Farmington township, number
six in the fifth range, is bounded on the north by Mesopotamia, on
the east by Bristol, on the south by Southington, and on the west by
Geauga county. The surface like most of the townships of the
county is undulating and the soil is largely clay, though in the
northern part a sandy loam is found.
[Page 317]
The principal streams are
Grand river, Swine creek, and Dead branch. Grand river runs
through the township a diagonal course from the southwest to the
northeast. Dead branch is a southern ranch of Grand river.
Swine creek drains the northwestern part of the township.
This township
contains seventeen thousand one hundred and fifty seven acres, and
was in draft number fourteen, drawn with other lands by Joseph
Bowell, William Edwards, Samuel Henshaw, Joseph Pratt, Luther
Loomis, David King, John Leavitt, Jr., Ebenezer King, Jr., Timothy
King, Fidelio King, and Sylvester Griswold. These
owners sold to one another and quit-claimed to others at different
times from 1798 to 1811, at which time Solomon Bond owned the
greater part of the township.
The survey was made under the direction and personal
superintendence of Luther Henshaw, and the township was
called Henshaw until it was organized as Farmington in 1817.
This township was first
settled mainly by Connecticut people. Its growth was a slow
one and not until long after its organization was it thickly
known as Captain Wolcott,
and David Curtis, were the first arrivals. They came in
the spring of 1806, from Vienna township. Lewis Wolcott,
son of Theodore, was a descendant of Henry Wolcott,
who came to this country about the year 1630. In the spring of
1805 he made the journey from Connecticut to Ohio on foot, carrying
all his earthly possessions in a knapsack. He stopped one year
in Vienna, working for Joel Humiston. David Curtis, a
son of lawyer Curtis, was the companion of his journeying.
Upon their arrival here they built a pole cabin for a summer
residence, near the spot where Mr. Kibbee's house now stands
at West Farmington.
In the summer of 1806, Zenas Curtis,
David or lawyer Curtis, and Elihu Moses brought
their families and located. Zenus Curtis built a cabin
on the Fuller farm on the State road; the land is now owned
by C. A. Mackay. David Curtis built on the old
Ramsley Curtis farm, where Dr. Meyers now lives, and
Elihu Moses on the opposite side of the road from S. H.
The next arrivals are mentioned in the biographical
sketch of the Wolcott family given below:
JOSIAH WOLCOTT, was born September 17, 1755, and married
Miss Lydia Russell, of Weathersfield, May 13, 1779. The
children of this union were as follows:
Catharine, Daniel R., Horace, Susan, Mary, Josiah W., Erastus,
and Edmund P. The mother of Edmund P. died Apr.
19, 1805, aged forty-three years. His father again married;
his second wife was Mrs. Nancy Higgins, widow of Dr.
Higgins, of Weathersfield, Connecticut; the time of his marriage
was Feb. 16, 1806. The names of the children following this
union were, Lydia R., Caroline, and Charlotte.
Their mother died Oct. 13, 1824, aged fifty-eight years.
Josiah Wolcott married a third time, the object of his
affections being Mrs. Brown, of Warren. They had one
daughter, Nancy.
Mr. Wolcott died Jan. 18 1838, in his eighty-third
year. His native place was Weathersfield, which he left about
the year 1800, and settled in the town of Bristol, Connecticut.
His occupation was that of a farmer. He lived in Bristol until
1806, when he was persuaded, by the glowing representations of a New
Connecticut land speculator, one Solomon Bond, to make
a purchase of one thousand acres of land in the then unbroken
wilderness. He visited his new territory in the fall or winter
of 1806 and 1807, in company with his son Horace. Mr.
Wolcott's brother Theodore, and his son Lewis,
and Gad Hart, came out at the same time. They
"rolled" up a log house, perhaps fifteen feet square, without the
help of a team; in this place they wintered. The ground on
which this bachelor residence stood on northwest corner of centre,
was a few feet west o the Wolcott store. This building
was raised, inclosed, floors laid, and inside finished without
having a sawed piece of timber in it. Here the company passed
the winter. At that time the place was nothing more or less
than a wilderness; not an article of food, either for man or beast,
was to be had in the township. They brought the straw to fill
their bunks from Mesopotamia, and as the forest was so dense that
then could to get their straw through, they were obliged to travel
down the old path from Mesopotamia to Warren, as far as Grand river,
and then come up on the ice to their lodgings.
Mr. Josiah Wolcott returned to his family early
in the spring, after a most fatiguing journey, made more so by
losing his horse in Pennsylvania; he made the rest of the journey on
foot, at the time when the roads were in their worst state. He
disposed of his farm and arranged his affairs, and left the land of
"steady habits," as it then was appropriately called, arriving with
his family and three of his second wife's children, viz: Nancy,
Silas, and Polly Higgins. In the meantime his son
Horace and put up a log house for the accommodation of the
family; the size, perhaps, might e 20x22. In this a family of
from twelve to fourteen had to find a home, but it was highly prized
by all. Now the business was to clear off the timber, and that
was undertaken with a will; the boys were working at it every day,
except the Sabbath, and on that day services were held at some
private house, either at the centre or at some one's house at the
west, usually at David Curtis's. Situated as they were,
it would seem they had no time for sickness, or no accommodation
when they were ill. Yet one of their number, a sister Mary,
was during the spring and summer months gradually sinking under the
scourge of our race, viz: consumption. Their son, Dr. Silas,
attended her, but nothing seemed to produce a good effect, and she
died Sept. 2, 1808. A
[Page 318]
few trees were felled, and a grave dug.
This spot was where the present cemetery now is. Her funeral
was the first, and her grave the first in the township.*
Mr. Wolcott felt that meetings on the Sabbath
must be kept up, and succeeded in carrying out his convictions of
propriety in this idea. As it was seldom the case that they
had preaching, when meetings were not requested at other houses they
held meeting in their own place - often had preaching in Parkman,
and Judge Parkman and lady frequently attended here.
The way of getting to church was on horseback for those who had
horses, or with ox-teams.
Mr. Wolcott, considering the help had, had
cleared quite a farm before the breaking out of the War of 1812.
But from that time he saw the great disadvantage all were laboring
under, in not having mills of any kind; and in this state of things
two men called upon him, professing to the number one mill-wrights,
and persuaded him to undertake the building of a saw- and
They cut and hewed and hauled on to the ground a large
quantity of timber, and partially constructed running-gear, etc.,
but in consequence of indebtedness which was likely to send him to
the "lock-up," the main part of his workmen left, and the
undertaking was abandoned. The project of mill-building rested
for several years. Another mill-wright appeared who proposed
to put up one on the spot where A. D. Kibber & Co.'s mill now
stands; but their mill soon went down, and proved a failure.
The scheme went to rest again, and after a space of one or two years
a third trial was made, and they succeeded in getting a good
About this time complaints were made by parties who had
erected mills above Seats; vexatious suits were commenced and
continued in court for some ten years. Several judgments were
obtained and paid. Mr. Wolcott being confident that his
dam did to back water to the injury of the upper mills, the
Legislature enacted a law giving the party wishing to erect or
sustain a dam across any stream the privilege to summon a special
jury, who should view the premises and decide how high the party
might raise a dam without injury to others. This act was
complied with, and that put an end to the litigation. Twelve
of the best men in Trumbull county gave their verdict to the effect
that he had been put to all the costs and vexation of ten or more
suits unjustly.
son of
Josiah Wolcott, was born Nov. 17, 1800, in Bristol, Connecticut.
His advantages for an education were limited; he however obtained a
good practical and business knowledge. He was reared a farmer,
- worked at it till he was thirty, - then went to selling goods at
Farmington. He married Clarissa Bosworth, of
Farmington, Nov. 19, 1829: - result of this union, nine children,
seven of whom are living, viz.:
Julia E., William W., Amelia, Cecilia, Charles F., Addison L.,
and Mary E. Mr. Wolcott lived some ten years at
Chagrin Falls, and while there was justice of the peace. He
also held several offices of trust and honor in this township.
He was a member of the Congregational church; in politics, a
Republican. It may be said of this gentleman that he was one
of the strong supporters of the Congregational church; and the cause
of education had in him a warm supporter. He died Mar. 21,
CAPTAIN ERASTUS WOLCOTT, fourth son and sixth child of Joseph and Lydia,
when born in Bristol, Hartford county, Connecticut, May 2, 1795.
His advantages for an education were nothing, in fact, only having
had three months' schooling in his life. He was early
disciplined in all the details of farm life, which he has followed
as an avocation through life. When but eight years old he came
here with his father's family. He married Miss Almira
Hannahs, of Nelson, Portage county, June 19, 1820. She was
born Mar. 9, 1798, in Bethlehem, Connecticut. She was the
first teacher in this town. Result of marriage, six children,
all living and settled well and doing well; - their names,
Orlando K., Luther H., Catharine C., Julius E., Orvis A., and
Helen C. Mr. Wolcott has held various offices in this
town. Elected captain of State militia about 1825. United with
Presbyterian church 1825; he was chosen deacon in 1841, succeeding
his father; he was ruling elder at the time of his death. His
wife died Jan. 11, 1865. Deacon Wolcott was again married,
to Celesta Worrell, of Farmington, Jan. 5, 166. She was
the widow of
John Worrell. Captain Wolcott died Dec. 26, 1867.
June 28, 1872, aged eighty-seven years and seven months. We
subjoin the names, births, and deaths of his family: Edward C.,
born Oct. 21, 1809, died Apr. 5, 1864; infant daughter, born June 6,
1810, died June 8, 1810; Louisa, born July 16, 1812, died May
13, 1813;
Russell, born May 23, 1814, died Oct. 20, 1865; infant
daughter, born Sept. 14, 1816, died Sept. 15, 1816; Julia,
born Sept. 23, 1817, died Feb. 21, 1830; Addison, born Apr.
18, 1820, died Mar. 20, 1869; Albert G., born Aug. 30, 1823,
living; Sophia, born Sept. 15, 1826, died Jan. 16, 1849;
Caroline, born Mar. 18, 1829, living. Mrs. Sabrina
Wolcott died July 28, 1865, aged seventy-five. The heads
of the above family were united in marriage Dec. 15, 1808.
Albert G. is now living in Wyandotte, Kansas, engaged in the
lumber business and "real estate." Caroline Bughoff is
living at the center, with her only child,
Edwin F.
O. I. WOLCOTT, son of
Erastus and Almira, was born May 30, 1823, in this town
(Farmington). Educational advantages fair, for those early
days. He was untied in marriage to Miss Catherine M. Stowe,
of Braceville, Nov. 13, 1845. This lady was born May 21, 1821.
result of union, six children, viz: Norman E. (deceased),
Cornelia A., Austin E., Miranda C., Julius O. (deceased),
and Orvis O. Mr. Wolcott has held several town offices.
In 1865 he was chosen county commissioner; he was re-elected in
1868. United with the Presbyterian church April 10, 1859; he
was several times chosen superintendent of the Sunday-school.
His wife is also a member.
THEODORE WOLCOTT was a member of
Captain Benton's company, and made permanent settlement here in
1814. His wife was Rhoda Goodrich.
They had nine children - Lewis, Josiah, John, William, Nancy,
Newton, Chester, Emily and Susan. Eight are dead.
All resided
[Page 319]
in Farmington and died here, excepting Emily
(Belden), who died in Kansas; William, who died in
Parkman, and Chester, who survives. Chester G.
Wolcott, youngest son, was born in Connecticut in 1803. He
married, in 1843, Louisa S. Hudson, of Orwell.
Their only child, Leander H., was killed while in his
country's service in his nineteenth year. He was a member of
the Ohio National guard, and was killed June 11, 1864, at Covington,
Kentucky, while serving against Morgan's raiders.
Mrs. Wolcott died in 1867, aged sixty-one. Theodore
Wolcott died in 1837, aged about seventy-three. His wife
died in 1847 at the age of eighty-eight. Mr. Wolcott
was a deacon of the Congregational church from its organization to
the time of his death. He was a man of liberality and worth.
O. L. WOLCOTT, son of
Lewis, was born in Farmington in 1823; was married in 1850 to
Martha F. Kibbee, and has five children living, one deceased -
Ella H. (Chamberlain), Louise S. (deceased, Emma A.,
Carrie F., Grace L., and Frank B. Mr. Wolcott was
county auditor four years, 1859 to 1863; was a member of the State
board of equalization from this district, serving the year 1871-72;
was then appointed by Governor Noyes as commissioner of
railroads and telegraphs and served two years. He is now
engaged in farming and stock-dealing.
son of Newton, was born in Farmington in 1837. In 1866
he married Hattie E. Gillette, who died in 1881, leaving
three children - Carrie E., Newton A., and Carroll.
In February, 1882, he married Mrs. Sarah Harrison. Mr.
Wolcott served four years in company D, Second Ohio cavalry.
He has been township trustee two terms.
F. J. WOLCOTT, son of
Lyman B., was born in Farmington in 1859. He is now in
partnership with
Dr. O. A. Palmer, and C. S. Thompson, and is secretary
and treasurer of the Standard Chair company.
GAD HART, who came on with
the Wolcott brothers in 1806, moved with his family to Henshaw in
1807, and took up his abode in the cabin near where the Wolcott
store stands, at the center. This was the cabin erected the
previous year.
The house built by Horace Wolcott was a little
more pretentious than most pioneer dwellings. He hauled boards
from Parkman, and made a very comfortable cabin, with floors above
and below and a door of boards. But when the family arrived
and surveyed it, the women, thinking of the pleasant home they had
left in the East, burst into tears.
During the winter months of 1807-8, the Wolcotts
purchased their provisions in Mesopotamia, of Esquire Tracy.
Sometimes they bought venison of the Indians; and on one occasion a
fine buck was purchased for a silver dollar.
At this time the only roads in the township were paths
marked by blazed trees. The State road from Warren to
Painesville, running across the southwestern part of the township,
had been marked out but was not bridged or worked. A little
later it was cleared of its obstructions so that ox-teams could
travel it. There was a route of travel from Warren via Bristol
and Mesopotamia, running diagonally through the northeast of
Henshaw, and a bridge across the Grand river about one mile and a
fourth northeast of the center of the township. The winter of
1807-08 was spent in clearing, and in the spring crops were put in
which yielded fairly. During the year the settlement received
quite an addition to its members by the arrival of William
Wilson, Josiah Wolcott (second son of Theodore), Gad,
Bartholomew, Ezra Curtis, John Hethman, J. P. Danford, Dennis Lewis,
Jacob Bartholomew, and one or two others. Some of these
were married and brought their families, others were single.
During the early years of the settlement the nearest
place where milling could be done was Parkman. Garrettsville
and Bristol were often visited for the same purpose.
Frequently the man or boy who went to mill was obliged to make the
journey one of two days' duration.
in the eastern part of the township in 1813, and for many yeas his
was the only house in the township east of the center. Several
of the name are still residents of Farmington and vicinity.
West Farmington in 1810, at which time there were but seven families
living in this place. His daughter, Mrs. Chauncey Taft,
now a widow, is still living, and though seventy-eight years of age,
is hale and hearty. It was through the influence of Dennis
Lewis that the name of Henshaw was changed to Farmington, also
that of Bowlestown to Southington.
[Page 320]
Quite a thriving settlement sprang up along the old
State road, and log cabins were plentier there than frame houses are
now. William Wilson was one of the first settlers on
this road, followed by John Young, Daniel and Orrin Taft,
and others. From the various Taft families residing
here, that part of the township was long known as Taftsburg.
Pennsylvania, settled about 1810 on the north bank of Grand river.
He had but one child, a son, Eli, who soon after coming here
married Catharine Bellows. He was a Quaker and paid his
fine instead of going to the War of 1812. Eli Young
raised a family of four children, all of whom are living: Sarah
(Sager) Bristol; Stephen, on the old homestead; Mary A.
West Farmington, and Newton, Gustavus. John Young
died in 1824.
came about 1815,
and his brother
Daniel soon after. Both settled on the State road.
Orrin's children were Frederick, Orrin, Julia, Joseph,
Lucy Ann, Eliza Ann, Calvin, and Harvey. The two
last named are living. Orrin and Frederick died
in Braceville. Lucy and Eliza are still living.
DANIEL TAFT's children
were Robert, Mary Ann, Jane, Henry, Harriet, Laura, Caroline,
and Lovett. Jane (Green) lives at West Farmington.
Harriet and
Caroline are also living.
Chauncy, Harvey, and
Horace TAFT, brothers of Daniel and Orrin, also settled
in Taftsburg and reared families. They, however, were later
In May, 1814, Captain John Benton and his
"company," consisting of his own family, Theodore Wolcott and
his family, left Connecticut for Henshaw. They were provided
with horse and ox teams, and journeyed via Trenton, Philadelphia,
Harrisburg, and Pittsburg. At the latter place, then a little
smoky village, they bought some flour, which they ate upon their
arrival in Henshaw. The company reached here in safety in
June, following up the State road from Warren. From this road
they were obliged to cut their way through the woods to the center.
DAVID BELDEN came from
Weathersfield, Connecticut. He located where Colonel H. H.
Hatch now lives, and afterwards where Sheldon Spencer
resides, near the river. His family consisted of twelve
children, all of whom lived to be married and bring up families,
except one son,
from New York State, came to Farmington immediately after the War of
1812, and settled on the river where he cleared up a farm. He
died there at about the age of seventy-six. Alanson
Brockett, his son, was born in western New York in 1805, and
came on Ohio with his parents. He married Anna Maria Moffet
and settled on a part of his father's farm. In 1835 he moved
to Bristol, settling on the old Moffet farm on West
street. The last three years of his life he resided in
Bristolville, where he died in 1875. He was twice married, his
first wife being the mother of all of his children, fourteen in
number, six boys and eight girls. Four boys and two girls are
JOHN BENTON, moved to
this township from Bristol, Connecticut, making the fourteenth
family in Henshaw. They journeyed with one yoke of oxen and a
horse, and were forty days upon the way. John Benton
and his wife (nee
Polly C. Upson) were the parents of four children - George
Washington, Henry D., Polly (Brown), and Harriet C.
(Loveland). Henry D. and Harriet survive, the latter in
Dakota. Washington died at Beaufort, South Carolina,
and Polly at Council Bluffs, Iowa. H. D. Benton
was born in 1810, and has resided in Farmington the most of his
life. He married in 1843 Harriet H. Baldwin, of
Parkman. They have three children living, one deceased -
Herbert U., Edwin H., Marion I. (Underwood). All reside in
Iowa. Mary Augusta, the first child, died at the age of
In 1817
in the eastern part of the township; and in 1818 JOEL and IRA
HYDE ABIJAH LEE, and others.
a native of Connecticut, moved from the State of Massachusetts to
Farmington township in 1818. He was the father of ten
children, of whom seven are living, two of them, S. H. and
Mrs. Cotton, in Farmington. Mr. Loveland died in
1870; Mrs. Loveland, whose maiden name was Lydia Taft,
in 1867.
was born
in Farmington in 1822 and has resided in this township since,
excepting five years in California and Australia. He married
Mahala Rood, a native of Connecticut, in 1856, and has two
children, Lydia
and Henry.

[Page 321]
DANIEL GATES, born in western New York in 1807, settled in east
Farmington in 1817. He married, in 1828, Eunice A. Chafee,
of Bristol, and had five children, three of whom survive, viz.:
Freeman, a prominent manufacturer of Painesville, Ohio; Emily,
wife of Rev. J. B. Corey, of Cleveland; and Mary Maria,
wife of Dr. A. J. Brockett, of Bristolville. Mr.
Gates moved from Farmington to Greene in 1851, and from Green to
Bristol in 1874. He died in Bristol in 1880; his wife in 1879.
ABIJAH LEE moved to Farmington from
McHenry county, New York, in 1818, coming the whole distance of five
hundred miles in a sleigh, bringing his mother, then eighty-three
years old, his wife and eleven children. The names of his
children were as follows: Roswell, Lydia, Isaac,
Almira, Harriet, Polly, Simeon,
Hannah, Betsey, Seth, and Electa. Of
these Roswell, Isaac, Hannah, and Harriet
are dead. Simeon lives in Michigan; Lydia, in
Ashtabula county; the others are all in Farmington.
came to Farmington from McHenry county, New York, about the year
1820. Soon after coming here he married Almira Lee, who is
still living. Their six children were: James Addison,
Chauncy, Milo W., William W., Albert, and a son who
died in infancy. Addison died at the age of twenty, and
Albert at the age of twenty-one. The three surviving
sons reside in Farmington. W. W. Grififith, the
youngest of these, was born in 1836. He married Mary
Chandler. Mr. Griffith, the father, died in 1864,
aged sixty-four years. He taught the first school in east
Farmington in the old log school-house, which stood near the present
site of the church.
born in Chardon, Ohio, in 1821. When four years old he came to
this township. In 1842 he married Llydia Folk, of
Southington. Their children are: Addison, Orvel C., George
H. (deceased), Charles S., Emogene, Mary E., and Julia
E. All are married except the youngest.
was born in Connecticut in 1783. In 1808 he removed from New
England to Brunswick, in this State, with a family of three boys. .
About the year 1827 he settled in Farmington. By his first
wife his children were Nelson, Lewis, and Giles—all
born in Connecticut. The mother of these children, Anna
Sedgwick, was born in Connecticut in 1783. His second wife,
Aurelia Strong, bore ten children, five of whom are
living. Of the first children, only Giles is living.
He resides in Northfield, Summit county. Nelson spent
most of his days in Wisconsin. Lewis was born in 1805.
In 1831 he married Harriet Lewis (born in Farmington
in 1811) who is still living. Mr. Curtiss died in 1874.
Their children were named: Miles and Giles (twins),
Silas, Nancy, Judson, Martha, Mary J.,
Ellen, Alfreda, Nelson J. Two, Giles and
Judson, are dead.
Nelson J., youngest child of Lewis and Harriet
Curtiss, was born in this township in 1852. In 1873 he
married Victoria M. Symes, of Farmington. She died in
1875, at the age of twenty-three, having borne one child, Vernie
Victoria. In 1877 he married Nettie Lord, who was
born in Wisconsin in 1852. Their children are Vinnie May
and Fredie Maud. N. J. Curtiss lives upon the
old homestead.
J. W. and SARAH (LEW)
LAMBERSON came to Farmington in 1832 from Ontario county, New
York, being originally from Herkimer county. They settled in
the east of the township and reared six children, viz: William D.,
Charles, Mary Ann, James, Eliza (Harshman),
and Luetta (Norton). Two, Mary Ann
and James, are dead. The others reside in Farmington,
excepting Mrs. Norton, who lives in Bristol.
W. D. Lamberson, their oldest child, was born in Herkimer
county. New York, in 1826. He came to Farmington with his
parents and has since resided here, excepting while he was in the
army. He married Emily A. McKay, a native of New York.
They have two children living and one deceased: Sarah Catharine
(died at the age of eleven), Leora, and Addie May.
Shadrach Pierce, was born in 1824; in 1847 married Sarah
Jane Housel. Their children are: James J., Olive L.,
Peter H., and Mary J. Peter is dead. Mrs.
Pierce died in 1877.
was born
in Buffalo, New York, in 1825; has lived in Ohio forty-five years;
was brought up in this county; married Joanna Proctor in
1847, and has seven children living, one deceased. Mr.
Fales is largely engaged in buying and selling horses.
came from New Haven,
[Pg. 322]
county, Connecticut, to Vienna township, this county, in 1805, and
resided the most of his days there. In his old age he lived in
Bazetta and died in Mecca at the age of seventy-five. He
raised eight children, who arrived at maturity, seven of whom are
still living—William, of Bristol; Leverett and
Chandler, Farmington; Eliza M., Columbiana county;
Abigail (Caldwell), Champion; Mary (Barber),
Vienna; Selden, Bristol; Isaac C., the fourth son,
died in Kansas at the age of sixty-one. Chandler
Hickox, now a resident of Farmington, was born in Vienna in
1809, and has resided in the county excepting two years. He is
a carpenter by trade. Mr. Hickox married
Ursula Langley, of Hubbard, and has five children living
and five deceased. The names of those living are William D.,
Hattie (Wolcott), Anna (Pierce), Jane (Pierce), Myron E. Millaus
R., the oldest son, died in Andersonville prison in 1863.
He was in the Second Ohio cavalry. William D.,
enlisted in 1861 and served through the war. He was also a
prisoner at Andersonville.
born in Hampshire county, Massachusetts, in 1814. In 1833 he
came to Ohio, and settled in Greene township in 1838; was that year
married to Hannah Knapp, a native of Massachusetts.
Two sons were born of this union—Charles (deceased), and
John Avery, resident of Farmington. For his second wife he
married Sarah Kinney, who bore one child—Sarah J.
(King), now living with her father. He married for his
third wife Mrs. Mary A. Pierce, of Farmington. Mr.
Harwood has resided in Farmington since 1860.
ROBERT KINCAID, a brother of
William Kincaid whose parentage is given elsewhere, was born in
Youngstown in 1817. He married Mary Pierce,
of Farmington, and came to this township to live about 1841.
The children are four living, two deceased: Cornelia,
Christopher, Robert (deceased),
Margaret, Allison (deceased), Alice.
ANDERSON DANA, a native of
Connecticut, was for many years a prominent citizen of Farmington,
holding the office of justice of the peace and other responsible
positions. He died in 1876 at the age of eighty-six years.
He was twice married. His first wife, Ann Dennison,
bore four children, who are living, viz.: Charles A.,
of the
New York Sun; Junius, Maria, and David.
For his second wife he married Mary Ann Wright,
who bore three children: Daniel, Wright, and
William. The latter was killed in the army; the two former
are married and reside in Farmington. Mr. Dana
moved to Trumbull county in 1832. His son, Daniel R. Dana,
born in 1834, married Miss M. W. Kennedy in 1869, and has one
child, Harry R. Mr. Dana began the manufacture
of cheese in 1869 in the factory now owned by Wilcox &
Griffin, where he carried on the business two years. He
began work in the factory which he now operates in 1871. The
capacity of this factory is about seventy tons per annum.
Mr. Dana makes use of the patent process.
JARED HOUSEL was born in
Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, in 1811. In 1812 he went
with his parents to Stark county, and after eight years moved to
Jackson township, now in Mahoning county. In 1834 Mr.
Housel and his father, Peter Housel, came to
Farmington. Peter Housel had a family of seven
children, all of whom are living. Jared Housel
married in 1839 Lucinda Miller, of Farmington.
Six children are the result of this union: Mary J., Isaac,
George, Survinus, Sophia, and Ira. George
and Ira live in Farmington; Mary J. in Bristol;
Isaac in Gustavus; Sophia in Kansas. Survinus
died in the army at the age of nineteen.
A. GILBERT, ESQ., attorney-at law, now of Cleveland, Ohio, is the son of
Albert and Esther B. Gilbert, who settled in Farmington
township in 1851. He was educated in the common schools, and
in West Farmington seminary. He enlisted in 1862, in the
Eighty-seventh Ohio volunteer infantry, and afterwards in the
Eighty-sixth Ohio volunteer infantry and One Hundred and
Seventy-first Ohio National guard, being in the service about
fifteen months. After the war Mr. Gilbert read
law in the office of Jones & Case at Youngstown, and
was admitted to the bar in 1867 at Canfield. He located for
practice temporarily at Niles, but after about four months removed
to Maysville, Union county, Ohio, and from there in 1871 removed to
Cleveland, where he is in full practice. He was married in
1867 to Anna M., daughter of Joseph Allen, one
of the pioneers of Bristol township.
J. M. COMPTON is engaged in
the insurance business in West Farmington. He represents the
best companies and does a good business.
[Page 323]
Mr. Compton is
a young man of enterprise and strict integrity, and his business is
fast increasing.
[Page 324]
The following document
presents a roll of the militia of Farmington and Southington.
Unfortunately the original has no dale upon it. Old residents,
however, think that the paper was probably a roll for the year 1821:
Sergeant Roswell Lee
Sergeant Stephen Crawford
Sergeant Isaac Lee
Sergeant Stephen Osborn.
Corporal Chester Canfield
Corporal Harmon Hurd
Corporal Tom Walden
Drummer Joy Hurd
Fifer Comfort Hurd |
Gad Bartholomew,
Harvey Belden,
Burrage Belden,
David Curtis, Jr.,
Jemes Chalker,
Francis Curtis,
Joshua C. Danford,
Lemuel Frisby,
Jonathan Hethman,
Silas Higgins,
Horace Norton,
Roderick Norton,
Leonard Osborn,
Stephen Osborn,
Gilbert Osborn,
Rufus Rice,
Benjamin Viets,
Jonathan Walden,
Horace Wolcott,
Josiah Wolcott,
Josiah W. Wolcott,
Levi Ormsby,
James Nutt,
John Wolcott,
Asahel Belden,
Wolcott Belden,
Newton Wolcott,
John Moffit,
Ira Hyde,
Ithemur Linscott,
Daniel Warner,
Samuel Horton (Haughton?),
Retus Horton,
David Hatch,
Garrett L. Grossbeck,
Chauncy Taft,
Asa Walden,
Milton Rice,
Abiel Jones,
Willis Curtis,
Elisha Bosley,
Elisha Brunsen, |
Smith Hurd,
Chauncy Curtis,
Ebenezer White,
John Bosley,
Orrin Taft,
Joseph Rice,
Levi Fowler,
Eden Wildman,
Ezekiel Wilcox,
willard Curtis,
Levi Abrams,
Philip Griffith,
Amos Eastman,
Chester Canfield,
Elkhara Dibble,
Dennis Lewis,
Fredom Hurd,
Eleazer D. Lamoine,
Lawrence Bennet,
John Benton,
Volney Bemis,
Newton Rice,
Harmon Hurd,
Samuel H. Joy,
Martin Rexford,
Edmund P. Wolcott,
John Hethman,
Socrates Loveland,
Alexander Crawford,
Ransley Curtis,
Austin Smith,
Harry B. Stannard,
Austin Walden,
Elisha Walden,
Horace Harper,
Shelden Curtis,
Francis Curtis,
David Belden,
William Wolcott,
William Bolley,
Daniel Maltby,
_____ Knapp, |
The first marriage - both
parties living here - was Mr. Louis Wolcott to Miss Nancy
Higgins, Dec. 1, 1808. She was the daughter of widow
Higgins, then the second wife of Josiah Wolcott.
The second marriage was that of Horace Wolcott
to Miss Sabrina Tracy, daughter of 'Squire Tracy,
of Mesopotamia. This wedding took place Dec. 15, 1808, her
father performing the ceremony. Horace had been helping
his father build a cattle shed of logs and shakes, up to about 4
o'clock P. M., when he brushed the mud off his hands and said:
"Father, I believe
[Page 325]
I will not work any more to-day. I am going up to Mesopotamia
to be married to-night. Won't you go up?" The father
said he guessed not, it was too far. So Horace washed
up, put on his best suit (which was not the finest broadcloth), and
went on foot to Mesopotamia and was married.
As far as known Caroline Wolcott afterward the
wife of George L. Holmes, was the first child born in
Farmington. She was born Sept. 12, 1808. Both she and
her husband are now dead. The second child was Joseph H.
Wolcott, son of Lewis and Nancy (Higgins) Wolcott.
He is now living in Kansas.
The first frame house erected in Farmington township
was built by Daniel R. Wolcott, oldest son of Josiah
Wolcott, in 1820. It was erected on the south side of
the common, or southeast corner of the center, and is yet standing
and in good repair. It was for a long time the residence of
H. W. Collar, Esq., and was afterwards owned and occupied for a
number of years by Captain James Caldwell, and later still,
the residence of S. J. Buttles. During the same season,
or soon after, a frame house was built in West Farmington, on the
northeast corner where the Palmer brick now stands. It was
erected by Theodore Wolcott, and afterwards, owned and
occupied for a long time by Lewis Wolcott, son of
Theodore. Theodore Wolcott built a house
about half a mile south, where Mrs. S. S. Spencer now lives,
and where he lived until his death. About the year 1823 or
1824 a frame house was built on the northwest corner at the center,
where T. Hall's house now stands. The frame was put up
and enclosed, the roof put on, and the chimney built all in one day.
The most of the timber used m its construction was taken from the
stump. This house was built for Dr. Abiel Jones.
Captain Ira Hyde built the chimney. They had plenty of
good old rye whiskey, and when they got through, the captain said he
could not see but that the chimney was perfectly straight, but next
morning they discovered it was a little crooked.
The first school-house in Farmington was built in the
spring of 1816, and located near a pear tree and a spring on the
northeast corner at the center. Captain Benton
and Josiah Wolcott cut the logs for the school-house
one snowy day, and Erastus Wolcott hauled them with an
ox team. Captain Benton, although the day was
cold, wore a pair of linen pants with holes in the knees.
The first school kept in this house was taught by
Miss Almira Hannahs, of Nelson, afterwards the
wife of Erastus Wolcott. There was also the same
or the next season a log school-house built at West Farmington and
located near where the store building, built by Kibbee &
Loveland, now stands, and the first school kept in that was
taught by Miss Nancy Wolcott, who afterwards
became the wife of Silas Higgins.
The houses of the early
settlers were all built of logs, and seldom was a board or a nail
used in their construction. Floors of puncheons, chimneys of
sticks and mud, hearths of mortar, and lights of hickory bark were
some of the usual necessary articles found in the pioneer's
Gowns were made from flax, spun and woven by the
wearers. When colors were desired butternut and black walnut
bark furnished them. The gentlemen wore garments of tow and
linen in summer and buckskin or woolen in winter. Shoes and
boots were worn very sparingly, as their cost was great.
Sociability and hospitality prevailed.
The first tavern in the
township was kept in a log building where William Wilson
lived in 1810. Afterwards a frame addition, then a frame house
took its place. Huff, James, Joseph
Whiting, the Tafts, Herner and others were early
landlords. William Kennedy at length bought the
property and continued the business. Herner sold liquor
and incurred the hostility of the temperance people, and was
prosecuted two or three times. Afterwards one or two attempts
were made to run a saloon at the center, but the citizens rose in
opposition and from that time to this Farmington township has been
singularly free from the pernicious influence of the rum-seller.
There are now two hotels in the township, both at West
Farmington—the Lewis house, of long standing, and the house
of E. Trunkey, just opposite.
The old red tavern on the State road ceased to be a
house of entertainment about 1847.
The first store in the township was opened in 1825
on the southeast corner at the center by Mr. Stewart, of
Vienna. He was succeeded by Tucker & Crowell;
then, about 1833, E. P. Wolcott engaged in the mercantile
business, and he and his sons carried it on nearly all of the time
for over forty years.
The first merchant at West Farmington was Austin D.
Kibbee, who in 1834 kept store in part of his own house.
Later he built a store opposite his residence. He was
succeeded by Higgins & Wolcott. Kibbee &
Wolcott then conducted the business alone for some years.
Mr. Kibbee has done more to promote the growth of the
village than any other man.
The Woman's Foreign
Missionary society, Akron district, was organized at West
Farmington, June 2, 1879, when the officers of the auxiliary were
elected as follow: Mrs. E. A. Lamberson, president; Miss
A. Young, Mrs. J. Kennedy, Mrs. J. Hathaway, and
Mrs. S. J. Taft, vice-presidents; Miss Augusta Goff,
treasurer; Mrs. E. Thompson, recording secretary; Miss E.
C. Greer, corresponding secretary. Number of life members
in the society, five; members, twenty-five.
is on a knoll of ground midway between the center
and West Farmington. It presents a beautiful appearance; is
nicely fenced off, and the grounds are well cared for, and it is
here many of the pioneer settlers of the township are buried.
It is under the control of the township trustees, who have erected a
capacious vault.
The soldier's monument is a beautiful marble structure
erected in the cemetery at West Farmington by the citizens of the
township in commemoration of the gallant services rendered by the
soldiers from Farmington in the late war of the Rebellion. It
has the names of those who lost their lives on the field of battle
or who died from wounds in the hospital, inscribed upon it, as
follows: Homer H. Stull, lieutenant; William T.
True, B. F. Kennedy, Newton F. Wolcott, Calvin Caldwell, Adelbert M.
Hart, Ira Wildman, Charles E. Richards, William Dana, Henry Lovell,
E. E. Daly, A. Clark Flick, Leander H. Wolcott, George W. Moffit,
Virgil N. Weir, Almon A. Lew, Hamlet B. Belden, William Wilberforce
Strickland, Judson S. Curtis, Thomas F. Hall, Jesse D. Kinear,
Joseph J. Brown, Henry Steel, Robert Mathews, John O. Caldwell,
Morris W. Freeman, Sylvanus Housel, Frank G. Palmer, John W.
Kingard, Frank Proctor, Edmond E. Kinear, August W. Show, Charles W.
Gilbert, Stephen Wildman.
The monument cost $1,400, and was erected and
dedicated in 1865, James A. Garfield making the speech on
that occasion.
About 1831
Farmington post-office was established on the State road,
Epaphroditus Fuller, Postmaster.
As early as 1834 an office was established at the
center, Daniel Wilcox, postmaster.
About 1847 the Farmington office was removed from the
state road to West Farmington, the center office being discontinued.
Then began a war between the two villages for the possession of the
office, which lasted through many yeas, but was finally settled by
the re-establishment of the Farmington center office. The name
of the other office was then changed to West Farmington.
was born in Avon, Connecticut, in 1804; married Hannah
Goff, born in West Springfield, Massachusetts, Sept. 11, 1807.
They came to Ohio with their family in 1840, and settled in
Farmington where they resided until their death. They raised a
family of thirteen children, as follows:
Hiram S., a blacksmith, of Gustavus; Sarah L.
(deceased); J. C., Jr., a farmer, of Southington;
Frances (Mrs. Fries), Sarah J. (Taft),
Ann Jeanette (Mrs. Maltbie), all of Farmington;
J. O., of the clothing firm of Hart Brothers,
Warren; A. L., insurance agent, Warren; C. O., of the
firm of Hart Brothers, and now county treasurer; V.
M., now engaged in stock raising in the Indian Territory;
Adelbert M., who was in the army during the Rebellion, taken
prisoner, and confined in a rebel prison for sixteen months, died on
his way home Dec. 11, 1864, and was buried at sea; M. C, an
attorney, of Cleveland; and Arlington M. (deceased). J. C.
Hart, Sr., died in Farmington Mar. 19, 1867, aged sixty-three
years. Mrs. Rosannah Hart died at West Farmington Jan.
4, 1880, in her seventy-third year. Mrs. Hart,
or "Aunt Rosa," as she was familiarly called by her
acquaintances, was a woman of more than ordinary endowments, both of
mind and heart, the religious element being predominant in her
nature. She was energetic and persevering and being blessed
with a good physical organization she was well equipped for life's
duties. The poor and needy were often made the recipients of
her benefactions, and when she died her loss came as a personal
bereavement to every one within the circle of her acquaintance.
ALLEN F. PECK was born in Farmington, Trumbull county, Ohio,
Feb. 5, 1828. He studied medicine and graduated at the College
of Physicians and Surgeons, New York city, and also at the Western
Reserve Medical college, Cleveland. He practiced his
profession in Springfield, Illinois, and in Omaha, and also in Santa
Fe, New Mex-
[Pg. 332]
ico. While in the latter place he enlisted in the First New
Mexico cavalry, Colonel Kit Carson's regiment, and served
three years, being surgeon of the regiment. He was mustered
out in the fall of 1864, on account of physical disability.
Oct. 19, 1865, he married Miss Cordie A., daughter of
Ephraim and Mary Fuller, who was born in
Farmington, Feb. 6, 1845. Her father was a native of
Massachusetts, born in 1798, and removed to Ohio in 1825, settling
in Farmington. He was a major in the militia, and postmaster
at Taftsburg, Farmington. He died in 1874. Dr. Peck
continued to reside in Farmington after his marriage, engaged in the
practice of his profession until the spring of 1871, when he removed
to Cleveland, where he resided four years. In 1875 he went to
Akron, but returned again to Cleveland in 1877. He died Feb.
21, 1878. Mrs. Peck now resides in Warren with
her family, which consists of two children: Frank J.,
born September 7, 1866, and Cora M., born Apr. 25, 1871.
Her second child, Flora L., died in infancy.
* Miss Wolcott's death was the result of a serious accident
which happened while the family were on their way from Connecticut
to Ohio. As the roads were had the women walked much of the
way. As Mary - or Polly - was attempting to cross a
stream on a log, steadying herself with a pole, she fell into the
water. It being late in the season she took a severe cold,
from the effects of which she never recovered. The following
epitaph was placed upon the head stone which marks her grave:
"Parents and friends, a long adieu;
I leave this wilderness to you;
My body lies neath this stone -
The arrests of death you cannot shun."
* Deceased