M. M. AYERS, M. D., a
leading medical practitioner at Ohio City, was born at Tedrow,
Fulton County, Ohio, in 1867, and is a son of David Ayers and
a member of one of the pioneer families of his native county.
Moses Ayers, the grandfather of Dr. Ayers,
moved to Fulton County when it was practically a wilderness,
entering a large body of Government land there. He was a
native of Maryland. On the maternal side, grandfather
Tedrow was one of the earliest settlers in Fulton County, and
the postoffice of that name keeps in memory one of its most
prominent citizens in his day.
David Ayers, father of Dr. Ayers, was
born in Wayne County, Ohio, in April, 1828, and removed with his
father to Fulton County, in 1838. He became a prominent farmer
in Fulton County at a later date, and served as county treasurer
from 1871 to 1875. He married Ann Bayes, who was born
in Holmes County, Ohio, in 1835, but later accompanied her parents
to Fulton County.
M. M. Ayers was reared at Tedrow, where he
obtained his earlier education, going from there to the Normal
School at Wauseon, and later teaching school for two years.
In 1890 he entered the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor.
Here he remained through the four-years' course, his being the first
class that, as a whole, took the four-years' medical course there.
He was graduated with credit in 1894, and returned to Tedrow, where
he remained for six months, removing then to Continental, Putnam
County, where he practiced his profession until March, 1902.
After taking a thorough post-graduate course at the Chicago Post
Graduate College, he located for one year at Wauseon, and then came
to Ohio City where he has since been in active work. Dr.
Ayers is one of the progressive medical men of this city, always
awake to all the scientific discoveries of benefit to his
profession, and he keeps himself closely in touch with the best
medical thought of his time by membership in the Ohio State Medical
Society and the Northwestern Ohio Medical Association.
Politically, Dr. Ayres is a Republican. In
Putnam County he served several years as a member of the Republican
Executive Committee. Fraternally, he is a Mason, a member of
Eureka Lodge, No. 592, of Ohio City, and of the Knights of the
Maccabees, of which order he is a trustee and tent physician.
He is also identified with the Fraternal Order of Eagles.
History of Van Wert County, Ohio - Publ. by Richmond &
Arnold - Chicago, Illinois - Publ. 1906 - Page 732 |

Mr. & Mrs.
William H. Ayers
& Family |
one of the
successful and enterprising business men of Liberty township, owner
and operator of a valuable farm of two hundred acres situated in
sections 34 and 35, in a native of Van Wert County, where he was
born on September 2, 1853. He is the son of Cyrus and
Rachel (Butler) Ayers.
His father was born in Ashland County, Ohio, June
20, 1826, and was a son of James M. Ayres of Wayne County,
Pennsylvania, who married Jane Richie, and subsequently moved
to Ashland County, Ohio. He was married Sept. 5, 1848, and
moved to Van Wert County in 1850. On Apr. 3, 1858 while
felling timber, he was caught by a falling tree, which broke his
spinal column and caused his death 17 days later. His wife
Mrs. Rachel Ayers, was a daughter of John and Mary (Lindsay)
Butler, of Tuscarawas County, Ohio, and died on July 2, 1905.
They had six children, all of whom are living.
William H. Ayers, the subject of this sketch,
was reared in Liberty township, received a good, common school
education, afterward devoting his time to agricultural pursuits, and
in 1878 was married to Alvina Vangundy, daughter of
Abraham Vangundy, a prominent farmer of Mercer County, Ohio.
They have six children: Vernon, who married Nellie Smith
and lives in Rockford, Mercer County; Emery Lee, who married
Nellie King, of Van Wert, lives in Ohio City, and is the
father of one child; Orley, who lives at home; Tony
Gaylord; unmarried; Ethel Burdella Edna and Agnes
Edith May.
About three years after his marriage, Mr. Ayers
purchased 80 acres of land (the old home place) from the heirs of
the estate, his father having originally entered 40 acres of land in
section 35. He has added to this tract until now he is the
owner of 200 acres of productive and valuable farm land. At
one time he had 240 acres, but disposed of 40 acres in 1905.
He also owns two residence properties in Ohio City, and has 13
producing oil wells on his land. In addition to the 13 wells
on his own farm, which is leased to the Trial Oil Company, he has in
operation 10 complete oil wells on other land which he has himself
leased. He has two producing wells on the Straw lease, one on
the Butler lease, and four on the Peter Temple lease. Mr.
Ayres had on his farm the second oil well drilled in the Ohio
City field, which for several months produced 200 barrels per day.
It has been pumping since Apr. 1, 1904 and is yet productive.
Mr. Ayers is recognized as one of the township's
progressive and public-spirited men - one whose interests are
coincident with those of the community. He is a Democrat and
has always taken a lively interest in the success of the party,
being elected trustee of the township by that party and serving thus
for several years. He was for three years treasurer of the
township and for two years township clerk, being at one time an
unsuccessful candidate for county commissioner. For several
years Mr. Ayers was one of the directors of the warehouse and
elevator at Van Wert, which is owned by the Grange and Liberty
township. In all these various duties Mr. Ayres has
ever striven to give the public his best and most conscientious
efforts. On a preceding page in proximity to this, is shown a
picture of Mr. and Mrs. Ayers and their family, executed from
a recent photograph.
History of Van Wert County, Ohio - Publ. by Richmond &
Arnold - Chicago, Illinois - Publ. 1906 - Page 471 |