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Washington County, Ohio
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History of Marietta
Washington County, Ohio

and Representative Citizens.
Published by Biographical Publishing Company
George Richmond, Pres.; S. Harmer Neff, Sec'y.; C. R. Arnold, Treas.
Chicago, Illinois -




Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1398


Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1366

  CAPT. ROBERT C. BARTON came to Marietta during the War of 1812.  We have not been able to obtain any facts as to him, except that he commanded a company under General Harrison at the battle of Tippecanoe, and was mentioned by General Harrisonin his report of that battle for gallant conduct.  He was afterward, during the same war, first lieutenant under Capt. Timothy Buell in a company of mounted volunteers, and was also on duty with Governor Meigs, probably as aid-de-camp.
  COL. EBENEZER BATTELLE, a native of Boston, had been captain of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston, who could not be elected to that position without he had held a colonel's commission under the Governor of Massachusetts.  He arrived with his family in Marietta in 1789, and removed to Belpre in the spring of 1790.  He was liberally educated and was an active partner in a bookstore with Isaiah Thomas in Boston.  He was educated with a view of his embracing a clerical life, but he did not embrace that profession.  He officiated as chaplain in the Belpre settlements during the Indian war.  These patriots of the Revolution did not forget that they were the recipients of the gifts of a protecting Providence, and did not neglect to meet on the holy Sabbath and offer up their prayers and adoration to our Gracious and Merciful Father, their constant and bountiful benefactor, and with thankfulness and gratitude for the present and past implore His protecting care for their country and themselves in time to come.
Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 501

Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1440


Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1371

  JOHN W. BERENTZ, cashier of the First National Bank of New Matamoras, was born in Adams County, Ohio, Jan. 17, 1871, and is a son of Christian W. and Rebecca (Barrett) Berentz.
     Christine W. Berentz who is one of the old and favorably known residents of Washington County, was born Jan. 8, 1836, in Pennsylvania.  He led to the hymeneal alter Rebecca Barrett, a native of Monroe County, Ohio, and their union was blessed with ten children, as follows:  Della; Eliza; George V.; Eveline; Alice; John W.; Belle; Clara; and Cora1 and Nora, twins.
     John W. Berentz applied himself to his studies in the schools of Monroe and Grandview townships, and thus received his early training in the paths of knowledge.  The greater part of his youth was spent on a farm, and when his school days were past Mr. Berentz began life as a teacher and taught  school very ably and successfully for the twelve yeas that followed.  Half of that time was spent in the schools near New Matamoras.  Since 1902 he has held his present position as cashier in the First National Bank, and has won the confidence and approval of those around him.
     In 1892 the subject of this sketch was united in matrimony with Lilly M. Springer who was born in New Matamoras, Sept. 19, 1891, and is a daughter of George Springer, of New Matamoras.  They have two children, George W. and Alma Beryl.  The former was born Feb. 19, 1893, and the latter Oct. 14, 1899.  The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church.
     Mr. Berentz is a valued member of the Democratic party, to which he has been of service many times.  He was clerk of his township for two terms, and village clerk two terms.  His reputation as an honest, public-spirited citizen is untarnished, and he enjoys the good wishes of his fellow-citizens.
Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1242
1. See marriage record of Cora Berentz & Ernest Little
  JAMES A. BEVAN, senior member of the firm of Bevan Brothers, who conduct a large general merchandise store at Bevan, a suburb of the town of Newport, Ohio, also owns valuable real estate in that place, and ranks among the most progressive citizens. 
     Mr. Bevan was born Jan. 8, 1858, in Monroe Co., Ohio.  His father, John M. Bevan, was born Dec. 10, 1830, and died in the hospital at Cleveland, Tennessee, in 1865, having served as a soldier in the Civil War, from January, 1865, to the time of his demise, a few months later.  He was a member of the 186th Reg. Ohio Vol. Infantry.  His marriage with Sarah A Hineman, was a daughter of John Hineman, of Monroe Co., Ohio, resulted in the birth of seven children as follows:  William H., who married Esther Duval, and lives in West Virginia; Martha J., wife of Joseph McFaddan, of Newport township; Charles H., who married Emma Sheets, and lives in Gallia county, Ohio; James A.; Caroline, wife of E. W. Kesselring, of West Virginia; Melvina, wife of J. R. Greene, of Newport township, wife of J. R. Greene, of Newport township; and Herman E., who married Jennie Kraft, and is the junior member of the firm of Bevan Brothers.
     John M. Bevan
was a carpenter by trade, and followed that occupation prior to his enlistment in the army.  He was a believer in the Methodist Episcopal faith.  In his political opinions, he was a close adherent of the Republican party. 
     James A. Bevan grew to manhood in his native place, and was a recipient of a common-school education.  About five years ago he embarked in the general merchandise business at his present location at Bevan, and carries a complete and well assorted stock.  In 1889 he was united in matrimony with Martha W. Green, a daughter of Charles H. Green;  she was born May 2, 1859.  In his political belief, Mr. Bevan, like his father, is an ardent Republican.  He served as postmaster of Bevan for a term of four years.  Both he and his wife are members of the M. E. Church.
Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1100

Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1437


Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1434


Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1439


Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1430

  JOHN BOHL, M. D., one of the foremost physicians and surgeons in Watertown township, occupies a beautiful home in Watertown, Washington County, Ohio, and has spent over half a century in the practice of his profession in that city.
     Dr. Bohl is a son of Conrad and Margaret (Smith) Bohl, and like his parents, was born in Bavaria, Germany, Oct. 21, 1828.  Conrad Bohl was born in 1791, and lived until 1874.  He came to the United States with his wife and family in the spring of 1834, and located in Salem township, where he followed the occupation of farming.  The family were members of the German Lutheran Church.  In politics Mr. Bohl was always an advocate of the principles of the Democratic party.  Mrs. Bohl was born in 1789, and lived a useful life until taken away by death in 1881.  She and he husband had six children, as follows:  Elizabeth; Nicholas; Barbara; Philip; Conrad; and John.
     Elizabeth Bohl
was united in marriage with Oliver Nelson, and both husband and wife are deceased.  Barbara Bohl became the wife of Henry Barnburg, a minister of the M. E. Church, who is now laid to rest, and his widow makes her home in the city of St. Louis.  Philip and Conrad Bohl are deceased.  Nicholas Bohl is a progressive farmer and extensive land owner, residing with his family, three miles northeast of Watertown, on his beautiful farm.  In 1845 he married Mary E. Gaddel, a lady of many commendable qualities, who was also of German descent.  She was born in 1826, and died Mar. 8, 1897.  She bore her husband eight children, namely: Philip, of Nebraska; Conrad, living in Watertown; Mary, wife of Jared I. Budd, of Beckett's Station, Ohio; Katharine and Margaret, living at home; Nicholas of Nebraska; and Jacob, and an infant, both deceased.
     John Bohl received his scholastic training in different common schools, and attended the College of Medicine and Surgery, in Cincinnati, to fit himself for his chosen calling in life.  From this institution he graduated with honor in 1859, and immediately afterward chose Watertown for his field of practice.  Since the year in which he graduated, half a century ago, he has lived in no other city but this.  He is a member of the National, State and County Medical societies and helped to organize the last named association in 1860.
     In 1851 Dr. Bohl was united in matrimony with Elizabeth Weihl, a daughter of Clepheys and Margaret Weihl, born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1817.  She was the mother of three children, - Elizabeth, wife of Dr. J. A. Reynolds, of Waterville, Minnesota; Jacob, a prominent physician in Marietta Ohio; and John, formerly a physician and surgeon in Watertown, Ohio, who died Sept. 10, 1900.  Mrs. Bohl departed this life October 28, 1895.
     Dr. Bohl is a faithful member of the German Lutheran Church.  In political opinions he is a Democrat.  His experience and skill in the practice of his profession have won for him the confidence of all his friends, and of the citizens of Watertown in general.
Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1233

Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1428

Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Bradfield

Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1389

  CAPT. ROLAND BRADFORD, a native near Plymouth, Massachusetts, a soldier of the Revolution, was a good man, a good citizen, and a good farmer.  He left but one child now living - Robert Bradford, of Parkersburgh.  He was a descent of old Governor Bradford, of Plymouth, and brought to Marietta a number of articles of household furniture that belonged to his ancestors, several of which are now in possession of his son Robert.  He had a rare escape from the Indians in returning from Scioto Springs, in 1794, with G. Greene.
Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 501

Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1386


Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1371


Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1445


Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1453


Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1440

  WILLIAM BROWNING, from Rutland, Massachusetts, came on with General Putnam's family in 1790.  COL. DANIEL BENT, from the same place.  ISRAEL STONE, from the same place.  All were settled in Belpre in 1790.  They were all substantial farmers.  CAPTAIN CURTIS, from Connecticut.  MR. GUTHRIE and family, from the same place, were in garrison during the war, were settled in Newbury.  The above persons had large families, some of whom occupy prominent stations, and all are reputable and noted.
     I have been more particular with the first settlers of Belpre, because I consider they possessed in a more eminent degree those sterling qualities which form a base on which to erect this social edifice, and which are best calculated at once to cherish, guard, and perpetuate our republican liberties.  They must have had come education in early life; they must have been practiced to industry and economy under the influence of a respect for morality and religion; they could not have been selected to lead their countrymen to battle for their country's rights merely for their physical powers was of old) but they must have been chosen from their moral standing and superior intellect.   They had a second education in the army of the Revolution, where they heard the precepts of wisdom and saw the examples of bravery and fortitude; they had been disciplined to obey and learned the advantage of subordination to law and good order,  in promoting the prosperity and happiness of themselves and the rest of mankind.
     I must not omit the name of one person; he deserves a rank with our best men - DANIEL MAYO, from Boston.  He was educated at Harvard University; he came early to Belpre and taught school in Farmers' Castle in the time of the war; he was not only a scholar but a gentleman, a most esteemed citizen, and subsequently married a daughter of Col. Israel Putnam and moved to Newport, opposite Cincinnati.
Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 503

Source: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio - Published by Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois - 1902 - Page 1397



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