Source: New Hampshire Sentinel - New Hampshire Dated: Jan. 23, 1851
A school teacher named MORROW, belonging in Wayne, Ohio,
was murdered by two of his pupils on the 9th inst. The
murderers were young men, one 21 the other 19 years of age.
They interfered in the correction of a younger pupil, and in the
course of the scuffle that ensued beat Morrow over the head
until his scull was fractured. Both fled and had not been
arrested up to the 11th inst. (Transcribed by Sharon Wick from Genealogybank)
NOTE by Sharon Wick: Not sure if this is for Wayne Co.,
Ohio or the town of Wayne in Wood Co., Ohio.

Source: Sun - Massachusetts
Dated: Oct. 30, 1856
At Perrysburg, Ohio, Sept. 20th, Mrs. ORRA W. FUREY
eldest daughter of Benj. Franklin Hollister, Esq. - On the
2d inst., after only a few hours illness, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
HOLLISTER, ESQ., in the 56th year of his age, one of the oldest
and most respected citizens of Perrysburg. Mr. Hollister
was a native of Pittsfield, and son of the late
William Hollister, Esq.

Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Dec. 21, 1857
DEATH OF AN EDITOR. - Mr. Luis C. Stumm died at the
Insane Asylum at Newburgh on Saturday. He was about 27 years
old and had been a young man of much promise. For two years he
conducted a Democratic weekly paper at Perrysburg in Wood County
with marked ability and was very highly esteemed by a large circle
of friends. He became insane some two years ago and continued
in that unhappy condition until he died. His remains were
taken to Fulton County for interment.
 Source: Fulton County Tribune - Ohio Dated: February 14, 1885 Rollin E. Brisbin of Weston, Wood Co., and Lucy E.
Harris of Swan Creek, were married February 6th at the residence of
her brother, William Harris.

Source: Jackson Citizen Patriot - Michigan
Dated: Oct. 22, 1900
Into the Oil Tank Fell a Gauger and He Strangled to Death in the
Fostoria, Ohio, Oct. 22 - A. C. Collins, of
Bradner, lost his life Saturday morning while performing his duties
as guager for the Paragon Oil Co. He left home on his wheel
and dismounted at tank 2, half a mile from Bradner to guage the
tank. It is supposed that while standing on top of teh tank
and stooping over with his guage pole he slipped and fell into 15
feet of oil, where unable to get out he strangled. A searching
party found him last night, and removed him to his home. He
was aged 20, married and had one daughter.

Source: Weekly Beacon Newspaper - North
Baltimore, Ohio
Dated: ca. 1901 George G. Rockwell, "Dropped" into Wood County in 1880 and
purchased the flower mill in the village. Jimmie Filson
conducted a small grocery store on South Main Street. Jacob
Katzenmeyer was leading grocer of North Main Street and had first
bakery in town. Eb W. and T. C. Poe had a large general store.
Also mentioned are: Mrs. Dr. Henry, Joe Patterson, Mrs. G. G.
Rockwell, Jayce Sailesbury.

Dated: Oct. 4 & 11, 1901
Samuel Slaughterbeck, came to Perry Township, Wood Co., Ohio
in 1838 from Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania with father John
Slaughterbeck and family at age 5. This article gives
interesting account of trip and early life in the swamp. (Oct. 4, 1901 & Oct. 11, 1901)
Also mentioned in this article are T. O. Copus, Wesley Copus,
Charley Foster, Joel Hales, Jake Ryan, George Swain, John Swinehart.

Dated: Nov. 1, 1901
G. B. Smith, came from 6 miles southwest of Bucyrus, Crawford
Co., Ohio and settled 4 1/2 miles west of North Baltimore on the
Wood and Hancock County line of Apr. 3, 1865. It gives an
account of band making trip through swamp to Bowling Green to play
in a tournament on July 4, 1877. (Nov. 1, 1901) Also mentioned is
W. H. Anderson, L. D. Arnold, F. P. Clark, D.
K. Coleman, B. F. Crone, T. L. Davis, Dr. Eaton, David Fulton, H. H.
Hudson, F. M. Hough, Jasper Hutton, Does Lyan, Jos. Magruin, O. E.
Porter, Jim Porter, John Reed Porter, D. Randall, S. A. Raridon, Wm.
Shauffler, Wm. Sheffield, James Withrow, John Withrow, Salathiel

Dated: Jan. 24, 1902
Israel Smith... mentions a letter from Dellville, Perry Co.,
Pa., Jan. 14, 1902. Born in Perry Co., Pa. on April 22, 1832.
Married Marguerite Ebersole on Sep. 6, 1850. His father was
John Smith and his brother John T. Smith. Arrived in Henry
Twp., Wood Co. on Aug. 22, 1853. Given interesting account of
trip (Jan. 24, 1902) Also mentioned were Fred Bealer, H. C. Derodes, Jacob Deter, B.
L. Peters, George Shafer

Dated: Nov. 8, 1901
Thomas Witten... mentions... came from Crawford Co., Ohio and
settled on Isaac Taylor's farm west of town. Had visited
brothers Harrison Witten and Wm. Witten about 4 years earlier in
1863. Married Sarah E. Hardesty in Guernsey Co., Ohio before
he came to Wood Co. Had a daughter Maggie Witten. Gives
interesting account of life in swamp (Nov. 8, 1901) Also mentioned were Frank Clayton, John Howe, Furguson Hughes,

Dated: Sept. 27. 1901
J. B. Zarbaugh... mentions... Letter sent from Ithaca, MI,
Sept. 1901. Fifty-one years ago his father, with family of 4
boys and 3 girls, left York Co., PA for this area. Walked 600
miles in 6 weeks. His father traded a horse and the wagon to
Harrison Ensminger for a house and lot. They ate off the chest
and had pumpins for chairs. Married Mary A. Nos with a fortune
of .50. Enlisted in 21st Reg. and served 3 years. Now
nearly 65. Sep. 27. 1901) Also mentioned in this article were Boyer, Carroll, Mathew
Dawson, George Franks, David Fulton, Hough, B. L. Peters, Squire
Racely, Wm. Shauffler, L. A. Tarr, Taylor, Dr. Weily.

Source: Augusta Chronicle
Dated Nov. 14, 1907
Two Men Killed and a Third Fatally Injured.
Bradner, Ohio, Nov. 13 - The Hercules Nitro-Glycerine factory a
mile and a half east of here, blew up with terrific force today.
Only three employes were in the neighborhood when the explosion
occurred. W. C. Cisco was burned to death, John
Washburn was blown to fragments and Henry Easton,
superintendent of the factory, was probably fatally injured.
A residence near the scene of the accident was utterly
demolished. Nothing remains of the factory. A huge pit
in the earth shows where it was located. In Bradner no great
damage was done except to windows and mirrors which were shattered
by hundreds.
Cisco was injured by the explosion and fell
among the debris which caught fire, burning him to death.
The shock of the explosion was felt at Upper Sandusky,
and at other towns forty miles away.

Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated Dec. 1, 1920
Friends of Pemberville Man Start Search: Say He has Been Ill.
(Special to the Plain Dealer)
TOLEDO. Nov. 30 - Believed by friends to be suffering
from a temporary mental lapse. J. G. H. Stein, 39, president
of the Pemberville bank, ahs disappeared and is thought to have been
wandering in Wood county afoot.
His accounts are in good condition according to seven
or eight Pemberville friends who came here o search for Him.
The last place he is supposed to have been seen was on
a road one mile north of Toniogany. Rapid Gillespie, former
Wood County auditor and Judge C. R. Nearing said they passed the
banker while he was walking along a road.
Stein left Pemberville for Toledo Monday
morning, saying that he intended to return at noon. Saying
that he intended to return at Noon. Friends accompanied him on
the car; he left them at a shoe store here. He intended to
visit the Commercial Bank & Trust Co. office here. He did not
visit the bank.
Stine suffered a nervous collapsed about two weeks ago.

Source: Jackson Citizen Patriot - Michigan
Dated Jan. 11, 1921
If you do feed your hens (Dong Sung), Chinese egg
laying tablets. We have many customers who think it does
One of the best reports we have had was from Mrs.
Anna Heminger, of Bradner, Wood County, Ohio who is spending the
winter in Jackson. Last winter she had 100 hens and was
getting about 18 to 20 eggs each day. She sent to Jackson for
a ox of Don Sung and in two weeks after she commenced giving it was
getting 80 to 85 egg each day.

Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: Jun. 9, 1925
Ohio Pump Co., Bradner, $300 ($500?). William F. and H.
Henry Miller, Charles P. Carroll, Frank J. Manus, John Kerins.

Source: Times - Picayune - Louisiana Dated: Aug. 16, 1931
THREE BOYS ARE PLAYING ON TRACK ARE KILLED. (By The Associated Press) Bradner, Ohio, Aug. 15 - Three children were killed
when they ran in front of a speeding Chesapeake and Ohio passenger
locomotive a mile south of here late today. The dead are
Ralph Adkins, 13 years old; Billy
Harmon, 11, and Garnet Harmon, 9, all of Bradner. They were playing along the track while returning to
their home from swimming, apparently not hearing the whistling of
the engine bearing down on them from the rear, they ran in front of
it when it was less than 100 feet away. Engineer
C. D. Southworth was exonerated.

Lexington Progress Henderson Co., Tenn. Nov. 10, 1999 Services for
Mrs. Rose Marie Briggs were Thursday, November
4, 1999 at Stony Ridge Methodist Church, Stony Ridge, OH with burial
in Troy Twp., Cemetery, Luckey, Ohio. Brewer Memorial Funeral
Home, Decaturville was in charge. Mrs. Briggs, 69, died
Friday, October 29, at Decatur County General Hospital (TN).
She was a homemaker. She leaves 3 daughters, Susan Muscovich
of Washington D. C., Linda Meeker of Decaturville and
Debra Rowland
of IL; two sons, Charles and William both of Perrysburg, OH, 10
grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. (Found at Genealogy Bank & Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
