"They never vail who die
In a great cause. The block may soak their gore;
Their heads may sodden in the sun; their limbs
Big strung to city gates or castle walls;
But still their spirits walk abroad, though years
Elapse, and others share as dark a doom.
They but augment the deep and sweeping thoughts
Which overspread all others, and conduct
The world at last to Freedom |
To produce a history of
the patriotism, courage, discipline and service of the soldier of Wayne
county we have not space, data or ability. Owing to the great
variety of topics demanding our attention, any attempt in that direction
would result in failure. All we can hope to do is to briefly
outline the principal events in their military service.
The part enacted by Wayne county was prompt and
conspicuous, having furnished, from 1861 to 1865, over 3,200 volunteers,
not including a considerable conscript force. The volunteers were
distributed among the various regiments, as follows: One company
to the 4th Regiment; one to the 16th, in the three months, and five in
the three years' service; one to the 41st; five to the 120th; three to
the 102d; one to the 107th; three to the 169th National Guards, and a
detachment of 30 men to the 85th Ohio. These were all infantry
organizations. Wayne county also furnished one company to
McLaughlin's Squadron Ohio Cavalry, one company to the 9th Ohio
Cavalry, small detachments for several artillery companies, besides many
fragmentary enlistments in different infantry organizations.
Fort Sumpter was fired upon April 12, 1861, and that
hostile demonstration precipitated civil war. Wooster shared in
the patriotic excitement, and recruiting commenced Instanter.
The first public meeting of the citizens was held in
the Court House, on the evening of April 16, when a wildly patriotic
crowd assembled. Hon. William Given was chosen Chairman and
James McMillen, Secretary. Patriotic speeches were made by Judge
Given, Eugene Pardee, William M. Orr, and others.
Recruiting, however, had been going on previously, and fifty men had
been enlisted by James McMillen, Jacob Shultz and R. B.
Spink, the company - the pioneer one of Wayne county - being filled
out that evening at the meeting. The following, as published
at that date, are
Anderson, Francis M. |
Fitch, John |
McGlennen, William |
Armstrong, George |
Flack, David |
McKelvey, Edward |
Armstrong, John |
Fogleson, Corondon |
McMillen, James |
Arnold, H. W. |
France, Marion |
Miller, Frank |
Arnold, Levi |
Francis, George C. |
Moffitt, James |
Barrett, John F. |
Gordon, Samuel |
Mohn, D. |
Baumgardner, William H. |
Gray, Alexander |
Musser, George |
Best, David |
Gray, Cyrus |
Mutscheler, George |
Black, Anthony A. |
Graybill, L. |
Patterson, George |
Black, D. Y. |
Groff, John |
Patterson, I. U. |
Black, James |
Hanson, William H. |
Pollinger, David S. |
Bodine, Joseph D. |
Headrich, Henry |
Pratt, Joseph D. |
Brandt, J. C. |
Heffelfinger, Sylvester |
Pritchard, John C. |
Brighton, William |
Held, Harmon |
Reamer, S. |
Brinkerhoff, D. O. |
Hite, George |
Sands, W. W. |
Brown, Hubbard |
Hoag, Ezra N. |
Sanford, J. B. |
Bucher, W. H. |
Jahla, John |
Scoby, L. H. |
Carey, George W. |
Johnson, John H. |
Segner, Robert |
Carr, J. H. |
Keehn, Frank |
Shreve, Hiempsel |
Cassiday, D. S. |
Kennedy, Robert |
Shultz, Jacob |
Chapman, Alfred |
Kope, Aaron |
Singer, William |
Cline, George |
Kope, James |
Smedley, Edwin |
Cline, William |
Kramer, Benjamin |
Smith, Matt M. |
Cole, Thomas |
Lake, Joseph J. |
Smyser, Harmon |
Cook, H. H. |
Lawrence, William |
Sowers, George |
Cutter, Henry |
Lehman, L. S. |
Spink, R. B. |
Dice, A. H. |
Lewis, Clifford |
Springer, John |
Dice, Tomas |
Lightcap, W. M. |
Stewart, George |
Duck, John W. |
Long, Charles W. |
Swearingen, J. S. |
Dyarmon, Orlando |
Lyon, John F. |
Swickey, Henry |
Dyherman, Nathan |
McClarran, H. O. |
Ulrich, William H. |
Eberly, William |
McClarran, Thomas |
Urban, William |
Eberman, William G. |
McClure, A. S. |
Vanata, Peter O. |
Egbert, Joseph |
McClure, C. W. |
Wain, John |
Everly, Evan |
McClure, W. H. |
Warner, T. C. |
Fishburn, Howard |
McElhenie, Robert |
Wilson, Jacob |
They immediately organized by
electing James McMillen, Captain; Jacob Shultz, First Lieutenant; and R.
B. Spink, Second Lieutenant.

On Monday, April 21, 1861, the first company left Wooster for Columbus.
The excitement ran high; flags floated from nearly every building, and
upward of ten thousand people from town and the country lined the streets
from the Court House to the railroad station. At the depot
speeches were made on behalf of the citizens, by Judge Given, Dr.
Firestone, William M. Orr, Eugene Pardee, Benjamin
Eason, and others, and on the part of the volunteers by Captain James
McMillen, A. S. McClure and Levi Graybill.
The company departed for the State Capital amid the
tears and acclamations of the multitude.
Arriving in Columbus, they were, on April 25,
incorporated with the 4th Ohio Infantry, becoming Company E. The
field officers of the regiment were: Colonel, Lorin Andrews
(the well-known and highly-honored President of Kenyon College, who had
volunteered as a private in a Mt. Vernon company); Lieutenant-Colonel,
James Cantwell; Major, James H. Godman. The ranks were
filled by two companies from Marion, two from Delaware, to from Mt.
Vernon, two from Kenton, one from Canton, and one from Wooster.
April 29, the regiment moved to Camp Dennison, and on
May 4 was mustered into the three months' service by Captain Gordon
Graner, U. S. A. A few days thereafter, President Lincoln's call
for three years' men was made public, whereupon the majority of Company E
and the regiment re-enlisted for that period, and were mustered in for
three years, dating from the 5th of June, 1861.
The regiment left Camp Dennison on the 20th of June,
1861, for West Virginia, where it participated in the campaign against
Rich Mountain, under General George B. McClellan. It was then
ordered to New Creek, Md., remaining three several days. On the 9th
of August it marched to Camp Pendleton, on the summit of the Alleghenies,
where they encamped and fortified.
In the middle of September Lieutenant-Colonel
Cantwell, with six companies of the regiment, among which was company
E, made an attack on the Confederates at Romney, Va., driving them from
the town in great disorder, and with severe loss. They were,
however, reinforced in a few hours, and the 4th, in considerable hurry,
compelled to evacuate the place and retreat to Fort Pendleton. John
F. Barrett, of Wooster, a member of company E, was severely wounded
in this engagement, being the first Wayne county soldier shot in the war;
William Cline of Wooster, was also wounded at the same time.
One month thereafter, October 26, the 4th, with other
troops under command of General Kelley, again advanced on Romney,
took the town after a short engagement, with a loss of 14 killed and
wounded, the Confederates suffering a number killed, and all his baggage,
two pieces of artillery, and a number of prisoners captured.
Romney was evacuated on the 10th of January, and the
regiment transferred to Patterson's creek, on the north branch of the
Potomac, and thence, on February 9, to Paw-Paw Tunnel on the B. & O.
railroad - here, under General Lander, participating in the capture
of Bloomery Gap, with a large number of Confederate prisoners and stores.
Lander shortly after dying at Paw-Paw, General James Shields took
command of the division, and marched on Martinsburg, which the
Confederates evacuated, after destroying a large amount of railroad and
other property. On March 11, Shield's division moved on
Winchester, and on the 23d and 24th engaged Stonewall Jackson in the
retreat up the Shenandoah valley, proceeding on to Strasburg, Edinburg,
New Market and Harrisonburg.
On the 12th of May the 4th regiment marched via Luray,
Front Royal, Chester Gap, Warrenton, Catlett's Station, etc., to join
McDowell's corps, at Fredericksburg, arriving there on the 22d. The
next day the regiment, with others of Shield's division, was
ordered back to the Valley, via Manassas Junction. It reached Front
Royal on the 30th, drove the enemy from that place, released a regiment of
Union troops they had taken, captured a large quantity of ammunition and
supplies and a number of prisoners. On the 3d of Jun it moved toward
Luray, and on the 7th a forced march was made by the brigade to Port
Republic, reaching there in time to check the enemy and cover the retreat
of a portion of Shield's division, under General Carroll.
After marching and counter-marching in the Valley, the
4th was ordered to Alexandria, where it embarked to join McClellan's
army, then operating against Richmond. It arrived on the last of the
Seven-days' Battle, and was immediately under fire, losing several men.
On the evacuation of the Peninsula by the National forces, August 16,
1862, the regiment returned to Alexandria. Captain James McMillen
was accidentally drowned at Alexandria during the embarkation of the
regiment for the Peninsula.
Its next important service was at the battle of
Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862, where the regiment, as well as Company E,
suffered heavily. Lieutenant William Brighton of the company
was killed in this engagement. May 3, the regiment participated in
the battle of Chancellorsville, again suffering heavy loss.
Its next great battle was Gettysburg, on the 1st, 2d
and 3d of July, 1863, where its losses were also large. The 4th was
one of the three regiments that drove the Confederates from Cemetery Hill,
after they had driven a part of the Eleventh Corps from the field and
gained possession of two of our batteries. Generals Hancock,
Howard, Gibbon, and other prominent Generals witnessed this
charge, and gave it their praise.
Shortly after this battle the regiment was ordered to
New York City to assist in quelling a spirit of insubordination which had
manifested itself in that metropolis. From New York the 4th was
ordered to Alexandria. After arduous campaigning in Virginia, the
regiment went into the winter quarters at Stevensburg, on the 1st of
December, 1863. It then participated in Grant's campaign
against Richmond, in the battles of the Wilderness, of Spottsylvania Court
House, Coal Harbor, etc.
Company E accompanied the regiment in all these
campaigns and battles. Toward the close of the war, with ranks
thinned by the bullets of the enemy and by disease, the company was
mustered out of service, having traveled in its campaigns an aggregate of
four thousand two hundred and fifty-four miles, and at all times
maintained the highest reputation for discipline, soldierly behavior, and
good conduct on the battlefield.

The second company from Wayne county was organized in Wooster in the
latter part of April, 1861. Recruiting for it commenced on the 20th
of April, and by the 25th the company was full, when the following
officers were elected; Captain, George W. Bailey; First Lieutenant,
Aquila Wiley; Second Lieutenant, Cusham Cunningham.
April 28, the company was ordered to Columbus, where it was joined to the
16th Ohio Infantry.
After remaining in Camp Jackson, near Columbus, several
weeks for equipment and drill, it was sent to West Virginia, and took part
in the battle of Phillippi, one of the first engagements of the war.
The Wooster company, under the command of Captain Wiley (Captain
Bailey having been promoted to the Major of the regiment), was
stationed at Grafton, West Virginia, and at Oakland, Maryland, during the
residue of the three months' service. On the expiration of its term
of enlistment the company was mustered out and returned home.
The 16th Ohio, for three years' service, was organized
at Camp Tiffin, near Wooster, on the 2d of October, 1861. The
regimental camp was located in Quinby Grove, a short distance north-west
of the present site of the University. Five companies were recruited
in Wayne county, commanded by Eli W. Botsford, Hamilton Richeson,
Samuel Smith, George U. Harn and A. S. McClure.
The field officers were: Colonel, John F. DeCourcey;
Lieutenant-Colonel, George W. Bailey; Major, Phillip Keshner.
The regiment moved to Camp Dennison, Nov. 27, 1861.
It remained there until Dec. 19, when it was ordered to Lexington, Ky.
From Lexington it proceeded to join General Thomas' forces, then
operating against Zollicoffer's command in Southern Kentucky.
After toilsome marches through mud and rain the regiment remained near
Somerset until the 31st of January, 1862, when it was directed to
Cumberland Ford, reaching there on the 12th of February. Troops were
assembling at the Ford, under the command of General George W. Morgan,
to dislodge the Confederate forces occupying Cumberland Gap, a few miles
distant. In March and April several reconnoisances were made in the
vicinity of the Gap, during which sharp skirmishing took place with the
enemy. The 16th lost several men in killed and wounded during the
desultory actions. In June, Morgb an's forces, composed
of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee troops, succeeded in crossing the
Cumberland mountains by Powell's Gap, thus effecting a lodgement in rear
of Cumberland Gap, and necessitating its evacuation by the Confederates.
The enemy retreated to Knoxville, Tennessee, and the Union forces occupied
the abandoned stronghold without further resistance.
On the 6th of August the 16th was ordered to Tazewell,
Tenn., to relieve the 14th Kentucky. After reaching this place and
relieving the 14th, was regiment encountered the advance of Kirby
Smith's army, in motion to invade Kentucky. A sharp engagement
ensued, in which the 16th was overwhelmed by numbers and forced to retreat
to the Gap, with a severe loss in killed, wounded and captured. The
situation of the Union troops in Cumberland Gap was not extremely
perilous. They were surrounded on all sides and heir supplies cut
off. General Morgan determined to abandon the Gap and retreat
to the Ohio river. After a toilsome march of sixteen days through
the mountainous region of Kentucky the command reached the Ohio at
Greenupsburg, Ky., on the 3d of October, 1862.
After recuperating at Portland, Ohio, the 16th was
ordered to Charlston, West Virginia, and from thence to Memphis,
Tennessee, to join General Sherman's command, then organizing for
the capture of Vicksburg. In December Sherman's forces moved
down the Mississippi on transports, arriving at the mouth of the Yazoo on
Christmas. The troops proceeded up the Yazoo several miles, where
they were disembarked, and prepared to assault Vicksburg on the Chicasaw
Bluffs side. On the 28th of December the enemy was driven out of his
line of rifle-pits in front of the Bluffs, and on the 29th Morgan's
division was ordered to assault them. The position of the
Confederates was impregnable, and the assault was very disastrous.
The 16th lost very heavily in this engagement. Captain G. U. Harn
was killed; Captain Van Dorn wounded and captured; Captain
Ross wounded; Captain McClure wounded and captured;
Lieutenant P. M. Smith wounded and captured; Lieutenant Heckert
wounded and captured; Lieutenant Colonel Kershner wounded and
captured; Lieutenant Voorhees wounded and captured; Captains
Mills and Cunningham, and Lieutenant Buchanan captured.
The regiment lost in this engagement 311 officers and men killed, wounded
and captured.
The next service of the regiment was at Arkansas Post,
in which assault it lost several men. It then returned to Young's
Point, on the Mississippi river, and from there it moved to Milliken's
Bend, where it encamped until April 6, 1863. The regiment then
participated in Grant's Campaign against Vicksburg, in the battle
of Champion Hills, Thompson's Hill, Black River Bridge, and in the
assaults on the entrenchments of Vicksburg, on the 19th and 22d of May,
1863, losing severely in each of these engagements.
After the capture of Vicksburg, on the 4th of July, the
regiment joined the forces of General Sherman in his expedition
against Jackson, Miss. In the assault on this place Captain
Richeson was wounded and several of the Wayne county boys killed.
Returning to Vicksburg the regiment went into camp, but was soon sent to
New Orleans to join General Banks' expedition, then fitting out for
operations in Western Louisiana. After a short campaign up the
valley of the Teche to Opelousa the regiment returned to New Orleans to
join General Washburn's expedition to Texas. The regiment
disembarked at DeCrows Point, Matagorda Peninsula, and moved from thence
to Indianola, returning to New Orleans April 12, 1864. From New
Orleans it was ordered to Alexandria, on the Red river, to 43-inforce
Banks' command, which was retreating before the forces of Dick Taylor.
On arriving at Alexandria the 16th was immediately placed at the front,
and participated in several light engagements. Returning to
Alexandria it was detached to help construct a dam in Red river to
facilitate the escape of the iron-clad fleet. From here Banks
retreated to Morganza Bend, on the Mississippi, the 16th forming a part of
the rear guard in this disorderly retreat.
On reaching Morganza Bend the regiment went into camp,
from where it was ordered to Columbus, Ohio, for muster out, returning
there, and was discharged October, 31, 1864.
The 16th was one of the best disciplined regiments in
the service. Its Colonel John F. DeCourcy, was a professional
soldier, having served many years in the British army. The regiment
was noted throughout for its fine military bearing.

Company C of the 41st Ohio was recruited in Wayne county, in August and
September, 1861. Its officers were Aquila Wiley, Captain; F.
E. Pancoast, 1st Lieutenant, and Rufus B. Hardy, 2d
Lieutenant. In the early part of September the company was ordered
to Cleveland, where it was mustered into the 41st, on the 19th of
September. The field officers of the regiment were: Colonel, William
B. Hazen; Lieutenant-Colonel, John J. Wizeman; Major, George
S. Mygatt. On the 6th of November the regiment was ordered to
Camp Dennison, and from thence to Gallipolis, and from there it was
ordered to Louisville, where it became a part of the Army of the Ohio,
under command of General Buell.
During the winter the regiment was encamped at Camp
Wickliffe. In April, 1862, it participated in the battle of Shiloh,
where it lost in the first day's action 141 officers and men killed and
wounded. Captain Aquila Wiley was severely wounded in this
battle; also Lieutenant Pancoast, who subsequently died from the
effects of his wound.
After a good deal of arduous campaigning in Alabama and
Tennessee during the summer of 1862, the regiment joined in the retreat of
Buell to Louisville, and shortly after reaching there engaged in
the battle of Perryville, fought October 2, 1862. Its next important
service was at the battle of Murfreesboro, where it lost 112 men killed
and wounded.
In January, 1863, the regiment moved to Readyville,
about twelve miles from Murfreesboro, where it remained until the 24th of
June. During the months of July and August the 41st kept in constant
motion, and on September 19, 1863, participated in the battle of
Chickamauga, in which engagement it greatly distinguished itself.
The next important battle in which it participated was
Mission Ridge, fought November 23 and 25. Here 115 men of the 41st
fell. Colonel Wiley lost a leg while gallantly leading the
charge. General Thomas, on the field, complimented the
regiment highly for its splendid conduct.
After this battle they marched to Knoxville, and there
re-enlisted as veterans; and, when the men had enjoyed the veteran
furlough, the regiment, with 100 recruits, rejoined its division in East
Tennessee, placed in a battalion with the 1st Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel
Kimberly commanding.
The regiment then participated in nearly all the
battles of Sherman in his campaign against Atlanta- Rocky Face Ridge,
Dallas, Piney Top Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, etc. Its loss during
this campaign was 158 men, the regiment dwindling to a mere skeleton of
only 99 men.
On the occupation of Atlanta by the national forces the
41st was sent in pursuit of Hood, and participated in Thomas' victory over
the Confederate general in front of Nashville.
In June, 1865, the regiment was ordered to Texas, where
it was stationed near San Antonio until November, and then ordered
mustered out. It reached Columbus, Ohio, about the middle of the
month, and was finally discharged on the 26th of November, 1865, after
four years and one month's service.
Company C, 41st Ohio, was a splendid company, of first
reputation in all respects, and saw more real hard service than, perhaps,
any other company raised in Wayne county.

Four companies, and a large part of a fifth company, in the 120th Regiment
were raised in Wayne county. Joseph H. Downing, George P.
Emrich, Benjamin Eason and William G. Myers w3ere
elected Captains of their respective companies. The field officers
were: Colonel, Daniel French; Lieutenant-Colonel, Marcus M.
Spiegel; Major, John W. Beekman. The five Wayne county
companies were recruited in August, 1862, and rendezvoused at Camp
Mansfield on the 29th of August. On the 17th of October it was
mustered into service, and on the 25th of the same month moved to
Covington, Ky., from which point it departed, November 24, for
Memphis, Tenn., reaching there December 7. Here the regiment was
assigned to Colonel Sheldon's brigade, of Morgan's division,
being a part of the Army of the Tennessee, under command of General
Sherman, and destined to operate against Vicksburg.
On the 20th of December the regiment moved on
transports down the Mississippi river, then up the Yazoo, where it
disembarked at Johnson's Landing, and participated in the assault against
Vicksburg. After the repulse of the national forces from Vicskburg,
the regiment embarked on transports, and accompanied the expedition
against Arkansas Post, which resulted successfully. The 120th
charged splendidly on the enemy's works in this engagement.
From Arkansas Post the regiment returned to Young's
Point, and went into camp. Here it was decimated by disease,
measles, typhus and malarial fever working sad havoc in its ranks.
At one time over half the regiment was reported on the sick list.
The officers became discouraged and resigned in large numbers, which
contributed to the despondency of the men.
In April, the 120th took part in Grant's campaign
against Vicksburg, engaging in the battles of Champion Hill, Thompson's
Hill, the Black River, and in the charges on Vicksburg, on the 22d of May.
It behaved gallantly in all of these actions. After the fall of
Vicksburg the regiment joined Sherman's expedition against Jackson,
holding the right of this column in its advance. In the operations
against Jackson, Lieutenant Totten was mortally wounded, and
Colonel Spiegel and Lieutenant Spear were severely wounded.
The regiment returned to Vicksburg on the 20th of July,
1863, and on the 8th of August embarked for New Orleans to join Banks'
expedition in Western Louisiana. It participated in the campaign in
the valley of the Teche, and was then sent to Plaquemine, a small town on
the Mississippi river, where it remained until March, 1864, being then
ordered to Baton Rouge.
On the 1st of May, the 120th was ordered to join Banks,
then operating in the direction of Shreveport. The regiment embarked
on the transport City Belle, for Alexandria, and when passing up Red river
it was ambuscaded at Snaggy Point, by 5,000 of the Confederates concealed
behind the levee. A murderous artillery and infantry fire was opened
on the crowded boat, and the deck was soon slippery with blood.
After a short but ineffectual struggle against overwhelming odds, the
120th was compelled to display the white flag. During the conflict
the City Belle drifted to the opposite side of the river, where quite a
number of the 120th escaped. Colonel Spiegel, Surgeon
Stanton, Assistant-Surgeon Gill, Captains J. R. Rummel,
Miller, Fraundfelder and Jones, Lieutenants
Applegate, Baer and Rouch, and two hundred men, fell into the hands of
the Confederates, besides the bodies of the killed. Colonel
Spiegel was mortally wounded, and died next day. He was on of
the noblest of men, and "bravest of the brave." The prisoners were
at once marched off to Camp Ford, near Tyler, Texas, where they were
confined until the close of the war.
After this disaster the remnant of the regiment
retreated with Banks' forces to Morganza, La., where it was
consolidated with the 114th Ohio Infantry. On the consolidation the
following officers of the 120th were honorably discharged:
Lieutenant-Colonel Slocum, Captains Au, Harvey,
Taylor and Jones, and Lieutenants Van Ostern and
This ended the career of the 120th as a regimental
organization. It was a good regiment, but was overwhelmed with a
series of disasters.
The 102d regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry was organized under
President's call of July 1, 1862, for 300,00 men for three years.
Three companies were enlisted in Wayne county, by Captain John W.
Stout, Jonas D. Elliott and James E. Robison. The
field officers of the regiment were: Colonel, William Given; Lieutenant-Colonel,
Abraham Baker; Major, George H. Topping; William H.
McMonigal was Adjutant. Recruiting commenced in July, 1862, and
in August the Wayne county companies moved to Camp Mansfield. On the
4th of September of regiment left for Kentucky, crossing the Ohio river at
Cincinnati on the morning of the 5th.
It was mustered into service the next day at Covington.
On September 22d it was transported in boats to Louisville, and was
present at the battle of Perryville, but not engaged. From there it
was sent to Crab Orchard, and from thence to Bowling Green, Kentucky,
arriving on the 30th of October. On the 19th of December the
regiment moved to Russelville, and from there to Clarksville, Tennessee,
reaching that point on Christmas night, where it remained nine months.
On the 30th of October 1863, the regiment went into
winter quarters at Nashville, Tennessee, where it remained six months,
doing duty in the city. From Nashville it was transferred to
Tullahoma, Tennessee, where it was occupied guarding a railroad from
Normandy to Dechera. On the 6th of June the regiment marched across
the Cumberland mountains to Belfonte, Alabama, the left wing of the
regiment, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott, stationed at
Dodsonville. The regiment was now engaged in defending the line of
the Tennessee river from Stevenson to the foot of Seven-Mile Island, a
distance of fifty miles. As security against attack, twelve
block-houses were erected along this line. In defense of the line
the regiment performed invaluable service, and had frequent encounters
with the enemy. Having been relieved from this duty, and road was
engaged in patrolling the Tennessee and Alabama railroad, from Decatur to
Columbia. September 15th the regiment went into camp at Decatur.
Colonel Given, commandant of the post, on September
23d, was directed to send a detachment of four hundred men to re-enforce
the fort at Athens. The detachment was composed of soldiers from the
18th Michigan and road Ohio, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott,
of the latter regiment. This command encountered the Confederate
General Forrest near Athens, where it was surrounded and overwhelmed by
the superior force of the enemy. After a gallant fight the
detachment was forced to surrender. Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott
received a mortal wound in this action. The officers were taken to
Selma, and the men to Cahaba, Alabama. The men were finally parolled
and placed on board the Sultana, at Vicksburg. During the passage up
the river the boat was blown up, April 28, 1865. and, as nearly as can be
ascertained, eighty-one of the road Regiment lost their lives by the
The regiment was in Decatur at the time of its siege by
Hood, and was highly complimented for its behavior.
On the 30th day of June, 1865, the regiment was
mustered out of service at Nashville, Tennessee. It proceeded to
Columbus, Ohio, and was there discharged July 8, 1865.
The road was made up of excellent men, and displayed
great bravery and skill whenever it was called upon to engage the enemy.

Captain Gustave Buecking's company of the
107th Ohio Infantry was raised chiefly in Wooster, from the patriotic
Germans of the city. Recruiting for it commenced the latter part of
July, 1862, and the company was soon filled to its maximum. In
August it was ordered to Cleveland, where it was incorporated with the
107th, whose field officers were: Colonel, Seraphim Meyer;
Lieutenant-Colonel, Charles Mueller; Major,
George Arnold.
Soon after organization the regiment was ordered to
join the Army of the Potomac. Its first important battle was
Chancellorsville. The 107th belonged to Howard's Eleventh Corps,
which was so terribly handled by Stonewall Jackson, and lost 220 men
killed, wounded and captured in this battle. Its next general
engagement was Gettysburg, where the regiment was almost annihilated,
losing over four hundred men in killed, wounded and prisoners, out of 550
that entered the battle.
August 1, 1863, the 107th sailed in transports to Folly
Island, South Carolina, and performed picket duty there until January,
1864. After the resignation of Colonel Seraphen Meyer the discipline
of the regiment steadily improved. From Folly Island the regiment
was taken to Jacksonville, Florida, where it had several skirmishes with
the Confederates. It returned to South Carolina on the 23d of March,
1865, and met a detachment of the enemy, defeating him, capturing three
pieces of artillery, six horses and fifteen prisoners.
The regiment did provost duty in Charleston, South
Carolina, during the balance of its service until July 10, 1865, when it
was mustered out and sent home to Cleveland, where it was discharged.
The 107th was made up of Germans. It was a fine
regiment, its members displaying their earnest patriotism and heroic valor
on many occasions.
Wayne county also furnished a detachment of recruits,
nearly one hundred in number, under Captain William Henderson, for the 9th
Ohio Cavalry. They were enlisted in December, 1863, and January,
1864, and served with Sherman on the march to the sea, being under
Kilpatrick's command. The company was with that General when his
camp was raided by Humphrey's cavalry. They were at the battle of Averysboro and Bentonville, North Carolina. At the close of the war
they were mustered out and returned home.
A detachment of Cavalry was recruited in Wayne county,
in October, 1861, by Lieutenant Benjamin Lake, for McLaughlin's Squadron,
joining the Squadron at Mansfield, in the latter part of the month.
In November it left for Eastern Kentucky, where it engaged in desultory
campaigning for nearly two years, taking part in the battles of Middle
Creek, Pikeville and Pound Gap. In August, 1863, the Squadron left
Eastern Kentucky and joined the Twenty-third Army Corps, under General
Hartsuff, marching to Knoxville, where it remained until January 10, 1864,
then re-enlisting as veterans. After recruiting up to its maximum,
it joined General Stoneman's command in the raid to Macon. It
suffered severely in this raid. It then operated on Sherman's flank
in the movement against Atlanta; and afterwards was placed under
Kilpatrick's command, going with Sherman on his march to Savannah; thence
it went with the national forces through South and North Carolina.
It was mustered out of service at Camp Chase, Ohio, November 17, 1865.
A detachment of thirty men was enlisted by Lieutenant
Joseph C. Plummer, for three months' service, in the 85th Ohio, which
guarded the prisoners at Camp Chase, near Columbus, Ohio.
Three companies of the Ohio National Guards, under
Captains Harry C. Shirk, William K. Boone and Abraham Gift, were raised in
Wayne county, for one hundred days' service, and joined the 169th Regiment
National Guards, of which J. H. Carr was Lieutenant-Colonel. The
regiment was organized at Cleveland, May 19, 1864, and was immediately
ordered to Washington, where it participated in the defeat of Early's
army, and performed garrison duty in Fort Ethan Allen. So proficient
did the regiment become in tactics under Colonel Carr, that
General DeRussy declared it equal in that respect to any three years' regiment in
his command. During its four months' service the regiment suffered
severely from sickness, nearly two hundred men dying or becoming
permanently disabled by disease. It was mustered out September 4,
Wayne county has reason to be proud of its record in
the civil war. Her soldiers participated in every great battle, and
her dead lie in every Southern State.