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Wyandot Co., Ohio
History & Genealogy

History of Wyandot County, Ohio
Chicago: Leggett, Conaway & Co.,




     PRIOR to 1845, the territory now comprised in Antrim Township was included in the counties of Marion and Crawford.  At the organization of this county it assumed its present boundaries - the east and south by Crawford and Marion Counties respectively, the west by Pitt and Crane Townships, and the north by Eden Township.  Sections 3 to 10 inclusive of the southern part of this township was detached from Grand Prairie, of Marion County, these divisions comprising a tract two miles wide, extending entirely across the township.  The old Reservation line extends east through the northern part of Sections 31, 32 and 33, to a point near the center of the northwest quarter of Section 34, from which it extends directly north through Sections 27, 22, 15, 10 and 3 respectively.
     Throughout the entire township the surface is undulating and well watered by the Sandusky, its tributaries and several constant springs.  The Sandusky River enters at a point near the center of the eastern line of the southeast quarter of Section 34, and extends in a northwesterly direction through the same; also through Section 28, in the same direction, converging to a due west course at a point about midway of the half-section line in the northern part of Section 20; thence trending southwest from a point near the eastern boundary of the northeast quarter of Section 19, passing out at the southwest corner of the latter.  Broken Sword Creek enters the township at the north at a point near the northeast corner of Section 5, and flows in a south and southwest direction through Sections 4, 8, 17 and 18, cutting the northeast and southwest corners of the latter respectively, and entering the Sandusky near the center of Section 19.  Grass Run and Gray Eye Run flow from the eastern part of the township, form a juncture in Section 21, and empty into the Sandusky near the southwest corner of Section 20.  The soil of Antrim Township is very fertile and well adapted to wheat 20.  The soil of Antrim Township is very fertile and well adapted to wheat raising, as well as to the culture of oats, corn and other ordinary cereals.  Large crops of corn from the bottom lands, and wheat from the elevated as well as the lower tracts are annually gathered, and the township has the honor of supporting some of the most prominent farmers of the county.


     The first white settler who located in Antrim Township was John Kirby. He settled on land in 1819 that Col. M. H. Kirby entered in 1820. He was born in Halifax County, Va., and came to Highland County, Ohio, in 1814, and from there to this county, where he died about 1847 or 1848, having reared a large family of children. Jacob Coon also located in this township in the fall of the same year. He came from Pickaway County, and located in the southeastern part of the township in 1819, and resided on the same farm sixty years.
     Zachariah Welsh came to this county in 1821, and settled in Wyandot Village. He died in 1849; his wife's demise occurred in 1857. Edmund E., his son, was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, in 1810. He came to this county with his parents and died January 29, 1880, in Nevada, to which place he removed in 1865. He came from Fairfield County.
     Jesse Jurey came from Highland County in 1820 or 1822, and settled west of the village of Wyandot, where he lived and died. Walter Woolsey came from New York State and settled in the township in 1820.
    In 1820, Col. M. H. Kirby entered 640 acres where Wyandot now is situated. He made additions to this till he owned 1200 acres, on which he moved from Columbus in 1839, remaining till 1843, when he was appointed Receiver of the Northwestern Land Office. These were the principal settlers up to the date last mentioned, and, in fact, to the date of the organization of the county, 1845, after which time settlements were rapidly made.
     Isaac Longwell came from Licking County in 1821, and took up his abode in this township. William T. Howe settled here about the same time. Thomas Terry came soon after from Highland County, Ohio. He was formerly from Old Virginia. He died in Marseilles Township. His son-in-law, Josiah Robertson, moved to the township with him. Abner Jurey located in Antrim in 1822. He was born in Virginia, and was married in this county to Priscilla Winslow, who now resides at Wyandot. He died in 1851. Jacob Brewer moved to the township from the Darby Plains in 1824. Henry Brown, born in Pennsylvania, moved to Wayne County, Ohio, in 1818, and to this township in 1826.
     Thomas Thompson moved from New Philadelphia to this township in 1827. He was afterward a missionary, and was employed on the Mission farm. He was also a school teacher. He died in Seneca County, Ohio, in 1884. Isaac Miller first settled here in 1836. He was born in Rockingham County, Va., in 1784. John Leith came from Fairfield County in 1832 or 1833.
     George W. Leith moved to Antrim in 1837. In 1845, he was appointed Associate Judge, serving seven years. He died at Nevada March 10, 1883. Lair, Isaac and Jacob Miller were also settlers of 1836-37, coming with their parents, and being then almost grown to manhood. Jacob Keller first purchased land here in 1825, and still lives in the township. He was born in Virginia in 1797. Benjamin Hite came in about 1840. He was born in Perry County in 1815. D. W. Wilson was one of the early settlers, as was also James Daughmer. Peter Brewer was born in this Township in 1825.
     The first house, a hewed-log structure, was erected by John Kirby, on the land entered by Col. Kirby in 1819. Isaac Longwell and Sarah Winslow were the first who were joined in marriage in the township, and Rebecca Welsh, daughter of Zachariah and Hannah (Stein) Welsh, was the first white child born therein, the date of her birth being 1822. Magdalene Hite was born in 1823, probably the second white child born in the township. Abner Jury, an infant, was the first to pass away, the date of his death being August, 1821. He was buried in the Macedona Graveyard, and the little marble slab that marks the spot is brown with age. In 1825-26, David Bibler built a grist mill east of Wyandot on the Sandusky River, the first mill constructed in the township. He was also the first " tavern-keeper" in the township. John Kirby had the honor of being the first merchant of Antrim, his store being located in the village of Wyandot. Most of the settlers, the early settlers, were located within the village of Wyandot, south and east of the Reservation line, but at the date of the organization of the county, or soon after, the settlement was more general, and quite extensive, as will be seen by the following list of tax payers of the township in 1845, and the number of acres owned by each:


     John Bibler, 169 acres; George Bricker, 90 1/2 acres; Bain & Williams, 5 1/2 acres; William Bain, 62 acres; Goodlove Bowman, 160 acres; John A. Bibler, 92 acres; Samuel Bretz, 12 acres; Michael Battenfield, 80 acres; Cox & Hampton, 240 acres; Bank Clinton, 664 1/2 acres; Jacob Coon, 80 acres; John N. Cox, 320 acres; Josiah Copeland, 80 acres; Benjamin Cope, 2 acres; Reuben Drake, 160 acres; Mary Drake, 80 acres; James Daughmer, 48 acres; Joseph Drake, 27 acres; Andrew Eby, 80 acres; Zurial Fowler, 220 acres; Tira Garrett, 98 acres; Charles B. Garrett, 312 acres, also carding machine; John Goshorn, 80 acres; George B. Garrett, 159 acres; Eli W. Groyman, 160 acres; David Hite, 35 acres; Benjamin Hite, 72 acres; William T. Howe, 240 acres; Jacob Howenstine, 80 acres; Abner Jurey, 80 acres; Lewis Jurey, 200 acres; John Jurey, 80 acres; Jacob King, 365 acres; Dennis Leninger, 52 acres; Isaac Longwell, 157 acres; George and James H. Moore, 320 acres; John McElvain, 805 acres; Neil & Neiswanger, 840 acres; Carson Porter, 80 acres; Carson and Mary Porter, 80 acres; Rodney Spalding 11 1/2 acres; Thomas Salmon, 58 acres; Jacob Staley, 80 acres, also a tannery; Solomon Sturges, 267 acrs; Gottlieb Schellhorn, 160 acrs; Charles White, 130 acres; Daniel Wilson, 160 acres; John W. Winslow, 49 acres; Benjamin Welch, 240 acres; Samuel Winslow, 38 acres; Abigail Winslow, 5 1/2 acres; Walter Woolsey, 108 acres; Daniel Wright, 109 acres; Wilson, Butler & Baldwin, 641 acres; James S. Reed, 40 acres.


     William Brown, Inlot No. 14; Hiram Chapman, Inlots 8, 9, 1, 4, 7; Hannah French, Inlot No. 13; David Miller, Inlot No. 5; State of Ohio, Inlots 2, 3, 6, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 10, 11; H. H. Wheeler, Inlot No. 15; Charles White, Inlot No. 20; Wayne Rood, 80 acrs; John A. Bibler, 80 acres; James S. Reed, 40 acres.


     State of Ohio, Inlots, 1 to 20 inclusive.


     Zira Alford, Frederick Alford, William Anderson, Joseph L. Brooks, Thomas Blunder, Eli Bricker, George Bricker, John Bricker, Samuel Burkhart, Joseph Bochtel, Samuel Beals, Charles Beals, John Barger, Benjamin Cope, Hiram Chapman, Jacob Coon, Thomas Comstock, Jacob Collins, James Corbin, William Daily, David B. Drake, James Daughmer, James Eldridge, Noah Ely, Noah French, Zuriel Fowler, James Fredregill, William Ford, Samuel Gorman, John Gorman, Christian Hoover, William T. Howe, William Howe, Benjamin Hite, Elizabeth Hite, Jacob Holderman, David Holderman, Benjamin Hawk, John Leith, George Longwell, Lewis Longwell, Isaac Longwell, John Mount, Jason Miller, Augustus W. Munson,* Iram Porter, Samuel Reamy, Joseph Remington, Abner Jurey, John Jurey, Lewis Jurey, Reuben Johns, Ambrose King, Alfred Keller, Jacob King, Jacob Keller, John Kirby, Virgil Kirby, Samuel Kirby, Jacob Staley, Abraham Smith, John Shepard, Orlando Shepard, John Schields, Jacob Schellman, Asa Sherman, George I. Smith, David Wilson, Hezekiah Woolsey, Elizabeth Winslow, Daniel Wright, Walter Woolsey, Robert Wolverton, John Wilmoth, Benjamin S. Welch.


     The early schools of Antrim were conducted under very great difficulties, the neighbors being far apart and the facilities meager. According to the best information we are able to obtain, the first schools of the township were held in a log cabin in the door-yard of Thomas Terry, Ethan Terry being the first teacher. It is also stated that schools were held in the dwellings of Messrs. Howe and Longwell, and that Nathan Howe was, perhaps, the first teacher. It is quite certain that the first schoolhouse was erected in the village of Wyandot in 1827-28. It was, of course, a cabin, and the first teacher who flourished the " rod of correction and shot the young idea " within its walls was Thomas T. Thompson, who subsequently taught in the mission schools. One Martin lays some claim to the same honor, however. William Brown was the third teacher in this educational institution. The schools of the township at the present time are perhaps as well conducted as any in the county, and their interests are as carefully guarded, most of the schoolhouses being built of brick and well furnished.


     As early as 1820 the people of Wyandot and vicinity began to assemble occasionally for divine worship. The first meetings were held in the old log schoolhouse in the northeast part of the village, and these were continued with more or less regularity till 1835, when an organization was effected. The members were of the Methodist Episcopal persuasion and few in number, William Brown and his wife Margaret being the only members from the village. In 1838, the Methodist Episcopal Church building was erected just south of the village, being the first building of the kind erected in the township. It has since been abandoned and is owned by H. M. Welsh, and will be converted into a township hall. In 1858, the United Presbyterian denomination erected a frame building, 40x60 feet in dimensions, and in 1884, this was purchased by the Methodist Episcopal Church at a cost of $300. The pastors who have labored in this field are Revs. Pilchard, Blampede, Rogers, Feckley, Close, Bruce, Neal, Barron and perhaps a few others. The present incumbent is George Zeigler. The present Trustees are Noah Bunnel, Jacob Ranch and James Shaffer. The society now comprises seventy-four members. The most important revival was conducted by Rev. Barron, in 1880, resulting in about thirty members being added to the list.  The church has had many trials, but the outlook for the future is promising, as the society is in good working order and now has the advantage of a commodious and comfortable building.
Broken Sword Presbyterian Church.—This society was organized in 1850, at the schoolhouse, which is located on the southwest corner of Section 17; the first meeting having been held in the same year at the same place under the supervision of Rev. Charles Thayer. The society then comprised six members, namely: Sireno Burke, Tirza Burke, Susan Burke, Mrs. McBeth, Lemon Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong. In 1856, a church building was erected on the southeast quarter of Section 8. It is a frame structure 26x36 feet, and cost $1,000. It is now owned by the Methodist Episcopal society.


     This beautiful and thriving village bearing the above title was named from the State bearing the same name and which was attracting considerable attention in the year 1852.
     The town as originally laid out was situated in the northwest fractional quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 4, Range 15 east, and contained seventy-two lots, each 60x180 feet, making an area of 10,800 square feet. Railway street is 100 feet wide; Morrison street, or Main street, 80 feet wide; Ayres and Garrett streets each 60 feet wide, and situated east and west of Morrison street respectively. All the regular streets and alleys cross each other at right angles, their bearing being 1° 30' east. The stone which by law is required to be placed at the corner of one of the lots is situated at the southwest corner of Lot 18, the original survey having been made by J. H Williams, October 14, 1852.
     The additions made to the area included in the original plat, with the names of the persons who made them are as follows: William Welch's addition, twenty-four lots, was made May 16, 1860; William F. Goodbread, twenty lots, January 12, 1863; J. L. Cook, twenty-five lots, March 28, 1863; Goodbread, Welch & Dombaugh, seventy-one inlots, four out-lots, February 26, 1866; Joseph Braun, four lots, April 20, 1866; Robert Dixon, sixteen lots, March 11, 1864; George I. Miller, sixteen lots, and two outlots, September 18, 1865; William Balliet, twenty-one lots and four out-lots, April 13, 1866; W. S. Gregg, ten lots, June 21, 1876; William Petrey, four lots, February 26, 1877; William Welch's second addition, fifteen lots, July 3, 1879; James McLaughlin, twenty lots, 18—; H. D. Keller, six lots, October 8, 1881; and J. L. Cook's Second Addition, thirteen lots, December 2, 1881.
     The founders of Nevada were Jonathan Ayres and George Garrett. The land on which it is located was purchased of the Government by William McKibben, of Ashland County, Ohio, and was purchased of him by Messrs. Ayres and Garrett, who laid out the town, consisting of seventy-two lots, in   October, 1852. Garrett was of mixed blood—Indian and white.
     Jonathan Ayres is a son of Dr. Isaac and Eliza (Coulter) Ayres, and was born in Beaver County, Penn.,  March 12, 1822. He removed with his parents to Richland County, Ohio, where he grew to manhood. In 1846, he moved to Upper Sandusky, and has been a resident of that city most of the time since. In 1854, he engaged in the dry goods business and continued in this trade ten years. Being a member of the Ohio National Guards, he was called into service in 1864, and was made Adjutant of the One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment, participating in the battle of Monocacy Junction, and also an engagement with Mosby's Cavalry, the regiment under his command doing gallant service in the latter action. He was discharged as Lieutenant Colonel March 1, 1866, and is now a resident of "Upper Sandusky. He was married in 1856, to Miss Jennie Harris, of Detroit, Mich., a daughter of Norman and Lucy Harris. Mr. Ayres' father, Isaac Ayres, was born in York County, Penn., in September, 1782.
     When the site for Nevada was first chosen by its founders, the future for the town was not promising, or at least not brilliantly so. The site had the advantages of an elevated location and the proper distance from county seats; but this was the most that could be claimed for it. The land at that point was at that time covered by a dense growth of timber, and the contrast in surroundings between the future Nevada and the sleepy, old village of "Wyandot, which was henceforth to be considered a rival, was strongly in favor of the latter town. But the embryo Nevada had within it the " elements of- greatness," and with the Pittsburgh Railroad to strengthen its spine, and the rich farming country both north and south to supply it with the proper commercial nourishment, its success was soon placed beyond question. The woods were rapidly cleared away, the mercantile establishments began with a vitality that was unquestioned, and the point was settled Nevada was to be a town and have a history.


     "When the survey for the original plat of Nevada was made, the only houses standing within its limits were the dwellings of Lair Miller, James McLaughlin and Samuel Ellison. Mr. Miller's residence was built about 1846-47; Mr. McLaughlin's in 1850, and Mr. Ellison's in the same year in which the town was laid out, 1852. After that date building proceeded quite rapidly as the success of the village was soon a pronounced certainty.
     William McJunkins has the honor of being Nevada's pioneer merchant. He erected the first storeroom in the place in 1853. It was a frame structure of considerable dimensions and was well filled with a stock of general merchandise valued at not less than $2,000. Mr. McJunkins was Postmaster and railroad agent at the same time and did a good business, continuing in the place several years. William Fredregill had previously erected a small frame building 18x26 feet, and did a small grocery business in front and a large saloon business behind. The building which he occupied is now used by William Nye as a dwelling. The McJunkins building was destroyed by fire in 1872.
     The second store-room was built by Jonathan Ayres who sold the same to J. L. Cook and William F. Goodbread. It was also a frame structure 20x40 feet and is still standing near where it was first erected—on Main street, east side, south of the railroad—used for a general storage room. The store was opened by the firm of Cook & Goodbread with a stock of $4,000 to $5,000 and an extensive and profitable business was conducted by this firm for about three and one-half years when they sold out to William Balliet. Their stock consisted of general merchandise and in connection with this branch of their business they erected the first stock scales in the town and did an extensive business in the purchase and sale of all kinds of grain, live stock, etc. Messrs. Cook & Goodbread may also be considered pioneer merchants of Nevada. For complete sketches of their respective lives the reader is referred to the biographical notices given in connection with the history of this township in succeeding pages.
The third store of the village was established by S. S. Miller, who died a few years afterward and his stock of $2,000 in general merchandise was sold out at auction. From this time the mercantile interests went strongly forward till at the present date (1884) Nevada is second to but few "country" towns in Central Ohio, being provided with numerous stores, a substantial bank, good schools and churches, shops, mills and factories.


     One of the foremost stores of Nevada at the present date is that of Cook & Morris, Main street, east side, north of railroad. It was first established in 1865 by J. S. Leith & Co., who, after conducting it about two years, sold out to the Elliott Brothers, who again disposed of it to Hall & Cook in 1879. Two years later Mr. Hall sold his interest to Mr. Cook who conducted the business one year alone, then admitting W. H Cook, the firm afterward operating two years as J. L. & W. H. Cook. The establishment was then consolidated with that of George Benedict, making three departments, dry goods and notions, boots, shoes and clothing, and groceries and provisions. One year after this change, De Jean purchased Benedict's interest and the business was conducted two years under the firm name of Cook, De Jean & Co. W. H. Cook subsequently withdrew and the firm of Cook & De Jean continued the trade till July 1, 1881, when S. Cook purchased De Jean's interest and the firm became J. L. & S. Cook, doing business as such till January 1, 1883, when R. E. Morris purchased S. Cook's interest and the present firm of Cook & Morris was established. They carry a stock of dry goods, notions, carpets, boots and shoes valued at about $7,000 and do a large business. J. L. Cook the senior partner of the firm has been identified with the mercantile interests of the town for about thirty years.
     Goodbread & Son, druggists of considerable prominence, are located on the west side of Main street, north of railroad. The establishment was first opened as a branch store by Joseph A. Maxwell, of Upper Sandusky, with Lewis Nichols as salesman. Mr. Nichols afterward purchased the stock, and still later consolidated his store with that of Dr. Jones, the firm doing business for some time under the title of Nichols & Jones. In 1871, Mr. Goodbread purchased Mr. Nichols' interest, and the business was conducted till 1879 by Goodbread & Jones, J. N. Goodbread purchasing Mr. Jones' interest at that date. The firm has since been known as Goodbread & Son. They carry a full stock of goods of all kinds peculiar to the trade, and do a large and profitable business William F. Goodbread, as will be seen by the preceding pages, was one of the pioneer merchants of the town, and has always been more or less prominently identified with its business interest.
     D. B. Wolf established himself in his present business at his present place in September, 1872. He occupies the storeroom originally used by Cook & Goodbread in 1853. It is located just south of railroad, east side of Main street, and was sold by the last-named firm to G. W. Balliet, Mr. Goodbread becoming a partner of Mr. Balliet one year later. The next change was effected by Mr. Goodbread purchasing the whole stock. He was succeeded by Dumbaugh & Huffman, and they by H. H Welsh, who admitted D. B. Wolf, as stated above. The firm was known as Welsh & Co. till 1877, when Mr. Wolf purchased Welsh's interest, since which time he has conducted the business independently. His stock is estimated at about $4,000, and he enjoys a fine trade. His line is dry goods, notions, groceries, boots, shoes and queensware.
     C. Pfisterer, the only merchant tailor of Nevada, first began business in the town in April, 1869. He opened up an establishment in a frame building which occupied the site of the present storeroom of Cook & Morris. In 1876, he removed to the building now occupied by D. B. Wolf, and in 1879 to his present place of business, the Pease building. Mr. Pfisterer has always been sole proprietor of his establishment.  He carries the largest stock of cloths and cassimeres in the county, and does a large business. His stock of ready-made clothing is also quite complete, the whole valued at $5,000.
     Stewart & Hall, prominent hardware dealers, are located on Main street, east side, just north of railroad. The original firm was known as Stewart & Wallace, and was founded in 1869, in the staves and heading and hardware business, at Edenville. In 1882, Mr. Hall purchased Wallace's hardware, and the firm has since been known as Stewart & Hall. They carry a stock valued at $10,000, and do an immense business, their annual sales estimated at $30,000 per year. Their present storeroom is 20x186 feet, and is well filled with a well-selected stock of hardware, tinware, agricultural implements, etc. The building was erected by M. R. Hull in 1876-77, and was purchased by Stewart & Wallace in the spring of 1878, Mr. Hull having made an assignment.
     E. R. Williams, a popular druggist of Nevada, became identified with the business interests of the place in 1882. The store was first put in operation in 1879 by R. M. Stewart, J. A. Stewart and William B. Woolsey, who conducted the establishment under the firm name of Stewart & Co. until the sale of J. A. Stewart's interest, after which the firm was known as R. M. Stewart & Co. till September, 1882, when the stock was purchased by A. N. Williams & Son. The death of the father in September, 1883, left the stock in-the hands of the son, E. R. Williams, who now has charge of the business. His stock is complete, consisting of a full line of fine drugs, patent medicines, books, wall-paper, paints, oils, varnishes, etc., and his business is carefully managed. His store is located on Main street, east side, north of the railroad.
     W. M. Maskey, grocer. This firm began business in 1881, as Morris & Maskey, the latter member of the firm having purchased the interest of J. W. Morris, of the firm of Morris & Son, who established the business in 1880. He now carries a stock valued at $1,500 to $2,000, and has a fine trade, located one door north of Cook & Morris' dry goods store.
     Gregg & Co. This firm was established in 1877, the members being G. W. Gregg and Andrew Flickinger. Their stock consisted of clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes and gent's furnishing goods. April 1, 1884, William Scott purchased the stock, and soon after turned the clothing over to the Cook Bros., who are now doing business in a brick building opposite the Kerr House, purchased of W. Myers.
     T, P. Miller, groceries and provisions. Mr. Miller began business on the corner of Morrison (Main) and Center streets in 1879. In April, 1884, he purchased and moved into his present building, a few doors north of the old establishment. The building he now occupies was built by Perry Hopp in 1868-69, and is a two-story frame structure, 18x45 feet in dimensions. He carries a stock valued at $1,000 to $1,200, and enjoys a fair trade.
     B. Hopp, dealer in furniture, and undertaker. The firm was first known as Hopp & Benedict, their stock of furniture being purchased of William Windish in 1873. The stock was burned May 15, 1875, and Mr. Hopp revived the business soon after, and has since conducted it. He established the first undertaking in the town, and does a thriving business. His new store-room is large and comfortable, brick, with two stories and a cellar.
     B. B. Myers & Co., hardware, stove and tinware merchants. The firm was established in 1875 as S. Myers & Son. In 1879, B. B. Myers purchased his father's interest, and has since been sole proprietor. He occupies two rooms, each 20x60 feet, located just south of railroad, on west side of Main street. . His new brick building was erected in 1883. He carries a full line of shelf hardware, stoves, tinware and agricultural implements, and enjoys a flourishing trade.
     J. Koerber & Co. This firm began business in Nevada February 7,1883, operating on a cash system from the start. The store is located on Morrison (Main) street, in the Balliet room, twenty by ninety feet in dimension. The stock is valued at $8,000, and is well selected, consisting of dry goods, notions, groceries, etc. The firm is doing an excellent business, and thus proving beyond question both the possibility and feasibility of the cash system.
     A. N. Sawyer, furniture and undertaking, Main street. This establishment was opened up in July, 1882, in a new frame building, 18x60 feet, erected in the same year at a cost of $1,000. The building was erected by T. D. Keller, and purchased by Mr. Sawyer a few months later. He carries a stock of goods valued at $800 to $1,000, and does a fair business.
     Franklin James established himself in the grocery and provision business in December, 1879, at the place known as Williams' Corner, and in the old building erected by S. P. Shaw about 1864. He carries a stock of groceries, provisions and notions, valued at $1,500, and enjoys a fair trade.
     William Balliet, groceries, confectionery and bar. This establishment began business in 1879, in a frame building, which was destroyed by fire February 12,1883. The present brick building occupies the same site, and was erected immediately after the destruction of the frame structure. Mr. Balliet was first engaged seven years in the hardware business; the same length of time in the livery business, and has been engaged five years in his present vocation. He has a flourishing trade.
     E. R. Irner, bakery, confectionery and provisions. Mr. Inner began business in Nevada in November, 1875, in partnership with Philip Ruhlman. They purchased their stock of groceries of John Good, and continued their partnership till January, 1876, when Mr. Irmer purchased his partner's interest, since which time he has conducted the business alone. He owns and occupies a brick building 21x75 feet, situated on Main street, second door north of railroad, east side, and has an excellent trade.
     W. P. Morris has the only jewelry shop and store in town. He has been engaged at the trade several years, but put in his stock in January, 1884. He carries a small but well-selected stock of goods, and does a fair business. He does all kinds of jewelers' work—engraving, clock and watch repairing, etc., and is located at present in the post office building.
     J. M. Klingler conducts an old-fashioned shoe-shop on South Main street. He began work in 1860, and for many years did a thriving business. The extensive use of factory goods has of late reduced the demand for homemade work. He makes all kinds of coarse and fine boots and shoes, and does mending neatly and promptly. He is one of the oldest bench workmen in the town.
     E. Lidle, manufacturer of and dealer in harness, saddles, etc., west side Main street, north of Commercial Hotel. Mr. Lidle began business in Nevada in 1867, and has built up a large and lucrative trade. He is the owner of his building, a two-story brick, 20x80 feet, and has the leading harness emporium of the city. He keeps a full stock of harness, saddles, trunks, valises and furnishing goods, and enjoys a liberal patronage. He learned his trade in Germany.
     L. Wilson, saddler and harness manufacturer, is located on east side of Main street, one door north of Sawyer's furniture store. He began business in Nevada in 1873, moving to his present room in 1882. His stock—all his own work—is valued at $600. He is an excellent workman and deserves a liberal patronage.
     Mrs. S. M. Wilcox established her millinery business in Nevada in 1871. In 1874, she erected her present business room, brick, 20x25 feet, located on Main street, east side, south of railroad, where she keeps a full line of millinery goods valued at about $1,000. She enjoys a good trade.
     Mrs. Marie Steiner conducts a millinery business on Main street, east side, north of the new livery. She keeps a well-selected stock and is well patronized.
     A. G. Carr, proprietor of livery and feed stable, began operations in January, 1884 He occupies the new barn erected by James Welch in 1882. It is a line building 38x90 feet, with neat office, and cost about $2,000, including lot, wind pump, etc. The stock owned by A. G. Carr is valued at $2,800. It is the only livery of the village and does a good business. The first livery was established by Cart, Hoxten, of Marion. He sold out two years later. A. N. Sawyer next started the enterprise in 1867, and in 1868, erected the first livery barn in the place. He sold out three years later to Balliet & Welch and established a second stable, conducting the business up to 1882, two years excepted. The Balliet firm continued with various changes till 1875. A third stable was subsequently erected by Benjamin Balliet, and four livery barns of Nevada have been destroyed by fire; one in 1875, one in 1877 and two in 1883.
    Myers & Lidle are now the proprietors of the Nevada meat market. The business was established in 1863. In 1869, Mr. Myers opened a shop in partnership with V. O. Tuttle, which connection existed till 1871, when the firm became Myers & Son. One year later Mr. Keltner was admitted to the firm, which was known afterward as Myers & Keltner till the spring of 1884, when E. Lidle purchased a half interest in the business, since which time the firm has been known as Myers & Lidle. They have the only shop in town and do a good business.


     The Commercial Hotel was built by B. Hopp in 1862. It is located just north of the railroad, on Main street, west side, the main building being 36x40 feet with a kitchen 30x30 feet in the rear. The house is a frame structure, two stories, with a roofed balcony, and contains eighteen rooms. Thomas J. Hinkle was the first landlord and he was succeeded by Mr. De Jean, to whom he sold the property. Jesse Ritz purchased the house of De Jean and subsequently sold it to Robert Kerr, who disposed of it to William Montee in 1879, who in 1884 disposed of the property and took charge of the Kerr House.
The Kerr House at Nevada, was erected by Robert Kerr in 1882, at a cost, when furnished, of $18,000. It is a fine brick structure, containing twenty-five good rooms, well lighted and ventilated. The building was opened for business in 1883, under the management of H S. Slough, who in 1884 gave way to William Montee. It is by far the finest hotel property in the county, and, with the present efficient management, will have an excellent patronage. The house is well furnished, is in a desirable location—one door north of post office, west side Main street—and will be a lasting testimonial of the enterprise of its founder. Besides the spacious parlors and elegant sleeping apartments, the house is also provided with an excellent bathroom for the accommodation of its guests.


     Nevada Grist Mill.—The first and only grist mill of Nevada was erected by a stock company in 1861, H. W. Williams being the principal stockholder, chief instigator and millwright. The other members of the company were W. F. Goodbread, J. L. Cook, James McLaughlin and Samuel Junck. The cost of the institution was about $10,500. Two run of buhrs were at first used, two more being subsequently added, making the capacity of the mill 100 barrels per day. In 1884, under the management of L. G. Russell, who is present owner of the mill, the roller system was introduced, and the capacity is now 125 barrels per day. In 1864, the mill was purchased by Williams & Gregg, and in 1866, Mr. T.  Daily purchased Mr. Gregg's interest, the firm being known as Williams & Daily, until 1866. In the latter year Mr. A. B. Benedict purchased Mr. Williams' interest, and this firm existed till 1872, when the property became the possession of Messrs. Daily, Russell & Williams. In 1883, the interests of the other members of the firm were purchased by Mr. L. G. Russell, who is now sole proprietor.
Planing Mill, Door and Sash Factory.—The first planing mill established in Nevada was built in 1863. It, like the grist mill referred to above, was erected by a stock company—capital, $6,000. The original stockholders were Homer and Nelson King, who put in a patent bee-hive at a larger figure, James Anderson, C. P. Hopp and R. Dixon. The company was organized for the purpose of manufacturing the patent bee-hive referred to, and was denominated the American Bee-hive Company. A saw mill was subsequently added, and for some time quite an extensive business was done, though during the whole existence of the institution the enterprise at intervals languished and the stock depreciated. By degrees the shares were sold out, and J. L. Cook became the chief stockholder, and afterward sold his interest to G. W. Leith. The establishment was next purchased by A. Lance, and while in his possession was destroyed by fire in 1872. In the same year, S. Beaver purchased the lot made vacant by the destruction of fire, and erected his present mill and factory. For the first nine months the firm was known as Beaver & Tucker, the latter owning a one-third interest. In 1878, a saw mill was added and has since been continued. The establishment does an extensive business both in the sawing of lumber and the manufacture of doors, sash, window-frames, store-fronts, etc. The main building is 58x65 feet, with iron roof: the office and storage room, 20x70 feet, and the blacksmith and storage room is 26x40 feet—all two stories. The total value of buildings and machinery is about $6,000. Five to ten workmen are usually employed, and the mill was formerly operated day and night.
     Brick and Tile Factory. —This industry was begun in 1873 by the present proprietor, John Russell. He first began the manufacture of brick only, and continued this about five years, bringing the horse-power machine into general use. In 1878, he began the manufacture of tile of various diameters, and has conducted the business on an extensive and gradually increasing scale since that date. He employs from eight to sixteen workmen during the working season.
     Blacksmith Shops.—McDermot & Schwartzkopf represent this interest in a very able manner, their shop being located just north of the Advent Church, Main street. The business was begun by McDermot in 1879, and Schwartzkopf was admitted as a partner in 1881. They occupy a substantial brick building, erected by them at a cost of $500, and do all kinds of repairing, horse-shoeing, etc., neatly and promptly. Plow work is made a specialty. Their annual receipts amount to about $2,000.
     Henry G. Lea began work at blacksmithing when quite young, and also spent some time at the jeweler's trade. He began the former work in Nevada in 1863, and has since engaged in that vocation. He does all kinds of repairing peculiar to the trade, his work giving general satisfaction.
     Carriage and Wagon Works.—J. F. Knapp is now the only representative of this industry in Nevada. He erected his shop, a frame building, two-stories, 26x46 feet, in 1866, and has since been engaged in the manufacture of all kinds of wagons, carriages, buggies, etc. He also does general repairing, having the entire trade of the vicinity in that line. He formerly did a profitable business in manufacturing, but of late years his trade has been crippled by the extensive use of factory work. His building cost about $1,000.
     A similar enterprise was established by John Harter in 1866, and after ten or twelve years operation was sold to George Schwartzkopf, soon after which it was destroyed by fire. It was located south of the railroad, east side Main street.
     Nevada Elevator.—This enterprise was established by William F. Goodbread, Henry Welsh and others—a joint stock company—who erected the building in 1873, and in 1874 sold the same to S. H. Hunt, of Upper Sandusky. The building is a substantial frame structure with a receiving capacity of 3,000 bushels per day, and a storage capacity of 20,000 bushels. After a successful operation for some time, Mr. Hunt sold the elevator to William Blair and O. C. Ewart, who subsequently sold it to the present owners.
     Nevada Hook and Ladder Company.—This protective institution was organized April 8, 1872, the following officers being elected at that date: J. A. Brown, Foreman; F. Mollenkopf, Assistant Foreman; J. N. Goodbread, Secretary; D. E. Jefferson, Treasurer; O. S. Campbell, William Price and Stephen Kerr, Trustees. The company began operations with an outfit consisting of a chemical engine, hook and ladder trucks and fifty rubber buckets; but the engine was discarded in 1876, and has not since been in use. The company has been engaged in several important fires at home, and has done excellent work. It is also well known throughout this section of the State as a sporting company, having taken part in many of the tournaments, and in each instance carried off a fair share of the honors. In 1878, it won the second prize at the Bucyrus Tournameat against the Norwalk Company, which holds the championship of the United States. The company has also participated in many other contests of the same nature, and has acquired a State reputation for its skill and fleetness. The original number of members was about fifteen, but has now reached sixty, including retired members. The present offcers are as follows: J. A. Brown, Foreman; Levi Wilson, Assistant Foreman; W. A. Wolf, Secretary; W. M. Maskey, Treasurer; E. R. Irmer, George Schwartzkopf and A. Cronice, Trustees.
     Weaving Loom.James Anderson is now the sole representative of this craft in Nevada. Although owning a good farm, he spends considerable time in carpet weaving, at which business he is quite an expert. He operates one of the old-fashioned looms, which is almost a curiosity to the present generation.  The shuttle slides through and then slides back, followed up by the " bumper'' che-whack, che-whack; and ere one has woven a twenty-pound pack he is weak in the knees and lame in the back..
     Nevada Deposit Bank.—This institution was incorporated April 10, 1873, with W. L. Blair, President, W. F. Goodbread, Vice President, and J. K. Agnew, Cashier; and began business May 5,1873, with a capital stock of $52,000. At its organization the principal stockholders were Robert Kerr and W. L. Blair, whose shares numbered 200 and 120 respectively. Other stockholders were G. W. Leith, W. F. Goodbread, J. L. Cook, Benjamin Ulrich, C. W. Burke, J. N. Goodbread, Michael Lambright, J. H. Hershberger, J. S. Leith, G. W. Balliet, and J. K. Agnew, with shares ranging in numbers from two to eighty.
     Soon after beginning operations, the stock of the lesser holders began to be bought in by the principals, and on September 2. 1878, the entire stock was represented by Robert Kerr, W. L. Blair and O. C. Ewart, who still conduct the business. In February, 1878, the charter under which the bank was established, according to the State law, was surrendered, and the corporation was re-organized into a co-partnership represented mainly by the above firm, and on this plan the business has since been carried forward. The bank was first opened in the "old bank building" east side of Main street, south of the railroad, but, in 1879, was removed to the new brick bank building which was erected in 1878-79, and which is the finest structure used for the purpose in the county. It is regarded as one of the most substantial institutions of the kind in this section of the State; it is strongly secured by real estate; is well managed; does an excellent business, and has the entire confidence of the public. The present officers are W. L. Blair, President; Robert Kerr, Vice President; O. C. Ewart, Cashier; and J. A. Williams, Assistant Cashier.


     Evangelical Lutheran Church.—The first meeting of this society was held in a schoolhouse one mile south of Nevada, Rev. A. B. Kirtland, officiating. In the same year and at the same place by the same minister, the church was organized with thirty members, David Kreichbaum, Daniel Rex and James Gillam being remembered as among the number. The first church building was erected in April, 1859. It was a frame structure, and cost $1,175. Rev. A. B. Kirtland was the first pastor, and he was succeeded in 1861 by Rev. Hammer. Rev. Hamilton was engaged from 1862 to 1868; Rev. D. A. Kuhn from 1869 to 1877; Rev. H. Nodle, the present incumbent. There are now sixty members in the society. The present officers are Conrad Lohr, Samuel Bell, Mathias Maskey, Tilghman Balliet and Daniel Kreichbaum.
     United Brethren Church.—The few original members of this organization held their first meeting in James McLaughlin's barn in May, 1857, Rev. Tabler officiating on that occasion. In 1860, an organization was effected through the efforts of Rev. D. W. Downey, the meeting being held for that purpose in Clave's hall. Twenty-eight members were listed at that time, James Hilborne acting as leader and Samuel Miller as Class Steward. In 1875, the society erected their first and present church building on an out-lot of Cook's Addition to Nevada. It is a frame structure of 50x35 feet in dimensions, and was dedicated by Bishop J. Weaver. The cost of the building was $700. Rev. J. Paul was engaged on this work one year; Rev. J. P. Lea, two years; Rev. W. Nevill, one year; Rev. Easterbrook, one year; Rev. W. R. Leaword, one year, and Rev. George Bender to the present time. The present officers are J. Burnside, George Rinehart, Isaac Kemp and H. G. Lea, Trustees; H. G. Lea, leader, and Mrs. M. Fraize, Class Steward. The society now numbers ten members.
     Methodist Episcopal Church. —As early as 1859, meetings were held by this society one-half mile north of Nevada, where perhaps the organization was effected. In 1867, they erected their present church building, which is a brick structure 40x70 feet, and which cost $1,200. It is located on Lot No. 9, McLaughlin's Addition, and is rather a fine building. The list of pastors with the years they were engaged on this charge is as follows: Rev. Jacob Monsinger, one year; James Albright, one year; W. BL Painter, two years; B. A. Disney, two years: D. M. Conant, two years; G. L. Hannawalt, two years; C. H. Baldwin, two years; George A. Marshal, one year; Charles Galimore, one year; C. M. Gay, one year; Charles Crawford, one year. The present pastor is Rev. George Zsigler. The society now numbers eighty-nine members. The present officers are L. A. Pease; J. C. Rosegrant, W. A. White, Goodwin Hall and J. E. Funk.
     Presbyterian Church.—This society was organized by Rev. J. P. Loyd, Rev. George Graham and Mr. John Black at the residence of James Anderson April 26, 1859. The organization then consisted of ten members, as follows: John Todd, Francis Todd, James L. Armstrong, Jane Armstrong, Joshua Cook, Elizabeth Cook, James Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, Henry Aten and John Aten. The society erected their present brick building which is 30x110 feet in 1876, at a cost of $4,000. Rev. Thomas Wallace was first placed in this charge, and served about two years; Rev. J. P. Lower, eighteen months; Rev. S. A. Hummer, eighteen months; Rev. S. Cook, five years; Rev. R. J. Laughlin, one year; Rev. Matur (?), one year; Rev. O. C. Colmerry, one year. The present church officers are James Anderson, Joshua Cook and W. H. Gay, Ruling Elders; Henry Aten, W. H Cook and J. Gillam, Trustees. The society has Sabbath school in operation, which is in a flourishing condition.
     Advent Christian Church.—This church was organized February 18,1867, in the early part of the winter of which year Elder Jonas Wendell, of Pennsylvania, and Elder D. R. Mansfield and wife, of Michigan, came to Nevada and conducted a series of meetings in the Lutheran Church building, as a result of which there was an extensive revival, and the above-named ministers assisted by Elder King effected an organization. Elder King was the prime mover in securing the services of the clergyman referred to, and had prepared the field for their effective work by having previously promulgated the doctrines of the Advent denomination to quite an extent throughout the vicinity. By his influence and that of others the services of the able Dr. G. W. Stetson, as pastor, were subsequently secured. Prominent among the original members were H. A. King, Henry Welty, Martin Bacon, Catharine McJuncken, Rebecca McJuncken, Martha Young, Cornelius McLaughlin, Benjamin Hopp* C. P. Hopp, Mary A. Hopp, R. M. Stewart, Truman Daily, George Benedict and Andrew Benedict. The first and present church building was erected in 1869, and was dedicated in October of the same year. The edifice is made of brick, and cost when completed and furnished $11,-000. It is located within Antrim Township on lots two and three, of Petrey's Addition, and is 40x70 feet in size. Elder H. G. McCulloch was the first pastor engaged and remained with the church about one year; his brother, Elder Eusebius McCulloch was next called and was retained eleven years; Elder J. W. Hobbs, of New York began his pastorate November 20, 1881, and has continued to the present time (1884). The church has suffered some by the removal of many of its members to other parts of the country. During the pastorate of Elder E. McCulloch, Elder Miles Grant, a prominent Adventist Evangelist, of Boston, Mass., came to Nevada and assisted in a series of meetings in which the church experienced quite a revival.
     In 1883, the ladies of the church organized a "home mission society" with the following officers: Mrs. W. J. Hobbs, President; Mrs. Charles Young, Vice President; Mrs. John Russell, Secretary; Mrs. Joseph Sponhauer (?), Treasurer. The church building has recently been provided with a bell and refurnished. The present officers of the society are Dr. R. M. Stewart, Benjamin Hopp, Truman Daily, William Snyder and Hiram Young, Trustees; John Russell and Cornelius McLaughlin, Deacons. A Sabbath school is kept up with considerable interest by the society, and is now in a prosperous condition, John Russell, Superintendent. The organization has always received liberal aid from those citizens of Nevada who are not members of any denomination.


     This company came into existence November 19, 1868, the original members being John Markley, John Kisor, Josiah Andreas, David Balliet, Tilman Balliet and Cyrus McCauly. At the time of the organization, John Kisor, Josiah Andreas and John Markley were elected Trustees, David Balliet, Treasurer, and Tilman Balliet, Clerk. The association purchased a tract of three acres one mile north of Nevada, at a cost of $600, exclusive of the expense of grading and fencing, and at once proceeded to lay off the ground in burial lots, selling the same to those who were able to purchase, and donating to those who were not. The grounds are kept in good condition, and the location is decidedly pleasant The first remains deposited therein were those of Elizabeth Balliet, who died September 8, 1866. Since that time this city of the dead has made many accessions to its numbers.  The association has been reduced by deaths, removals, etc., to two members—Cyrus McCauly and T. Balliet; the former is Treasurer, and the latter Secretary.


     For some time after the town of Nevada had been surveyed, the school-going population was so small as to render a special sub-district inexpedient, and during this time the youth of the new village were compelled to " plod their weary way" to the district school one mile south of town. By the year 1863, however, the village had assumed metropolitan airs to such a degree as to render a village schoolhouse necessary, schools having been conducted for about three years previous in a town hall which was situated on Lot No. 20. The Nevada subdistrict was created in 1860, and the "special district" according to law in 1866. The first building was erected in the northeast part of town at a cost of $590. It was a frame structure, and was in constant use up to the time of the completion of the new brick building in 1876. The old edifice was but one story in height, and contained two rooms, these being inadequate to accommodate the large and increasing number of pupils for some time before the new building was erected.
     April 5, 1875, it was voted by the people of Nevada to raise by tax $8,000 for the erection of a new schoolhouse according to plans and specifications which were duly set forth; but this amount being insufficient to complete the edifice, a tax of $4,000 more was voted April 29, 1876. In the same year the work was completed, and the pupils systematically disposed in their new quarters, the total cost of the new building amounting to $14,500. It is one of the neatest and most convenient school buildings in this section of the State, and is the best evidence of the intelligence, culture and enterprise of the people of Nevada that could possibly be given. It contains six regular school rooms, besides the Superintendent's office and class room and basement It is heated by the Theobald steam heater, manufactured at Canton, Ohio. The class rooms are well furnished, and the whole structure, interior and exterior, bears the marks of good taste and judgment in its construction.
     The Superintendents or high school teachers who have had charge of the schools since the erection of the frame building in 1863, are as follows: J. L. Cook, Charles Williams, Emily Servis, Julia Moe, Mrs. L. Dumbaugh, Mollie Forbes, Mr. Nye, W. E. Crabbs, W. F. Car, Mr. Dwire, M. E. Stearnes and D. E. Niver. The schools are in excellent condition, and are managed by an efficient corps of teachers, headed by an able Superintendent, Mr. Niver, as mentioned above. The total number of pupils is about 290. The subordinate teachers are: I. C. Ginther, A Grammar Department; Mary Colby, B Grammar; Ida McDermot, Intermediate; Ida Peas, A Primary; Miss M. A. Barr, B Primary.


     F. & A. M., Nevada Lodge, 343.—The few members of the Masonic fraternity in the vicinity of Nevada congregated at the store of Cook & Goodbread, where they conducted their preliminary meetings, which were quite frequent; and by the untiring efforts of the worthy brothers, John Tudhope, Benjamin Eaton, J. H. Crabbs, W. F. Goodbread and others, jurisdiction from adjoining lodges was obtained, and application was made to the Grand Lodge for a charter, which was received May 12, A. L. 5862, A. D. 1862. The first members under the dispensation were William B. Miller, John Tudhope, William F. Goodbread, James H. Gillam, Edward G. Steiner, William McJunkin, James S. Cummins, H. W. Williams, Peter Doty and James H. Crabbs.
     November 6, A. L. 5862, the Most Worthy Grand Master, by his proxy, Brother M. Smith, by authority conferred by a charter granted by the Grand Lodge of the State of Ohio at its annual session held at the city of Columbus on the 21st day of October, A. L. 5862, proceeded to install the officers, assisted by Brother M. H. Kirby as Deputy Grand Master, and Brother Sands as Grand Marshal. The charter was then read by the order of the Grand Master, whereupon the Grand Marshal proclaimed Nevada Lodge fully organized and authorized to take rank and precedence as Nevada Lodge, No. 343. And it was so. The names of the officers under the dispensation were as follows: William B. Miller, W. M.; John Tudhope, S. W.; William F. Goodbread, J. W.; Peter Doty, Secretary; James S. Cummins, Treasurer; Ed. D. Steiner, S. D.; James H. Crabbs, J. D.; James H. Gillam, Tiler. The society has prospered since its organization, and now has a membership of forty-six, with 11,200 in the treasury. The regular time and place of meeting is the first Thursday on or before each full moon, at Nevada. The present officers are Thaddeus B. Armstrong, W. M.; George W. Gregg, S. W.; Joseph M. Wilcox, J. W.; James N. Goodbread, Secretary; William F. Goodbread, Treasurer; David B. Wolf, S. D.; John A. Ankrum, J. D.; A. B. Stansell, Tiler.
     I. O. O. F., Nevada Lodge, No. 625.—The dispensation for this society was received from the Grand Lodge of the State of Ohio June 2, 1876. The first members under the dispensation were M. R. Hull, J. D. Rex, A. A. Harding, J. C. Rosegrant and G. Hall. The officers installed under the dispensation were M. R. Hull, N. G.; J. D. Rex, V. G.; A. A. Harding, Secretary; J. C. Rosegrant, P. G.; G. Hall, Treasurer. The order first held its meetings in the Hull Block, but, after two years, removed to E. Lidle's block, where their meetings are still conducted. The present membership is twenty-five, and the financial condition is good. The present officers are J. C. Rosegrant, N. G.; Benjamin Hopp, Y. G.; Samuel Fisher; W. H. Gay.
     Knights of Honor, Lodge 277.—The dispensation granting a charter to this society was received from the Grand Lodge April 7, 1876, the members under the dispensation being A. J. Flaherty, H. F. Bemendefer, Samuel Bever, J. C. DeJean, C. H. Denjer, J. N. Goodbread, B. F. Hopp, C. P. Jones, Henry Kurtz, John Klingler, H. G. Lea, John McMahon, C. Pfisterer, B. F. Smith, B. W. Nye, A. N. Sawyer, H. W. Williams, W. B. Woolsey, H. H. Welsh and D. B. Wolf. At the organization, H. W. Williams was installed as Dictator; H. H. Welsh, V. D.; S. Bever, Assistant D.; A. J. Flaherty, Chaplain; H. G. Lea, Guide; T. C. DeJean, Rep.; J. N. Goodbread, F. R.; A. N. Sawyer, Treasurer; B. F. Smith, Guardian; John Klingler, Sentry; B. W. Shay, W. B. Woolsey and C. Pfisterer, Trustees; D. B. Wolf, Post Dictator. The financial standing of the order is reported good; the number of members is now twenty-five. The present officers are: John Russell, Dictator; James McMahon, Vice Dictator; H. G. Lea, Assistant Dictator; A. J. Gillam, Chaplain; J. A. Brown, Rep; A. N. Sawyer, F. R.; J. W. Goodbread, Treasurer; H. L. Snyder, Guide; W. B. Woolsey, Guardian; A. Cromer, Sentry. The society meets on Monday evening of each week, in I. O. O. F. Hall, Lidle building.
     G. A. R., Leith Post, No. 127, Department of Ohio.—This post was organized by Mustering Officer Col. H. A. Brown, in 1881, the charter being received from the headquarters Department of Ohio, August 24 of that year. The charter members were J. K. Ankrum, J. A. Brown. Irvin Bacon, R. B. Conant, T. C. DeJean, E. W. Davis, G. W. Gregg, Daniel Good, John Hehr, M. N. Keltner, J. S. Leith, T. P. Miller, R. C. Miller, William Montee, C. O. Oldfield, John Russell, R. M. Stewart, B. F. Smith, J. A. Stewart, A. N. Sawyer and Levi Wilson. At the organization of the post, the members were commissioned as follows: J. A. Stewart, P. C; J. A. Brown, S. V. C; J. S. Leith, J. V. C; John Russell, Chaplain; Dr. R. M. Stewart, Surgeon; A. B. Conant, Adjutant; T. P. Miller, Quartermaster; Levi Wilson, O. D.; B. F. Smith, S. M.; J. A. Ankrum, Q. M. S.; R. C. Miller, O. G. Since its organization, the post has held its meetings in the I. O. O. F. Hall. The present membership is forty-one, and the order is in good condition financially. The present officers are: Orin Campbell, P. C; Wesley Grubb, S. V. C.; Amos Miller, J. V. C; Rev. D. S. Caldwell, Chaplain; Dr. R. M. Stewart; I. B. Kemp, Q. M.; J. A. Ankrum, O. D.; Samuel Fisher, O. G.; J. S. Leith, S. M.; Eli Maskey, Q. M. S.


     At the spring election of 1866, the first town officers of Nevada were elected. W. R. DeJean has the honor of being the first to occupy the Mayor's chair, and Valentine Dombaugh was elected first Recorder. The original Councilmen, as shown by the old records, were E. R. Welsh, William McJunckins, John Tudhope, C. P. Hopp and C. F. Hoffman, the sixth member being unrecorded. In the course of events, the history of these officers has partially repeated itself, W. R. DeJean being re elected to the Mayorship in the spring of 1884. The present Recorder is R. E. Morris.

* A physician




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