of his
grandfather and father, and where he was born and raised. He
attended the district school and received a fair English
education, but it was farm work that mainly occupied his
attention. Soon after thoroughbred shorthorn cattle had been
introduced into the county, in 1841, by Thomas and
Frederick Kinsman, Henry B. Perkins, and the
Cowdens of Gustavus, Mr. King saw the
opportunity of building up a successful industry. The first
importations of cattle had been from New York. Mr.
King accompanied Messrs. Kinsman and
Perkins to the Bluegrass region in Kentucky in 1850, at
which time he made a purchase of short-horns, and has since
continued to supply his herds with stock cattle from that region
and from southern Ohio. He has for about forty years given close
and intelligent attention to the breeding and raising of stock
cattle. He keeps on his farm about one hundred head. Of late
years Mr. King has been dealing to some extent in
thoroughbred Southdown sheep. He has been identified with the
Trumbull County Agricultural society as an officer ever since
its re-organization in 1846, and for eight years was president.
Under his management the annual fairs were made of special
interest to the general farmers. He aimed to make the annual
exhibitions what they professed to be—agricultural fairs. He is
a man of good executive talent, being energetic, correct and
decided. Mr. King married in 1862 Miss
Cornelia J. Andrews, daughter of Samuel and Lorena
(Hutchins) Andrews, of Howland township. They have a family
of two children. ok |
the surviving pioneers of Trumbull county few are more deserving
a place in this history than Judge Ratliff. He was
born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, December 17, 1799.
His grandparents came to this country from England, but at what
date is not known. His father was John Ratliff,
and his mother Mary Vandyke, both of whom were
natives of Delaware, where they lived until about the year 1798.
They moved to Westmoreland county and thence to Beaver county in
1801, near the Pennsylvania and Ohio State line. On the 1st day
of April, 1811, his parents removed to Trumbull county, Ohio,
arriving at their destination in the northwest part of Howland
township on the 3d day of the same month. There the subject of
this sketch grew to manhood, surrounded by all the difficulties
attending a pioneer settlement. In 1818 he married Elizabeth
Wilson, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth
(Hyde) Wilson, who were natives of Ireland but
came to this country when quite young. In April; 1821, he was
elected township clerk of Howland and served in that capacity
for a period of eighteen years. About the year 1823 there was a
regiment of volunteer riflemen organized in Trumbull county. The
township of Howland raised a company of about eighty men, who
were uniformed and equipped with good rifles. At the first
election of officers Richard L. Seeley was chosen captain
but was afterwards promoted and Judge Ratliff was
elected captain, serving seven or eight years, shortly after
which the regiment was disbanded. About the year 1839 he was
elected justice of the" peace and served in that capacity six
years, when, in 1845, he was elected one of the associated
judges of the common pleas court of Trumbull county, which
office he filled with ability until the change in the State
constitution in 1851. His associates on the bench were Edward
Spear, of Warren, and Asa Haines, of
Vernon, the presiding judge being Hon. Benjamin F. Wade.
September 1, 1844, Judge Ratliff became a member
of the Disciples church of Warren, and in the following year was
elected by the congregation one of the overseers of the church
and officiated in that capacity till about 1870, when he was
released from the duties of the office on account of his age.
May 3, 1855, the Disciples church in Warren became an organized
body under the laws of Ohio for the incorporation of churches
and he was elected one of the trustees and still holds such
He is the father of seven children. Two died in
infancy. The others are as follow: Isaac, now living in
Howland; Robert W. of Warren; Ann
(deceased), wife of Josiah Soule; Mary
(deceased), wife of Henry Hoagland; and Lydia
Maria, wife of Daniel L. Jones, of Warren, with whom
the subject of this sketch makes his home. Mrs.
Ratliff died in Warren March 16, 1875, aged seventy-seven.
Judge Ratliff's occupation through life has been that
of farming. He has been unusually blessed with good health, and,
possessing a naturally vigorous constitution, he is to-day,
notwithstanding his advanced age, a hale and hearty old
gentleman. At this writing (March 17, 1882) he is eighty-two
years and three months old. ok |
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