A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
Vol. II
by Wm. Rusler - Publ.
is a farmer and land owner of Perry Township long well and
favorably known to the people of that community, where more than
eighty years ago the family established itself and entered upon
their duties and tasks as pioneer homemakers.
Mr. Sellers was born in section 30 of Perry
Township July 27, 1866, a son of Joseph and Leah (Crumerine)
Sellers. His father was a native of Franklin County,
Pennsylvania, son of Leonard and Eliza (Weinert) Sellers
who leaving Pennsylvania came to Allen County in 1837, driving
overland. At that time Lima was a little hamlet of log
houses. Leah Crumerine was born in Perry County,
Ohio, a daughter of Martin and Catherine (Broshes) Crumerine,
also originally Pennsylvanians and early settlers in Allen
County, Ohio.
Joseph Sellers after his marriage lived for a
few years in Auglaize County, but then bought eighty acres of
unimproved land in section 30 of Perry Township. He was a
very capable and industrious farmer and in subsequent years
acquired the ownership of more than 500 acres, all in Perry
Township except sixty-five acres in Shawnee Township. Much
of this land was improved by his labors and under his
supervision, and some of it is still owned in the family.
Joseph Sellers was born Mar. 2, 1828, and died in August,
1892. His wife died in 1895. Their children were:
Daniel and David, both living in Perry Township;
Eliza, Mrs. George Beeler, of Perry Township; William
also of Perry Township; Mary M., widow of George
Mosier; and Franklin Pierce.
Franklin Pierce Sellers is the youngest of the
family and has never married. His life from birth has been
spent on the old homestead, and many years ago he secured eighty
acres, including the home place. In 1906 he improved his
farm with a fine concrete block house and continued to be
actively identified with the cares and responsibilities of the
farm until 1917, son which date he has rented out his fields.
Mr. Sellers acquired his early education in District
School No. 9 near the home farm. He is a member of the
Lutheran Church, is a democrat in politics, and served one term
as township trustee.
His home is capably looked after by his widowed sister,
Mary M., who was married in May, 1883, to George
Mosier. Mrs. Mosier has two children,
Tolbert, now at Lima, and Leah Viola, living with her
William Sellers, brother of Franklin P,
was born at the old home in Perry Township July 30, 1859.
He was first married in 1886 to Viola Haines, but his
wife died at childbirth a year later. He then lived in
Perry Township with his father-in-law for a year or so, later
bought twenty acres in section 31 and his father also deeded him
eighty acres, all but twenty acres in timber. Of this
tract Mr. Sellers has cleared all but seventeen acres of
timber, and now has a fine group of farm buildings and one of
the good and productive farms of the township. In 1920 he
formed a partnership with his son as a manager of the farm.
In 1889 he married Daisy Ulry who was born in
Perry Township, a daughter of Silas and Lillian (Munch) Ulry.
They have five children: Victor Norman, of Lima;
Grace, Mrs. Samuel Lowrey, of Shawnee Township; Harold,
who is his father's partner on the farm; Doris W. and
Lois, both at home.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 201 |
One of the leading business man and best known citizens of Lima
is Charles C. Siferd, who is very successfully conducting
an undertaking and embalming establishment at 726 South Main
street. He has succeeded in his chosen life work because
he has been persistent and energetic and honorable in his
dealings with the public, and he has therefore had the
confidence and good will of all, which are indispensable factors
if one succeeds in any line where the public has to be depended
Charles C. Siferd was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio,
on May 3, 1880, and is the son of David Adam and Elizabeth
(Barlow) Siferd, the former a native of Virginia and the
latter born and reared near Cridersville, Ohio. Mr.
Siferd's paternal grandfather was a native of Germany.
His maternal grandparents, James and Elizabeth (Mauk) Barlow,
were natives of Pennsylvania, but became early settlers of Ohio,
locating west of Cridersville. James Barlow, were
natives locating west of Cridersville. James Barlow
was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church and lived at
Cridersville for about twenty years. Later he moved to
Wapakoneta, where he spent the remainder of his years, having
retired from the active work of the ministry some time prior to
his death. David A. Siferd took up the business of
contracting while still in young manhood, specializing in road
building and well digging, but finally he ceased that line of
the work and engaged in the undertaking business, which he
followed up to the time of his death in 1916. He is
survived by his widow, who resides in Wapakoneta. They
were the parents of the following children: James,
deceased; D. A., of Wapakoneta; Eliza, the wife of
Charles C. Hossellman of Lima; Lulu, the wife of
William Osborn of Illinois; Cora C., deceased;
Charles C., the subject of this sketch; Willis S. and
Edward A. both of Lima.
Charles C. Siferd was reared under the parental
roof and attended the public schools until thirteen yeas of age.
He then went to work for his brother in the undertaking business
on his own account. At the end of that period he sold out
there and on Feb. 10, 1914, came to Lima and opened an office
for undertaking and embalming. AS a funeral director
Mr. Siferd possesses those qualities which are especially
desirable and necessary in that work, and he has by his
thoughtful consideration and courtesy won many friends since
becoming identified with this community.
In September, 1901, Mr. Siferd was married to
Hattie H. Jacobs, who was born in Wapakoneta, the daughter
of Otto W. and Antoinette (Traueze) Jacobs, who were
natives of Germany. To Mr. and Mrs. Siferd have
been born two children: Theodore W. and Lucile C.,
both of whom are at home. Mr. Siferd and family are
members of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church of which Mr.
Siferd is a member of the Board of Stewards.
Politically he is an earnest supporter of the democratic party,
while fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of the Golden
Eagle. He is a member of the Ohio Embalmers Association,
the Ohio Funeral Directors Association and the Indiana Embalming
Association. Because of his generous disposition and
kindly nature he has won and retains the good will and esteem of
all who know him.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 180 |
general superintendent of the Lima Cord, Sole and Heel Company,
has spent practically all his active career in some branch of
the rubber industry, having grown up in the great rubber city of
Akron, where he lived for many years, until coming to Lima.
Mr. Smith was born at Akron Nov. 21, 1881, son
of Frederick S. and Alice (Kintz) Smith. His
grandfather, Sebastian, who spelled the family name Schmitz,
came from Germany when a young man, having previously been a
coal mine inspector in the Government service in Germany.
After coming to this country he conducted a general store and
tavern at Massillon, Ohio. Of his six children
Frederick S. was the second in age, and for many years has
been a leading building contractor of Akron, where both he and
his wife are still living.
Albert F. Smith, the oldest son of four sons and
two daughters, was educated in the parochial schools of Akron to
the age of thirteen. He then went to work with his father
and acquired a varied knowledge of the building trades, but at
the age of seventeen turned from a prospective career as a
building contractor to go to work as a laborer in the mechanical
rubber department of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company. At
the end of three months he was put in charge of the mechanical
department, being promoted to manager, and for seventeen years
was connected with the Goodrich Company. Following that
for five years he was in charge of the Mechanical Rubber Goods
Department of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, and left that
to come to Lima and serve as the chief technical expert to the
Lima Cord, Sole and Heel Company. This is one of Lima's
leading industries, the company being incorporated for two
hundred thousand dollars, and the output is a line of fabric
soles and rubber heels. Mr. Smith is also a
stockholder and director in the company and is a stockholder in
the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company of Akron and the Mason Tire
& Rubber Company of Kent, Ohio. He has also acquired some
real estate interests.
In 1903 Mr. Smith married Ada C. Gardner,
daughter of Henry and Katherine (Whitman) Gardner, of
Doylestown, Ohio. They have two children, Blanche
Katherine born in 1906, and Bertha Cecelia born in
1910. Mr. Smith is an independent voter, is a
member of St. Rose Catholic Church and is affiliated with the
Akron Lodge of Catholic Knights of Ohio. He is also one of
the leading members of the Lima Chamber of Commerce.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 117 |
- See Jacob Henry Smith
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 164 |
president of the Citizens National Bank of Bluffton, and
secretary and teacher of history of Bluffton, and a man who is
also taking considerable interest, in a constructive way, in the
civic affairs of his community. He was born in Woodford
county, Illinois, June 8, 1875, a son of John and Magdalene (Shertz)
Smith. John Smith was born in Illinois in 1843, and
his wife was born in the same state in 1844. On both sides
the grandparents were natives of Alsace-Lorraine, France, from
whence they came to the United States in the early part of the
nineteenth century and settled in central Illinois, where they
became farming people.
Following their marriage, John Smith and his
wife located on a farm in Woodford county, and there spent the
remainder of their useful lives. They were consistent
members of the Mennonite Church. They had eight children,
five of whom survive in 1920, namely: Joseph D.,
who is a farmer of central Illinois; Samuel E., who lives
in Kansas; John C., who is a resident of central
Illinois; Emma, who is the wife of B. J. Schertz,
lives in Illinois; and C. Henry, whose name heads this
C. Henry Smith was reared on his father's farm
in Woodford county, and attended the district schools, the
Metamora, Illinois, High School, and the Illinois State Normal
School at Normal, Illinois, being graduated from the latter
institution. He then became a student of the University of
Illinois and was graduated therefrom with the degree of Bachelor
of Arts and he then took a course at the University of Chicago,
and was graduated from it with the degrees of Master of Arts and
of Doctor of Philosophy. While taking these extended
courses Mr. Smith was engaged in teaching in the
public schools of Illinois, Elkhart Institute and Goshen
College, and then became an instructor of history in the Manual
Training High School at Indianapolis, Indiana. In 1913
Bluffton College was fortunate enough to secure him as secretary
and instructor in history, and he has remained with this
institution ever since. Doctor Smith is an
authority on historical subjects, and maintains membership in
the American Historical Society and the American Sociological
In December, 1908, Mr. Smith was united in
marriage with Laura L. Ioder, a daughter of William
and Frances (Stauffer) Ioder, farmers and stockraisers.
Mrs. Smith is a graduate of Knox College and a lady of
great intellectual attainments. Doctor and Mrs. Smith
have no children. They are active members of the Mennonite
When the Citizens National Bank was organized in 1920
Doctor Smith was made its first president, and he is also
president of the First National Bank of Pendora, Ohio. The
officers of the Citizens National Bank are: C. Henry Smith,
president; Herman Locher, vice president; Elmer Romey,
cashier; and E. M. Hostellter, assistant cashier.
The directors of the bank are: C. Henry Smith, Herman
Locher, Henry Zehrebach, D. D. Flick, Noah Basinger, Casper
Herman and Adam S. Steier. Doctor Smith is a
Democrat, and has served as a member of the Bluffton City
Council. In addition to the other organizations with which
he is connected he belongs to the American Economic Association,
the Ohio Historical Association and the Greek Letter college
fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa.
Doctor Smith knows how to awaken an
interest in history as do few instructors, putting life into the
dry facts and arousing an interest on the part of his pupils
which cannot help but be inspiring. The part he is taking
in the financial and civic affairs of Bluffton is of a high
character and entitles him to the confidence and gratitude of
his associates, and few men in his locality are held in as high
regard as he.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 35 |
Recognizing the fact that more effective service can be rendered
if special attention is given some certain disease or diseases,
some of the most successful medical men of the country have
concentrated upon those maladies in which they are the most
interested, and in this way have been able to acquire special
skill and experience in their treatment and prevention.
One of these eminent pecialists is Dr. Frank S. Smith of
Lima, who has made a particular study of surgery and diseases of
Doctor Smith was born at Rushsylvania, Logan
county, Ohio, on Mar. 13, 1874, a son of Jeremiah W. and
Eliza Jane (Sieg) Smith, natives of Delaware county, Ohio,
and Ridgeway, Hardin county, Ohio, respectively. The
paternal grandfather, Henry Smith was born in New York,
and the maternal grandfather, Jonathan Sieg, was born in
Pennsylvania, and both became early settlers of Ohio. His
son, Jeremiah W. Smith, was a physician, and established
himself in the practice of his profession at Marysville, Ohio.
During the war between the North and the South he served as a
soldier in the One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, and was assistant regimental surgeon. Later on
in life he retired to his farm in Delaware county, Ohio, and
there he died in 1892, but hi widow survives him and makes her
home with Doctor Smith, her only child.
After attending the common schools of his native county
Dr. Smith was graduated from the Marysville High School,
and then entered the Wesleyan Ohio University at Delaware, and
still later studied medicine at Starling Medical College at
Columbus, Ohio, from which he was graduated in 1897.
Doctor Smith has had a somewhat varied experience, and
practiced at West Union and Willard, Ohio, prior to coming to
Lima, and for two years was the physician at the Ohio Hospital
for Epileptics. Dr. Smith has offices in the
Citizens Building at Lima, and has built up a large practice in
his specialties.
On Mar. 22, 1913, Doctor Smith was united in
marriage with Blanche Moch, born at Gallipolis, Ohio, a
daughter of Abraham and Amelia (Blatt) Moch. Doctor
and Mrs. Smith have two children, Blanche Josephine
and Amelia Ann. In politics he is a Democrat, and
he served as pension examiner and health officer of Huron
county, Ohio. Fraternally he belongs to Lima Lodge No. 54,
B. P. O. E.; Willard Aerie No. 550, F. O. E.; Junior Order
United American Mechanics of Lima, and the J. O. N. A. M. of
Lima. Doctor Smith maintains professional
connections with the Allen County Medical Society and the Ohio
State Medical Society. The fundamental gauge of any man's
character is his standing among his associates, and judged by
his Doctor Smith measures up to the highest standards of
his profession. Like the majority of medical men, he is
essentially a humanitarian and has always been willing to put
his shoulder to the wheel of progress no matter at what cost to
himself. The breadth of his sympathies is only limited by
the limitations of human endurance, and he is recognized as a
friend of his patients as well as an efficient healer.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 115 |

J. H. Smith |
many years a worker in the oil fields of the Lima district.
About fifteen years ago he bought a farm in Perry township, but
death overtook him before he was able to realize his plans for
its improvement. Mrs. Smith as his successor in the
ownership of the farm has proved a very capable manager, and
with the assistance of her children has made the place notable
as a scene of well ordered industry and one of the fine country
homes of Perry township.
The late Mr. Smith was born in Fairfield county,
Ohio, June 6, 1862, a son of William and Barbara (Conrad)
Smith. He was educated in the common schools, and
after his marriage located at St. Mary's, where he was employed
as a pumper in the oil fields. Two and a half years later
he moved to Elida, Ohio, and six months after that bought some
property in Lima. He continued his occupation as an oil
pumper until 1905, when he traded his city real estate for a
seventy-acre farm in section 30 of Perry township. After
that he gave all his time to the cultivation of his land, but
died Nov. 8, 1909.
In addition to operating the farm with systematic
thoroughness Mr. Smith had added its value by many
improvements, including the rebuilding of the barn, the building
of silos, and other farm buildings. In 1917 she had a
modern frame residence erected, with cement milk house and
garage, and with these facilities she and her children at home
have a very reliable and comfortable income. The late
Mr. Smith was a Republican voter, and Mrs. Smith was
Anna Kruse. She was born at Elida Ohio, and she and
her husband were married Jan. 20, 1891. Her parents,
Henry and Doretta (Bowman) Kruse, were natives of Germany,
but came to the United States separately and when about twenty
years of age. Henry Kruse was born in Prussia,
Germany, July 24, 1833, and crossed the ocean on a sailing ship,
being on the sea for eight weeks. Her mother was born in
Hanover, Germany, Nov. 24, 1833, and came to this country with
her father, who was looking for a home for his family.
Henry Kruse and wife were married at Urbana, Ohio, and in
1865, after a journey by wagon, settled in German township of
Allen county. Mr. Smith's mother died Sept. 16,
1915, and her father, May 3, 1907. Mrs. Smith has
five children. Paul, the oldest,
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 164 |
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 255 |

O. Warren Smith |
It has been the pleasure of MRS. JOSEPHINE
of Lima to enroll her late husband, O. Warren Smith, in
the annals of the community. He was born Mar. 8, 1832, in
Marion County, and met with an accidental death Oct. 26, 1908,
in Lima. He was a son of John and Elizabeth (McNeil)
Smith. The father came from Cumberland County,
Pennsylvania, in 1828, traveling overland to Marion County, and
about the same time the mother came with her parents, Samuel
and Anna (Martin) McNeil, from the same community. The
grandmother, Anna Martin, was captured by the Indians
when she was a small child, and she was a prisoner in New York
for several years. She was finally identified by a scar on
her forehead and returned to her own relatives She was
born in 1810, and that long ago there were many white children
captured by the Indians.
O. Warren Smith was educated at Hiram College
and as a young man studied law with Judge Van Fleet of
Marion, Ohio. In 1867 he came to Lima and engaged in
practice before the bar of Allen County. It was his life
work, and he was eminent in his profession. Mr. Smith
voted with the democratic party. HE was a member of the
Congregational Church and was for many years a deacon. On
June 23, 1874, he married Josephine Cunningham. She
was born July 27, 1844, and is a daughter of John and Emeline
Street (Holloway) Cunningham. She has always lived in
Lima. The father came from Washington County,
Pennsylvania, and the mother from North Adams, Massachusetts.
The grandparents, Archibald and Margaret (Vosbinder)
Cunningham, were natives of Washington County, Pennsylvania.
He was born there in 1774, and in 1821 traveled overland to
Wayne County, Ohio, dying soon after his arrival.
John Cunningham came to Lima in 1831 from Wayne
County. For a number of years he was a school teacher in
Allen County. For many years he owned and operated a
pottery, and he was a successful business man. He was
liberal with his money, giving to the needy and always
contributing to community benevolences. He was later
promoter and contractor, and was an active man in the Lima
business community of his time. Mr. Cunningham was
a Presbyterian and very active in church work in the community.
Mr. Cunningham died Apr. 22, 1881, and he died Mar. 10,
two years later. In the Cunningham ancestry,
Archibald was a son of James, and James
was a son of John who in turn was a son of James
Cunningham who came from Scotland in 1737 to Philadelphia.
In 1789 the Cunninghams migrated from Pennsylvania to
Washington County, Pennsylvania, and in 1821 to Wayne County,
Ohio, and since 1831 there have been Cunninghams in Lima
and Allen County.
Mrs. Smith's mother, Emeline Street Holloway
Cunningham, was a daughter of Dr. George and Louis
(Street) Holloway, and her grandmother, Lois Street
Holloway was a daughter of Jesse and Lois (Cook) Street,
the father of Revolutionary war soldier and a Minute Man at the
battle of Lexington and a descendant of Nicholas Street, who
came to America from England in 1630. The Cunninghams
have no difficulty in establishing their eligibility to
membership in the Revolutionary patriotic societies.
Mrs. Smith is a member of the local chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution.
The children born to Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Smith
are: Ethelwyn, with her mother in the family homestead on
Lakewood avenue, Lima; Helen is the wife of Albert L.
Gibbs of Jacksonville, Florida, and they have a daughter,
Marion Josephine. Marion is the wife of Paul
Leche of New Orleans, Louisiana, and they have two children,
Marion Jeanne and Paul Warren. Lenore
is a teacher and lives at the family home. In her young
womanhood Mrs. Smith was a teacher in Lima and
Bellefontaine, and served as principal in Bellefontaine.
She is active in the social life of Lima, having been a member
of the Woman's Club since 1886, and she has frequently served as
its president. She is a member of the Woman's Musical
Club, and an active worker in the Presbyterian Church, and for
many years has been a Sunday school teacher there.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 255 |
has had some share in the industrial work of Allen County,
though the greater part of his years have been spent at farming.
He is a dairyman and stock farmer and owner of one of the best
improved places in Perry Township, his home being on rural route
No. 6 out of Lima.
Mr. Smith was born in American Township of Allen
County, Nov. 4, 1864, son of William B. and Barbara (Conrad)
Smith. His parents were natives of Fairfield County,
Ohio. His maternal grandfather, George Conrad, was
a native of Pennsylvania. From Fairfield County William
B. Smith and wife moved to Allen County and bought more than
300 acres of land in what was then German, now American
Township. He had barely started the improvement of the
farm when his death occurred on July 2, 1864, several months
before the birth of his son Richard E. The widowed
mother afterward married Samuel Baumgardner, who died
five or six years later, and she continued to live on the old
homestead farm until her death at the very advanced age of
ninety-five, in March, 1920. Richard E. Smith was
the youngest of a number of children. Isabel, the
oldest, is Mrs. Wesley Reed, of Bucklin, Ohio; Taylor
lives at Lima; Harrison is deceased; George is a
resident of Cleveland; Mary, widow of Jackson
Keller, is a resident of Muskegon, Michigan; Martin
lives at Lima; William had his home in American Township;
Ellen is Mrs. Gilbert Shook, of Muncie, Indiana;
and Jacob is deceased, his widow living in Perry
Richard E. Smith grew up in his mother's home,
was educated in the district schools, and was married at the age
of twenty-six, on May 20, 1890, to Elizabeth Alexander.
She was born at Allentown in Allen County, a daughter of
James and Lydia (Crimeau) Alexander. Her grandparents,
Adam and Elizabeth (Housel) Alexander, were natives of
Connecticut, while her maternal grandparents were John and
Nancy (Docerty) Crimeau.
After his marriage Mr. Smith
continued to live on the home farm and managed it for his mother
two years. He then went to Lima and found a place in the
steel works of that city, and for some time was foreman of a
crane crew. He was with the steel works fifteen months,
until the plant was shut down on account of fire. Mr.
Smith then went into the oil fields around St. Mary's, and
had a varied assignment of duties at nearly everything connected
with the oil industry for about seven years. In the
meantime he had bought twenty acres in Amanda Township, and on
leaving St. Mary's moved to that farm, where he resided three
yeas. Leaving Allen County, he bought seventy acres in
Wilshire Township of Van Wert County, and was busily engaged in
farming there for several years. Mr. Smith lost his
wife while in Van Wert County on May 30, 1905. In 1906 he
returned to Allen County and bought ninety-five acres in section
32 of Perry Township. He has added to the residence, built
a complete new equipment of barns and other farm buildings, and
has made many improvements to increase the efficiency and value
of the place. Ninety acres are under cultivation and five
acres still constitute a wood lot. This is the Elm Row
Farm, and is devoted to general farming, the raising of Holstein
cattle for dairy purposes, registered Duroc Jersey hogs and
White Leghorn chickens.
Mr. Smith has both children and grandchildren,
most of whom live in Allen County: Terry, a
resident of Lima, married Florence Kitterman and has
three children, Lester, Ralph and Floyd; Violet Chloe,
her father's housekeeper, is the wife of Roy Penthtel and
has a son, Melvin Gail; Lelia Grace is wife of Walter
Fritz, of Perry Township, and has four children, Matilda,
Violet, Geraldine and Walter; Belva lives with her
sister Leila Grace, and has one daughter, Vivian
Vondale; Berline, of Lima, married Claudice Young.
Mr. Smith is a member of the United Brethren Church at
Elida, is an independent voter and has filled all the chairs in
Tent No. 190 of the Knights of the Maccabees at St. Mary's.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 250 |
The record of Mr. Smith is that of a man who by his own
unaided efforts worked his way from a modest beginning to a
position of affluence and influence in the business world.
His life has been of unceasing industry and perseverance, and
the systematic and honorable methods which he has followed have
won for him the unbounded confidence of his fellow citizens of
Lima and Allen county.
William Alfred Smith, the successful and
well-known sheet-metal contractor of Lima, was born in
Rensselaer county, New York, in 1855, and is the son of
Alfred Allen and Abigail (Higgins) Smith, and through both
paternal and maternal lines he is descended from sterling old
English stock, the father having been born at Birmingham and the
mother in London. Previous to their marriage they
emigrated to the United States, the father coming alone and
Mrs. Smith with her parents. Location was made in New
York state, where the father followed his trade, that of a metal
worker at Rensselaer and Watervliet. When William
Alfred was about one eyar old the family moved to
Bloomington, Illinois, where they remained a short time, or
until the panic of 1857 swept over the country, when they
returned to New York state, locating first at Union village, but
two year later again locating in Watervliet. In that city
the son William attended public and private schools until
sixteen years of age, when under his father's directions he
learned the trade of a sheet metal worker, being so employed
there for three years. Then for about six months he was
employed in a law office, after which he worked in various parts
of the country and at different occupations as a journeyman
metal worker, a lake sailor, a woodman, farmer, as a section
hand on the Texas Western Railroad, and as a gardener at Houston
and Galveston, Texas, after which he again followed his trade
for four years. In 1881 Mr. Smith came to Lima and
entered the employ of J. R. Hughes as a sheet metal
worker, remaining with him as an employe seven years. He
then bought the business from Mr. Hughes, whose business
was an old established one, and Mr. Smith has since that
time been continuously engaged in that business here. His
first location was in the Union Block on the Public Square,
whence he moved to No. 113 East Spring street two years later.
Having outgrown that location he next established himself at
Main and Spring streets, where he remained three years.
Then for four years he was located in the Linneman Block,
and the following five years he was in the Metzger Block on
South Main street, at the end of that time moving to his present
location, Nos. 134-136-138 South Central Avenue. He is
well equipped to handle any kind of a contract in his line and
he has done the metal work on many of the largest buildings in
this community, including the Central High School Building, the
Lima Gas Office, the Thayer Flats and other similar buildings.
He is prepared to manufacture metal articles of all kinds and
keeps a large force of men continually busy both in the shop and
outside. Mr. Smith has earned a high reputation
because of his sound business methods, promptness, reliability
and courtesy being the elements which has rewarded his efforts
since identifying himself with the business interests of this
In 1881 Mr. Smith was married to Sarah E.
Napier, the daughter of William and Sarah (Huff) Napier,
of near Lima. Mr. Napier of whom extended mention
is made on other pages in this volume, was one of the pioneers
of Allen county.
Politically, Mr. Smith is an independent
Republican; fraternally he is a member of the Knights of
Pythias, while his religious member Church. The beginning
of Mr. Smith's career was characterized by hard work, and
conscientious endeavor, and he owes his rise solely ot his own
honest efforts. He is essentially public enterprises, and
because of his business success and his high personal character
he enjoys the general confidence and esteem of the
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 48 |
About the time he was old enough to vote Daniel Oscar Snider
left the home farm in Allen County and found employment in
the oil fields of the Lima district, but much the greater
portion of his mature life has been spent in the service of the
Ohio Electric Railroad Company, with which he has had repeated
advancement in technical responsibilities, and for a number of
years past has been chief engineer of the company at Lima.
Mr. Snider was born in Auglaize Township of
Allen County, near the Town of Harrod, Apr. 10, 1872, a son of
Amos and Elizabeth J. Snider. The grandfather,
George Snider, came from Germany when twelve years of age
with his parents, and grew up on a farm in Perry County, Ohio.
In the three generations of the Snider family that have
lived in Ohio most of them have been farmers. The
Sniders came to Allen County when the country was
practically covered with dense woods, and as a family they did
their share of the strenuous labor of clearing away the timber
and developing farms. Amos Snider was the second in
a family of nine children, and the only one of that generation
now living is George Snider in this county. Amos
Snider spent most of his life on the home farm in Jackson
township, but his death occurred in Lima July 28, 1916.
His widow is still living.
Daniel Oscar Snider is the sixth of nine
children, all of whom are still living with the exception of the
oldest son, who died Sept. 20, 1920. As a boy Daniel
acquired his education in the Baker schoolhouse, two miles
from the home farm walking back and forth every day during the
winter terms. In summer his time was given to the work of
the fields, and after he was nineteen he worked altogether on
the farm until 1893, when he came to Lima and during the next
four years worked as a teamster in the oil fields. Leaving
that work he became a lineman for the Lineman for the Lima Light
Company, and after two and a half years was advanced to oiler,
serving in that capacity six years, and at the time the new
power house was built at Lima by the Ohio Electric Railroad
Company in 1900 he was given duties as engineer, a post for
which he had splendid qualifications, and is one of the veterans
in the service of the corporation. Since 1917 he has been
hief engineer, and had the supervision of thirty men in his
department, but the force now numbers twenty-five men.
In 1894 Mr. Snider married Bertie Norris,
a daughter of George Norris, of Harrod, Allen county.
They have two children, a son and daughter. Norris Amos,
who was born in 1895, is oil tester at the Solar Refinery.
He married Beryl Verbright, of Lima, and has two
children, Ruth Eleanor and Richard.
Gladys Snider became the wife of Harlin Prosser,
general foreman of the Lima Sheet Metal Works, who died Mar.
28,1921. They had one child, Donald.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 314 |
has lived to fourscore years, and these long years have been
accompanied by substantial achievement. As a resident of
Allen County for half a century he is widely known and esteemed.
Mr. Snider though retired from the burdens of
agriculture is still living in his home in Perry Township, on
rural route No. 5 out of Lima. He was born in Perry
County, Ohio, May 9, 1840, son of George N. and Rhoda
(Schofield) Snider. Daniel Snider, his grandfather,
moved his family out of Pennsylvania with wagon and team and
settled in Perry County, Ohio, in 1805. George N.
Snider was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, in 1800,
and grew up in the pioneer seciton of Perry County. HIs
wife was born in Maryland, and her parents, Elijah and Mrs.
(Farmer) Schofield, natives of that state, also came across
country at an early date to Perry County. George N.
Snider after his marriage settled on a farm in Perry County,
but in 1875 sold out and joined some of his children in Allen
County. George L. Snider was the youngest of ten
children and is the only survivor.
He acquired his education in the common schools of
Perry County and on feb. 8, 1862, at the age of twenty-two
married Delila Roberts. She was born in Muskingum
County, Ohio, a daughter of John and Catherine (Horn) Roberts.
Her parents were natives either of Maryland or of Virginia.
After his marriage Mr. Snider lived with his father about
three years, then moved to the farm of his wife's father, and
four years later sold forty acres he owned in that section of
Ohio and moved to Allen County. His first home in this
county was in Jackson Township, where he bought 100 acres,
partly improved. He had most of the land in cultivation
before he sold the farm to his father. He then bought 100
acres in Auglaize Township and as his prosperity justified he
added more land until at one time he had 212 acres in Auglaize
Township and as his prosperity justified he added more land
until at one time he had 212 acres. Subsequently he sold
out portions of this, and in August, 1920, he sold the
remainder, 120 acres, and thus relieved of the cares and
responsibilities of property management, he lives with his son
George in Perry Township. He is an active member
and deacon of the Church of the Brethren and a republican voter.
Mr. and Mrs. Snider had a large family of
children; Amanda, Mrs. Monroe Thayer, of Lima;
Solomon, who died in February, 1920, leaving a widow in
Jackson Township; Mary, deceased; Rhoda, Mrs. Isaac
Mowrey of Jackson Township; George A., of Perry
Township; Della, Mrs. Solomon Lehmer, of Los Angeles,
California; Malinda, Mrs. Ira Buck, of Franklin Grove,
Illinois; Jesse, who lives in California; Elizabeth,
Mrs. Robert Clark, of Mount Morris, Illinois; and Whitney,
who was the eighth in order of birth, died at the age of sixteen
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 295 |
Some of the most important interests of agriculture and stock
industry of Allen County have been concentrated in the
Strayer family for a long period of years. Living on
land originally acquired by his father, George W. Strayer
has for many years been one of the men of enterprise in the
agricultural section of Amanda Township. His home in six
miles northeast of Spencerville.
He was born in the same township, near Zion Church,
July 4, 1860, son of Samuel K. and Sarah A. (Elliker) Strayer.
His father was born in Pennsylvania in September, 1820, while
his mother was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, in 1830.
After their marriage they settled on the land where George W.
Strayer now lives, and in course of time Samuel Strayer
now lives, and in course of time Samuel Strayer owned 164
acres, well improved, and from this soil he gained his
prosperity and provided for his family. He was a democrat
in politics, and his wife was a faithful member of the Christian
Union Church at Hartford. In their family were seven
children: Mary E., widow of Joshua McGath, of
Delphos, Ohio; Lydia A., wife of Frank F. Miller,
of Amanda Township; Isabel, wife of Samuel F. Ditto,
of Marion Township; George W.; Adaline,
widow of George Busset, of Delphos; Clara A.,
wife of Levi Roush, a Amanda Township; and
Samuel S., a farmer in Amanda Township.
George W. Strayer grew up on the old farm in
Amanda Township, acquired his education in the local schools,
and lived at home until he reached his majority. He then
began renting a farm, and on July 5, 1884, married Mattie E.
Haverstick, who was born in Amanda Township Feb. 7, 1860.
For over thirty-five years Mr. Strayer has been a
practical farmer, and largely from his own earnings has paid for
and developed the farm of 100 acres he owns. He is a
stockholder in the Farmers Union Elevator at Spencerville, and
has associated himself with all progressive movements in his
community. He is a democrat, and with his family is a
member of the Methodist Church. There are three children:
Samuel F.; Jennie, wife of Ira Miller,
of Spencerville; and Nile M., at home.
Samuel F. Strayer has already achieved a place
of consequence in his community, both as a practical and
business-like farmer and as the present treasurer of Amanda
Township. He was born in Marion Township of Allen County
Apr. 21, 1885, and was educated in the district schools and the
Lima Business College. Since leaving school he has been
associated with his father in the farm and owns twenty acres in
his own right. He is a member of the Methodist Church and
is affiliated with Deep Cut Lodge No. 311 of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 263 |
Though born in another Ohio county, Samuel Strayer
has spent practically all his life in Allen County, and for the
greater part of half a century has devoted his efforts
consecutively and with a rising degree of prosperity to the
vocation of farming. He has one of the complete and well
systematized farms of Amanda Township, located six miles
southwest of Elida on rural route No. 2.
He was born in Fairfield County May 2, 1852, and was
about four moths old when his parents, in August, 1852 moved to
Allen County. Nicholas and Elizabeth (Layman) Strayer
were born in Pennsylvania but were married in Fairfield County,
Ohio. On coming to Allen County they settled in the woods
of Amanda Township. There first home was a cabin built in
a small clearing. Nicholas Strayer was well fitted
for pioneer duties and gradually the acres of his cultivated
fields expanded and long before his death he had one of the good
farms and was rated as one of the prosperous men of the
community. He and his wife were very active in church
relations and in politics he was a democrat. In the family
were seven children: Catherine, wife of David Baxter;
Samuel; avid a farmer living near Elida; Rebecca,
deceased; John, an Amanda Township farmer; William,
also of Amanda Township; and Della, widow of George
Clark, living at Fort Worth, Texas.
Samuel Strayer while growing to manhood
on the old farm in Amanda Township attended the common schools
and worked in the fields as his strength permitted. At the
age of twenty-one he began selling sewing machines, but followed
that occupation only about a year.
Apr. 15, 1875, he married Emeline Miller, who
was born in Amanda Township, and died in 1892. She was the
mother of Mr. Strayer's six children, named Charles,
Jennie, Guy, James, Roy and Lester. The son
Roy did his duty as a soldier in the World war, went
overseas, and is now living at Lima. Mr. Strayer on
Nov. 11, 1893, married Emma A. Miller, a cousin of his
first wife. She is an active member of the Methodist
Church and in politics he is a democrat.
Mr. Strayer's farm comprises ninety-four acres,
and he has it well stocked with good grades of cattle, hogs and
other animals. He is also a stockholder in the Peoples
Bank of Delphos, Ohio.
Source: A Standard History of Allen County, Ohio
- Vol. II - Publ. Chicago: Warner i.e. Warner, Beers & Co., 1921
- Page 273 |