History of Warren
Co., Ohio
A History of the County; Its Townships, Towns,
Schools, Churches,
Etc.; General and Local Statistics; Portraits of
Settlers and Prominent Men; History of The North-
West Territory; History of Ohio; Map of
Warren County; Constitution of the
United States, Miscellaneous
Matters, Etc., Etc.
- Illustrated -
Publ. Chicago: W. H. Beers & Co.,
Salem Twp. -
S. BELLE GEOPPER, farmer; P. O.
Morrow; a native of Hamilton Co., Ohio, born July 23, 1834.
She was educated in the common and graded schools of that
county, and at 18 years of age was married to Dr. Leopold
Geopper, a native of Germany. The following
children were born to the; Mary and Clara,
twins; Edwin S.; Victor H., deceased; Charlotte,
deceased; Jefferson, deceased; William, Ephraim
and Albert. Alexander Pendrey, the father
of Mrs. Geopper, was a native of Virginia, born Sept.
7, 1781. He was a resident of Hamilton County for over
sixty years. He married Mary Ledlow; she was
born in November 1791, being the first white child born in
Cincinnati. He died Apr. 8, 1866, and his wife Feb.
18, 1854.
Source: History of Warren Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago: W. H.
Beers & Co., 1882 - Page 1023 |

David Graham |
Clear Creek Twp. -
DAVID GRAHAM, farmer; P. O. Dodds; born on the
place where he now lives Dec. 3, 1802; is a son of
William and Phoebe (Frazie) Graham; he was born in
Ireland, and emigrated to America with his parents,
William and Sarah Graham, when 2 years of age, in the
year 1760, and located in Pennsylvania, where the
grandfather died on e or two days after they landed; his
wife, Sarah, survived him many years, and died in
Warren County, on the place where
David now lives, Jan. 14, 1823, aged 101 years.
William, the father of our subject, was raised in
Pennsylvania, and, at the age of 18 years, was drafted, and
served as a soldier in the war of the Revolution.
About 1795, he emigrated to Kentucky, and, about 1797 or
1798, came to Warren County and located at Deerfield, and
about 1799 was married; about 1800, locate4d on the place
where David now lives, on Sec. 28, and here they
resided till their death; his wife died May 18, 1855, aged
75 years; he died Aug. 3, 1858, aged 100 years. These
were the true pioneers of the county; they commenced right
in the woods and cut the first stick ever taken from the
place, and here endured all the hardships of those early
settlers, their neighbors being few and far between.
They had twelve children - eight sons and four daughters,
eight now living - David; Nancy, now Mrs.
Drellinger, residing in Indiana; Samuel; James; Sarah,
now Widow Warren, also living in Indiana; Phoebe,
now Widow Kirby, living in Illinois; Hannah,
now Mrs. Shimp, living in Indiana; and John.
Mr. Graham was twice married; by his first wife he had
three children, all deceased. The subject of this
sketch was married. Nov. 21, 1822, to Anna Proud,
born in New Jersey, Oct. 14, 1799, a daughter of Peter
and Abigail Proud, who came to Warren county in 1805; by
this union Mr. Graham and wife have had seven
children - Nancy, born May 23, 1823, died Feb. 23,
1824; Elizabeth, born Nov. 30, 1824, married
Ezekiel Mulford, died July 9, 1850; Samuel, born Sept.
12, 1826, married Mary Richardson, died July 19,
1876; Phoebe, born July 13, 1828, married John
Murry, died Aug. 7, 1881; Abigail Ann, born June
20, 1830, married James Ernhart; Hannah, born June 5,
1833; and Maria, born June 27, 1835, married
Charles E. Earnhart. Mr. Graham is now 79
years of age, and has spent his entire life in this county,
except four years; residence in Miami Co., Ohio; he lived
twenty years on Sec. 27, Clear Creek Township; thence, in
1855, came to the old home farm, where he has since resided.
Mr. Graham is now probably the oldest man living in
Clear Creek Township who was born here; he has known what
pioneer life was, and has lived to see the vast
improvements, and changes that have taken place in these
many years; he is one of the prominent and well-known
farmers of Warren County, and has been one of her best and
most worthy citizens. Mr. Graham and wife
have now traveled the journey of life together
fifty-nine years - almost threescore years. William
Graham, the father, was married in leather breeches.
Mr. Graham found many Indian relics on his farm.
Mr. Graham's father made a cradle of clapboards, in
which all his children were rocked, and it is now an
heirloom in the family.
(Source: History of Warren Co., Ohio - Publ.
Chicago: W. H. Beers & Co., 1882 - page 903 - Clear Creek
Twp.) |
Turtle Creek Twp. -
JAMES B. GRAHAM, manager of Western
Union Telegraph office, Lebanon, was born in Montgomery,
Hamilton Co., Ohio, Sept. 11, 1816; his paternal ancestors
belonged to an old family, long settled in Orange Co., N.
Y., but originally from Scotland. His maternal
great-grandfather was a native of Holland, and his great
grandmother of France; his maternal grandfather came with
his family to Cincinnati in 1794, and after remaining a
short time in Fort Washington settled near Montgomery.
Andrew R. Graham, his father, in company with
James McBurney (our subject's uncle, after whom he was
named) and Nicholas Schoomaker, emigrated from
Newburg, Orange Co., N. Y., about 1814, and settled at
Montgomery. In 1815, he married Catharine Felter,
by whom he had three children, James (Mc) B., Florella
and Adelia. The oldest of these, our
subject, went to Cincinnati in 830 to learn the tailor's
trade, and remained there until February, 1835, when he came
to Lebanon. Having been attacked with virulent
ophthalmia, he studied dentistry, but the profession not
being congenial to his tastes, on his recovery he resumed
the business of tailoring, which he carried on for a number
of years at Lebanon. In 1856, he assumed the
management of the telegraph office at Lebanon, which he has
continued till the present time. He has served as
Mayor of Lebanon two terms, member of the Town Council ten
years or more, and for several years past as Justice of the
Peace. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and
a Ruling Elder in the church at Lebanon. He devotes
considerable time to music, possesses much mechanical
ingenuity, and is a constant reader of scientific and
mechanical journals. He is a man of decided
convictions, and expresses his opinions without regard to
public opinion. HE has long been a decided advocate of
total abstinence. He was married, Aug. 21, 1839, to
Miss Mary A. Adams, a daughter of Henry Adams of
Lebanon, by whom he has had the following children: Clara
L. (deceased), Milton B. (deceased), F.
Catharine, Alfred H., Charles G. (deceased), A
Cornelia, G. Florella, George A., Edgar M. and
Willard Taulman. The eldest surviving son,
Alfred H., is the present Auditor of Warren County.
Source: History of Warren Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
W. H. Beers & Co., 1882 - page 741 |
Franklin Twp. -
DAVID O. GREENE, farmer; P. O.
Franklin; was born in this township Feb. 18, 1835. He
is a son of Edward and Lydia (Feerer) Greene, natives
of New York and Pennsylvania; they came to this county with
their parents when they were very young. Mr. Greene's
grandfathers, Joseph Greene and Peter Feerer,
were both soldiers in the war of 1812. Mr. Greene
is a lineal descendant of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, of
Revolutionary fame. Mr. Greene, our subject,
was married Oct. 14, 1856, to Hannah J. Roser,
daughter of Even and Mary Roser, born in this
township Feb. 14, 1840; six children were the fruits of this
union, viz., Marietta, wife of Edward Gillam; Ada
J., Catherine L. E., John V., Cora E. and Joseph L.
Mr. and Mrs. Greene are members of the Christian Church
of Franklin. Mr. Green is a Republican
in politics. He owns 35 acres of land near to
Source: History of Warren Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
W. H. Beers & Co., 1882 - page 806 |
Clear Creek Twp. -
GREGG, farmers; P. O. Springboro; both were born on
the old home place where James A. now resides,
Jonah R., born Sept. 6, 1836, and James A., Feb.
25, 1846; are sons of William and Susannah (Millard)
Gregg. The paternal grandparents were Samuel
and Nancy (O'Brian) Gregg; he was born in Loudoun Co.,
Va., May 4, 1773; she was born July 28, 1775; in 1896, they
emigrated from Western Pennsylvania and landed at Columbia,
above Cincinnati, near the mouth of the Little Miami River;
they located at Deerfield, Warren Co., near the mouth of the
Little Miami River; they located at Deerfield, Warren Co.,
soon after which Mr. Gregg entered a tract of land in
Clear Creek Township, where he built a log cabin and moved
into it; this structure was without floor, window, chimney
or chinks; a doorway was made in one side by cutting out the
logs; a dense forest covered the country, and he had to make
a route from the cabin to the schoolhouse by blazing trees,
in order that the children might not get lost in the woods;
this structure was also built of logs, with greased-paper
windows and puncheon floor and seats of the same material.
Mr. Gregg, though a young man of about 23 when he
came to Ohio, was inured to severe labor and toil; game
abounded, and he took special delight in allowing his trusty
rifle to speak the doom of many a deer, wolf and bear; of
the deer, he killed, in one winter, thirty-six and tanned
their skins, which served the purposes of clothing, etc.; at
that early day, and for a number of years afterward, the
families of the settlers spun their own yarn, had their own
looms, wove their own cloth and made their own apparel.
Mr. Gregg died Aug. 30, 1844; his wife died Oct. 10,
1844; they had seven sons and six daughters, all now
deceased. William Gregg, the father of our
subjects, who was the first son and second child of the
above Samuel and Nancy Gregg, was born at Deerfield,
Warren Co., Oct. 28, 1798; was raised in the above described
log cabin, and grew to manhood inured to all the hardships
pertaining to those pioneer days. On Dec. 12, 1822, he
married Susannah, daughter of Mordecai and
Catharine (Evans) Millard; he was born in
Pennsylvania Mar. 31, 1874; she was also a native of
Pennsylvania, and they were married in that State; came to
Ohio in August, 1817, and settled near Springboro, Warren
Co.; here Mr. Millard erected a saw and grist mill
about the year 1818, which business he followed about thirty
years; his wife died in February, 1849, aged 77 years;
Mr. Millard died in Indiana Mar. 9, 1850; his remains
were brought home and interred in the Springboro Cemetery.
They had two sons and eight daughters, of whom Susannah,
the mother of the subjects of this sketch, was born in Berks
Co., Penn., Apr. 7, 1803; her grandfather was Mordecai
Millard, born in Pennsylvania Jun. 24, 1736, who married
Frances Lincoln, who was born June 22, 1741, in the same
State, Mr. Gregg and wife had the following children:
Rebecca, born Feb. 14, 1824, died Aug. 6, 1825;
Mordecai M., born Dec. 21, 1825; Hiram, born Dec.
20, 1828; Ann J., born Aug. 3, 1831, died Feb. 20,
1836; Amanda, born May 3, 1833; an infant, born Sept.
7, 1835, died Nov. 19, 1835; Jonah; Catharine,
born Jan. 10, 1839, died 1860; William H., born Nov.
14, 1840, died Oct. 10, 1864; George W., born Dec.
10, 1843, died July 10, 1864; James A.; Emaline
and Adaline, twins, born Mar. 5, 1848; Adaline
died Aug. 4, 1848; Emaline died Sept. 30, 1848.
Of these, William H. served in the war of the
rebellion, and was killed near Atlanta, Ga., by the
guerrillas, while carrying dispatches from Col. Smith,
at Chattahootchie River Railroad bridge, to Col.
Dustin, at Atlanta; his body was found twice pierced
with bullets; there were also two bayonet thrusts in the
breast; it was thought, judging from the character of the
wounds that he received, that the brutal wretches bayoneted
him after he had fallen; either of the gun-shot wounds, or
both, of themselves, might not have proved fatal; as a
friend, he was all that could be desired - frank, truthful
and good; as a companion, pleasant, amiable and attractive;
as a soldier, true as steel and brave to a fault; he was
buried on a high hill within the fortification near the
river; George W., also served in the late war, and
died in the service at Fayetteville, W. Va.; was buried
there; he was a faithful soldier and a noble young man; the
remains of both were brought home and interred in the family
burying ground at Springboro. These the parents
willingly gave up for the preservation of the Union and the
glorious cause of universal liberty; the family have in
their possession the head-boards that were placed at their
graves, having respectively the following inscriptions
neatly cut into the wood:
Company A, 79th Regiment, O. V. I.
Killed October 10, 1864.
Company H, 146th Regiment, O. N. G.
Died July 10, 1864
Mr. William
Gregg was raised and instructed in the doctrines and
discipline of the Society of Friends, but about the year
1840 he embraced the doctrines of Universalism, and was one
among the first to form a society in Springboro for the
building of a Universalist Church; he died Mar. 2, 1879; his
wife died July 22, 1878. Jonah R. Gregg was married,
Nov. 8, 1864, to Miss Ella S., daughter of
Aaron and Rebecca (Kelsey) Gregg, he a native of
Loudoun Co., Va., and she of Warren Co., Ohio, and were
among the early settlers of this county; were married here
and became parents of seven children; three now survive -
Ella S., George W. and Albert M. Mrs. Gregg
died in July, 1852. Mr. Gregg married for his
second wife Philena Borden, by whom he had seven
children four now survive - Sarah F., Ada, Aaron
and Edward Everett. Mr. Gregg died July
16, 1865. During the war, Mr. Gregg was a
resident of Kentucky, and was a stanch Union man; was
several times compelled to leave his home for a time to save
his life; he was a member of the Senate two years during the
war, two of his sons, Wilson and George W., served in
the war; the former enlisted in the 5th O. V. I., and was
killed at the battle of Cedar Mountain in August, 1862;
George W. enlisted when 14 years of age, in the 18th Ky.
V. I. and served through the war. Miss Ella S.,
the wife of Jonah R. Gregg, was born in Warren
County, Nov. 8, 1842; they have had four children - Frank
B., born Sept. 27, 1865; Susie A., born Sept. 11,
1867, died Mar. 14, 1881; one infant, born Aug. 2, 1869,
deceased; and Earl La Mont born May 6, 1878.
Mr. Gregg located on the place where he now lives, which
was known as the Voorhis Farm; here his house was
destroyed by fire in January, 1868, losing all their
furniture and the contents of their house; in the summer of
the same year, he erected his present large brick house, and
now has a fine home and residence. James A. Gregg
was married March. 28, 1867, to Miss Rachel J.,
daughter of Henry S. and Lydia (Bateman) Thompson, he
a native of the State of New York and she of Pennsylvania;
they became early settlers of Warren County; were married
here, and lived and died in this county, dying on the place
where James A. now lives, residing, at the time of
their death, with him. Mr. Bateman erected the
first mill just south of Springboro, which property is now
owned by Mr. Baird, which was cone of the first mills
built in the county; they had nine children; seven now
survive- Hannah Zada, now Mrs. Ryan, residing
in Tennessee; Joseph S., living in Muncie, Ind.;
Mary A., now Mrs. Baker; John B., living in
Cincinnati; William H., living in Indianapolis;
Charles W., and Rachel J., who was born in this
county July 22, 1845. Mr. Gregg and wife have
four children - William H., born Feb. 14, 1868;
John T., April 19, 1871; Mabel A., July 15, 1876;
and Albert Carl, born Feb. 27, 1880. Mr.
Gregg remains upon the old home place where he was born,
and where his parents lived so many yeas; this place has now
been in possession of the Gregg family for forty-four
Source: History of Warren Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
W. H. Beers & Co., 1882 - page 904 |
Franklin Twp. -
MORDECAI M. GREGG, farmer; P. O.
Franklin; a son of William Gregg and Susannah,
daughter of Mordecai and Catharine Millard, was born
in Clear Creek Township Dec. 21, 1825. In 1850 Sept.
16, he was married to Cecilia A., daughter of
Jacob and Margaret Mong; hey have seven children, viz.,
James M., Hattie A., Catharine C., Jennie A., Lincoln H.,
William H. H., and Mary G. Mr. Gregg owns a
fine farm of 157 acres, 110 of which are under cultivation.
Source: History of Warren Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
W. H. Beers & Co., 1882 - page 806 |
Clear Creek Twp. -
tobacco-dealer, Springboro; born in Warren Co., Ohio, Dec.
5, 1840; is a son of Samuel and Rebecca (Brandon) Gregg,
he a native of Greeley, Penn., and she of Warren Co., Ohio;
the paternal grandparents, Reason and Nancy Gregg,
natives of Pennsylvania; Nancy Granf was born in
Granf Run, which too its name from her ancestors, who came
from Holland to America and located at that place; they
emigrated to Ohio S. Clear Creek township and there opened
out right in the woods, and there he died about 1830; she
survived him till about 1858; she died in Springboro.
He was a cabinet maker by trade, which business he followed
through life, supplying many a pioneer with cupboards and
furniture. The maternal grandfather was Absalom
Brandon, a native of New Jersey, but became an early
settler of this county, and here he lived and died.
Samuel Gregg was a child about 5 years of age when their
family came to Warren County, and here grew to manhood,
brought up to his father's trade; was married, Dec. 15,
1829, by Esquire Pence; they had seven children;
three grew to maturity; two now survive - Mary Maria,
who married Bowman H. Githens; and William
Harrison. Mr. Gregg followed his trade the
greater part of his life; was a man of firm character and
principles, and was one of the active men in the
organization and in the building of the Universalist Church
in Springboro, of which he was a devoted member till his
death; was also a member of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows at Springboro, and at his death was buried in the
rites of that order; he died Feb. 1, 1854, aged 47 years;
his wife died March 12, 1875, aged 66 years. The
subject of this sketch was married, Mar. 27, 1862, to
Sarah Jane, daughter of John and Jane (Vandeveer)
Crain; he was born in Cincinnati Feb. 19, 1798, and she
in New Jersey, they had five sons and five daughters; seven
now survive - Mary, now Mrs. Clevenger; Arthur D.,
Sidney, Sarah Jane, Jemima, Anna, now Mrs. William D.
Welch and John. For further ancestral
history, see sketch of Stephen Clevenger.
Sarah Jane was born in Montgomery County Oct. 25, 1837.
Mr. Gregg and wife have had two daughters, one now
living - Ida I., born Jan. 6, 1863. Mr.
Gregg has given his main attention for several years to
buying and dealing in tobacco; is an active, energetic man,
never holds or desires office, but devotes his whose and
undivided attention to business; a man of character and
integrity, and one of the best of citizens; he and wife are
members of the Universalist Church.
Source: History of Warren Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
W. H. Beers & Co., 1882 - page 906 |
Clear Creek Twp. -
BENAJAH GUSTIN, farmer; P. O. Red
Lion; born in Pennsylvania Jersey. The grandfather,
Jeremiah Gustin, was a resident of New Jersey, but
removed to Pennsylvania and lived several years; thence, in
1798, he, with his family, moved into Ohio and located in
Warren County, where he entered a section of land - Sec. 9,
Clear Creek Township - and here opened out right in the
woods, having to cut their way through the brush and timber
for a road for their wagons to the spot where they cleared
and erected a log cabin, with split puncheon floor, and
began in true pioneer style; they had only one neighbor,
Mr. Crane, nearer than two miles distant; here Mr.
Gustin lived and labored till his death, Aug. 31, 1823,
aged 93 years. Elkanah, the father of our
subject, was married in Pennsylvania, and in the year 1800
he emigrated to Ohio and settled on a part of the land which
his father had entered two years previously; he had four
brothers and two sisters, who all located upon this section
of land, and made quite a settlement of themselves;
Elkanah resided here till about 1825; he removed to
Indiana, where he died in 1852; his wife died about one year
previous to Mr. Gustin's death; they had fifteen
children, eight sons and seven daughters, as follows:
The first seven children were sons, the next seven were
daughters, and the fifteenth child was a son; of these, one
son and two daughters still survive - Benajah; Margaret,
now Mrs. Charles Wysong, living in Preble Co., Ohio;
and Perninnah, now Mrs. Custis, living in
Clinton Co., Ohio. The subject of this sketch was
about 3 years of age when his father and family came to
Warren County; here he grew to manhood fully acquainted with
the hardships of those early settlers; was married, Dec. 27,
1820, to Lydia, daughter of Jesse Newport, an
early settler of Clear Creek Township; by this union they
had eleven children; eight now survive - Jesse; Hannah,
now Mrs. Ireton; Jonathan and Isaac, twins;
Elizabeth, now Mrs. Samuel Comer; Morris,
Levi, and Lydia Ann, now Mrs. Swink. Mr.
Gustin has spent his entire life upon the old home
place, and within one mile of it, most of his life having
been on the same section of land his grandfather entered; he
has been a thorough, active business man; has dealt largely
in hogs, and one season met with a heavy loss by the fall in
the price of pork, which involved him quite heavily, but he
knew no such word as "fail;" he located in Red Lion
temporarily, and entered upon the mercantile trade and the
keeping of a hotel; this was about 1849; there he continued
in business about seven years, and paid off all his
indebtedness ($10,000); thence he sold out and moved back to
the farm, where he has since resided, and has been a
prosperous farmer; became owner of 600 acres of land, and
all accumulated by the work of his own hands and good
management, as he started in life with nothing - not even
enough to furnish his house with the most common utensils
for keeping house; and we must remark here, that, coupled
with his energy and industry was a firm principle of
temperance and sobriety, never using liquor or tobacco in
any form from his childhood to the present time; he is now
84 years of age, and has resided in this neighborhood over
fourscore years; he joined the New Light Church at the age
o9f 22 years; has not been a member of the same sixty-two
years, and has never sworn an oath during that period of
time. This record, placed upon these pages, is that of
one of Warren County's earliest pioneers, and whose life of
rectitude, sobriety and success will stand for future
generations as a shining example worthy of all imitation.
(Source: History of Warren Co., Ohio - Publ.
Chicago: W. H. Beers & Co., 1882 - page 907) |
Clear Creek Twp. -
JOHN GUSTIN, farmer; P. O. Red Lion;
born on the place where he now lives, Oct. 2, 1807; is a son
of Samuel and Permelia (Morris) Gustin, he a native
of New Jersey and she of Pennsylvania. The grandfather
was Jeremiah Gustin, a native of Germany, who married
Bethany Fuller, a native of Scotland; they emigrated
to America in an early day; were married in New Jersey,
thence located in Pennsylvania, thence, in 1798, became
residents of Warren Co., Ohio. See sketch of
Benajah Gustin. Samuel, the father of our
subject, was born in New Jersey Nov. 30, 1867, but was
mostly raised in Pennsylvania; was married in that State,
and, about 1791, came down the river to Cincinnati, and from
this date made several trips up and down the river, and
finally bought 80 acres of land upon which Cincinnati now
stands, reported his purchase to his father, and received so
strong a reproval that he sold it, which, had he kept, would
have yielded him a fortune; on a subsequent trip, he brought
his father to Cincinnati, who then and there entered Sec. 9,
Clear Creek Township, Warren Co., where he and his children
located, and here they lived the balance of their lives;
they were among the earliest settlers of the county, and
opened out and cleared up their farms right from the woods,
and did a great amount of pioneer labor. Samuel
was the father of thirteen children, four sons and nine
daughter; four now survive - John; Permelia, now
Mrs. Dearth; Hannah, now Mrs. Garrard; and
Rachel now Mrs. Trowbridge; the two latter
reside in Indiana. Of those deceased, Margaret,
the second daughter, was said to be the second white child
born in Warren County. Mr. Gustin died Apr. 15,
1852; his wife died in 1856. Mr. Gustin was a
very industrious, hard-working pioneer; never held or
desired office, but was one of the best of neighbors and a
worthy citizen, being an earnest, devoted Christian the
greater part of his life, he and his wife being members of
the Christian Church for many years. The subject of
this sketch grew to manhood fully inured to the hardships of
those early days; was married, Nov. 1, 1846, to Hannah
Lewis, born in Warren County, Sept. 29, 1823, a daughter
of Alexander H. and Amy (Clevenger) Lewis, he a
native of Philadelphia and she of Warren County; by this
union they have two sons - Eri - born Sept. 4, 1847,
married Laura Adella Wooley Feb. 14, 1871; they have
one child, Dora Elva; and Lewis, born Aug. 30,
1849, married Eliza Jane Newcomb, Jan. 31, 1875; have
one child, Lulie May. Mr. Gustin has been a
resident of this farm since his birth, a period of
seventy-four years, and, like his father, has been a very
hardworking, industrious man, and a worthy neighbor and
citizen; he and family are all members of the Christian
Church, whose lives and deeds are worthy examples for the
rising generations.
(Source: History of Warren Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
W. H. Beers & Co., 1882 - page 908) |
Turtle Creek Twp. -
LEVI GUSTIN, Sr., farmer; P. O. Red
Lion; was born in Clear Creek Township, Warren Co., Ohio,
Mar. 12, 1821; he is the son of James and Hannah Gustin;
he was reared on the farm, and has had very limited
educational advantages; when 12 years of age, he was "bound
out" to Henry Monger, a farmer, with whom he remained
until he reached his majority. On the 28th of Sept.,
1842, he married Miss Emeline Rhodes, of Warren
County, by whom he has had nine children, all now living,
viz: Hulda, Judith A., William, James B., Mary, Charlie,
Granville, Alice and Carrie. Mrs. Gustin is
the daughter of John Rhodes, a native of
Pennsylvania, of Dutch decent. Mr. Gustin has
followed farming during the whole of his life, and now owns
a tract of 117 acres of land. He is a prominent
Democrat, and was for several years a School Director.
(Source: History of Warren Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
W. H. Beers & Co., 1882 - page 743) |
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