(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
History of Ashland County, Ohio
with Illustrations and Biographical
by George William Hill, M.D. -
Published by Williams Bros.
-1880 -
MANG, in 1816, entered seven quarters of land in Perry
Township. Upon one of these quarters resides his son
Samuel, upon another Peter.
He was an emigrant from Somerset County,
Pennsylvania, and when he visited the county he made his home
with Jerome.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 467 |
MAPES removed to Hanover Township in the spring of 1822.
He had previously resided in Muskingum County. When he
commenced improvement upon the land he now occupies, his nearest
neighbors on the north were Edward S. Hibbard and
Gilbert Pell, two miles distant; on the east, his nearest
neighbor was about four miles distant; on the south, John
Fifer, four miles; and on the west, William Dorland,
about five miles.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 378 |
MARKEL was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania,
Dec., 1813, and came with his parents to Congress township,
Wayne county, in 1837. The name of his father was
Solomon Markle, Sr., who died in 1852, at the age of
fifty-two years; his mother died in 1852, at the age of
fifty-two years; his mother died in 1850, aged seventy-two
years. Solomon located on section sixteen, Orange
township, in 1837. He had married Miss Hannah
Howman of Congress, Wayne county, prior to locating in
Orange. Their family consists of five boys, Jacob,
Israel, Aaron, Franklin, and Lewis C., and four
girls, Mary, Margaret, Elizabeth and Hannah J.
The children are all married but Lewis C. They are
much scattered, living in the new States. Mr. Markel
possesses a fine homestead of one hundred and sixty acres of
well-improved land, on section sixteen, Orange township.
Israel Markel was born in Westmoreland county,
Pennsylvania, Feb. 7, 1819, and came with his father's family to
Congress township, Wayne county, in April, 1835, where he
remained until 1839, and married shortly after settling on
section sixteen, in Orange township, Miss Mariah Ricket,
in 1839. Mr. Markel has been a justice of the peace
two terms, a constable two terms, and a coroner of the county
one term, in 1846. He now rides in Ashland, but retains
one hundred and seventy acres of his homestead in Orange
township, on sections sixteen and nine. His family
consists of six boys: Jacob W., George A., Samuel D., Israel
C., a physician, Isaiah F. and Henry A.,
lawyer, and four daughters, Eliza, Rachel, Lucia A. and
Artha M. Like the family of Solomon, they
are much scattered in the west and in this State.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 226 |
MARKLEY, from Somerset county, Pennsylvania, purchased the
Trickle farm in Montgomery township, and moved to the cabin, a
twelve by twelve structure, early in the spring of 1815.
When he arrived, there was a camp of Indians on the present site
of the residence of Jerry Fulkerson, in South
Ashland, and two or three camps down the stream about half a mile,
all of which contained about fifty Indians, including their squaws
and pappooses. They were engaged in hunting and making
sugar, and had twenty or thirty ponies, and a number of dogs with
them. They left early in the summer. Mr.
Markley's family consisted of himself, wife, and seven sons -
Jonathan, John, Matthias, Moses,
Aaron, Horatio, and Solomon; and two daughters,
Matilda and Frances. They left four sons,
grown, in Pennsylvania - Philip, Peter, David,
and Joseph. They came by Canton and Wooster.
They brought seven horses, and a fine covered wagon, and six milch
cows. The forests were filled with grass, pea-vines, and
shrubbery, upon which the cattle and horses fed.
The first summer, Mr. Markley, wife and
two daughters slept in the little cabin, and the boys in and under
the covered wagon. Conrad Kline, who had
purchased the Carter farm (since owned by John
Mason), and John Heller, were kind enough to
supply Markley and family with corn-meal at a neighborly
price, until they could purchase corn and get it ground at one of
the mills. Aaron Markley, the only member of
the family in this county, says: "Corn-bread, hominy, a little
pork, and a tin of good milk constituted their luxuries the first
summer and winter."
The old gentleman, aided by his seven sons, soon
prepared a few acres of corn, which they cultivated with care, and
which yielded a tolerable crop. Their next care was to put
up a hewed log cabin. It was completed and ready to be
occupied early in the fall.
When winter began to approach, Mr. Markley
went to Mansfield and purchased three large hogs, for which he
paid eighty-four dollars and fifty cents. This constituted
the winter meat for the family. Jonathan and
Horatio took five horses with pack-saddles, and following the
Indian paths proceeded to Owl creek, the "Egypt" of northern Ohio,
for corn. They purchased five loads of shelled corn, and
went to Shrimplin's mill to get it ground; but the mill
having given out, they brought it home, and it was crushed in the
hominy block by pounding. After this process, it was sifted,
and the coarse fragments being separated, were converted into
hominy, and the balance into corn-bread. Thus the winter of
1816 passed with the Markleys.
The Markley family soon became famous for their
uncommon size and strength. The old gentleman weighed two
hundred and sixty pounds, the old lady two hundred and forty, and
the boys, when grown, averaged about two hundred and fifty, while
Aaron, the runt of the family, weighs two hundred and
thirty. The boys, with the exception of Aaron,
averaged about six feet three inches in height - Aaron
being about five feet seven. It is asserted by the early
settlers that David, the third son, could lift by the
chimes a barrel of sugar water, and drink from the bung-hole.
It is rare that such a family of giants is found in a new country.
No one had the temerity to contend with David.
Samuel, Thomas, and Solomon Urie, all six
feet high, and very stout, sometimes had a little tilt with the
Markleys, but rarely won a laurel.
Aaron Markley now (1880) resides on the
old homestead, is seventy-nine years of age, and is the only
member of the family in this county.
Joseph Markley, sr., died in 1831,
aged sixty years, and his wife soon followed him to the tomb.
Most of his sons went west, where several of them have risen to
posts of honor.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 199 |
Lake Twp. -
GEORGE MARKS removed to Lake Township from
Washington County, Pennsylvania, in June, 1819. His family
then consisted of his wife and four children, namely:
Mary, Ephraim, William, and George.
The citizens then residing in Lake Township, according
to his best recollection were Wm. Green, Wm. Greenlee, Asahel
Webster, Joshua Oram, Jabez Smith, James Loudon Priest, and
John Wetherbee.
Mr. Marks entered the tract of land upon
which his sons, Robert and George, now reside in Lake
Mary married Benjamin Finley, and died in
1854; Ephraim is a resident of Loudonville; William
died in 1842, and George, as before stated, resides
with his younger brother upon the old homestead.
The first sale of lots in Loudonville was made on the
14th of September, 1814. The land upon which the town is
situated was originally entered by James Loudon Priest,
who subsequently sold an undivided interest to Stephen Butler,
and they jointly executed titles to purchasers.
Mr. Marks died on the 2d of October, 1861,
having attained the age of 74 years.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 388 |
Vermillion Twp. -
GEORGE MARSHALL immigrated to Vermillion
Township, and purchased of James Lawhead the land upon
which a part of his family now reside, in April, 1822. He
emigrated from Pennsylvania, with his wife - all his children
having been born in Vermillion Township. Mr. Marshall
died on the 6th of January, 1852, in his fifty-third year.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 282 |
MARTIN MASON, SR., was born in Germany in 1742, and emigrated with his parents to
America in 1745, and settled on the south branch of the
Potomac river, in Virginia. When he was
about thirteen years of age, in 1755, he was captured by the Indians. This occurred about two weeks after
the disastrous defeat of General Braddock,
when on his way to attack Fort DuQuesne. Young
Mason was taken by the Indians to the
fort, and thence, by Niagara, to Canada, where he was purchased by a French officer at
Montreal. When
General Wolfe captured
Quebec, in
1759, young Mason was ordered, by his
master, to conduct the family to a neighboring swamp for safety during the
battle. Four years after the
surrender of the city to the English, in 1763, he was liberated and returned
home, after an absence of about eight years, where he remained until his
marriage. He subsequently removed,
after an absence of about eight years, where he remained until his marriage. He subsequently removed to what is
now Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and located land by “tomahawk right,” which
consisted in blazing trees around the tract selected and having it surveyed and
recorded, all of which cost but a trifle.
This was four or five years after the Dunmore
war, when with his neighbors, he was greatly harassed by the Indians for a
number of years.
Mr. Mason died at an advanced age on the old homestead of the late
Jacob Mason, in Orange, in 1838, aged ninety-six years, leaving nine children:
Elizabeth, Barbara, Margaret, Abigail,
Mary, John, Martin, Charles, and
Jacob. Martin and
Jacob located in Orange township, Ashland
county, and Charles in Columbiana
county, Ohio. He was born in Fayette county,
Pennsylvania, Feb. 16, 1780, and died in
Columbiana county, in Apr., 1869, aged about eighty-nine years. He had four sons,
John, Martin, Jacob, and
Martin emigrated to Ashland county in 1844, and settled on a quarter
of land purchased by his father in 1814.
He was born Apr. 12, 1817. He
still resides on the homestead. His
children are a son, W. A. Mason, and two daughters, Emila and Mary.
Source: History of Ashland Co.,
– Publ. by William Bros. – 1880 - Page 214
MASTERS immigrated, with his wife, to Clearcreek
Township, southeast quarter of section 34, from Somerset County,
Pennsylvania, in May, 1830, and improved the land, and has made
it his residence since.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 162
- Clearcreek Twp. |
MAURER removed to Plain Township, Wayne County, in
November, 1821. He was an emigrant from Pennsylvania.
In April, 1825, he purchased and removed to the land in Perry
Township, now occupied by William Adams. His
family, at this time, consisted of his wife and eight children,
the only survivors of whom, now residing in Perry Township, are
his widow, his son William, and widowed daughter, Mrs.
Ann Jackson. Mrs. Maurer if she lives until the 18th
of August, 1862, will be eighty-seven years of age. Mr.
Maurer died Jan . 13th, 1860, aged eighty-three years and
eight months.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 467 |
McCONNELL, brother of Mrs. Solomon Urie, located
in Orange township about the same time that the Uries
came. He was an accomplished backwoodsman and Indian
fighter. He was a relative of the famous Alexander
McConnell, of Washington county, Pennsylvania, and also a
relative of Colonel Williamson. He had many
encounters with the Indians in the border wars, and in the Miami
and Wabash country; and is believed to have settled in number of
accounts with the Green and Jerometown Indians after he
came to this county. Being a bachelor, while a resident of
Orange township, he spent a good deal of time in his forest
camps, hunting deer, bear, wolves, and other game. He had
lost many dear friends in the border wars; and hence had no very
strong attachments for his red neighbors. He never
hesitated, when threatened with danger by the Indians, as he
roamed through the forest, to face his foe, and resent impending
attacks; particularly when he met savages who had made
themselves conspicuous in murdering the border settlers.
Some thirty-five years since, when game had grown
scarce in the region, McConnell sought a new home in the
wilds of Wood county, where he remained a few years, and then
located in Eaton county, Michigan, where he died.
Hardy, frank and fearless, he seemed to enjoy a lonely
hut i the wilderness, like Boone and Kenton, more than the
restraints of civilized society.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 204 |
McCOOL was born in Pennsylvania in 1822, came to Ohio in
1838, and settled in Green township, Ashland county. He is
a miller by trade and occupied the old steam-mill in Ashland in
1861, when he was elected sheriff of Ashland county, and held
the office two terms. In 1866 he bought an interest in
John W. Springer's livery stable, and remained in
partnership with him one year, when he sold his share to
Springer, and bought out Helpman's stock of
groceries, and was engaged in that business until 1875, when he
sold his share to Springer, and went to Minneapolis,
Minnesota, where he is engaged in milling. In 1845 he
married Rhoda Swacick, and is the father of seven
children, four of whom are living, viz.: James; William
A., who married Elizabeth Denner; Henry C., of
Perryville; and Chas. W., of Ashland.
(Source: History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880. - Page 282 |
A. McCOOL was born in Ashland county in 1850 and received
a common school education. When he was fourteen years old
he went to work for David Whiting, of Ashland, where he
learned to be a machinist, and has always worked at his trade.
He is now one of the proprietors of the Perrysville machine
works. In politics he is a Democrat. In 1871 he
married Elizabeth Denner, of Rowsburgh, Ashland county,
and is the father of four children: Jesse M. who died in
infancy; Howard S., William A., and Charles E.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 252 |
Vermillion Twp. -
HARRISON McCRARY was born in Vermillion
township, Ashland county, Ohio, July 3, 1840. His
grandfather, John McCrary, was among the pioneers of this
section of Ohio, having removed from Jefferson county,
Pennsylvania about 1812, and settled on the Black fork, and soon
after sold his farm there and came to Vermillion township, and
purchased the tract of land where the subject of this sketch now
lives, and where he was born. His father, David McCrary,
was a young unmarried man at that time; and engaged in the
hardships of those early times, and assisted in clearing the
land. When Harrison was a small boy his father
died, and his mother built the house in which he now lives; she
died September 30, 1876. In October, 1863, Mr. McCrary
was married to Miss Elizabeth Sackett of Montgomery
township, Ashland county. They have had nine children, one
of whom is dead; the eight living are at home with their
parents. Mr. McCrary gives his farm his whole time.
It is one out of many of the farms that has been held by members
of the same family for over sixty years. In politics he is
a Republican, but his ticket is cast in every case, for the man
who, in his judgment, is best fitted to fill the office to which
he is chosen, regardless of political name. Mr.
and Mrs. McCrary are members of the Presbyterian church at
Hayesville, Ohio.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 299 |
McCUTCHIN was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania,
August 3, 1803. He resided a short time, in his youth, in
Maryland, where he attended school. In 1815 his father's family
removed to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where he served an
apprenticeship of three years at the hatter's business. In 1828 he
married Nancy Stem, and removed to Pittsburgh. In
1835 he came to Orange township, Richland (now Ashland) county,
and, in 1845, removed to Savannah, where he still resides.
His wife died in 1843, and, in 1845, he married Mary Ann
Freeborn, daughter of one of the pioneers of Clearcreek.
Mr. McCutchin has been in the mercantile
business for many years. He connected with the Methodist Episcopal
church in 1818. He became a member of the Masonic fraternity in
Pittsburgh—Miller lodge, No. 165 —in 1830, and of Western Star
lodge, of the Odd Fellows, No. 24, in 1832. He has been notary
public about seventeen years; mayor of Savannah four years;
postmaster eleven years, and township treasurer six years. He is
the father of a large family, part of whom are married, and part
Mr. McCutchin is a quiet and undemonstrative
citizen. In politics he acts with the Democratic party, though not
proscriptive in his opinions.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 181 |
McGUIRE visited Montgomery Township in the year 1810, on
a hunting and exploring excursion. There were no white
inhabitants in the township at that date. Robert Newell
removed to the township the succeeding year, (1811,) from White
Eyes Plains, (Newcomerstown,) Tuscarawas County, Ohio.
Mr. McGuire is the present owner and occupant of a farm
which was among the original entries of Mr. Newell.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 200 |
B. McKIBBEN immigrated to Clearcreek Township, and
settled upon the farm he has since improved and now occupies, on
teh 31st of May, 1828. Mr. McKibben emigrated from
Beaver County, Pennsylvania, a place about two miles east of the
State line. His family at that time consisted of wife and
son, William C.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 163
- Clearcreek Twp. |
Vermillion Twp. -
BENJAMIN S. McKINLEY was born in Juniata
county, Pennsylvania, July 31, 1825. In 1835, he came to
Ohio with his parents, and settled in what is now Mohican
township, Ashland county. Sept. 10, 1848, he was married
to Sarah Ryland, daughter of William and Catharine
Ryland, who were among Ashland county's early settlers.
Mr. and Mrs. McKinley's parents are dead. They have
four children, two sons and two daughters: Judson,
Lillie Alice, Emer, and Sadie Agnes. Lillie Alice
is the wife of Abraham Hossler, who owns a farm adjoining
his father-in-law. Emer married Mary Brubaker,
of Mohican township, and owns a farm adjoining Mr. Hossler.
Judson owns a farm adjoining his father's place, but as he
is yet living in single blessedness, he makes his home with his
parents. Sadie Agnes is yet unmarried and lives at
home. Mr. McKinley is one of the most thorough,
go-ahead farmers of Vermillion township, and is a neighbor
highly respected by all who know him. Though a very hard
worker for a man of his age, he is genial and companionable.
He loves a good horse, and has the gratification of having some
that he has raised on his own farm. In politics he is a
Democrat. Both himself and wife are members of the
Presbyterian church at Hayesville, Ohio.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880. - Page 304 |
McLAUGHLIN, a Pennsylvanian by birth, adopted Milton
Township as his home in 1816. He subsequently resided in
Montgomery, and, in 1830, having in the mean time married,
repaired to his present residence in Orange Township.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 518 |
McMURRAY emigrated from Mecklenberg County, North
Carolina, to Jefferson County, Ohio, in 1816; from the latter
place he immigrated to the township which subsequently became
Clearcreek, in the fall of 1819. His family at this time
consisted of his wife and the following children, namely:
Mary, James, Robert, Margaret, and William. Mr.
McMurray died on the 20th February, 1843, in the sixty
second year of his age. Robert McMurray, Esq.,
at present a resident of the town of Ashland, is the only
survivor of the family now living within Ashland County.
Death of James McMurray.
On the 19th of August, 1830,
while engaged with his father, brother William, and
Daniel Huffman, in digging a well upon the place of
his father, (being the farm now owned by David Shriver,)
he came to a painful death under the following circumstances:
The younger brother, William, had been in the well, and,
being oppressed with a feeling of suffocation, asked to be drawn
up by those who had charge of the windless above; which request
being accomplished, James, the elder brother, under the
impression that it was an idle fancy that had afflicted the
younger brother, determined to descend the well himself.
He accordingly, after having thrown down his implements for the
purpose of spiking the well, was lowered in the tub, and, after
descending about midway, (twenty feet,) those in charge of the
windless discovered, by the instant lessening of weight, that
the occupant of the tub had fallen! The fall, (twenty
feet,) aside from "the damps," would have doubtless produced
immediate death; and those above fully realized the fate of
their companion. It was with much difficulty that Mr.
Huffman restrained the younger brother from an attempt to
rescue the one in the well. The alarm soon spread, and
Thomas Brink, together with Robert McMurray, Elias
Ford, and others, who were at work in gathering the timber
for the Ford meeting house, assembled about the scene of
the disaster. Within about two hours after he had fallen,
his body, in the presence of some fifty people, was drawn from
the well, after numerous other efforts had failed, by means of
the hooks of strong steelyards, which had been lowered into the
well, and obtained fastening to his clothes.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 163 |
McNAULL, removed to the land he how occupies, being a
quarter on the southeast section of Montgomery Township, in the
spring of 1815. Mr. McNaull was born in Ireland,
but had resided in Lancaster Co., Penn., six years, and in
Frederick Co., Md., the same length of time; and from the latter
place he removed to the place above described. His nearest
neighbor was William Reed, of Vermillion Township.
He had no family other than his wife; all his children having
been born in this county.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 200 |
Vermillion Twp. -
WILLIAM McNAULL was born in what is now
Montgomery township, Ashland county, Ohio, about four miles east
of Ashland, Nov. 18, 1816. His parents came to Ashland
county in 1815, and may well be classed among Ashland county's
pioneers. They teamed from the State of Maryland, and
entered land in what was at that day a wilderness. Here
they went to work in good old fashioned pioneer style.
they raised a family of six children, all of whom lived to
maturity. William, the subject of this sketch,
remained with his parents until he was about twenty-three or
four hears of age, when his disposition led him to investigate
distant countries, States, and territories, which he continued
to do for several years, occasionally returning to the scenes of
his childhood, and in March, 1865, he was married to Miss
Elizabeth Adams of Vermillion township. They have no
children. The place where they now live was cleared almost
entirely by Mr. McNaull or under his directions. He
has a good farm and it is well improved. He is a Democrat
in politics, and is a good neighbor, highly esteemed as a
literary man, far superior to many who have had equal
privileges. Mrs. McNaullis a member of the
Presbyterian church at Hayesville, Ohio.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 300 |
MEDOWELL removed to Orange Township from Stark County, in
November, 1823. His son, William, entered in his
name the southwest quarter of section 26. It had been
previously entered by Michael Koontz, and forfeited by
him for nonpayment. The family of James Medowell at
this time consisted of his wife and five children, namely,
William, Harriet, (now Mrs. Speekman, of Stark
County,) John, James, and Henry. OF these,
William and John continue to reside in Orange
Township - the former being the owner of the old homestead.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 517 |
Abner E. Mercer was born in Virginia, Jan. 19, 1810.
He emigrated with his family to Jackson county, Ohio, in 1812.
From that county his father, Levi Mercer, served as a
soldier in the war of 1812, in the northwest. In 1824 he removed
with his family to Milton township, Richland, now Ashland
county, where he entered a half section of land in section six.
He deceased in 1850, and his wife in 1853; he at the age of
seventy years, and she at seventy-three. They left a
numerous family - thirteen children - Sabra, Elizabeth, Levi,
Maria, Hale, Abner, Sarah, Mary, Jackson, Franklin, Mohada,
Washington and Caroline, and about one hundred
Ebner E. was a sixth member of the family, and
has resided on a part of the home farm since arriving at
manhood. He attended the common schools of the township,
and learned the trade of a plasterer. He married Miss
Thankful Crabbs, daughter of John Crabbs, near 1835
he became a member of the Disciple church, and adorned his faith
by an upright walk. In 1844 he became the elder of
Bryte's church, and was devoted to his faith.
Mr. Mercer was also a farmer of industrious
habits and admitted integrity and uprightness. When he
entered the township, in 1824, it was largely in its primitive
condition. The native forest had been comparatively
undisturbed by the woodman's axe. At the period
cabin-raising, log-rolling, and wood-cutting were the principal
occupations of the pioneers, who cheerfully volunteered their
aid to assist those who sought a home amid the forests.
Great have been the changes since the Mercers entered the
township, in 1824, it was largely in its primitive condition.
The native forest had been comparatively undisturbed by the
woodman's axe. At that period cabin-raising, log-rolling,
and wood-cutting were the principal occupations of the pioneers,
who cheerfully volunteered their aid to assist those who sought
a home amid the forests. Great have been the changes since
the Mercers entered the township. Mr. Mercer,
for the last six or seven years, had been greatly enfeebled
by that fell destroyer, consumption. The immediate
occasion of his last illness was pneumonia, of which he deceased
Feb. 23, 1877, and was interred at Bryte's church on the
He was the father of fourteen children - Jefferson,
John Levi, Polly, Madison, Abner, Sarah, Darius,
Benjamin, William, Silas, Jacob, Nancy, and one unnamed.
His funeral was attended by a large number of his neighbors, the
members of his family, and fourteen grandchildren. Mr.
Mercer still survives and is aged about sixty years.
Thus, one by one, the pioneers are being gathered home
by the great reaper, and soon the funeral chime will have tolled
the knell of the last early settler.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 226 |
MILLER immigrated to Uniontown, Montgomery Twp., from
Pennsylvania, in 1829. Now resides one-half mile north of
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 200 |
Vermillion Twp. -
JACOB MILLER was born in Bavaria, Germany,
in 1824. In 1830 he emigrated with his parents to America,
and located in Wayne county, seven miles northeast of Wooster.
Michael Miller, his father, died in 1842, July 30th.
In March, 1858, his mother died. In 1850 Mr. Miller
married Miss Mary Risser, daughter of Jacob Risser,
of Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio. In the
spring of 1860 he moved to the farm formerly owned by his
father-in-law in Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio,
where he now lives. They have had seven children, two of
whom are dead. One son and one daughter live in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. One daughter lives in
Loudonville, Ohio, and one son and one daughter live at home.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880. - Page 309 |
MOLTRUP, born in Shenango county, New York, in 1822, came
to Richland county in 1840, and settled in Perrysville in 1844. He
was a machinist, having learned his trade in Erie county,
Pennsylvania. He opened a machine shop and foundry in Loudonville,
and built the shop and foundry in company with Stephen Rust, on
the ground now occupied by the English Lutheran church. In 1850 he
sold out to Rust & Sons, and in 1852 came into possession of an
interest in the same business, which he continued about two years,
when he sold out to Tillson & Feik. In about three
years he purchased Feik's interest and continued the
business six years, when he sold out and went to Crawford county,
Ohio, where he remained nine years, when he returned to
Loudonville, and at present holds an interest in the machine shop,
doing business under the firm name of Moltrup, Sons &
Miller. While in Loudonville he held the office of
councilman two terms. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal
church. He married Rosanna
Rust, and after her death he married Hannah A.
Russell. He is the father of fourteen children, of whom eleven
are living, viz: Amanda, wife of J. W. Robinson, of
Pittsburgh; William, who married Caliste
Underwood, and lives in Perrysville; Helen; Ida, wife
of Thomas Underwood, of Perrysville; Mary;
Stephen; James T.; Rosanna; Walter; Jane; and
Charles F. The following is a list of James C.
Moltrup's inventions: In 1859 he invented a plow called
Moltrup's patent. It was made of either cast-iron or steel,
and is now in general use; a wrought-iron latch lever screw,
used for cider presses; a drag-saw and horse-power attachment; a
tire bender; a plaster dropper that can be attached to any corn
planter now in use; a patent bobsled; a school-house seat; a
machine for bending bobsled runners; a plow handle bender; an
adjustable kettle ear; also the inventor of one of the best
horse powers now in use; and manufactures four different styles
of seats for school-houses, and can be considered one of the
most ingenious men of the age.
| Source:
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 277 |
Troy Twp -
emigrated from Monroe County, New York, and settled in Troy
Township in 1833. At the first electin, in 1835, he was
chosen justice of the peace. At this election twelve or
fourteen votes were given.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 543 |
MORR was born in Center county, Pennsylvania, Oct. 10,
1796. He was of German descent. He resided in his
native county until manhood, when he married, and in the year
1827, with his wife and one child removed to section seven, in
Perry township, Wayne (now Ashland) county, Ohio, where he
continued to reside until his decease, which occurred Sunday,
June 10, 1877, at the advanced age of eighty years and eight
months. The immediate cause of his death was dropsy, of
which he suffered for many months.
When he landed in the woods, his neighbors were:
Charles Wilson, William Lash, Jonas H. Gierhart, William Latta,
Samuel Sheets, James Boots, Frederick Wise, Jacob and Benjamin
Myers, Hugh Carr, William Shisler, and Jacob Onstott; most
of whom have long since been called home to rest.
He entered the forest as a pioneer, cleared a
farm of ninety acres, and, erected substantial and valuable
buildings thereon. He passed through all the hardships and
privations incident to the settlement of all new countries.
He performed a full share of the toil expended in opening
highways through the dense forests, in log-rolling, erecting
cabins, school-houses and churches, and lived to see his
township and county thickly populated, and dotted with villages,
towns and happy homes.
He assisted in the erection of the first Lutheran
church, on the old Meng farm, east of Jeromeville, as far
back as 1833, and attended the same until about 1840, when a
small class of the Evangelical church was formed in his
neighborhood, and occasional preaching took place at the houses
of the members of six for seven years.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 261 |
MUMPER was born in York county, Pennsylvania, in 1787,
came to Ohio in 1837, and first settled in Ashland county on the
farm now owned by Samuel Staffer. He was a farmer
by occupation; a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and
in politics was a Democrat until the Whig party was organized,
and he became a Whig. He married Margaret Dato, of
York county, Pennsylvania, who died in 1861. Mr. Mumper
died in 1860. They had a family of nine children, six of
whom are living, viz.: Catharine, who married
Michael Bender, of Pennsylvania; John, who married
Leah Wonders, of Iowa; Andrew, who married
Elizabeth Bryan of Ashland county; Hannah, who
married Vincint Daly, of Indiana; Jane, who
married Samuel Shaffer, of Illinois; and Joseph,
who married Christina Fleck, of Ashland county.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 282 |
MUMPER, JR., was born in Knox county, Ohio, in 1841, and
came to Ashland county with his father in 1846. In 1861 he
enlisted in company G, Sixty-fifth Ohio volunteer infantry,
under Captain Orlow Smith, and served until July, 1862.
In 1867 he married Hannah Hite. He is a farmer, has
been school director for five years, and is deeply interested in
educational matters. He settled on the farm on which he
now lives in 1872. He has three children: Mary T.,
Harry O., and Katie
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 282 |
MUMPER, SR., was born in York county, Pennsylvania, in
1816, and came to Ohio was his father in 1837. In 1836 he
married Elizabeth Bryan, of York county, Pennsylvania.
In 1838 he removed to Knox county, where he remained seven years
when he returned to Ashland county, and, in 1851, bought the
farm on which he now lives. He has farmed all his life,
and the last thirty-nine years has threshed. He commenced
business with a small capital, and, by honesty and industry, has
accumulated a large property. He is a member of the
Methodist Episcopal church, and a respected member of society.
He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and a
respected member of society. He is the father of nine
children, six of whom are living, viz.: William A.
who married Susan Sanborn, and now lives in Holmes
county; Francis, wife of Isaac Hunter, of
Hanover township; Andrew, who married
Hannah Hite, of Ashland county; Margaret, wife of
George Lawrence, of Ashland county; Joseph,
and Catharine.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 282 |
MURRAY immigrated to Orange Township, with his family, in
1820. He died on the 4th of November, 1862, at the age of
seventy-three years. He was the last male survivor of the
family of the late Patrick Murray, who, with his wife,
and ten children, removed to Orange Township in the year 1815.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 517 |
MURRAY was born in Ireland, March 17, 1755, and emigrated
to America in 1782. He located at Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania,
where he married Mary Beattie, also of Irish descent.
He remained at Harrisburgh until 1806, and then removed to
Greensburgh, Pennsylvania. About the year 1809, he located
in Stark county, Ohio, where he continued to reside until 1815.
In the fall of 1812, Mr. Murray volunteered in the brigade
of General Reasin Beall to go to the defence of the border
settlers in the northwest. His son James, then
thirty-five years of age, also entered the same brigade.
While quartered at Fort Meigs, the army became much distressed for
want of rations. The roads to the settlements were long,
rough and in poor condition, passing mostly through dense forests
and across marshes and bogs. The quantity of forage consumed
by the cavalry, as well as the supply of the quartermaster's
department for the troops, made it difficult to furnish the
necessary rations at the proper time.
For a time, the rations were reduced to but a few
ounces per meal, and the half starved soldiers began to murmur
over their hardships. The weather was inclement, and their
sufferings were regarded as almost unbearable. General
Harrison deeply sympathized with the half famished troops; and
was urgent in regard to immediate supplied; but "red tape" made
many delays in forwarding and distributing food. In the
midst of the general distress, the privates began to remonstrate
with their officers, and threaten retaliation if their hunger was
not soon alleviated. Little knots of clamoring soldiers
continued their discussions, notwithstanding the guardhouse
menaced them.
Among those who were particularly active and
persistent, was Patrick Murray, who took it upon himself to
enter the marquee of General Harrison, to expostulate with
him concerning the distribution of food. On entering the
general's tent, Mr. Murray was asked by one of the
aides-de-camp what he desired, and how he dared enter without
Mr. Murray - "May it plase
your honor, I am very hungry, and wish to know whin our rations
will be increased?"
General Harrision - "I am sorry to learn that
the troops are suffering for food. We have been urgent for
an increased supply, which we hope will be here in a few days."
Mr. Murry - "But, gineral, in the
manetime we may all starve. We can't stand it much longer,
General Harrison - "You will have to be patient.
We are doing the best we can."
Mr. Murray ' "Do you think, gineral, a man would
commit a great sin to steal, rather than starve?"
General Harrison - "That is a hard
question. I would not like to starve so long as I could
obtain food."
Mr. Murray - "I thank you,
gineral, you are right, and, as there seems to be a spare loaf or
two here, I will begin at headquarters to supply meself."
Mr. Murray approached the larder,
and, taking a large loaf of bread, commenced to devour a part of
it, intending to take the balance to his conrades. An
officer in the general's tent ordered him to put it back.
Mr. Murray - "The gineral has
relaxed the moral law that he might not starve; and I decline to
depart from the same principal, sur."
At this response the general laughed heartily, and
ordered the officer to permit Mr. Murray to return to his
For this act of generous forbearance Mr. Murray
always remembered General Harrison, and declared that he
was "a brave officer, a patriot and gintleman."
I have preserved this reminiscence, because it is
characteristic of Mr. Murray, who was never known to be
without a reply, and wit enough to escape the sharp repartee of an
After Beall had returned, Mr. Murray and
his son served a second enlistment, and were at the battle of Fort
Meigs. In that contest Mr. Murray was separated from his
company, and the grass being very tall, it was presumed, by his
comrades, that he had been killed and scalped by the Indians.
After a few hours, he appeared in the camp amid the cheers of his
companions at his safe return. Upon the expiration of his
term of service, he returned to his home in Stark county, where he
remained until 1815, and then removed to what is now Orange
township, in what was then Richland county. The members of
his family at that time were James, Edward, Catharine,
Susannah, William, John, Mary, Elizabeth, Alice, Sarah, Rebecca,
George, and Hester, and, in 1816, Hugh.
Mr. Murray was a tailor by trade, and worked at
that occupation in Harrisburgh and Greensburgh, Pennsylvania, and
in Stark county, Ohio. He was a "live Irishman" in company -
full of wit and original humor. Although his education was
defective, he had a very retentive memory, and, if now living,
would relate a volume of exploits and border achievements.
On the fourth of July, the year he was ninety-nine years of age,
he rode to Ashland in a buggy, walked about one mile during the
day, and returned home, some three miles, in the evening. He
was enthusiastic, like all his countrymen when they have become
Americanized, on the observation of the natal day of American
Independence. Mr. Murray voted for ten different
Presidents of the United States. He died at his farm in
Orange township, July 23, 1854, aged ninety-nine years and nearly
four months. His wife had preceded him to the grave a short
James Murray studied medicine, and
resided for a time in Cincinnati, where he died. John
studied surveying, and afterwards became treasures of Richland
county for two teams, and then removed west, where he died.
Of his numerous family, all have deceased, except three married
daughters, who do not reside in the county.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 198 |
MYERS, was born in Perry township, Dec. 21, 1841, and is
the son of Jacob and Mary Myers, natives of Pennsylvania.
His father was born in Center county, of that State, May 25,
1788, and died in Ashland county, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1857. His
mother was born in the same county as his father, and died in
Perry township, Ashland county, Sept. 12, 1878. His
brothers are Jonathan, George, Jacob and Daniel,
all residents of Perry township, except Jacob, who
resides in Kansas; his sisters are Margaret, Eliza, Mary,
and Catharine, all living in this county, except Mary,
who is deceased. Benjamin Myers resided with his
father in Perry township until 1860, doing farm work in the
summer time and attending district school in the wintertime.
In 1861-62 he attended the Vermillion institute at Hayesville,
but, in 1862, offered his services in defence of his country,
enlisting in company F, One Hundred and Twentieth Ohio volunteer
infantry. In July, 1865, he returned home from the war and
resumed his studies at the institute. In 1866 he began the
study of medicine at Wooster, Ohio, in the office of Drs.
Robinson & Weaver. In 1867 he attended upon a course
of medical instruction in the Jefferson Medical college of
Philadelphia graduating from that college in 1869. In June
of the same year he formed a partnership with Dr. J. P. Cowan,
and began the practice of medicine at Ashland, Ohio. Nov.
29, 1879, he was united in marriage with Samantha Cowan,
his partner's daughter. His children are: Rena M.,
born Nov. 19, 1871, and Emma C. born Sept. 14, 1873.
Mrs. Myers died Nov. 21, 1878. In 1873 Mr. Myers
died Nov. 21, 1878. In 1873 Mr. Myers was
elected to the Ohio legislature, and re-elected in 1875, serving
all four years.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 399 |
MYERS, son of George and Elizabeth Myers, was born
Mar. 16, 1848. His father was a native of Pennsylvania,
whence he came with his parents when a youth, and settled on the
homestead in Perry township, and his mother was born in Wayne
county, Ohio. There they were married, and raised a family
of nine children: Frank E., Celena, P. A., Mary A.,
Elizabeth S., Alvah N., George D., Minnie V., and Effie.
Frank E. Myers, the subject of this sketch, lived at home
working on the farm, and attending school during the winter
months, until he arrived at maturity, when he left home and
entered the dry goods store of M. B. Parmely, at Ashland,
with whom he remained about a year, when he returned to the
farm. He again came to Ashland and worked for the Ashland
Machine company, where he continued four years, until 1875, when
eh opened a local agency for agricultural implements, and in
1879 associated with himself his brother, P. A. Myers,
who hand until then been employed by him. In 1878 the
increasing demand of his business required him to move to the
large building now occupied by himself and his brother.
During all the time since 1875, he has been general traveling
agent for Bucher, Gibbs & Co., of Canton, Ohio, for Ohio and the
eastern States. Jan. 18, 1872, he married Alvesta,
daughter of S. Hohenshil, of Rowsburgh. They have
had five children: Mamie E., George J., Charley, John C.,
and Laura E.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 396 |
was born in Carroll county, Maryland, Dec. 21, 1834. His
father, John Myers, was a native of the same county, as
was his mother, Hannah Myers, both of whom died in
Ashland county, after raising a family of eight children, as
follows: Eliza, David, Mary A., Israel, Sarah A.,
Lydia, Henry K. and Julia A. Henry K. Myers,
the subject of this sketch, came to Ohio in the fall of 1839,
with his parents and their family, and settled in Orange
township, Ashland county. He remained at his father's for
some years, working a part of the time in the saw-mill owned by
his father. While there he was married to Anna
Shoemaker, of Chester township, Wayne county, Ohio, by whom
he has had five children, one of whom, Allen Gilbert,
died in infancy. The others are John W., Mary E., David
N. and Bertha B. Mr. Myers remained in Orange
township until 1865, when he moved to Ashland and engaged in the
lumber business. In 1874 he went into the milling business
with partners, the firm name being H. K. Myers & Co.
The partners were Christian Cabel and J. T. Engel.
The partnership still continues, the lumber business being
conducted under the firm name of Cabel, Myers & Co., the
third partner being Jesse Cabel, son of Christian
Cabel. Mr. Myers is also interested with J. J.
SHoemaker in the grocery business in Ashland.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 396 |
MYERS immigrated to Clearcreek Township, 23d April, 1829.
His native State was Pennsylvania, Green County, where he was
ordained as a clergyman of the Baptist church. He
purchased and entered and land which forms the tract upon which
he has since resided, on sections 3 and 4, Clearcreek Township.
His family at this time consisted of his wife and daughter
Charlotte, (who subsequently married James Clark;)
his son Cephas, his daughter Eliza, (who married
Daniel Taylor;) Minerva, (now the wife of James
Dunlap;) and Julia Ann (now the wife of John
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 164 |
was born Jan. 24, 1814, in Germany, and came to America with him
parents and settled in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, in the fall
of 1814. From there his parents removed to Dauphin county,
where they lived about eight years, and then removed to Center
county, where they resided until 1832, when they removed to
Columbia county, where they remained about two years and then
emigrated to Richland county, Ohio, in 1836, and settled near
Savannah, then known as Haneytown, in Clearcreek township.
Here he became acquainted with and married Miss Anne
Mason, daughter of Martin Mason, and then resided about
two years in Rubbles township, Huron county, after which he
removed to Montgomery Township, and purchased his present
homestead. The fruits of his marriage have been sixteen
children, fourteen of whom still survive. His sons are
Charles, Alonzo, John, Martin, Joseph, Frank, and George; the
girls are Mary Anne, Lucia, Elizabeth, Irene, Ella, Ida and
Maggie; all married but two boys and one girl.
Mr. Myers came in 1836, and has been a resident
of Montgomery township forty-four years, and, all the time, he has
been a practical farmer. He has been a member of the
Methodist Episcopal church ten years. He now attends all
Protestant churches, miscellaneously. Mr. Myers owns
a good farm, which is in an excellent state of cultivation, and
yields an abundance to reward him for his toil. He has quite
an interesting family who have been raised to habits of industry
and economy, and are respected as useful and exemplary citizens.
History of Ashland County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. - Published
by Williams Bros. 1880 - Page 246 |
MYKRANTS settled in Uniontown, in April, 1823. At
that time the only church in the neighborhood was the old
Hopewell, about one mile west of the town. The school
building was a small log cabin, standing on a lot west of the
residence of Hugh Davis. The chimney, according to
the general custom of the time, being the lath and clay, took
fire, and the building was consumed. The inhabitants were
generally rude in their habits and dress, but kind and
hospitable. Upon public occasions, ardent spirits were
used very freely - fights were frequent, and at times involved
nearly the whole crowd; but enmities were not lasting, and peace
and reconciliation always returned with a disappearance of the
effects of the liquor.
Wheat would command about 25 cents, and corn from 9 to
12˝ cents per bushel. In
1828, Luther M. Pratt effected an arrangement in
Rochester, New York, by which he was enabled to offer 37˝ per
bushel for wheat - a price then unprecedented in the history of
the country since a surplus of that grain had been produced.
The first vehicle in the form of a carriage which made
its appearance in this town or township was brought by Dr.
Luther from Connecticut, in 1821. Its springs were of
wood, and, excepting the tires upon the wheels, there had not
been twenty pounds of iron used in its manufacture. It was
made in Connecticut, and a novelty in this country.
Applications for its use were so pressing and frequent, that the
doctor sold it for eighteen dollars.
The family of Mr. Mykrants at this time
consisted of his wife and daughter Elizabeth and sons
John and Jacob. The first named became the wife
of the late Dr. Joel Luther, and now resides with her
son-in-law, Dr. J. B. F. Sampsel. John is a
resident of Orange and Jacob of Clearcreek Township.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland
County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 200 |