History of Belpre, Washington Co., Ohio
By C. E. Dickinson, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of Congregational Church
Author of the History of First Congregational Church
Marietta, Ohio
Published for the Author by
Globe Printing & Binding Company
Parkersburg, West Virginia
Page 135
THE causes which led to the great
Civil War cannot be fully treated in a local history for this
would require an epitome of the history of this country from
1620 until the election of Abraham Lincoln President in
1860. What has already been given under the head of
Underground Railroad will help us understand the causes of the
war. The discussion of the question of slavery caused an emnity
between the North and South which grew more and more acute from
year to year. Compromises were made by the people of the North
but instead of satisfying the South they rather incited them to
demand more compromises, or rather complete surrender. The
Republican party which elected Abraham Lincoln in
1860 did not propose in their platform to abolish Slavery, but
only to confine it within the States in which it then existed,
but the politicians of the South understood that when thus
confined the growing Anti-Slavery sentiment of the country would
eventually demand other restrictions.
The statement of Abraham Lincoln and
other discerning statesmen that the nation could not long exist
part slave and part free, was known and understood in the South
as well as North and when the sentiment for freedom had become
so strong in the North that they had elected a President the
politicians of the South saw a hand writing on the wall which
foretold the end of slavery, if the Union of States continued,
and so they determined to dissolve the union and establish a
Southern Confederacy with slavery one of its foundation
principles. This brought to the front a political dogma
which had long been discussed, namely that of State rights or
the relation of the government of the States to that of the
nation. The Republican party was the national party, which
believed in the supremacy of the national government. This in
that respect was the party which embodied the teachings of
Washington and Hamilton. The Democratic party which
[Pg. 136]
held almost unanimous control of the Slave States was the States
rights party which held that because the States entered the Union
voluntarily they had the right to go out of the Union whenever they
chose to do so. As was often stated in those days they
commenced the word Nation with a small n and the Republicans with a
capital N.
After the result of the election of November 1860 was
known the Southern politicians did not wait for the inauguration of
President Lincoln but proceeded to carry their States
Rights doctrine into practical operation by appointing State
Conventions and securing in them (not by popular vote) votes of
secession. These plans so far succeeded that in February,
1861, six states had voted to secede and had formed a new nation
called the "Confederate States of America." Five other States
afterwards joined this Confederacy.
These states, under their doctrine, that the state was
superior to the Nation, took possession of the forts, arms, and
munitions found within their borders and, thinking that the States
still in the Union would resist them, made preparation for war.
Quotations from documents in which the people of Belpre are
specially interested will help in understanding the spirit of the
Northern people at that time.
Governor Dennison of Ohio, reviewing the
situation, in his message to the Legislature, January 7th, 1861,
said : "The patriotism of the country is justly alarmed. The
unity of the government is denied. Doctrines subversive of its
existence are boldly advocated and made the basis of State action
under the pretended right of a State to secede from the confederacy
at its pleasure in peace or war. Constitutional liberty is
imperiled, revolution is meditated, and treason is justified.
On the occasion of my inauguration I felt it to be my duty to warn
my countrymen against these hostile designs against the Federal
Union, but then they were in speculation only, now they are in
action. Shall they be consumated? Shall national
government be degraded into a mere league between independent
States, existing only by their approval, subordinate to them and
subject to be destroyed at the pleasure of any State of the
Confederacy? Or shall it continue to be maintained as it has
always been maintained as a govern-
[Pg. 137]
ment proper, sovereign within its prescribed sphere — founded on the
adoption of the people, as were the States, and creating direct
relations between itself and the individual citizens, which no State
authority has power to impair or disturb, and which nothing can
dissolve but revolution?"
These sentiments of their Governor were fully endorsed
by the citizens of Washington County. Although on the border
of a slave state very few members of the Democratic party in this
county justified their erring brothers of the South in their acts of
secession but rallied loyally to the support of the Union.
January 8th, 1861 a large number of leading citizens of
Washington County and Wood County, Virginia, met at the Court house
in Marietta, discussed the situation, appointed a Strong Committee
on Resolutions and adjourned to meet again on January 12th. On
that date a large assembly of representative citizens of the two
counties met and passed very strong resolutions of which we quote
the second and seventh.
II. "The doctrine of the secession of a State has
no warrant in the constitution but on the contrary is in its effects
fatal to the Union and subversive of all the ends of its creation,
and in our judgment secession is revolution; and while we fully
admit the right of revolution for the causes set forth in the
Declaration of Independence, or for others of equal force, and while
we are grieved to say that the governments and citizens of the
States, both North and South, have been guilty of acts of injustice
towards others, yet facts do not exist which warrant a resort to
this last and final remedy, revolution; and we have still an abiding
faith in the capacity and adaptation of the general government to
redress all grievances suffered by its citizens what ever their
VII. Notwithstanding former differences of
opinion on the subject, for the purpose of making a final adjustment
of the unfortunate controversy now raging in our country, we are
willing to accept as a basis of Compromise the adjustment of the
Eighth Section of the Missouri Compromise Act. Or we are
willing to adopt the principle that the whole subject of Slavery in
the territories shall be left to be determined by the will of bona
fide residents of
[Pg. 138]
such territories provided they also be left free to elect their own
officers, executive and judicial as well as legislative.
These resolutions were a fair representation of the
sentiment of the North at that time. These people were so
averse to war that they were willing to make any reasonable
compromise to prevent it. While most of the people in the
Northern States believed that it was wrong to hold a fellow man in
bondage they recognized slavery as a fact and that slaves were the
property of their owners. The institution had grown up in
former years and both the owners and the slaves had grown into these
There was at that time no generally accepted plan for
the abolition of slavery; some argued the plan of purchasing the
slaves, and there were various theories of gradual emancipation and
deportation of the slaves to Africa. Most of the people had a
kindly feeling toward slave holders and were ready to make any
reasonable compromise to prevent a civil war. Congress
appointed a peace committee of thirty-three to consider the whole
matter and report what compromises could be made but the extreme
secessionists were not willing even to consider the matter calmly.
Some remained away from the meetings of the committee entirely and
others attended, as they confessed, only as spies to prevent radical
measures. The violent secessionists were determined on a
dissolution of the Union and the formation of a Southern Confederacy
as soon as the result of the presidential election was known and
they planned to carry out their doctrine of State rights and secure
both the secession of the Slave States and the organization of a
Confederacy before President Lincoln was inaugurated,
and they would allow nothing to prevent them from carrying out this
plan. This Committee failed to accomplish the object for which
it was appointed as will appear from the following extract from a
letter from the chairman Hon. Thomas Corwin to the President
"I have been for thirty days in a committee of
thirty-three. If the States are no more harmonious in their
feelings and opinions than these thirty-three representative men,
then, appalling as the idea is, we must dissolve, and a long and
bloody civil war must follow. I cannot comprehend the madness
of the times. Southern men are theoretically crazy.
Extreme Northern men are practical
[Pg. 139]
fools. The latter are really as mad as the former. Treason is
in the air around us everywhere. It goes by the name of
patriotism. Men in Congress boldly avow it, and the public
offices are full of acknowledged secessionists. God
alone, I fear, can help us. Four or five States are gone,
others are driving before the gale. I have looked on this
horrid picture till I have been able to gaze on it with perfect
calmness. I think if you live you may take the oath."
The investigations and action of this Committee had no
other effect on the extreme secessionists than to strengthen their
determination to proceed with their treasonable actions. The
effects how^ever showed the willingness of the people of the
Northern States to make reasonable concessions, to prevent civil
war, they also caused the delay and ultimately the prevention of
secession in the border states.
Led forward by their determined purpose the radical
leaders of the South secured the secession of six cotton states and
the organization at Montgomery, Georgia of "The Confederate States
of America" on February 8th. All this, although in the name of
Democracy, was done, not by the people but by conventions, who not
only issued the ordinances of secession without referring them to
the people but the representatives of these conventions composed the
Convention of Montgomery and appointed the officers of the
Confederate States.
While these radical measures were being enacted
Congress, still anxious for peace, passed the following amendment to
the Constitution to be referred to the states for approval.
Art. 13. No amendment shall be made to the
Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to
abolish or interfere within any State with the domestic institutions
thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the
laws of said State."
This Amendment was signed by President
Buchanan and also approved by President Lincoln in his inaugural
Address. Conditions which followed prevented subsequent action
on the matter by the States but it is introduced here to show that
the responsibility for the war was with the
[Pg. 140]
Southern politicians who as Mr. Corwin said were
"theoretically crazy," and that the perpetuation of slavery was the
object of the war is evident from the following quotation from the
"Declaration of the Immediate Causes which induce and justify the
secession of the State of Misissippi from the Federal Union."
"Our position is thoroughly identified with the
institution of slavery—the greatest material interest in the world.
**** A blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.
That blow has long been aimed at the institution, and was at the
point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left
us but submission to the mandates of abolition or a dissolution of
the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.
We must either submit to degredation, and the loss of property worth
four billions of money, or we must secede from the Union."
William L. Harris, Commissioner from the State
of Mississippi to the Senate and house of Representatives of Georgia
used the following language. "Mississippi is firmly convinced that
there is but one alternative. This new union with Lincoln,
black republicans, and free negroes, without slavery; or slavery
under our old constitutional bond of union without either Lincoln,
Black Republicans, or free negroes to molest us."
It seemed strange to Christian people at that time that
such fanaticism was allowed to prevail but in the light of history
we may see that in the Councils of Infinite Wisdom it was time for
slavery to destroy itself.
It was a common saying at the beginning of the war both
by Officers and men "we did not enlist to free the slaves but to
save the Union" and lest some might not understand this, for some
time after the war commenced slaves who escaped into our army were
sent back to their masters. After a time General
Benjamin Butler, a man who had supported the candidacy of
Jefferson Davis in the Democratic Convention of 1860,
announced that these slaves should be retained as contraband of war
for their return to their masters strengthened the enemy. As a
result such negroes were called "contrabands" for several years.
For the reasons already mentioned the excitement both North and
South was more intense than can now be described and when Fort
Sumpter, over which waved the
[Pg. 141]
Stars and Stripes, was fired upon by the authority of the
Confederate States of America, the old flag had to the people a
meaning which was not realized before. To attack that flag was
to attack not only our nation but our liberty, our homes, our very
selves, and thousands of strong men from all ranks came forward to
defend that flag, with their fortunes and their lives. When
the call came for soldiers the people of Belpre were more vitally
interested than they had been in the war of 1812 or the Mexican war.
The town had become a thriving center of agriculture with a
population of 1529 by the census of 1860. The number of males
was 814 of these 152 served for a longer or shorter period and 24
lost their lives. They belonged to at least thirty regiments
and batteries and there were very few, if any considerable
engagements in which Belpre was not represented.
But the cost of the war to the people of Belpre was not
confined to those who put on the uniform and followed the flag into
dangers and death. There were fathers and mothers who bade
adieu with many tears to sons in whom their hopes centered and who
they expected would minister to them in old age, wives who spoke
words of parting to husbands whom they loved as their own lives,
brothers and sisters, who sent to the front the one who bore the
heaviest burden in the home circle, children who might soon be
orphaned and early compelled to assume burdens which should have
been borne by a father or brother.
Our country was saved by the patriotism, bravery, and
sacrifice of our citizen soldiers and we owe them a debt of
gratitude we can never fully repay, but the patriotism, bravery, and
sacrifice of the women who remained at home was as truly an element
in our country's salvation and is as deserving of a place in our
gratitude and honor. They said to husbands, fathers or sons:
"Go to the front" when it mean separation and perhaps death and at
the same time largely increased the cares and responsibilities of
those who remained at home. And they sent frequent letters
full of good cheer and encouragement. It was not uncommon when
a son fell in battle for a mother to say to another who had remained
as her support, you go now and take your place in the ranks and
God will take care of us in the home.
[Pg. 142]
The soldiers were constantly in the thoughts of home friends, when a
battle was imminent or had been fought they anxiously scanned the
bulletins and newspapers to know if their loved ones were among the
wounded or dead. They knew that their own dear ones were
liable to be pierced by bullets or torn by fragments of shell, they
might be languishing in hospitals or dying on the battle field with
no friend to take their parting message, and the body lie in an
unknown grave. There were soldiers and Societies in every
hamlet and neighborhood and the women often gathered to share in
each others sorrow and anxiety and to provide articles of clothing
and comfort for those in camp or hospital.
The patriotic ladies of Belpre were not surpassed by
the ladies of any other community in the country in their sympathy
with their soldiers at the front. The Ladies Union Circle
worked in connection with smaller circles in different parts of the
town preparing articles of clothing, and of comfort for the sick and
wounded. They also sent to them fruit and delicacies with
letters of encouragement and sympathy.
In 1864 they held a Fair and Festival at which they
realized $370.00 which was devoted to the wants of the Soldiers.
Articles were sent through the Sanitary and Christian Commissions or
by those who visited homes on furloughs. Many also added
largely to their own labor and responsibilities that the men could
be spared for the war.
During the early months of the war Belpre was a
frontier town and there was much anxiety lest the fighting should
come near them. The war sentiment in West Virginia was divided
and soldiers were enlisted in both the Northern and Southern armies
and there was some fighting within the state but in 1863 Western
Virginia separated from the eastern portion and became a separate
state. There were a considerable number of people in
Parkersburg whose sympathies were with the South. Fort Boreman
was established overlooking Parkersburg and a garrison was stationed
there during the war, but the good people accepted the situation and
there was no disturbance.
It is stated by Belpre people that during the war or
shortly after Capt. Jonathan Stone who had not shown
[Pg. 143]
himself in Parkersburg: in daylight for twenty years marched boldly
up the main street with hat in hand, thanking God that the
cause for which he had so long contended was successful and he was
safe in Parkersburg. Notwithstanding the differences and
alienations before the war, now, half a century later, the business,
social and religious associations between the people of Parkersburg
and Belpre are as cordial as they could have been if they had always
been in the same state. Belpre is a suburb of Parkersburg, a
large proportion of the inhabitants of Belpre are engaged in
business in Parkersburg or at least do their trading and banking
business there. The ministers in the two places exchange
pulpits with each other, are members of the same Ministerial
Association and work together for the moral and religious
improvement of the communities.