History of Adams County, Ohio
from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time
by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers
West Union, Ohio
Published by E. B. Stivers
Please note: STRIKETHROUGHS are
errors with corrections next to them.
Source: History of Adams County, Ohio from its
Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans
and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E.
B. Stivers - 1900 ~ Page 704 |

Senator Alexander Campbell
United States Senate 1809-1814 |
was the only resident of Adams County who attained the
position of United States senator. He was born in
Greenbriar County, Virginia, in 1779. In childhood he
lived in East Tennessee, and afterwards at Crab Orchard,
Kentucky. He lost his father, Alexander Campbell,
Sr., at the age of twelve years, and up to that time had
not attended any school. His mother purchased a small
farm in Woodford County, Kentucky, and here he first
attended school. He went to Lexington and studied
medicine with Drs. Reighley and Brown,
beginning in 1799. In 1801 he began to practice
medicine at Cynthiana, Kentucky. Here he married a
daughter of Col. Alexander Dunlap, and while here
here was elected a member of the Kentucky legislature.
In 1804 he removed to that part of Adams County
afterwards set off to Brown County. In 1807 he was
elected as a member of the legislature from Adams County;
and re-elected in 1808 and 1809. On Dec. 12, 1809, he
was elected speaker of the house. On the same day
Edward Tiffin resigned as United States senator, leaving
four years yet to serve, and Dr. Campbell was elected
to fill vacancy. The vote stood: Alexander
Campbell, 38; Richard Thompson, of Lebanon, 29;
Thomas Worthington, 1; James Pritchard, 1, and
David Findlay 1. In the senate he voted against
the declaration of war with Great Britain, and against
renewing the charter of the United Sates Bank. During
the time he was United States senator, he rode horseback to
Washington, D. C., and return, to attend the sessions of
Congress. He was a merchant from 1803 to 1815, and
purchased his goods in Philadelphia. He made the
purchases personally twice each year, and rode from his home
to Philadelphia and back, on horseback, for that purpose.
He moved to Ripley in 1815, and resided there until his
death. In 1820 he was a presidential elector, and
voted for James Monroe. After the organization
of Brown County, he was in the state senate in 1822 and
1823; and in the house from Brown County in 1832 and 1833.
In 1826 he was a candidate for governor, and had 4,675
votes. In 1836, he was again a presidential elector,
and voted for William Henry Harrison. He was
mayor of Ripley from 1838 to 1840. He died Nov. 5,
1857, and has an imposing monument in the new cemetery at
Ripley. He was one of the first physicians in Ripley,
and was eminent in his profession. He possessed the
confidence of all who knew him, and was a most popular
citizen; not because he sought it, but because his character
commanded public approbation. He was of anti-slavery
views and principles all his life.
Source: History of Adams County, Ohio from its
Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans
and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E.
B. Stivers - 1900 ~ Page 277 -
Chapter XVI |
New Jersey, Jan. 3, 1778. His father was in the
Revolutionary War and was wounded at the battle of Trenton,
Dec. 26, 1776, and died of the same in 1778. After his
father's death, his mother moved to Kentucky and married a
man named Peterson. In 1792, George, who
could to get along with his step-father, ran away and went
to the Stockade in Manchester. The settlers had him
drive out their cows in the morning and drive them in at
evening. In the Fall of 1793, on one occasion, when
George was out in the forest to bring the cows in, he
saw a party of Indians who discovered him at the same time.
They were lurking about to take a prisoner or a scalp.
George at once set up a series of Indian yells and
started for the Stockade. The Indian yell was as well
understood by the cattle as by the settlers. The
cattle took fright and went for the Stockade on the run.
The boy also did the best running he ever did in his life,
yelling in Indian style all the time, and he could imitate
the Indian yell most perfectly. The result was as
expected. The settlers rushed out of the Stockade
fully armed, and met young Campbell. The
Indians, unable to overtake George, and seeing
the settlers, fled. Evidently they wanted to capture
the boy as they made no attempts to shoot or tomahawk him.
George grew to manhood in Adams County and spent his
life there. He married Katherine Noland on
Sept. 15, 1803, and in 1804 settled in Scott Township, where
he died Oct. 30, 1854.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 546 |

John Campbell |
earliest ancestor of which we have any account was Duncan
Campbell, of Argyleshire, Scotland. He married
Mary McCoy in 1612, and removed to Londonderry in
Ireland the same year. He had a son, John Campbell,
who married in 1655,
Grace Hay, daughter of Patrick Hay, Esq., of
Londonderry. They had three sons, one of whom was
Robert, born in 1665, and who, with his sons, John,
Hugh and Charles Campbell, emigrated to Virginia
in 1696, and settled in that part of Orange County afterward
incorporated in Augusta. The son, Charles Campbell,
was born in 1704, and died in 1778. In 1739, he was
married to Mary Trotter. He had seven sons and
three daughters. He was the historian of Virginia.
His son, William, born in 1754, and died in 1822, was
a soldier of the Revolution, and as such had a distinguished
record as a General at King's Mountain and elsewhere.
He married Elizabeth Willson, of Rockbridge County,
Virginia, a member of the distinguished Willson family.
They had eleven children. Their son, Charles,
was born Dec. 28, 1779, and died Sept. 26, 1871. He
was married Sept. 20, 1803, to Elizabeth Tweed, in
Adams County. He had five sons. The third was
John Campbell, of Ironton, born Jan. 14, 1808, in Adams
County, Ohio.
The Willson family intermarried with the
Campbell family, who also have a distinguished record.
Col. John Willson, born in 1702, and died in 1773,
settled near Fairfield, then Augusta County, Virginia, and
was a Burgess of that county for twenty-seven years.
He once held his court where Pittsburgh now stands.
His wife, Martha, died in 1755, and are buried in the
Glebe burying ground in Augusta County, Virginia.
His brother, Thomas, had a daughter, Rebekah,
born in 1728, and died in 1820, who married James Willson,
born in 1715 and died in 1809. This James Willson,
with his brother, Moses, was found when a very
young boy in an open boat in the Atlantic Ocean. They
were accompanied by their mother and a maid. The
mother died at the moment of rescue and the maid a few
moments after. The captain of the rescuing ship
brought the boys to this country where they grew up, married
and spent their lives.
James Willson had a large family of sons and
daughters. His daughter, Elizabeth, born in
1758 and died Feb. 27, 1832, married William Campbell,
the Revolutionary General. Her brother, Moses,
was the father of Dr. William B. Willson, of Adams
County, who has a sketch in this work, and also of James
S. Willson, the father of Dr. William Finley Willson,
who also has a sketch herein. Judge John W.
Campbell, United States District Judge, who has a sketch
herein was a son of the Revolutionary General, William
Campbell, who removed from Virginia to Kentucky in 1790
and from Kentucky to Adams County, Ohio, in 1798. Our
subject was a resident of Adams County from his birth until
1857, when that portion of Adams County where he resided was
placed in Brown County. He was reared on his father's
farm and received what education he could obtain at home.
HE clerked for his uncle, William Humphreys, who had
married his father's sister, Elizabeth, at Ripley, in
1828. After learning enough of the business, as he
thought, and he induced his uncle to go in partnership with
him and they started a store at Russellville, Ohio.
Here John was popular with every one and would have
succeeded, but the place and business was too slow for him.
He had $600 saved up and he sold out the business and put
his capital in the steamboat, "Banner," of which he became
clerk. The boat was in the Cincinnati and Pittsburg
trade. After his second trip on the steamboat, he made
up his mind that was not his vocation. While coming
down the river on this trip he met Robert Hamilton,
the pioneer master of the Hanging Rock iron region and made
inquiries for any opening in the iron business. Mr.
Hamilton invited him to get off at Hanging Rock.
He left the boat and accepted a clerkship at Pine Grove
Furnace. This was in 1832. Mr. Campbell
was anxious to stand well in the estimation of Mr.
Hamilton. Shortly before his steamboat venture, he
had met in Ripley, a young lady named Elizabeth Clarke,
niece of Mr. Hamilton's wife. He fell in love
with her. She made her home with her aunt, Mrs.
Hamilton, who was a daughter of John Ellison and
a sister of William Ellison, of Manchester.
Naturally, Mr. Campbell would accept an invitation to
go to Pine Grove Furnace. He was ambitious to succeed
as a business man and he believed he could do so under
Mr. Hamilton's teaching. He wanted to marry his
niece who stood to Mr. Hamilton as a daughter.
He succeeded in both purposes. The next year, 1833, he
took an interest with Mr. Hamilton in building the
Hanging Rock Forge at Hanging Rock. The same year he
and Andrew Ellison built Lawrence Furnace for the
firm of J. Riggs & Co. This year was formed the
celebrated partnership of Campbell, Ellison &
Company, of which he was a partner and which continued in
existence until 1865. In 1834, he and Robert
Hamilton built Mt. Vernon Furnace and he moved there and
became its manager. The furnace was the property of
Campbell, Ellison & Company for thirty years, and
largely the source of the fortunes made by the members of
that firm. It was at this furnace Mr. Campbell
made the change of placing the boilers and hot blast over
the tunnel head, thus utilizing the waste gases, a method
after generally adopted by all the charcoal furnaces of that
region and in the United States.
On March 16, 1837, he was married at Pine Grove Furnace
to Miss Elizabeth Caldwell Clarke, already mentioned,
and they began housekeeping at Mt. Vernon Furnace.
In 1837, he had an interest at Vesuvius Furnace, and he
induced the other owners to test the hot blast principle.
This was the first hot blast put up in this country and
though it met with strong opposition through expectation of
bad results, the experiment proved satisfactory in producing
an increased quantity of iron for foundry use. Mr.
Campbell was always among the first to project any
useful enterprise. He was largely concerned in the
first geological survey of the State, and by reason of his
study of local geology he purchased lands extensively in the
Hanging Rock region with a view to future development of
their mineral resources.
In 1845, he left Mt. Vernon Furnace and took up his
residence at Hanging Rock.
In 1846, he and Mr. John Peters built Greenup
Furnace in Kentucky, and in 1846, Olive Furnace, Ohio to
which was added Buckhorn. In 1847, he built Gallia
Furnace, and in 1848, he and others built Keystone Furnace.
In 1849, while residing at Hanging Rock, he evolved the
project of establishing the town of Ironton. The Ohio
Iron and Coal Company, composed of twenty-four persons, was
formed. Twenty of the organizers were iron masters.
He became the president of the company and was its soul , so
far as a corporation is capable of having a soul. The
company purchased forty acres of land, three miles above
Hanging Rock, and undertook to form a model town and
succeeded as near as anyone has ever succeeded. Mr.
Campbell gave the town its name, "Ironton." He was
one of the projectors of the Iron Railroad which was
designed to make the furnace, north and east of Ironton,
tributary to the town. In 1850, Mr. Campbell moved to
the city of Ironton which thereafter was his home during his
lifetime. The same year he purchased La Grange
Furnace. The same year was built in Ironton the
foundry of the firm of Campbell, Ellison & Co.
In 1851, Mr. Campbell became one of the founders of
the Iron Bank of Ironton, afterwards changed to the First
National Bank. In 1852, he was one of the organizers
of the Ironton Rolling Mill, afterward the New York and Ohio
Iron and Steel Works. The same year he took half the
stock in the Olive Furnace and Machine Shops. The same
year he purchased the celebrated Hecla Cold Blast Furnace.
In 1853, he became one of the largest stockholders in the
Kentucky Iron, Coal and Manufacturing Company, which founded
the town of Ashland, Kentucky.
In 1854, he, D. T. Woodrow and others, built
Howard Furnace. The same year he built a large
establishment to manufacture an iron beam plow, and also
built Madison Furnace. This year he took stock in the
Star Nail Mill, one of the largest in the country and now
known as the Belfont Iron Works. In 1855, he, with
V. B. Horton, of Pomeroy, organized a company and built
a telegraph line from Pomeroy to Cincinnati. In 1866
he organized the Union Iron Company, owners of Washington
and Monroe Furnaces, and was its president for many years.
From his majority he had been opposed to the institution of
slavery, and was an Abolitionist. His opinions on the
subject of slavery were no doubt largely formed by his
associations with Rev. John Rankin and men of his
views, but as he grew older, his views against the
institution intensified. His home was one of the
stations on the Underground Railroad, and there the poor,
black fugitive was sure of a friendly meeting and all needed
Mr. Campbell acted with the Whig party, and
after its death, with the Republican party. He was a
delegate to the State Republican Convention in 1855.
He never sought or held any public office until 1862, when,
in recognition of his great and valuable services to the
Republican party and to his country, President Lincoln
appointed him the first Internal Revenue Collector for the
Eleventh Collection District of Ohio, and he served in the
office with great fidelity and honor until Oct. 1, 1866,
when he was succeeded by Gen. B. F. Coates.
In 1872, Mr. Campbell reached the height of
his fortune. He was then worth over a million of
dollars. Up to that time he had invested in and
promoted almost every enterprise projected inside the circle
of his acquaintance. He had not done this recklessly
or extravagantly, but from natural disposition to promote
In 1873, the Cooke panic overtook the country
and from that time until 1883, there was a steady
contraction in every enterprise with which Mr. Campbell
was connected. In 1880, it was largely through the
influence and work of John Campbell that the Scioto
Valley Railroad was completed to Ironton and eastward.
In 1883, the Union Iron Company failed. For years
Mr. Campbell had sustained it, and for some time had
been endorsing for it personally, hoping to sustain its
waning fortunes, but its failure was too much for him and he
was compelled to make an assignment in his old age, but he
went down with that grand and noble courage, which in his
youth and middle life had caused him to go into every
business venture. No one who knew Mr. Campbell
ever thought any less of him on account of his failure, but
he had the sympathy and good will of every man who had known
him in a business way. His changed financial condition
never affected the esteem in which he had been held or
lessened, in any way, the great influence he held in the
community. He survived until Aug. 30, 1891, but owing
to the condition of business affairs and his advanced age,
was never able to retrieve his lost fortunes.
In the case of Mr. Campbell it is most difficult
to make a just and true character estimate which will truly
display the man. He had so many excellent qualities
that there is danger that all may not be mentioned. He
had a wonderful faculty of looking forward and determining
in advance what business enterprises would succeed.
The writer does not know a proper term by which to designate
this feature of his character. He could and would
predict the success of a proposed business venture when all
others were incredulous. He lived to see his business
judgment verified. He never hesitated to act on his
judgment of the future, and personally, he was never
mistaken or wrong. He had a wonderful influence over
his fellow men. He could bring them to his views and
induce them to carry them out. He was never haughty or
proud. He was approachable to all. He took a
personal interest in all men of his acquaintance who tried
to do anything for themselves. He was always the
friend of the unfortunate. The colored people all
loved him. In the slavery days no fugitive ever called
on him in vain. He was sure of aid, relief and comfort
in Mr. Campbell. His judgment was incisive.
He examined a matter carefully and made up his mind, and
when once made up, he was immovable. He possessed a
most equable temper. He was calm and gentle. He
was, in his time, by far, the most conspicuous figure in the
Hanging Rock iron region. He was identified with every
public enterprise in Ironton from the foundation of the
town. Many of the important industries in Ironton owe
their success to his excellent judgment. No one went
to him to enlist him in a worthy public enterprise who did
not succeed. No meritorious appeal for aid was ever
made to him and refused by him. He was always ready to
aid any deserving man or association of men, either in
business or charity. The universal sorrow expressed on
the occasion of his death and funeral show how he stood
among his fellow citizens. There was a public meeting
called to prepare resolutions expressive of the sentiments
of the community. The bar of the county met and passed
resolutions, though he was never a member of that body.
The city council also met and made public record of its
sentiments. He had the confidence, the respect, and
esteem and love of the entire community. The
attendance at his funeral of itself demonstrated the regard
in which he was held. No greater funeral was ever held
in Ironton. The city police were mounted, the city and
county officials and the bar attended as bodies. All
the church bells were tolled and all business suspended.
It was well that the whole city mourned, because to
John Campbell, more than to anyone else, was it indebted
for its existence and its prosperity. In the space
allotted in this book, justice cannot be done to the career
of Mr. Campbell. We have given and can give but
a partial view of his career and character. His wife
survived him. They had five children, three daughters
and two sons, who grew to maturity. His eldest
daughter was Mrs. Henry S. Neal, who died before her
father. His second daughter is Mrs. William Means,
of Yellow Springs, Ohio. His daughters Emma and
Clara are both now deceased. His son, Albert,
resides at Washington, D. C., and his son, Charles,
at Hecla Furnace. His wife died Nov. 19, 1893.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 534 |
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL is, on his father's side,
of Scotch-Irish descent. His grandfather, William
Campbell, came to this country shortly after the
Revolutionary 'War, and settled in Washington County,
Pennsylvania, a section of the country largely populated by
Presbyterians from the North of Ireland and Scotland.
They have been commonly known as "Scotch-Irish," presumably
from the fact that their ancestry, and it may also be added,
their Presbyterianism, both were derived from Scotland.
William Campbell was a member of Chartier's
Presbyterian Church, the pastor of which was Dr. John
McMillan, a very celebrated divine of those days was
Dr. John McMillan, a very celebrated divine of those
days and the founder of Jefferson College. The father
of Dr. John Campbell, named John Campbell,
lived on the old farm until 1846, when he moved with his
family to Adams County, Ohio, near Youngsville, where one
son, Richard Campbell, and two daughters now reside.
Dr. John Campbell was born in Washington County,
Pennsylvania, Feb. 9, 1828, entered Jefferson College in
1843 and graduated in 1847, receiving the degree of A. B.,
and later the degree of M. A. He then came to Adams
County, taught school and studied medicine with Dr.
Coleman in West Union in 1851 and 1852. He
practiced medicine at Tranquility until the commencement of
the Civil War. In 1861, he united with Captain John
T. Wilson in recruiting Company E, of the 70th Regiment
and was commissioned as First Lieutenant of the company,
becoming, in process of time, Captain of Company I, of the
same regiment, serving from October 1, 1861, to November 4,
1864. He afterwards practiced medicine at West Union
until 1870, when he removed to Delhi, Ohio, where he
continued in the practice of his profession until 1885.
He was then appointed Medical Referee in the Bureau of
Pensions, and removed to Washington, D. C. On the
change of administration in 1889, he resigned and obtained
an appointment as Inspector of the Equitable Life Insurance
Company of New York. This he continues to hold and has
charge of the district composed of the States of
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia
and the District of Columbia, with headquarters at
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he now lives. The
maternal grandfather of Dr. Campbell was James
Perry, of Shenandoah County, Virginia, who was born in
that state and whose family had been settled there in
Colonial times. The history of the family on this side
of the house is very incomplete, but we known that some
members of his maternal grandmother's family (Feeley)
served in the Revolutionary War, and one of them, Captain
Timothy Feeley, received from the Government a large
grant of land in what afterwards became Highland County,
Ohio, for his services.
Dr. Campbell was first married to Hattie
Whitacre, daughter of Amos Campbell, now a
respected citizen living near Youngsville. On October
13, 1869, he was married to Esther A. Cockerill,
daughter of General J. R. daughters, Mabel, died in
infancy. The other, Helen M. Campbell, is their
only child. The son, Joseph Randolph Campbell,
an Ensign in the United States Navy, died of typhoid fever
during the recent War with Spain. A separate sketch of
him will be found herein.
Dr. John Campbell might have gone into the Civil
War as a surgeon but this he declined to do, and went in as
a line officer in the famous company raised by the Hon.
John T. Wilson. The record of the 70th O. V. I.
will show what valiant service he performed for his country.
Dr. Campbell has always been noted for his modest and
unassuming manners and his diffident disposition, but he
never failed in any duty before him and has always filled
the important public positions held by him with the highest
credit to himself and with great satisfaction to all
concerned. He is a man of the highest integrity and
commands the confidence and enjoys the highest respect of
all who know him.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900 ~
Page 701
- Charles Campbell, the Historian of Virginia,
and his son William, the Revolutionary Gneral, were
not in the direct line of the ancestors of the subject, but
were collaterals. The above named Charles Campbell
and Charles C., grandfather of the subject, settled
near Staunton, Virginia, about Fort Defiance in or before
1738. He came from the north of Ireland and was a
descendant of Duncan Campbell, located in Bourbon
county in the state of Kentucky, in 1790. In 1798, he
located in the Northwest Territory in what was afterwards
Adams County, and is now in Brown County. He married
Elizabeth Willison, sister of William Willison,
one of the first ministers in the old Stone Church, at Fort
Defiance, near Staunton, Virginia. His uncle,
Burgess Willson, was prominent in politics, being
Burgess for twenty-seven years.
Charles Campbell, one of William Campbell's
sons, and grandfather of the subject of thsi sketch, in
later years moved to Illinois and died leaving a valuable
estate. He married Elizabeth Tweed and he and
his wife lived until about 1871, when they died at the age
of about 93 years.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
~ Page 701 |
was the third
United States district judge for the district of Ohio.
Like his two predecessors, he was a Virginian. He was
born Feb. 23, 1782, near Miller's Iron Works in
Augusta County, Va. He only breathed the Virginia
atmosphere until his ninth year, for at that time his father
removed to Kentucky. He had o facilities for an
education except those of the common schools of that day,
and they were about no schools at all. He was not
strong enough to perform farm labor, as his father's
circumstances required, and he went to Cincinnati, then an
insignificant village, where he began to learn the
carpenter's trade. He remained in Cincinnati for a few
months and then returned home. His parents soon
afterward removed to that part of Adams County now in Brown,
where John studied Latin under Rev. Dunlavy.
He afterward studied under Rev. Robert Finley.
His father was too poor to pay for his maintenance and
books, and he worked clearing ground in the morning and
evening to maintain himself in school. He studied the
languages under Mr. John Finley, and afterward
pursued them himself. He was then seized with a desire
to study law, and went to Morgantown, Virginia, and studied
under his uncle, Thomas Wilson. He delivered an
oration on the fourth of July, 1808, at West Union at a
celebration on that day. He was a Jacksonian Democrat
all his life. In July, 1809, he was elected a justice
of the peace of Tiffin Township, Adams County, and served
until June 5, 1815, when he resigned. The same year,
1809, he was appointed prosecuting attorney of Adams County
by the common pleas court, and was allowed from $25 to $30 a
term for his services, there being three terms in a year,
and he served until Jan. 23, 1817. He was elected to
represent Adams County in the Legislature in October, 1810,
with Abraham Shepherd as his colleague. He
represented the county in the Legislature again in 1815 and
1816 and had Josiah Lockhart as an associate.
He was elected to the fifteenth congress in 1816, and served
continuously until Mar. 4, 1827. He was succeeded by
William Russell. In 1828 he was a candidate for
governor of the state on the Democratic ticket and was
defeated by the vote of 53,970 for Allen Trimble and
52,951? for himself, majority in favor of Trimble,
2,019. In March, 1829, President Jackson
appointed him United States district judge for the district
of Ohio, and he served until his death, Sept. 24, 1833.
In January, 1833, he received in the legislature, 49 votes
for United States senator to 54 votes for Thomas Morris,
at the time Morris was elected. He was a
candidate for congress in 1812, but was defeated, but was
elected four years later. He terminated his
congressional career at his own choice, was not choked off
or killed of by politicians as is the fashion of our days.
In 1827, on his retirement from congress, he removed from
West Union to Brown County, Ohio, and settled on a farm in
what is now Jefferson Township on Eagle Creek. His
farm consisted of 250 acres. He lived there but two
years after his appointment as United States judge, when he
removed to Columbus. During the time of his residence
in West Union, he resided in the house in which Mr. James
Hood died and where Mr. Cooper's family now
reside. He resided there from 1808 to 1827. He
had a habit of rising at four o'clock in the morning to
study and he kept this up after his removal to Columbus,
although in his day there was but little for the United
States district judge to do but to maintain his dignity.
In 1833, his adopted daughter died after ten days' painful
illness, during which time the judge was a watcher night and
day. After her death, Judge Campbell and his
wife, broken down with anxiety, concluded to visit Delaware
Springs for relaxation and rest. On the way Judge
Campbell was taken with a chill, followed by a high
fever. However, the next day he proceeded to Delaware,
but was taken worse and breathed his last on the
twenty-fourth of September, 1833. On the arrival of
the news of his death at Columbus, a great sensation was
caused, as he was highly respected. Several hundred
people of Columbus met his funeral procession at Worthington
and accompanied his remains to their last resting place.
In 1811, he was married to Miss Eleanor Doak,
daughter of Robert Doak, of Augusta County, Virginia.
There was no issue of this marriage. Judge Campbell
was a man of great natural dignity and force of character.
The source of our information is a book entitled
"Biographical sketches with other Literary Remains of the
late John W. Campbell, Judge of the United States
Court for the District of Ohio," compiled by his widow.
It was printed at Columbus, Ohio in 1838 and published by
Scott & Gallagher. The biography was evidently
written by a lady because it is conspicuous in failing to
tell, what, after a lapse of fiftey-eight years, we
would most like to know and by filling it up with comments
for which posterity is not thankful and does not appreciate.
what we would like to know as to Judge Campbell are
the facts of his life and then our own judgment as to the
place he should occupy in history.
He has been dead sixty-six years. All who knew
him personally are dead. We have to resort to his
writings and to written accounts left of him to make an
estimate of his character. He was highly respected by
all who knew him. He was public spirited and
patriotic. He was a friend whom his friends valued
most highly. As a public speaker, his manners and
style are pleasing. He investigated every subject
presented to him with great care. He was a successful
lawyer, never lost his self-poise or equanimity and his
judgment was never controlled by his emotions. His
opinions were carefully formed, but when formed, did not
need to be revised. The public welfare with him was
paramount. He was very sympathetic in cases or
suffering or distress brought to his notice. He took a
great interest in education. He favored the
colonization of the Negroes, and was president of the Ohio
Colonization Society at the time of his death. He was
strictly moral in all his life and conduct and this, from
high principles, well considered and adopted, which served
as guides to his life. He was intensely religious.
He was the strongest kind of a Jacksonian Democrat, but yet
was never offensive to his political opponents and treated
them with the greatest consideration. His was a
familiar figure on the streets of West Union from 1808 to
1826, during all of which time he resided there, but there
is no tradition of him whatever in the village. He was
fond of composing verse, was no insignificant poet, and had
fine literary tastes. Altogether he was a valuable
citizen of whose career present and future generations in
Adams County may be proud.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
~ Page 301 |

Ensign Joseph Randolph Campbell |
RANDOLPH CAMPBELL, son of Dr. John and Esther C.
Campbell, was born in Delhi, Ohio, Mar. 12, 1872.
His education was commenced in the Home City and Delhi
public schools and continued at Washington, D. C.., until
Sept. 29, 1888, when he entered the U. S. Naval Academy at
Annapolis, Md., as a Naval Cadet, under appointment by the
Secretary of the Navy to fill a vacancy from Wyoming
Territory. He graduated from the academy, June, 1892,
with honor, and was assigned to the Newark, then about to
sail for European waters as the representative of the U. S.
Navy in the Spanish and Italian Columbian celebrations.
About a year later he was transferred to the San Francisco,
and was in the harbor of Rio Janiero during the exciting
times of the Brazilian revolt of '93 and '94. In June,
1894, he returned to the Naval Academy for final
examination, preceding his commission as Ensign. He
came through this ordeal with distinction, standing at the
head of the line division of his class, and was duly
commissioned as an Ensign to date from July 1, 1894.
He was assigned to duty on the New York, then the finest
cruiser in the new Navy and about to sail as our Nation's
representative in the grand marine pageant of the opening of
the Kiel Canal. While at Kiel, he commanded the boat
of the New York which gained one of the races given by the
German Emporer's Yacht Club, and received as the prize two
silver cups from Kaiser William. After serving
on the New York the usual term, he was transferred to the
Alliance, a training ship for Naval apprentices, for two
cruises across the Atlantic and through the West Indies.
Then followed duty at the War College and Torpedo Station at
Newport, R. I., until he was transferred to the Katahdin at
the commencement of the recent war with Spain. In
April, 1898, while at Hampton Roads, he was attacked by a
sickness which later developed into an exceedingly severe
typhoid fever. His reluctance to be off his post under
the war excitement, until absolutely prostrated, added
greatly to the intensity of the disease, and possibly the
over taxation of his constitution by the efforts of
continued duty, gave the disease its fatal direction.
However, after his impaired health had lasted nearly a month
under great strain, his ship having reached Boston, he was
taken to the Naval Hospital on May 4, and died May 30, 1898,
at noon, while a company of marines were decorating the
graves of departed heroes in the cemetery in the hospital
grounds adjacent.
He came of a military and patriotic family. His
great-grandfather, General Daniel Cockerill, was a
Lieutenant from Virginia in the War of 1812 and a Major
General in the Ohio Militia. His grandfather,
Joseph Randall Cockerill, was Colonel of the 70th Ohio
Infantry in the Civil War, rose to that rank from private by
sheer merit.
His classmates in the Naval Academy give unanimous
testimony that he was endowed with high and noble qualities
of which he made the best use. As an officer, he was
admired by his juniors and esteemed by his superiors for his
sterling worth. At his final examinations he entered
the Naval service as the Senior Ensign of his class.
Under circumstances of great provocation, his self-control
was admirable, and yet his modesty was his most
distinguishing characteristic. By his death, his
classmates lost a valued member and the Navy lost one of its
brightest and most promising officers.
Ensign Campbell was elected a Companion of the
first class by inheritance from his grandfather, Brevet
Brigadier General J. R. Cockerill, in the Ohio
Commandery of the Loyal Legion, on Oct. 7, 1896, the number
of his insignia being 11,572. He was pure, high-minded
and honorable. During his brief career in the Navy, he
had manifested talent and ability of a very high order.
The nobility of his character, his amiable qualities, his
efficiency and devotion to duty, had made for him friends of
all the officers with whom he served. The many letters
of condolence from them to his father and mother express
their estimate of him and their sense of their personal
loss. A few are as follows: Captain Wilde,
of the Katahdin, says: "I have seen many young men enter the
Navy, but never a better one than your son."
Lieutenant Potter writes: "I learned to like him
sincerely, and recognized his unusual ability and high
standard of professional and personal conduct. In his
taking away, we are all bereaved, and my best wish for
myself would be that when I shall go, my character and my
record shall be as stainless as his."
A classmate at Annapolis says: "As time progressed, I
learned to like him ore and more. He was one of the
best men I ever knew or ever care to know."
He was taken for burial to his father's and mother's
old home at West Union, Ohio, where the people showed the
greatest respect for his father and uncle (Cockerhill),
who so distinguished themselves for military valor in the
War of 1861."Sleep on, brave Son, where
grandsire sleeps,
A nation still they memory keeps,
And all her sons on land or sea,
Shall sacred in her memory be.
History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement
to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B.
Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers -
1900 ~ Page 712 |
Peebles, was born in Locust Grove, in Adams County, Aug. 10,
1873. His father was James Q. Campbell and his
mother's maiden name was
Catherine J. Manahan. She was married May 28,
1849, to Charles Wilford Young. He died May 7,
1856, and she married James Q. Campbell, Nov. 17,
1860. As the name implies, Mr. Campbell is
descended from Scottish Highlanders. His father's
parents were born in Maryland and removed, when young, to
Butler County, Pennsylvania, where they resided until his
father's death. His grandparents located in Maryland
about 1765. James Q. Campbell was a member of
the State Militia of Pennsylvania for five years. He
was a member of the Militia of Ohio for five years, and
served as a Private in Company K, 141st O. V. I., in 1864.
Our subject's mother was born in Adams County in 1830 and
reared there. She is of the Tener and Porter
families who settled in Maryland in 1700, emigrating
from Holland and Wales. These two families located in
Ohio in 1802, part settling in Adams County and a part of
Ross County.
Our subject was educated in the Public schools of his
home and began teaching in 1890 at Jaybird. He taught
thereafter in the Winters and attended Normal Schools in the
Summers of 1890, 1891 and 1892. From 1892 to 1894, he
attended school and completed his studies in Cleveland, in
1894. From that time till 1898, he followed the
profession of school teacher.
In 1898, he quit the profession of teaching and took up
that of traveling salesman for art works and has made his
business a great success. In politics, he is, and has
always been, a Republican. He is a member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. At present he is pushing a
patent, No. 633,503, known as the C. & M. self-adjusting gig
saddle for all kinds of harness. In this enterprise,
he is associated with William Mickey, of Peebles, and
they are making arrangements for a manufacture of their
patented device. Their invention seems to have great
merit and it is to he hoped they will make their fortunes by
Our subject is an ambitious young man. He early
qualified himself as a teacher and showed himself very
efficient and competent in that profession. Everywhere
he taught, he won the good-will and friendship of his pupils
and their parents. His success prompted further
efforts and he attended a number of Normal schools and took
up the study of higher branches. He also took a
business course. He has successfully carried on an
extensive work for a publishing house. He is of a
genial and social nature and is fond of music. He has
good conversational qualities. He is free from the use
of spirits, liquors and narcotics. He is very
energetic and industrious, and is disposed to lead in
everything he undertakes.
Mr. Campbell has all those qualities which
promise for him great success in life.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 698 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 700 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 727 |
was born October 29, 1837, in Addison Township, Gallia
County, Ohio, on a farm where he lived with his parents
until he was nearly eighteen years of age, at which
times he took a two-years' course in the academy
Gallipolis, preparatory to entering the regular college
course at the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware,
Ohio, where he afterwards entered, and for four years he
attended that college and graduated from it. He
was a private soldier in Company E, 84th O. V. I. from
May 28, 1862, to Sept. 20, 1862, and was afterwards a
captain in the 122d United States troops, and was
mustered out of the service at Corpus Christi, Texas,
January, 1866. His service in the 84th Ohio was in
West Virginia, and in the 122s Regiment of Colored
Infantry, it was in Virginia, Louisiana and Texas.
On his return from the army, he read law with the
Hon. S. W. Nash of Gallipolis, and was admitted to
the bar in the spring of 1867. In January, 1867,
he located in Ironton for the practice of law. He
was twice elected city solicitor of Ironton, and twice
elected prosecuting attorney of Lawrence County, and
continued to practice his profession there until
February, 1885, when he became a member of the circuit
court of the fourth judicial circuit. He drew the
two-years' term when the court was organized and was
re-elected in 1886 and again in 1892 and again in 1898.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
~ Page 194 - Chapter XV |
was born Apr. 21, 1817, in Ross County, son of Col.
William Clark, who held that rank in the war of 1812.
His father was a farmer and was for many years a justice of
the peace. He died when his son, Milton L., was
seven years of age. Young Clark was left
dependent on his own resources. He clerked in
mercantile houses in Chillicothe and Circleville and taught
school. He went to Louisville in 1839 and became a
trusted employee in a wholesale business house until 1842
when he returned to Chillicothe and became a law student
with Col. Jonathan F. Woodside. He was admitted
to the bar Nov. 25, 1844, in the twenty-eighth year of his
age. In 1845, he was elected prosecuting attorney of
Ross County and held that office until 1849, discharging its
duties with marked ability. He represented Pickaway
and Ross Counties in the lower house of the Ohio legislature
at the forty-eighth legislative session from Dec. 3, 1849,
to Mar. 25, 1850. Oct. 11, 1849, he married Miss
Jane Isabelle Woodside, eldest daughter of his legal
preceptor. He practiced law exclusively from the time
he left the legislature until 1873, when he bcame a member
from Ross County of the Ohio Constitutional Convention.
Mr. Clark was first a Whig and afterward a Republican
and took an active part as speaker in political campaigns.
In 1884, when the first circuit judges for the fourth
district of Ohio were elected, he was one of the three
elected and in drawing for terms, he drew the six-year term.
He was renominated and re-elected in the fall of 1890 and
served till Feb. 9, 1897, when he was succeeded by the
Hon. Hiram L. Sibley. He was sixty-eight years old
when he went on the bench and gave the circuit twelve years
of as able and faithful service as any judge who ever
occupied a judgeship. He brought to it the experience
of forty years of assiduous study and diligent practice.
He was a candidate for a third term, and was most loyally
supported by his county and the friends he had made in other
counties, but his renomination was defeated. This
disappointment wounded him mortally and he sickened and died
June 11, 1897. He acheived great success and
reputation as a lawyer, the result of patient and thorough
study. He was a fluent and ready speaker as an
advocate. As a judge he was thoroughly and well
informed in the law. He gave patient and careful
investigation to all cases and his decisions were clear
elucidations of the law. Especially was he thoroughly
conversant with the land laws in the Virginia Military
District. In the history of our state jurisprudence, he will
be remembered as one of our best and ablest judges.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
~ Page 192 |
entered the 91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, July 28, 1862, at
the age of thirty-eight, for a period of three years.
He was killed May 9, 1864, at the battle of Cloyds Mountain.
His body was brought home and is interred in the village
cemetery at West Union. He engaged in the battle with
good health, and with zeal and energy. He had worked
hard to make himself an efficient officer. He was
beloved by his men and respected by his fellow officers, and
they regarded him as one of the ablest among them. He
lived long enough after struck to learn the result of the
battle, and almost with his last breath, he thanked God that
victory was soon to be ours.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 728 |
was born Apr. 7, 1827, in what is now Oliver
Township, then a part of Wayne Township, on the farm now
owned by the Rev. Thomas Mercer. His
great-grandfather was born in Wales and emigrated to
Ireland. His grandfather Clark was married in
Ireland to Sarah Lama, and emigrated to Virginia
about 1785 with his wife and two children, John and
Mary. There were afterwards born to them in
this country, Fanny, Sarah, James, Samuel, father of
the subject of our sketch, Jane, Andrew, and
Edward. They located in Adams County in 1806, on
the Steck farm of Tiffin Township. All of these
children lived to maturity. Andrew, the
youngest, died at the age of fifty-one.
Samuel Clark, father of our subject, was born in
Rockbridge County, Virginian 1792. He learned the
trade of tanning with his bother Jhoni who had a
tanyard at Cherry Fork, one mile south of Harshaville.
He married Nancy Brown, Dec. 20, 1821, and settled
six miles north of West Union, on the West Union and Unity
road, where he continued the business of tanning and farming
until his death, Mar. 22, 1869. He and his wife were
devoted members of the Associate Reform Church at Cherry
Fork, and he and Archa Lach were instrumental in
organizing the United Presbyterian Church at Unity, of which
he was a ruling elder from the time of organization until
his death. His oldest son, James, remained at
the old homestead, and continued the business of tanning in
connection with farming. He married Margaret Holmes,
who has been dead about child, died in infancy.
Samuel Paul, the third child, and our subject, is now in
his seventy-fourth year.
He married Sarah Clark in 1851. To them
was born one son, Marion M. His wife died in
1854, and he married Margaret Gibbony. To them
were born four children. His son Marion married
Mary Crawford, and resides on Wheat Ridge; Ora A.,
his second schild, is now the wife of Richard
Fristoe, a prosperous farmer and stock dealer of Meigs
Township. They reside in the old Fristoe
homestead at the bridge crossing Brush Creek. Mary
Nancy was born July 15, 1860, and died Dec. 16, 1895,
unmarried. Carey V. was born Sept. 7, 1865, and
married Nora E. Hilling, and resides in the old
homestead in Oliver Township.
The following are brothers and sisters of our subject:
Mary, the fourth child, born Apr. 16, 1830, was
married to Cyrus Black, who died in 1864. She
was again married to Rankin Leach and resides in
Cherry Fork. Margaret, the fifth child, was
born May 3, 1833, and died in1891, unmarried. John
was born Nov. 18, 1835, and married Nancy Coleman.
His daughter, Martha L., was born Sept. 4, 1838, and
was married to George A. McSurely in 1869. They
reside at Oxford, Ohio. Nancy A., twin sister
of the daughter last mentioned, was married to J. W.
McClung in 1859. He is an attorney at West Union,
where they now reside. Andrew R. was born Oct.
21, 1841. He married Celia Arbuthnot, daughter
of the Rev. James Arbuthnotb. He removed to
Nebraska, where his wife died, and he married a Miss
Foster. They reside at Pawnee City, Nebraska.
He was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion.
Mr. Clark and his family are all members of the
Presbyterian Church. He is a ruling elder in the Wheat
Ridge Chapel. He has always been a Democrat in his
political views. He was a Commissioner of Adams County
from 1875 to 1878. He began life in very narrow
circumstances, but by industry coupled with a firm
determination to succeed, he has obtained a position in
which he can spend the remainder of his days comfortably.
He is loved, respected, and honored by all who know him.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 725 |
JOHN CLINGER, JR., farmer of Manchester, was born
Feb. 20, 1844. His father was John and his
mother Mary (Mowrar) Clinger. His grandfather,
Abraham Clinger, was born in Pennsylvania. His
father, John Clinger, was born in Pennsylvania, Feb.
19, 1815, and located in Adams County in 1832, coming down
the Ohio River on a keel-boat. He landed at
Manchester, and settled on a farm in Monroe Township, where
he now resides. He married Mary Mowrar,
daughter of Christian Mowrar, one of the first
settlers of Adams County.
Christian Mowrar came from Pennsylvania in 1792 and
joined the Massie colony in Stockade, where he remained till
the treaty of Greenville. He and his wife lived to an
extreme age. John Clinger, Senior, raised a
family of three sons and three daughters, and after the
death of his first wife in 1854, he married Susan Tucker,
John Clinger, Jr., the subject of this sketch, received
his education in the common schools of the county. He
enlisted Seventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry and served in that
organization until the first of July, 1865. On the
first if October, 1868, he married a daughter of Oliver
Ashenhurst. her father was born on the ocean on
the passage from Ireland to America. Oliver
Ashenhurst married Susan Parker, and located in
Manchester, where he engaged in the milling business until
his death, Mar. 28, 1898. Mrs. Clinger is the
only child of his first wife. Oliver Ashenhurst
married for his second wife, Amy Phibbs, by whom he
reared a family of nine children.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Clinger are: May
Etta, wife of Stephen Thompson, of Manchester,
Ohio; Leora Belle, in the employ of the Langdon
Grocery Company at Maysville, Ky. William Oliver,
who served in the war with Spain and is at present in the
Philippines. Frank Arthur is a member of
Company L, 22nd U. S. Infantry; Bertrha Florence is
the wife of Frank Fulton Foster, of Manchester, Ohio;
Amy A., is at Middletown, Ohio, and Marguarite
Lucretia is at home with her parents.
Mr. Clinger is a member of the Methodist
Protestant Church at Island Creek. He is a Republican
in his political views and as a citizen highly respected by
all who know him.
Source: History
of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the
Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers -
West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
~ Page 721 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 724 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 715 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 713 |
of Maysville, Ky., was born at West Union, Adams County,
Ohio, Mar. 15, 1839. His father, James M. Cole,
has a separate sketch herein. His grandfather
Ephraim Cole, married Sophia Mitchell, the
daughter of a large slave owner in Maryland. His
father-in-law offered his son-in-law a gift of slaves which
was declined. His grandfather, James Collings,
married Miss Christiana Davis, who was an aunt of
Hon. Henry Winter Davis, an Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court of the United States.
Both of his grandfathers, Cole and Collings,
were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. Ephriam
Cole located in Mason County, Kentucky, in 1794, and
resided there till 1806, when he removed to Adams County,
near West Union. James Collings moved to Adams
County from Cecil County, Md., in 1794. Our subject is
the youngest son and child of his parents. His twin
brother, Allaniah B. Cole,
resides in Chillicothe, Ohio. His parents had fifteen
children, eight boys and seven girls. The sons made
honorable careers in their professions and in business, and
the daughters were all women of strong character, and
married men who were successful in life. Our subject
resided on his father's farm and attended the common schools
until he was seventeen years of age. He then was sent
to the High school at Manchester and afterwards attended the
Normal school at Lebanon, Ohio. He followed the
profession of teaching for several years, and then began
reading law with the Hon. R. H. Stanton, of
Maysville, Ky., and afterwards read with his brother, the
late George D. Cole, of Waverly, Ohio. He was
admitted to the bar at Waverly, Ohio, at the District Court
in April, 1864. The court was then composed of
Judge Wilde, of teh Supreme Court and Judges John
Welch and Philadelph Van Trump, of the Common
Pleas. After his admission, Mr. Cole
located at Vanceburg, Ky., to practice law, but remained
there only tlil May, 1865, when he removed to Flemingsburg,
Ky. He was elected County Attorney of Fleming county,
August, 1866, and re-elected to the same office in 1870.
In 1874, he was elected
Commonwealth Attorney for the Sixteenth Judicial District.
In 1880, he was elected Circuit Judge of the same district,
defeating the Hon. George M. Thomas, of
Vanceburg, after one of the most exciting contests ever made
in the district.
In August, 1886, he was re-elected without
opposition. After his retirement from the bench in
November, 1886, he changed his residence from Flemingsburg
to Maysville. In 1892, after his retirement from the
bench, he began the practice of his profession with his son,
A. E. Cole, under the name of A. E. Cole &
Mr. Cole is a Democrat, as were his father and
grandfather. It is a family trait that they should be
attached to the Democratic party, and they have been firm in
that political faith ever since the party was organized.
Mr. Cole is a member of the Methodist Church as were
his forefathers and foremothers ever since the existence of
Mr. Cole was married May 26, 1864, to Miss
Abbie T. Throop. She was a daughter of Dr.
Throop and a niece of Hon. R. H. Stanton.
His wife died Apr. 18, 1894, and on the twentieth of
November, 1898, he was married to Miss L. B. Newman,
of Hardin County, Ky., one of Kentucky's most beautiful and
accomplished women. Mr. Cole had six children,
three of whom died in infancy and three of whom are now
living. His oldest son, Allaniah D. Cole,
graduated at the Kentucky Wesleyan College in 1883, at the
age of seventeen. He then entered the Harvard
University, in the Academic department, and graduated at the
age of nineteen. He read law with the Hon. William
H. Wadsworth at Maysville, Ky. His second
son, William T. Cole, resides in Greenupsburg, and is
a practicing lawyer. HE graduated from the Kentucky
Wesleyan College in 1888 and then entered the Vanderbilt
University Law School and graduated in two years.
Mr. Cole's youngest son, Henry W., is now a
student of the High school at Maysville, Ky. His two
oldest sons, Allaniah and William, are making
their mark and stand high in their profession. As a
lawyer, Mr. Cle stands high in his profession.
As a judge, he made an excellent record. As a citizen,
he is most highly esteemed.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 728 |
Ephraim Cole, a man of good English descent, married,
in 1773, Sophia Mitchell, of Maryland. It is
said of them that as boy and girl, they lived on adjoining
plantations, on the Susquehanna River, near the Chesapeake
When the accounts of the adventurous conduct of
Daniel Boone, in Kentucky, inspired the husband to
follow that intrepid hero, the brave young wife was ready to
leave a refined home, where her mother, although the proud
descendant of the English Kents, had taught her daughters
those homely virtues, which fitted the women of those times
for the perils and hardships of pioneer life. It is
needless to follow this resolute couple through the pathless
forests, inhabited by red men, whose savage nature had been
justly roused by the white men, who came to steal their
lands and drive them from their homes.
At Williamsburg, Ky., where they made their home,
Mrs. Cole was ever the ruling spirit of the family of
three boys and five daughters.
In 1800, Allaniah, a fourth son, the subject of
this sketch, was born. The remittance from Mrs.
Cole's home and her untiring energy kept the family
above want, and the girls as well as the boys were, for
those times, well educated, but there came a time, shortly
after the birth of Allaniah, that the parents felt
that better times awaited them in Ohio. They located
in West Union, a town settled by persons far above the
average: schools and churches, the best obtainable, were
there and Allaniah did not fail to appreciate his
mother's earnest desire to have him take advantage of all
that was offered. At that early day, a college
education meant a long journey eastward and a greater outlay
of money than could be obtained by even the most prosperous.
These West Union people determined to surmount the seemingly
insurmountable difficulties and when their brightest sons
and daughters were ready for a higher education. "Dewey's
Grammar School" was awaiting them. The school must
have been in advance of the so-called colleges which sprang
up in other Ohio towns a little later, for we hear of no one
being excluded on account of sex. Allaniah Cole
was a student of "Dewey's Grammar School," where he became
acquainted with Miss Nancy Steece, one of the girl
students, who years after became his wife.
After leaving "Dewey's Grammar School," Allaniah's
first business venture was the index to his character.
Hearing that horses were bringing fabulous prices in New
Orleans, he went to Mr. John Sparks, a wealthy
citizen of the town, who directed him that he could buy, on
time, as many horses as he could drive. Mr. Sparks
said: "I'll go on your paper, Al." It was then
determined, and the nineteen year old boy was soon started
on his long journey, over bad roads, sometimes mere bridle
paths, with his trusty men driving his fine horses. He
arrived in New Orleans in six weeks, long rests having been
needed to keep the horses in marketable condition. The
venture was successful and Allaniah was soon at home
paying every cent due his creditors, besides being able to
show Mr. Sparks that his good offices had not met the
too frequent ingratitude of beneficiaries. Years after
Mr. Cole would speak to his children of Mr. Sparks'
great kindness to him, when he had "nothing but his good
name." After several similar expeditions south,
Allaniah found himself the proud possessor of five
thousand ($5,000) dollars. His next venture was at an
iron furnace, in Lawrence County, where he learned the
business, before he risked his precious, hard-earned five
In the beginning of the year 1828 he made his best and
most successful venture, when he married the "Dewey
Grammar School" student, the daughter of Henry and Mary
Ann Steece. Henry Steece was a German, who came
early in the history of Pennsylvania to develop that iron
center of the world. He was what, at the present time,
would be called "the chemist of a furnace." When,
toward the latter part of the past century, marvelous
accounts of the great iron ore deposits of Brush Creek,
Adams County, Ohio, reached the Pennsylvania "iron men,"
Mr. Steece soon started with his family, consisting
of wife, four sons and five daughters, down the Ohio River
in a keel boat, to a landing (now called Manchester) twenty
miles from their objective point, Brush Creek. It is
recorded that Archie Paul and James Rodgers,
afterwards distinguished "iron men," were on the ground to
meet them, and that one at least, of the three furnaces -
"Old Steam Furnace, Marble Furnace and Brush Creek Furnace"
- was already nearly ready for the "Dutchman."
Henry Steece, whose valuable work was to terminate so
soon. When Henry Steece's work was finished,
his widow, who was already understood and appreciated as a
woman of great intellectual and moral force, did not fail of
the moral support of her husband's friends. While she
in turn repaid their kindness with intelligent help that
broadened their homes and kept their children fit companions
for their talented boys and girls, whose discipline and
education had added to her task of supplying their daily
bread. Nancy, the youngest of the girls, was
sent to West Union to Dewey's Grammar School, to board in
the family of Mr. Armstrong, a wealthy merchant.
An illustration of the hospitality of pioneer times, as well
as the desire of making their academy famous, it may be told
that when the mother went to Mrs. Armstrong, to pay
her daughter's board, She refused to accept payment, saying,
"Nancy is the guest of my daughter. Keep your
About 1830, Mr. Cole bought the Old Forge, eight
miles above Portsmouth, on the Scioto River, where he lived
but two or three years, when he went to take the then great
charge of Bloom Furnace. While at Bloom, he was among
the first to introduce the "Sunday Reform," against the
judgment of most of the furnace men, who felt sure that
stopping the furnace from midnight Saturday until midnight
Sunday, would give the much dreaded "chill." Few,
looking at these old furnaces today, could realize their
past importance, the army of workmen, wood choppers, ore
diggers, lime diggers, lime burners, stone-coal miners,
charcoal burners, besides the many employed on the immediate
furnace grounds.
At Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Cole, while accumulating
what was in those days considered a large fortune, were
unconsciously doing missionary work. The schoolhouse,
of their building, was also the place of worship, and
Mrs. Cole saw to it that the people were not neglectful
of the privileges of religious as well as mental training.
A curious phase of that age, at the furnaces, was,
notwithstanding the houses were of fough logs and the want
of which is now considered necessary furnishings, the high
style and strict etiquette of living, the table linen was
always the finest and cleanest, the silver bright, the china
beautiful, the glass clear, knives and forks polished after
each meal. It is told of Mr. Cole, that when a
young man appeared at his table, on a warm day, without his
coat, he rose and waited: "Mrs. Cole
always like the gentlemen to wear their coats here."
Needless to say the man put on his coat.
Mr. Cole, though not a
drinker, kept the friendly glass, to drink with friends, but
the arguments of a speaker of the first temperance society -
The Washingtonians - convinced him that total abstinence, on
his part, was the only way to reach the many inebriate men
of his employ, whom he had vainly tried to help. The
evening of that temperance lecture, will be remembered
today, if any one is living who witnessed Mr.
Cole's signing the pledge and inviting his men, who were
present, to follow his example. Nearly all took the
pen and many confirmed drunkards kept their pledge till the
end of their lives.
In the Spring of 1842, at the urgent request of his
wife, Mr. Cole retired from business and
removed to West Union, to educate their young family, but in
November of the same year, Mrs. Cole was taken
ill, and in two weeks Mr. Cole was left with
six motherless children.
In 1844, the family went to
Kentucky, the ideal state of the Cole family.
In the fall of the same year Mr. Cole married Miss
Louisa Paul, a niece of his first wife. Mrs.
Paul was a beautiful lady, of refinement, good judgment
and common sense, who did what she could for the children of
her adoption. After years of prosperity in the iron
business of Kentucky, Mr. Cole returned to Ohio, on
account of failing health, living several years in
Portsmouth, before returning to Bloom Furnace, where he died
in 1866.
Source: History of Adams County, Ohio - by
Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers – West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B.
Stivers - 1900 - Page 541 |
GEORGE DAVIS COLE, a native of
Adams County, born Aug. 18, 1834, made a career of which
every citizen of the county may be proud. He was born
at West Union while his father,
James Mitchell Cole,
was the Sheriff of the county. His father, who has a
sketch elsewhere herein, was a man of strong and sterling
character and of wonderful physique. His mother was
Nancy Collings, sister of Judge George Collings,
a woman of like great force of character. The first
fifteen years of his life were spent on the Ohio River farm
in Monroe Township, where he attended the District school.
He then went to school at Manchester, Ohio, to William
McCauley, a famous instructor of his time. After
he left McCauley's school, he assisted his brother,
Colling Cole, in the management of a furnace in
Kentucky until the age of twenty, when he began the study of
law in Portsmouth under the instruction of his kinsman,
Col James W. Davis, then a member of the Portsmouth bar.
He was admitted to the bar in 1856 and located in Piketon,
then the county seat, when he removed to Waverly. The
next year after locating in Pike County, he was elected to
the office of Prosecuting Attorney, which office he held by
successive elections for twelve consecutive years. In
the administration of his public duties, he commanded the
respect and confidence of all the people of the community.
He soon rose to be the leader of the bar, and his
reputation as an able lawyer was well known in the
surrounding counties. He had a natural talent for
management. His judgment was correct in all matters in
which it was exercised. His neighbors, acquaintances
and friends sought his advice in business matters and never
in a single instance, did it fail. He never made a
losing venture, and never advised any which proved
disastrous. The same remarkable judgment which he
exercised in the affairs of others, he exercised in his own,
and never made a mistake in the management of his own
business. Going to the county with only his wonderful
natural abilities, he accumulated a fortune and never
encountered a disaster.
In 1858, he was married to Miss Finetta Jane Jones,
the eldest daughter of James Jones, a prominent
citizen of the county. Their only child, Adah D.,
is the wife of Wells S. Jones, Jr., conducting the
Hayes, Jones & Company Bank in Waverly. While
Mr. Cole loved the association of his fellow citizens,
he had no taste for politics. Up to 1872, he was a
Democrat. In 1873, he identified himself with the
Republican party and the same year was a candidate for the
nomination of Common Pleas Judge. From this date, he
acted independently in politics, but on financial questions,
the Republican party represented his views. In 1873,
he became a member of the banking firm of Hayes, Jones
& Co., and here his peculiar talents found exercise.
He had a natural adaptation for the banking business, and he
was a tower of strength in the institution. Every one
felt and knew that he would make no mistake in the
management of the bank and permit none to be made. His
bank enjoyed the confidence of the community, and was
estimated as strong and safer than the National banks.
Gradually the banking business absorbed all his time and
attention, and he gave up the practice of the law little by
little until in 1885 he abandoned it altogether. He
was a naural born financier. He never made a promise
but it was fulfilled with exactitude, and his integrity was
of the very highest order.
While he was always prompt to decide on any situation
presented to him, his judgment always stood the test of
trial and proved the best course. At the time of his
death, he had the confidence of the people of his county in
financial matters to a greater degree than any other man who
ever lived in it. Without exception, they would and
did trust him (without limitation).
He was a man of fine and commanding presence six feet
tall and well proportioned. He was positive, emphatic
and earnest in all his views, but at the same time an
agreeable and pleasant companion. He became so
absorbed in business and there were so many demands on his
time, that, while naturally a robust man, he neglected those
details of recreation and exercise necessary to good health
and was stricken with paralysis and died Feb. 9, 1899.
It is believed by his friends that had he taken relaxation,
recreation and exercise, he might have prolonged his life
twenty years, but the cares of business were so exacting and
his constitution naturally so good, that he neglected those
details which would have saved him many years. He died
in the height of his powers, physical and mental, and in the
midst of a busy career, but he left his banking business one
of the best and strongest in the country.
His wife was in feeble health at the time of his death
and survived him but little over two months.
Of the many sons of Adams County who have located
elsewhere and had successful careers, none was more marked
than that of our subject, and to his ancestors and to his
instruction in his early years, he owed it all.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 706 |
was born Aug. 26, 1789, in Harford County, Maryland.
His father was Ephriam Cole, and his mother was
Ada Mitchell, born in the same county, near Havre-de-gras.
His grandparents on both sides were born in the same county.
He came to Kentucky with his parents in 1793 where they
located in Mason County. In 1794, they removed and
located near West Union, Ohio, on the second farm near to
the right on the old Manchester road, at one time occupied
by Mr. Harsha. He had three brothers,
Ephriam, Leonard and Allaniah, and three sisters,
Ada, Zilla and Elizabeth. He was married
in 1809 to Nancy Collings, daughter of James and
Christian Collings, who was born in Manchester, Mar. 16,
1794, in the Stockade. Her parents were also from
Harford County, Maryland. James M. Cole was a
soldier in the War of 1812, and obtained a land warrant for
160 acres for military services. After his return from
the war, he resided on a farm near West Union.
From 1830 to 1833, he was one of the County Commissioners of
Adams County. From 1833 to 1837, he was sheriff of the
county. In 1839, he removed to a farm opposite
Concord, Kentucky, and resided there until 1850. He
then purchased a farm in Lewis County, Kentucky, some miles
below Vanceburg and lived there until 1860, in which year he
died on the sixteenth of August. He was buried in the
Collings cemetery, south of West Union. His wife died
in March, 1861, and is buried by his side.
In politics he was a strong Democrat all his life, a
follower of Andrew Jackson, and he and his wife were
both earnestly and enthusiastically attached to the
Methodist Church. He was of more than the average
intelligence and had a very high sense of integrity.
He possessed great wit and humor and fine conversational
powers. His wife was a woman of extraordinary force
and grasp of subjects. She possessed the most
wonderful fortitude and tenacity of purpose, and was never
known to lose her self poise. They reared a large
family of sons and daughters. The sons have largely
followed professional pursuits and have distinguished
themselves. As most of them are sketched in this work,
they are not further noticed here.
Source: History of Adams County, Ohio - by
Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers – West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B.
Stivers - 1900 - Page 545 |
LEONARD COLE was born in Harford County,
Maryland, in 1788, the son of Ephriam Cole and his wife,
Ada Mitchell. In 1793, his parents moved to Mason
County, Kentucky, and in 1794 they joined Massie's
colony at Manchester, and in 1795 is father located just
south of West Union and built a home near Cole's
spring. The house is gone and the spring has been
forgotten, but both were on the slope of the hill to the
east of Collings graveyard, looking down into the
valley of Beasley's Fork. Here
Leonard Cole grew to manhood. He was one of the
early schoolteacher's in West Union and instituted the
reprehensible custom of flogging every boy in school if any
mischief was done by a single one. He was a firm
believer in King Solomon's rule as to the use of the rod and
applied it to both boys and girls. As to the custom of
flogging all the boys when any mischief was done, that was
kept up by the successors of Mr. Cole, and the writer
suffered from that custom with the other boys of his time.
Mr. Cole always thought a boy never got a like amiss,
and if he did not deserve it at the time he received it, he
would very soon afterward and he might as well have it in
advance. Aside from his whipping proclivities, Mr.
Cole was a very good teacher. He was a follower
and discipline of Gen. Jackson. He was a
Justice of the Peace of Tiffin Township from 1829 to 1832.
He was a candidate for Auditor in 1825 and received 478
votes. Ralph McClure received 130 and Joseph
Riggs 715, and was elected. In 1827, he was again
a candidate for Auditor, and received 303 votes to 876 for
Joseph Riggs. He persevered in seeking the
Auditor's office, and when Joseph Riggs resigned in
1831, he was appointed and served five months, Oct. 3, 1831,
to Mar. 6, 1832. He was elected and served from Mar.
6, 1832, to Mar. 4, 1844, twelve years.
Mr. Cole was first married to a Miss McDonald,
by whom he was the father of a large family of children.
When first married, he was emphatically an ungodly man.
He was opposed to his wife attending church, and she went
secretly. Mr. Cole was at this time a fighting
and drinking man. At one time he was indicted for
seven assaults and batteries, all charged in one week.
He got so dreadful that his wife could not live with him and
left him. He did then what all prodigals did, shipped
on a flatboat to New Orleans. He came back by
steamboat and when the latter was a short distance below
Memphis, in the night, it ran into a snag and sunk
immediately. Cole swam to a snag. In the
darkness, he feared he would not be discovered and would be
left there to die. He vowed to the Lord that if
rescued, he would devote the remainder of life to His
service. Soon after he was rescued, Mr. Cole
went home, hunted up his wife, and was reconciled to her.
He joined the Methodist Church, and lived a member of it the
remainder of his life. He maintained the family
worship, but would interrupt it to drive the pigs out of the
yard, to drive the dog out of the kitchen, to serve a
neighbor with milk, or for any other necessary work, and
many tales are told of his peculiarity of his. When
James Moore, was courting Caroline Killen, he
did it at the house of Leonard Cole, as he was
forbidden at William Killen's home. On one
occasion when Caroline Killen and James Moore
were at Mr. Cole's, they were present during
family worship in the evening. Mr. Cole
prayed for those who were going to bed and for those who
were going to sit up - Caroline Killen and James
Mr. Cole acquired the confidence of the entire
community after he joined the Methodist Church, and lived
the life of a model citizen. His first wife died in
1838, and in 1839, he married her niece of the same name.
There were no children of this marriage. In 1850, he
removed to Brookville, Kentucky, where he died in 1857, and
where he is buried. Mr. Cole was an intensely
earnest man in all he did. When he was a drinking and
fighting young man, he went into it with all the force of
his nature. When he reformed, his devotion to the
church and to good citizenship was as earnest as human
effort could make it. He left many descendants, but
none of them are known to the writer.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 540 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 710 |
Source: History of Adams County, Ohio from its
Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans
and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E.
B. Stivers - 1900 ~ Page 725 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 720 |
COL. DANIEL COLLIER was one of the pioneers of
Adams County who came to the Northwest Territory in 1794.
He was born in January, 1764, and died on his magnificent
farm on Ohio Brush Creek, where he is buried, April 17,
1835. His wife was Elizabeth Prather, born
December 9, 1768, and who died August 4, 1835. She
bore him twelve children:
James, John, Thomas, Daniel, Joseph, Richard, Isaac, Sarah,
Elizabeth, Katharine, Luther and Harriet.
The latter was born September 17, 1815, and married
Andrew Ellison, a son of James Ellison, a native
of Ireland.
Col. Collier selected the site of his future
home on Ohio Brush Creek while with Nathaniel Massie
and others surveying in that region. The lands, five
hundred acres, were purchased from Gen. William Lytle,
who held military warrants of Jonathan Tinsley.
John Shaver and George Shaver, Virginia Line,
Continental Establishment. The site of the homestead
is on an elevated terrace some forty acres in extent formed
in the geological past by a drift of conglomerate in Ohio
Brush Creek. The general level of this terrace is
about twenty-five feet above the bottom lands along the
creek, and from it a fine view of the valley presents itself
for miles up and down the stream. At the base of this
drift several fine springs of most excellent water wells
forth. The one across the public road opposite the
residence afforded the water supply for the old still-house
owned by Col. Collier. There was a fine young
poplar sapling near it which young Tom Collier
climbed and bent over while the Colonel and his wife were
temporarily absent from home. On his return Thomas
received a
"grubbing" for the supposed destruction of the young
poplar. That sapling is now a most beautiful and
stately tree.
Col. Collier was prominently identified with
public affairs of Adams County in this time. He was
commissioned Colonel of the Third Regiment, First
Brigade, Second Division, of Militia by Governor Samuel
Huntington, December 29, 1809. He served in the
War of 1812 and was in the engagement at Sandusky. On
May 2, 1814, Acting Governor Thomas Looker, endorsed
Colonel Collier's resignation as follows: "The
resignation of this commission accepted on account of long
service, advanced age and bodily infirmities."
Among Col. Collier's old tax receipts in
possession of one of his grandchildren, is one dated
September 8, 1801, for one hundred and seventy-five cents,
his land tax for that year. Subscribed by John
Collector for Adams County. In 1811, the tax on the
same land was nine dollars as shown by the receipt of
Thomas Massie, Collector.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 538 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 705 |

Hon. George Collings |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
~ Page 179 - Chapter XV |
ELLIOT H. COLLINS is of English ancestry.
His grandfather, John Collins, was born in Maryland
in 1754. His wife was Sallie Henthorn. He
had three sons and four daughters. In 1800 he brought
his family to Washington County, Ohio. His son,
Henry, was born in 1779, and married Frances Ewart,
who was born in County Armagh, Ireland. Our subject
was their eldest son, born in Grandview Township in
Washington County, Apr. 23, 1812. He married
Elizabeth Rinard, Mar. 19, 1835. They reared a
family of one son and three daughters, Lycurgus Benton
Allen, Cleopatra Minerva, Elizabeth Rebecca and
Roxana Samantha. His wife died Oct. 6, 1865,
and on Mar. 28, 1858 he married Nancy McKay.
She was born in West Virginia, Jan. 15, 1824. Of
Mrs. Collins' children, Cleopatra Minerva
married William Wikoff, and resides in McLean County,
Illinois; Elizabeth Rebecca died Aug. 24, 1868, at
the age of twenty-seven years; Roxana Samantha
married Joseph Nagel, and resides in Morris County,
Kansas. His son lives in Wellington, Kansas, and is a
Mr. Collins came to Adams
County in 1850, and located first in Monroe Township and
afterwards in the Irish Bottoms, where he now resides. He
was a man of great public spirit, and was always in the
front of any movement for the public good. He has been
a Justice of the Peace for forty-nine years, his first
commission being signed by Governor Vance, Mar. 31,
1838. In that time, he never committed a person to
jail, never had an appeal taken from any decision of his,
never had a case from his docket taken up on error, never
had a bond he took forfeited. He has married over
seven hundred couples and always presented the bride with
the wedding fee and groom gave him. He has often gone
twenty miles to perform a marriage ceremony and has had
parties come twenty-five miles to him to be married.
Of the years he was Justice of the Peace, twelve years were
in Washington County, six in Monroe Township, Adams County.
He has been a Democrat all his life, never missed a
political convention when he could get to it, never missed
an elation and never scratched a ticket. He is a
member of the Christian Union Church on Beasley's Fork.
He is one of the best farmers in the Irish Bottoms, where he
lives in ease and comfort. He is a good friend, a kind
neighbor, and a citizen proud of his county. He is a
good friend, a kind neighbor, and a citizen proud of his
country. He and his wife are enjoying the days of
their old age. For his years, he has the most powerful
lungs and a remarkable constitution. He bears up under
the infirmities of age, though they were but temporary, and
when he is called, he will answer "ready," and go, ready to
give an account of the deed done in the body. No man
enjoys the company of his friends better than he, and no one
is ever happier to have them visit him. Since
the preparation of this sketch his wife died in December,
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 715 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900 ~
Page 543 |
JOHN EDGAR COLLINS was born Apr. 9, 1871, two
miles south of Peebles. His father's name is John
R. Collins, and his mother's maiden name was Mary
Wright. He has a brother, the Rev. H. O.
Collins, a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church,
of which he is also a member. His only sister is
Mrs. Robert Jackman. His training was such as the
country school affords until he became a teacher at the age
of eighteen. Teaching during the Winter and spending
his Summers in study at the National Normal University, he
was graduated from the Scientific Department of that
institution in 1892 in a class of seventy-seven. The
next year he was elected to the superintendency of the
Peebles schools, which position he resigned in 1896 to
accept a similar position in the West Union schools.
He was four times unanimously elected to this position.
At the time of his last re-election, in 1899, he was also
elected to the superintendency of the Batavia schools, which
place he accepted. This school has nine departments
and one of the best High schools in Southern Ohio.
Both when at Peebles and at West Union,
Mr. Collins conducted a Summer Training School for
Teachers, "The Tri-County Normal." As Principal of the
schools for seven years, 1893 to 1899, he did much to
advance the educational interests in Adams County. The
total enrollment of the Tri-County Normal School under his
management was over eight hundred, and more than eighty per
cent, of the teachers actively engaged in school work in
this county at this time (1900) received their training in
his school. Kentucky sent a number of students to this
school as did the several counties of Southern Ohio.
Since graduating from the University, his one aim has been
successful school work. For some time he has been
doing post-graduate work at the Ohio Wesleyan University,
and in 1896 and 12897, respectively, he received common and
high school certificates from the Ohio State Board.
One of his most intimate friends and classmates in the
Public schools speaks of him as follows: "John
Edgar Collins possesses some strong elements of
character among which is his indomitable will and steadiness
of purpose. Every undertaking in which he is
interested in carefully planned beforehand. With him,
there is no pensive 'It might have been.' Thought
precedes action with him. He knows at end at the
beginning. His school work is planned with such
accuracy that he sees the result as he leads his pupils to
it. By nature he is a teacher, and it is in the school
that he is most at home. Another extraordinary feature
which he possesses is his power to meet exigencies. At
the most critical moment, he exercises the most deliberate
judgment and meets opposition with the earnestness that
brings the spoils into his hands. He is a man of
resources. What he has become in the educational
worked is much the result of his own effort. A
constant student, he has shown his power for mastery of
thought best when studying for examinations or for special
work. He acquires knowledge with but little effort and
has proved himself a thoughtful, careful student, not only
of books, but of men as well. In all his educational
efforts, he has had the support of the best and most
conscientious men. His powers as an educator ad as an
organizer have been proved not only by his public school
work but by his successful training of hundreds of teachers
in Normal school, as well. His aim is high and he will
leave a record which will be characterized by earnestness
and many brilliant acts.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 718 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 715 |
son of Rev. John Collins, was born February 22,
1796, in New Jersey. He was liberally educated,
studied law with John McLean, was admitted to
practice in 1816, and settled in Hillsboro. He was
appointed prosecuting attorney of Highland County in
1818 and resided there until 1832. On August 7,
1821, he was appointed prosecuting attorney of Adams
County and on August 5, 1822, he resigned. He
represented Highland County in the House form 1821 to
1823. He removed to Maysville, Kentucky, in 1833,
and represented Mason County in the Kentucky Legislature
in 1834, 1844, 1847. For fifteen years, he was
president of the city council of Maysville, Kentucky,
and was the first president of the Maysvile and
Lexington Railroad. In 1853, he removed to his
father's old home in Clermont County, where he died May
12, 1855.
He had a keen and sparkling wit and was of high ability
in his profession.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
~ Page 200 - Chapter XV |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 703 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 702
- Paragraph one, line three. For "Eleven and Sarah
Burbage," read "Levin duncan and Sarah H. Burbage," so as to
agree with the two names as they appear in the article on
page 657 - "The Burbage Family." |

Residence of J. H. Connor, West Union, OH
CONNOR, of West Union, Ohio, was born Dec. 27, 1842,
on the old Connor farm, in Sprigg Township. He
is of Irish lineage, his father, James Connor, being
a son of Peter O'Connor, who emigrated from the South
of Ireland to America in 1786, and shortly thereafter came
West to the "dark and bloody ground," stopping in the
vicinity of Kenton's Station near the old town of
Washington. Peter O'Connor had been reared in
the Catholic Church, and upon his leaving for America the
Parish Priest gave him a certificate of character, of which
the following is a copy of the original now in the
possession of our subject, J. H. Connor:
"I do hereby certify that Peter O'Connor,
the bearer hereof, is a parishioner of mine in the parish of
Clone these some years - is a young man descended of honest
parents, and has behaved virtuously, soberly and regularly,
and from everything I could learn his character has been
irreproachable. Given under my hand this third day of
April, 1786.
"DAVID CULLUM, P.P." In May, Peter O'Connor sailed
from Dublin for America, as the following receipt for his
passable aboard the Tristam shows:
"Received from Peter Connor four guineas in full for
steerage passage in the Tristam to America. Dublin,
May 13, 1786.
"This is to certify that Peter Connor comes as
passenger on board of the Tristam, and this is his final
discharge from the ship. Dated this first day of
August,, 1786.
"CLARKE & MANN, Assng.
"Aug. 2, 1786."
Peter O'Connor, or Connor as he was now
called, arrived in Baltimore in August, 1786, and after
getting from the proper authorities a permit to travel
across the State, went to New York City and thence to
Philadelphia. Afterwards he went on a prospecting trip
over the mountains to the frontier of Kentucky, and in 1796
bought of Andrew Ellison, "two hundred acres of land
lying between Big Three Mile Creek and the Ohio River, it
being a part of a tract of five hundred acres entered in the
name of said Andrew Ellison and adjoining a tract now
belonging to William Brady on the North." This
title bond gives the place of residence of Andrew Ellison
as Hamilton County, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio
(this was a year previous to the organization of Adams
County), and the place of residence of Peter Connor,
as Washington, Mason County, Kentucky.
The date of his marriage to Elizabeth Roebuck is
not known, but it is presumed to be about the time of the
purchase of this tract of land in 1796. It is also
supposed that it was previous to his marriage that he paid a
visit to his old home in Ireland, as disclosed by the
"March 11, received from Peter Connor the sum of
four guineas, passage money on board the Hamburg from
Philadelphia to Cork.
The father of the subject of
this sketch was James Connor, son of Peter Connor,
and was born Nov. 2, 1802. He was christened in the
Catholic faith, although his mother was a Protestant.
James Connor married Margaret Boyle, a
daughter of Thomas Boyle, for many years an elder in
the Presbyterian Church at Manchester. James Connor
died May 4, 1896.
Our subject, James H. Connor, attended the
common schools and the academy at North Liberty under
Prof. Chase. He resided on the farm till 1874,
when he moved to Manchester and entered the dry goods store
of W. L. Vance as a clerk. The following year
he was elected on the Democratic ticket Treasurer of Adams
County, and re-elected in 1877. In 1881, he became a
member of the dry goods establishment of Connor, Boyles
and Pollard, in West Union, which firm was changed to
Connor and Boyles in 1889. In 1895, on
the retirement of Mr. Boyles, the firm name was
changed to J. H. Connor. The first six years in
business, the firm of Connor, Boyles & Pollard
handled annually over $50,000 worth of goods. With
close competition, the house now does a business of over
$30,000 annually.
In 1891, Mr. Connor was nominated by the
Democrats in the Adams-Pike District for Representative in
the Ohio Legislature, and although the district is largely
Republican, was defeated by only thirty-nine votes.
July 21, 1893, President Cleveland commissioned him
postmaster of West Union, which position he held to the
entire satisfaction of the community for four years and six
Mr. Connor is a member of West Union Lodge, F. &
A. M. No. 43; of DeKalb Lodge, I. O. O. F., Manchester;
Crystal Lodge, K. of P., West Union, and a charter member of
Royal Arcanum, Adams Council, No. 830. He is also a
member of the M. E. Church, West Union.
In 1864, July 27, Mr. Connor enlisted in the
182d O. V. I., and was honorably discharged July 7, 1865,
under Col. Lewis Butler. And it is a fact
worthy of notice that not until every other man of his
company had applied for and received a pension did our
subject do so.
In all matters pertaining to the public good, Harvey
Connor, as he is familiarly known , is always found in
the foremost ranks. He has done well, accumulated a
competency, not from parsimony, but from liberal and honest
dealing with his fellow men.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 717 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 719 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 707 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 716 |
of Wamsley, was born in Brown County, Ohio, Jan. 19, 1832.
His father was Tillman Covert and his mother, Mary
A. Riley. Oct. 15, 1854, he married Martha A.
Dalton, daughter of George W. Dalton, of Brown
County, by whom he has had the following children: Nancy
A., Arthur N., Mary P., Sarah M., Martha E. and
Samuel L. In 1861, he enlisted as a Private in
Company G, 70th Regiment O. V. I., and participated in the
many battles in which that regiment was engaged, from Shiloh
till his honorable discharge at Fort McAlister, Dec. 31,
Mr. Covert is a farmer, and affiliates with the
Republican party. He is not a member of any church.
Source: History of
Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the
Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers
- West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
~ Page 698 |
Source: History of Adams County, Ohio from its
Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans
and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E.
B. Stivers - 1900 ~ Page 709 |
MARTIN L. COX of Hills Fork.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 727 |
EDWARD A. CRAWFORD was born December 28, 1861,
near West Union, the son of Harper and Jane Willson
Crawford. His father, Harper Crawford,
enlisted in Company K, 70th O. V. I., January 6, 1862.
He died in 1885 at the age of forty-five. His eldest
brother, William S. Crawford, enlisted June 13, 1864,
in Company D, 24th O. V. I., Adams County's first company in
the war and was transferred to Company D, 18th O. V. I.,
June 12, 1864. This company was in sixteen battles and
Crawford was mortally wounded at the battle of Nashville,
December 15, 1864, and died December 29, 1864. He is
interred in the Nashville cemetery at Nashville, Tennessee.
He had a brother Gabriel who served in the Second
Independent Battery of Ohio Light Artillery, enlisting at
the age of nineteen.
Our subject attended school at West Union until he
completed all which could be taught him there. He
attended the Normal school at Lebanon in 1878 and 1880 and
taught school in parts of the same year and was engaged in
teaching school thereafter until 1890. From 1881 to
1885, he taught school at Waggoner's Ripple, Sandy Springs,
Bradyville and Quinn Chapel. From 1886 to 1888 he
taught at Rome; from 1888 to 1889, he was engaged in the
grocery business at West Union, and in the Summer of 1890,
he taught a Normal school at Moscow, Ohio. In the Fall
of 1890, he bought the People's Defender from
Joseph W. Eylar, and has conducted that newspaper, a
weekly, at West Union, ever since. In 1897, he bought
out the Democratic Index, edited by D. W. P. Eylar,
and consolidated it with the Defender.
He was married August 13, 1883,
to Miss Mattie J. Pennywit, daughter of Mark
Pennywit and his wife, Sallie Cox. He is a
member of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, he has
always been Democrat. In 1887, he was the
candidate of that party for Clerk of the Court, but was
defeated by W. R. Mehaffey, by seventy-three votes.
He was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention at
Chicago from the Tenth Ohio District in 1896. His
paper has been well and ably conducted since he has
controlled it and is one of the best in Southern Ohio.
Mr. Crawford is a self made man. He has
made his business a success. He is known for his
strict fidelity to his party. He is public spirited
and takes an active part in church and social matters as
well as political. He was elected Secretary of the
Democratic State Executive Committee of Ohio in September,
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 721 |
There were many Indians in this region when the first
settlers came, after the treaty of Greenville, and they
annoyed the pioneers greatly by begging and pilfering, and
occasionally stealing horses. William Crawford,
in order to protect a valuable horse from being stolen,
built a stable in one end of his cabin in which he secured
the animal at night.
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900 ~
Page 736 - Liberty Twp. |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 723 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 722 |
Source: History of Adams
County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present
Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West
Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Page 709 |