Source #3
Commemorative Biographical Records
Northwestern Ohio
including the counties of
Defiance, Henry, Williams & Fulton.
Published at Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co.

Lydia J. Imes
Thomas H. Imes |
Imes, who after years of honest toil is now living retired
in the village of Williams Center, Williams county, has spent
his entire life in Ohio, his birth occurring in Morrow county,
Oct. 2, 1833.
Mr. Imes was reared upon a farm, and when a
young man learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for
eight years prior to entering the Union army during the
Rebellion. On Aug. 18, 1862, he enlisted in Company K,
Eight-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, as a private, was afterward
promoted to sergeant, and later was commissioned first
lieutenant of his company. For almost three years he was
in active service, and participated in many important
engagements and numerous skirmishes, including the battles of
Resaca, Rome Cross Roads, Dallas and Kennesaw Mountain;
following which came the Atlanta campaign, including the battles
of the 22d and 28th of July, 1864, and closing with that of
Jonesboro, Georgia. Then came Sherman's march to
the sea, and the siege of Savannah. After leaving
Savannah, Jan. 28, 1865, the Eighty-first participated in the
engagements at Little Ogeechee river (near that city), after
which came the march through the Carolinas, which brought on the
following engagements: North Edisto River (near
Orangeburg), Congaree Creek (five miles from Columbia,) and
Camden, South Carolina; the campaign ending with the battle of
Bentonville, North Carolina, our subject serving up to and
including the surrender of Johnston's army at
Morrisville, Apr. 21, 1865. The war ended, he was
honorably discharged July 24, 1865.
Mr. Imes resumed blacksmithing and in the county
of his nativity he continued to make his home until 1866, when
he removed to Wyandot county, Ohio, following the sawmill
business at that place until the spring of 1868. After a
short time spent in Fulton county, he came to Williams county in
the fall of 1868, and here has continued to reside. At
first he operated a rented farm in Superior township, but in the
spring of 1870 purchased a tract of land in Pulaski township,
one and one-half miles north of Bryan, where he made his home
for almost thirteen years. Laying aside business cares he
removed to the village of Williams Center, but still owns a fine
farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Center township. He
is one of the self-made men of the county, his well-directed
efforts, perseverance and enterprise having gained for him a
comfortable competence, which now enables him to spend his
declining years in ease and retirement from active labor.
In Morrow county, Ohio, Mr. Imes married Miss
Lydia Jane Russell a native of Muskingum county, Ohio, born
Mar. 25, 1834. They have one son, William C. who is
engaged in mercantile pursuits in Melbern, Williams county;
their only daughter, Ina, died in childhood.
William C. married Estella Clemens, of Williams
county, and they have two sons - Wilber C. and Willard
C. Mrs. Lydia Jane Imes is a daughter of James and
Lydia (Perkey) Russell, who were pioeers of Muskingum
county, Ohio, the father born in Ireland, the mother in
Mr. Imes always gives his political support to
the Democratic party, and his most acceptably served as township
trustee for six years. A genial, pleasant gentleman, he
has made hosts of friends throughout his adopted county, and has
the respect and esteem of all who know him.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Records of
Northwestern Ohio including the counties of Defiance, Henry,
Williams & Fulton. - Published at Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co.
1899 - Page 372 |
are in every community men of great force of character and
exceptional ability, who by reason of their capacity for
leadership become recognized as foremost citizens, and bear a
most important part in the development and progress of the
locality with which they are connected. Such a man is
Mr. Johnson, who is prominently identified with Williams
county, his home being Section 11, Springfield township.
A native of Ohio, he was born Mar. 2, 1850, in German
township, Fulton county, a son of George of Catherine (Krontz)
Johnson. The father, who was a miller and farmer y
occupation, diTed in German township. Nov. 28, 1855, but
the mother is still living. In their family were three
children: Sarah (widow of William Ufer),
Solomon and Simon.
In German township, Fulton county, Solomon
Johnson continued to make his home until 1861, at which time
he came to Springfield township, Williams county, where he grew
to manhood upon a farm, becoming thoroughly familiar with
agricultural pursuits, and acquiring his early education in the
common schools of the neighborhood. For four terms he
attended the Normal school at Bryan, Ohio, and for one term as
assistant teacher in that institution. For some time he
followed teaching during the winter season in Williams, Fulton
and Defiance counties, Ohio, and for one year taught in that
high school at Evansport, Defiance county.
Mr. Johnson early became interested in public
affairs; in the fall of 1878 Williams county, and was defeated
by only thirty votes. In the same fall he entered the Law
Department of the Michigan University at Ann Arbor, where he
graduated in March, 1880, and in the same spring he was admitted
to the Bar in both Michigan and Ohio. Locating in Bryan,
Ohio, in the winter of 1883, he began the practice of his chosen
profession, and there made his home for four years. He now
owns and operates an excellent farm of two hundred acres in
Section 11, Springfield township, whose will-tilled fields and
substantial buildings indicate the thrift and enterprise of the
owner. On it are seventy thousand tiles, all laid by his
own hands.
In Madison township, Williams county, on Sept. 14,
1882, Mr. Johnson was united in marriage with Miss
Florence M. Bostater, who was born in that county Mar. 14,
1862, a daughter of Doctor Andrew J. Bostater, of
Fayette, Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have been
born four children: Frank, born Apr. 7, 1884; Walter,
born Feb. 10, 1886; Robert, born Sept. 19, 1890; and
Albert, born Nov. 1, 1897. For a year or so prior to
her marriage Mrs. Johnson was a teacher in Bryan.
She began to teach when she was only sixteen years old, and
taught ten terms before her marriage.
The Democratic party ahs ever found in Mr. Johnson
a stanch supporter, and in the fall of 1881 he was its candidate
for the Legislature from his district; but was defeated by
Judge Bowersox, of Bryan, by only thirty-eight votes.
In 1883, however, he was elected by a majority of four hundred
and thirty-eight votes over that gentleman, and two years later
was re-elected, acceptably serving in that responsible position
for two terms. While a member of the General Assembly of Ohio,
Mr. Johnson, in addition to other measures of less
importance, was the author of the law making the lowest grade
certificate for schoolteachers valid for one year instead of for
six month, as the law then stood. He considered it unjust
that a teacher should be examined twice in the same school year.
He was also the author of the law that makes a deed for real
estate valid as against all parties as soon as it is filed for
record, and does not leave the purchaser at the mercy of anyone
that might deal with until six months after the date of his
deed, as formerly. The Judiciary Committee, to whom this
measure was referred, refused to recommend its passage, but
notwithstanding the opposition of that committee Mr. Johnson,
by a thorough investigation of the subject, was able to show
the justice of the proposed law, and thus secured its enactment.
Mr. Johnson has also filled the office of
township assessor for two terms; school examiner five years; a
member of the school board in Springfield township eleven years;
and president of the board seven years. The cause of
education has ever found in him a warm advocate, and he has done
much toward securing a high grade of schools in his community.
Since the latter part of the '70s he has affiliated with the
Masonic fraternity, and for two years has been president of the
Williams County Farmers Institute of Bryan, Ohio. He has
made two trips to Europe in order to study the customs of the
people. Both in public and private life he has been true
to every trust reposed in him, conscientiously discharges his
duties of citizenship, and justly merits the esteem in which he
is held.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Records of
Northwestern Ohio including the counties of Defiance, Henry, Williams &
Fulton. - Published at Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. 1899 - Page 122 |