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History of Adams County, Ohio
from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time
by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers
West Union, Ohio
Published by E. B. Stivers

NOTE: As Always... If there is a biography that you want transcribed,
Please CONTACT ME. ~ Sharon W.
Also I have found lots of typos in this volume.



Adams, Eli Purchas 676
Alexander, Carey C. 678
Alexander, John 300
Allison, James 675
Allison, John Bratton 680
Amen, John 503
Anderson, Irwin M. 677
Anderson, James 504
Anderson, William 231
Arbuthnot, James, Rev. 506
Arbuthnot, James, Col. 678
Arnold, Ezekiel 679
Ashburn, Thomas Q. 182
Baird, Chambers 208
Baird, Moses 513
Baird, Robinson 510
Baldridge, James W. 683
Baldridge, James W. 697
Baldridge, Newton Dunlap 697
Baldridge, Samuel Turner 681
Baldridge, William, Rev. 506
Baldwin, Michael 508
Barrere, Nelson 310
Bayless, Franklin D. 222
Belli, John * 522
Belt, Levin 172
Bentonville Schools, The 686
Berry, Mames S., M.D. 685
Bissinger, Jacob F. 691
Blair, Albion Z. 918
Blair, Albion Z. 226
Blair, William Alfred 292
Bowman, Ambrose O. 696
Boyle, Daniel 525
Bradford, Samuel Grimes 511
Bratten, Charles H. 687
Bratten, George Elmer, D. D. S. 684
Bratten, Thomas L. 698
Breckenridge, William P. 698
Brittingham, Moses Roush 684
Brown, Jacob Newton 682
Brown, James W. 689
Brown, William Baker 689
Brush, Samuel 202
Bundy, Hezekiah Sanford 316
Bundy, William E., Col. 695
Bunn, James W., (portrait only) 750a
Bunn, James W., Dr. * 690
Burbage Family, The 657
Burgess, Dyer, Rev. * 514
Burr, Jacob 692
Burwell, Nicholas 521
Burwell, Samuel 693
Byrd, Charles Willing 526
Caden Family, The 661
Cadon, Adolph 704
Campbell, Alexander, Dr. 277
Campbell, George 546
Campbell, John * 534
Campbell, John, Dr. 701
Campbell, John W., Judge * 301
Campbell, Joseph Randolph * 712
Campbell, William O. 699
Caskey, James, Rev. 539
Caskey, John Patton 700
Charles, Samuel L. 727
Cherrington, Thomas 194
Clark, Milton Lee 192
Clark, Samuel E., Capt. 728
Clark, Samuel Paul 725
Clinger, John, Jr. 721
Cochran, John, Gen. 261
Cochran, Robert McGovney 724
Cockerill, Armstead Thompson Mason 715
Cockerill, Daniel, Gen. 914
Cockerill, John A. 713
Cockerill, Joseph Randolph 311
Cole, Alfred E., Hon. 728
Cole, Allaniah 541
Cole, George Davis 706
Cole, James Mitchell 545
Cole, Leonard 540
Coleman, David, Dr. 711
Coleman, John 725
Coleman, William Kirker, M.D. 720
Collett, Joshua 176
Collier, Daniel, Col. 538
Collings, George, Capt. 705
Collings, George, Hon. 179
Collings, Henry 184
Collins, Elliot H. 715
Collins, John Edgar 718
Collins, John, Rev. * 543
Collins, Richard 200
Compton, John Donalson 703
Compton, Stephen Wilson 532
Connolley, Thomas W. 702
Connor, James Harvey * 717
Cornelius, James F. 719
Coryell, Hannah Amanda, Jrs. 707
Coryell, James L. 290
Coryell, William C. 716
Covert, Larkin N. 699
Cox, Martin 709
Cox, Martin L., of Hills Fork 727
Craigmiles, Charles 723
Crawford, Edward A. 721
Crissman, Marion Francis 722
Culbertson, Samuel 709
Darlinton, George W. 546
Darlinton, Joseph * 251
Davis, Frank 185
De Bruin, Hyman Israel 548
De Bruin, Israel Hyman 733
Dever, Noah J. 186
DeWitt, Clinton Loudon 184
Dickey, Henry L. 323
Dickinson, Hiram Walter 729
Doak, Alvah Sigler 730
Doane, William 309
Dobbins, Robert, Rev. * 552
Donalson, Israel 549
Dunbar, David * 730
Dunbar, Hamilton 551
Ebrite, Daniel 745
Edgington, Charles W., Dr. * 740
Edgington, George Washington 742
Edgington, Lemuel Lindsey 734
Edgington, Sherman Richard 739
Edgington, Sylvanus V. 735
Ellis Family, The 662
Ellison, Andrew 277
Ellison, Andrew Barr 553
Ellison, Andrew Henry 740
Ellison, Cyrus 555
Ellison, John, Jr. 280
Ellison, John 735
Ellison, Robert Hamilton 735
Ellison, Thomas William 737
Ellison, William 557
Ellsberry, William W. 324
Enochs, William H., Gen. * 326
Erdbrink, Edward Frederick William 743
Evans, Edward 559
Evans, Edward Patton 206
Evans, Joseph 563
Evans, L. G., Rev., of Blue Creek 740
Evans, Nelson Wiley * 745
Evans, William 562
Eylar, D. C. 742
Eylar, Daniel P. W. 741
Eylar, David Shafer 736
Eylar, Joseph Wilkins 289
Eylar, John A. 738
Eyler, Joseph 561
Fenton, Lucien J. 328
Fields, Samuel R. 748
Fields, Simon 564
Fields, Simon M. 747
Finley, Joseph L. 570
Fishback, Owen T. 178
Fisher, John 260
Fitzgerald, George R. 201
Foster, Isaac Trimble 749
Foster, Jorden L. 748
Foster, William Stewart 751
Frame, Charles Emery 749
Franz, Richard C. 750
Fristoe, John W. 746
Fulton, Alfred Rust 751
Gaffin, Henry Bascom 756
Gaskins, H. Allen 753
Gaston, Erastus Monteith, M.D. 75
Gaston, James Taylor 754
Glasgow, Robert Arthur 755
Graham, David B. 205
Graham, John, D. D., Rev. 572
Grand-Girard, Emile, Rev. 752
Gregg, John William, Hon. 272
Grimes Family, The 666
Hafer, Valentine H. 756
Hall, Charles Napoleon 757
Hamer, Thomas L. 305
Hamilton, Robert * 913
Hannah, William, Capt. 565
Harsha, Daniel Huston 758
Harsha, Paul 764
Harsha, Paul Howard 758
Harsha, William Buchanan  
Hayslip, Joseph Warren 757
Hollingsworth, Abraham 574
Holmes, John * 763
Holmes, Louis D. 759
Holmes, Thomas 566
Holmes, Thomas Jefferson 760
Holmes, William 765
Hood, Albert Clinton 769
Hood, James  
Hood, John 567
Hood, John Page 569
Hood, Oscar E. 761
Hook, James N. 762
Hook, John W. 224
Howard, William 313
Hughes, Phillip Michael 767
Hutchins, Wells A., Hon. 314
Hutson, Allen Vane 766
James, William Dow 188
Jones, Greenberry R., Rev. 570
Jones, John William 771
Jones, Paul K. 772
Jones, Robert Caraway 773
Jones, Samuel 770
Kendall, Jeremiah
     - See William Kendall
Kendall, William, Gen. 285
Keenan, James 203
Kennedy, Martin Van Buren 782
Kenyon, William Franklin 777
Keser, James R. B. 228
Kincaid, John H. 773
Kincaid, John W. 779
Kincaid, John, Col. 578
Kincaid, Winfield Scott 780
Kirk, Albert De Witt 777
Kirker, George S., Capt. 774
Kirker, Thomas, Gov. 256
Kirker, William, Col. 577
Kirkpatrick, Nathaniel 578
Kirkpatrick, Oscar Bennett 778
Kirkpatrick, Robert Stewart 779
Knauff, Frederick 776
Kratzer, Philip 776
Kress, Henry 781
Lafferty, George McAdow 791
Lafferty, Joseph West 579
Lafferty, Joseph West (portrait only) 750a
Lafferty, N. B., M.D. (portrait only) 750a
Lafferty, Nelson B., M.D. 783
Lang, Francis Marion 789
Lee, Peter 581
Leedom, Elijah Darius 793
Leedom, John Meek 784
Leedom, John P. 323
Lewis, George W. 788
Lewis, Thomas M. 183
Lightbody, John W. 787
Lindsey, John Gardner 788
Little, William Wallace 916
Livingstone, Andrew 580
Lockhart, Albert Gallatin 792
Lockhart, Robert E. 787
Lodwick, John, Col. * 581
Logan, "Black Joe" 583
Loney, William Bruce, Dr. 791
Long, Wesley B. 791
Loughry, John Cunning 786
Loughry, John, Sr. 586
Lovett, Jonah Mason 790
Lucas, Joseph 275
Mason, John Wesley 232
Mason, Samuel Sterling 807
Massie, Nathaniel, Gen. 587
McCall, Enoch 814
McCauslen, Thomas, Hon. * 268
McCauslin, William Sinton 825
McClanahan, Samuel A. 809
McClanahan, Samuel, Judge 602
McClauslen, Thomas, Hon. * 268
McClure, Ralph 604
McColm, Frank C. 817
McColm, John  
McColm, William 599
McCormick, A. Floyd, Hon 816
McCormick, Adam 594
McCormick, George Dunkin, Dr., * 823
McCormick, George S. 799
McCormick, J. W. 794
McCormick, Joseph 204
McCormick, John W. 324
McCoy, Charles Franklin 228
McCoy, James Henry 916
McCreight, Jesse Ellsworth 815
McCullough, Addison 598
McCullough, Samuel 595
McCullough, Sanford Alexander 808
McDill, David, D.D., LL. D., Rev. * 821
McDowell, Joseph T., Gen. 309
McFerran, John W., Major 216
McGarry, William 603
McGovney, Adam 605
McGovney, Crockett 801
McGovney, Henry Francis 798
McIntire, Silas Dyer 802
McKee, Joseph, Major 599
McManis, J. O., Judge 821
McMannis, Greenleaf Norton 817
McMillan, Reuben Arthur 823
McNeal, Richard Watson 225
McSurely, George Anderson 824
McSurely, Hugh 606
McSurely, William H. 820
McSurely, Wm. J., Rev., D.D. * 818
Means, Hugh 287
Means, John. Col. 282
Means, Thomas Williamson 590
Mechlin, Henry Harrison 803
Meek, John, Rev.  606
Meek, William M. 211
Mehaffey, John Riley 795
Mehaffey, William F. 811
Metz, James G. 812
Middleton, William H. 189
Middleton, Wilder M., Rev. 805
Miller, F. J., M. D. (portrait only) 750a
Miller, Favius J., Dr. * 808
Miller, William L. 803
Milner, John Clinton 190
Minick, Mary Barbara 600
Mitchell, Robert A. 804
Montgomery, Benjamin 806
Moore, Oscar F. 266
Morgan, Stephen, M.C., Hon. 329
Morris, Jonathan D. 310
Morrison, David 602
Morrison, James H. 806
Morrison, John William 797
Morrison, Marion, Rev. 591
Morrison, Robert, Judge. 281
Morrow, Jeremiah 300
Moss, John G. 810
Murphy, Abram K., Rev. 810
Murphy, David Asbury, Capt. * 812
Murphy, David Whittaker 593
Murphy, James Alexander 796
Murphy, Leonidas H. 810
Murphy, Recompense 592
Murphy, Recompense Sherry 594
Myers, Alfred B. 794
Naylor, Chester C. W. 230
Naylor, Reason B. 828
Neal, Lawrence Talbot 321
Nesbit, Samuel X. 827
Newman, James W. 271
Newman, John 826
Newman, Mesheck Herdman 828
Newman, Oscar William 825
Newman, William 269
Nixon, David 826
Norris, Shepherd F. 182
Orebaugh, W. H. 829
Osborne, George William, M.D. 829
Patterson, John 264
Patterson, Samuel Lincoln, Hon. 274
Pattison, John M. 326
Patton, J. Monroe 836
Patton, John of Ohio 609
Patton, John of Virginia 608
Patton, Nathaniel C. 830
Pence, Alfred 830
Pennywit, Reuben 611
Pennywit, Wiley Daniel 833
Pennywitt, Alfred 834
Pennywitt, George W. 833
Pennywitt, Henry 831
Pennywitt, John 610
Pennywitt, Wm. Clinton 832
Peterson, Robert Miller 840
Pettit, George Washington 223
Pfeifer, Samuel 835
Phillips, Henry L. 288
Pile, Henry  
Pilson, James, General 264
Pitts, James Thomas 839
Platter, John D. 835
Plummer, John Frederick 836
Poage, James, Col. 612
Pollard, John K., Hon. * 273
Prather, William Wilson 837
Price, John Winston 178
Puntenney Family, The 668
Puntenney, George Hollinsworth  
Purdy, Robert W.,  M.D. 838
Quarry, William J., Rev. 841
Ramsey, Richard, Hon. 295
Reynolds, Franklin Eugene, Prof. 842
Richards, John Kelvey 849
Riggs, Joseph 262
Robe, Orin Werret, M. D. 849
Roberts, Lincoln Johnson 846
Roberts, Walter Ellsworth 843
Robinson, W. L. Dr. 845
Robuck, Carey E. 229
Robuck, Oscar Coleman 848
Rothrock, James H. * 615
Rothrock, Joseph W.  844
Rothrock, Phillip 617
Roush, Alexander 847
Roush, Frank B. 846
Roush, James Polk 844
Rowley, W. H. R. 846
Russell, Daniel A. 194
Russell, Wm., Hon. * 303
Schelledy, Garland B. 202
Schultz, Peter 624
Scott, Henry 231
Scott, Thomas 622
Shaw, William Lewis, Major 852
Shelton, Thomas J. 866
Shelton, William Jeptha 863
Shepherd, Abraham 173
Shriver, Joseph Arnold * 867
Shuster, William Jacob 876
Shumaker, John 875
Sibley, Hiram L. 193
Silliman, Wyliss 172
Sinton, David * 618
Slaughter, Robert F. 172
Sloane, James, Hon. 853
Smalley, Isaac 859
Smith, Andrew Clemmer 293
Smith, George J. 177
Smith, Joseph Patterson * 855
Smith, John Mitchell 212
Spargur, Lawrence M. 864
Sparks, Charles S. * 865
Sparks, John 876
Sparks, John, the Banker 626
Spear, Francis M. 861
Spring, John William, Rev. * 881
Sproull, Oliver Thoroman, M. D. 865
Steele, David, D.D., Rev. 625
Steen, Alexander Boyd 859
Steen, Arron * 627
Steen, John Alexander, Dr. 877
Steen, M. D. A., D.D., Rev. * 868
Stephenson, Robert Amasa 861
Stevenson, Samuel Cummings 860
Stevenson, Titus, Dr. 875
Stewart, Robert, Rev. 627
Stivers, Andrew Jackson 858
Stivers, Emmos B. Hon. * 854
Stivers, John 617
Stivers, Lyman P. 869
Stivers, Samuel King, Col. 622
Stout, Elisha Pinkney 870
Stout, Obadiah  
Stroman, Joseph Arnold 880
Stroman, Sidney R. 878
Swain, Charles Luther 876
Tarbell, David 183
Tharp, Isaac Frederick 873
Thomas, David W. 221
Thomas, Francis Marion, M.D. 887
Thomas, George Andrew 885
Thomas, George Franklin, M.D. 888
Thomas, James Baldwin * 629
Thomas, James Sheridan * 884
Thomas, John Wesley, M.D. 886
Thompson, Albert C., Hon. 324
Thompson, Harvey James 874
Thompson, John 175
Thompson, Le Grand Byington 892
Thompson, Luther 220
Thorman, James M. 892
Thoroman, J. Wesley 874
Thoroman, William T. 874
Tillotson, James Richard 883
Tolle, I. N., Judge 871
Treber Family, The 669
Treber, William 873
Truitt, Samuel B. 883
Tugman, William M. 889
Turnipseed, Albert Given 891
Urmston, Nathaniel Massie, Rev. 911
Urton, Mahlon 907
Van Deman, J. H., A.M., M.D. 893
Vance, Robert Cramer 229
Vandyke, John P., Rev. 651
Voorhees, Ralph M. 632
Voris, W. M., Dr. 630
W. Union Lodge, No. 43, Free & Accepted Masons 897
Waller, Thomas 276
Walsh, Edward K. 909
Wamsley Family, The 653
Wamsley, Isaac  
Wamsley, William Finley, Rev. 905
Wamsley, William M. (Portrait only) 654a
Wamsley, William Marion 903
Wasson, James P. 910
Wasson, Samuel Young 896
Wasson, Thomas Campbell 633
Watson, William Nelson 895
West, Napooleon Bonaparte 897
West, William H. 903
Westlake, Burroughs, Rev. 652
Wickerham, James Oscar, M.D. 902
Wickerham, Peter Noah 901
Wikoff, Allen T., Gen. 900
Wikoff, Cyrus Franklin 227
Wikoff, George Marion 900
Wilkins, Daniel Putman 200
Williamson, Andrew Woods 899
Williamson, Jane Smith 637
Williamson, Thomas Smith, M.D., Rev. 640
Williamson, William, Rev., The 634
Wills, Orville C. 899
Willson, Jerusha Adaline 648
Willson, William B., Dr. 642
Willson, William F., M.D. 644
Wilson, John Orlando 909
Wilson, John T. * 318
Wilson, Joseph Allen 204
Wilson, Joseph Allen 649
Wilson, Robert S. 651
Wittenmyer, James M., Dr. 904
Wood, Robert Hutchinson 912
Wood, Samuel R., Capt. 649
Woodrow, Alexander 653
Woodrow, Andrew 650
Young, James Albert 905
Young, John B. 291
Zile, Newton Wesley 906



* Portrait

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