A Part of
Genealogy Express

A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
Vol. II
by Wm. Rusler - Publ.
The qualities which have made David E. Berryman one of
the prominent and successful men of Spencer township, Allen
county, have also brought him the esteem of his fellow men, for
his career has been one of well directed energy, strong
determination and honorable methods. It would be hard to
find in this section a more industrious or progressive
agriculturist and stock raiser than he, and he is strongly
intrenched in the favor and esteem of all who know him.
David E. Berryman, whose well-cultivated farm of
forty acres is located about one and a half miles east of
Spencerville, was born in Shawnee township, Allen county, on
June 1, 1874, and is the son of Ephraim and Deborah B.
(Blackburn) Berryman. His father was born in Auglaize
county, Ohio, in June, 1840, and died in 1896. The mother
was a native of Carroll county, Ohio. They were married
and settled on a farm in Auglaize county, living there for a
time and then moving to Allen county and settling on a farm in
Shawnee township, where they lived until 1878. In that
year they moved to Spencer township, where they spent the
remainder of their lives. They were members of the Baptist
Church, in which they took an active interest. Mr.
Berryman was a member of the Grange, and wa sa Democrat in
his political belief. He was prominent in the public
affairs of the community and served as a director of the County
Infirmary and a member of the Board of Directors of the Allen
County Fair Association. He was an up-to-date farmer and
successful business man, and was held in high regard by all who
knew him. To him and his wife were born eight children, as
follows: Harley, who is engaged in farming in
southern California; John G., who is connected with the
oil industry in Texas; Elbert S., a farmer in Spencer
township; George, who is engaged in the oil business in
Kansas; Alma M., who graduated from the Ohio Northern
University at Ada, and was a successful teacher, is the wife of
Jasper Brown, a farmer and fruit raiser in California;
David E., the subject of this sketch; Ira P. of
Spencerville; and Flora E. the wife of Alden
Loomis, of Illinois.
David E. Berryman was about three years of age
when the family located on the farm which he now owns. He
received his educational training in the district schools and
has always carried on the operation of the home farm, which he
maintains at a high standard of cultivation. He is
thoroughly up-to-date in his agricultural methods, and by
persistent industry and sound judgment has achieved a distinct
success. In addition to the raising of all the crops
common to this locality he also gives some attention to the
raising of lie stock, in which also he has been successful.
Mr. Berryman has been twice married, first to
Bertha Monfort, who died four months after their wedding.
For his second wife Mr. Berryman was married in 1905 to
Caroline Fisher, who was born and reared in Auglaize
county, Ohio, the daughter of Joseph Fisher. They
have an adopted child, Estella, born in 1909.
Mrs. Berryman is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
in which she takes an active part. Mr. Berryman is
a member of the American Insurance Union and is a stockholder in
the Farmers Union Elevator at Spencerville. Politically he
gives his support to the Democratic party and takes a deep
interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the
community in which he lives. Because of his public spirit,
his business success and his fine character he occupies an
enviable position in the estimation of his fellow citizens.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 70 |
the properties of Richland Township which have won distinction
as producers of agricultural products and live stock, one worthy
of mention is the Daylight Farm, a tract of eighty acres
situated four miles west and one mile north of Bluffton.
The proprietor of this farm, Samuel S. Bixel, is one of
the progressive and energetic farmers and stockmen of his
community, and has combined practical ideas with an intelligent,
and has combined practical ideas with an intelligent use of
modern methods in bringing about the development of a
first-class property.
Mr. Bixel was born in Richland Township, Allen
County, May 18, 1875, a son of Abraham and Magdalena
(Schumacher) Bixel. His father was born in 1843 in
Holmes County, Ohio, and was reared one mile north of Bluffton,
where he was married in 1865 to Miss Schumacher, who had
been born in Richland Township in 1842. Following their
marriage they resided on a farm there until 1883, in which year
Mr. Bixel purchased the old Schumacher farm of 196
acres, on which Mrs. Bixel had been born and reared.
There they made their home and continued to be engaged in
agricultural operations until their retirement in 1904, when
they moved to their home at Pandora. Mr. Bixel is a
democrat in politics, and he and his wife are worthy and highly
respected people of their community and active members of the
Mennonite Church. Abraham Bixel came of a family in
which there were sixteen children, and in the family of his wife
there were the same number, all of whom grew up and had large
families of their own. To Mr. and Mrs. Bixel there
were born twelve children, of whom nine are living: Dr.
Peter D., of Pandora; D. C., a jeweler of Bluffton;
Noah, of Pandora; Lizzie, the wife of P. C.
Steiner; John W. a professor at Tacoma, Washington;
Samuel S.; Adam, a jeweler of Pandora; Menno,
of the Dixie Garage, Bluffton; and Susie, the wife of
Abraham Smith, conducting a mission at Minneapolis,
Samuel S. Bixel attended the district schools of
his native locality and spent one year at the Bluffton High
School, following which he began assisting his father in the
cultivation of the home place. He was married in 1900 to
Miss Ellen Niswander, who was born in Putnam County,
Ohio, and educated in the public schools there, and to this
union there were born eight children: Stanley, a graduate
of the Pandora High School, class of 1920; Edgar, also a
graduate of that school; Odessa who is attending high
school; an Hildah, Phares, Savilla, Magdalena and
Dorothea, who are attending the graded schools. After
his marriage Mr. Bixel began operations on his own
account, and at this time has one of the handsome and
well-developed properties of Richland Township, the Daylight
Stock arm, on which he makes a specialty of breeding shorthorn
cattle. He has substantial buildings, modern improvements
and complete equipment, and carries on all transactions in a
manner that gives him a stockholder in the First National Bank
at Pandora, where he also has an interest in a store.
As a citizen he has always contributed willingly to all
movements making for civic betterment. With the members of
his family he belongs to the Mennonite Church, where he has
rendered long and efficient service in the capacity of church
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 298 |
The man who works, pays his way, earns his own capital and
gradually, step by step, advances to independent prosperity is
always an object of admiration to his fellow citizens.
That has been in brief the career of Daniel Lester Brenneman,
one of the substantial farmer citizens of American township.
Mr. Brenneman was for many years a renter, and on land owned
by others achieved a gratifying degree of success, enabling him
eventually to acquire his present homestead.
Mr. Brenneman was born in Marion township, Allen
county, in 1871, son of John G. and Mary A. (Laman) Brenneman.
His great-grandfather Brenneman came from Germany at an
early date, two of his brothers accompanying him, one locating
in Virginia. His place of settlement was in Pennsylvania,
and the next generation, the grandfather of Mr. Brenneman,
moved to Fairfield county, Ohio, driving overland with ox team.
John G. Brenneman left Fairfield county when a young man,
came to Allen county and married here, and by his industry
acquired a good farm of eighty-three acres, on which he reared
his family of ten children, nine of whom are still living.
Daniel L. was the seventh child.
Only a few months each winter was he permitted to
attend school. The rest of the time he worked on the home
farm, also hired out and gave a full day's labor for fifty cents
pay. After leaving school he worked in a stone quarry at a
dollar and fifteen cents a day. He was twenty-two when he
married, and for several years he provided for his family by his
wages at day and month employment. He finally rented
eighty-eight acres in American township, farmed that for eight
years, then lived on another place of a hundred four acres a
year, until it was sold, and subsequently was renter of eighty
acres in the same location for nine years. In 1919 Mr.
Brenneman bought his present valuable place of eighty acres
on rural route No. 3 out of Elida, and has now reached a stage
in his affairs where he is enjoying every evidence of material
prosperity and a high degree of civic esteem. He is a
stockholder in the Farmers Equity Exchange at Elida, is an
independent Democrat in politics and a member of the Methodist
Church at Allentown.
Mr. Brenneman married Mary Elizabeth Davidson,
of Amanda township. They have three children: Edith
Estelle, the oldest, is the wife of Russell Wolfe, of
American township, and has a daughter, Helen. John
William Brenneman, born in 1896, was educated in country
schools to the age of fifteen, graduated from the Lima High
School in 1915, and since then has been associated with his
father on the farm. The third and youngest child is
Wallace D. Brenneman.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 66 |
Farming and its attendant activities, the duties of good
citizenship, have presented Samuel S. Brenneman with a
busy program during the years since he attained majority.
He is one of the prosperous farm owners of Marion Township, his
home being three miles southeast of Delphos, on rural route No.
Mr. Brenneman was born in the same township, in
section 33, July 5, 1859, son of David and Leah (Steman)
Brenneman. His father was born Sept. 13, 1826, in
Perry County, Ohio, while the mother was born June 29, 1831.
They grew up and were married in Perry County on Apr. 5, 1849,
and continued to live on a farm there until they came to Allen
County in 1854. David Brenneman entered 160 acres
in Marion Township. Most of it was covered with heavy
timber and a patch had to be cleared away in which to erect
their log cabin home. Eventually as a result of his labors
David Brenneman saw a wide area in cultivation, and his
industry and good judgment brought him the ownership of 240
acres. He was one of the highly esteemed pioneers of
Marion Township, where he spent his active life. He and
his wife were Mennonites, and he was a liberal contributor to
the church. Politically he cast his vote as a Republican.
In the family were five children: Lydia, born in
Apr. 14, 1850, wife of W. H. Chandler, of Putnam County,
Ohio; Catherine, born July 2, 1852, died Apr. 16, 1920;
Elizabeth, born Dec. 3, 1854, is the wife of P. F.
Heidlebaugh, a prominent farmer and business man of Allen
County; Samuel S.; and Ezra, born Nov. 10, 1862,
died Jan. 23, 1863.
Samuel S. Brenneman grew up on the home farm,
and attended the district schools. When past his majority
he rented his father's place and subsequently bought part of the
farm. On Feb. 8, 1883, he married Elizabeth Stemen,
who was bornin Sugar Creek Township, Allen County, Oct. 6, 1861,
daughter of Andrew and Jane (Sakemiller) Steman.
Her father was born in Perry County, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1825, while
her mother was born in Pennsylvania in 1829. On coming to
Allen County they settled on a farm in Sugar Creek Township,
where they spent the rest of their lives. They were
zealous members of the Mennonite Church.
After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Brenneman
lived on the old Brenneman homestead until November,
1909, when they moved to their present place, where he has 143
acres, practically all in crops and devoted to general farming
and stock raising. Mr. and Mrs. Brenneman are
members of Morris Chapel of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Politically he is a republican. They have two sons, Ira
and Hershel. Ira, who was born Dec. 1, 1883,
married Annie Richie and has four children.
Hershel, born Sept. 2, 1888, married Edna Good who
died leaving one child. The grandchildren of Mr. and
Mrs. Brenneman are Oren, Richard, Nile and
Esther while Carroll is the only child of Hershel
Brenneman. Ira and Hershel though reared
as Methodists are now members of the Mennonite Church.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 260 |
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